View Full Version : Concentration (Open)

Leliarre Nightshade
Mar 23rd, 2003, 10:56:03 AM
Leliarre was sitting, her dark eyes trained on her hand. Sweat prickled her forehead. Come on, she thought, frustration and anger rising within her.

The girl was trying to create Force-lightning. She'd had it once before, only for a split second, a few days ago, but now...

She sighed, making a noise of frustration. Maybe it had just been a fluke the first time. She sat glumly for a few moments, clenching her fist.

Leliarre was growing more frusterated with her lack of progress of late. For while, she'd been moving along just fine, but she seemed to be stuck in a rut. She just had no idea where to really begin as far as training on her own. Her eyes glared at the ground in front of her, looking as though she wanted to blast it with the Force but having the restraint not to.

Mar 28th, 2003, 01:12:45 AM
*Frustration only blinds the anger within. With your frustration blinding you, you are like a box, and your energy within knows not where to go*

Malice had appeared. He remembered her from a spar before. And when he sensed here in the training grounds again, he couldn't resist paying her another visit. Though it seemed that she was not here to spar like before, rather she was teaching herself. Training ones self was good, but without the knowledge of an elder, of one who has been through and knows what you are learning is irreplaceable. And so, Malice would help her in her quest for power.

*Let go of your frustration, or turn it into more anger. More power. Keep letting it fester in you, and you will never get it. A mind is a powerful tool. But a clouded mind is as useless in battle as using a twig to fight against a lightsaber*

Malice stared at her. Taking off his robes he walked up to the side of her.

*Calm your mind. Clear your thoughts. Think only of what you try to do. Let the dakrside flow, and will it to do what you command*

Leliarre Nightshade
Mar 29th, 2003, 11:55:01 AM
Leliarre heard the voice of Malice, a Master she'd met and sparred with previously. Listening carefully to what he had to say, she glanced at him and nodded. She felt respect for this man, and wanted to prove she was good enough to be here.

The girl reopened her fist and fixed her eyes upon it again. Her sheer stubbornness and determination kicked in again, where before they had seemed nearly exhausted. She would do this.

She focused. She tried clearing her mind and intently focused her will on what she wanted to happen.

But somewhere there was still doubt tucked away in a little corner that remembered all the times she'd tried and failed before. She sighed, frustration returning. A few moments later, though, she was trying once more.

Okay. Anger, he said, not frustration. What makes me angry?

Well, that was an easy one.

Leliarre brought back memories of her life on the streets and focused on the feelings that produced. Those feelings became her strength. Her will strove for what she wanted, no longer pleading come on, but commanding now.

A sudden flicker of the same deadly blue bolts she'd produced before danced around her hand, only for a moment, possibly two, but definitely there. A slight smile tugged at her lips.

Mar 29th, 2003, 02:05:29 PM
A small smile crept along Malice's lips as well. Seeing a deciple succeed was always a pleasure.

*There you go. You need only confidence. In your power, and yourself. The darkside shall do the rest*

Lifting a hand, Malice concentrated. Gathering the force within the palm. A few moments later, tendrils of lightning pourd forth, covering his hand, and arm. Snickering, Malice looked at Leliarre.

*Keep practicing, grow stronger, and this is what you shall be able to do. Nothing is out of your grasp when you are confident in your abilites*

As the lightning had disappeared, receeding back from whence it came. Malice walked up to Leliarre. His mouth moving close to an ear.

*Had the order believed you not able to do such things, to be able to push yourself past a weakness and find strength. You would not be here today*

His words were meant to encourage her. Nothing was worse for a sith when the believed they couldn't do anything. The darkside was a waste in those ones and he would not let it be a waste in her. She was given a dark gift, like many. And the sith master would see to it that she would master her gift.

* Try again*

Was all he said.

Leliarre Nightshade
Mar 30th, 2003, 12:22:05 PM
Leliarre's dark eyes seemed to glow as she watched Malice summon Force-lightning himself. The power he had available to him!... she wanted that. Above all things, she wanted that, to be able to do such things with the Force.

But first came practice.

Feeling more confident for the encouragement, she tried again. It was just the slightest bit easier this time. Once more the flickering tendrils appeared... but, as before, only briefly.

Leliarre's original delight in her accomplishment dimmed a bit at this new problem perceived. Hmm. Her eyes narrowed. However, no longer did she feel frustration - now she felt the interest, the hunger to learn. It wasn't a feeling like why can't I do it?. Now it was how can I fix it?. It was the same sense that enfolded her when she used to tinker around with machines back home.

"How can I make it last longer?" she asked quietly.

Apr 1st, 2003, 02:23:41 AM
"How can I make it last longer?"

Was the question Malice could barely make out. This to him was a no brainer. But he would explain it to the deciple.

*Practice, training, fighting. All of these are ways to get stronger. And getting stronger means having more power. The more you practice the easier it will get to call upon the lightning. The more training you do, the less energy it will take you to use a skill. And last but not least, the more fighting you do, the more power you have to use this skill*

Malice didn't know if she understood. So he continued.

*Mainly you must have the power, and mental capacity to keep it going. Concentration is the key to use basically any for attack. For me, i have been using fore lightning for years. As such it is like second nature to me. Plus, with all the training and fighting i have done, i can sustain the lightning for a long period of time without getting tired so quickly*

Malice waited now. Letting her take everything in.
