View Full Version : (Xazor) A gift.

Azhure Darkstone
Mar 23rd, 2003, 02:49:14 AM
::She had not really spoken to anyone in the GJO for as long as she had been here accept for a fair few. No, not because she was rude, but she did not trust herself in the company of others, still after all this time. For various reasons, but she was not here for that, not for a talk. That was the last thing she wanted.
Those she did she remembered and sometimes looked to see how they were doing. She was not sure if Xazor might need this but something inside her told her she should do it. It made no sense to Azhure, the ex-assasin, the one who never really knew her own mind. Funny how she had felt she should do this.
Azhure was not any good with crystal or such materials but she knew steel. Putting a newly made katana, plain it it`s appearance but light, flexible, not too big and with the same message Xazor had once given her 'remember who you are' on the blade. Azhure placed the katana on Xazors bed she had...slightly illegally entered...and she left silently. The katana had yet no name, that was for Xazor to decide, if she figured out who made it in the first place though the quote was a fair clue.
Azhure did not wish to wait or hand it to Xazor herself for she did not feel comfortable doing so and was not sure how to reply to such questions as might come up.

So the silent katana awaited on the bed, the signature of it's maker absent on it's cool silver surface.::

OOC: Been a long time, thought I'd say hi.

Xazor Elessar
Apr 9th, 2003, 07:27:49 PM
ooc: Whoa, so sorry I didn't reply to this -- I was looking for an old thread of mine and found this one! :)


It was a warm day outside and Xazor had just finished teaching a class of young Padawans out in the courtyard. Feeling a bit tired from her busy day, the Jedi Knight had decided early in the day that she would go home to rest before going out for dinner that night. After bumping into a few friends on the way back to the Living Quarters, the young woman made her way there without hassle.

Slowly and quietly she walked through the halls of her home, the only sound heard was the clanging of the silver coins in her waist length Garou Warrior Braids. A smile rested upon her face, though she felt quite weary. After a few minutes, the woman found her corridor and turned down it, passing by all of the doors until she reached the end by a large bay window. Her room was to the left and she went to touch the door and unlock it with the code, but it was already unlocked.

"That's strange -- I thought I locked it."

She pondered but could not recall and decided that she had been too tired earlier to remember. Internally the Knight sighed, but knew she could trust every member of the Order, and so she did not add uneeded worry or stress to her life. Upon entering, the woman shut the door behind her and walked toward her closet where she retrieved a new set of robes and promptly changed out of her worn ones of the day. The red material went well with her blonde hair and cyan eyes and she took pride in herself before her mirror, despite the fact that she was very heavy with child. Her thoughts soon came to rest upon her comfortable bed, where she hoped to take a rest. Turning from the mirror, the Knight made her way across the room and then stopped as she set her gaze upon the weapon laid upon her bed. Curiously, Xazor sat down and lifted the lightweight metallic katana into her hands. She smiled gently and ran her fingers over an ingraving as she slowly read what it said.

"Remember who you are."

It was simply made, but very beautiful in Xazor's eyes and she felt a bit of a stinging sensation at the back of her eyelids at this. It was very touching as she thought of and remembered a friend from long ago -- a friend who needed to hear that message and remember it. The Knight caressed the weapon for a moment as she recalled, and an urge came over her to find Azhure, the bearer of the gift. Taking the katana in her hands, the Jedi Knight set out from her room, forgetting to lock the door once again, as she set out to find her friend.

Ten Minutes Later

Xazor stood before a door with katana in hand. She smiled and inhaled deeply as she moved a hand to knock upon the door. Stepping back, the Garou Jedi awaited an answer for she stood before the room of Azhure. So many thoughts rushed through her mind -- questions and many stories of her own. They had so much catching up to do and for the first time in a long time, Xazor was looking forward to meeting with someone she had shared little with as of late. It would be a good release and would refresh her soul -- something she so desperatly needed at the moment, despite her lassitude.

Azhure Darkstone
Apr 12th, 2003, 06:45:23 PM
::Azhure was sitting on her bed which she still never used, stil slept under the stars, sharpening her throwing knifes where her ears heard a sound at her door, and the sound stop in front of it.
She put the knifes on the bed with the sharpening tool and opened the door, Xazor about to knock, before allowing a smile on her face. Azhure stepped back and indicated for xazor to enter.::

Good to see you. Come in.

::The room was still darker red shade, she favoured little light, and so lit some candles to lighten the room. Not everyone liked the dark red look.::