View Full Version : (OPEN - to a jedi of the GJO) Proving thyself.

Mar 22nd, 2003, 05:42:35 PM
::The night seemed to suck up all the cold air, the heat of the air was hard to breath in, but then again her body was dead, she was a vampire and The Shrine required proof. Proof they would have.
Her red hair glowed in the moonlight in a copper hue, and her green eyes sparkled with something less than human, with the signature of the darkness. The dark force.::

Who does be here, in this midnight hour. Who does take mine challenge?

Anthony Scott
Mar 22nd, 2003, 06:59:02 PM
It was a warm evening and Anthony was out walking the streets of Coruscant. The glow of the moons filled the nightsky, though everything beneath them was blanketed in darkness. Just as the Jedi Padawan rounded a corner, he heard a voice speaking low in soft melodious tones. He stopped and set his gaze upon the firey haired woman standing in the shadows.

"A challenge? Why does a lady of such beauty offer herself in a challenge?" He questioned with a puzzled look upon his face. His gentle voice spoke volums to her that he meant no harm nor was he there to fight -- on the contrary, Anthony was a man of peace and fought little to non in his entire life.

"I see no reason to fight, not even to prove thyself to another. It is a pointless measure to take." Somehow, though, he knew she was not there to talk and would probably not heed his words. A sigh escaped the Padawan's lips as he thought of the possible danger she would be putting herself in, but the Force was warning him -- her presence was of the darkness and evil seemed to drip from her soul. "Not a Sith, for the mercy of the Force please don't let her be Sith." The thought crossed his mind for a fleeting moment as he recalled a conversation he had had with his Master. He was told not to face a Darksider until he was ready -- and he feared that time was coming sooner than later and he was very unprepared.

Mar 24th, 2003, 08:50:49 PM
::The sith that once, in the world of living, had been a member of The Sith Empire, looked at the man who had spoken. His dark eyes reflected in the gaze of the moon and spoke of gentleness. Jedi. She never used to use her voice, only using her mind voice but she liked her new one. The soft whisper that sounded like the wind, that held power, darkness. That held a spirit of steel behind that soft touch. It was the voice of darkness that echoed in the night almost silently.::

You are of the Greater Jedi Order?

::The look in his eyes gave her the confirmation she needed, unsure of her own new ability and strength, and unsure of how to control it she herself was not particularly stable. She hoped he was not a knight, though ordinarily she would have been able to deal with it on some level if she had still been Ambrellian/dragonlord. Now her wings would never be returned. Now she had to prove herself to the shrine and had found her opponent. Stepping more into the moonlight she bowed her head in honour of the challenge, though one question lay in her mind.::

Do you have the honoured permission of your elders to permit yourself to battle, for if not then does one know where another of your brethren can be found?

Anthony Scott
Mar 25th, 2003, 04:24:02 PM
"Yes, I am a member of the Greater Jedi Order." Anthony nodded and smiled, obviously proud of the organization he served. His eyes met hers for a moment as an awkward silence swept the area. She had answered none of his questions and yet, she questioned him. A sigh fell upon the man's lips as she then questioned whether he was allowed to fight or not.

"Allowed to fight? The Jedi are not sent to fight but to defend and if need be, I shall do so." He spoke with confidence but soon thoughts of regret for the words he just spoke slipped into his mind. "What if I provoke a fight?" He thought to himself, recalling that his Master strictly prohibited him from doing so -- and besides, Anthony was quite terrified of what a Sith would do to him. "Guess I have to face my fear sometime, Master Oriadin did say that I should let my fear go. It's unhealthy for me."

"I'll fight if you do so in honor."

Mar 25th, 2003, 04:43:04 PM
::Nieheine's eyes grew warm with humour before becoming cold and distant once again. She felt a slight tinge of fear but said nothing. Perhaps this was his first fight with a darksider.::

I always fight with honour Jedi, for everyone deserved to die and live with honour, no matter what affiliation.
I am Nieheine of The Shrine. Sith of Darkness and past member of The Sith Empire. May I enquire your name before we begin? I like to remember the name and face of my opponants.

::Her methods had always confused enemies, for to her jedi, dark jedi and the lay people alike were the one and same off the battlefield. She did not hate the jedi, but what thir belief code. She was an unusual sith but she would have her honour forged no other way. Slipping her saber, a deep crimson colour when activated, from her belt she awaited an answer. Fighting another sith or dark jedi usually did allow such formality but a jedi was a different matter, a refreshing matter.
Nieheine would forfill her masters request with this battle.::

Anthony Scott
Mar 25th, 2003, 06:59:58 PM
Anthony's eyes grew wide as he watched her draw a weapon from her belt. "A Lightsaber?" He thought to himself as a gasp escaped his lips. Perhaps this was a bad idea, but he had fought before -- just not someone like her -- not a woman.

"My name is Anthony Scott, Dark One." He stated simply, a bit confused by her formal attitude in the matter of this fight. It was confirmed by her words that she was a Sith, and now -- he was facing one. Honestly, he saw nothing aweful about her as he had heard from others. To Anthony, this Sith seemed just like him -- a person living their life in this galaxy around them.

"One question before we begin -- why do the Sith hate the Jedi and the Jedi hate the Sith? I see nothing wrong with you and my Master speaks badly of all Darksiders in general. Personally I would rather not strike you, but if you call for a fight for whatever reason, I shall honor you with such. Just a curious thought, I suppose." He sighed softly before looking down at his black leather pants -- no weapons belt hung from his waist. No Jedi robes wore he but a somewhat unconventional white t-shirt which was tight to his skin and allowed his muscles to show ever so slightly.

"I have no weapons to fight you with, so I -- I suppose this is a stupid question to ask, but perhaps could I borrow one of yours?" His cheeks flushed red as he eyed the Sith, further questions rising in his mind. "What is the Shrine?" He thought to himself as he awaited her answer. Somehow, he felt he would not escape this fight without injury, or -- insult.

Azhure Darkstone
Mar 26th, 2003, 10:35:33 PM
hey, cant reply for another 3 days - apologies.

Anthony Scott
Mar 27th, 2003, 09:50:25 AM
ooc: It's okay.... :) RL first!

Apr 3rd, 2003, 10:07:09 PM
::Nieheine half smiled, an echo of her old self and nodded in recognition of his name.::

Why does the night hate the day?
The darkness does follow different rules that do clash with the light, the tension causing those who follow to hate. Most become to hate the jedi, but the essense is the battle between light and dark. I do not hate the person, but the morale, nor do I dissuade others from hating the jedi and vice verse- that is for each individual to assess. Both sides are part of the force - both respect the force.

::She took out too sabers, one being her red one her mother had possessed, the other her grandfathers, silver in colour. She handed him the red one. She heard a question in his mind and half smiled again, she was not sure if she had the right to identify it just yet, if it was her place to say more than she had about her involvement. She still had to prove herself. Nodding to the saber in his hand she looked into his eyes, her opponant.::

Honour it Anthony Scott, as I will honour your dance.

::Moving back the air around her echoed in her ear as she connected with the land, the air, the smells and sounds, with the way her opponant breathed. It all seemed easier, her vampyric senses were strong and it no longer took any difficulty, the problem would be knowing how to control the exact level of her power and what her power actually extented to. In that respect he had an upper hand - he knew his limits. She would not under-estimate him or over-estimate her new abilities.

Nieheine ran with speed she was even surprised with and managed to keep a hold on that surprise - no time to flake out when attacking. Her saber was ignited and it clashed with Anthony Scotts, her eyes meeting his, before turning around and jamming her elbow into his back forcefully, the power of the force behind it.::