View Full Version : A test of skill(Raymious, Dirjj and Kolarik)

Mar 22nd, 2003, 02:08:02 PM
On the planet of Tatooine

As the young Jedi walked one of the many streets of the planet known as Tatooine. Its twin suns were setting on the horizon of the planet. His fur was conforting him that was adorned on his body. He was a large wookie. About eight foot in height he stood, towering over any normal being. He reached outward with the force and felt it flow freely from him. It encompased him. He could feel the presence of another force user amidst the bustling of everyday life. But it was not the Dark side that he felt, it was of the light side. It was of a Jedi. He saw a man that was much shorter than himself walk up to him. He was dressed in brown colored robes, the ritual clothing of a jedi. Although Denubis did not wear the Jedi robes, He was still a jedi.

Hello Raymious...

Mar 22nd, 2003, 02:18:47 PM
Raymious walked up to his childhood friend that he had known while he lived on the fourth moon of Yavin. The young Jedi Padawan's long mouse colored robes rustled around his feet as he walked along the dirt covered streets. His intricate saber hilt hung at his side. A strange desolate building was at his left. Another, at his right, had buisness it seemed like forever and a day. Patrons seemed to be coming and going through all hours of the day. He stopped in front of his friend.

It has been a long time my friend. Maybe too long it seemes.

His sences became alert when he felt the presence of the Dark side close by. Death was near. And it was almost night fall.

Mar 24th, 2003, 01:00:16 PM
Tatooine. It was the last place, particularly as a vampire, that he wanted to be. Anywhere that the sun shone as brightly as it did was not only dangerous to his health, but incredibly annoying.

Being new to the life of a vampire, he followed the simple rules that he did know quite carefully. He stayed out of the sun and did not drink the last drop.

He wasn’t 100% sure as to why he’d been sent here. To him, the life of a vampire was about sleeping all day, drinking blood all night, and for the most part, going to sleep with Alana in his arms.

But apparently there was more to it. At least, to the group he had become a part of. And as he’d been dragged from his slumber and deposited here, he’d felt an odd sense of foreboding. And for the first time since becoming a vampire, he’d sought out others like him, believing he’d find some sort of understanding as to the purpose of this trip.

It was easy to learn of others like him. There was a strange underground that called out, wherever any of them traveled. And so as the sun set, he shifted in the bed of his hotel room and awakened to a thirst he had not known since he’d first been turned.

Of course, he hadn’t fed the night before, the flight having been a long one, and he would not be able to wait much longer tonight. In fact, he wasn’t going to wait any longer at all.

He left the hotel, his sensitive eyes blinking for a few moments in the bright lights of the streets. And then he headed directly for the Sundown Cantina, a place open only after the sun set. A place where the others would be.

As he approached the door, he had to move around a rather large wookie and a companion of his. From beneath shaggy dark locks, Kolarik gave them a quick once over before he made his way to the rather desolate building that was now beginning to come to life.

It took only a moments pause at the door, a knowing glance before he was granted permission to enter.

This was where they hung out, the Vampires who visited Tatooine. Inside, the music seemed too loud, though only because he had not yet fed and the lust for blood was causing everything about him to feel a sense of pain. He continued through the building searching for....what?

He wasnt quite sure, though he did give pause when he noticed one he had seen before during a large hunting gathering. Dirjj his name was...?

Dirjj Mordrai
Mar 26th, 2003, 03:16:08 AM
Dirjj saw the kid long before the Kolarik returned his gaze. The fledgling vampyre was impressed with progress the coven had made with the young man. Still there was something soft that needed hardening and Dirjj planned to work on that tonight. Blood lust was not his kin's strongest attribute and he still showed a reluctance to shed innocent blood.

It was night fall outside and Dirjj felt the presence of the others. Lightsiders. What a perfect means to test their mettle against, for these two fledglings. Lips pealed back in a menacing manner as he waved Kolarik on over where he sat enjoying a drink of straight liquor. The real blood would be provided by a most convenient dark courting. But for now it was a detrimental time for socializing and women amongst their brethren. And the spider said to the fly.

Mar 26th, 2003, 10:40:34 AM
He hesitated briefly before he gave in and crossed the room to the table where Dirjj sat. It wasn’t fear or caution, but rather hunger that had created the pause. Shaggy hair flopped into his eyes and he brushed it back absently. He’d been meaning to get a haircut, but circumstances beyond his control had made that impossible, and then he’d been turned into a vampire. Now, for eternity he would have to deal with his hair falling into his eyes, for the one thing he’d learned was that it would grow back too quickly to make getting a haircut worth it.

He sunk into the chair across from his brethren, everything about him in the moment making him look exactly like what he had once been – a an easygoing young kid pulled out of another life altogether. He gave a quick glance at the drink of his companion, raising an eyebrow slightly. He’d been unable to drink and enjoy anything but blood since his turning.

Not that it bothered him. Who would have reason to complain when they were drinking the blood of Alana on a fairly regular basis? Not Kolarik. Not by a long shot.

“Why do any of them come here?” He asked, playing with an empty box of cigarettes that someone had left behind on the table. By ‘they’, he meant any vampire that was actually here by choice. The mortals who wandered here – well, he knew why they came. The allure of the vampire was powerful, and some were willing to risk the dangers involved just to catch a glimpse…or more.

Dirjj Mordrai
Mar 26th, 2003, 06:42:37 PM
Dirjj cackled aloud once then grew silent. He sniffed and stared Kolarik straight in the eyes momentarily before speaking, "Well, they..," pausing to glance around the cantina. All kinds of night owls and freaks adorned the place wall to wall. Mortal and immortal alike. "...want to feel alive again. That's all. To walk that razors edge that divides life and death again. See, son, not all vampyres are our brethren. Not in heart I mean. They are just as diverse as humanity but for one inescapable legend." Dirjj's thoughts immediately brought Laroque to mind. He was one of an entirely different philosophy than any Dirjj had encountered at the Shrine.

"You see, no matter how they attempt to spit in the eye of immortality, whether with true spite or just for the sheer thrill. They, ironically, are all bound to an undeniable inherent lust. That only one thing can quench and none can escape that, Kolarik. None. So a underground place such as this one bears with it overpowering intrigue and promise for both mortal and immortal alike. And likewise many others are here just for the feast and gathering."

Dirjj flashed his fangs, "Want anything to drink, kid?"

Mar 27th, 2003, 09:20:14 AM
The cackle was enough to send shivers down the spine of any mortal. And this fledgling vampire wasn’t entirely immune either. He tensed momentarily, yet met the stare of his brethren without flinching.

He accepted the explanation, though, he wondered what the problem was with so many vampires. Why did they all want to feel ‘alive’ again? He felt alive enough – but t this was perhaps because he had not been turned that long and the last handstrings of mortality seemed to cling to him. He did not cling to them, for there was nothing at all about being mortal that he missed. But innocence cloaked him, and perhaps more, the fact that he considered the life of a vampire not all that different from the life of a mortal. Except that it was easier to seduce women as a vampire, and the fact that he could sleep all day rather than battle with the alarm clock in the early hours of the morning.

He had not accepted the darkness that came with being a vampire. He knew nothing of force abilities. And he cared not at all about the Sith or the Jedi and the conflict between them. These were things he had not learned about the Shrine just yet, though tonight, perhaps, he would get a taste of it – whether he hungered for it or not.

Want anything to drink, kid?

His teeth had clenched at this, fangs emerging at the very suggestion of a drink.

Slowly, he nodded, his gaze leaving Dirjj and settling on a mortal lurking perhaps a bit too close. In the young stages of vampire life as Kolarik was, the lust for blood when it was time to feed was overwhelming and anyone foolish enough to be close to him was a possible target.

The only protection this one had was the fact hat Kolarik wasn’t sure of the rules in such an establishment. It was another mortal string that clung to him – wariness of consequences, and a sense of decorum. He hadn’t quite latched on to the fact that as a vampire, he could pretty much do anything he wanted.