View Full Version : When Darkness Eclipses the Light(Zeke)

imported_Ambrose Braeden
Mar 22nd, 2003, 02:59:06 AM
On the planet of Roon

Out on the outskirts of the planet known as Roon, Ambrose Braeden walked around on a cement floor, his saber in his left hand, his Sith Dagger in his right. There were cracks all around the floor. Dust was settled on the marble statues that emerged from the walls. They were first made to look like some horrific being, but now they were withered away. Their facial features gone. Prior to his arrival at the deserted building, he had sent a message through the force, to the Jedi known as Zeke. He had told him to meet him here.

He noticed pieces of cement on the floor as he walked around. He avoided them easily though. His black cloak was rustling around his feet as he did so. The pillars that lined the walls were very old as well. There were two to each wall. The room was built like a perfect square. Some of the coverings of the pillars were lying on the floor around it. This place had been here for centuries it seemed. He stopped in the middle of the room, igniting his maroon lightsaber. The blade extended from the hilt that he had built not too long ago. He would wait for the Jedi to arrive.

Mar 22nd, 2003, 03:43:21 PM
Zeke is taking his time arriving, looking around the battleground with his Force Pike slung over his shoulders and his arms draped lazily over the weapon. The place is falling apart.

"What a dump..."

A flickering light catches his eye, and Zeke smiles at his summoner with a wave of his hand.

"Hi there!"

imported_Ambrose Braeden
Mar 23rd, 2003, 01:06:50 PM
The Vampire Warrior raised his eyes, but made no movement to Zeke's gesture. Zekes arm slung over a tall force pike. This meeting was not one of greetings, but of combat. Ambrose did not move, he stood poised, motionless. He could smell the scent of burnig ozone coming from his saber that was at his side. The blade was humming with life as it extended outward from the hilt. A powerful weapon it was. And deadly. The blade was weightless in his hand, only the hilt gave him notice that he had his lightsaber gripped in his palm.

This is not a meeting of friendly conversation. This is a meeting of combat, of skill. I am a little eager to see what you are capable of Jedi. You think that you are the good guys. You Jedi think that we are evil. There is no good and evil, there is only power, and those too weak to seek it are discracefull.

Ambrose would wait until the Jedi made the first move. Then he would attack, with the Darkside flowing through him freely. He would feel the power of the Darkside through me. Then he would know what true pain is. Then he would know what death means. He would rather have death by the time we are finished.

Mar 23rd, 2003, 06:38:49 PM
Zeke shrugs.

"If you say so."

He could care less of heroes and villains. He's seen both Sith and Jedi play each role. The bit about power is kinda cool sounding, but a bit cliche. The vampyre seems to have grounded himself with a defensive posture, so Zeke decides to oblige him. He raises one hand, drawing a saber from his pocket. He snaps his fingers, igniting the blade, and launching it at Ambrose through telekinesis. The saber moves as if Zeke himself is holding it, and makes a stab at Ambrose's left shoulder.

imported_Ambrose Braeden
Mar 24th, 2003, 09:08:02 PM
With the saber coming straight at him, Ambrose acted on instinct. He moved to the side, pivoting himslef just right so that the blade would pass him. That would be very costly to the Vampire if the blade would have made contact with him.

As the blade came close enough to him, Ambrose pivoted his body enough so that the blade would pass him and would not make contact. But as the blade was passing him, the Vampire Warrior struke upwards and cut Zeke's lightsaber hilt in half. Severing the hilt, the blade imidiatly shut off, the tow halves of the hilt fell to the ground helplessly.

Using the Darkside, he thrust his hand outward, palm out. The force was flowing freely throughout himself, as he manipulated the force and Zeke was sent flying back wards from where he previously was. Zeke was heading straight for a Statue that was positioned on the wall. Zeke slammed into the concrete being that hung on the wall with full force. He fell to the ground limply, as if there was no life left in him. His head hitting the floor with a thud as he landed on his back.

Mar 26th, 2003, 11:01:55 AM
Zeke heaves a sigh. What is with vampyres and cutting his weaponry to pieces? Now he has to weld it back together...again.

"I'll bet Soth taught you to fight," he says nonchalantly. "He did the same thing."

The Jedi opts to stay where he is. Not that he's beaten down or anything...its just that he's got something in mind for Ambrose.

imported_Ambrose Braeden
Mar 30th, 2003, 12:23:27 PM
Ambrose could tell that his opponent Zeke was waiting for the Vampire Warrior to make his move. Zeke thought that he was going to get the Vampire with his next move, but Ambrose was smarter than that. He would strike hard and swift, that would put the Jedi Knight in his place. It would show him that Jedi are weak.

The Vampire concentrated on the force, bending it to his will. With one giant leap from where he previously stood, Ambrose was hurled into the air. The Sith came down upon the Jedi, kicking him hard, his right foot making contact with his chest. Zeke was flung to the ground, his Force Pike fell from his hands as he landed on his back and the weapon slid about twenty feet from him. This was perfect.

Using the force, Ambrose called the force pike to him, the deadly weapon was hurtled into the hand of the Vampire that was previously weilding the maroon saber. The long sleek weapon was gripped firmly in the palm of his hands as he stood, poised, waiting for Zeke. Justwaiting...

Mar 30th, 2003, 09:33:22 PM
Zeke finally stands with a sigh, his hands going into his pockets.

"Well...guess I've gauged you enough."

Zeke's eyes flicker, and Ambrose rises into the air.

"If I do anything well, it's telekinesis. Check this out."

Ambrose flies into the nearest pillar, ricocheting between the pylon and the wall with immense speed, bouncing twenty times before Zeke brings him to a halt, turning him slowly upside down.

"Not a bad skill to have, ne?"

imported_Ambrose Braeden
Apr 1st, 2003, 08:55:38 PM
Ambrose hangs there suspended in mid air by the hold on him by his foe, the Jedi Knight Zeke. He knows that he must do something before Zeke can do something more than what he has already done. Ambrose gripped the Force pike that was resting inside of his palm tighter. Almost cracking it. But he stopped just before that. The Vampire Warrior concentrated on the force. Rage engulfed him and he could feel the Darkside flow throughout his body. Circulating in his viens. With one movement of his arms, a large piece of concrete smashed into the head of the Vampires opponent. Zeke was thrown to the ground and he had lost all of his concentration with the force and Ambrose fell like a stone to the floor. But in doing so, he rolled on his back to rise again and stand to his full height.

Ambrose ran over to the Jedi that was lying atop the ground and shoved the very sharp end of the Force pike ,that was now in the hand of the Vampire, against the skin of the humans throat, barely breaking the skin and letting tiny droplets of blood slide down the sides of the mortals throat. And at the same time, placing his foot firmly atop the breast of his foe. Holding him onto the floor. Vampires were much stronger than mortals could ever be.

Ambrose could smell the blood and wanted it. It was almost entoxicating for him not to take this pittiful beings life, and letting him live.

Apr 1st, 2003, 09:47:01 PM
Zeke clenches a fist and Ambrose finds himself floating one more time.

"That's game."

Ambrose's hand flicks open, and the Knight's weapon floats to the floor.

"I can tell Soth taught you. You fight with his style. But you lack Soth's restraint and discipline. Learn that, and we'll try it one more time."

The Knight takes his Pike back, inspecting the damage to it. Negligible, easily fixed.

"We'll try again some other time."

Zeke throws the Vampyre warrior into the depths of the dark room and leaves the field of battle, disgusted with his opponent.

OOC: What makes a fight fun is seeing how an opponent will react to an attack of yours. Leave your attacks open and let your opponent defend himself. A good RPer will know when he can't defend an attack and take a hit on his own. If you want to ensure a hit, you'll have to learn to think outside the box, rather than RP the opponent's reactions.