View Full Version : Embacing the Dark Gift (Turning - Renesa)

Miranda Dunleavy
Mar 21st, 2003, 10:23:50 AM
Miranda was still hot (http://sw-fans.net/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=27990&perpage=20&pagenumber=1) after Sol's lack of regard to her station but her emotions were kept in check. Renesa had no idea that the red head was still fuming over the brief confrontation. It was why she decided upon leading Renesa to a place that few had ever bothered her in the castle. Only Saurron had ever intruded upon Miranda but it was his right and the Vampyre always enjoyed his company for there were lengthy gaps in time when she saw him.

For now, the Assassin led Renesa down a candlelit hallway that was adorned with oil tapestries that were recently acquired to millennias old. There were no rooms per se at this end of the castle but every now and then, the walls extended out further to provide a causal area to sit. Velvet couches and polished wooden oak tables adorned the area which lay in front of a large window. it wasn't for wide but length wise, it vaulted all the way up to the ceiling. Miranda caught herself looking outside. The night seemed thick and inviting but Miranda could smell that the sun was going to rise in due time.

Finally the corridor revealed blackened stone steps that curled around the corner. Miranda turned here and began to ascend the steps.

Renesa Senaria
Mar 21st, 2003, 08:43:21 PM
Renesa followed quietly, her eyes looking up occationally but never for very long. She knew she had respect for the area, it seemed important though she didn't know why. She resisted to clink her claws together for the moment, knowing it wasn't the time for it and just followed.

Miranda Dunleavy
Mar 23rd, 2003, 06:46:44 PM
Round and round they went up the curving staircase. It was hard to tell how high they were up now and there were few, if any, windows. Most were tiny inch thick slits in the stone walls that only a Vampyre could really see out of.

Finally the red head stopped and turned off the staircase. It took only a few more steps to reach their final destination. Miranda undid the latch to the stain glass window and pushed it outwards to reveal the quietly lit town of Roon that lay far down from the view. There was enough room for Renesa as well to join the Vampyre who was gazing at the low moon in the sky.

Renesa Senaria
Mar 23rd, 2003, 08:49:56 PM
Renesa looked out, the sun was probably due to rise soon, would she see it again or was she not to? In her eyes, the moon reflected as she watched it silently.

Miranda Dunleavy
Mar 25th, 2003, 09:35:12 PM
Another few moments passed without a word. The Vampyre merely listened to the unspoken questions that crossed Renesa's mind. They were important questions that would be answered soon but Miranda still had a few of her own. "Renesa. Do you ever want to feel like you did that day your entire clan died? So helpless in trying to seek vengeance?"

Renesa Senaria
Mar 25th, 2003, 09:46:39 PM
Renesa's eyes didn't look away from the moon.

"No, I don't want to be helpless when I'm needed, I let them all down."

She wondered why Miranda kept asking the same question, her chance to avenge her family was gone, she couldn't do anything more as things stood now.

Miranda Dunleavy
Mar 27th, 2003, 11:54:44 PM
"I ask out of curiosity because I wanted to make sure you were at peace with your mortal sins of the past." Miranda gave a crooked smile, answering the unspoken question that she read from Renesa's mind. "Acceptance of who you are is vital. Plus, I wanted to make sure of your honesty because I'm giving you the choice I never had ..."

Her eyes flashed and the burned a violent green as they devoured Renesa. Underneath her lips, Miranda's fangs grew longer in anticipation as she stared at Renesa's profile. How lovely a mortal she was, washed in the sea of moonlight .....

Renesa Senaria
Mar 28th, 2003, 12:02:46 AM
"I accept that I failed but that is something I can't fix now so it's useless to dwell upon."

Her hunter instincts sensed danger but she stayed still, she wasn't afraid nor would she show it is she was. Instead she continued to stare at the moon, letting what was to be happen. It was still Miranda's choice to kill her or grant her request.

Guess I won't be seeing the sun again..

Miranda Dunleavy
Apr 1st, 2003, 12:41:30 AM
A crooked smile came to Miranda in hearing Renesa's thoughts. "Yes. It is. Though ..." Now the Vampyre's fangs were completely extended as she rounded behind her. Renesa didn't even realize that Miranda was there until the cold touch of the Assassin's hands wrapped around her throat to silence her. "Whether or not you live to see another night is another issue entirely."

Forcefully she brought Renesa's head up and gripped her tightly to her body with the other hand. Miranda's body had no give at all, it was like pressing against hard unforgiving stone. Her weapon like hands were useless because her mortal strength could do nothing against the power that Miranda had. The power that was bestowed by the blood within her vein.

Renesa's body began to shiver in anticipation and from her chilling touch. It made Miranda pause. This could be her first fledging and it was a moment that she wanted to remember perfectly. She pressed her face against Renesa's cheek, taking in her mortal scent and the goose bumps along the surface of her skin. Her lips hovered over the pulsing vein that called her with each beat of Renesa's heart. So full of life this was had but it was tainted by the defeat within her soul.

But that could all change. Tightening the hold she had on the woman, Miranda teasingly scraped her fangs against Renesa's neck before they pricked through the skin. Warm blood spilled into her mouth along with memories of a lifetime. It fueled Miranda's need and she bit down harder, forcing the blood to flow faster into her.

Renesa Senaria
Apr 1st, 2003, 12:25:00 PM
Renesa couldn't move so she was forced to just deal and wait, wincing slightly at the pain, she could feel the blood leaving her body. It was just a matter of time to wait and see what Miranda decided, she was the only one who could now.

Miranda Dunleavy
Apr 1st, 2003, 07:05:31 PM
Every drop beheld a personal memory of Renesa and from that, Miranda learned everything about her mortal life ... and it was savored greatly. Never did the red-head spill any of the life giving liquid.

Only when Renesa was near the brink of death did Miranda's powerful jaws release the woman and letting her go limp within her arms. Miranda felt exhilarated as she laid Renesa down upon the cold stone floor. She pushed away the strands of hair that covered her face in a mother like fashion, adoring the closeness of death and the weakened heart beat that barely produced a sound in her ears.

"You're still alive. Moments away from the final death, Renesa. I could release you now. Forever." Her fingernails trailed down the now cold skin of the mortal's cheek. "You could see your family then."

Renesa Senaria
Apr 2nd, 2003, 02:57:27 AM
Renesa could hardly move at all but she did manage to mouth no She didn't want to join her family.

Miranda Dunleavy
Apr 3rd, 2003, 08:35:37 PM
She scoffed, "That's suppose to be convincing?"

Renesa Senaria
Apr 3rd, 2003, 09:22:12 PM
Renesa stared at her for a moment, considering her answer, then trying to see if she could still speak.

"I don't deserve to see them again, I failed them..."

Miranda Dunleavy
Apr 8th, 2003, 04:49:33 PM
Miranda's eyes softened in sympathy. "But you won't fail me, nor the Shrine will you?"

Her smiled darkened and instantly she was feeding off Renesa's neck again. There was still some life left in her and Miranda made certain to drain the last few remnants of that innocence before the blood turned sour.

She pulled herself up and pushed back the sleeve of her dress, exposing her marble skin. With a sharp nail, she cut it open just below the wrist and already her potent blood began to pool.

"No. Of course not." The Vampyre dipped her arm down and let the blood drip off her arm and towards Renesa's mouth. "Otherwise I would let you die." Her arm was threatening to heal, a product of her Maker's power. She cupped her arm above the wound and squeezed, letting the blood flow slowly. Renesa would have to gain the strength to pull herself up off the ground if she wanted to feed directly from Miranda, otherwise she would have to remain content with the few drops that happened to fall into her mouth.

Renesa Senaria
Apr 9th, 2003, 01:44:50 AM
Renesa felt as though she couldn't move an inch, her legs and arms felt leaden for the moment but she felt no pain whatsoever. She was faintly aware of something dripping into her mouth and she looked over just a bit, her vision was hazy then so she couldn't tell what was happening. But as the drops took effect, her vision cleared enough that she could see what was going on, she could see that Miranda was dripping her own blood into her mouth. She could feel her strength returning but she was hesistant to move to feed, she wasn't sure if she should try, books had told her how it was done but she wasn't sure if she should follow that part.

Miranda Dunleavy
Apr 12th, 2003, 05:14:57 PM
Miranda saw Renesa's hesitancy and gently spoke for the first time this night to her. "If you want it ... If you want to be strong ... then take it."

Renesa Senaria
Apr 13th, 2003, 08:14:57 PM
Ren bite her own lip lightly, weighing over her decision, if she had to she had to she supposed. So she went for it, it was the only way....

Miranda Dunleavy
Apr 15th, 2003, 02:28:52 PM
Miranda closed her eyes and squeezed her arm with her fingers. The blood was forced through the wound that wanted to heal, but the Vampyre's own strength was keeping it open for Renesa to feed. She had only started and would need more of Miranda's potent blood in order to undergo the change.

Renesa Senaria
Apr 15th, 2003, 02:43:54 PM
Renesa fed for a little while longer until need for it had faded. Not that she wasn't still hungry but a different feeling had begun to take it's place. She moved away and blinked a bit, feeling tired, this must be the start of the change.

Miranda Dunleavy
Apr 16th, 2003, 11:08:09 PM
Miranda rose, noticing that Renesa was beginning to feel the very early stages of her transition. She flexed the muscles in her arm, feeling them grow taut and watched the wound heal within seconds as the first rays of dawn began to surface over the horizon. In her age and power, Miranda had little to fear of a few moments of sunlight. Renesa however would light up faster then a match struck.

"Minutes remain. Hopefully you can complete the change soon." She walked over to the open window and breathed in chilled air of morning as Renesa began to write in pain behind her. Such screams were familiar. Every Vampyre went through. "Do not be afraid. Only your body dies. You'll live on."

Renesa Senaria
Apr 17th, 2003, 11:15:29 AM
Soon Renesa went silent as she stood, hair covering her face somewhat. One of her claws reached up to part it, now her eyes were an even darker shade red and an odd marking was etched across her forehead. She noticed the sun and moved back into the shadows a bit more.

"Shouldn't we get out of the light?"

Miranda Dunleavy
Apr 18th, 2003, 10:31:18 AM
Miranda chuckled deeply, "I knew that would get you up." She stepped away from the window as the stain glass window closed by itself, locking the cursed sun away.

Her eyes became fixed on Renesa, looking at her fledging for the first time to see what the change had done to her. Renesa's skin had become terribly white instantly because of Miranda's lineage and her red eyes became saucers of blood. What made no sense was the mark on her head.

"What is this?" She wondered out loud and pulled away Renesa's hair some more to get a better look.

Renesa Senaria
Apr 18th, 2003, 12:10:26 PM
"What is what?"

She asked, of course being unable to see the new mark on her forehead.

Miranda Dunleavy
Apr 19th, 2003, 08:48:25 PM
"There is a marking on your forehead now." Miranda gentle nudged Renesa by the arm and led her to a mirror down the hall. It was hung over a hand made oak polished end table, flanked by either side by spent candles.

Renesa stood in front of Miranda as her Master pointed it out in the mirror. "See?"

Renesa Senaria
Apr 19th, 2003, 09:16:06 PM
Ren stared at the odd marking now etched across her forehead, leaning in a bit closer for a better look. Her eyebrows raised in obvious confusion.

"I have no idea, I have no memory of anything like this in my clan..."

Miranda Dunleavy
Apr 19th, 2003, 09:26:24 PM
"Well it wasn't there before." She mused, cupping her chin. "And somehow your turning made it happen. I hope it isn't an ill omen."

Renesa Senaria
Apr 19th, 2003, 09:51:25 PM
"Not many other ways I could have bad luck...."

Ren shuts her eyes briefly before turning away from the mirror, anyone who could have told her what it might have meant was dead.

Miranda Dunleavy
Apr 19th, 2003, 10:07:56 PM
"Don't say that. " Miranda scolded lightly. "You're bringing yourself misfortune just by saying that. Anyway ... there's no time to discuss such things anyway." Already her Vampyric nature told her that the sun was just about up. Renesa would be feeling the full effect of day. Her fledging needed the dreamed filled sleep now and falling unconscious on the stone floor would be a rather embarrassing way to start your first day off as a creature of the damned.

"Come .... Perhaps in sleep the answer will come to you. Your mind is open to many things now, Renesa. Including unobtainable answers to questions."

Renesa Senaria
Apr 19th, 2003, 10:14:25 PM
Ren's eyelids were beginning to feel heavy, the sun's effects were taking their toll it seemed besides the fact it had been a long night.

"Perhaps, one never knows though."

She said, while stifling a yawn as she followed Miranda down the halls to get some rest.