View Full Version : An after dinner stroll (Shanaria, closed)

Liu Fong
Mar 18th, 2003, 07:31:26 PM
Liu walks side by side with Shanaria through the gardens of the Jedi order, moving at a leisurely pace down the cobblestone pathways. The sun is setting, casing the sky in oranges, reds, and pinks.

"It's much better out here. This is the best place to be."

Shanaria Fabool
Mar 18th, 2003, 11:22:28 PM
Shanaria Smiles at the gardens, then at Liu as the two of them walk through the gardens...

"If I didn't know better I would think that you were wanting a romantic setting.... though to bad the lights in this giant town never go out... All the lights make it hard to see the stars...."

Liu Fong
Mar 19th, 2003, 12:20:21 PM
A romantic setting? This actually hasn't occurred to Liu, but now that she mentions it, he can see how she'd draw that conclusion.

"I can't say I've ever seen the stars," Liu admits. "Though I doubt it'd be much different than looking out over the city at night."

Shanaria Fabool
Mar 19th, 2003, 12:29:11 PM
"I just miss the stars....I also miss the forest back home.... I always liked to go into the forest and find a quiet clearing and just look up at the stars."

Liu Fong
Mar 19th, 2003, 12:37:29 PM
"You're from a forested planet? I'm from here...the Jedi Temple's gardens are the only plant life I've ever seen. What's it like, living in a place like that?"

Shanaria Fabool
Mar 19th, 2003, 02:41:38 PM
"I like it...I like it alot more than I like it here.... I came from a small town, that was surounded by a large forest. There was a big lake about a five minute walk from town. It's just wonderful back home.... It sickens me what they did to this planet.... No natural plants, very few natural animals, no lakes, no trees, just metal as far as you can see."

Shanaria closes her eyes and opens herself to the force, examining the thoughts and energys of the living things around them...After a moment or two...she opens her eyes and shakes her head...

"Everything here is always fighting, even the plants in this garden... They fight to live, they fight for sunlight, they fight the chemicals in the air and water.... people here only seem to think of problmes and ways to fight them.... Life shouldn't be a fight. that's not what it is at home."

Liu Fong
Mar 19th, 2003, 05:04:33 PM
Liu, having been raised in the cavernous steel canyons of Coruscant, can't see eye to eye with her perspective.

"It's baffling. I never thought of such a thing before." He laughs. "I feel so stupid now..."

Shanaria Fabool
Mar 20th, 2003, 12:28:34 PM
"Why do you feel stupid? You have only lived here. you don't know what it's like out there. That doesn't make you stupid."

Shanaria walks over to a bench and sits down...

"Back at home, we try to avoid using technology, untill we know that using it won't hurt the enviroment around us. We have farms that grow local trees, so that for every tree we cut down, we plant two more. We try to let life run it's course, and not fight it...Cause If you fight Life, you will loose."

Liu Fong
Mar 20th, 2003, 04:47:09 PM
"There is an old philosophy that was based on a similar principal. Rather than fight to create or prevent change, the idea was to simply let it go."

Shanaria Fabool
Mar 21st, 2003, 11:04:10 AM
"Well, I think most of the problems I have here, are based on the fact.....I'm homesick.....This is the longest I've been away from my parents, sisters, brothers or grandparents....It's the longest I've been from home, and this place is the least-like-home place I could have come to..."

Liu Fong
Mar 21st, 2003, 07:28:35 PM
"Would you like to go home and see them again? I'd love to come with you and see it. What do you say?"

Shanaria Fabool
Mar 21st, 2003, 08:49:47 PM
"Not many ships go to Omwat, even fewer go to my hometown ...And if I did go back anytime soon, It would be best if I go alone...There are some people that tend to use outsiders as target practice in my hometown....Thats one of there tatics to stop people from developing our town... It's nothing agenst you, thats just the way my hometown works"

Liu Fong
Mar 22nd, 2003, 12:23:40 AM
"That's also the way mine works. Anyone unfamiliar first finds themselves on the receiving end of a weapon, and only after long periods of mistrust do they come to be accepted."

Shanaria Fabool
Mar 22nd, 2003, 12:11:28 PM
"So I guess you understand why I don't want to bring people to my hometown... But I think I might go back for a visit some day soon.... It would be nice to see home again."

Liu Fong
Mar 22nd, 2003, 04:05:06 PM
"My home isn't quite so far away. Just go out to the Senate building, then go down until you meet the planet's surface. On the south side you'll find a village made of spare parts. That's my hometown."

Shanaria Fabool
Mar 24th, 2003, 01:14:53 PM
"That must make it easy to visit....What is it like living on the ground with this huge city over top of you? It must be dark..."

Liu Fong
Mar 24th, 2003, 01:32:14 PM
"Very. It's dark, and very dirty. Food is hard to come by, and getting clean clothes is a chore. Drugs and prostitution run rampant, and the various slum villages are always up in arms against the gangs and thugs that like to cause trouble. It's a hard life."

Shanaria Fabool
Mar 24th, 2003, 01:46:55 PM
"That sounds awful....I take it things also get droped on you from above....There must be better options than living like that..."

Liu Fong
Mar 24th, 2003, 01:56:47 PM
"Yes, we get a fair amount of falling debris...no one in my village has been killed yet by it. There are better options...no one can afford them though. We live there because we have no other choice. People who try to climb up are either killed or get put down once more...we're destined to be stuck at the bottom."

Shanaria Fabool
Mar 24th, 2003, 02:08:24 PM
"but you are up here...You have a better life, and you have the power to make the lives of others better...Why don't you show them how to get a better life? You did it..."

Liu Fong
Mar 24th, 2003, 02:18:46 PM
"I'm Force sensitive. That's the only difference between them and me, and the GJO, no matter how benevolent, cannot afford to house over one thousand homeless people."

Shanaria Fabool
Mar 24th, 2003, 02:21:00 PM
"There Has to be a way we can help them...I don't like seeing people suffer when there are other options..."

Liu Fong
Mar 24th, 2003, 02:33:48 PM
"That's why I'm here; to figure that out. It's hard though. My training is slow, and I have yet to think of any way to help them. I haven't had a chance yet to speak with the Masters on it, so the problem is pretty stagnant at the moment."

Shanaria Fabool
Mar 24th, 2003, 02:58:50 PM
"Well if you come up with something and nead some help with it...I'm willing to help you. It's a good cause and I'll help however I can. I'll also try to think of some Ideas to help them, and pass them by you after I have a few ideas. Ok!"

Liu Fong
Mar 24th, 2003, 03:16:37 PM
Liu smiles at her.

"Thank you, you're a kind person. I appreciate the offer."

Shanaria Fabool
Mar 24th, 2003, 03:40:11 PM
"You're welcome.....As you might have guessed by now, there is alot more to me than A nice body and my willingness to show it off.... I care about people...."

Shanaria looks down at the ground...

"And I guess I just want people, other than my family, to care about me as well...."

Liu Fong
Mar 24th, 2003, 08:13:50 PM
Liu smiles and places his hand on her shoulder, giving a comforting squeeze.

"What makes you think others don't or won't care about you?"

Shanaria Fabool
Mar 25th, 2003, 04:46:36 PM
Shanaria looks up a Liu....

"You yourself said that I looked like a whore back at the B&G....If it's not the way I dress and act that people judge me by, it's the fact that I'm blue... Alot of people run away from things that they cant understand....and I get alot of people running from me because of that."

Liu Fong
Mar 25th, 2003, 05:45:33 PM
"Oh? That's true...I did say that, didn't I?"

Liu lets makes a sound that's half-sigh, half-laugh, and grins with embarrassment.

"I'm sorry."

Shanaria Fabool
Mar 25th, 2003, 05:50:54 PM
"Don't worry...I'm used to it..."

Shanaria looks back down at the ground...

"I get comment's like that alot....If only people would try to get to know me before they throw me away, off to the side and all..."

Liu Fong
Mar 25th, 2003, 06:04:38 PM
"Then, I'll be the first. I want to get to know the woman named Shanaria Fabool."

Liu smiles encouragingly.

"I think it'd be a very worthwhile endeavor."

Shanaria Fabool
Mar 26th, 2003, 12:13:33 PM
Shanaria looks back up at Liu and gets a big smile on her face....

"Well I'm glad you are willing to try, and think it is a worthwhile endeavor... I can't say it will be easy to get to know me, because if I did I would be lying..."

Liu Fong
Mar 26th, 2003, 12:31:09 PM
"Well nothing worth doing was ever easy. Already I know a few things about you. You like cider, come from a world full of life, have had previous experience with the Force, and seem to have a fairly well-to-do family. But there's more to be learned, and I'd love to find out all there is to know of you."

Shanaria Fabool
Mar 26th, 2003, 12:53:15 PM
"It's nice to know that at least somebody pays attention to the people around them...But you missed out some thing that I know you know about me....Like, I am not human, and I like to flrt...Things you may not know by now are, My entire family are Jedi, I have a large family, My grandfather and his brother have kept themself's looking like they are about 45 years old for over 11,000,000 years, my mother was dead for 10,999,948 years before my grandfather found a way to bring her and her mother and brother back to life.......Are you sure you want to get to know me?"

Liu Fong
Mar 26th, 2003, 03:12:23 PM
"Sure do. I doubt if you can stop me from trying."

Shanaria Fabool
Mar 27th, 2003, 02:39:50 PM
"Well If thats the approch your going to take...Ask me questions...I'll do my best to answer them..."

Liu Fong
Mar 27th, 2003, 05:57:19 PM

Now that she challenges him, Liu's not sure he can think of a question to ask her. He decides to begin with something generic.

"What's your favorite posession?"

Liu doesn't own much, a few sets of clothes and a shaving kit is all. It'd be interesting to see what Shanaria would name.

Shanaria Fabool
Mar 28th, 2003, 03:49:18 PM
Shanaria thinks for a moment....

"Hmmm....thats a hard one....I don't think I have a single Item that I like the most.... I have a few that I value alot, like the small statue of my grandfather, and my photo albums, but I would have to say that all the Items that I value the most have some conection to memories of my family, so I would have to say the thing I value the most is my family."

Liu Fong
Mar 29th, 2003, 11:06:03 AM
Liu nods, but again finds himself out of things to just ask her. He'll rely on conversation.

"It's getting late," he says idly.

Shanaria Fabool
Mar 29th, 2003, 05:41:28 PM
Shanaria looks at Liu and smiles...

"Are you saying that you want to go back to your room? Or are you just stating the obvious?"

Liu Fong
Mar 29th, 2003, 09:40:25 PM
"Oh...I think I'll leave it to your skills at interpretation," he counters with a small smile of his own.

Shanaria Fabool
Mar 30th, 2003, 01:18:26 PM
"Unless you want me to go into your mind and pull out what your thinking, I could come up with some rather naughty interpretations"

Liu Fong
Mar 30th, 2003, 01:23:08 PM
"Oh? And would you consider that to be a good or bad thing?" he counters again, learning more of the woman named Shanaria...

Shanaria Fabool
Mar 31st, 2003, 10:49:04 AM
"That all depends on which naughty interpretation I choose to use.... Some of them are bad others would be.....Fun"

Liu Fong
Mar 31st, 2003, 12:57:45 PM
"Fun? I can't remember the last time I had fun of any sort," Liu comments wistfully, folding his arm behind his back and casting his glance to the sky.

Shanaria Fabool
Apr 1st, 2003, 03:00:02 PM
Shanaria gets a silly tone in her voice...

"Well if you can't remember how to have fun....Then maybe I should just go back to my room."

Liu Fong
Apr 1st, 2003, 06:05:30 PM
"You can always refresh my memory," Liu counters.

Shanaria Fabool
Apr 2nd, 2003, 11:21:32 AM

Shanaria stand up from the bench, showing off her body to Liu, and walk over to a pond in the garden, beconing with her index finger for Liu to come with her.

Liu Fong
Apr 2nd, 2003, 12:30:26 PM
Liu follows with a spring in his step, curious as to what she had in mind. Judging by that stretch, it can't be anything that follows a normal interpretation of the word "fun"...he's in for something far better.

Shanaria Fabool
Apr 2nd, 2003, 04:01:35 PM
When Liu reaches her at the pond, She pushes him into the shallow pond... Laughes and hops in as well...She then starts to splash Liu....

Liu Fong
Apr 2nd, 2003, 04:09:46 PM
"Hey! Now we've got our clothes all wet!" he laughs, returning fire with some splashes of his own.

The one armed man sneaks in behind her and wraps an arm about her waist, pinning one arm to her side and grinning.

"My shoes are wet too...I'll have to get you back for that..."

Shanaria Fabool
Apr 3rd, 2003, 01:28:22 PM
Shanaria laughs and playfuly trys to struggle out of Liu's grip well splashing Liu with her free hand...

"It's all in good fun! Clothes and shoes will dry....Just have fun!"

Liu Fong
Apr 3rd, 2003, 09:47:49 PM
Liu tips sideways, dunking her beneath the water.

"This is plenty fun. Though by the way you talk, I had half-expected something rather different," he laughs.

Shanaria Fabool
Apr 4th, 2003, 04:35:44 PM
Shanaria playfuly screams as she is dunked under the water. She forces herself back above the water, on the other side of the pond from Liu, and she catches her breath...

"Remember Liu...I like to flirt...I like to toy with people...And I like to be unpredictible sometimes."

Shanaria laughs and does one large splash with the help of the force, that dumps 1/4 of the pond on Liu...The water level drops for a moment but the water quickly drains back into the pond.

Liu Fong
Apr 4th, 2003, 09:39:29 PM
Liu coughs and splutters, shaking his head to clear it and remove the hair from his eyes.

"Why, if I could use telekinesis, I'd SO make you pay for that one..." he says with a jesting tone.

Shanaria Fabool
Apr 5th, 2003, 01:48:57 AM
Smiles and laughs...

"I just learned that one here yesterday....:p"

Splashes Liu some more.

Liu Fong
Apr 5th, 2003, 11:29:41 AM
Liu springs forward and takes her about the waist, pushing her back up onto the shore and pinning her.

"Well, that solves the splashing problem, but it seems you're in quite the predicament, Shanaria."

Shanaria Fabool
Apr 5th, 2003, 03:55:20 PM
Shanaria smiles and bats her eye-lashes at Liu...

"Well if you think I can't get out of this, you would be sadly mistaken... But I don't see the problem with a hansom boy being pressed agenst me, with his arm around my waist..."

Liu Fong
Apr 6th, 2003, 05:40:53 PM
"Well, if there's no problem, I simply won't move then."

Truth be told, Liu can't think of what to do with her now that he's pinned her.

Shanaria Fabool
Apr 7th, 2003, 11:17:14 AM
Shanaria roles off to the side that Liu's arm is on, so she is on top of him, and keeps going intill she has rolled off of him and is back on her feet....

"That was fun...Though I didn't want you getting to comfy on me..."

Shanaria smiles and looks at Liu...

"I'm going back to my room, feal free to come along..."

She turns and walks into the halls of the LQ, still dripping wet.

Liu Fong
Apr 7th, 2003, 12:36:46 PM
Liu sits up and follows her in, catching up just inside the hallway.

"It's cold in here. The climate control is always set to be cooler inside than outside, it seems."

He takes a fistful of his shirt and twists, wringing water from it.

"Seems all this water we've got on us is to blame."

Shanaria Fabool
Apr 7th, 2003, 02:02:32 PM
Shanaria reaches her room, opens the door and walks to the bathroom and grabs 2 towels, comes back out to the main room and tosses one to Liu.

"If you want to dry off and put your clothes through the dryer... You could use my bath robe , to keep yourself covered. It's just on the back of the door.."

On the back of the door to her room is a large, warm, purple, men's style bath robe.

After Liu has closed the door to her room, Shanaria Unzips the back of her outfit and drops her wet clothing to the floor, giving Liu a full view of her nude backside. She quickly drys off and slips into a skimpy white almost see-through silk nightgown, then turns to face Liu...

"I can take your clothes to the laundry room, just 2 doors down and get them started in the dryer if you want... That is after you get out of them.."

Shanaria Smiles...

Liu Fong
Apr 7th, 2003, 04:17:36 PM
She turns to find Liu occupied with his shirt. He first pulls his short arm from it's sleeve, then with a quick pull and twist of his head, pulls it over his head and off his body. Liu is quite strong and fit. Even his missing arm bears some muscle. He kicks his shoes to the side and takes his socks next. The one-armed Padawan stuffs his socks into his shoes, pretending not to have seen Shanaria simply drop her clothes in front of him.

"I'll be alright, thanks. I can dry them myself later."

He busies himself with untying the knot in his left sleeve so he won't feel tempted to test the transparency of her new outfit.

Shanaria Fabool
Apr 8th, 2003, 09:47:40 AM
Shanaria pulls out a hairdrier, and drys her hair while brushing it out....

"Alright, suit yourself....Though if you still want to use my bath robe to keep you warm, feal free to...."

Shanaria walks over to her bed and sits down, leaning back slightly, with her hands behind her to keep her upright. She crosses her legs and looks around the room...

"Well....This is my room...What do you think..."

The room is a normal size for a room in the LQ. It has a Queen sized bed in the far corner. On a small shelving unit there are a number of carvings, pottery, and sculptures. On the walls there are a number of very old looking paintings. She has an antique wardrobe oppisite to her bed, and a white marble bedside table.

On the bedside table is a picture of Shanaria and about 8 other blue skined people, standing in front of a garden, with a large mansion behind them, and a forest of to their left side. One of the sculptures on the shelving unit looks like the middle-aged man standing behind Shanaria in the picture.

Liu Fong
Apr 8th, 2003, 11:24:17 AM
"It's a sight better than mine."

Liu hazards a glance at her. The sheer white cloth is tinged blue with her skin tone. He focuses instead on the various items that serve as decoration for the room.

"I don't have anything like this. My room is completely bare except for my bed, and it's only big enough for me...not like yours."

Shanaria Fabool
Apr 8th, 2003, 12:45:31 PM
"I had my mother send me the bed, wardrobe, the table and shelves from home. I gave back the stuff that was here before to the Order, so they could use it for some other room."

Shanaria picks up the picture on her bedside table and leans forward to hand it to Liu.

As she leans forward Liu gets a very good view down the front of her skimpy nightgown, allowing him to see everything from her neck to just under her breasts.

"You said that you wanted to see Omwat...This is a picture of my Omwatii family members that are still living...The house behind us is The Fabool Estate... Before the military took took over the opperation of the government, Omwat was run by 12 ruling families, The Fabool Family was one of them, and that house has been the home of my Omwatii family for about 20 milion years. The forest off to the side is The Last Chance Wood...Thats where I spent most of my time growing up, weather it was for training or just because I wanted to walk, I spent alot of time there."

Liu Fong
Apr 8th, 2003, 04:38:29 PM
Liu blinks hard as she leans forward, using the short interval to fix his eyes in the picture's direction. He doesn't want to give the impression that he's a shallow man by taking every little opportunity to oogle her. He takes the picture in his one hand and studies it.

"It's definitely not Coruscant...too much green."

He hands the picture back, eyes flickering as he stops himself from looking again.

"You're got quite the family. There are only three in mine."

Shanaria Fabool
Apr 9th, 2003, 09:22:50 AM
"That's only my Omwatii family, My grandfather remarried before he found out how to bring his first family back from the dead. He married a lady that looks sorta like a humanoide horse....There kids look funny though. On that side I have another 15 family members."

Liu Fong
Apr 9th, 2003, 10:37:05 AM
Liu raises a brow at all of this.

"Back from the dead?"

He decides to neglect his commentary on a humanoid horse...that would definitely put him on her bad side.

Shanaria Fabool
Apr 9th, 2003, 11:34:03 AM
"Yes, I said back from the dead....I don't know how he did it, but I know that when my grandfather was about 25 years old, he came home from work one day to find that his wife, son and daughter/my mother, were killed chpoed into small chunks with only their heads intact, that were put on top of the pile of flesh. He then found some way of stoping himself from aging using the force, and him and his brother spent about 10,999,980 years to get them back and bring the murderers to Justice. As I said I don't know how he did it but he did, and I'm glad he did."

Liu Fong
Apr 9th, 2003, 11:57:15 AM
Liu can't fathom the process, much less power, needed to restore the dead to life. He sits in awkward silence for a time, trying and failing to come up with a good reply.

"That's...that's really something."

Shanaria Fabool
Apr 9th, 2003, 12:09:31 PM
"Ya....I know....I can't even Dream of having the kind of power needed to do that. One of the reason I came here to be trained is because I didn't want his reptuation and the expectations they have of my grandfather to leech off on to me. I think it took both my grandfather and his brother to do that and both of them must have done milions of years of studying to find out how."

Liu Fong
Apr 9th, 2003, 12:44:08 PM
"You keep saying "millions of years" and similar phrases...just how long lived are the Omwatii?"

Shanaria Fabool
Apr 9th, 2003, 02:09:20 PM
"Well under normal conditions Omwatii live for about 200 years max... But my Grandfather and his brother found a way of using the force to stop a person from growing old. They did it to themselfs, My grandfather did it to one of his childhood friends, And he is stoping the ageing of his family on or after their 19th birthday.

I have some theories on how he is doing this.....

First of all... The Force is in all living things. It is created and released by life.... So it would stand to reason that The Force is what lets us live,And that the release of The Force from ourselves is what causes our bodies to grow and age. It also stands to reason that if we are release The Force from our bodies faster than create it, that is when we grow old and start dying.

So If a person could slow the release or stop the release of the force from their body, that would, in theory, stop a person from growing old.... Can you see my logic?"

Liu Fong
Apr 9th, 2003, 04:36:37 PM
"Hm...I suppose that could work. I was always under the impression that strength of Force determined a person's life span...many Jedi Masters have lived for hundreds of years beyond their usual lifespan due to their strength in the Force...then again, these ideas may tie together somehow."

Shanaria Fabool
Apr 9th, 2003, 05:24:12 PM
"I'm not really sure How it is done. This is only a guess, And I have asked My Grandfather to tell me how he does it... but he just laughed and told me that it is a very good learning experence to find out on my own."

Liu Fong
Apr 9th, 2003, 09:48:00 PM
Liu simply shrugs.

"I suppose that's his choice to make. It sounds as if he thinks you to be unready to learn such a task."

Shanaria Fabool
Apr 10th, 2003, 10:41:38 AM
"He tends to go by, 'If a person tells you the answer, you are more likely to abuse the information, than if you make the effort to re-discover it yourself. It gets anoying, but I'm sure it's for the best. "

Liu Fong
Apr 10th, 2003, 10:46:09 AM
"It sounds that way. It certainly carries a bit of logic with it."

Liu begins to sit on the bed, but remembers his soaking pants and goes to fetch the offered robe with a sigh. He comes back with the robe on and throws his rolled up pants onto the pile with his other soaked clothes and sits down as he meant to earlier.

"I find that if I learn something on my own, I keep it to myself and use it with better discretion. On the other hand, information I learn from others tends to be neglected and used poorly."

Shanaria Fabool
Apr 10th, 2003, 11:07:58 AM
"The logic is very sound....As I learned many tims over....Never argue Logic with a person that has over 11 milion years practice with life."

Shanaria smiles as she looks at Liu as he is putting of her bath robe, she says after he sits down on he bed next to her....

"Has anybody told you that you are a hansom young man?"

Liu Fong
Apr 10th, 2003, 11:13:36 AM
"I can't say that they have. People never look on low levels as having a good quality about them. Usually I get a rather negative description."

Shanaria Fabool
Apr 10th, 2003, 11:27:52 AM
"Well your a very hansom young man.... In fact I'm rather impressed.... You have very good self control ..... I like that in a man....I've been giving you so many chances to give me a reason to not like you... and I'm glad you haven't taken any of those chances.

I go by, Like everybody intill they give you a reason not too... So When I'm testing a boy's self-control...I fish for reasons not to like them.

And guess what Liu....Your the first boy to pass all my test with flying colors..."

Liu Fong
Apr 10th, 2003, 11:35:47 AM
"I'm glad you approve of me," Liu says with a smile. This is a rare occasion, to be sure. Not many do, simply by his social standing.

Shanaria Fabool
Apr 10th, 2003, 01:42:11 PM
"I bet your wondering, Why a woman like me, that has obvously livid a high class life, would even think of seeing if a former street boy would be good enough to let him get to be a close friend....

Well, The answer to that is, I have grown up with the teaching of not only my family, but that of friend to the family... One of my family's friends has had alot of trouble with people judging her by her species... And because she is trying to teach as many people as she can to Judge people by Who they are, Not by what they are.

Weather you are a street person, or nobilty, I would have treat you the same way. Thats the way most of my family works."

Liu Fong
Apr 10th, 2003, 04:16:54 PM
"Yes, as a matter of fact I was. It's good that you've learned to look beyond physical appearance; many have yet to learn that lesson."

Shanaria Fabool
Apr 10th, 2003, 04:21:52 PM
"I know....That's the sad part. Why can't people just look at people, not at apperance."

Liu Fong
Apr 10th, 2003, 04:31:25 PM
Liu shrugs.

"Because people are petty, selfish, greedy creatures who care nothing for others. They hold ideals of perfection that they stick very close to, and anyone who falls below this standard is instant cause for discrimination. At least, that's what I think."

Shanaria Fabool
Apr 10th, 2003, 04:35:55 PM
"You may wish to qualify Most people are petty, selfish, greedy creatures who care nothing for others. To say people in general are all that, is just the same as them saying that you are no good because your lived on the street."

Liu Fong
Apr 10th, 2003, 04:37:23 PM
"True, I am generalizing. However, that is my experience, and it is all I have to base my decisions and assumptions on."

Shanaria Fabool
Apr 10th, 2003, 04:42:40 PM
"So are you saying that you think that I am petty, selfish, greedy creatures who care nothing for others? And that I hold ideals of perfection that I stick very close to, and anyone who falls below that standard is instant cause for discrimination in my eyes?"

Liu Fong
Apr 10th, 2003, 04:55:11 PM
"No, as you have proven yourself to be an exception.

Shanaria Fabool
Apr 11th, 2003, 11:38:24 AM
"When you first met me did you think I was not an exception?"

Liu Fong
Apr 11th, 2003, 12:43:18 PM
"In all honesty I didn't know what to think of you. I've never met a blue person before, and made no assumptions about your social standing."

Shanaria Fabool
Apr 11th, 2003, 12:51:25 PM
"That's good to know...Though it's best that you don't make assumptions about any stranger you meet...That way you won't have assumptions clouding you judgment...and if your judgment is not clouded, than you will find that there are alot more people out there that are exception."

Liu Fong
Apr 11th, 2003, 02:13:01 PM
"I thought that was the point I was trying to make earlier," Liu says as he flops over onto his back. He looks up the bed at her with a shrug. "Guess I'm no better than others."

Shanaria Fabool
Apr 11th, 2003, 02:21:44 PM
Shanaria Sprawls out on her side, facing Liu, on her bed next him, with the arm underneath her proping up her head..

"Everybody need to improve on something about themselves... But in a way you are better than the petty, selfish, greedy creatures who care nothing for others.... You can look past your assumptions when you a placed with something unfamilar. I'm also guessing that you are willing to give people a chance to prove you wrong about your assumptions, before you type-cast them."

Liu Fong
Apr 11th, 2003, 02:28:31 PM
"I never think I'm right about people...there's always a very large and real possibility that I'm dead wrong with my first perceptions of people. I think people deserve the chance to show who they truly are, and try to prove any misgivings others have to be wrong."

Shanaria Fabool
Apr 11th, 2003, 03:20:04 PM
"And that is what make you better than the people that will dismiss you just because of the way you look"

Liu Fong
Apr 11th, 2003, 04:03:36 PM
Liu just shrugs and sighs, having lost most of his interest in the topic at hand. He hates to be a hypocrite. It's something he's been trying to avoid for his whole life, but he isn't without his own biases. At last, just to avoid being rude, he manages to say something.

"Yeah, well..."

Shanaria Fabool
Apr 11th, 2003, 04:07:18 PM
Seeing that Liu is uncomfortable with the current topic Shanaria decides to change it.

"So....Did you have any friends on the ground level?"

Liu Fong
Apr 11th, 2003, 04:14:02 PM
"Plenty. My whole 'village' was like my family. We were all tightly knit, everyone helped everyone else and nobody complained if a job was assigned. We were as one."

Shanaria Fabool
Apr 12th, 2003, 04:20:39 PM
"I guess that when your all in the same boat, everybody helps out. But I mean like Close friends...people you go to when you just nead to talk... That's a big diffrence than people you work with to stay alive."

Liu Fong
Apr 12th, 2003, 09:40:59 PM
"They're the same," Liu says with shrug. "Comrades in arms, I suppose is what we were called. We helped each other survive and struggle through anything and everything...if one of us had something to talk about, good or bad, everyone knew. We were all good friends. Just because we had to depend on everyone to draw together and act as one to survive doesn't mean we weren't close friends."

Shanaria Fabool
Apr 14th, 2003, 11:03:47 AM
"Ok...if you insist.... I don't have much practice at having to rely on others to help me live."

Liu Fong
Apr 14th, 2003, 11:19:48 AM
"That's just another difference we have then. And one more thing I've learned of you."

Shanaria Fabool
Apr 14th, 2003, 01:34:23 PM
Shanaria Smiles

"I've never had to worry about, food, water, shelter, and other basics... My worries were more foused on the sith wanting my family dead."

Liu Fong
Apr 15th, 2003, 06:11:47 PM
"I'm not sure which concern is greater, but I don't suppose it makes much difference. Either way, our lives are threatened, and we must learn to deal or be overrun by the problem at hand."

Shanaria Fabool
Apr 16th, 2003, 11:27:40 AM
"And both ways, to be overrun, results in death. One way we control our death, by starvation, or freezing to death...The other way your enemy controls how you die....At least that's the way I see it."

Liu Fong
Apr 16th, 2003, 12:51:39 PM
"That sounds right to me," Liu says with a lazy glance at his soaked clothes. "Both require a strong will to defeat." He gaze shifts back to her. "Temptation takes will to hold back as well."

Shanaria Fabool
Apr 16th, 2003, 01:54:50 PM
"I know... If there is one thing I know it's Temptation ... "

Shanaria looks Liu in the eyes and smiles...

"And I can only guess how tempted you are to do something naughty with me....since there is only a small amount of cloth covering the two of us."

Liu Fong
Apr 16th, 2003, 07:37:19 PM
While her statement isn't entirely true, its also not entirely false. Liu is definitely attracted to her, but he's not sure if he should act upon it. Right now, his temptation is simply limited to whether or not he risk kissing her; the rest will come later.

"Well, after you simply dropped your clothes in front of me, I couldn't help but wonder if you were going to do something else unexpected..."

Shanaria Fabool
Apr 17th, 2003, 11:22:04 AM
"I may be willing to show my body to others but that doesn't mean I'll give it over to any boy that sees it ....

Shanaria's cheeks turn a slightly darker blue as she smiles and looks down at the bed....

"Though if you want....Well.... I wouldn't mind.....Well..... I enjoyed talking with you at the B&G.... And.....Well.....I wouldn't mind Gong back to the B&G with you.....Umm...for dinner or something.....Some other time, of course."

Liu Fong
Apr 17th, 2003, 04:17:27 PM
"That sounds like something we'd both enjoy," Liu says with a smile. "I'd love to have a meal with you."

Shanaria Fabool
Apr 17th, 2003, 05:40:59 PM
Shanaria Smiles and blushes even more...

"Soooo......When would you like to go to dinner with me?"

Liu Fong
Apr 17th, 2003, 06:17:22 PM
"Anytime. We could go eat dinner together tomorrow, if you'd like."

Liu is planning for the shortest time between now and when he next meets her. He's absolutely fascinated with her, and not just because of her good looks.

Shanaria Fabool
Apr 17th, 2003, 08:57:28 PM
"That sounds good to me! Do you want me to meet you at the B&G, or at one of our room's, and At what time do you want to meet me at?"

Liu Fong
Apr 19th, 2003, 10:05:35 AM
"We'll meet at the Bar and Grill, say around...six or six thirty?"

Shanaria Fabool
Apr 19th, 2003, 02:33:22 PM
"That sounds good to me...."

Shanaria pauses and hids the fact that her face is almost purple due to the blushing.....

"Dooooo.....Do you want to cosider it as a date....Or just as friends?"

Liu Fong
Apr 19th, 2003, 02:46:51 PM
Liu sits up and rubs the back of his neck.

"Well...how about if we leave that open? We can decide how it counts when the time comes to decide it."

Shanaria Fabool
Apr 22nd, 2003, 10:39:35 AM
"Alright....I guess that will work...Well I guess I Should go to bed before the sun starts to come up..."

Liu Fong
Apr 22nd, 2003, 10:47:02 AM
"I hear that..." Liu says, standing with a stretch and a yawn. They spent a good bit of time just chatting. "I'll return the robe to you tomorrow, after our date. See you around."

Liu gathers up his wet clothing, and with a bow to Shanaria, takes his leave of her.

Shanaria Fabool
Apr 22nd, 2003, 01:09:56 PM
Shanaria smiles and waves to Liu before he leaves, after he leaves she closes the door behind him, and goes about getting herself ready for bed.