View Full Version : Vote and ranking
Alana Stormcloud
Mar 18th, 2003, 10:03:13 AM
Leon as you know is taylor millard, we let him make a vampy that had ties to our board but not a part of it. He now wishs to join but his story line is that he has been around for some time. I think maybe a lord status for him would be good. He is a good guy and very well known. Trust worthy :) I say yes on both.... :D
Darren Caerdeth
Mar 18th, 2003, 05:19:43 PM
I have no problems with him assuming the rank of Lord at all, as Taylor is an awesome RPer. However, considering that Lacroix is a new character, I have some reservations about letting him assume all the power that a Vampyre of his stature would assume.
Within the confines of the Shrine of the Damned Forum, I say let him be as powerful as he wants. However, if the circumstance arose that his Lacroix character were to have to fight outside of the Shrine Forum, it could cause problems that a new character has powers of a knight or Master, especially with no RPed training to back it up.
With that being said, Taylor is a very good rper.
I would suggest, that if he were to use his powers outside of the Shrine forum that he get permission from the opposing character before hand, to avoid anymore shit being thrown our way from any other RPing Groups.
If it would be convenient, I can talk this over with Taylor also.....
Other than that though....I give him a thumbs up
I spoke with Taylor, and hes cool with what I mentioned.
His idea was to RP Lacroix with more traditional Vamp strengths, and not using actual force powers.
Lord Soth
Mar 19th, 2003, 12:32:36 AM
I’m kool with Taylor...Great guy and Rp'er...He's would be an awesome addition to the Shrine...As far as rank, I think we can make an exception in his case...He's a veteran RPer and is trust worthy in my opinion ...I would however like to see him kick out a few story line's on his CHR and give a little more info. on Leon...Other then that...Yup...He has my vote. :)
Vampyre Dalamar
Mar 21st, 2003, 11:45:57 PM
Well Im going to seem like a jerk here and this is in no way have anything to do with Taylor Millard. But ranking him as a Lord? Boy aren't we generous everyone else has to work at it. I think he should at least be a knight until he has a more established character. Also we need to set some time and rp requirments as standards for our board.
If we don't we are going to lose legitamicy if everyone is a freakin Lord. This he is my friend so its cool is not cool. It makes us look unprofesional and that rank is unearned. I not looking to shake up any status quo that currently exists. I am just saying we sure have been handing out a lot of high ranking titles to a lot of people. Standards better 'standards' need to be established. Again this has nothing to do with Taylor Millard who is an excellent rper. He would be a very welcome addition to the board. So what do you people think?:smokin
Valirion Thorn
Mar 22nd, 2003, 04:01:45 AM
I agree with Dalamar. Lord is our second highest rank in the Shrine and his character doesn't have much background established. Plus it would not seem very fair to others, such as the fledglings, warriors, knights, so on, that they all are having to wrok under their seperate masters to gain rank while another person enters and his well above them just because he chose to begin with a vamp and is rping that he is old. This, like Dalamar's statement, is nothing against Millard, its just that I thought we weren't letting people already have vampyres for this very kind of debate on judging what kind of level they should come in on? I dunno, and I don't mean to imitate Dalamar's previous post but I am asking.
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