View Full Version : Just when you thought it was safe to go back into the Bar and Grill. (Open)
The Preacha
Mar 17th, 2003, 07:57:37 PM
(Three yars, two weeks, and nine days since da last time I wuz in da Bar n’ Grill……or was it just last Teuzday. Oh, well, hard ta remember stuff like dat when yer unconchious. I’m back now.)
(Hush you! Darn demonz detektor keeps agoin’ off. I peeked in trew da front do’, makin sure no one wuz awatchin’. Den I entered.)
“Any demonz over here?”
(I poked da long, pole end o’ my demonz detektor at da closest wall; runnin’ da saucer like end all over it.)
(Heh, heh, heh. I bet nobody even knows I’m here…..what wit’ my preachin’ dissguize.)
OW outcast
Mar 18th, 2003, 12:05:04 PM
I the Duro in a business suit sat near the man who had just walked in. How crazy looking he was and his talk about demonz how absurd. OW just lit up another cigar and took a puff and then a drink of his brandy.
OW decided he would stand up and talk to the crazy Fella so he went and stood up all 3 ft 10 inches. OW was well aware he was midget compared to the average Duro but that didn't bother him much.
OW made his way to the crazy screw ball with a cigar hanging in mouth. OW was a kind soul and for being a sandwich eating crime lord it was odd.
"Hey fella how about you come join me at my table and we talk about them demonz you are looking for?"
The Preacha
Mar 18th, 2003, 03:37:01 PM
(Da fella's voice tooks me bye serprise.)
"Who said dat?!"
(I bravely spunned about to shee who wuz comin' up from behinds me. If he were lookin fer a fite, I wuz gonna give 'im one.)
"I'm warnin' you! I am a masta of foorteen fighten stiles inncludin'; Won Ton Chicken!!"
(But I didn't shees nobody.)
(I looks round and still didn't shees nobody. Must be hearin' tings.)
OW outcast
Mar 18th, 2003, 04:51:14 PM
"Down here you weirdo. Don't you know there are short people in the universe?"
OW just shook his head he swore if he was only a foot taller people would begin to notice him but that wasn't going to happen anytime soon.
"And for your Info I don't want to fight you, I just want to chat with you."
The Preacha
Mar 18th, 2003, 06:31:53 PM
(I just kinda stood dare fer a minute wit a dumb look on my face.......well, a dumber look than normal.)
(I wuzn't shure I kould trust 'im.)
(I held da saucer part o' da demonz detektor right in da little feller's face. Demonz can't stand dat.)
"Is u a demon?"
OW outcast
Mar 20th, 2003, 08:48:01 AM
OW looked at the thing that was being forced in front of his face, it wasn't really that interesting of a devise, it had a few flashing lights and made annoying beeping sound.
"I'm no Demon I'm a Duro you idiot. Bah what does it matter you can't tell the difference your so blind. So what’s the deal with this thing in front of my face I think I saw one attached to a ship engine once."
The Preacha
Mar 24th, 2003, 08:21:30 PM
(I swung da detektor around, sose everybody would know'd.)
"Dis hare is a state o' de art, demonz detektor. No evils in all da universe kan hide from it!"
OW outcast
Mar 25th, 2003, 12:05:13 PM
"Is that so how exactly does it work boy and what scam artist sold it to you?"
OW let out a little chuckle, he had never heard of a demonz detector.
The Preacha
Mar 27th, 2003, 09:45:31 AM
"Ya sheeeeee, it werks like dis."
(I beegan ta wave da detektor, poiten it inn all direktions.)
"Whenever dis hare detektor starts adetektin' a demonz, it'll signal me wit dis hare beep."
(All of a sudden like, da detektor jerks left on me.)
"O no! Ya shee, it's detekted a demonz near by!"
(I kept movin' da thang about, tryin' ta find da source o' da demonz.)
OW outcast
Mar 28th, 2003, 01:01:36 PM
"what exactly do these Demons look like and how do you kill one?"
The Preacha
Mar 28th, 2003, 04:20:39 PM
"OOOOOOOO, you don't understand!"
(I kept wavin' da detektor around sose I kould find where dat demon wuz.)
"Demonz r ugly critters dat come in all shapes n' sizes, but nermally dey likes ta be invistable. Dey kan hide anywheres."
(Den, da detektor locked on.)
"As fer killen one......I'll shows ya!"
(I took off in da direktion o' da demon, duckin' plates and jumpin' tables da hole way till I saw it.)
"No, don't do it!"
(I hollard at da poor fool who wuz 'bout ta devhour da demonz hidin' place. A helpin' o'........JELLO!)
(He didn't hear me. Now dare wuz only one thing left ta do. I jumped inta dee air, performin da sakred SAKTIFIKATION BELLY FLOP, finally landin' spread eagle acrosst da man's plate.)
(Da table folded like a peenut under a bantha.)
"Dat hurt....."
OW outcast
Mar 28th, 2003, 05:15:17 PM
OW watched as the man belly flopped onto the table breaking it. OW tried his best not to laugh but a like giggle did slip out. OW made his way over to the boy.
"So is that how you kill the Demons?"
The Preacha
Mar 31st, 2003, 09:32:00 PM
"Yeah, dats one o' da ways."
(I started ta move, den fell right back down.)
"But not all o' dem r painful."
OW outcast
Apr 3rd, 2003, 03:41:06 PM
"So you break allot of stuff in the process of killing a Jell-O Demon?"
OW held a very sarcastic tone of voice. This person sure was a Looney.
The Preacha
Apr 7th, 2003, 02:52:58 PM
"I do whut iz nessisary ta protekt da peepals."
(I gots up ta my feet.)
"Ya shee. Most folks look at stuff like dis hare jell-o and see innasent food. But I knows betta. Jell-O is a hidin' place fer..."
(Lookin' round ta make sho dey wuzn't round me.)
".....DEMONZ! Dangeerous demonz dat need killin'."
OW outcast
Apr 9th, 2003, 04:59:03 PM
"You believe you can stop every demon in the Universe?"
OW was trying his best to hold back the laughter but he knew soon it was going to poor forth.
The Preacha
Apr 15th, 2003, 09:07:33 AM
"Maybee not all da demonz....but I'll make fo sho I stop every won I kan."
(Taken off ma preachin' hat, I put hand over heart.)
"I do dis fer da glory o'.......DA BRONZE TUNA!"
(Oops.....betta put ma hat back on. Da glare off my melon was irritatin' dat big fella over dare.)
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