View Full Version : :: Sorsha enters the Grand Parlor ... ::

Sorsha Kasajian
Mar 17th, 2003, 02:51:59 PM
:: ... and looks around curiously . This was her first visitation to the Shrine, but wandered around casually. She had no fear of the darker places, not even those inhabited by the Vampyre. They were beautiful creatures, cultured in their passions and glorious in their evil. But this was not to be a social call. She knew that Soth was here, and Saurron as well.

Videl and Jade carried Tondry along, holding him firmly by each arm as his boots dragged across the floor. She raised a hand, indicating for them to wait. Tondry would wake up soon, but he would be no trouble. Not in this place ::

Jade Doment
Mar 17th, 2003, 03:27:45 PM
Stopping to wait as insturcted, Jadey merely stands still, holding one of Tondry's arms in her hands, looking around. This too, was her first visit here, and she wanted to remember it always.

Mar 17th, 2003, 03:31:19 PM
Videl stopped and looked around a bit, she was familar with the Vampyres from her TSE days but had never been to their home. The place was dim and dark, just like the places Videl often dwelled.

Dirjj Mordrai
Mar 17th, 2003, 08:48:30 PM
A black tenebrous form, superimposed by the dimly candlelit hall beyond, watched silently. The twin burning embers of his eyes blinked once confirming the shadow's stillness was not of material design. Dirjj sensed a Jedi within the grasp of two mighty Sith. He waited upon the arrival of one of the masters.

Lord Soth
Mar 17th, 2003, 09:37:00 PM
The newly arrived outlanders had not been in the halls of the Damned long when they felt a bone chilling coldness fall over them. The sudden dramatic drop in temperature caused their exhaled breath's to form into misty white puffs of vapor as they awaited their expected host. Nevertheless, the small group would find it quite difficult to ignore the luxurious surrounding's that adorned the massive Grand Hall way despite being somewhat uncomfortable with the icy touch that was ever so present...

Rare and priceless objects of art and ancient weaponry lined both walls in their immaculate placement and setting's that stretched as far as the eye could see. Underneath them was a highly polished obsidian floor that seemed to be translucent at first glance. A simple glance skywards revealed only darkness as the bone white marble wall's to the sides of them jetted upwards then were lost in its inky obscurity.

"Lady Kasajian,...What a pleasant surprise,..." Came a hollow sepulchral voice from a near by darkened arch-way to the right of the group. Slowly a black armored figure emerged from the shadowy veil's that once concealed him. Ebony Sith robes hung loosely about the Death Knight as he neared them, his ivory hands pressed together in a steepeled position of confidence. His piercing blue eyes studied the other's that accompanied the Sith Witch, and then trailed over to Tondry momentarily as he finished.

"...How may I assist you?" Soth bowed slightly in respect to Sorsha as he came to stand in front of her.

Pierce Tondry
Mar 18th, 2003, 12:25:53 AM
"Haaa... chew!"

Pierce sniffled, his eyelids groggily opening. The first thing that registered was that wherever he was, was very dark. Next came an awareness that his body was being dragged, and that was followed by the realization that his body itself was not functioning properly.

Memory of his fight with Sorsha came back to him, and he knew that wherever he was, couldn't possibly be good.

"Oh, shihaaa---chew!"

It was also real cold, too.

"What idiot left the thermostat on negative twenty?" he asked aloud, letting them know he was awake. Maybe then someone would tell him something. Like where he was. Or, why he was there.

Or who else was there.

Sorsha Kasajian
Mar 18th, 2003, 05:57:48 PM
:: Sorsha began to speak, then turned abruptly, driving a spinning heel kick into Tondry's groin to silence him ::

"This fool has betrayed me, so I've brought him here for pain and suffering."

Miranda Dunleavy
Mar 18th, 2003, 08:22:43 PM
Within the blackened shadows of the hallway, Miranda Dunleavy took interest as to who had graced the Shrine Castle. She remembered long ago this woman had been close with the Vampyre's of the Coven. Saurron and Soth in particular. Her memories told the Assassin she didn't like this woman at the time.

Not now however. Miranda was quite intrigue at the mortal's need and the sack of human flesh she brought. She was already removing herself from the shadows, her presence now visible to everyone presence. Her emerald eyes were fixated upon the other two women that came with the Blonde. They respected her and the one woman had an air of a subordinate. Possibly an Apprentice.

The red head finally stood next to Soth, arms crossed in a curious manner at Tondry. She sneered down at him and gave a sideways glance to the Death Knight. When she spoke, it was in the Ancient tongue so the mortals wouldn't understand. "What is he to us that we should care about her needs?"

Jade Doment
Mar 18th, 2003, 09:05:40 PM
Jadey raises her now free left hand to deliver a quick rabbit punch to the boys temple, preparing to knock him out again, but she stops, looking to her Master, Sorsha, to see if she should continue.

Lord Soth
Mar 18th, 2003, 11:40:41 PM
A delicious and equally wicked smile etched its way across Soth face shortly after the Sith Witch downed the man. The severely beaten Tondry gasped in pain and would have crumpled to the obsidian floor if it weren't for the two that held him fast in their tight grasp.

"This fool has betrayed me, so I've brought him here for pain and suffering." Sorsha retorted in an almost hissing voice. The hate and disgust was evident in her face as she looked back to the Death Knight.

"Ah yes,...I see..." Soth replied smoothly, his piercing gaze returned to Pierce as he folded his armored arms together. About that time, the mistress of the Shrine came to stand at Soths side. Her emerald eyes narrowed at the unfolding spectacle that was taking place in front of them then trailed slowly back over to the Death Knight's.

"What is he to us that we should care about her needs?" Miranda said coolly, her words carried a sharp edge with then as she spoke to Soth in the ancient Vampyre dialect .

"Now, now my dear,...This woman you see before you is an honored guest of ours,...Along with her consort..." The Death Knight glanced over to the red head as he continued on in the ancient language of their kind.

"The least we can do is show them the hospitality of the Shrine...Nonetheless, I owe her a favor or two...And what this man is to us is irrelevant indeed." Soth had not quite finished his sentence when Jade struck the Jedi with a side shot to the head. The sickening thud resounded throughout the length of the Grand Hall as Tondry slumped once again to one knee.

"I know this man..." Soth interjected coolly, stepping towards Pierce who was only feet from him. With an iron grip, the Death Knight reached out with his right talon hand and took the jedi's face causing the sides of Tondry's lips to contort into a tight pucker.

"Pierce Tondry,...It seems the last time we met the cat had your tongue even then." A sinister laugh escaped the Death Knight as he peered deeply into the man bruised and battered face.

Mar 19th, 2003, 12:04:51 AM
Videl watched idly, not seeming to care when their victim was punched. Instead her eyes took the place in, the redhead was new to her but she remembered the other one. Though she looked bored, Videl was curious as to why they were here. Her eyes held no fear, she didn't feel the slightest bit afraid in their presence so as she stood, her eyes glittered in the darkness like smoldering embers.

Pierce Tondry
Mar 19th, 2003, 09:27:52 AM
It wasn't quite unconsciousness, but the haze of pain Pierce was in still left him pretty disoriented. His hands tightened reflexively to fists.

Sorsha, her overeager blindsider, Soth, one of his lackeys, probably some bystanders as well. Means I'm at the Coven's stronghold.

"Soth," Pierce rasped. "You'll understand if I don't do the bow and scrape routine." To emphasize his point, Pierce wiggled his bound fingers.

Jade Doment
Mar 19th, 2003, 03:33:23 PM
Looking up from where Tondry still was, Jadey looks around and shrugs her shoulders, as if she hadnt done anything. Like Videl, she remained quiet, but continued to look around the Parlor, taking in every inch of darkness, knowing that is where her strongest power lies.

Valirion Thorn
Mar 19th, 2003, 07:19:25 PM
::The shadowlings moved from their dark corners of the Shrine and one approached Jade, getting close enough to barely be seen and talk low in a whisper to be heard only by her.::

He comes... from where the strongest power lies... he comes... our brother, the living shadow...

:: and then it dissolved back into the night-like darkness of the unlit parts of the room. Several of the black wraiths moved to a hallway that had no torches leading to it. The sound of boots on stone was heard and then the shadows moved by something else. Like snakes, the ground and air seemed to be filled with twisting snakes and tendrils of blackness as the figure stepped into the torch light.

My armor rolled back as I came to the lighted areas, where several people stood, Soth and Miranda included. Sensing only darkness from the other three women and a beaten and abused tinge of the light in the man held by one of the three.

I ran a gauntlet through my shoulder length, hair as my violet eyes took int he scene, a smirk played across my lips that Soth and Miranda knew for when I had been attending to my "galleries" of torture.

The symbiotic armor that shared posession of my immortal body spun from my shoulder blades and back to make spikes forming in the air, hydra like heads that formed blades or teeth and would snap at nothing but just to move. My armor was half clothed by blood red silk garments that shimmered like the life blood of the mortals when the light slid across them and then my arms and legs were covered in the plates of my liquid metal armor, demonic runes and skulls decorated them completely. And it was having vey split emotions right now between Miranda and Soth, it loved both in two different ways, Miranda for seperate reasons pertained to myself and Soth for his image of power, the Dreadlord Soth was only a goal to surpass one day. But that was not why I had come.
I smiled fully now as I began to speak, my fangs glistening in the torch light. I had heard the last words spoken as I entered and those had been good enough reason for me to attend. Plus the emanations of pain from the mortal man had roled down the halls like a echo of ecstatic pain.::

Good evening, and to you Master Soth and you... Mistress Dunleavy. And we have guests? Allow me to give you the upper hand...

:: I made a exaggerated bow to the three, my armor's random spikes suddenly making a flourish of their own, as I bent one knee and held my hand up, "the upperhand." My armor laughed and I came back to normal to finish introducing myself to these people who seemed to enjoy causing pain to other individuals.::

... I am Valirion Thorn, Lord of Pain. I felt this one's torment and had to investigate. I commend you on a job well done, but he still talks and doesn't cry? He still has enough civility to offer apologies?

:: I laughed and my symbiote with me, a rich chuckling and a sound like flesh being torn apart at once. I stepped closer to the woman holding the man and I looked the victim over. My eyes seemed to glow vividly for a moment as my lip turned in a sneer. The calling for pain was worst then the calling to feed, and this man's soul lay before me unbroken, and yet it was not mine to break... yet.::

What is that you require from us? Excuse my ignorance, but I would very much enjoy being part of this.

Sorsha Kasajian
Mar 20th, 2003, 03:03:28 PM
:: Sorsha tilts her head to one side as she looks at Valirion, seemingly lost in child-like wonder at the sight of him. Then she speaks ::

"Beat him up."

:: She stood and watched as Tondry fell prey to Jade , Videl, and Valirion ::

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Valirion Thorn
Mar 20th, 2003, 03:29:08 PM
:: I was a god in the making, immortal but still too far away to be considered such. The phrase had seemed an order but I dismissed it with the joy of the meaning of the answer to my question. No elaborate explanations, just pain, and that was all I required.
I went to one knee, gracefully but my aror seeming to make even more ruesome decorations as it shifted with my mood. I ignored the hand holding the man up by his hair by the woman and placed my clawed fingers udr the man's chin, lifting his face up so I could better see into his eyes. Good enough, dazed but still very aware, I could see my own violet orbs reflected in his.
My vampyric powers and my Sith knowledge combined all led to pain, in one wayor another. The innate power I recieved from Alana, my bringer of the gift, was to medde with the mind, even more so when the mind as weakened or asleep. Bu I prefered for them to be imbetween, as this one as, weary but still awake. And he would know why once I started.::

Hmmmmm... "Beat him up"? But there are so many ways...

:: I clutched my fingers suddenly, the armored claws pressing underneath his chin at the pressure point. Hard enough to snp his jaw if I pressed any more but it was enough to get him on his feet. If he was awake, then he could stand, pain drove mortals to unknown limits when the ecstasy reached their minds.
I focused on his mind, easily at first and then with a bit more effort, accessed the already active sensations of pain. Igniting the nervous system of pain and then combing it with a sick sensation of joy in the man's mind. If my hand wasn't holding his mouth shut, he would be screaming and laughing in no time. My armor hissed with laughter as we watched his eyes, like windows, watching a storm begin. I was holding the mortal up now by my hand, I was sure the woman that had him by the hair didn't need to do that any longer, she could be much more productive.::

Mar 20th, 2003, 06:33:18 PM
Videl yawned and took Tondry back with the force, she didn't intend to be rude but he was partially under her care. She looked him over, trying to decide where to begin before punching him in the back while he was held in the air with the force. Before he had much time to register that, her elbow met his neck and her knee to his back again. She let him fall then slammed her foot into his neck once more, forcing him to stay on the floor before she spoke.

"You would do better if you shut up..."

Jade Doment
Mar 20th, 2003, 08:57:23 PM
Jadey sighs, tired of standing around and uses the Darkside to lift him up once again. Holding her hands out, palms facing each other, she charged up a fireball betewwn them. Once it got to considerable size, she looks up at Tondry.

"Didn't anyone ever teach you that if you play with fire, you get burned?"

Releasing the fireball at the hovering Tondry, it turns into a yellow energy ball and hits the boy square in the chest, blasting him back into a stone wall. Running after him as he hits the wall, Jadey spins, jumps, and kicks Tondry's jaw hard, now rewarded with a loud crack.

Stepping back, Jadey cackles wildly.

Pierce Tondry
Mar 20th, 2003, 10:13:35 PM
The stink of burned skin filtered into Pierce's nose and provided him temporary clarity through the mental and physical pain he felt.

Pierce sank to a sitting position next to the wall and turned his head wearily upwards.. "Bad fighters, cliched lines. I must be in a bad holodrama." His voice was tired with the effort of endurance, but he still managed a mocking edge. "Come on, come on. I killed Ysanne Isard for worse and she was just human."

Miranda Dunleavy
Mar 21st, 2003, 10:44:27 AM
So, it was a favor that Soth owed. This woman must have earned his respect then for Miranda to hear such words coming from the Death Knight's lips.

The Assassin watched as he was worked over by the woman's two associates and Valirion. Ths request was definitely his forte. When the real pain began, it would be much more satisfying for her to watch him in action.

This Pierce Tondry was obviously military by his attitude. It was typical of a soldier to either be stoic in times like this or act very cocky. The red head had to admit, she was impressed by his fortitude and unwillingness to give everyone present any satisfaction in watching him squirm.

Her lips began to murmur in another tongue. The Vampyre's emerald eyes were fixated upon Tondry as they grew darker. He felt the air around him become dense, thicker and a tingling sensation caused the hair along his arms and the back of his neck to stand on air. With a sharp tone to the last word uttered by Miranda, The blood began to beat faster in Tondry's forehead. It felt like the beginnings of a migraine but with all the punishment he had, that could have been the cause but it only last briefly. His temples began to pound with such ferocity that he could hear his every heartbeat inside his ears. The pressure to his head grew with each beat and began to spread outwards to encompass his entire head. Tondry's face strained under the pressure, growing redder and redder. Miranda knew that this was to be torture and would not pop his head like a grape but this was more satisfying to her then getting physical with the man.

Besides, she was getting sick of him talking, which was now hard for him as every centimeter of skin was being compressed inward.

'So." Her eyes shifted to Sorsha but her control over Tondry never let up. "Why do you want us to 'beat him up'?"

Sorsha Kasajian
Mar 21st, 2003, 11:45:11 AM
:: Jade's cackling is abruptly stifled as Sorsha seizes her by the throat, and splits her lip with a backhand slap ::

"IMBECILE!!! I Said Nothing About Burning!!!"

:: she hissed, her eyes flashing over gold as she turned her wrath upon Tondry, and planted a vicious kick across his jaw. His head whipped sideways from the blow, and impacted against the wall with a resounding crack that echoed into the outer hallways. Tondry's vision exploded in red pain, then everything went black. She glowered down at the unconcious man, and anwsered Miranda ::

"I intend to torture him, and drive him beyond the limits of all mortal suffering."

<table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0><tr><td background=http://panic.hopto.org/swf/sorsha/pics2/h.gif colspan=3 height=12><img src=http://meras.org/forum/images/blank.gif></td></tr><tr><td background=http://panic.hopto.org/swf/sorsha/pics2/v.gif width=12><img src=http://meras.org/forum/images/blank.gif></td><td><table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0><tr><td valign=center bgcolor=#000000><center><img src=http://panic.hopto.org/swf/sorsha/pics2/anI/an1_39.jpg></center></td><td valing=center bgcolor=#000000><img src=http://panic.hopto.org/swf/sorsha/pics2/sorshaR2.jpg></td></tr></table></td><td background=http://panic.hopto.org/swf/sorsha/pics2/v.gif width=12><img src=http://meras.org/forum/images/blank.gif></td><tr><td background=http://panic.hopto.org/swf/sorsha/pics2/h.gif colspan=3 height=12><img src=http://meras.org/forum/images/blank.gif></td></tr></table>

Jade Doment
Mar 21st, 2003, 06:10:22 PM
Her hand to her lip, Jadey's eyes remain lowered to her feet.

"Forgive me Master, but if I remember my lessons correctly, that yellow ball was made of energy, not fire. Therefore, it should not have burned him."

Jadey then squeezes her eyes shut, prepared for another slap for.....back talking?

Valirion Thorn
Mar 21st, 2003, 09:34:38 PM
:: My smile only grew with the dealings of the apprentice to the master. Sorsha, if I had heard correctly, treated her subjects as subjects should be treated, with the respect that only a lesser would deserve.
And Miranda had joined in. Just as well. These mortals below Sorsha seemed focused on purely physical damage and their pathetic attempts to torture the male was almost making me have sympathetic feelings for their uneffective ways.
I turned from the crumpled body of Tondry and looked to Sorsha, my violet eyes seeming almost to stare through her mortal composure to see the pain hungering taste that she shared with so many more of us. I lifted my hands with a shrug and tilted my head to the side, the faces and skulls opening their mouths to speak as I did, our voices mixing in a sick chorus of unearthly voices.::

The only limit is death, and we could always take him beyond that. Pain has no limits, the only limit would be when you say it is enough m'lady.

:: My noble tongue stretched the limits of ever sounding human as I closed my mouth, my armor was enjoying the moment and synchronizing with me very well. We wanted pain and we wanted it our way, holding the human back from the underworld would only let us continue further.::

Dirjj Mordrai
Mar 26th, 2003, 07:06:56 PM
The red emberous glow in Dirjj eyes dimmed away, he still stood in one of the halls. Watching this murmurs farce play out. He wondered what connection these sith women had with Lord Soth, what kind of history they had with the Shrine.

Two of them appeared most adapt and carried an air of perturbation. He would not likely enjoy a round with either of them but then again why not? He grinned with dark surmise.

While the third was obviously young and ranked below the others. She provided some amusement to Dirjj.

Lord Soth
Mar 31st, 2003, 10:33:37 AM
The Death Knight watched patently as the group became increasingly chaotic in the Hall of the Damned. His armored arms folded in front of him as his studied each one as an amusing look crept across his marble countenance. One very important thing that theses young one's failed to recognize or stopped to consider was most evident with the Sith Master. Something that he had always been mindful of from the time he had even laid eye's on the Sith Witch...Sorsha Kasajian. She would kill you in a heart beat and not even think twice of it!...And he could see they were now tempting that resolve with her.

"Lady Kasajian, allow me." The Death Knight interjected smoothly as he head bowed slightly towards her in respect.

"Bring the jedi to my chamber's. I can assure you that this man will learn a whole new meaning to pain and suffering before the night's end." Soth piercing blue eyes continued to remain fixed on the Sith Witches, then he turned abruptly from the small group and headed for the laboratory deep in the belly of the Shrine.

Sorsha Kasajian
Mar 31st, 2003, 11:58:57 AM
Originally posted by Dark Emerald Jade
Her hand to her lip, Jadey's eyes remain lowered to her feet.

"Forgive me Master, but if I remember my lessons correctly, that yellow ball was made of energy, not fire. Therefore, it should not have burned him."

Jadey then squeezes her eyes shut, prepared for another slap for.....back talking?

"You force me to punish you now. Come with me."

:: She turns and follows Soth ::

<table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0><tr><td background=http://panic.hopto.org/swf/sorsha/pics2/h.gif colspan=3 height=12><img src=http://meras.org/forum/images/blank.gif></td></tr><tr><td background=http://panic.hopto.org/swf/sorsha/pics2/v.gif width=12><img src=http://meras.org/forum/images/blank.gif></td><td><table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0><tr><td valign=center bgcolor=#000000><center><img src=http://panic.hopto.org/swf/sorsha/pics2/roc/roc98.jpg></center></td><td valing=center bgcolor=#000000><img src=http://panic.hopto.org/swf/sorsha/pics2/sorshaR2.jpg></td></tr></table></td><td background=http://panic.hopto.org/swf/sorsha/pics2/v.gif width=12><img src=http://meras.org/forum/images/blank.gif></td><tr><td background=http://panic.hopto.org/swf/sorsha/pics2/h.gif colspan=3 height=12><img src=http://meras.org/forum/images/blank.gif></td></tr></table>

Mar 31st, 2003, 12:06:05 PM
Videl yawned boredly before picking him up by one arm while Jadey took the other. Still she was curious of what was going to happen to their charge but the waiting was boring the Sith Master. It was too quiet, normally her pets would be padding about but they had been too far away when the fight was done.

Pierce Tondry
Apr 9th, 2003, 12:59:22 PM
(ooc) Don't forget this thread, please!!!! I don't want it to die off!

Jade Doment
Apr 9th, 2003, 08:28:51 PM
(OOC: :lol Okies, I'll post now, since no one else has.)

IC: Swallowing hard, Jadey once again grabs one of Tondry's arms and drags him with Videl, following Sorsha, her Master, knowing she is in deep trouble.

Miranda Dunleavy
Apr 15th, 2003, 02:25:05 PM
Soth wasn't pleased with how the Shrine was handling this request by Sorsha. She could see it in his eyes as well as a deep respect for this woman.

It was something to mull over as Miranda followed the entourage towards the Death Knight's chambers.

Lord Soth
Apr 15th, 2003, 08:31:00 PM
As the motley crew of Sith made their way down the seemingly endless passages and darkened corridor’s that periodically shifted once they passed, Soth paused in his stride at a bare and nondescript wall. Upon further examination and to the trained eye, five off set holes could now be seen with a faint circular dial around them. The Death Knight then reached out and placed the tips of his fingers where the tiny holes inlayed into the rough masonry surface. He then shifted his hand in a clock wise motion the back again until a loud metallic noise could be heard on the other side. Slowly, the heavy stone wall its self gave way to a seam of light that broke through to where the group now stood. As the secret door slid and grinded to an abrupt halt, it reviled a descending stairwell that snaked downwards into the laboratory Soth spoke of earlier. The ancient double wide stair case was lit on either side with torches as they spiraled deeper into the mammoth chamber below. As the group rounded the last turn on the stair case, they were greeted by a visual array of oddities and furnishings that seemed out of place to the upper level’s they had previously encountered. Huge crates along with half covered works of art were neatly arranged it what looked to be a large storage facility of sort’s. A proto type Haypen fighter could also be seen from their vantage point; its hull badly damaged and from the looks of it was in the process of being repaired. How the Death Knight managed to get the space craft down here was a mystery unto it’s self. Center to the high vaulted chamber was a pristine laboratory setting. This area was well lit with over head holo-lamp’s, the light from them revealed shinny utensil’s and other lethal interment’s that were laid out in an orderly fashion on white cloth covered oaken table. Strange multi-colored concoction’s brewed and simmered in large glass container’s that lead to twisted tube’s until some of the fluid’s merged and blended into an entirely different colored hue.

As Soth and the group approached the lab area, he pointed to a high tech stainless synth-steel table that brandished heavy wrist and ankle cuffs at either end of it. He turned slowly once again to face the Sith Witch, his face stoic as usual as he spoke.

“I will grant you full reign to this facility Sorsha…It will be quite interesting to see what you have in store for this…This servant of the Light.” Soth’s words were cold and mocking as he let his steely gaze trailed over to Tondry.

Sorsha Kasajian
Apr 23rd, 2003, 02:33:59 PM
:: Sorsha looks around the room with a stoic expression ::

"I want Tondry locked in a sensory deprivation cell. No Food, no Water, no Sound, no Light, no Nothing. In the meantime, Jade shall keep us entertained."

Jade Doment
Apr 25th, 2003, 09:38:20 PM
Once again, Jadey swallows hard, this time it could be heard. Then she starts shaking slightly. She may be Sith, and scared of nothing, but the one named Sorsha Kasajian whos her Master actually does scare her. Badly.

Cursing softly in her native language, she shakes her head. She never did know when to stop and think sometimes. Thats how she usually gets into messes like this. But its her own fault really.

But she wasnt sure who had it worse: herself or Tondry. At this point, it was a close and tough call to make. In Jadey's point of view anyways.

Keeping her head bowed, she speaks softly.

"What do you want me to do first?"

The Vore
Apr 29th, 2003, 04:43:24 PM
:: The Vore appeared in awnser to Jade's question, seemling forming out of the shadows, one by one. They siezed her, tearing the clothes from her body as they set her upon the table and bound her wrists and ankles firmly.

Sorsha spoke to the creatures in an alien tongue as she admired the beauty of Jade's naked form. She stroked Jade's hair, and kissed her upon the lips. Then the torture began ......... :::

Jade Doment
Apr 29th, 2003, 07:09:22 PM
Jadey screamed and grunted as she was dragged, yelling out several Daemun curses, but to no effect. These begins didnt care of the ancient curses she placed on them.

Once they bound her wrists and ankles to the table, she twisted around more, testing her bonds. Though Jadey possessed Daemun strength, whatever was keeping her bound was made to keep her in place, even with her strength.

Lord Soth
Apr 29th, 2003, 08:30:16 PM
The Death Knight folded his arms across his armored chest as he looked on with an evil and wicked demeanor etched upon his marble countenance. He found great please at the sight of pain and agony. His eyes shifted to Sorsha as the dark minion tore at Jades flesh.

"I have a holding cell that lies below this chamber,..." Soth glanced at the thick wrought iron grill that was inset into the floor not far from where they stood. The opening was approximately four foot by four foot square. A heavy bolt lock mechanism secured the hinged door and the sheer drop from the top of the narrow shaft to the pitch black pit below was more then twenty feet to the bottom. The dreadful vault its self was no more then ten feet from wall to wall with no routes of escape other then the opening at the top the unfortunate was dropped through. Bones and other filthy debris littered the cell's less then adequate living space...A prisoner’s food and water was lowered to the captive through one of the open squares of the iron grill, which of course, if the captor felt any pity to do so.

"…I believe that will satisfy your need's Lady Kasajian.” The Death Knight finished smoothly as he returned his narrowed gaze back to the now nude form of Jade.

Sorsha Kasajian
May 7th, 2003, 09:17:54 AM
:: Sorsha peered down through the grate and sniffed, her nose wrinkling in disgust. What was Soth thinking? Such a prison would not break the will of a man like Pierce Tondry, and it failed to suit her intentions completely. She sighed, running her fingers through her hair in frustration as she paced the room in a circle. Where was Saurron, she wondered. Her only satisfaction was Jade’s agony.

The spidery creatures moaned perversely as they explored her twitching body. The torture went on for hours, only subsiding long enough for Jade to gasp and sob between screams. ::

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May 7th, 2003, 11:07:48 AM
Videl leaned against the wall, her eyes closed as though sleeping. But she wasn't at all, she was listening intently, she was mostly just bored. Nothing about the torture bothered her, such had been routine where she had been trained to be an assassin all those years ago.

May 8th, 2003, 11:03:13 PM
Impact armor sounded in the halls. The order of doom marched yet was laced with a different evil. One that the Sith Witch Sorsha Kasajian new too well. Her ear bent to the sound hearing through the wails of her apprentice of the coming troopers. Yet two walked silently as they could. A saber slapping against their armor...she heard them nevertheless...

http://panic.hopto.org/swf/saurron/saurronsgaurd.jpg http://panic.hopto.org/swf/saurron/coventrooper.jpg

Cutting through the ten dark troopers the two, armored in Vampyre royal armor addressed Lord Soth and the Sith Witch. With a stiff bow from their helm they spoke to them with deep metaliic voices through the amplifiers embedded inside their helmets.

"Lord Soth...Sorsha Kasijian, master Saurron requests yours and your prisoners presence aboard the Sanguine. "

There was pause, an awkward silence seemed to flood the chamber in which Lord Soth had intended Tondry to spend many a day...or night as it were. A terrible fate to be sure, but the master had other plans for these souls.

The dark tide of gleaming black armor parted like blast doors opening in the advent of an all clear. The two Royal Vampyre Gaurd bowed to Lord Soth then made there way through the short sea of shining ebony, not waiting for a response from Sorsha or any other. They had there orders, and were not used to denial from others when it came to the masters wishes.

Lord Soth
May 9th, 2003, 01:05:17 PM
The Death Knight bowed respectively to the dark messenger that stood before him. Indeed, Saurron's personal Guardsmen had a foreboding presence all thier own and where not to be taken lightly, especially when they carried the seal of his approval with them...

As the organized group of troopers turned an exited the massive chamber, Soth turned to Sorsha with his hands overlapped in the folds of his black Sith robes. A gentle smile played on his marble feature's as he addressed her. The Death Knight's telepathic message was undoubtedly intercepted by the one he called Master and so was Lady Kasajian's request.

"As you have wished m'lady...He will see us now." Soth paused as he turned to leave, glancing back at the Sith Witch.

"I have arranged for a shuttle to take you and your,...Friend's to the Sanguine." Soth let his stark blue eyes trail slowly over to the others that stood near them.

"I will await you in the Shrine hanger bay...We will leave at once." The Death Knight then nodded to Sorsha then turned to Miranda at his immediate right, offering her his outstretched arm as he neared her.

"Come Miranda, our father has requested our presence...I dare not keep him waiting...It would be a great sin to do so." Soth finished smoothly in the ancient tongue of thier ancestor's as he gave the red head a pleasant fanged smile.

Miranda Dunleavy
May 9th, 2003, 03:09:32 PM
And to think that she wasn't needed.... Miranda had thought her silence would have remained as such. Silent. Even the troopers had no idea that the Assassin was hiding in plane sight, watching the entire exchange.

"Are you so sure, Soth?" Giving a response back in the same blessed tongue. "I believe he asked only for you and Sorsha." Her eyes fell downwards towards the cold floor as she crossed her arms, speaking in a quiet hurt. "If he wanted me to be there he would have said so."

Lord Soth
May 9th, 2003, 04:09:50 PM
Soth turned slowly to the red head, lifting her chin with a pale hand until thier eyes met. A look of concern seemed to pass over then fill the Dark Knight's face as he peered into her emerald pool's of doubt.

"Now, now Miranda,...You know better then that. Why of course he wants you there. Master Saurron would never turn down his own children...Could he ever really deny his own m'lady?" Soth continued to speak in the tongue of thier linage as his caressing words trailed off into a soft kiss to Miranda's forehead.

Miranda Dunleavy
May 9th, 2003, 04:15:38 PM
Soth found it difficult to lift her chin. It was like Miranda was trying to fend off his affections so she could continue to pout quietly to herself. His stubbornness won and she relented, letting her head be lifted. Immediately Miranda saw his concern and felt a bit stupid afterwards. Of course Saurron wouldn't mind her presence, it was just hard getting used to having a ... family.

As he pressed his lips against her forehead, a smile pierced her somber state. "No, of course not. You're right. Forgive my doubts."

May 13th, 2003, 12:58:47 AM
It was a good thing that Saurron hadn't been there to see members of his gaurd miss Miranda as she practically stood in front of them. Hearing her voice from behind, the two Coven royals turned to face her and Soth then marched with great strides up the middle of the twelve troopers still standing on either side of the hall.

"Excuse us...we were given instructions to bring with us the assassin as well if we were able to locate her. " The gaurds helmet turned towards Miranda. It was evident that neither one of them had seen her and were embarrassed inside those helms. As students of Saurron they felt they should have seen her easily.

Sorsha Kasajian
May 14th, 2003, 12:18:42 PM
:: Jade screamed insanely from the caressess of the Vore, trapped between orgasm and agony as her hips rose off the table and crashed down again. Her screams faded into ragged gasps as Sorsha ordered the Vore to cease. She lovingly wiped away the long strands of wet hair from Jade's face, and unstrapped her from the table ::

"Get dressed, precious. We'll finish your punishment later."

<table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0><tr><td background=http://panic.hopto.org/swf/sorsha/pics2/h.gif colspan=3 height=12><img src=http://meras.org/forum/images/blank.gif></td></tr><tr><td background=http://panic.hopto.org/swf/sorsha/pics2/v.gif width=12><img src=http://meras.org/forum/images/blank.gif></td><td><table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0><tr><td valign=center bgcolor=#000000><center><img src=http://panic.hopto.org/swf/sorsha/pics2/7-08/bs-ca01.jpg></center></td><td valing=center bgcolor=#000000><img src=http://panic.hopto.org/swf/sorsha/pics2/sorshaR2.jpg></td></tr></table></td><td background=http://panic.hopto.org/swf/sorsha/pics2/v.gif width=12><img src=http://meras.org/forum/images/blank.gif></td><tr><td background=http://panic.hopto.org/swf/sorsha/pics2/h.gif colspan=3 height=12><img src=http://meras.org/forum/images/blank.gif></td></tr></table>

Miranda Dunleavy
May 14th, 2003, 04:10:42 PM
Miranda cast a cold stare at the Royal Guardsman and held her tongue. It would be Saurron's duty to punish them, not her, and she was quite certain that this mishap did not go unnoticed by the Father.

"Let us go, Soth." Dismissing the apology from the guards. "Sounds like Sorsha is almost ready."

May 15th, 2003, 12:52:57 PM
Videl opened her eyes when the guardsmen came in, her eyes burning like hot coals in the dim light, seemed it was time to be on the move again. She stretched lightly but remained silent, content for now to just wait and see what would happen next.

Jade Doment
May 15th, 2003, 09:07:14 PM
After getting off the table, Jadey crashes down to her left side, gathering her strength, as her legs refused to support her.

Brushing a few metallic silver strands from her matching metallic silver eyes, Jadey grabs her clothes and slowly stands up, then slowly proceeds to get dressed.

Sorsha Kasajian
Jun 4th, 2003, 02:35:10 PM
:: Sorsha orders the Vore to collect Tondry, and then she heads towards the hangar ::

Lord Soth
Jun 9th, 2003, 10:26:05 PM
The frontal landing ramp to the glossy black Lambda was already lowered as the group entered the subterranean hanger bay. The Death Knight bid Miranda to meet him in the craft as he gestured for her to go ahead of him. Soth turned to Sorsha as they approached from the rear with Tondry in tow.

"Lady Kasajian, you and your companion’s are most welcome to join us on the Lambda. There is a detention cell aboard the craft for the prisoner’s detainment for the time being...One that I'm sure you will find satisfactory." The Death Knight bowed slightly to the Sith Witch as his pale hand motioned to the vessel's they took to the Shrine Keep.

"Of course,...I saw to it personally that your ship's were fueled and all the necessary provision's were in place...If you so wish,...You can take your own and I will have my captain send the coordinates to you immediately once we reach space." The Death Knight folded his hands in front of him as he awaited her decision.

Sorsha Kasajian
Jun 17th, 2003, 03:20:18 PM

Alana Stormcloud
Jun 18th, 2003, 01:55:47 PM
This thread is no longer in storytelling. If you want it moved please ask me to move it, and I will as long as all of the rpers in it agree to the move. Who ever is moving it is not a mod of the Shrine and does not have permission to mod my forums. Please go through the proper channels.

Thanks.... I will delete this ooc as soon as this is settled….

Sorsha Kasajian
Jun 18th, 2003, 02:30:31 PM
I asked Soth, but obviously you have him trapped in your little killing jar too. Otherwise I'd be rid of you from my life. Keep it.

Lord Soth
Jun 18th, 2003, 05:16:50 PM
QUOTE]Sorsha Kasajian: I asked Soth, but obviously you have him trapped in your little killing jar too. Otherwise I'd be rid of you from my life. Keep it. [/QUOTE]

You will NOT flame here Sorsha nor with it be tolerated here at the Shrine. It is stated in the FAQ rule's and is a ~Bannable offence.~ You are not being treated unfairly here so please reframe from the flames and accusation's or your access to this forum will be taken away promptly.

*This goes for (everybody/ RPer) that “visits” the Shrine board!* There is NO partiality here at the Shrine what so ever concerning the given rules in “our” FAQ that are listed below here in part...Please observe them.

2. There will be no flaming allowed. If a post is made that the Council or member feels is inflammatory it will be removed. If there is more then 3 warnings on this point the flamer runs a risk of being banned from this board. * We also reserve the right to "Ban" any member, at any given time without reason given....*

*If you have a grievance with a particular Shrine member, please take it up with them via PM or AIM.

Thank you for your time...

Shrine/ Council: Soth