View Full Version : A Bladed Babe.

Mar 17th, 2003, 01:19:40 PM
The 20 year old woman Neyasha, walks into the RC, Dressed in a skimpy leather outfit, and 2 three-pronged daggers on her belt, a dagger on each of her arms, and 2 swords on her back. She has some bruses and cuts on her body that are still fresh, and a Pissed-Off look on her face.

Neyasha looks around to see if there is anybody here that will approch her.

Clay Dennatta
Mar 17th, 2003, 01:25:24 PM
Coming from the shadows cause he has been waiting for sometime now for someone to come. He has been so bored these past few days he has been greeting people to take some of the pressure off of the actual greeters. He notices she is decked out in bladed weapons. Just like I used to be, He thought to himself. Clay approaches her...

" Greetings. My name is Clay Dennatta. How can i help you? "

Mar 17th, 2003, 01:35:42 PM
Neyasha looks over at Clay as he approches her, she bows her head as a greeting, and says...

"I nead the help of the Jedi. All my family is dead, except my daughter. She is one year old and is being kept from me by the sith that killed my husband and my daughter's twin brother. I was told a number of years ago that I had potental to use the force, and Now I would like to learn. I must learn. I have been told that My daughter will be kept from me intill I defeat this Sith."

Clay Dennatta
Mar 17th, 2003, 01:39:16 PM
" Interesting. You do know that becoming a Jedi is a way of life. You wont be leaving us once you get training will you? If you join you have taken a vow to serve and protect not only your friends and family, but also those in need throughout the universe. "

Mar 17th, 2003, 01:46:55 PM
"If I don't like the place then I will leave, If I do like the place I'll stay. I have heard alot about the Jedi, as long as I don't have to ware the dorky robes I'll change my life however I nead to. I have no friends and my family is dead, so that makes it rather easy to not just protect them. I want to stop this Sith, before kills too many more people."

Clay Dennatta
Mar 17th, 2003, 01:53:27 PM
" How dare you call our robes dorky! "

A smirk was on Clays face. he was in a joking mood for some unkown reason.

" No, im just kidding. I do believe you will like the place. Go and make yourself at home. You can wear what ever you want at the moment unless whoever your master is says otherwise. The Living Quarters have no assigned living so just go and take the first one that is empty. I will go to the Council and tell them of your arrival and they will dispatch a Master to you. Welcome tot he Order. ''

Clay gave a slight bow before exiting and heading to the Temple to tell them of the new Recruit.

OOC: Also if you want go to the academy and look over the people who are masters and see who you would like to be as your master and PM them and ask them if their avaliable for new Padawans :)

Mar 17th, 2003, 03:21:58 PM
Neyasha smiles and bows as she gets excepted into the order, and turns to leave the RC.