View Full Version : The Art (dasq)

imported_Jackson Mcgraves
Mar 17th, 2003, 12:23:24 PM
Jackson made his way to a small dull white room with a light hanging in the middle. Also in the middle of the room was a meditation seat for the training Jedi to sit on.

Dasq followed behind Jackson into the room. Jackson went and sat himself upon the meditation seat and looked at his master with a bit of curiosity in his eyes. Jackson had seen rooms like these back in the days of the old and even had trained in them. They where went to be dull to help the young Jedi clear his mind of all distraction.

Also in the back of the room were two white colored chests that blended in with the rest of the room. The chest contained any material needed for a particular type of training.

Jackson began to speak Dasq in a soft voice.

"This room will help me to stay focused master. I have chosen the art of control as my path with in the Jedi walls. I would like for you to give me a task that deals with this and from with in this room I will meditate and after much thought I will perform this task."

Jackson wasn't for sure if Dasq understood but he hoped that Dasq would realize that Jackson was better off training alone instead of having social distractions present.

Dasquian Belargic
Mar 17th, 2003, 12:41:42 PM
“Very well,” Dasquian replied.

This situation would suit Dasquian excellently. Lately he was very busy with caring for Valanya, dealing with Council duties, training others, and – though it was not known to many – spending time with Xazor. He had very little spare time on his hands, and what he did have was taken up with the one he loved; something he would not change.

“The most widely used area of the Control skills is the concept of boosting ones own stamina, strength and endurance. In combat, this can be of a great advantage as you can increase your speed of reaction to evade an attack or gain an upperhand on an opponent.”

imported_Jackson Mcgraves
Mar 25th, 2003, 03:18:29 PM
Jackson nodded

"I understand master Dasquian and I will meditate on these things. I promise by the time you come back to Check on me I will have one of the minor skills mastered"

Dasq walked out of the room with a nod, he left Jackson to his own practice for it was the way Jackson liked to learn. There was now no distractions left as Jackson thought on why choose this particular field, he wished to learn healing and telepathy, control of ones speed and stamina where only extra benefits that would only be used in retreating situations Jackson thought.

Jackson slowly drifted into Meditation as he thought on the concept of running and speed. He imagined himself going in a blur running to save the victims of a burning village that had been attacked by an aggressor.

imported_Jackson Mcgraves
Mar 28th, 2003, 02:06:21 PM
Jackson sat there not moving for hours in his meditate position. Then he arose from that position to attempt his speed training for the first time.

Jackson looked at the square room; it was big enough to test his speed ability. Jackson moved to one end of the room and then on the count of three he ran as fast as he could to the other side of the room.

Jackson didn't seem to notice any change in his speed but instead of getting discouraged he went and sat back down in meditative position. He focused as hard as he could on speed and quickness.

imported_Jackson Mcgraves
Apr 7th, 2003, 05:37:04 PM
Jackson went back to his feet 15 minutes later as he walked his way the far wall. He stood there for a moment and studying his body and muscles and staring at the wall farthest away from him.

He was off in a blur and he took to the wall a split second later and then he hurried back to the wall he had just come from. He continued to do this for several minutes until he tired himself.

Jackson stood there panting with a smile on his face. My how he had progressed. His new found power of speed would help him subdue his foes quickly if it resorted to violence.

Jackson though to himself he must relay his new found power to his master Dasquin but he didn't want to do it the conventual way. Jackson sat back on his stool and focused on sending his message to his master

imported_Jackson Mcgraves
Apr 9th, 2003, 05:45:44 PM
He sat there envisioning connecting to the mind of his master, there in his head he saw webs spanning to every mind in the universe. The key was to find the right strand that lead to his master but which one to take there where trillions.

A guess could possible lead to disaster and failure and Jackson did not want that. He wants to telepathically bond with his master with out fail any mistake on this could prove devastating. Jackson broke into a sweat as his mind torment itself with the decision of what path to take.

imported_Jackson Mcgraves
Apr 15th, 2003, 11:42:22 AM
After long thought Jackson choose his path, he hope he had picked the right one. In an instant he was connect with another’s mind but not his master’s mind. The mind he had bonded with was of a man on curscant who was in the process of robbing an old lady. Jackson spoke through his mind to the man.

"You do not want to do that."

The guy looked confused because he was now hearing voices in his head.

"You must stop what you’re doing"

Jackson persisted and the man tried to cover his ears to shield the voice.

"You must leave the woman be."

The Man ran off in agony of the annoying voice in his head. Then the connection severed. Jackson was back staring at white walls of the room he was in. He was not as devastated as he had originally thought he would be, instead he was proud of the deed he accomplished.

Jackson settled back into meditation again and once again he was inside the web choosing the path.

imported_Jackson Mcgraves
Apr 25th, 2003, 08:56:29 PM
He choose a clearer path but this one lead to a psychopathic mind. The mind of a gentle man he knew well a man Jackson thought to be dead or maybe he had contacted him through the land of the dead. He quickly cut the connection and began to meditate once more.

There before him stood the great pathways to other minds and he had just connected to vile minds. Hopefully his next one would lead to a peaceful one or even his master Dasquins. So he hope as he felt light emitting from one of the pathways he choice that one as his best option.

imported_Jackson Mcgraves
Jun 27th, 2003, 01:13:33 PM
His luck this time had paid off and there before him in his mind stood an image of his master. He had learned the pathways of telepathy and he had also opened his mind to the burst of energy that allowed him to speed up his action. It was time to give his master the progress report through the force.

"Master Dasq this is your Padawan Jackson I have just figured out how to free my mind to send you a message through the force. I have also unlocked the ability to increase my speed is there anything else you would like for me to work on this day master."

Dasquian Belargic
Jun 29th, 2003, 06:56:24 AM
Dasquian was pleasantly surprised to receive a message from Jackson, and so said in reply:

“Excellent work Jackson. Perhaps amplifying other aspects of your abilities could be something to practice? Strength, stamina and the like.”