View Full Version : Teaching a Master. (Open, I'll be the learner.)
imported_J'ktal Anajii
Mar 17th, 2003, 03:34:52 AM
The layout of the Jedi Order was interestin, to say the least, but with a few hours of studying the map he had been given, he knew where most everything was.
For that morning's exercise, J'ktal dressed in a dark gray workout suit trimmed with deep crimson, and sporting the mark of his rank on the back of the sleeveless shirt. Slipping his footpaws into a pair of sandals and picking up his katana, the gray mongoose exited his room and was in one of the empty rooms in the training center before sun broke over the skyline.
Shedding his sandals just inside the door, the Death-Shadow performed a few light stretches before he drew his blade and set the laquered scabbard down and stepped silently to the center of the room. The level of light in the room was no matter, J'ktal could ahve done his routine with his pink eyes closed, he knew it so well. Not that it was the same every time, but he had lived his life learning the subtle perfection of body movement, and mental training so it came easily to him when called upon again.
The fine steel cut through the air in intricate patterns, sometimes guided by both paws, sometimes by one as his other arm fended defensive positions as well. His whole body was in tune with his motions, and he glided silently across the floor, the whip of his blade and the rustle of his clothing the only sounds to be heard. He knew he was good with a blade, and with his body and senses, but he wanted to know how differently he could operate with the Force as a tool as well. The morning practice was simply something to establish routine again, and a bit of excercise.
The sun broke over the bristled skyline flooding into the room in a rosy hue only slightly distorted by the pollution in the air. Whipping his katana around, he spun on the ball of a footpad and wound up aiming at the door, the sword extended point-first at the figure standing in it.
"Good morning," Was all he said in his usual cold voice. Formalities were not his strongest suit.
OOC- Come on, there's honestly nobody interested in giving a little training to this guy? Do I smell or something?
Sage Hazzard
Apr 8th, 2003, 01:15:02 AM
Sage smiled as he leaned against the door, arms crossed.
"Good morning."
The Jedi Master uncrossed his arms and rubbed his chin thoughtfully.
"You handle a sword well. I'll guess there's a story behind that."
OOC - ::tosses him some soap:: ;)
imported_J'ktal Anajii
Apr 8th, 2003, 02:01:45 AM
"Not one that would interest you, I am sure," J'ktal replied, then finally broke from his frozen stance and bent down to pick up his scabbard, deftly tucking the steel blade into it.
"I came for practice, and for the excercise. Tell me, what brings you here this morning, Mr. Hazzard? From what I can tell, you are not usually a morning person," he continued, holding his sheathed katana loosely in his left paw while brushing back the long strands of headfur from the front of his face with his right. "And, before you ask, Mr. Haversh and I are not related."
Sage Hazzard
Apr 8th, 2003, 02:48:51 AM
Sage chuckled. He guessed from this tone that mistake was often made and he was growing tired of it, so he didn't press questions on the species or planet similarities, though he was curious of that.
"The same as you I suppose."
He didn't call it practice anymore in reference to his own training. It was true that even Masters could learn more but the word didn't quite fit anymore. It was more of a deeper bonding with the Force than training in it. However, he could tell that this one wasn't using the Force. Rather he was relying on his own skill and training, non-Jedi from the katana.
Sage walked into the room more, his hands clasped behind his back. He smiled to contrast the other's colder disposition.
"Repeatition breeds success, they say. Practice in all things can lead to success, I myself have learned. Do you have any success in non-combat scenarios, Mr.--"
imported_J'ktal Anajii
Apr 8th, 2003, 10:05:19 AM
" 'Repetition breeds success, diligence breeds perfection, clarity begets wisdom, and precision is the mark of a mater.' " J'ktal quoted. "First book of the Rho'istaan, Master K'shenurien Anajii, my ancestor," he revealed the source of the quote as he took a step back, keeping a slight distance between the Master and himself.
"I have had experience in many situations, Mr. Hazzard. And I am Captain J'ktal Anajii, Death-Shadow," he introduced himself matter-of-factly. "I have been ambassador and diplomat for the Sultan of Nehantish many times in my career, as well as information reconnisance and other tasks as well. A Death-Shadow must be proficcient at all things, or he is not worthy of his title."
Sage Hazzard
Apr 9th, 2003, 01:18:24 AM
Sage bowed his head in respect. He'd heard of the title. Though he didn't know much about it, he knew it to be a hard title to earn. He'd expect the same head bow after someone learned of his Masterhood. Do onto others as you'd have them do onto you.
His knowledge of the quote impressed the Jedi Master. Even though his ancestor had apparently been the source, he had to assume that the fact he was knowledgeable in that material only added to the credibility of a Death-Shadow. A rank to be proud of, he thought to himself.
"Interesting. Truely. How about the Force, Mr. Anajii?" he initiated the formality, Sage would return in as per his lead. "Do the Death-Shadow excel in that area?"
Sage had the feeling they did not recieve that deep of training, if any, in that area. He mulled over the idea of a man who has exceeded all others in all areas, to obtain a rank of Death-Shadow, and then to be an apprentice again. Must be maddening.
imported_J'ktal Anajii
Apr 9th, 2003, 02:14:11 AM
Looking Sage dead in the eye with his own cold, pink eyes, J'ktal replied, "No. My race is not one to often carry such a connection. It was thought that the low-born Haversh was the only one known so far, until I tested myself."
He looked down at his flexed arm, noting mentally the area which he had drawn blood from. "After discovering the truth, I requested extended leave. I will try myself here, and if I am able to learn under the guidance of the Masters, I will report my findings to the Sultan and the Senate of my homeworld. Perhaps then such oddities as Haversh and I will be looked upon in a better light."
His gaze coming back up to Sage's eyes, he concluded, "If proficciency in the Force is an asset I can make use of, I will endeavor to have others of my rank tested so that they too might reach their full potential. Though I do doubt the chance that there is another in my profession that has such a connection."
Sage Hazzard
Apr 10th, 2003, 02:39:49 AM
Interesting, Sage thought. A species where it was rare to find a Force adept. He'd have to muse over the biological meanings of that. Or perhaps it had to do more with willingness to accept such a power than anything else. For Sage noted the use of looked apon in a better light.
"Unfortunate," Sage said, studying this interesting man. "So, what do you know of the Force, thus far?"
Sage again made an assumption. He assumed he didn't know much, as he was not exposed to those who could use it. That was logical enough, and was probably the case.
imported_J'ktal Anajii
Apr 10th, 2003, 02:44:54 AM
J'ktal's answer seemed so much out of a textbook that one could almost see the Times New Roman font and the horrible photographs that accompanied it on semi-gloss white paper.
"It is the living force that binds all things together. It is the energy source within us all, and guides us through our lives in subtle ways. It can also be called upon by certain individuals to do as they wish, be it for good or ill means. It is intangible, yet omnipresent," he said, then followed it up rather interestingly with a completely different twist, "It is the living will of Garfife that he has distributed so that we may understand him better."
Sage Hazzard
Apr 11th, 2003, 02:31:23 AM
Sage smiled at his last addition. The Jedi Master himself had a radical view on the Force and was ridiculed by some on it. He always thought of the Force as a sentient being with moods and personality. Like a god but without physical presence. The fact he often felt punished by the Force is how he came to such a view. So this man's viewpoint did not shock him, as he had become accepting of people's views on the Force. Mainly from knowing the scorn of others who wish to argue over your views.
"I see you don't mind plagorizing the ancient text," Sage said, raising his hand and smiling to say he was only joking and ward off misinterpetation.
He clasped his hands behind his back, pacing further into the room.
"You've got the basics of what the Force is down. However, have you found first hand these allegations to be true, yet? Have you connected to it and seen how it binds all things?"
Sage tried to appeal to the man's logical, factual personality. It'd give him favor in the Death-Shadow's eyes if he saw Sage could be an equal. Especially if Sage ever decided to propose what he had in mind.
imported_J'ktal Anajii
Apr 11th, 2003, 02:44:09 AM
"A certain degree of religion is emphasized in the training of the Death-Shadow, and partially because of that I do believe in an all-connecting force, and have been witness to events I can only describe as miraculous," J'ktal replied, then followed with, "But I cannot describe them beyond that for much is still listed as classified material."
The katana was placed in front of himself like a cane and he rested his other paw on top of the handle. "Mr. Hazzard, I understand what the Jedi believe the Force to be, but I myself have not yet felt its presence on myself, if that is your question."
Sage Hazzard
Apr 11th, 2003, 02:51:00 AM
"I'd say you need to, yes? If you ever hope to accomplish your duty and report to your planet of your findings, you'll need first hand accounts. Plus, it does come in handy if your a Jedi," Sage said with a wink.
He dropped onto the floor, crossing his legs and placing his hands on his knees. It must have seemed odd, for such a movement to be made during the middle of a conversation.
"I can, if you'd be pleased, show you how to find the proof of what you've only heard second hand. It's a small task, I'm sure, compared to other trials and challenges you've faced."
imported_J'ktal Anajii
Apr 11th, 2003, 03:00:49 AM
In a fluid motion, J'ktal pulled his katana to his side and dropped to one knee, then both, sitting back on his footpaws beneath him as he set the blade to his left side and placed his paws on his knees respectfully.
"Lead, Mr. Hazzard, I am the pupil now."
Sage Hazzard
Apr 12th, 2003, 02:26:42 AM
Sage nodded.
"I am honored Mr. Anajii."
The Jedi Master closed his eyes.
"You start by closing your eyes. As the darkness surrounds you, replace it with an image. You may use any image you choose, though a simple shape will do and works wonders. As your mind creates this image, focus on the shape, contours, color, lighting, and shadows on this image. Consume yourself with knowing every fact about this image in your mind."
He opened his eyes.
"This allows you to clear your mind of exterior thoughts. When focusing on a mental image no outside visual occurences can disrupt your thought. Nor can emotion control you, as you have no focus to spare if you use it on your imagioned image."
He closed his eyes again.
"Then, as you have approached calm, call for, not out to, the Force. This might seem odd but it is not when you think of what happens behind the scenes. You have, as all Force adept individuals are, a means to connect to the Force. It's as if you have a comm others do not have, so you may contact the Force. It will only answer when called, so it only comes to those of us who have the means to call it. It wants to come to us, for we are it's allies and it our's. However, only through the complete purity of thought, as accomplish through the pre described visualiation step, can the Force hear your call to it. You see? It seems mystical and perhaps unbelieveable. But as they say, the proof is in Yoghurt's pudding," he winked, though he quickly relized the other might not understand that inside joke around the order, only being there shortly.
"So, if you are ready, let's begin."
imported_J'ktal Anajii
Apr 12th, 2003, 03:07:38 AM
Though it was probably deeply annoying to Sage, J'ktal said nothing and simply did as he was told. After all, there was little use arguing with a man who knew more than you on a subject, so the Death-Shadow simply followed instructions.
He imagined an amorphous blob, a green one. One with a lightly rough texture somewhat like sandstone. It rotated and turned over as he commanded it to, mind games were a simple task for him, but as Sage instructed him to focus only on the object, he trained his mind harder and found more detail he had not realized before. At that moment, he let his mind wander, still keeping the image in sight, but looking around as well. Strangely, the more he looked around, the cleared his object came into view. J'ktal never realized it when he made contact with the Force; his practiced calm keeping out the sensation of a higher presence about him.
The joke was also lost on J'ktal, though not so much that he didn't get it, but that he didn't hear it. His senses were too focused on the shifting shape in his mind. J'ktal also didn't even register the last thing Sage said after that.
Sage Hazzard
Apr 13th, 2003, 01:51:23 AM
Sage nodded slowly as he viewed J'ktal through both vision and Force.
"Yes... yes... You feel the calm, yes? Open yourself, invite the answers to your questions. Call out to it and request an audience with the Force."
He instructed, though unwittingly to Sage, he may not have heard it.
imported_J'ktal Anajii
Apr 19th, 2003, 02:28:26 AM
The concept of etherial thinking; it was beyond the realization of most Nehantites, but J'ktal's extensive training had required it. IT allowed the mind to disconnect from the body, allowing him to endure intense physical pain without feeling it until later. It was also allowing him to bridge the gap between the physical body and the flow of the Force. Not quite what the training was intended for, but an interesting byproduct nonetheless.
Though his body felt detached, the Death-Shadow could not help but still get some kind of intereference fromt eh bionic parts of his brain as they failed to comprehend the subroutines the Force was trying to tell them. Finally, he simply shut of the nonessential parts and let his focus remain on the Force, Sage's words finally coming to him.
"An audience?" he questioned, his pink eyes closed. "But I am not dressed for a proper introduction."
His words were wholly serious, but those who knew the gray mongoose would know he was joking. J'ktal's sense of humor was far off-kilter from most, and unless you paid very close attention, you were liable to miss a very witty remark.
Sage Hazzard
Apr 19th, 2003, 02:43:59 AM
Sage laughed out loud. He actually was unsure if it was a joke, but the absurdity of the comment was enough to make him laugh.
He composed himself, not wanting to offend him for laughing at what seemed to be a serious comment.
"It won't mind," he said, stiffling further chuckling. "Do you feel it yet? It's feeling is unmistakeable. You'll know one hundred percent when it touches you."
imported_J'ktal Anajii
Apr 22nd, 2003, 12:21:25 AM
'Seperate the body from the mind; pass the barriers that normal beasts are blocked by. You are above them, you will be Death-Shadow: greatest of all beasts. Your will is unstoppable, and your cunning without match. But remember, your power comes from your mind, and what you know. The greater your learning, the greater you will become. Open your mind and make yourself perfect.' The words came back to him. They were drilled into his brain since his childhood, and had been a staple in the training of the Death-Shadows for over a thousand years.
Stitting stock still, J'ktal let his mind go and further exploerd for this thing known as the Force, but seemed to be haviong difficulty finding it. Well, not finding it. but identifying it.
Unbeknownst to J'ktal, he had used it many times in his life, though he had attributed the effects of it to his training and skills. His greatest use of it had been to become undetectable; silent and occasionally camoflauged, though he never realized it. He had only felt in tune with his environment, nothing more.
"It is an elusive prey, Mister Hazzard," the mongoose said aloud. "It dances about, and lets me know it is there, but is unwilling to come to me directly."
Sage Hazzard
Apr 22nd, 2003, 12:41:45 AM
"Ah, in your words you will find your fault. The Force is not to be sought or hunted as you do 'prey'. To openly seek the Force is to drive it away. Seeking is the sign of wanting, is it not? That is in essence the very antithesis to the Lightside. You must open yourself to it and let it decide on it's own terms to come to you. In fact, to try too hard is to not do."
imported_J'ktal Anajii
Apr 22nd, 2003, 01:13:56 AM
Heeding the Jedi Master's advice, J'ktal changed his tactics and simply let his mind roam free to find what it could, though not trying to pinpoint his quarry. Instead it would be like a good sniping mission. He would remain stationary and let his target come to him. To one like J'ktal, all things tied to death.
After several minutes of silent searching, J'ktal found what he was looking for; the utter calm and peace of the Force opened itself to his calm mind, and he felt the power of it sweeping through him. Even on the best of sense-heightening drugs, he had never felt so attuned to his surroundings. If such a connection could be maintained, he would have the ability to become the most powerful Death-Shadow ever. Ambition was not a trait the Death-Shadow were supposed to have, but it was in his heart, and he could already feel himself coming up with ideas that he was sure would not fit well with the Jedi. Keeping them to himself, the gray mongoose let a rare smile--though slim--grace his features and he said, "I have found it, Mister Hazzard; it is wonderful to behold."
Sage Hazzard
Apr 22nd, 2003, 02:12:24 AM
"You speak the truth, friend. Now, what does it show you? Define what has opened up to you. Ponder what it is you are seeing. Is it visual or something else? How do you see your surroundings in the Force?"
imported_J'ktal Anajii
Apr 22nd, 2003, 12:35:09 PM
It was as if his mental imaging sytem had gone into overdrie. Though his eyes were shut, J'ktal knew where everything int he room was, and also how much it weighed and what it was made out of. Unlike Sejah, the Death-Shadow had no difficulty realizing practical use of such a sense early on.
"Mister Hazzard, if you would humor me, please remain still where you are," he said with a touch of levity in his normally cold voice. Rising swiftly to his footpaws, the gray mongoose kept his eyes closed and cricked his neck. Then, in a flash ove movement, he snapped out a low roundhouse kick that would have connected with Sage's temple, but he stopped it just in time.
Holding his pose as if frozen in time, J'ktal grinned and slowly nudged his footpaw forward, his furry toes brushing against the side of Sage's head before he pulled it back and returned to his stand. "In answer to your question, Mr. Hazzard, I see my surroundings perfectly."
Sage Hazzard
Apr 23rd, 2003, 10:28:02 PM
"Yes, apparently so," he said with a uncontrolled chuckle. "Have you considered yet how one would alter such surroundings? If you wanted to grab a object, how would you do it in this state, hmm?"
imported_J'ktal Anajii
Apr 24th, 2003, 12:55:01 AM
"An object, Mr. Hazzard," J'ktal corrected him, though it wasn't meant to be berating in any way. However, the mongoose's constantly cold voice made it exceedingly difficult to tell just how he meant it.
Keeping his eyes closed, J'ktal mooved his head around as if he were scanning the room. "It would depend on the object, most likely, and beyond that I am unsure. Though I have studied what I can, I regret to admit that there is little published work on the workings of the Jedi Mind that I could get ahold of."
Sage Hazzard
Apr 26th, 2003, 12:58:08 AM
"You should find otherwise in the Jedi Order's archives. Perhaps you should investigate there later."
He paused to think.
"Would you like further teachings of how to move objects or would you rather practice this new sense in combat?"
imported_J'ktal Anajii
Apr 26th, 2003, 01:44:58 AM
"The wise beast chooses to learn that which he does not know when given the opportunity, rather than practicing that which he knows by heart," J'ktal quoted, opening his pink eyes.
"I choose to learn what you speak of, Mr. Hazzard; fighting is something I know all too well."
Sage Hazzard
Apr 27th, 2003, 01:35:32 AM
Sage smiles. He'd actually of chosen differently. Sage is a warrior at heart. Just goes to show there's more than one way to be a warrior.
"As you wish."
He motioned to his surroundings.
"You see the surroundings clearly, more clearly then with your own eyes. What if you were to attempt in that state to will an object to move? It is worth a shot to see if it works, I say. Already you have discovered the Force is nothing like what you are used to. So try it."
imported_J'ktal Anajii
Apr 27th, 2003, 03:21:39 AM
Though Sage might have chosen to learn to fight instead of perform telekenesis, he did not have the same upbringing that J'ktal did. It was highly unlikely that more than a handful of those on Coruscant did. But J'ktal was not allowed to speak in detail about his childhood and his training, and respected the rules enough to follow them. Odds were he could beat most any he came across in a pitched fight, so he desired to learn a new skill instead.
Closing his eyes again, J'ktal quickly followed the same steps he took the first time to come in contact with the living Force, and once he did so, the gray mongoose kept the contact in mind as he opened his eyes once more. "Will an object to move?" he asked for clariication of the assigned task. When he recieved a nod from Sage, he looked about the room until he noticed a potted tree near a window. It was a fruit-brearing tree, looking something like an orange. Starting simple, he focused his mind on one of the hanging fruits and imagined it being plucked clean off and coming to him.
Much to his surprise, it did.
In possibly his first show of real feeling since he came to the order, the Death-Shadow nerviously shot his paw out to cat the thing as it slapped into his palm, stinging a little for he had pulled it too fast. Looking the fruit over, he held it up for Sage to see and asked, "Is there more to it than that? I feel I am missing something, even though it is here in my paw."
He had forced it to come to him, not asked it as a Jedi should. But he could not yet tell the difference between a request and a demand through the Force. In fact, had it not come, his next demand would have been for the whole tree to move. Thankfully, he got it partway right the first time.
Sage Hazzard
Apr 28th, 2003, 12:46:09 AM
Sage was taken aback by the display of skill.
"Well, I can't say there is... However, since you seem displeased with the ends, walk me through the means you took."
imported_J'ktal Anajii
Apr 28th, 2003, 01:02:42 AM
Turning the fruit over in his paws, J'ktal glanced back to the tree and recounted the steps he had followed for Sage.
"First I selected a target, something small, weak, and incapable of causing true damage. Then, using what you called the Force, I amplified my concentration on it and demanded it come to me. I broke the stem and the fruit came to my paw. Though I fear this orange will be bruised when I peel it from the impact."
Sage Hazzard
Apr 28th, 2003, 01:26:13 AM
Sage nodded slowly.
"I see your fault, and perhaps the reason you seem unfufilled. The Force is not something to demand. We must use will, yes, but that is only to speak our intentions to the Force. To demand from it is wrong. It is abuse and slavery of the Force. It is of the Darkside..."
He sighed.
"It is the quick and easy path. Which may be why the fruit came so quickly without practice by it's caller. Try again but with a requesting nature rather than a demanding one. Do you understand?"
imported_J'ktal Anajii
Apr 28th, 2003, 01:53:42 AM
J'ktal passed the orange into his left paw and rolled out his shoulders, taking a breath and calming hismelf before looking at the tree once more.
He spoke little when he did not feel it benefitted the situation, having learned that excess chatter can reveal things best kept secret, and can also distract you from your goal. No dount it bothered Sage in some way that he seemed somewhat unresponsive, but it was his nature and would be difficult to change.
Slowly, the gray mongoose lifted his right arm toward the tree, his paw open with the palm down. With calm thoughts, he selected another fruit, a larger, riper one this time, and focused on it alone, then realized that was what he had done before, so he expanded his field to include the tree. "Request demand from it is wrong..." the words ran through his mind, and he exerted a silent plea to the orange tree for it to give up the fruit and let it come to him. Much to J'ktal's surprise, it did so, the fruit flying slower the second time.
But, even as he got the initial part right, he lost focus halfway through and the orange fell to the floor. Cutting his losses, J'ktal simply stepped forward and picked it up, showing it to Sage. "This will take some practice, but I do believe I understand," he admitted.
Sage Hazzard
Apr 28th, 2003, 11:16:45 PM
"Then you have succeeded, already. What more do you wish to learn to do? Most anything is possible through the Force."
imported_J'ktal Anajii
May 6th, 2003, 09:34:29 AM
"Is perfection possible?" J'ktal asked, looking at the orange on the floor, then closed his eyes. Opening his right paw, the orange shot up from the floor and into it, though it did not remain there long.
The gray mongoose kicked the fruit up into the air with a solid blow from the heel of his palm when it reached him, then, using the force once more, he called his sheathed katana into his left paw, quickly drawing it with his right and droppign the scabbard back while he performed a lightning fast overhead sweep that passed straight through the orange. One half fell into his left paw, the other he caught on the flat of his swordblade.
A dark red liquid rolled down the length of his blade as he held it out toward Sage. "Blood oranges, one of my more favorite varieties. Care for some breakfast?"
It was an outright displayof skill meant to show Sage the level of discipline J'ktal was used to. With the orange half still on his blade flat, the Death-Shadow lifted the other half to his mouth and took a clean bite from the deep reddish-black pulp.
Sage Hazzard
May 7th, 2003, 12:53:44 AM
He lifted the other half off the blade.
He bit into it and smiled.
"Good choice."
He let silence linger before he answered his question.
"Perfection is in the eye of the beholder, is it not? If you are content with your current state, then are you not perfect?"
As he allowed J'ktal to ponder the question he thought to himself on what he'd just seen. The Death-Shadow were clearly as disiplined a group as the Jedi, without the Force no less. It'd do him well to learn about their ways, as well as this Death-Shadow to learn of the Jedi.
imported_J'ktal Anajii
May 7th, 2003, 03:00:05 AM
J'ktal lowered himself to one knee, placing his half of his orange on his knee while he wiped his katana blade clean with a handkercheif, then sheathed it again and picked up the orange half.
Rising to a stand, he looked at Sage with an unwavering gaze and replied, "No, that is ignorance. To settle for what you are is to let others pass you. Perfection is a level that must be constantly improved on to be maintained. It has been attained by seven Death-Shadow in the course of our history. I do not pretend to be one of them, for perfection in that field has already been denied me."
Sage Hazzard
May 8th, 2003, 11:47:02 PM
He ignored the opinion, though he did see the logic in it. His revealation of being denied perfection was more important of an issue to question than his idea of perfection.
"How so, Death-Shadow?"
imported_J'ktal Anajii
May 9th, 2003, 12:20:49 AM
The air between them was a viod of silence for several seconds before J'ktal looked to him and explained, "I have failed a mission before, and have also lost a beast I was to protect. I lost my left arm in that same incident."
The gray-furred Nehantite lifted his left arm away from his body. From the otuside, it seemed just as tight with muscle as the rest of him, but inside it was an elaborate cybernetic system with hydraulic muscular replacements operationg parts of his tissue too badly damaged to be repaired naturally. "It is bionic, more machine than organ, now. It is not the only replacement or alteration I have had to make."
Lowering his arm once more, he paused to take another bite from his orange half, chewing politely before concluding, "Those mistakes were forgiveable to most, but I have also lost a wife and son, as well."
Sage Hazzard
May 9th, 2003, 12:25:43 AM
Sage opened his mouth to reply. He had in mind to tell him he too lost loved ones and he felt his pain. However this did not seek him as a man that needed or wanted comforting. It'd only insult him.
"I see."
He solemnly nodded.
"Perhaps you can perfect one aspect of yourself and find solice in that."
imported_J'ktal Anajii
May 9th, 2003, 12:34:07 AM
"I need no solice, Mr. Hazzard," the Death-Shadow replied flatly. "They died in a fire, it was arson to my uncle's estate meant to kill him. While he survived, my wife and son did not. I found the beast responsible and put an iron fire poker through his skull after nailing him to a concrete wall. My revenge is had."
He took no shame in admitting his kill. It had been outright murder, but Death-Shadows were above the law, unpunishable by any but those in their own order. None of his peers publicly criticized him, or at least were brave enough to do so.
"And, it is not one aspect of myself I wish to perfect when I have the opportunity to better all of them."
Sage Hazzard
May 10th, 2003, 11:47:53 PM
Sage nodded slowly.
"I understand... I think."
He grabbed a sword off the wall with the Force. It wasn't a Lightsabre but rather a solid sword like J'ktal's, though not nearly as personalized.
"Have you ever handled a Lightsabre?"
He took out his own sabre and ignited it, holding it in his other hand. He held the two swords forward and talked of them.
"I can tell you they are quite different. I wonder, will you continue to use your's or... use the Lightsabre? You'd be less perfect with a sabre I think, for practice spawn's perfection."
imported_J'ktal Anajii
May 11th, 2003, 12:35:01 AM
"I will use both," came J'ktal's answer. It was so flat one would think he was simply stating a published fact. Gouging another good section otu of his orange half, the tossed the spent peel expertly into a refuse can and chewed and swallowed before continuing.
"It has been my misfortune to have never handled a lightsaber before, but from my studies it does appear to be a difficult weapon to learn for most men," he stated, then followed it up with, "But I am not most men, and something about you says you are a fine teacher with the blade. Shall we try it, Mr. Hazzard?"
Sage Hazzard
May 11th, 2003, 01:47:12 AM
Sage nodded.
"You read my mind."
The solid sword flew back to it's place on the wall and fit snugly back into it's hold. Sage exchanged it for a lightsabre that also layed against the wall. He handed it to J'ktal and kept his own sabre for himself.
"Feel it's weight? Lighter than a normal sword. However, once you ignite it, this does not change. The sabre is a tool of finesse. Strength is not needed nearly as much, for the sabre slashes through anything it touches instantly. Yet power does have it's benifits when it comes to connecting with other sabres, for strength can still bat the other sabre away."
He jerked his head at the sabre he had given to J'ktal.
"Turn it on and see what I mean."
imported_J'ktal Anajii
May 12th, 2003, 12:26:59 AM
J'ktal turned the device over in his palm, then stepped away for a moment to set his katana down by the wall so it would not be in the way. As he returned to Sage, the mongoose clenched and released his paw around the lightsaber several times, locating a proper grip.
"This will take some getting used to," he announced, then aimed the saber away and pressed the small red button on its side. With a buzzing hiss, a green blade shot forth from the hilt. It was an unreal sensation for J'ktal; the blade, though he could see it, had no effect on the balance of the rest of the saber. It was truly weightless. In his studies he had focused on balance and rtyhm of movement with a traditional sword, but this would be most different.
"Interesting," he spoke absently, somehting very unlike him. Still looking at the blade, the Death-Shadow stepped backwards and performed a few slow swings, then sped up to a rapid figure eight followed by and overhead sweeping strike at the air. Comeing back to a stand, he shut it off again and bounced the metallic handle in his paw with approval. "It defintlely will take getting used to, but I believe I understand it well enough to learn. But I do have a question, Mr. Hazzard."
J'ktal's pink eyes came back up from the saber to meet with Sage's once more. "If the Jedi truly are promoters of peace and protectors of life, then why would they choose the single most lethal close quarters combat weapon in the known universe?"
Sage Hazzard
May 12th, 2003, 01:28:00 AM
He took a moment to ponder the question. He knew the answer, as he often thought of it himself. But the question demanded a bit of thought, despite the answer, his answer atleast, already in place.
"I have two reasons for it, though they are my own personal thoughts on the matter. One, there are unfathomable numbers of those who oppose justice and peace. Such a weapon ensures they will not overcome the innocent. Secondly..."
He paused. Sage was a warrior Jedi to the core, but the thought of killing still chilled him when he thought about it fully. The people he'd killed, their faces, he could remember more of them than he wished to.
"The second reason is mercy. A Lightsabre kills quickly and does the victim honor in a quick and instant death. The people us Jedi use this weapon against... they don't desearve much but they do desearve that."
imported_J'ktal Anajii
May 12th, 2003, 02:09:53 AM
J'ktal was a warrior as well, though trained in a far different manner. He would choose to kill without being seen ratrher than fight in open combat. Not ebcause he feared a fight, but because he enjoyed the thrill of the hunt, and the element of surprise. Already he had plans in mind for the use of a lightsaber. Also unlike Sage was his feeling about killing. The Death-Shadow had felt little to no remore for all the death he had caused in his life, and did not know his kill count, other than it was very high.
"And what if the offending being does not even deserve that?" he asked, his tone morbidly curious. "I am not fully educated on the Jedi ways of justice and moral codes, and fear my ways are different. I would like to know so that I do not someday make a grevious error in the field for not knowing the rules of engagement under that technicality."
Sage Hazzard
May 13th, 2003, 01:24:26 AM
"Well, we differ much in our opinions but we do all agree offense is never an option. We believe in defense only. However, we differ in this much, in how we interpet that. Some Jedi believe defense means in reply to an offense, self defense, protection of an attacking force. However I, like some other Jedi, believe defense can best be done in stopping something before it begins. Which is why I've killed many who have the intention of harming innocent beings, despite the fact they have not put their plans into motion yet," he paused to reflect but quickly continued. "We also do not believe in revenge..."
He became silent then, for it was revenge the Death-Shadow had previously admitted to commiting.
imported_J'ktal Anajii
May 13th, 2003, 01:47:02 AM
"He was a wanted beast with death already on his head," J'ktal defended himself without apparent concern. "I merely was the one who found him and carried his sentence out."
That wasn't quite the truth, but it was close enough in J'ktal's mind that it would have been undetectable as a lie. Even if it had beem a lie, there would be great difficulty finding it out. The Death-Shadow were tought many arts of deception; some excelled at it so well that they could fool others of their own order. J'ktal was one of them.
"That, and I believe that vengance and justice are two seperate entities entirely," he added. "But I will take to mind what you have said, as well as study more on my own time as not to tax you with entry-level questions. But first, as a Jedi and one who upholds your beliefs, do you think it would be right for your order to accept me? I am a trained assassin, and have killed more men and beasts than I can keep memory of. My mind will never be able to reflect the light as you know it, it is too stained with blood and many things you should never know of. Would it be just for the Jedi to train me when they know I might just leave, taking what skills I would learn to go and continue my old ways with?"
Sage Hazzard
May 14th, 2003, 01:08:40 AM
"Jedi are usually trusting and forgiving. We see the good in people and choose to examine that. Though all Jedi teach starting with how to use what they have tought. I would not teach a Padawan something that could cause harm to others without trusting that Padawan to do the right thing. I tought you telekinisis, so I have already showed you that I believe you aren't going to betray me. Unless of course you're better at deception than I thought."
imported_J'ktal Anajii
May 14th, 2003, 01:54:48 AM
"I might be," J'ktal admitted with a grin. It was amazing how even when he did smile, it never gave the impression that he liked you any more than if he held a knife to your throat. "That will remain to be seen. I thank you for your honesty, Mr. Hazzard."
He took the moment to look over the lightsaber in his paw once more. It was a curious object, steel and plastics. The speed with which it could be weilded was uncanny, and he brought the blade to life once more. "Fascinating, truly fascinating. It will pass through anything, you say? A pity, as well. As much as I enjoy a live blade in a practice duel, I fear this is one weapon too dangerous to try a spar cold with. I would like very little to remove one of your arms, Mr. Hazzard, or one of my own, for that matter."
Sage Hazzard
May 15th, 2003, 01:44:31 AM
Sage chuckled. "Well... thanks."
He clipped his sabre back to his belt.
"Yes, fighting with a sabre is usually reserved for those trained highly in the Force. You become more intune to each swing, to the point where it becomes almost impossible to accidently disembody yourself. I'm certain you'd profit well in the knowledge of such things, being such an accomplished warrior already. We Jedi have our roles and places like any society. There are teachers, doctors, librarians, politicians, and warriors. I have chosen warrior, along with teacher. Perhaps you'd permit me to teach you firsthand to become a warrior... of the Jedi."
imported_J'ktal Anajii
May 16th, 2003, 12:26:05 AM
Shutting the saber off, J'ktal nodded, but just barely. "That would be most appreciated, Mr. Hazzard," he replied, coming to an easy stance before him. What was considered an easy stance by him would have been half-attention to others. His training even spoke in the way he stood.
"I do not fancy myself a warrior, though," he admitted, seemingly contradictory to his appearance and all he had said so far. "A warrior is sometimes too brash, and seeks only the violent solution without giving chance to notions of stealth and skulduggery. The warrior's path is often the one to early death for he charges in blindly where he should stay back and shoot from a distance. No offence, Mr. Hazzard, I merely speaking in the general sense of the term."
Sage Hazzard
May 16th, 2003, 01:47:09 AM
Sage nodded. "Perhaps we can change the meaning of the term then, in time. For now, you can call it what you wish."
He walked closer to J'ktal.
"I look forward to teaching you all I know. Perhaps you can return the favor one day."
He crossed his arms.
"Are you opposed to accompanying me on missions, having training sessions, and being considered by the Jedi to be... my Padawan? Or would that be beneath you, Mr. Anajii?"
imported_J'ktal Anajii
May 16th, 2003, 01:50:52 AM
"If I were to be learning new skills, then I find no shame in calling a man my master," came J'ktal's reply. "I will accompany you, and assist you, in any way that I can, but as far as teaching you all I know, that I cannot do. There are things I know which I would never be allowed to teach you, and things I assure you you have no desire to learn. But, what is possible I will share as far as my edict allows."
Sage Hazzard
May 17th, 2003, 01:23:59 AM
Sage bowed. "I thank you."
He came back up and glanced back to the table with weapons.
"Would you mind showing me your skill in combat? A demonstration perhaps."
imported_J'ktal Anajii
May 17th, 2003, 02:27:19 AM
Following Sage's sidelong glace to the array of practice weapons, the Death-Shadow then looked back to his katana on the floor, and finally to the lightsaber in his paw before turning back to Sage. "A demonstration of what kind, Mr. Hazzard? Solo, or a duel, and with what form of weaponry?"
Sage Hazzard
May 17th, 2003, 11:33:59 PM
"Let's check you out in your natural state."
He called a steel sword to his hand.
"We stop at first blood... a scratch will suffice," he said with a wink. "Do the honors of opening it, Mr. Anajii."
imported_J'ktal Anajii
May 18th, 2003, 03:35:53 AM
<font size=1>OOC- I'm not trying to GM here, but, J'ktal is one of the few of his kind who can beat Sejah in a swordfight. He is very, very well trained.<font size=2>
"Very well then," J'ktal agreed, then went to retrieve his katana and placed the lightsaber on the floor where it had been. "To first blood."
Coming to a stand a few paces before Sage, the Death-Shadow bowed neatly, then drew his blade with a flash, whipping it up around his head before discarding the laquered scabbard and bringing his second paw to the base of the grip, holding it in a hasae no kamea stance.
He stool still for several moments, his body completely unmoving, and when he did move in, his body gave away nothing, nor did his mind. He had several possible strikes on his mind always, and he would only decide at the last moment which would be best. He decided on a step-in, low to high strike powered by the leverage between his paws, and a lightning-fast swing of his arms. It met with Sage's blade, as he had expected, but J'ktal followed it up with a return swing that was aimed for his shoulder.
Sage Hazzard
May 19th, 2003, 01:26:25 AM
Sage raised his sword back around, in an arc, the blade picking up incredible speed as he went for the block. The Jedi Master had focused most all of his training on perfecting his fighting attributes. Most notably was his strength. The blade met J'ktal's and his strength stopped the blade cold, sending it away.
Sage planted his left foot and pivoted on it, spinning. He came with a slash at the end of his spin, focused on J'ktal's waist.
OOC - Understood. :)
imported_J'ktal Anajii
May 19th, 2003, 01:43:26 AM
So, Sage was strong, and he was quick on the take as well. But, was he graceful?
That was the thought that ran through J'ktal's brain as he found himself countered. As the Jedi Master wound up for a hip strike, J'ktal held his blade perpindicular to the floor with his right paw, and placed his left near the top of it, the flat of his palm sideways against the blunt back of the katana blade. In a crafty move, J'ktal caught Sage's blade near the tsuba (handguard) of his katana, and then ducked down and backwards as he used his left paw as a pivot point while he pushed up with hsi right, guiding Sage's sword up, and eventually over himself, passing it to the other side.
Wasting no time, the Death-Shadow kept his left paw behind his blade and then lunged forward with it flat, slamming against Sage's chest, though turning the blade at the last moment to connect with the blade flat instead of the edge as not to cut him. It was a Shadow level trick, and one enjoyed employing.
"I win," J'ktal announced in his cold voice, though there was some pleasure in it.
Sage Hazzard
May 20th, 2003, 12:28:57 AM
Sage stepped back, smiling thinly.
His smiled broadened to show his teeth
"You and me will fit well together, Death-Shadow. It's not often I have a Padawan who I can trust to protect my six with such skill."
imported_J'ktal Anajii
May 20th, 2003, 12:47:44 AM
"Yes, I believe you and I shall get along quite well," J'ktal agreed, lowering his sword and looking into Sage's eyes.
"I take it you find yourself in dangerous situations often?" he asked, hoping the answer would be yes. While on temporary leave from the N.I.S.C., J'ktal would have no secodary missions or assignments, and foresaw training with the Jedi to be 'light training' compared to his normally busy schedule.
"Oh, and you may wish to look at your left thigh," the gray mongoose added with a smirk, looking down to a small, needle-like dart sticking out of Sage's leg. "I threw it when I drew by sword; I had first blood before I even took a swing. You may want to remove it soon, as it will nearly paralyze your leg for a few hours if you leave it in much longer. It works much faster on those of my species, but has a lesser effect on humans, I fear. No harm intended, but, I do like to insure my victories, Mr. Hazzard."
Sage Hazzard
May 21st, 2003, 01:17:20 AM
He slowly bent down to take out the dart, smirking with a raised eyebrow as he did.
"I guess that's obvious," he said with a laugh as he pulled the dart out. "Oh, and yes, I do find myself in the more dangerous of missions. Mainly by my own doing I'm afraid."
imported_J'ktal Anajii
May 21st, 2003, 02:04:42 AM
"In that case," J'ktal replied as he held out his paw and took the dart back, "I will make it a point to ensure that you use better judgement. How are missions assigned to the Jedi, if I might ask."
Sage Hazzard
May 22nd, 2003, 12:31:20 AM
"Well, the calls for help come in and are sent out to every Jedi. Then, you choose the mission you wish to go on. Sometimes though missions go through the Council and they give them to the Jedi of their choosing. That's usually in the more high priority cases."
imported_J'ktal Anajii
May 22nd, 2003, 12:57:41 AM
"Then this will not be so terribly different than what I am used to," J'ktal smiled again. His smile was always discomforting, for it seemed wholly unnatural, like the smile of the Grim Reaper.
"We Death-Shadow work on a much similar basis, though occasionally we do things as we see fit, even if not assigned. I am certain, though, our methods of payment are different," He pointed out. "Again, I am uncertain as to the method of compensation for the Jedi. As a Death-Shadow, we were guarenteed at least a certain amount for each mission, according to the danger and importance, and then would recieve more in accordance to things we might have done that were above expected level of expertiese."
Sage Hazzard
May 22nd, 2003, 01:06:43 AM
"Yes, there is a substantial difference between the two groups in that area. Jedi do not expect or want any reward. We don't recieve a prize for doing something. The act is it's own reward."
imported_J'ktal Anajii
May 22nd, 2003, 01:09:35 AM
"Then how does a Jedi aquire funds to pay for ships, equipment, and other goods? I imagine that they are not all fully supplied. I have my own ship, so I am fortunate in that department, but for other things, personal goods; where does a Jedi get money for that?" He asked.
Sage Hazzard
May 23rd, 2003, 12:57:36 AM
"In fact, they are all supplied. Sure, some of the more expensive and personal things are bought individually, but those come usually from days before joining the Jedi. Like my personal ship is a hold over from my days in the military on my home planet. We're fairly modest, we Jedi. Though anything we wish for can be supplied if it is in reason. The things the Jedi acquire and despense to all Jedi come from making them ourselves or getting them through donations. Sometimes we are given money to buy things with if we wish. Money comes from donations as well, or sometimes the government gives us aid if we request it."
imported_J'ktal Anajii
May 23rd, 2003, 01:01:23 AM
"I see," The Death-Shadow nodded. "It will take me some time to adapt to these ways, but I shall be able to do so, I feel. I was not concerend with finances, really; I do posess a veritable small fortune, and my family has great wealth as well. It was mere curiosity."
Sage Hazzard
May 23rd, 2003, 01:11:56 AM
Hmm... so he came from wealth. Did the Death-Shadows make much money, or was this from a family business... Sage was intrigued by this man, especially considering he didn't seem to reveal too much of his hand at anytime. By the Force, he had a permanant sabaac face!
"Understood. Anything else you're curious about?"
imported_J'ktal Anajii
May 23rd, 2003, 01:37:01 AM
"Yes," J'ktal replied, then retrieved his scabbrd form the floor and sheathed his katana, also replacing the dart into the head of the scabbard at the same time.
"A great many things still are unclear to me, but many answers will come in time. But, I have one question in particular: How is the health of another padawan here, Sejah Haversh. I saved his life some weeks back, and have not heard any further news. He did return safely, did he not?"
Sage Hazzard
May 23rd, 2003, 02:01:03 AM
Sage pondered the question. He wasn't close friends with Sejah, and wasn't informed one way or the other.
"I can't say I know. I can find out, if you wish," he said detatching a comm link from his belt.
imported_J'ktal Anajii
May 23rd, 2003, 02:21:14 AM
J'ktal raised an open paw to stay Sage's actions. "Do not bother," he said, shaking his head slightly, "I will find out in my own time. I have other questions for you, though, Mr. Hazzard."
"The lightsaber, I know it is to be constructed by the Padawan before he or she is to be promoted, but for the sake of training I presume another shall be supplied, or they are at least responsible for obtaining one. I am able to get in my possession the lightsaber of a fallen Sith. Though a weapon cannot be of alignment, would it still be improper for me to practice with such an artifact?"
Sage Hazzard
May 23rd, 2003, 02:35:48 AM
Sage found himself pondering again. Had J'ktal been the fall of the Sith? Or did he simply come across his remains...
He clipped his comm back to his belt.
"Weapons don't hold any alignment. Though I'd be careful. When constructing a lightsabre a Jedi must put himself deeply in the Force to make the weapon. It not only helps to guide the maker but also seems to fuse the parts together and make them work better together. It's a very mysterious result, but it is apparent the difference between a Force influenced lightsabre and a non influenced one. I wouldn't think the Sith's essence to be in it, but I'm not convinced there would be no Dark Side residue... I'd say... proceed with caution."
imported_J'ktal Anajii
May 23rd, 2003, 02:42:26 AM
"A Death-Shadow is never reckless," J'ktal offered an old platitude from his trainign days with the same unnerving smile he had displayed before. "I will bring it to you first once it arrives, Mr. Hazzard, so that you might inspect it to ensure it is safe for me to use."
Sage Hazzard
May 23rd, 2003, 09:17:45 PM
"A wise decision."
Sage placed his hands behind his back.
"Tell me, in the Death-Shadow do you have Masters and Apprentices?"
imported_J'ktal Anajii
May 24th, 2003, 12:44:47 AM
"Yes and no," came J'ktal's reply. "I cannot tell you some aspects of the Death-Shadow, jsut as you cannot reveal to me all that the Jedi know and are, but there are many things I can tell. Come, sit and I will explain."
The gray Nehantite led the way to a small padded bench against the wall and began his narration. "In recent times, the training of the Death-Shadow has altered on a massive scale. One hundred and fifty years ago, there was only one Death-Shadow at any given time, and it was his responsibility to train the next. That was how the system had worked for over a millenia. But, as the population grew, and the Nehantish came under one unified rule, the need for the Death-Shadow outstripped his ability to perform, so five were passed on to the titel instead. Rapidly the tradition became a program, and ther are currently one hundred and sixty-two Death-Shadows in active service.
"The candidates for becoming one of my kind are picked at birth, and must be chosen before even one week of life has passed. They are chosen for many reasons; family history, importance of their house, and occasionally the personal feeling of the Death-Shadow who is choosing. Lately genetics have been taken into account, but many are still picked on instinct. They must be chosen in person by a current Death-Shadow, and he picks between ten and twenty fo become a class. They are removed from the responsiblility of their parents, though they are allowed visitation, and taken to live in a training facility.
"The first four years of life are spent learnign the basic skills that any child learns, though play and humor are not expressly encouraged. Honor, discipline, and perfection in actions and intelligence are rewarded distinctions. When a candidate is old enough, a physical training routine is begun that will only become more difficult through the rest of their life. Weapons training comes at age seven, after mid-level unarmed fighting skills are at the required level. It is in the stage when weapons come into play that the greatest challenge comes. We tend to lose nearly a fifth of the selected candidates to either serious injury or death while training. It is a risk they all know is there, and to demand anything less of them would yeild an inferior product.
"Around the age of ten, a group mission is introduced, with mock targets in a real-life environment. Extensive training is given in both urban and rural assauly and stealth. Psycological training is also introduced to them. By this time, the candidates are supposedly equal to seasoned army generals in their combat expertiese, so it is said.
"The years between ten and fifteen hold the higest mortality rate is higest. We lose nearly a third of the candidates to training accidents and poor battlefield actions. I have been responsible for the deaths of some myself, but it is not a thing that weighs on my mind. They know what they are up against, and know tht their lives are in danger. It also becomes apparent at this point that some will not be able to make it though the rest of the training, so they are dismissed into the Shadow program if they wish, or returned to their family. Few can ever find true acceptance though, and return to military service."
J'ktal paused to make sure Sage was understanding everything, and when he was sure, he continued.
"With nearly half the original number of candidates left in a class, many classes are combined, and current Death-Shadows also combine efforts in order to teach them more skills than we ourselves posess alone. When the general age is nearly sixteen, they are given solo assignments, usually covert operations with live weapons, or tactical entry into real security systems. They are to proceed as if the mission is real, and complete whatever task we assign them. My first mission was to kill the son of a drug lord. He was seven years old at the time, and I shot him through the head with a silenced pistol from across the room. It is that first mission that finally tells the Death-Shadows if that candidate is truly able to become what they have been trained for.
"During their military training, the mind is also excercised. Mandatory schooling in advanced electronics, literiture, and matematics is fundemental, as well as sciences and culture. For instance, I can compute most calculus in my head, and I can also play concert piano and violin as well, Not all can do so, I did graduate near the top of my class. There are also lessons on disguise, interrogation, torture, procreation, and endurance of harsh physical pain. Out of the ten to twenty wo are picked, only one or two become a Death-Shadow. I was responsible for a group of twelve males and two females, all aged seven at the moment. But my extended leave has put them under the guidance of another Death-Shadow whom I trust. They will be fine until I return, which I do plan on doing, if only to bid a farewell and offer last advice.
"Does that answer your question, Mr. Hazzard? Or does it bring more?" He finsihed with a slight smirk.
Sage Hazzard
May 24th, 2003, 01:06:09 AM
What a horrible way to grow up. Though Sage reminded himself this was much like how the Jedi of old conducted themselves, though not to such a mercenary end or to such a heartless product. One that would kill a seven year old child. Still Sage held no contempt or dislike for the Death-Shadow. It was how he was raised, it was all he knew. Perhaps one day he would become more of a... moral person.
"No... no. I understand fully. Thank you."
imported_J'ktal Anajii
May 24th, 2003, 01:13:29 AM
Though he was not trained in sensing emotions throught he Force, J'ktal was an expert reader of faces and body movements. He could tell what he said had upset Sage, but that was simply the way things were.
"It upsets you, Mr. Hazzard, I can see it on you," J'ktal said. "We do not aspire to be like the Jedi, nor do we devote our lives to evil and self-centeredness. We are the hidden truth; the beasts who carry out plans none should know about. We keep the peace, albeit in a different manner. But, now that you know this much, are you still willing to take me as your pupil? I will understand if you are uneasy with the idea."
Sage Hazzard
May 24th, 2003, 01:43:03 AM
"The Death-Shadow and the Jedi seem to have two means to get to the same ends. I'm certain a well read individual such as yourself is aware that every problem has multiple solutions, or ways to arrive at the solution. Perhaps I can in time convince you that the way the Jedi employ is best. I'll attempt to do so in any case. You are, still my pupil, of course."
imported_J'ktal Anajii
May 24th, 2003, 01:49:00 AM
"Good, it is settled, then," the gray mongoose nodded. "Now that I have explained the overview of how a Death-Shadow is trained, would you care to explain the standard training cycle of the Jedi?"
Sage Hazzard
May 25th, 2003, 10:13:49 PM
"Certainly," he replied. "It's rather simple actually. A recruit comes in and is eventually assigned to a Master. Then, that apprentice goes with the Master on missions, is taught about the Force by him, and is trained. When the time comes that the Master believes he has taught all that can be taught by himself he goes before the Council and proposes Knighthood be bestowed on that Padawan. If he is accepted, he is given the rank of Knight and is released from his Master's entensive tutorlege. If he is denied, he continues to be an apprentice until the day arrives he will be accepted as a Knight. Then, that Knight performs the duties all Jedi do, going on their own missions and perhaps taking a Padawan of their own. One day, the council may deem that Knight's service good enough to be risen to the rank of Master. Not all Knights can be Masters, it takes skill and knowledge, along with the ability to apply them. The rank of Master is the end of the journey through ranks, but all Masters do generally the same activities as the Knights, except for the obvious rise in social stature and reverence."
He smiled. "Any questions?"
imported_J'ktal Anajii
May 26th, 2003, 03:34:42 AM
"I believe I understadn the system now," J'ktal nodded. "As I have said before, there will be a period of adjustment I must undergo, but all seems in order. Am I to presume because of what has been said in this conversation that you have decided to take me as your pupil, Mr. Hazzard?"
Sage Hazzard
May 26th, 2003, 10:40:36 PM
Sage chuckled. "Well... yeah."
imported_J'ktal Anajii
May 26th, 2003, 10:59:32 PM
"Very well then, I have no qualms about being your student, Master Hazzard," the gray-furred Nehantite replied, using Master instead of Mr. now.
"Is there anything else you wish to discuss, or ask of me? I realize that so foreign a species can be quite the call for inquisition."
Sage Hazzard
May 30th, 2003, 11:51:59 PM
"I must admit, I am quite curious about your culture and biology."
imported_J'ktal Anajii
May 31st, 2003, 02:47:10 AM
"If it is the capacity for intelect in this form of body you are inquiring about, it is theorized that we are every bit as capable as humans are for reason and civilized thought," J'ktal answered, though somehow not sounding aloof or offended. "And, like yours, I am sure, my culture has many facets. But I do believe such things are better discussed over a glass of wine, or possibly a meal. I hear that there is a popular Jedi restaurant across the street, is this true?"
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