View Full Version : Woke Up This Morning: Blue Moon in Your Eyes

Aurelias Kazaar
Mar 17th, 2003, 02:06:08 AM

Woke up this Morning by Alabama 3

Woke up this morning
Got yourself a gun,
Your mama always said you’d be
The Chosen One.

She said: You’re One in a million
You’ve got to burn to shine,
But you were born under a bad sign,
With a blue moon in your eyes.

Woke up this morning
All that love had gone,
Your Papa never told you
About right and wrong.

But you’re
But you’re looking good, baby,
I believe you’re a feeling fine, shame about it,
Born under a bad sign
With a blue moon in your eyes.
So sing it now,

Woke up this morning
Got a blue moon
Got a blue moon in your eyes
Woke up this morning
So sad
God damn
God damned shame about it.

You see you woke up this morning
The world turned upside down, Lord above,
Thing’s ain’t been the same
Since the blues walked into town.

But you’re
But you’re one in a million
Cos you’ve got that shotgun shine, shame about it,
Born under a bad sign,
With a blue moon in your eyes.

Woke up this morning
Got a blue moon
Got a blue moon in your eyes
Woke up this morning
So sad
God damn
God damned shame about it.

Woke up this morning
Got a blue moon
Got a blue moon in your eyes.
Woke up this morning
Oh yeah. Oh yeah.
You just can't help yourself

When you woke up this morning everything was gone. By half past ten your head was going ding-dong. Ringing like a bell from your head down to your toes, like some voice trying to tell you there’s something you should know. Last night you were flying but today you’re so low - ain’t it times like these makes you wonder if you’ll ever know the meaning of things as they appear to the others; wives, husbands, mothers, fathers, sisters and brothers. Don’t you wish you didn't function, don’t you wish you never think beyond the next paycheck and the next little drink? Well you do, so make up your mind to go on, ‘cos when you woke up this morning everything you had was gone.

Woke up this morning,
When you woke up this morning
Woke up this morning,
You woke up this morning
Woke up this morning,
Want to be,
You want to be the Chosen One.
Yeah, you know it.
Just can’t help yourself, yeah.

Woke up this morning,
When you woke up this morning
Woke up this morning,
Woke up this morning
Woke up this morning,

Got yourself a gun.
Got yourself a gun.
Got yourself a gun.


"Whatta ya mean ya go on information on this bounty?!?" Aurelias Kazaar was incredulous as he stared at Rimar Falkson.

The Weequay gave a growl as cigar smoke began filling the dark booth.

"Ahss I told you, Kazaaarrrrr," he hissed, "Kimiiki Crrreii put the bounty up on yourrr head thrree daysss ago. Forr 800,000."

Rimar sucked in a breath, then coughed, "You tend to be verry lucky, Aurrelias. Didn't you just have a 500,000 crredit bounty get offa yourr head?"

Kazaar cursed. It was his lot in life. Complete one mission, have the guy's brother put a bounty on ya head. Get that 'fixed' and some have some uptight, over anxious, nutball offa Albino put'n even bigger bounty on ya head. It was 'nough t'make Kazaar wish he'd never gotten into huntin' t'begin with.

Course what th'hell else'm I gonna do? Marry the kid and live a quiet life? Pffah.

The bounty hunter shook his head.

"All right Rimar, what's ya price?" Kazaar looked around with his black eyes, hopin' no one was scoutin' for him. Coruscant might be large, but leave it up t'some damn hunter t'get lucky and find him 'ere. With Estelle tending t'brief Council business, Kazaar was out in the open.

He crossed his arms as Rimar looked at him.

"Considerr it friendly ahdvice Kazaarr...wahtch your back."

"Pfah, thanks Rimar, you're a real pal," Aurelias turned and walked out of the small booth into the expanse of Coruscant's underworld.

Like most planets, Coruscant had it's underworld element. However this one tended to rival Nal Hutta and Nar Shadda. Bein' the center of the galaxy did it. Hutt Syndicates fought over Coruscant territory, smaller crime lords like the Alibino Kimiiki Crei wanted pieces of the pie, plus ya had stuff like ShadowFaene Fortress and James Nairalix who just lurked in the shadows. Then there was the Black Sun and the Trade Federation.

And th'New Republic, while trying t'stomp it out, still catered t'the organizations. After all they had helped 'em during the Galactic Civil War. A little kickback here, a little ignoring of functions 'ere. It was a ruthless system, but who gave a flyin' mynock? Kazaar sure didn't.

Which is why as he walked onto one of the dark streets on Coruscant, he cast a gaze left and right, then pulled his jacket up so the collar obstructed his face. Never hurt t'be safe.

Smoke poured from his mouth as he stalked down the street, his eyes catching with one of the passer-byes. He quickly shifted his eyes back to the road in front of him, then got into the waiting speeder. But not before checking it for any tracking devices and bombs. He found none.

A minute later, and the pulled away from the darkness and headed into more.

The dark underworld of Coruscant.

Mar 19th, 2003, 12:36:51 AM
Sting= "Aranthol check the comp system see what you can bring up on Aurelias Kazaar. Who his friends are and who he works for. I want to know what his habits are and what his training and experience is."

Aranthol ran his fingers smoothly over the console. "We're going to need to refuel before the next stop Sting. A few blips later and the console lit up.

"Okay here we go Aurellias Kazaar born on Kuat his life was pretty normal a few fights but nothing major. Later he joined the New Republic for a few years. where it is rumored that he tortured an Imperial. Needless to say they let him go and the NR confirms there was an attack. He had some run in with our man Crei. Escaping twice and wounding him once. Crei wants his blood everyone knows that. He currently works under Gorgja the Hutt but according to some reports there relationship is tenuous.
He is an accomplished bounty hunter with 43 confirmed marks."

Sting= "43!! hmmn a professional then. Good I wouldn't want to make this to easy" Where is this Gorgja located?"

"Yslesia" Aranthol answered.

Sting= "Punch in the coardinates to Yslesia Aranthol. Where going to have a little talk with Gorgja."

"Yes sir, Aranthol fired the engines with a smile he knew the hunt had begun.

Mar 20th, 2003, 07:53:52 AM
It was far past midnight on the streets of Coruscant, not much was stirring, when Rimar Falkson suddenly felt a brush of cold air across his face and a loud whining noise. Like a falling rocket. He looked up into the skies above but it was too late, Jodo Kast descended upon him like a bird of prey. Rimar made a feeble attempt to flee away but lacked the fit conditioning of the hunter in pursuit. A gauntleted hand swiftly reached out and grasped the weequay's shoulder and roughly spun him around. The alien tried to pull a hold-out blaster but that was batted out of his hand and he found himself slammed painfully into the duracrete wall of a nearby building. The armored hunter pinned him against it with a forearm across his throat and the informant's terrified face reflected back to himself in the cold black visor of the hunter's helmet.

"Where is he?" Jodo Kast demanded, he sounded distant and hollow because of his helmet's voicecom.

"Wherre is who?" the alien stuttered.

"Aurelias Kazaar!" the hunter shot back.

"I don't know what yerr tahking about... sirr?" the weequay began to whine.

"I have been tracking him since Chandrila. Don't lie to me because the last informant made this same error," Jodo Kast hissed through clenched teeth, followed by the sound of weapon being pulled from it's leather. The weequay suddenly lost his amnesia, cracking under the pressure and stress.

"Ahrright... pleasse... dahn't hurrt me... he wahs herre a couple of hahrrs ago ... buying information... thaht's all ah know... honestly..." Rimar pleaded, his leathery visage became even more knitted and sour-looking.

The hunter let him go and he slumped to the ground, gasping and holding his throat. Jodo Kast studied the skies and looking every which way, down the streets and into buildings. Like he was smelling the air, trying to catch wind of a fresh scent trail. Finding he was ignored, the weequay rose to his feet. Slinking against the wall, while keeping his eye on the armored man. He nearly made it to the safety of shadows when his foot kicked an empty tin. His eyes looked fearfully up at the hunter and mouthed the words "uh-oh" as Jodo Kast spun around and put a scarlet bolt through the informant's throat. His body dropped listless to the ground and Rimar now made the authorities missing persons list as it's newest addition.

Aurelias Kazaar
Mar 20th, 2003, 10:36:03 AM
The good news was...Kazaar had three apartments (all under assumed names) on Coruscant. In his line o'work ya couldn't be too cautious.

Th'one he currently slept in was near th'Jedi Academy. Th'Kid been fairly insistant on it.

"I don't care what you do, Kazaar!" she'd hissed at him, "But you're staying near here and that's final!"

He'd been shocked t'see her act like that.

I'm rubbin' offa th'kid. Good.

Everyone had t'grow up at some point.

He was lookin' out over the expanse of Coruscant City, towards the tower of the Jedi Academy. The glass doors were closed and made of the kinda glass ya could see outta, but not into.

A glass of bourbon rested in one of th'hunter's hand while the other helped him lean against the panelling of the door. He wasn't smoking, but that would b'remedied fairly quickly.

Kazaar pushed off from the frame, guiding himself to the bed where he plunked down on th'hard mattress. His shirt and jacket laid next t'him. Kazaar's blaster, though, was strapped to his body via shoulder holster.

With a *click* Kazaar's butane lighter lit his dark cigar and he took a long puff.

"That's th'stuff..." he breated as he let the aroma fill the air. He lay there, and stared at the ceiling wonderin' when th'kid would return.

"I'm not gonna sit around all day and let th'hunters chase me. If Crei wants me...then Crei's gonna get me. But I gotta figure out who's after me t'begin with.

"And I know just th'person who'd know too."

Kazaar chuckled a short, deep chuckle and finished his drink.

Now...where th'hell's Estelle?

Janus Versa
Mar 20th, 2003, 07:13:37 PM
"Where 'sat? Y--" Janus fumbled over the name of their first appointed destination taking a look at a datapad next to him. "--Yelselsia." The others laughed and he ham-handedly dropped the datapad onto the computer console behind, grumbling at their amusement. "Whatever it's called. I hear there's a cult of people who come from all over the galaxy to spend some time therre. They say it's an enlightening experience, others say it's a scandalous Hutt rouse to brainwash these wierdos into slaves."

He spun on his seat, turning to face the computer console and laughed. "It's all one big, steaming pile of rancor poodoo if you ask me. You guys believe any of that stuff?"

For a while after that, the armoured mercenary kept himself to himself, quietly searching the ships onboard databanks for information on Ylesia, Kazaar and the Hutts' operations concerning the notorious bounty hunter. After the passing of Zavval the Hutt, the infamous criminal kingpin was succeeded by Gorgja who immediatly took over all operations; terminating a fair number and starting some projects of his own.

"Hmm, did you know that 'It takes millions of Ylesian white worms to fill a Hutt' - fascinating!" The bounty hunter scoffed at his current lack of success to discover anything of value to their hunt. "We should find out more about this tenuous relationship of theirs."

Changing his tactics, Janus began reading through media studies of criminal activities on Ylesia; there was the usual talk of spice mining and refining, mention at illegal intelligence trades and arms smuggling. Then there was an article which was entitled 'Dissension in the Ranks' which made the mercenary lean in closer to the computer terminal. It was about Gorgja's reputation for making more enemies than friends, even with his own staff. There were incidents of executions and torture, theft and extortion and there was one reference which caught the bounty hunter's attention; one of the Hutt's bounty hunters was rumoured to kill a bith musician in retaliation to Gorgja's refusal to pay for his services. "His services--" Janus whispered in anticipation, a description of said bounty hunter followed, it was vague but there was no one else in the galaxy who would fit it. "--Aurelias Kazaar, you sure are one of a kind."

"But soon to be one of a kind." He added turning to Sting. "Tenuous might be an understatement, Aranthol, looks like they've had a history of disagreements and personality clashes. Should make for an interesting talk with the ugly wretch."

Mar 20th, 2003, 08:35:31 PM
Aranthol and Sting nodded as they entered Yslesia air space. "Aranthol see what you can do about arrainging a meeting with this Gorgja" Sting said. Getting permission from the orbiting space station they landed in the nearest docking bay. The place thrived with aliens from every sector. All kinds of ships of different makes and models where parked in the bay. Sting, Aranthol and Janus stepped off into the crowded bay. Sting spoke to Janus quickly "They dont have many laws here for outlanders so go in loaded." Janus nodded.

Sting= "Aranthol where you able to set up an appointment?" "Yes" Aranthol answered "He said he would meet with us this evening."

Sting= "Good we can get the lay of the land though it mostly looks like swamp. This area is one of the rare one's where they actually have some city. Janus see what you can find out and meet us back here in the evening.

Estelle Russard
Mar 22nd, 2003, 06:35:19 PM
It had only been a short time since her return from Chandrilla, ( and Estelle was finding that the experience of evading Bounty Hunters with Kazaar instead of fading in relief of being home where she belonged, was rather increasing in anxiety within her.

Aurelias, in typical fashion, was dismissing it as "just another day in the life of" and told her to forget about it. "It's nothin' kid" - she could still hear how hollow that assurance sounded. Especially when Kazaar's eyes reflected the lie of it. For a man who had been a scoundrel the better part of his life, he made a lousy liar when it came to her. "I could probably even beat him at sabaac" Estelle mused affectionately.

The smile was still in place as the Council was dismissed for the afternoon. Not that she'd been much help - Estelle was still finding her place in her new position within the Council and mainly played the role of an observer. She prefered it that way - she still had much to learn both from those of higher rank, as well as her peers.

Lessons with her padawans had been put off for a day or two also, so unsettled had she been by what was continually growing into a dark shadow in her mind. Maximas, Plo Koon and Aejin would be learning patience this week, she smiled to herself, and she was certain they would not be liking it.

Leaving the grand halls of the GJO Council rooms, the Jedi Knight turned right, a contradiction of her usual left which would take her to the Academy Living Quarters. She had arranged to meet with Kazaar, much as he'd hummed and hawed about it. He knew her well enough that she was looking for an update on the events of Chandrilla. He'd probably want to avoid the conversation completely, but again, he knew Estelle better than that. Being tracked by a War Droid and a Darksider at the behest of the Crime Lord Kimiiki Crei was not an everyday occurance, all of Aurelias' swaggering not withstanding. And Estelle intended to see what further information had turned up.

Bottom line, Estelle was worried for Kazaar. Which was nothing new, to be sure. Story of her life, actually. But this was different somehow. It was a very real threat and she wanted to help.

Deciding to walk the 8 or 9 blocks that would take her to Kazaars apartment, Estelle bundled her Jedi cloak about her, tucking her head down and hurried out into the chaotic hustle and bustle that was the planet city of Coruscant.

Mar 22nd, 2003, 10:23:18 PM
Aranthol said that the information that Gorgja needed was down here. Slaggerds Pit it was called. It was a pit alright every dreg in the galaxy seemed holed up in here. Sting walked up to the bar amidst the refuse of beings.

"Do you know the whereabouts of Char Sozo I have business to discuss with him?" The one eyed bartender nodded and pointed to the back of the bar where a lively Sabac game was going on.

Apparently Char Sozo was having a good night. Sting stood back and watched the game. He had some time to kill before he was to meet with the Slug anyway...

Char Sozo was very good but Sting also noticed he was also a cheater. The other players would soon catch him if he persisted with his foolishness.

Sure enough. "Hey!" someone grabbed Chars arm. Weapons where drawn as they where about to end his life. "You Bastard no one cheats at the Slaggerd!"

Sting sighed when he saw the sere gated blade come down to strike Char in the throat. Pulling his katana he blocked the attack then in a roll over flip landed on the table throwing the money everywhere. His other Katana went out in an arc making everyone back off. "Char is mine do not make me kill anyone."

A thickly muscled Rodian drew his blaster. "Who are youuu to dictateee to ussss." Sting shot him with a steel ball through his bulbous eye the Rodian fell dead to the floor. "I’m the man with the plan, now back off!" Char and the room had there hands up as Sting slowly pulled the lowlife out of there.....

Gorgja the Hutt
Mar 23rd, 2003, 11:52:16 AM
There was a small *tap* on Sting's shoulder. Followed by another...then another...then another.

"Excuse me sir!" the protocol droid's prissy voice said.

"I believe you are looking for Gorgja the Hutt?"

Janus Versa
Mar 23rd, 2003, 03:04:51 PM
Not wasting another minute, Janus went on his way in the direction opposite to Sting and Aranthol which required some careful negotiating of the crowds which filled the spaceport. There was an abundance of the usual faces of scum and villainy, namely Rodians, Gamorreans, Trandoshans and a fair number of Aqualish swarming the areas most favourable to their kind; bars and gambling halls.

"Hey you," The faceless mercenary addressed one of two passing Barabels, he snarled and turned to meet eye-to-eye with Janus and upon failing this a look of doubt creased his features at the sight of the heavily armed and armoured man. "Where's the nearest GNN centre around here?"

Looking back to his company, the Barabel grudgingly answered the question, grunting directions through his native tongue then upon noticing the bounty hunter's hand creep down to the blaster by his side quickly translated into basic then went on his way. "Thanks for your co-operation, you frelling ewok-humper."

Cackling maliciously to himself, the mercenary carried on, following the directions with which the Barabel had provided him and although vague and grunted, the instructions had been reliable and after a brisk walk Janus found himself outside the media office tower. He smiled, backing into a doorway he fingered buttons on the control console mounted on his left forearm. Several blips were heard before three probe droids flew past and now under his command the GNN news scouts went about their orders unhindered. And similarly Janus went about his business, deeper into the heart of the convoluted miasma of city and people.

"The Arrak's Kiss - just my kind of place." The bounty hunter noted, stepping inside the strip club on the outskirts of the busy town. It was late afternoon however it was high season in smuggling and despite the hour, business was booming and quite content to take a seat and watch, Janus waited. The arrak is a highly-venonous snake from Ithor and Janus fancied the bar was named as such due to the lethal nature of the performances. The scantily-clad women who paraded about on stage were known to engage in dances which had been outlawed for being health hazards; some dancers had been known to suddenly freeze in the middle of some limb stretching, back bending manouver and had stopped breathing, many died.

"Hey sweetcheeks, when will Namra be up?" Having pulled aside one of the waitresses - and giving her a complimentary pat on the rear - Janus discreetly inquired about the women he was interested in meeting. It turned out she was due to perform in a matter of minutes. Namra was one of the striptease performers at the club and made some guest appearances at Gorgja's request for special occassions so naturally the mercenary was interested in meeting her. And they say you can't mix business with pleasure.

Azure Regalia
Mar 23rd, 2003, 08:25:52 PM
The Huntress stepped out of her ship, Hunter's Fang (http://panic.hopto.org/swf/rie/AzureRegalia/ARship01.jpg) heading down the ramp as the ship let out exhaust on either side of the gang plank. It was a sleak ship, with a bio-molecular skin that allowed the ship to camolfage much like herself. It also allowed for the ship to "heal" itself when in battle.

She made her way to the entrance of the structure where she had been summoned to, concerning a pricey bounty. At the door she was greeted by an escort who lead her inside a short distance into a meeting room of sorts. The room had a platter of wines on a table to the side, with a basket of fruits in the center table. A few plush chairs were found inside the room, with an equally few number of pictures and decorations.

There the escort left her, informing her that her employer would be here shortly.

Mar 23rd, 2003, 09:35:04 PM
Sting pulled Sozo with him as he followed the protocol droid. Sozo didn't resist but cried the whole time claiming innocence from simple thievery to mass murder. The bounty hunter put the blade of his Katana under his chin; it didn’t take long for Char to get the hint.

The droid spoke incessantly as it leads them to the rendezvous. Sting activated his tracking beacon that was located on Janus as they traveled. If he was half the bounty hunter he thought he was he would find him. Aranthol already knew that trick but Sting had not had time to bring Versa up to speed on all his technique's as of yet. Apparently Gorgja had upped the time of there meeting. Seeing he was a businessman that could be the reason but Sting did not like things that did not go according to schedule.

The fact that they where on some backwater planet with barely any laws did not have anything to do with his taking extra precautions he thought to himself with a chuckle. The droid stopped it was then that Sting realized that they had arrived, before him was two massive steel doors. A small slit appeared followed by an impulse rifle. The exchange was brief, but the heavy doors creaked open from there own weight. The darkness had opened up to them. Sting saw the biggest creature he had ever seen the large impulse rifle looked like a toy in his hands. He was huge with long sharp ridges on his back. Hardened calloused hands and a wicked scar. The bounty hunter wondered what was bad enough to scar this thing. It stepped aside and beckoned them in................

Kimiiki Crei
Mar 23rd, 2003, 09:39:25 PM
As usual, hunters tended to come at the most inopportune time.

Kimiiki Crei, 'The Chalk Man' to some and dangerous crime lord to others, was currently enjoying a nice hot bath with one of his female Twi'leks. He'd just begun to ask her to wash his bath, when one of his advisors, a large bustling man named Zi, rushed in.

After apologizing profusely for the interuption (and ducking a bar of soap hurled at him) the large human spoke.

"Boss...there's a woman here to see you. Hasn't given a name either..but, she's blue-ish."

The Twi'lek woman handed the albino a robe, this one a soft blue and silk (all his robes were). Then she quickly disappeared into another room to change.

Crei gave a snarl and slapped Zi in the face.

"You fool! I'm neverr to be interrrupted while bathing!"

Zi was still apologetic as his boss padded out of the large tile bathroom and into a dressing room colored in black and grey. Crei stripped his robe off, feeling the cool air dry his skin, then selected a dressing robe of burgundy and white.

He checked his fingernails. They were clean.

Then he turned back to the cowering Zi.

"You said the woman had blue-ish skin?"

Zi nodded, the fat of his face making it look like 3 heads were bobbing not one.

"Yeh, red hair too. She might be one of those hunters ya hired. I got her in the conference room waiting."

Crei's white finger pressed a button and a monitor turned on. The albino glared at the dust on the screen but was pleased by who he saw in the monitor.

"Excellent. Leave us."

Xi nodded, then left quickly, avoiding Crei's hand again as he ran.

Kimiiki Crei brushed his long, white hair ensuring it shimmered as he exitted his dressing room.

A minute later and he entered the conference room, where he saw who he was looking for.

"Ah Azurre Rregalia," he took a seat in a high backed chair.

"Thank you forr coming so quickly," he poured two glasses of wine into two crystal glasses.

"Let's talk business."

Aurelias Kazaar
Mar 24th, 2003, 02:23:17 AM
"Ya know," Kazaar said aloud, to no one in particular, "If th'New Republic ever outlaws alcohol...I'm joinin' th'mpire."

He smirked then took another puff from his cigar. Then a swig from his glass of bourbon. He'd about finished the bourbon and was finally feeling its effects.

Took long 'nough.

He pressed the cool glass against his warm head and waited. The kid should be back at some point.

Then they could start gettin' stuff done.

"I'm gonna need som'thing else f'this. Bourbon's gettin' too weak," he was resting against the head board of his bed, the lights out in the apartment.

"I wonder if I can getta holda some scotch'er sumthin...Nah...too 'spensive."

Kazaar took another drink, then another sigh and waited.

Estelle Russard
Mar 24th, 2003, 11:52:22 PM
An incessant banging drifted into Kazaar's head.

He grunted and grumbled his way back to awareness, the victim of the famed "bourbon-nap" and rolled untidily off his bed.

Estelle heard his annoyed shouts for her to cease the racket through the door ...and so she banged all the louder.

As the door slid open to reveal the handsome, yet very rumpled form of Aurelias Kazaar, Estelle grinned widely.

"Miss me?"

She pushed passed him, patting his face gingerly as she went by while he scratched his head absent-mindedly, making his thick dark hair look even more chaotic.

"I hope you're hungry..I stopped and got us kebabs!"

Aurelias Kazaar
Mar 25th, 2003, 12:10:34 AM
Kazaar gave a smirk, then pulled her into the room.

"Kid whatcha did was dangerous. Real dangerous. Were ya followed?"

Estelle shook her head, a bit surprised that Kazaar was short with her. She hadn't sensed anyone following her, she'd been pretty direct with her travels so there was no way anyone could have followed her.

But the bounty hunter wasn't satisfied. He stuck his head out of the room the brought it back in, when he was satisfied no one was there.

Kazaar sighed. The kid would learn at some point.

"Thanks kid," he said, ruffling her head, "I 'preciate th'food."

Then he unceremoniously dumped himself into an overstufffed chair, knocking down a magazines about cigars onto the floor.

After taking a bite from the darkened stick of beef, he grinned.

"This's good. Where'd ya get it, 'K'bob Palace'?"

He pulled a box outta his pocket, then tossed it over to her.

"Got somethin' for ya kid. Since we're goin' t'some less than reputable places..I figured ya could use some more adornments."

The box was brown and not even wrapped. When th'Kid opened it...she gasped.

Inside was a small blaster, petite...almost an antique. Kazaar'd bought it from 'n arms dealer he trusted a while ago. It was onea his fav'rites...a blaster from Naboo, the kind the queen's court used. Very powerful and very dangerous.

Estelle then noticed a gleam in the box...like a jewel. As she picked it up, she saw it was a small emerald- a bit bigger than an earring.

"It's for ya belly, kid," Kazaar said, taking another bite from the kabob, "Ya stick it in there...way I figure...Jedi wouldn't wear such adornments. And we're not xactly goin' t'places that're Jedi friendly."

He smirked again, "Whatta ya think?"

Estelle Russard
Mar 25th, 2003, 12:35:49 AM
Her eyes lit up at the gift..and then even further at the emerald and a delighted smile animated her face.

"Its lovely!"

She lifted her shirt and attempted to set the emerald in place. Suddenly feeling Kazaar's eyes on her, and the flood of self-consciousness roll over her, she dropped her shirt, emerald still in her hand.

"And of course I was careful. I stopped many times checking ahead of me..behind me. I do have force-sense you know and am not completely inept."

It was hard for her to be annoyed, the cold emerald against her palm, notwithstanding....Kazaar was smirking at her - the man rarely took her ranting to heart.

"Besides, Mr. Kazaar, I did learn from the best, you know."

Looking now at the beautiful lines of the petite blaster, Aurelias knew she appreciated his thoughtfulness. But then, even as the thought struck her, Estelle's brow wrinkled in confusion.

"Did you say we were going somewhere?"

Aurelias Kazaar
Mar 25th, 2003, 12:43:40 AM
"Yeh," Kazaar said, taking another bite from the kabob, "I gotta info broker I gotta see. I wanna know who's out there lookin' for me."

He rose from his seat, striding over to the window where he looked out over the Coruscant skyline. It paid t'be paranoid and Kazaar sure as hell was.

"Gimme your lightsaber, kid," he said, still staring out th'window, "And go change. I got some clothes f'ya earlier while I was out. 's on th'bed."

Kazaar turned t'Estelle, "Look I can't have ya walkin 'round in ya Jedi robes. I know 'nough guys who'd clam up at the sign of a Jedi Knight.

"Gimme th'lightsaber. Don't worry, I ain't gonna do too much. Go change 'n I'll have it right back for ya."

He motioned for her t'go change in the bathroom. Then he turned his back and finished his kebob and his bourbon.

Gorgja the Hutt
Mar 25th, 2003, 01:34:30 PM
If Kimiiki Crei had known is main nemesis (and the main person who kept him from getting too powerful) was thinking the same thing about bounty hunters as himself...he probably would have lost his white hair.

Shooba...yaka larrrr

In Basic terms, "Hunters...always come at a bad time."

If Kimiiki Crei was vanity personafied, then Gorgja the Hutt was success personafied. As a young Huttling he'd started his career as an enforcer (various underlings wondered how he did it) in Zavaal the Hutt's crime syndicate.

His brain had a thing for numbers and finances- it was, after all, how he made it up in Zavaal's organization.

Gorgja rarely made mistakes, save for the time he attempted to unite the entire Hutt Cartel under the United Hutt Syndicate. That had been a disaster, but Gorgja shrugged it off as imcompetence at the hands of the other Hutt crime lords. Especially the bantha poodoo Vargo. The two still hadn't spoken since the Hutt Spice Incident and rumors were...they would never again.

Sting...karkal...cla Gorgja

The protocol droid moved around the large Yaka cyborg, who was currently staring at Sting with interst.

"The Great Gorgja the Hutt," the droid intoned, "Wishes to know why you are here to visit him.."

Janus Versa
Mar 25th, 2003, 02:42:16 PM
When Namra appeared on stage, Janus casually worked his way to the front row and unceremoniously took a rough looking Gotal by the sensitive horns protruding from his head and through him to the floor. Turning with a pained look on his leathery face, the Gotal quickly moved toward the back of the club having caught sight of his attacker. Now with a front row seat, the mercenary sat back and enjoyed the show.

"Hey Namra, how 'bout bringing some of sweet derriere over here." Janus called out in a gruff, uncharming voice. The blue Twi'lek dancer shot him a look of disapproval but then the shimmer of a handful of credit chits caught her eye. "Yeah, see if you can give me motion sickness."

By this point, the slinky dancer had somehow lost a great deal of clothing save for the usually pointless lingerie or strings as they more closely resembled. Making her way over to the armoured man, she began a somewhat exclusive performance across the mercenary's lap much to the objection of the other club patrons. Now at close quarters, Janus leaned forward and whispered.

"Gorgja the Hutt, what can you tell me about him?" She continued her grinding as if he had never spoken, but Janus had his own methods of persasion at his disposal. "You will be rewarded if you speak and if you don't, let's just say that I'm not pleased to see you."

Catching her eye, he tapped the blaster to his side and despite the threat, the innuendo brought an amused smile to the young woman's face. She leaned in close.

"Gorgja is very successful, his employees are plentiful. They're probably in here right now." Occassionally, she would pull away from the bounty hunter so as not to make her performance look too conspicuous. "He is well protected so I wouldn't try anything if I were you; the slug has Boba Fett practically eating out of his slimey hand."

"Boba Fett?" Janus whispered, lifting his head in suprise. She nodded and added a word of warning. "If you intend to see Gorgja, make sure your meeting and business is worth his time. He loathes time-wasters, they don't usually leave his palace alive."

"Alright, thanks." Answered Janus, paying her a healthy sum of credits. "Anything else?"

"Meet me outside, rear exit, ten minutes." She whispered as she pulled away and moved onto the next lucky customer. It helped to know people's weaknesses; Namra was a single mother of two, they lived in the slum areas and she was charged extortionate protection fees into Gorgja's bottomless pocket. If there was decent payment up for grabs then no price was too high. Behind the metal, Janus smiled, watched a little longer after Namra had gone backstage then left.

"This had better be good." He said to himself as he ventured into the alley behind the club where Namra was due to meet him. She was running late.

Mar 25th, 2003, 08:17:19 PM
Sean Troy was one of those kind of guys who did what he had to do to get on in life and of course, did it well. Troy was a bounty hunter who replied more on is own senses than paying for the infomation for informants, tonight however was a diffrent matter. However this man who had he had been hired to capture was not that easy to track down at all. He had heard he himself was a hunter and so the man would know how and where to hide from a hunter and even if he was found he would know to fight. Troy of course was careful as he could be.

Troy stepped from the Dark One (http://frankg.dgne.com/swsv/kse/marauder.jpg) and walked down the ramp to the docking area. His ship was large enough for his operations, living accomidation and other such needs that a Bounty Hunter needed, it was a good ship.Covered from top to bottom in a solid mass of black paint. It was old but active and reliable. Night had come and so his arrival was swift, silent and unseen all except those which were at the docks. He had entered Coruscant so many times before that the docking staff knew they would be well paid for there silence.

Troy was dressed and ready for his night excursion, a sniper rifle clung to his back while every piece of technology he could buy to help him was in verious pockets about his flack jacket.Night and heat goggles on his head. A rapple rope hung losely from his small back-pack and duel blasters hung from his hips. He was ready to go to work. And he looked pretty serious.

Troy was going to meet his Coruscant Informant, Nigeal Huffman, a weaserly man who worked on the streets. He was a guy that knew "the word on the street", the latest gossip and of course the latest announced bounties. Huffman had called Troy some days earlier to tell him a big bounty was up for grabs someone by the name of Kazaar and some head honcho guy was providing the money all 800.000 of it. Of course Troy was up for it and up for that sort of money. Huffman would get a small cut of the winings for his infomation, troy was hard but fair.

Troy quickly escaped the docks and jumped into a hired speeder and took off towards "The Gate Motel" where he was to met his contact. A large trench coat covered his weapons so he was not made to stand out. He would be there in a few mintures and after that, the party would start.

Mar 25th, 2003, 10:39:34 PM
Sting walked into the darkness his armor adjusted for the dim light so that he could see clearly. The further that he walked the meaner the residents seemed to get, they where of every shape and size and all of them armed to the teeth. Sting drew his katana and dragged it across the floor letting the sparks been seen. He did not want to have to kill someone before he spoke to Gorgja. Finally the protocol droid entered a large well lit room. Sting dragged Char with him into the opening.

The protocol droid spoke. "Gorgja wishes to know why you are here to visit him."

"Hello your most excellent Gorgja I have a man that your organization has been seeking. I am willing to forgo any bounty for a little information. A man that I have heard has already tried you patience time and time again." Sting pushed forward Char onto his knee's before the slime Lord of the Underworld. "I need to know the current whereabouts of Aurelias Kazaar?"

Sting tensed up this was the moment for which he had travelled here for....

Boba Fett
Mar 26th, 2003, 12:43:27 PM
Oh it was indeed good.

Janus walked into the alley, his boots kicking aside a stray can of 'Purple Mynock' laying on the ground.

As he waited for the pink-skinned Twi'lek he heard a *clack* behind him.

"Don't...move," the snarling voice said behind him.

It was Boba Fett.

Garmollo Apostate
Mar 26th, 2003, 01:21:42 PM
Garmollo was waiting for Troy in the restaraunt of the "Gate Hotel." He wore a large coat over his new armor. Garmollo had at one time been a Sith Apprentice, but things were slow. He soon stopped his training and decided instead to be a soldier for hire. It had taken a while to train using the various handguns and rifles that went a long with being a bounty hunter, but he had managed just fine. For once, his other personalities were not a nuisance. The sickle and Chain still hung at his side. Garmollo just couldn't part with it. It had its uses still.

"Where is he?"

"How should I know?" another personality whispered.

"Keep it down, you'll attract attention."

Garmollo had his helmet off. It looked to most like a helmet a biker would wear, but it was equipped with varous different types of vision. Infrared and night vision mostly, and a small commlink in it for communication.

Janus Versa
Mar 26th, 2003, 01:23:14 PM
"Krast!" Janus froze and stood as still as stone. His fingers twitched involuntarily above the twin blasters on his thighs and as much as he wanted to take them in his hands and blow into pieces whoever it was behind him, he knew that was an impossibility.

"Alright," He sighed resignedly, his back still turned to Fett. "What do you want?"

Boba Fett
Mar 26th, 2003, 01:26:53 PM
"First off," the voice rasped, "No tricks. I know all about those blasters of yours.

"Second off...you are a hunter yes?"

Janus nodded.

Fett slowly holstered his blaster. He'd have it near him, if he needed it.

"I don't draw on another hunter," he roughly grabbed him by the arm.

"Let's go see Gorgja."

Janus Versa
Mar 26th, 2003, 01:42:03 PM
"Gorgja?" The mercenary repeated inquisitively. It was clear this had taken him by suprise but the mysterious character now revealed to be another bounty hunter siezed his arm and began to march him away from the club. The rookie hunter was irritated by the inconvenience.

"Look pal, I have business to attend to and a contact to meet." In time Janus would have to learn to not allow himself to be taken by suprise, to not show his emotions and keep his trap shut. In the space of a minute, he had failed at all three. "I already have a meeting arranged with the Hutt. What's going on?"

He turned and caught a glimpse of his arrestor, other than his hand and it was then he realised that he was dealing with the legendary yet infamous Boba Fett. What to do, what to do.

Boba Fett
Mar 26th, 2003, 02:02:15 PM
"Plans changed," was all Fett said.

He wasn't much for talking anyway. Those who talked too much, were never as good as they proclaimed to be.

Fett let his reputation speak for him. And his resume.

"Gorgja wants to talk with you now."

The hunter took Janus to a waiting speeder. Then without much of a movement, he opened the door.

"In. Now."

Janus Versa
Mar 26th, 2003, 02:12:11 PM
"Yes, sir!" Janus managed to make light of the situation and gave the notorious bounty hunter a mock salute before getting into the speeder. He laughed.

"You'd think that on your money you'd have a better speeder than this scrapheap reject." Relaxing into the more confident side of his character, which also served as a defense mechanism, Janus sat casually with his arm hanging on the edge of the vehicle as it started up.

"Want me to drive?"

Boba Fett
Mar 26th, 2003, 02:20:26 PM
"Shut up."

Fett got in the driver's side, his helmetted face covering the scowl on his face. Ever since he'd semi-retired, a buncha other hunters wearing a version of his armor had popped up.

Normally he wouldn't care, imitation was the sincerest form of flattery. But when Gorgja'd said Janus Versa was on planet and had scheduled a meeting, Fett'd leaped at the chance to encounter this hunter.

Gorgja'd known all along about Namra, after all, he used her as an information pipeline before. It was what he paid her for. And that's how Gorgja knew Janus was on planet. Through Namra.

But Janus didn't know that. Nor did he have to either.

Fett started the speeder and started to pull from the curb.

"Namra's fine."

Janus Versa
Mar 26th, 2003, 03:23:30 PM
"That's nice." Janus replied in a no more than curt tone, slowly putting together the pieces which suggested that he was either betrayed by Namra or Fett had used her to get to him.

With an impressive degree of control manouvering the speeder along the flyways, Boba took them in the direction Janus had figured where the Hutt's residence was located. Unless the co-ordinates he'd obtained from Sting's ship were incorrect then at least the GNN news scouts would have completed a full surveilence of the area. The hunter only wished he'd been able to check out the recordings prior to his engagement with Gorgja.

"So what's the story, Fett, you Gorgja's messenger now? A delivery boy?" He laughed and tilted his head away from the sun.

Boba Fett
Mar 26th, 2003, 03:29:09 PM
Fett drove along silently.

After a few moments.


The speeder passed by a larger one, with two children pressed up against the window their eyes wide in excitement.

A press of a button and the windows darkened.

"He pays well."

Mar 26th, 2003, 03:43:17 PM
Troy' speeder slowed down to a careful hault outside of the Gate Motel before one of the doormen rushed to the speeder and opened the door for him. ' Dont scratch my speeder kid you got that?...' Said Troy in a husky voice. The boy nodded and jumped into the speeder careful dont to smash it up on his first night the doorman took off with it slowly to the hova-parking area.

Troy quickly entered the building, made his way to the resturant area and searched for his contact. The man sat at the back of the bar area waiting for him, troy knew who he was strait away as the two had done work before. Sean sat down at the table and sielence gripped them both for a moment or two. Only after both men had ordered a drink did Troy talk at all.

' Lets discuss this Kazaar fellow. Tell me about the job and the infomation to go with it. I have heard hes a bounty hunter himself however. If he is he wil be difficult to fine unless you can tell me any street gossip...' Troy said. he was eager to get the mission underway.

Gorgja the Hutt
Mar 26th, 2003, 04:31:17 PM
Gorgja was no fool. He knew about the bounty on Kazaar. After all...Kazaar had ruffled everyone's feathers, including Crei's. Especially Crei's.

Ka batcha...sar ka koo-uu...Kazaar...Gorgja, sika ti oy?

The droid turned to Sting, "The Great Gorgja the Hutt wishes to know why he should tell you about Kazaar?"

Janus Versa
Mar 26th, 2003, 04:41:26 PM
"Heh." Janus smirked behind his visor, he was settling down now having realised that Fett would not lose his resolve easily and especially not to petty taunts. "It appears you have amassed a fair degree of celebrity."

He looked over to the masked hunter who's eyes were fixed in front of him. If he couldn't entertain himself with the great Bobe Fett then he would at least try to learn from him. "That hinder your work?"

Garmollo Apostate
Mar 26th, 2003, 04:47:05 PM
Meanwhile, in the hotel restaraunt, Garmollo was conferring with himself. His personalities were all clamoring to start off. When at last they had come to an agreement, Garmollo started talking.

"It seems to me that Kimiiki Crei has something against him. But odds are you already knew that. This guy has a knack for getting himself into more trouble than he knows what to do with. Everybody is after this guy. What with the bounty on his head, who wouldn't?"

Garmollo's personalities changed, and a new piece of information was presented. "Rumor had that he works for Gorgja the Hutt, but it seems that might be changing as Kazaar seems to have stepped over the line one time too many."

Another personality change, then on with the most useful information. "Last I checked, Kazaar is somewhere here on Coruscant. He's been seen entering several apartment buildings. Someone also mentioned he's seeing a woman who works on the Jedi Council."

Garmollo shuddered. Being a former Sith, Jedi revolted him. "He's got connections, and if that girl is as wrapped around his finger as I'd like to think she is, she'll be watching out for him. Be very careful."

Garmollo shifted in his chair and took another sip of his drink. "Naturally the girl wouldn't keep a man like that right inside the Jedi compound. That would be a little dangerous for her. But she'd definitely keep him in easy reach. When a woman is head over heels for a man, she'll do anything to hear him tell her that she loves him."

Garmollo shrugged, indicating that was all he knew, and all the advice he was willing to offer without being paid a little extra. Troy was a good hunter, no doubts there. But even Garmollo wouldn't give the guy too much information if he could help it. He liked to go hunting too.

Boba Fett
Mar 26th, 2003, 04:47:57 PM
"No..." Fett said continuing to drive. This guy, Janus Versa, talked way too much.

The speeder turned another corner, coming a bit closer to Gorgja's compound. They still had a bit of a ride though.

"Respect...is key."

Azure Regalia
Mar 26th, 2003, 04:56:02 PM
The Bounty Hunter looked at the albino as he walked in and greeted her. She'd heard quite a bit about Crei and his exploits. She greeted the man merely by stating his name.


She accepted the glass of wine, but drank none. Instead she remained looked at the albino as he stated his desire to talk business. She titled her head slightly, giving him her full attention.

I'm listening.

Mar 26th, 2003, 05:00:13 PM
' Hes shacked up with a girl eh?. Thats good.' Troy sipped his ice water for a few moments in deep thought before continueing his questions. ' If shes on the Jedi council then she is somone pretty special and if shes willing to hide him from the Law and indeed us while risking her career then she and Kazaar must be pretty serious?' Troy sank into deep thought again before sipping his glass and placing it on the table.

' Hes been seen entering a few establishments correct? If i add abonther 10.000 to your cut are you willing to divulge a few of those addresses to me?' He said fatly towards his Informant. ' And if you cant can you find out?.

Kimiiki Crei
Mar 26th, 2003, 05:09:24 PM
The albino took a drink from his glass, feeling the tart liquid run over his taste buds. He enjoyed Alderaanian wine and he was down to his last 5 bottles. It was only when he was celebrating did he drink it.

And he had much to celebrate this time.

"There is a man, Aurrrelias Kazaarrr, perhaps you've heard of him," he said smoothly, still showing contempt for the hunter's name.

"He has done me a great disservice. A very great disservice..." he added, darkly.

"I wish for him to be brought to me. Alive, but whatever status of alive is purely up to you."

Janus Versa
Mar 26th, 2003, 05:35:14 PM
"Well, I'm glad we cleared that one up." The bounty hunter curiously tapped the now tinted plexiglass of the speeder windows. "Clever." He observed with a grunt of approval. "What about you? You're not interested in the bounty on Kazaar?"

Boba Fett
Mar 26th, 2003, 06:08:26 PM
That answer was simple.

"I don't pull a gun on my own...


Garmollo Apostate
Mar 26th, 2003, 08:23:18 PM
Garmollo considered Troy's request. "No, I don't know the addresses but I can find out. Why don't you use those bounty hunter skills of yours to look around while I work my magic on the streets. If you find him before I find the addresses, then you won't have to pay me that little extra. But if I find them first, I'll be double checking the books, just to make sure I get paid fairly."

Garmollo chuckled at the last comment. He knew Troy would pay up. Garmollo picked up his helmet and stood up to leave. "So, what are you waiting for? An invitation from the Hutts? Get moving! You've got a lot of competition."

Janus Versa
Mar 26th, 2003, 08:46:25 PM
"How honorable." Janus groaned, looking out of the window wearily. "I have my own code to live by you could say, it takes priority and does not offer security benefits for other bounty hunters I'm afraid."

The heavy red sun was setting behind a backdrop of building silhouettes as the two bounty hunters drew closer to their destination.

Mar 26th, 2003, 10:07:14 PM
Ka batcha...sar ka koo-uu...Kazaar...Gorgja, sika ti oy?

The droid turned to Sting, "The Great Gorgja the Hutt wishes to know why he should tell you about Kazaar?"

I offer three reasons. One I will give you Char Sozo free of charge, second I will track and capture Aurellias who has troubled you in the past, and thirdly I will give you 50,000 credits for your troubles. Three birds with one stone. Your a buisnessman Gorgja its a win,win,win situation for you. All I need is a location.

Sting reached down and pulled Sozo up so that he could face Gorgja while he did this he subtely placed a device to his back. A little precaution should things go wrong.

"As you know there has been a bounty placed on his head for a considerable amount. SOMEONE will get that money why shouldn't you be the one that benefits."

Three rather large individuals entered the room maybe it was from an unseen signal or maybe they just happen to arrive. Sting did not know. But his weapon was still in his hand and he was ready as he could be for any eventuality.

Gorgja the Hutt
Mar 26th, 2003, 11:20:00 PM
Ho-ho ho ho ho. Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-hah, the Hutt shook with laughter, Kar-cluaa-ta-oo. Siibar Sting al tiblar, Gorgja.

Two Barabels lowered their weapons. The third, the Yaka cyborg, kept his up...mainly because his arms couldn't go much farther down.

The droid spoke, "The great Gorgja is amused by your offereing."

Shakka! Tar Gorgja gharrr!

"The great Gorgja wishes to know more about your offering.

"And...I do suggest you tell him."

Mar 26th, 2003, 11:23:56 PM
A glove hand attached a small transmitter to the lock of a door leading out to a veranda. The coruscant skies were brightly alit with lights and moving speeders above and beyond Jodo Kast. A small indicator flashed red before the electronic click of an initiated lock sounded simultaneously with a low barely audible beep within the mandalorian helmet and the indicator returned green.

Blaster carbine was raised to readiness as he stepped inside, toespike boots padded softly across the plush carpet, the visor's visual feed switched to infrared, taking bio readings of the whole apartmant complex. It read negative and the visuals switched back to normal. He left the activated portable EM pulse jammer on the veranda, a cautionary measure the hunter applied against any possible security devices on or in the premises.

Before Jodo Kast became a hunter, he was a professional slicer on the side and had at one time been a man of notable demand. That is until his first hunt which were in itself a long story. And this was no time for reminscient thoughts. But it finally digressed to being professionally trained and the acquisition of a legendary relic.

The apartment was empty now and Jodo Kast began to resume his hunt by carefully sifting through everything that may give the hunter any indication where his quarry may be. Any hints or hot leads. He was very meticulous about disturbing any items, leaving them precisely how they were when he had found them. There was not one piece of space in the living quarters he had overlooked. One thing that caught his eyes was a small cache of cigars. Kazaar was a smoker. There was also a few bottles of bourbon in the storage digits above the sink. Neither was he a mere social drinker.

Motivated, the hunter silently moved to the closet space near the door and reached into the pockets of jackets, windbreakers, and even shirts hung in there. Finally striking luck with a few matchboxes and examined them closely for any scribbled notes, such as names and numbers. He raised them to eyelevel, read the names of their sources, some of which were local and others were not, and recorded them on his visor's digital database.

Jodo Kast once again paced through the rooms, leaving minute yet powerful bugs in the most inconspicious places. Returning back out onto the veranda, he retrieved the small magnetic transmitting device off the door's lock and put it back in a pouch on his web-belt. The veranda's door hissed closed and locked. After performing a quick equipment clean-up, Jodo Kast crawled over the railing and dropped over. Suddenly the roar of rockets exploded to life and the armored man flashed back into the skies above.

Boba Fett
Mar 26th, 2003, 11:31:29 PM
Fett's reply was simple, "It's kept me alive."

The speeder picked up speed, as it hit a highway. Gorgja's compound would be near soon. And Fett could go back to his semi-retirement.

For a while atleast.

"And everyone dies...at some point."

Mar 27th, 2003, 02:38:41 AM
Troy was now satisfied that Garmollo was talking the truth and not fobbing Sean off to catch the bounty himself which was a more comforting thought. Garmollo was a informant and had been to Troy for a number of years now. However Troy knew from other sources that the green clad humanoid was after joining the bounty game himself and Sean had to admit with Garmollos contacts and sources that kid would not do to bad for himself. Of course he would have to get some fighter training but he may have already had it.

Troy stood with Garmollo and they shook hands. It was this time that Troy disliked the most in agreements. As and Ex-Military soldier Troy had a pang of honor in his bounty streak and so when he promised Garmollo a cut he did actually mean it and was not just whacking the guy off for information. And thats how Troy worked and had so many useful contacts, he stuck by his word. He hated it because he was so honest. Troy wished he could just shove the guy asside and not give him his 25.000 but with Troys honor it just could not be done.

' Garmollo, contact me if you find anything, if you don't just stay clear of me pal okay?' Troy warned with a tight face. ' If i don't hear from you I'll be in touch... With that the black clad Hunter left the restaurant and indeed the Motel. His speeder was brought to him in no time and he sped from the Motel without causing any notice or interference to himself or Garmollo. Now where to look was a different story all together.

It was a very short time of driving before turning onto the highway. It was busy for late evening and so it was a medium speed journey. If he had to Troy would talk to his other contact Langly or even take a trip over to the Employer and get some info. He would do both he thought. Langly would come first.

Janus Versa
Mar 27th, 2003, 07:47:39 AM
"Really? Fascinating." Janus answered, clearly numbed to the rhetoric that Boba found so important to spew. When people said things like 'Everyone dies', the mercenary just wanted to boot them in the head or something. He shook his head and decided to leave Fett be for the remainder of the journey, he was a terrible conversationalist anyway.

Boba Fett
Mar 27th, 2003, 08:08:42 AM
Fett drove silently. He preferred the silence, it allowed him time to think and breathe.

The journey to the compound was shorter now, only a few more minutes. Fett stared through the windshield of the speeder, noting now that Janus' armor wasn't completely Mandalorian. More like a cross between it and stormtrooper armor.

It suggested Versa had some sort of military contacts or background. Which might serve him well in the future.

The speeder pulled up to the large, rust colored structure. Fett turned the tint off the windows, then exitted the speeder.


Janus Versa
Mar 27th, 2003, 08:39:49 AM
"Please?" Came a shout from inside the car at which simply repeated his order. Despite the company, Janus was keeping himself well and truly entertained, he only wished he could see the bounty hunter's facial expression. Such a shame.

"Nice and rusty!" The mercenary laughed as he left the speeder. Here he was and it suddenly dawned on him that for some odd reason he had agreed to go with Fett even when he didn't have a blaster shoved in his face. Somehow the hunter had persuaded him to come here even without saying much. That was impressive.

"Looks cosy. What's he like, old Gorgja?"

Boba Fett
Mar 27th, 2003, 09:56:08 AM
The man formerly known as Jaster Mereel glared inside his helmet.

As the two walked up the stairs towards the building, stopping at the steel doors.

"I don't bother to ask Gorgja how he is. He pays well...that's all I worry about."

The doors opened with a whine and hiss from the machinery from within.

"Let's go."

Azure Regalia
Mar 27th, 2003, 02:45:06 PM
The Huntress narrowed her eyes.

I heard of a bounty for this name put out over the open bounty hunter's frequency yesterday. I'm assuming it was you that put out the bounty for 800, 000 credits.

But that was an open bounty.

She looked around a moment before looking back at Crei.

This looks to me like a private bounty.

She set the glass down and folded her arms across her chest.

How much?

Garmollo Apostate
Mar 27th, 2003, 03:22:06 PM
Garmollo nodded to Troy and put on his helmet. Then he headed out and down the block to where his bike was waiting.

"Where to begin?" Garmollo asked as he started up his ride.

"Investigate the Jedi woman!"

"Squeeze more info out of people concerning the apartments!"

"Find out about any job offers! You know what Kazaar looks like."

Garmollo wove between the traffic as he headed for the more run down sections of Coruscant. Surely someone from the lower levels would know something.

At last, Garmollo reached a shady bar reputed to be run by one of the crime bosses in Coruscant. If he remembered correctly, this little night club was run by one of the Hutts.

"Someone will know something around here," Garmollo said to himself.

Mar 27th, 2003, 04:03:38 PM
Bang Bang

A heavy handed knock came to the door of Langly' apartment block and with that a gruff voice on that was not in the best of moods. ' Alright Langly i know your in there because i can smell you and your damn pizzas, now open this frelling door!'. The door banged hard twice again before the gruff voice shouted once more. ' I want your rent Langly and i want i - URRHHH! *Crack* ' Suddenly the door burst open and in flew the apartment landlord followed by a calm and collective Troy.

Sean quickly pulled his left hand modified KK-5 blaster pistol and pointed it directly towards the landlords forehead. The landlord quickly forgot his broken arm which was cradled in his other arm and soon caught attention of the heavy blaster pointing towards his head. The blaster if fired could quite easily take the mans head cleanly from his shoulders. A small patch of urine broke from the mans pants in the crotch area and slowly ran down his leg.

' Now I'm warning you boy don't make me turn your head into a pile of crap. You never saw me you never asked for Langly' rent and you wont EVER again will you son?...' Said Troy calmly ' If you tell anyone of my entrance or ask for my friends rent here ever again I'm affaid i'll have to re-arrange your brains is that clear?' The man nodded.

With the blaster pointing towards his balding head the man had little choice but the reluctantly comply. ' N-No sir i never saw you...i wont ask of him any more rent. I swear it...just please dont kill me!' The man screeched. Troys blaster was halstered with a heavy sigh from the landlord. ' Out! ' Troy simply said before the landlord scuttled away. The door was slammed behind him and Langly and Troy chook hands. Langly was Troys slicer buddy, the wiz kid with computers and he was only 21.

' Thanks Troy...' Said Langly in a weasel voice as he tilted his thick black rimmed glasses before slurping down another mouthful of cola. The guy must have wieghed over 290 pounds, he aite Pizza like it was going out of fashion and he never bathed but the guy was a complete genius on the computer and had helped Troy out alot in the past. ' Whatta' ya' need Buddy?'

' I was thinking Langly, this new bounty I'm after sounds Ex-Military. Just the way he does things makes him sound experienced and a pro. I wondered if you could hack into the NR and Imperial Databases here on Coruscant and look for a old soldier named " Aurelias Kazaar ". I need addresses, past occupations. Just about anything you can sqeeze from this hunk of data...'

' It will be hard Troy but i shall see what i can do...meanwhile could you order another Pizza, numbers by the Com. ' Troy rolled his eyes and got up from the couch...this Pizza was on him.

Janus Versa
Mar 27th, 2003, 06:15:44 PM
"Aw! Well it never hurts to ask someone how they are every now then!" The bounty hunters voice was dripping with sarcasm as they both ventured into the gaping, ominous mouth of Gorgja the Hutt's extravagant - in a dark, forboding sense of the word - residence. "I take it these Hutt's don't like bright light then."

The immediate interior was shrouded in darkness, there seemed to be no windows and the only sources of illumination were the shafts of eerie, blue light from hidden lamps spaced less than generously along the ceiling. On their entry they were faced by two trandoshan gaurds armed with bulky looking blaster rifles, they were quickly dealt with by Boba and in fact no words needed to be shared.

"You have a way with people, Fett." Janus commented while scanning his surroundings carefully, with his eyes that is, although his equiptment always took recordings and readings of his surroundings. The two bounty hunters proceeded down one of the great open corridoors. Above them stretched large, dull archways composed of weathered metal and fastened into place by rusty rivets. "So what do you do with your free time here now that you're semi-retired? Decorating?"

Estelle Russard
Mar 27th, 2003, 09:48:34 PM
True to his word, there on several hangars hooked over the refresher rail, were a couple of changes of clothes.

They were not exactly what Estelle would have picked out for herself, but as she proceeded to try them on, she admitted to herself that she liked Kazaar's style...even if the items were a little more on the dominatrix side than she was used to.

Selecting (after much examining of both front and back views of how her new attire looked on her in the full-length mirror) a pair of red leather pants, a tan top and dark brown leather jacket that hung smartly to her waist. Kazaar even had new short-boots for her - amazing that he knew her shoesize - and as she zipped them up, she flashed a crooked smile and made her hand into a "gun" and "shot" at herself in the mirror.

Shaking back to her sensible self, she scooped up the remaining clothes and tucking them in the small duffle bag Aurelias had set aside for them, she realised Kazaar was definitely rubbing off on her. She hoped, against hope, that she was rubbing off abit on him too..

Stepping from the bathroom, she saw Kazaar bent to work over her lightsaber.

"Well...I passed on the leopard-print underwear, but everything else is good. So (looking over his shoulder) what's next?"

Kazaar lifted his head and looked over the new clothing she had on and confirmed to himself that he'd got all his choices right.

Before he answered her question, Estelle smiled shyly.

"By the way, Aurelias. Thanks for all this - the gifts, I mean - the blaster, the emerald. You know, you dont need to do these things for me." She grinned now "I like you despite your penchant for danger and near-death adventures. Buying me things wont change that."

Their's was a complex relationship. They were best friends and made a great team. Yet, they were on entirely different roads. The fact that they trusted each other more than anyone else was something they did not dwell on. It was just the way it was. They never questioned it. They'd never needed to.

Her grin drained suddenly.

"Kazaar - What are you doing to my lightsaber??"

Aurelias Kazaar
Mar 27th, 2003, 10:08:16 PM
"Nothin' much kid...just repaintin' it."

He saw the look on her face and he grinned.

"Look, kid," Kazaar said, turning back to th'lightsaber, "If you're gonna be a rogue Jedi, ya can't have a silver lightsaber. Ya gotta hav'nother color."

Estelle's look didn't change.

"It's th'same reason why I made ya change clothes...if you're gonna help me, ya can't be a member of the Jedi Order."

He made a broad stroke over her lightsaber, covering it with paint. A bit of the dark paint got on the table, but it was a cheap on anyway so't didn't matter t'Kazaar. Another two strokes and the hunter was finished.

The Jedi Knight walked forward, surveying the 'damage' to her lightsaber. What was formerly a nice melding of silver, with a bit of black, was now totally black and almost ominous.

"Let it dry a bit kid...now listen we're goin' t'see some associates of mine. "

Kazaar gave Estelle a serious look, "When I introduce ya..I'm gonna introduce you as a 'friend of ours'. Basically...it means you're a made guy.

"Well..." he saw her look, "A made girl."

He gave a smirk, "Welcome t'the underworld kid."

Kimiiki Crei
Mar 27th, 2003, 10:27:01 PM
Crei gave a small smile, taking a sip from his crystal glass.

"Quite simple...One million credits...For the capture of Aurelias Kazaar."

He paused a bit more, for emphasis.

"500,000 credits up front. I know how much you prefer to not hunt one of your own."

Mar 27th, 2003, 10:43:06 PM
I offer three reasons. One I will give you Char Sozo free of charge, second I will track and capture Aurellias who has troubled you in the past, and thirdly I will give you 50,000 credits for your troubles. Three birds with one stone. Your a buisnessman Gorgja its a win,win,win situation for you.

Sting Explained it once again slowly for the Hutt. "I will track down Kazzar and you will benefit greatly from all my hard work. I need only from you the last known location of Aurellias and our buisness will be concluded. If you are unwilling to give me the information then I will find someone else who likes the sound of 50,000 credits in his pocket. Now do I receive payment for this bounty on Char Sozo or do we do an exchange. Sting nodded to the Hutt and waited for his reply.

Azure Regalia
Mar 27th, 2003, 10:57:55 PM
The Huntress smiled coldly, taking the data pad which Crei had produced from his robes. On the screen of the data pad showed his account with 500, 000 credits wating to be deposited into the account of her choosing. She punched in a few numbers plus a code, and the funds were electronically transfered. She handed the data pad back.

Consider Aurelias Kazaar yours.

With that, she turned and walked out of the room, making her way down the memorized hallway and back to the bay that held her ship.

Within moments she was airborn and heading for deep space. Before she set her coordinates into the navicomp, she did a quick search of police reports, Hutt offers, and sitings of where bounty hunters were gathering. After compling the information, and adding a bit of gut instinct, she had a clue of where to start in searching for Kazaar. And her gut told her the best place to start looking for scum of his kind was at the center of the galactic universe: Coruscant.

Gorgja the Hutt
Mar 27th, 2003, 10:59:18 PM
Ho ho ho ho ho ho. Ha ha ha ha ha ha, the Hutt rumbled in amusement. The rest of the hall slowly started laughing too, rising to a loud howl, before it died out.

Sharra...Sting...chu, Kazaar. Gorgja shim Sozo...fifty hafto shooba.

The droid turned, "The Great Gorgja the Hutt says he prefers not to betray a member of his organization...especially for the meager sum of 50,000 credits.

"However...he does say he will pay you...how much sir?"

The Hutt Crimelord rumbled, Sar...hundred kar shooka Sozo.

"The Great Gorgja says he will pay you 100,000 credits for bringing Sozo to him."

Boba Fett
Mar 27th, 2003, 10:59:25 PM
"That...is none of your business."

It was then Fett pushed Janus into the large room, just as the protocol droid finished his talk.

Fett moved Janus next to Sting, then snarled, "Lose something?"

Mar 27th, 2003, 11:34:47 PM
"Fett, I thought you would be fitted for a wheelchair by now. Your looking well for someone who's armor is younger that he is. Speaking of which how is that antique armor holding? Looks pretty battered to me."

"Don't tell me you still ticked off because of that bounty I took from you? Can I help it your getting long in the tooth maybe your skills are getting weak from lack of use? But thanks for returning my partner here's a tip.

Sting tossed a credit at Boba Fett which bounced off his face mask and fell to the floor. The room went quite as Sting and Boba stared at each other, not a soul moved until Gorgja started his deep throated laugh."

Shim shara bo bo boom acata laroosh roush weapn tu laaa.
The Protocol droid chimed in "The Great Gorgja wishes no one to lose there life today and asks you to put your weapons away."

Sting again turned his attention to the Hutt and spoke again. "I'll take you credits and in return offer you 200,000 for the current location of Kazzar. Does this offering meet with your approval?"

Mar 28th, 2003, 05:34:13 AM
The weather outside suddenly started to get worse. A hail of rain started to pour down from the heavens along with heavy growls of thunder and lightning it was not just Troy out at war tonight the night sky was as well. It took quite a while for Langly break into not one but two government record sites but when he did he was well on his way. But after a long period of time Langly smiled and read out what was on the screen. ' Aurelias Kazaar, Served as a NR soldier in the Imperial Skirmishes for a while. He was then reportedly arrested for torturing an Imperial Officer. Now thats nasty. Dishonorable discharge.' Saidly Langly provisionally.

' Yeah i heard about that Officer...' Said Troy 'The Officer was dead by the time we got to him. It wasn't a pretty sight. His frelling ear was cut off! But that's life eh?' A broad smile was shared between the two before Langly continued.

' Thats it for the NR, they clearly have locked down the whole information file on him and i cant seem to get in. BUT' He raised a finger before Troy could groan. ' I have found two peices of half decent info on him in the Imperial files...listen to this. A Mr. Grand Admiral Taylor Millard and his contingent had a encounter with a certain Aurelias Kazaar on Bespin. Kazaar had assisted Millard in trying to capture a man called Crei and also it says here the mans got a apartment on the planet Kuat.' Thats all he could really find but Troy was happy none the less.

' Good going Langly. No wonder Crei wants this bastard in his grasp its basically a revenge trip. Okay i better be off to Kuat because i wont get anywhere near Millard to ask him. I'd have a turbolazer up my butt before i got 4000 feet in front of his ship.' Troy slipped out 5.000 credits from his pocket and gave it to Langly. ' Go buy yourself another 7.000 pizzas my friend. Take care man and i'll be in touch soon. OH! and if the rent man wants you again remind him of me...' Troy exited the room before Langly could talk again.

' YEAH BUT WHAT ABOUT MY COLA MONEY!' Langly shouted out the door with a smile before turning back to his computer.

Garmollo Apostate
Mar 28th, 2003, 09:44:38 AM
Garmollo had been sitting in the bar for sometime now, watching the patrons, looking for one that might be acting a little too at home. At last, one of his personalities found one.

"People don't usually put their feet up on the table unless they are rude, or sitting at home," The schizo said,digging the sickle into the thugs back. "Why don't you and I have a talk? Outside."

The thug gulped and nodded, and headed out the door with Garmollo hot on his heels. Once outside, the two rounded a corner and headed down an alleyway.

"All right, punk!" This Garmollo was the most angry. He was the pushiest, and he always got his way. "Talk, now."

The thug moved his mouth, but no words came out. Garmollo took the chain attached to his sickle and hit the thug across the face with it. "TALK!" he hissed.

"Wha-what do you want to know?"

"Tell me where I can find Kazaar. Where does he live? Surely Gorgja must have given him a few places to stay around here."


Garmollo pressed the blade of the sickle to the man's throat. "Don't play stupid with me. Even the lowliest henchman in the underworld knows who that man is."

"I-I don't know where he lives!" The crony wailed.

Garmollo shook him, then let the man off the wall and stormed off to find someone more well informed.

"What do we do? We have to hurry!" He asked himself.

"Haste makes waste."

"Shut up with your 'haste makes waste' nonsense."

"Wasn't Kazaar a one-time NR soldier?"

"He was also an Imperial one too."

"Man changes sides quicker than flipping coin."


Garmollo returned to his bike and headed off toward the Jedi compound. He knew there would be someone around there related to the NR that could tell him something about Kazaar.

"We never seem to quite know enough."

Garmollo had yet to get in league with the big crime bosses around Coruscant. If he could get into the big bosses' good books, he'd have more info than he would know what to do with.

Gorgja the Hutt
Mar 28th, 2003, 02:02:59 PM
Sting chooba kar kon ta tiooah. Gorgja tasa Kazaar.

"The Great Gorgja says you are quite persistant in bribing him. Gorgja does not like Kazaar, that is true."

The Hutt rumbled, taking a drink from his cup full of some lime green liquid. It splashed on his mouth, then dribbled down his brownish-green chest.

Kit...sooba Kazaar, ir mal so shooba.

The protocol droid, if it could have, almost looked stunned.

"But...he says...betraying Kazaar would be bad for business."

The hutt's hands moved, Tlut shoomah!

The droid looked at Sting, "I believe he said to leave."

Estelle Russard
Mar 29th, 2003, 02:53:23 AM
"Im not a rogue Jedi....and Im not sure how I feel about pretending to be one, Kazaar. Is it really necessary for me to know all the dirty dogs in the underworld jungle and all their secret handshakes?"

Kazaar looked at her weirdly for a moment..it took him a bit to understand what she was saying since she muddled her metaphors so horribly. Wise-guy she was not.

"And besides, Im here to help keep your head firmly attached to your neck - not to be some 'made girl,' you know. I have a responsibility to my Code Kazaar. Sometimes I think you forget that."

Yes, she was even pouting. She knew it, but she couldnt help it. And now she had a black lightsaber. She sighed in dismay and sat unhappily in the overstuffed armchair.

Aurelias Kazaar
Mar 29th, 2003, 03:02:40 AM
Kazaar rose from his chair, sitting on the well worn armrest of th'armchair. He couldn't see into her eyes, so he hopped off th'chair and squatted infront of Estelle.

"Look...kid," Kazaar gently put a hand on Estelle's fallen face, "I don't expect'cha t'completely forget ya Code. It's growin' ya up. Showin' ya ain't that mucha farm girl."

He pulled her head up so she could look at him, "But ya gotta be a 'made girl' t'watch m'back right now. 'Sides...I'd rather have ya close t'me. For all we know...Crei put a bounty on your head too."

The hunter smirked, "'Sides...ya look good 'n red."

Aaron Vilnaldi
Mar 29th, 2003, 03:02:41 AM

Vilnaldi inspected his rifle as he snapped the energy cell into place. He took one last look at it before letting it hang loosely at his side via shoulder strap. He took a look around the dimly lit cab of the hover-van, examing four other men dressed much like him. They wore black jumpers with various belts and harnesses containing gear, ammo, and other devices. The team was a strike team, and Vilnaldi was at the helm of it.

His boots hit soflty as he checked over each troop physically. These men were his best, and that was why they were here. The mission was of more than critical status, and their success was not an option. . .it was required. He checked over blasters, making sure they were equipped properly with stun supressors and flashlights. Pleased with the organization of his crewman, he turned to the cockpit of the vehicle.

"How's it look in there, Ren?" Aaron asked the young man sitting in the passenger's seat. He had several devices sprawled out on his lap as he sat, many pointed towards the walls and windows of an apartment building.

"Good, Mr. Vilnaldi, sir. We've got bio and thermal confirmation on two targets in the surveyed sector. So far, no detectors have been tripped. If we move in on foot from here, we should be ok." The man was nervous, but he knew what he was doing.

"Good work, Ren. You're doing a fine job," Vilnaldi replied, laying a hand on the boy's shoulder. He was a good businessman and he knew that the best way to keep business good was to treat your employees good. He'd learned that from his boss. Turning back to enter the cab again, he found his way to the middle of his men, who sat in wait. Prep time.

"Ok gentlemen, here's the deal." He spoke clearly enough to be heard, but softly enough to avoid any mikes the target may have planted outside of his apartment. "I know you all have been breifed explicitly on what to bring, what to pack, and what to prepare mentally for; I also know you haven't recieved many details on the actual mission. At this time, allow me to explain.

You gentlemen have all worked with myself and our respective employer for at least two years now, or you wouldn't be here. For this reason, I can speak to you informally and in confidence. As of today, a bounty in the sum of 800,000 credits has been placed upon the head of one Aurelias Kazaar by the infamous Kimiiki Crei. This bounty, as you all have noted, is considerably large. This fact compliments another which has intel showing Kazaar on the move to take over the reigns of some selkect businesses. These businesses happen to threaten the territory of our employer, and we know he likes his territory clean and to himself. You know that, Jarac," Aaron said, smiling as the men chuckled over an inside joke.

"Our mission is simple: we are to disable Kazaar, remove him from his apartment and into our custody, and await orders from the boss on what to do next. Failure is not, and I will repeat, not an option, gentlemen. We do have two options, however. One is to complete the mission paramaters aforementioned; the other is to terminate Mr. Kazaar. Is this clear?" The troops agreed in unison.

"Good. A few details--all stun supressors must remain in place at all times. We'll move exclusively as a team with K'tal on point. Also, to help communication out there, we've modified the comm on your headsets. You will recieve an alert that sounds like this"--the alert was demonstrated--"when an order is given." Aaron looked over the men one last time.

"Are there any other questions?" The room was silent as the men came to their feet. "Good. Then let's move." Without delay, the back of the hovercab sprung open as the team moved. Aarong reached up to his headset to touch the call button--only to hear a different ring instead. It was a ring only Aaron could identify. A special, secure comm channel that he and one other person had the line to. Aaron raised his fist as the team held. He needed to take the call.

"Yeah, boss," Vilnaldi spoke as the comm chattered in his ear. "Yeah, we're in place. . .uh-huh. . .yep. . .no, it's not--. . .yes, sir. . .nope. . .yes. . .a private contractor?. . .got it. . ." The order had been issued. "No sir, we're on it. . .yes. . .thank you. . .you too, Mr. Nairalix." Aaron motioned to the team to fallback into the hovervan as he pulled the doors shut. When they were closed, he ordered the pilot to move the cab out on its way.

"Sir?" He recieved several questions from his crew as they found the situation rather confusing and unsettling.

"It's alright, men. Calm down. Mission's changed. We've got other orders." The hovervan sped onto the skyway as it zoomed back towards the bass of operations. "This isn't our concern anymore. It was just a preparation drill. Mr. Nairalix says that we should celebrate an excellent job with free food, drink, and entertainment at The Star. Who's up for it?" He smiled brightly as the men accepted the deal and were none the wiser.

Though the situation intrigued him, further discussion would be between he and James another place, another time.

Estelle Russard
Mar 29th, 2003, 03:51:46 AM
Estelle lifted her eyes to meet Kazaars and the bounty hunter saw the determined and solemn gleam the twin orbs looking at him.

"I wont be forgetting any of my code Aurelias. It is a sacred vow that I intend to live...and die by, if it comes to that. You know I will never let anything happen to you, while there is strength in me to do it. I wont ever let you down. I think its safe to say, I've proven that much to be true."

There was a pause and the truth was heavy between them. Each of them had suffered brutal beatings, at the least, for the other, and often worse. And come through it all willingly. And would do the same again.

It was just hard sometimes for Kazaar to see the world as Estelle saw it - "broken and in need of healing". His view of it was more..."broken and everyman for himself."

All this was understood, but unspoken between them.

And then Kazaar gave her his famous lop-sided smirk.

"Kid, geez, have a cigar or somethin.' Is it hot in 'ere?"

She smiled finally, and took his hand in her own. He was so very dear to her.

"I know you would never ask me to go against what I think is right, Aurelias. You never have." She leaned back once more in the huge chair. "I'll play your little gangster girl, but lets keep it as simple and uncomplicated as we need to, ok?"

Aurelias Kazaar
Mar 29th, 2003, 04:08:47 AM
"Hey..." Kazaar smirked, "It'll be as simple as ya makin' a Rodian feel wanted."

He started laughing as the kid blushed bright red. It was odd how the two had met...Kazaar coming to the old Yoghurt's in search of information on a bounty and Estelle helping him by buddying up to a Rodian info broker. She'd ended up drunk and passed out in the Dutchman while the hunter got the information he wanted.

Kazaar'd always appreciated the friendship he had with Estelle, it was one of th'rare things he could count on. She was loyal t'him. And he was loyal t'her.

"Thanks Estelle," he gave a genuine smile, "I appreciate it. Ya will needa cigar tho...mosta th'guys're smokers anyway."

He let go her hand, lingering just a bit on it.

"Ya look good kid. I'll keep th'guys off ya though. Though with some of 'em...might b'hard."

Mar 29th, 2003, 06:42:32 AM
' Aurelias Kazaar...' Troy said irritated ' I have no idea who you are talking about Sir...' The apartment clerk responded getting back to his paperwork. Troy, after a 2 hour journey from Coruscant to Kuat and looking from apartment to apartment was really not in the mood for games. The Hunter pulled his KK-5 from the side holster once again and pointed it directly to the mans temple. ' Okay, lets do this one more time...Aurelias Kazaar, his apartment...where?!' This time the apartment clerk was slightly more co-operative. Clearly the gun had done its job.

' Alright, alright...damn Kazaar' gonna kill me for this...' The clerk said looking down towards his work ' Top floor, room 330. He ain't been here in a few weeks perhaps even a month or at least i ain't seen him if he has so i don't think you will find him up there.' The man was relieved when Troy put away the weapon. To Troy the gun was only used when needed, even if the guy had said nothing he would of just knocked him out. Troy did not kill innocent people, only his prey or bounty. The blaster was used more to MAKE people talk. Troy patted the guy on the shoulder. ' If i capture him mate you wont have any trouble with him, if i fail then you will know about it....'

Troy turned and made his way towards to stairs.He always used the stairs, no cameras, no nothing and so it assured him complete stealth. What if Kazaar was really in there?..traps, guns, cameras? What else would the man have stashed away to record or fight him. Troy would be extra careful, kazaar clearly was a pro and knew his trade very well. 327,328,329,330. The door looked exactly the same as the rest of the doors. It seemed a very plush place. The corridors were very smart and well furnished, troy actually liked the place. Now it was time for the gadgets.

Troy took of his trench coat and placed it down in the floor carefully before un doing a flak jacket pocket and pulling out a long thin but stiff wire. On the end looked at if there was a small ball, perhaps a camera. Troy twisted the stiff wire into a number of bends and curves before slipping the thin wire under the door. Troy nodded forward and his goggles fell to his eyes. Indeed the device was a camera and so the bottom end of the wire was plugged into the side of Troys goggles. A faint night vision image flickered into Troys right eye viewer and showed a very worn hallway. Posters hung on the walls and lined the passageway, some with bottle shapes on, and one with something saying "Cigars of Coruscant". Traps maybe?. Once Troy was satisfied that no one would cross his path when entering Troy stood and put away the device.

He then pulled out a very thin wire, on one end a key pad was present and on the other end a attachment, like a plug, was there. Troy wrenched the face of the apartment keypad off and with a few moments of wiring and such the device was connected to the keypad. As troy switched the device on it hummed slightly before 5 noughts appeared on the screen. There was a button that said "Start" and he pressed it. The first nought started to run though numbers and letters before choosing the right one rather quicker that Troy had expected. A 3 appeared, then a 7, 7, 4 and then an 8. The key pad bleeped and the door hissed and slid open. Troy quickly unclipped his equipment and placed the pad back together before putting his stuff away and entering the apartment, the door hissed closed behind him.

He was in...

Garmollo Apostate
Mar 29th, 2003, 11:54:26 AM
Garmollo sped about the town, looking for something, anything that might be a clue as he neared the Jedi compound. Naturally he would not go anywhere within a few kilometers of the place. Being a former Sith apprentice, and having no training in the Force, he didn;t like the idea of coming across several Jedi.

Garmollo shook his head and tried as best he could to bend the Force to his will.

"I hate the Force."

Garmollo parked his bike outside a small NR recruiting center, then using his sickle and chain as a grappling hook, began to scale the building wall to get into one of the upper level windows where he hoped all the files were kept.

"See what I can find out about you Kazaar. Maybe Crei and the Hutts too, while I'm at it."

Janus Versa
Mar 30th, 2003, 01:04:52 PM
"And you were so friendly and warm in the speeder." Said Janus to Fett as he shoved him into the Hutt's miserable-looking chamber, it sounded like Sting had been conducting - and ineffectively too - business with the slimey fiend. The atmosphere between the two other hunters was tense and Gorgja had already asked them to leave. The mercenary looked to his partner with whom he'd been assigned to bring in Kazaar, he laughed. "All going to plan then?"

Before their time was well and truly up, Janus stepped forward and addressed the notorious kingpin directly in his own native tongue. Over the last ten years, the man behind the mask had discovered the meaning of communication skills and to almost any species, the ability to talk with them in their own dialect was a sign of respect. This respect, false or genuine, was evident from the bounty hunter.

"Bo rho Gorgja fero." To adapt to speaking in hutteese, the mercenary's voice rumbled, deep and bold. "Ta naba ducha, shurba no lubo Sting e beo, la herba sobo sneera gunuree sa. Pa norbo le sansho, peretho!"

"Greetings, mighty Gorgja. As you are aware, my associate, Sting, and I come in search of your wisdom. But before wer deal with the unpleasantaries, a gift!"

In his hand he held a datapad and approaching the Hutt's personal advisor; a grizzly, sinister-looking twi'lek was the recipient. He glanced over it then ventured over to the infamous gangster boss, in silken words he explained that the datapad contained details regarding a business transaction made between Prent Enterprises and a splinter group of ex-Black Sun operatives.

"Tatta hu do raicho. Prent deleo su bocha e telaban garda cho needa gon solo. Haba du rocho gull felurannbocha! Changa do leechee e praba nu destaba." Janus spat out his words like a foul taste was on his tongue.

"This is your business. These nobodies have taken a significant percentage of your ryll stock for a marginally higher price. And they are stealing out of your pocket. Do what you will with this information as it is no use to me."

"Tanga foltuba: needa e greeda sor dacha nala pongo. Un haka du noobe saca. Delego du sorte unboga chacha e ubo cha nagra suso."

Enclosed is the following: the time and location of one of their largest trades to date. No doubt of great value. It is in your power now to intercept the stock and bring an end to their dealings."

Mar 30th, 2003, 10:37:19 PM
Sting made ready to comply when Janus started speaking. He decided to wait and see where this would lead. Still he had taken his precautions with Char. His equipment was firmly attached to his back.

Adopting a relaxed position he waited for Janus to finish and see what the Hutt would have to say. His eye's scanned the restless crowd making sure anything out of the ordinary was not going on. This was only one of many ways to track Kazzar if this did not pan out Sting was not out of options. If the SlimeLord decided he didn't want to help he would find another way. Still Janus seemed to be making some headway so Sting would bide his time and see what results he could get.

Azure Regalia
Apr 1st, 2003, 12:11:39 AM
The Huntress' ship came out of hyperspace smoothly and angled towards the busy city-planet of Coruscant. After the proper codes and landing clearances were given, the Bounty Hunter deftly landed her ship in one of the bays in the business sector.

Climbing out, she locked her ship up and made her way into the bustling, crowded walkways. She flagged a cab down and hopped in, giving the driver intrustions.

Jerrad's Goods. And make it quick.

The driver grunted and practically put the peddle to the mettle, zipping in and out of traffic.

Twenty minutes later, she was stepping out of the cab and paying the driver. Once that was finished, she made her way to a small shop.

It was simple in it's looks, but definitely not run down. She knew far to well that this particular shop had high tech security devices hidden within it's crevices, and an equally impressive storage hidden below. This shop was a gun shop, and while those weapons shown in the store were legal, there was a sleu of weapons and ammunition hidden well below the store that Coruscant Watch would love to get their hands on. And yet, though they had searched the store countless of times, they had never found the hidden storage.

Walking up to the counter, she rang a bell, and waited for the owner or his companion to answer the call.

Garmollo Apostate
Apr 1st, 2003, 12:40:43 PM
Garmollo got to the window he had wanted at last. This wasn't the first time he had broken into the NR building, and it wouldn't be the last. Garmollo lifted up the window, and slipped inside.

Garmollo slunk around large computers full of data until he found an out of the way terminal. He booted up the computer, and suddenly had an idea.

"Kazaar was an ex-NR member..."

Garmollo's fingers flew across the keyboard, and soon he had what he was looking for. "All the apartment buildings within a kilometer of the NR building and Jedi compound."

There were several different apartment buildings, but Garmollo sliced down the list to a small collection of top notch apartments. Garmollo put a small datapad hookup into the computer, and copied the list down onto his own personal datapad.

"Adda boy," one of his personalities said. Compliments were rare between the Garmollos.

Garmollo bowed, and slipped back out the way he came.

Clive Jerrard
Apr 1st, 2003, 09:29:58 PM
(It was always a blessing when a costumer came to the store... and even more so when it was a Bounty Hunter. Unless, of course, there was a bounty on your head and they were collecting. But, being the man that he was, Clive would have known about something like that, and so far, he was clean of any bounty.)

(The security cams had already told him who had walked through the door before she had summoned for assistance, so, without further adue, he made his way to the front counter wearing a big smile.)

Ah, Miss Regalia. We haven't had your business in quite some time. I take it from your last purchase at my yards on Nar Shadda that you are enjoying your new toys.

(He folded his hands on the counter and leaned against it.)

What can I do for you this fine day?

Azure Regalia
Apr 2nd, 2003, 10:49:30 PM
The Huntress kept her face emotionless, regarding Jerrard.

I'm here to buy some information from you.

Apr 2nd, 2003, 10:54:31 PM
(Raunkks sauntered in shortly after Clive had emerged into the store to tend with their customer. Seeing that Clive was tending to the bounty hunter, the obsidian reptile busied himself at the computer terminal on the end of the counter.)

Gorgja the Hutt
Apr 5th, 2003, 12:55:24 PM
If Gorgja had been able to show a different expression, other than the slug-like one, he surely would have.

Although, he was more surprised by the human-looking hunter speaking Huttese, than the information about the ryll stock. He'd all ready taken precautions against it.

But...everyone needed to be placated.

Before motioning the two hunters away from his presence. Gorgja said one word, clear enough for everyone to understand.


If the hunters were smart...they'd figure everything else out.

Estelle Russard
Apr 5th, 2003, 04:28:10 PM
She put her fingers into his shirt pocket and withdrew a cigar - he always had a couple stashed there, handy.

"Ok then" the familiar twinkle was back in her eye, "whats the plan?"

Aurelias Kazaar
Apr 10th, 2003, 05:29:06 PM
Kazaar rose from the bed, grabbing his blaster and putting it in his pants. He grabbed his short sleeved shirt, a black shirt with two green stripes down the front. His shoulder holster followed, with his other blaster firmly in place there.

"Hey kid," he said as he checked the charge on the blasters, "Hand me onea those cigars will ya? Th'dark one."

Estelle tossed the cigar to him, then a cutter and lighter.

The hunter cut his cigar, then lit it with a black butane lighter. A minute later and th'kid was smokin' hers.

Took 'er long 'nough.

He walked over t'his closet, pulling down two suitcases, then threw 'em on the bed. One was fulla clothing...th'other....

"How many credits are in there?" Kazaar smirked as he heard th'Jedi gasp aloud.

"Enough t'get us outta 'ere after th'meeting.

"We're gonna go meet some friends 'f mine," he started transferring clothing from one suitcase t'another.

"One 'f them owns a club down 'bout 'n hour from 'ere. 'n don't go nuts if ya see a few naked chicks there. He takes care of 'em. Pays 'em well."

He threw a suitcase over his shoulder.

"C'mon kid let's go. I gotta speeder waitin' on th'roof."

Then he exitted th'room, first checkin' t'make sure no one was watchin' and headed away.

Estelle Russard
Apr 10th, 2003, 11:52:27 PM
Estelle followed along behind Kazaar.

"I've seen naked women before" she stated defensively.

Kazaar tossed a doubtful look over his shoulder.

"I'm not talkin' about showerin'at the "Y" kid."

She scowled at him.

"I know that."

But she didnt really. She was a farm girl, afterall, and hadn't been exposed to such dens of iniquity, despite Kazaars best efforts of giving her a very rounded street-wise education.

"Shall I drive?" she asked as they stepped out onto the roof and into the evening air.

Aurelias Kazaar
Apr 11th, 2003, 12:02:35 AM
"Yeh," Kazaar looked 'round for anyone that could be on the roof. Nothing...

He relaxed slightly.

"Drive kid...no wait," Kazaar walked from the speeder, pulling th'kid with 'im.

Grabbing a rock, he threw it at the speeder.

And watched it blow up as the rock hit the outer edging of the speeder.

"I knew sumthin' was up," he snarled, pulling his blaster free, "C'mon kid...we gottanother speeder t'find."

He started down the roof of the apartment, suitcase in one hand, his black eyes looking for another speeder t'use.

"Keep up kid! This ain't th'farm!"

Estelle Russard
Apr 11th, 2003, 12:06:56 AM
Running along beside him, Estelle called out as the flames from the burning speeder climbed in the sky.

"You know - that isnt a good sign!"

Aurelias Kazaar
Apr 11th, 2003, 12:22:04 AM
"No poodoo, Pandora, what th'hell tipped ya off th'sploding speeder?!?" Kazaar was running now, staring 'round f'any sign of a speeder on their level. There were plenty but it was just tryin' t'get t'one. If Kazaar shot one, it would just drive off faster...


Kazaar pulled his blaster as a speeder pulled t'a stop at a light. He then leaped at the bright red vechicle. The occupant, a Rodian, was flung to th'rooftop ground obsenities flowing from its mouth as it hit at Estelle's feet.

"Let's GO, kid! NOW!"

Apr 12th, 2003, 12:33:55 AM
Troy pressed his back up against the wall of the apartment hall way and quickly flipped down his goggles before switching Night Vision on by a switch at the side. A green viwer flickered into place to reveal a darkened hall way which seemed quite messy indeed, as Troy crouch-walked something in fact crunched under his foot, what it was he never knew...something half eaten he imagined. Though he wanted to swear he kept his mouth shut for sound reasons. On the walls were posters about ball games, the team he liked he gathered. On the other was a poster about cigars and bourbon, a drunk. Troy shook his head.

It seemed like this guy was a washed up old fart who drunk, smoked and basically abused life and his body to the full and he used this place as a "shag" pad. Troy assumed Kazaar was the new "Han Solo" of the universe, another usless old turd at smugger ling and hunting just as he now guessed Kazaar was. Taking a few steps carefully down the hall, leaving the trodden food behind, Troy moved towards a doorway which was part of the wall he was leant up against and turned his head around to view inside the...kitchen. Empty bourbon bottles laid on work tops and on the top of the stove. A bottle he noticed had rolled off the top and smashed on the floor, he would have to avoid that.

Sean quickly and carefully, still crouched, zipped quickly into the kitchen looking carefully for any alarms, it seemed nothing was here from what he could see, a quick check with infer-red proved he was correct. Night Vision went back on and Sean carefully avoided the glass on the floor before taking another look around. Troy was looking for something that could give him any info on Kazaard now wereabouts?...the kitchen was hardly going to inform him on anything, avoiding the glass once again and this time standing, the Hunter left the kitchen and started his advance down the hall towards the living room.

Jacen Himes
Apr 12th, 2003, 01:03:13 AM
"Hail to the king, baby," he boomed, reclining in his chair. He tugged at the sleeves to his 10,000 dollar suit.

"Yes, sir, I shall," she replied as politely as could ever be expected. She'd obviously learned to deal with his personality over years of service.

"Mm-hmm. Alright, then, yay me. Our profits off that sale should throw those coat hanger nosed 'financial inspectors' off by back," Jacen hooped and hollared, using air quotes to quote the title those bastard NR officials parraded.

"Indeed sir, they cannot doubt our corporate front now."

"About time, eh?"

The comm blinked, chirping unintrusively.

"Yep, yep, those 'charming bastards' will get a fruit pie each this year, with our 'secret sauce' including, compliments of Hoolias down in accounting."

"Sir, I believe your comm is ringing."

"Wha-- Oh, yeah."

As Jacen reached for the button to display the visual feed, a voice from his other monitor sounded. It was accompanied by an animated smiley face.

"Audio Jacen, audio only!" :mad

"Hmm? Whatever."

He clicked the audio cue instead. Instead of a visual feed, it was audio. A sly, confidence dripping, weaselly voice came over the comm.

"Greetings-- Hey, where's that mug of your's? It's your old friend Ranche!"

Jacen rolled his eyes, slapping his hand to his forehead.

Thanks, Smiles for the head's up, he thought to himself.

He pulled open a drawer from his desk.

"Hold on a minute old buddy, old pal, you. Just, hold on."

He turned to his secretary again, holding the mute button as he did.

"Thanks, babe. Um--yeah..." he waved his hand away, as she obviously didn't get his subtleties. "Come back later and um--be more drunk next time. Loosen up!"

"Yes sir."

"No one gets through those doors, okay?"

"Of course, sir."

She closed the door behind her, locking it in place from the other side.

Jacen took the mask out from the drawer, slipping it on.

He took his hand off the mute button and keyed the visual. Appearing on one of the empty monitors that set about his desk was the face of a slicked back, oiled up, grinning slime ball.

"Ranche, cut to the chase, what're you conning me about now?" his more serious side showed through, pushing the point instead of having fun with things.

"Oh shut up, Himes. That 'I'm a busy hitman' ruitune doesn't work with those of us with brain cells left," Ranche replied, matching Jacen's tone. "Now this is equally advantagous for both of us."

"Like last time?"

"Oh posh. Come now, do you really think I'm infallable? My information can sometimes become... tainted, by those without my respectable breeding."

"Mm-hmm," Jacen replied cooly, knowing very well last time's mistake was a set-up. He figured out by now through Ranche's competitor's services that Ranche had been paid to feed him misinformation. "Come on, come on, I'm still listening."

"Ah, good. Well, how would you like 800,000 credits?"

Jacen smiled, but caught himself. Good thing he was wearing a mask, or Ranche would have seen that slip that showed interest in the broker's info.

"I see you'd like that very much. I'm pleased you haven't had all your wits beat out of you yet."

Blast, he'd read the creases correctly as a smile.

"I've never said I disliked money, Ranche. Now get to it already."

"Well, it seems one Aurelias Kazaar makes enemies fast. There's a bounty out for him for the sum of 800,000. I trust you know the name of the prey?"

Jacen nodded casually.

"Eh, here and there. It's not like I subscribe to his fanclub. What's the specifics?"

Ranche smiled thinly.

"Well now, that first part was free, more comes with a price."

Jacen sighed, knowing he was in for some heaping helpings of aggravation.

Estelle Russard
Apr 15th, 2003, 04:55:47 PM

Estelle side-stepped the flying Rodian and helped to coushion his fall with the force.

Running past him, she waved at him apologetically, "We'll take care of it, I promise!" and jumped into the speeder beside Kazaar.

"You know..not everything has to be done so roughshod Kazaar. You might have really hurt that little fellow."

Aurelias didn't even bother to answer, but instead lurched the speeder into top speed and pulled into the traffic, leaving a chaotic trail of careening vehicles behind him, and Estelle frantically clipping on her restraining belt.

Glancing back at the burning rooftop wreck, the Jedi observed in a serious tone.

"Looks like we left just in time"

Aurelias Kazaar
Apr 17th, 2003, 05:06:24 AM
"If I did hurt 'im," Kazaar finally gave Estelle an answer, "I could give a flyin' mynock. Far as I'm concerned...any good Rodian is a dead one."

He paused as the speeder ducked under a large transport, horn blaring. Whatever was chasing them wasn't there now...'least not that th'hunter could see.

"Okay mebbe there's one Rodian, I'd prefer t'not see dead. Mebbe you'll meet'im sum day," Kazaar clenched the cigar tightly in his teeth.

"Let's get t'the meetin' place. And fast."

The speeder dove towards the depts of Coruscant as fast as its motor would take it.

Jacen Himes
Apr 18th, 2003, 01:51:29 AM
"What price, Ranche?"

Ranche smiled thinly, again.

"Certainly not goats and your first born child, if that's what you mean. Money."

"What amount Ranche? Don't pull me around anymore, I'm busy."

"Hmm? Oh, you are? That's odd... busy people don't usually take the time to converse in audio, then switch to visual. I suppose you're one of those busy people with too much time on their hands?"

Jacen grimaced under his hood. He always knew Ranche was a bastard but he always forgot to what extent. Luckily Ranche was always one to remind you just how big of a snooty SOB he was.

"How much money will it take for me to get more information on this Kazaar guy and the bounty out for him?" He asked slowly and deliberately, not leaving room for games.

"Let's start with five hundred credits. Oh, and you must be more specific, old friend. I can't bother myself with reading your mind."

He was no telepath, but he liked to act like it. Jacen noted the "start" in his wording. He'd keep jacking the price, he was sure of it.

"Tell me what the specifics of the bounty are."

"Easily done... right after you give me the credits of course."

Jacen sighed.

"Same account as last time?"

"Sure, if it's easier for you, chum."

Smiley did the work in an instant. He had full run of the computer system. Five Hundred credits were transfered from one of Jacen's many accounts to Ranche's.

"Ah, wonderful," Ranche smiled. "Aurelias Kazaar is wanted alive, that's breathing Jacen, for 800,000 dollars. The bounty is issued by Kimiiki Crei."

There was a long pause before Jacen broke the silence.


"Hmm? Oh, well, that's it."

"What do you mean that's it? What about his last location, where to drop the body? The specifics!"

"That? Well, that's exactly what the 'specifics of the bounty' are. All the things you just mentioned aren't bounty specifics. As I define a bounty as a price offered for a person's capture, maiming, murder, et cetera. Where he was last seen and where to drop the body does not fall under the 'bounty'."

Jacen contemplated shooting the screen at that point.

"Okay, another five hundred for more information I presume?"

Ranche smiled that annoying, thin smile again.

"Let's make it an even thousand."

Estelle Russard
Apr 18th, 2003, 08:36:58 PM
Kazaar's dislike of Rodians was not news to Estelle. Their first meeting was an education of that in itself. Her memory flashed back to that time on the "Flying Dutchman" when the bounty hunter did his interrogation of a Rodian stoolie. This thought followed the events and Estelle was reminded that she had finished up drunk and naked sitting in the cubicle of Kazaar's refresher.

Her face blushed red at the rememberance, and glancing sidelong at Aurelias, Estelle was glad he could not read her thoughts. Even after all this time, she still felt embarressed and self-conscious of it all.

Averting her face and in an exaggerated tone of normalcy, she asked Kazaar who it was they were going to see and what it was that the person could tell them that could help.

Aurelias Kazaar
Apr 18th, 2003, 08:49:52 PM
"Some guys I know," Kazaar said simply, "Ya could call 'em friends."

Estelle, despite the look of embarrassment, was still able to get one comment off.

"And here I thought I was your only friend, Aurelias."

Kazaar gave her a side-long look, then shot around a speeder.

"Kid...you're th'only friend I have that I trust."

With a free hand, which Kazaar couldn't help notice was shaking a bit, he tousled Estelle's brown hair.

"'Sides...who else is gonna keep m'from goin' crazy? Gorgja?"

He laughed, smoke coming from his mouth as he did.

Estelle Russard
Apr 20th, 2003, 11:32:08 PM
Originally posted by Aurelias Kazaar

"Kid...you're th'only friend I have that I trust."

"Kazaar....Im probably the only friend you have thats STILL ALIVE."

The Bounty Hunter grinned - atleast Estelle still had her sense of humor..things cant be too bad.

At the mention of Gorgja, Estelles face soured.

"You run with some pretty nasty characters Aurelias, no wonder everyone wants to blow you to bits. Who do you think is behind all this...this .... latest excitement?"

Aurelias Kazaar
Apr 22nd, 2003, 12:59:30 AM
"Crei f'sure," Kazaar said with a bit of 'duh factor' to it.

"He was th'one who set th'damn bounty up.

"Now," the speeder ducked under another transport, "Either someone sold m'out...or Crei's got good info.

"We're gonna go meet sum 'associates' of mine. Basically people from m'dad's days of running a group f'Gorgja.

"Yeh h'worked for 'im too," he added at Estelle's look.

"They're guys who're 'least partially trustworthy."

Kazaar winked, "That's why I got ya 'ere. T'be the one I can trust."

Estelle Russard
Apr 22nd, 2003, 01:11:12 AM
"hmm" She agreed as she settled in her seat.

Out of all the shennanigans that were bound to come from this latest episode, the one constant was their faith in each other.

It brought a sense of well being and optimism to her mind. It was an anchor they both naturally held to, and knew it was something that couldn't ever be shaken.

The revelation of his father's involvement was a surprise. Kazaar was always quite the topic-changer when it came to elaborating on his family.

Kazaar increased speed and they shot forward into the night.

Aurelias Kazaar
Apr 22nd, 2003, 01:22:01 AM
Kazaar was silent now, as the flew through the Coruscant night. The red speeder was probably one of the best he'd ever driven, odd since it was a Rodian who owned it.

"I dunno why th'frell anyone would destroy m'speeder," Kazaar spoke after 'bout five minutes of weaving 'n dodging speeder, transports...going into floating alleys and out.

The kid had grabbed his arm tightly as the bounty hunter came close to colliding with a skyscraper.

"It was a frellin' classic. I spent years buildin' that thing...arrgh..." he shook his head.

"Ya wouldn't destroy a classic wouldja?"

Estelle Russard
Apr 22nd, 2003, 01:52:26 AM
He was talking about his speeder right?

She looked at him to see if he was serious. She had always thought it was a peice of junk.

Instead she shook her head solemnly, "never"

Aurelias Kazaar
Apr 22nd, 2003, 02:04:37 AM
"Damn straight kid," Kazaar smirked as he puffed at his cigar, which he barely saved from goin' out.

"I knew I liked ya...Ya know your cars."

The speeder began t'reduce speed as Kazaar took another corner.

"All right kid...notmuch longer. Once w'get 'round 'ere we'll be at the club."

The area around the two had gotten more seedy, lookin' a bit more like Nar Shadda then Coruscant.

Several women stood a curb, their clothes quite revealing, as they tried t'lure themselves into patrons cars. Another club marked 'XXX' with a smaller neon saying "YES WE HAVE ALL TWI'LEKs"

Kazaar shook his head, then gave a small smirk.

"Don't stare kid...this is just th'nice section of town."

Damien Sullivan
Apr 23rd, 2003, 08:53:07 AM
“Candy, how many times have I told you, track marks aren’t going to bring in the credits?”

The girl swayed on her feet before Damien Sullivan, known to most only as ‘Sully’. He was a fair man, taking care of most of the girls who worked for him. It was how the establishment kept the quality of women on display as good as it was. But Candy…..he’d warned her repeatedly now to back off on her drug habits. He supposed he’d be a user, too, if he was shedding his clothes before ogling eyes every night for a living – but he wasn’t. And besides, the other girls at the club found other ways to cope. A few of them perhaps even genuinely liked the attention from the men, any sort of attention boosting their self confidence just a bit.

At the very least, the ladies made a lot of money for doing what they did. And Sully took good care of those who brought the credits in. But Candy….well, she’d been warned enough.

He handed her an envelope full of credits. Enough to be sure she got by for a while if she used it to take care of herself rather than buy drugs. Though, he didn’t doubt that in a few hours she’d have a needle in her vein. Candy, named after her own vice, just couldn’t stay away.

He nodded to his men.

“Bring her down the street to Herod’s.” It was another establishment, similar to his, though the women there were the next step down when it came to eye candy. They’d hire her there.

“When you kick the habit, honey, come see me again.” He stated in dismissal before leaning back in his massive leather chair, cigar in hand. He kicked his feet up on the desk, tapping the cigar in the ashtray beside him as his men left the room with Candy, the drug addicted strip tease artist.

Things had been quiet lately. Not patronage for the club, certainly, but in general. And Damien Sullivan was perfectly content. It wasn’t easy at times being the owner of a gentleman’s club. There was less time spent ogling and more time spent managing. Briefly he picked up the spreadsheet he kept of the girls numbers. It was incredible the amount of money a naked body could bring in. And it was incredible the amount of money spent to keep those nude bodies happy. Women were difficult to please. Which was likely why he’d never bothered marrying one.

A moment later he tossed the papers to his desk and stood. Although he had men working for him who kept an eye on things, kept the patrons in line, Sully liked to actually view it all for himself. And so it brought him from his office out into the club. He may have appeared to be watching the women as they danced, and he was, but more, his eyes were on the patrons, and who it was they were watching. Those were the girls he would have to keep happy.

Estelle Russard
Apr 27th, 2003, 06:02:14 PM
"Im not staring" she said, with her face pressed almost to the glass of the window.

Kazaar lurched the speeder to a stop, which made Estelle fling forward, and forced her eyes frontward to protect herself.

"That wasn't necessary Kazaar" she glowered.

"I know, kid" he said smirking to himself.

They got out from the speeder, Estelle quickly falling into step behind the bounty hunter. The lewd women immediately flashed smiles...and other things..at Aurelias and he smiled right back at them, completely at home.

One particularly buxom girl blew him a kiss and waved in genuine delight. "Hi Kazaar, honey. Where you been?"

"Hey doll, 'been busy thats all" Kazaar tossed to her as he opened the door of the bar.

Estelle was all but crawling up his back as she found the women quite scary. She asked into his ear, a little disturbed and unreasonably annoyed at how familiar everyone was.

"Just how often do you come here, Aurelias??"

Aurelias Kazaar
Apr 30th, 2003, 07:33:12 AM
"Often 'nough so th'girls know m'name," Kazaar gave a smirk, "What...think ya were th'only woman in m'life?"

He saw the look on Estelle's face, "Look kid...these guys're business associates of mine...I gotta piece of th'pie 'ere in this clue. 'n th'guy who runs it 'round 'ere somewhere."

Kazaar scanned th'crowd, admiring how busy it was this time of th'season. The club itself was one of the smaller ones in Coruscant City. It had a center stage, plus three side stages where various dancers made their rounds after their time on the main one was over. Business differed from a Rodian getting a dance from a pink Twi'lek to a human (looking like he'd had one too many drinks) enjoying a dance from a rather buxom human.

Of all the people working there, only two males were present. A man sitting in a corner booth smoking a cigar. And the bartender, handing out drinks to those who wanted them. Kazaar started walking towards th'man in th'booth.

"Ah there 'e is...kid, hang back 'ere for a second will ya? I gotta go pay m'respect t'Sully. Only be a minute, then ya can come 'n join us."

Estelle looked scared as Kazaar started to walk away. He looked over his shoulder, saw the look on her face, then motioned her t'him.

"Look...'least ya can sit t'where ya don't hafta walk 'cross th'floor t'meet me. Come sit near me, k?"

The Jedi nodded, then followed as Kazaar put her arm 'round her shoulder. The bounty hunter nodded t'a few others of the girls but just friendly greetings and little small talk.

"Sully!" his gravely voice boomed in a friendly gesture towards the owner, "It's lookin' good...nice job keeping th'club up 'n running.

"Wait here kid, I'll be right back."

Then he walked to where Sully was sittin' and shook his hand.

"How ya doin'?"

Damien Sullivan
Apr 30th, 2003, 12:56:46 PM
How ya doin'?

Cigar smoke wafted in the air around him, and carried on the waves of billowing clouds of smoke was a familiar voice from the past. His rather appraising expression, the one he used when studying the subjects that kept his operation running, dissipated into a thin smile.

He gave a small shake of his head.

“Its I that should be asking that of you.” He replied, shaking hands and offering a seat to the bounty hunter.

“Ive been a rather permanent fixture around here. You….havent been. For quite some time if I recall correctly.”

His gaze shifted to one of the women nearby. A beauty in her prime. Her confidence with herself and her career only adding the her allure.

“You’ve been missed…” He added with a bit of a smirk as his gaze moved back to Kazaar.

Aurelias Kazaar
Apr 30th, 2003, 03:01:04 PM
"Yeh well ya know me," Kazaar smirked, "I been busy. Bounties 'n all."

He looked over at Estelle, then back to Sully.

"I gotta bit of a problem. Crei put a 800,000 cred bounty on m'head. I need t'know who's goin' after me. We need t'gather th'boys 'round 'n make plans.

"Think ya can do it for me?"

Damien Sullivan
Apr 30th, 2003, 03:36:06 PM
Sullivan’s gaze had followed Kazaar’s over towards Estelle. It was rather clear by her posture and the expression on her face that she was anything but comfortable where she was.

But the mention of 800,000 credits caught his attention instead,

He released a low whistle.

“You’ve done it this time, haven’t you?” He stated, more than asked, with a shake of his head. He tapped his cigar, that he hadn’t taken a puff on for a few minutes now, into the tray in front of him, staring at it a moment before answering.

“Yeah, I can do that.” He replied, gazing back over at Estelle as he answered. He reached into the inner pocket of the suit coat he wore, made by a well known designer of another planet, and pulled out another cigar. He’d been saving it for himself for later, but any man with an 800,000 credit bounty on his head could use a good cigar. He offered it to Kazaar.

“And in the meantime?”

Estelle Russard
May 1st, 2003, 12:32:42 AM
Kazaar had neatly deposited Estelle at a nearby table in an effort to make her feel a little more relaxed. Which it did to a 0.1 percent of a degree. In truth, she felt more naked and exposed to every eye in the place than the scantly clad dancers doing their routines were.

Trying not to catch anyone's eye directly, Estelle breifly looked self-consciously about but met with only glances of mocking disdain from the women and bored dismissal from the men. She felt awkward and overdressed to the point of prudism. Her face was hot and flushed and she was sure she stood out very much like a bright red flare becon on a frozen Hoth landscape.

She ventured a glance in Aurelias's direction hoping for reassurance, but he was deep in conversation with a well-dressed, immaculately groomed gentleman. Unfortunate as her timing was, Sully looked at her at the same moment and glimpsed her pained pathetic face. He was handsome, and very smooth looking. She quickly dropped her eyes and found a particular interest in the woodgrain of the table where she sat and desperately tried not to fidget.

Aurelias Kazaar
May 1st, 2003, 12:52:22 AM
Kazaar looked at Sully.

"Well...I think it's time I stopped pretendin' t'not be m'dad's son."

He shook his head, then ordered a drink from the waitress.

"Crei's got hunters all ovah th'place lookin' f'me. Once th'crew gets together, I say we go after that pasty son-of-a-bitch."

Kazaar gave a wink, "Think ya can handle that?"

Estelle was nervous, lookin' around and hoping Kazaar would call her over t'his table soon. As she thought inwardly, a few select thoughts about what she'd do to the hunter for taking' 'er here...a medium voice, filled with grace spoke to her.

"Well hi there," a female Twi'lek came up to where the young Jedi sat.

The Twi'lek's skin was a white color and she was actually clothed, although what she wore wasn't much. A simple pale bikini barely covering her top, while she wore a thong on her butt. Her leku was draped over her left shoulder and a leather-like headdress covered parts of her head.

She sidled up next to Estelle, taking a seat next to her, and then a sip from a plastic cup in her hand.

Sex exuded from her body and she gave a smile to the Jedi.

"Are you lookin' for some company? You look a bit nervous...anything I can do to help you?"

Estelle Russard
May 1st, 2003, 01:02:37 AM
Leaning away from the Twi'lek as much as she could and still stay in her chair, Estelle was very uncomfortable that the dancer was not sticking with the "3 feet personal space" rule.

Estelle deliberately refused to understand the womans question.

"Um....excuse me...?"

Aurelias Kazaar
May 1st, 2003, 01:06:38 AM
"Well I saw you came in with Aurelias," the Twi'lek replied, throwing her leku back over her shoulder.

"I know he's in a meeting with Sully, I was just wondering if you wanted some company."

She gave a look of concern (genuine at that), "Just making sure you were okay. I'm Corla...and you are?"

Estelle Russard
May 1st, 2003, 01:29:11 AM

She wriggled a little in her chair, trying to act completely natural and not fooling anyone who cared to notice.

"..Oh, well, thankyou. Corla"

She smiled lamely.

"My name is Estelle. You, um....dance very nicely Corla."

The two women laughed, Estelle at her lameness...and Corla at Estelles lameness also. But hers was a kind laugh, and it helped ease the tension a little.

Aurelias Kazaar
May 1st, 2003, 01:32:49 AM
"Sow how'd you and Aurelias hook up?" the Twi'lek said, taking a seat next to Estelle. She tried not to sit too close..but was close enough for customers to see Korla was busy.

"The last time he was in here he was talking about some 'kid'...would that be you?"

Damien Sullivan
May 1st, 2003, 09:46:36 AM
Well...I think it's time I stopped pretendin' t'not be m'dad's son.

Sully reserved his smile of amusement until the waitress had left. The joint was successful because he ran a tight ship. It was better that the girls thought of him as a rather serious man.

Crei's got hunters all ovah th'place lookin' f'me. Once th'crew gets together, I say we go after that pasty son-of-a-bitch. Think ya can handle that?

Damien drew his cigar to his lips, taking a deep puff and a moment later exhaling. A small smirk tugged on his lips, though his businesslike expression remained.

“I think you know I can handle it. Or you wouldn’t have come back with her in tow…” This he added with a subtle nod over to Estelle and Corla.

“This must be the ‘kid’, huh?”

Estelle Russard
May 2nd, 2003, 04:19:33 PM
Corla asked Estelle about herself, which was always an ice-breaker among new aquaintances and the Jedi was no different. At least here, the ground was familiar and she didnt feel so much the fish out of water.

"I helped Aurelias with a Rodian informant some time back. We have been friends ever since. And yes, propbably I would be the kid you refer to. He is quite fond of calling me that."

She wanted to ask how Corla knew Kazaar, and how well...but she felt it might lead to information she'd rather not know.

Instead she shifted topic slightly.

"Who is that man sitting with Kazaar? Is he your boss?"

Aurelias Kazaar
May 3rd, 2003, 12:13:51 AM
"Yeh," Kazaar smirked, "She's 'the kid'. Real cute too. 'stelle knows her stuff an' she's one of th'only people I can trust."

He leaned back in the seat, hearing his back pop a bit. Giving his eyebrow a scratch, the bounty hunter called the waitress over.

"Get m'a steak will ya?"

The waitress, a human nodded, "Of course Mister Kazaar. Be right on it."

"Ya know Sully," Kazaar nodded, "I'm likin' this place. I think it might b'time f'us t'start branchin' out a bit too."

Back where Estelle was, Korla nodded.

"Uh-huh, although I know Aurelias has a portion of the club too. Damian is a nice guy," her eyes were the color of an amethyst jewel. As the waitress walked by, the Twilek called her over.

"Xil, can you get us two drinks please. Rum would be nice," she smiled at Estelle, "Does rum sound good to you, Estelle?"

Estelle Russard
May 4th, 2003, 10:08:23 PM
Estelle was about to decline, when she remembered she was supposed to be fitting in- supposed to be a "made" woman...whatever that was exactly. And so she nodded in acceptance.

"Rum's fine"

Corla was watching her closely and Estelle, with effort, tried not to notice the aliens keen stare.

The drinks arrived and the Twi'lek kept her eyes on Estelle as the Jedi lifted her glass feeling the expectancy of her companion to drink from it.

Bringing the small shot glass up, Estelle got a sniff of the rich smooth rum and it made her stomach do a little lurch. Braving the liquor though, she perservered and took a dainty sip, returning the glass to the table, barely tasted.

Catching Kazaar in the corner of her eye, she saw that he too had been watching her, and was now shaking his head and running a hand through his hair. They both knew she wasn't fooling anyone.

Corla shrugged and then tipped her own glass up and downed its contents in one gulp.

Realising that was how it was done, Estelle took up her own glass again and then did the same, explaining as she did so.

"...I make it a rule never to be the first one to drink...Its just unlucky."

She smiled weakly.

Aurelias Kazaar
May 4th, 2003, 10:31:21 PM
Corla only nodded, "I guess you've taken the first drink before and have something happen huh? I just try not to drink too much."

She shrugged, her lekku nodding, "Patrons don't like seeing a drunk dancer. Besides, Sully won't let us drink more than one drink."

Estelle Russard
May 4th, 2003, 11:26:09 PM
"Well thats not a bad thing."

She added quickly, "...while youre working I mean."

She leaned forward a little now, sort of in a conspiratorial manner.

"Whats this Sully's story anyway...?"

Damien Sullivan
May 5th, 2003, 11:55:11 AM
"She’s not the only one.” Sully assured. Though his voice was low, and his gaze as directed towards Corla and Estelle, Kazaar would have known the truth in this remark. Damien Sullivan was among those few that Aurelias could trust completely.

He took a drink of the whiskey before him, swirling it on the ice before he set it down again.

Ya know Sully, I'm likin' this place. I think it might b'time f'us t'start branchin' out a bit too.

Damien gave a small shake of his head, an expression of amusement and disbelief.

“You’ve got me running ragged here by myself, ya know.” With Kazaar, it was difficult not to resort to a more common way of speaking, his basic slowly becoming less refined to match his friend’s.

He turned his cigar over between his thumb and his forefinger, gazing at it, but not really seeing it.

“’Course, I suppose I’ve got a few who’d be capable of running this joint on nights Im busy with something else.” His gaze moved to one of the men he’d hired, one who stood by the door, his mind on his work, oblivious to the temptations around him. Sully nodded subtly enough toward him to let Aurelias know who he was talking about.

“I just know that sooner or later, everyone gets tempted to skim a little off the top, and I’d hate to have to ace Julien. He’s been invaluable at times.”

He tapped his cigar into the ash tray and left it there, nodding to one of the waitresses to get her attention. When she arrived, he pushed the tray towards her, giving her a businesslike nod of appreciation as she picked it up. Though chomping on gum, she was still attractive to look at, and her personality matched the dangerous mane of red hair that she sported.

“So serious.” She teased, bending down to give him a flirtatious, yet somehow businesslike kiss on his temple. And she was one of few women who would have dared such a thing with Damien.
He gave her a thin smile. Darla had been working there long enough to have a good handle on Damien Sullivan. She saw straight through his serious demeanor and she knew him not only as an employer, but in more familiar terms as well. And she took good care of him.

“Hello ladies.” She called out,ever the life of the party as she passed by Estelle and Corla, on route to wait on the evening’s customers.

Aurelias Kazaar
May 7th, 2003, 09:47:21 PM
Kazaar nodded, "We gotta few thing w'need t'do before we're ready t'act."

He pulled another cigar out of his pocket, a black one, heavy in flavor. After lighting it with his butane lighter, he took a long puff, and watched the smoke curl around the area.

"I want ya t'start talkin' t'those who owe ya some protection money. Also, let's find out where Crei's holed up. If it's jist you 'n I then we can take 'em. Plus we got th'kid with us too. And she's good."

Corla nodded to Darla as she walked, then took her arm.

"Darla come have a seat with us. Meet Estelle...'the kid', as Aurelias calls her," she gave a wide smile as the human female sat next to her.

"Estelle, this is Darla one of the waitressess up here. She's been around the most too.

"She might be able to answer your question."

Damien Sullivan
May 8th, 2003, 08:05:04 AM
“An what question is that, honey?” Darla asked as she slid into the seat by Corla. She set the ashtray she’d removed from Sully’s table down on their own as she took a break from the exhausting work of waiting tables.

She had an accent, what some might have characterized as southern, despite the fact that southern on a planet this size could mean a variety of ways of speech.

As the smoke from Kazaar’s cigar rose in the air, Darla rose from her seat, switching the empty tray at the ladies table with the dirty one she’d taken from the men’s table. She gave Aurelia’s a familiar smile, pleased to see him around once again.

“Took you long enough to bring her around….” She stated, chiding him perhaps as a maternal figure might. And then she disappeared back to her table before either one could get a word in edgewise.

“Sorry ‘bout that, but I aint got the energy to be cleaning up ashes from tables, too. Boys are always so darn messy…” Though she complained, the pride in her voice made it clear that she loved her work, and perhaps even the two men she complained about.

Damien eyed the empty ashtray for a moment, then reached for his drink.

“I can tell you right now I’ve got five I can collect on without a problem. And a few others out there that will take a little more work, but can be done if we need it.”

He took a drink and set the tumbler down.

“We’ve got a guy working the bar on weekend nights, goes by the name of Marshall. He used to work in one of Crei’s water holes ‘till he broke his hand in a bar fight.”

Another waitress appeared with Kazaar’s steak and Sully paused util she’d left.

“I guess Crei doesn’t exactly have worker’s comp packages (he smirked slightly at this, because they didn’t exactly, either. Though, loyal employees were taken care of) and sent him packing. We picked him up through one of our guys who used to work with him somewhere else.”

“Lemme talk to him and see what he knows about our ‘friend’s’ possible whereabouts.”

“Why dont you fill me in on your plan. Something tells me you've got something else in mind other than simply removing a bounty from your head.” An eyebrow was raised slightly at this, though it was far from disapproving.

May 8th, 2003, 09:35:11 AM
The hunter walked stealthily into the living room of the mercenary named Kazaar. Looking both ways to secure a safe passage into the living area without detection he made his way in happy in the knowledge that perhaps the apartment was not as secure as he first thought.

Time to get to work.

Hung up on a rack were coats and heavy sweatshirts of many descrptions, the first thing he would do was check through them, perhaps the man had left clues, numbers or addresses of his where abouts or even a lead to a person that would know of his location. In anycase, it was worth a shot. The hunter crept up to the coat rack and searched through the pockets of them. Paper, and other junk was searched through Troy came across a match box with the name of a certain bar on it and on the inside cover a inter-com number was written.

Snatching up the box he left the living room and started heading out of the apartment, it was not a solid lead but it was something.

It was time to go back to coruscant.

OOC: Sorry its short, had little time.

Janus Versa
May 9th, 2003, 02:22:35 PM
"Excoosa may, sar! You mus leave immedialy!" Came a high-pitched, whiney voice in protest from the door of Kazaar's Kuat appartment. There stood a short man wearing a fabric mask over his face and the rest of his body was heavily protected by thick, white garments. In his gloved hands he held a long, metal instrument from which a pipe made it's way around to a small tank mounted onto his back.

"Thees ees Room Tray-Oh-Tray, yeah?" He leaned forward awkwardly as his eyes narrowed behind their glasses, the man looked peculiar and conspicuous but Trell Tanka had a job to do and wasn't paid by the hour. Stepping inside he began to glance about the establishment with curiosity until finally his attention was turned back to Sean Troy and he gave him a look which asked: "Are you still here!?"

"Well?" He asked with frustration, then fidgeting inside his immaculate clothing he took out a piece of paper notifying that he had to sterilize the room due to a bug problem. "Ah haff a schob t'do, sar. Thees plays haas ahn infestation! Now plees leave."

May 9th, 2003, 06:22:46 PM
Unfortunately for Versa what he had walked into was not quite what he was expecting. Instead of a suprised Sean Troy standing there as if he had been caught red handed what he came across was quite the opposite. In the few moments it had taken the masked man to open the door Troy had drawn his modified blaster and pointed it directly towards the mans head in a completely calm stait of mind.

' Ah, trust one of you guys to barge in while I'm cleaning up. I think you will find everything in order so i shall give you a little advice my friend, leave.' The high pitch whine of the blaster sounded indicating it was full active and was ready to take the mans head off.

' Oh I'm so sorry forgive my mannors, i forgot the magic word.... He shook his head as if he could not beleive himself, with a smile, but that soon faded and quickly.

'NOW!' Troys face was strait as a die and played no games.

Janus Versa
May 9th, 2003, 06:40:07 PM
"Ah! Sar, plees, dahn shoot may!" The man yelped in fright, having not realised the man he had barged in on him was carrying a gun. He trembled, stuck to the spot, paralised with fear. He cringed and clenched his fists at his sides like a child awaiting a disciplining. "Plees don't shoot may, sar!"

Slowly he began backing away towards the door. His fingers loosened as he held his hands open in front of him and his eyes were fixed on the gun pointed right at him as he neared the door. "Plees sar, I haff ta do may schob!"

Estelle Russard
May 9th, 2003, 08:26:09 PM
Smiling warmly, Estelle welcomed Darla to their table. Something about the woman put the Jedi at ease.

"Hello Darla, nice to meet you."

She gestured to the club in general as she remarked, "You have your work cut out for you, thats for sure, though I should imagine your boss, Sully, keeps it a safe place to work."

Aurelias Kazaar
May 9th, 2003, 09:34:17 PM
"Yeh," Kazaar replied, "We remove Crei's white head from th'rest of 'is body. Last I saw 'im he was on Transdosha with those damm reptilians. I bet e's still there.

"I say w'go there and kill 'im. Or something."

'Oh yeah," both Corla and Darla agreed, "Sully's great to work with. He takes care of alla us and in return we make sure we keep ourselves clean.

"Sometime though, he gets taken for granted I think. But he always looks out for us."

Darla said, "He's a very good boss. I enjoy being around him. Though Kazaar's quite the looker innit he?"

Damien Sullivan
May 12th, 2003, 10:18:29 AM
Sully raised an eyebrow.

“Something?” He stared at Kazaar for a moment. He snorted.

“Eat your steak before it gets cold…." Sully raised a hand to his chin, rubbing it in thought for a moment. His gaze cast out towards the club, eyeing the center stage for a moment or two before he turned back to Kazaar.

“I say we do a little hunting of our own…” Sully began as he lifted his glass to his lips and toog a swig.

“Let him keep a body part for every piece of his operations he turns over to us.” He added, raising his glass toward a waitress as she passed by. She nodded, assuring him she’d bring him another drink right away.

May 12th, 2003, 10:43:23 AM
Troy swished his gun side to side as if to say 'move'. As the white masked man did as he was asked Troy side stepped from the apartment, holstred hisblaster and stared to journey down the corridor. 'Spraying for infestation' my foot. Troy knew the guy he had jus past was doing the same job as he was. Hunting Kazaar the only problem being Troy was 2 steps ahead of him and he had quite a ferm lead. In anycase he would check the bar out and scope out the inhabitants. Maybe, just maybe there was something back there.

Troy fliped the porter he had spoken to earlier a few creds and then jumped back into his speeder, time to get back to Coruscant, talk to Garmollo and finaly capture the bastard.

It was pay day.

Estelle Russard
May 12th, 2003, 01:08:41 PM
Darla said, "He's a very good boss. I enjoy being around him. Though Kazaar's quite the looker innit he?"

It was automatic for Estelle to glance over at Kazaar when Darla made her comment. She felt kind of proud for some reason, that Aurelias was being admired by the two beautiful women with her. She smiled at him and Kazaar gave her a quizzical look, not understanding.

Estelle turned back to the women.

"Its good to have someone looking out for you. Everyone needs their back covered sometime. And Kazaars good at that." As she said this, the two women exchanged grins, and Estelle felt she had said something amusing, though couldnt figure what it was.

"Nevermind honey," Darla said still smiling broadly, "we know what you mean." "yeah" chimed in Corla, grinning at some fond memory.

Clearly, Estelle was minding, but she tried not to let it bother her. Inside, she wished Kazaar would hurry up his meeting.

Janus Versa
May 18th, 2003, 12:35:51 PM
"Maany tanks, good sar! Tank you!" With a bow of humble thanks, Trell slinked back into the apartment once the strange gun-totting character had left. He dared to look down the corridor once more but there was no sign of Troy to be seen.

"Strains peepal dees days. Ah well." And so Mister Tanka went to work, probing the corners of the room first slowly and deliberately, observing the readings on his instruments. He started to hum a song he had heard on one of the HoloNet music channels on his lunch break. It sounded dreadful, perhaps he was born tone-deaf but regardless, he was pleased with the racket he produced and carried on somewhat merrily now.

Occasionally he would pull the trigger on the long metal rod and a steamy white gas was pushed out of the end of it, immediately disappearing in to the air around certain areas of the room. The whole process took him half an hour and needless to say that he was being a little more thorough than his job required. Half-way through, he took a break and made himself a hot drink at the kitchenette and helped himself to a stale biscuit too. He sat on a footstool and idly went through Kazaar's limited collection of scribbled notes and addresses. The man kept very few and none were of any interest.

"Ah so Mister Kassaar, you a berry unintersing man.” Trell expelled a heavy sigh and sat back, lifting up his white mask slightly to sip his drink occasionally. Idly he stood and ventured into the next room. It was Kazaar’s bedroom, it was fairly bland save for the one or two items which gave the place its character; the stub of a thick, maroon cigar dropped carelessly into an empty brandy glass on a cabinet next to the bed. Mister Tanka picked it up and took a whiff; despite his mask the look of repulsion was clear. Setting the glass down something else on the bedside cabinet caught his attention; it was framed photograph of Aurelias and three other men. Trell hastily removed the picture from its frame and turned it over where he found a scribbled inscription:

“This is the picture taken on our first day of business; don’t know whether you would remember him now but the guy on the far right is Proctor Saggio and like I said, if you ever think of starting up your own business, he’s the man to see. But the thought of you ever settling down is pure comedy in itself!

Take it easy, buddy.

“Sully.” Repeated Trell who quickly stuffed the picture into his pocket and wasting not another second, picked up the rest of his gear and left the apartment.

Aurelias Kazaar
May 19th, 2003, 06:33:33 PM
Kazaar smirked, "Sully I like ya tone of thinkin'. We need t'focus on th'casinos 'n stuff. That's mostly legit.

"I sure as hell don't want some damn fool of a hunter t'come 'n try and remove me from this galaxy."

The two laughed at the obvious joke.

"C'mon, I'll introduce th'kid to ya."

The bounty hunter stood up, at the right time it seemed...Estelle looked fairly uncomfortable from his viewpoint.

Well as grown up as th'kid is...she sure needs t'do some more.

"'ey kid...get over 'ere...there's someone I want ya t'meet. Stop tryin' t'schmooze th'dancers."

He gave a wolfish grin as Estelle started t'head towards him.

Estelle Russard
May 20th, 2003, 07:41:10 PM
She stood up, a little too quickly she realised, but she was glad atlast to join the familiarity of Kazaar's side.
Her face was flushed red as the meaning of what the two dance-girls were alluding to dawned on her.

Sully smiled at her, polite enough to hide the fact that he noticed her current state. Kazaar on the other hand extended her no such consideration.

An elbow in the side, "Dont be shy, Sully's an old friend."

Estelle stiffled a growl in Kazaar's direction, and smiled sweetly at Sully.

"Its nice to meet you. You have a nice place here."

Garmollo Apostate
May 20th, 2003, 09:30:48 PM
Meanwhile, Garmollo was having absolutely no luck.

"This isn't like you, Buckethead," chortled one of the Garmollos. "I thought you were supposed to be the man with the information."

"Shut up."

Garmollo was clueless. Looks like he was out of luck. And as much has he hated it, he was going to have to go back to Troy empty-handed. Garmollo sped off to the bar where he knew he could find Troy.

"This sucks."

Damien Sullivan
May 21st, 2003, 08:03:19 AM
Sully gave her a smile that seemed to say ‘I know you’re being polite’ but accepted the compliment as a gentleman would.

“Thank you, Estelle. It’s a pleasure to finally meet you. We’ve all been waiting for Aurelias to finally introduce you.”

He flashed another smile at her.

“Though I can understand why he’s waited, I would have kept you to myself as well.” He added with a friendly wink.

And then he looked back to his old friend.

“I hope you’re taking good care of her…” He stated, his tone carrying amusement that he knew his friend would pick up on, “Not that this isn’t a fine establishment, but perhaps we might move out back to a private room….”

This was suggested not only for Estelle’s sake, but for Kazaar’s safety as well. The fewer who saw the bounty hunter there, the better.

Estelle Russard
May 22nd, 2003, 07:54:14 PM
All agreed that the move was a good idea, and a general exodus ensued.

A pretty waitress led the way, taking Kazaar by the arm as Estelle and Sully fell into step together behind them.

The Jedi allowed herself a blush as Sully spoke to her. He was very charming.

Closing the door behind them as they settled in the back Office, Kazaar got straight back to the business at hand.

Aurelias Kazaar
May 22nd, 2003, 07:58:49 PM
"Kid if ya wanna ignore what we're sayin' go righta head," Kazaar pulled another cigar from his pocket, lighting it with his butane lighter. He was pretty much chain-smoking them these days...which was tough t'do, but when ya had a 800,000 cred bounty on ya head...

"What 'bout Proctor Saggio? Ya heard from him recently? He'd sure as hell be good t'have in on this plan. He's 'bout as good ofa getaway driver as ya gonna get. Good with a blaster too.

"Let's get a hold of 'im...and soon."

Damien Sullivan
May 29th, 2003, 09:02:31 AM
Sully stood and moved to a buffet table littered with several decanters. He reached for one, pulling the stopper and pouring a glass of the liquid. From this position, he spoke.

“He was in here about a month ago. Stopped by on his way through with a little information for me,”

Drink in hand, he moved back to the leather seat.

“Same thing I forwarded on to you…” He added. He wasn’t meaning to be cryptic, but what he’d sent on to Kazaar needent be repeated.

“Do you have any idea who he’s got out there looking for you?” Sully asked. Not that it mattered necessarily – anyone who got wind of the bounty would likely take a shot at it, but it was good to know in case any of them came looking.

Janus Versa
Jun 9th, 2003, 06:58:38 AM
It took no longer than five minutes to get from Kazaar’s humble abode to the public restrooms in the solitary space port behind Duracrete Hill, named as such for although clearly being a naturally raised land mass it looked like it was forged from dull, grey metals in some diabolical incinerator on Nar Shaddaa. What remaining greenery in this area of Kuat was left black and scorched from the fires of cruel furnaces and the sharpened edges of mining tools. Industry thrived here and as a testament to this, the sky was plagued by unending plumes of smoke and gas slithering and writhing in the air like some great, venomous serpents from Kashyyyk.

Durango Space Port was small, quaint and naturally used by those wanting to avoid trouble, normally because they were the trouble-causers and were deliberately trying to avoid any uncomfortable run-ins with the law. Not that Janus was a wanted criminal but it never hurt to lie low and as often as possible, ironically it looked like his target, Aurelias Kazaar lived by a similar philosophy because thus far he has managed to elude any attempts to either capture, assassinate or track him. They were the plentiful failures of Crei’s cronies and that was where this bounty hunter was determined to succeed.

“I wouldn’t go in there just yet if I were you. Phew!” He gasped, leaving one of the cubicles wafting his gloved hand in front of his hidden face now in his familiar armoured attire, having left his Trell Tanka costume in the ventilation shaft above the lavatory. That was where he had hidden his usual, identity-masking gear during his visit to the unkempt apartment in the guise of a bug-exterminator. The person he had addressed peered into the now empty cubicle with a look of dread in his eyes, hopping about a little desperately needing to relieve himself but it looked like he was going to take the mercenary’s advice to heart and wait longer. Janus laughed and left the toilets, he was now headed from his ship.

“Is my ship ready, lieutenant?” Janus snapped upright, saluting the officer on guard with military formality and the lieutenant did the same in return, standing to attention. The officer was stood at his post outside the entrance to a privatised hanger bay reserved for military personnel, namely officers and those on specially-allocated duties or missions requiring discretion. The mercenary handed the Imperial officer his keycard which he thus ran through the appropriate security interface. The terminal was taking it’s time confirming the validity of Janus’ keycard and the lieutenant took the opportunity to strike up a bit of chit-chat with his superior.

“I presume this is another hush-hush operation from Balmorra, sir? I hear the Grand Admiral is running a tight ship over there considering our current predicament.” Of course the lieutenant was referring to the fractured Empire and the numerous resultant splinter factions bickering amongst themselves for power. Unlike them, Grand Admiral Millard seemed to be more concerned with loyalty and order within the Empire, his Balmorran Empire and word of his victories are spreading like wildfire. The officer was clearly losing his discipline, striking up a conversation like this; perhaps he could do with a good kick up the backside. “I’d love to meet him. You know, go to Balmorra.”

“I’ll be sure to put in a good word for you, Lieutenant Chapman.” Janus gave the officer a curt answer, monotonous and unpromising. They saluted once more as the officer returned his identification, it having been granted security clearance once again. It was completely legitimate, a gift from the Diktat Viscera at the tail end of his reign in return for a favour from the mercenary; Janus had been granted complete thoroughfare in all regions governed by the Empire with an authorised Imperial rank and alias. It was using this alias that he had overseen the research and construction of his very own suit of armour back one of the moons of Duroon.

“Thank you, Commander Feyer, sir. Thank you!”

Not dragging the boring conversation any further, Janus headed inside the hanger bay, large blast doors locking behind him. At the far end of the Spartan facility - loaded with dull, angular Imperial starships – was a shimmering, entirely spherical ship with no noticeable means of entry. It had a diameter of fifteen meters which although lengthwise didn’t make it larger than any starships, due to its shape; Mundabe’s Comet had a great deal more internal space. It had three small personal quarters, a bridge and a large cargo hold in the front half and in the back, a big and unusual shield generator and large quad engines. There weren’t, however, any weapons, no laser cannons or torpedo bays whatsoever. It’s key features were stealth and speed.

Once he was onboard, the first thing Janus did was head to the bridge and attack a computer terminal, fingers flying furiously over the keypad until he had finished his message. Normally he would settle for a HoloNet transmission but the recipient of this message is not an easy man to get in touch with and doesn’t like being interrupted. Besides, once the message is sent only he will be able to descramble the encryption for it is one used by only these two people and needless to say he is a very important contact.

“Let’s see what you can make of our friend, Proctor Saggio, Mister Spearman.” Janus said to himself as he pressed the ‘Send’ button and turned to the flight controls, removing his helmet and gloves he absent-mindedly tossing them aside then sat down ready to leave and head to his next destination. Coruscant.

Jun 11th, 2003, 10:30:13 AM
The rain now since Troy was here last had started to be the heavyest that he had ever seen. The drops of water were as large as ping pong balls and splashed hard some times painfuly on top of the walkers on the catwalk leading towards the bar. Troy had found a match box with the name of the bar on its cover, Troy knew where it was and arrived back on Coruscant as quickly as possible.

Troy now donned a full trench coat which flowed low and past his lower calf just slightly. The thick dark green coat was open at the front and let the sweeping wind push it into a low arc into the air, a dramatic effect Troy always liked. Straped to his back unseen under the coat was his modified E-11 which was about to be used if need be, hopefully not. On his head he wore a black low beanie hat which sat just above his browline and hugged his eyes closely. He was ready.

The door to the rather posh, rather large bar swung open and with it a gust of wind and the soggy Sean Troy. Waterery foot prints follwed Troy and the Maitre D gave one dirty look towards the rougueish looking man and was instantly in dislike of him. The snooty Maitre D stuck up his long hook like nose and said in a posh voice.

' I doubt very seriously sir if your riff-raff is welcome here....' He said with the sort of voice that would make you want to punch him one.

' Oh is that right?...' Quickly Sean stuffed a wad of credits into the man upper pocket and patted the pocket closed. ' Is there anyone by the name of Kazaar in this place?...' Troy said genturing the the full bar qith his hand. ' Anyone at all?...'

Estelle Russard
Jun 22nd, 2003, 06:04:47 PM
Proctor Saggio was a new name to Estelle. Kazaar hadn't mentioned him before, or if he had, she didnt remember.

The Jedi figured there were a great many of Kazaar's friends she knew little to nothing about. And it was probably for the best, she thought wryly.

Taking her seat in a deep leather sofa, accepting a glass of light white wine from Sully, Estelle remained quiet, listening, while the two friends conducted their business.