View Full Version : Another Jedi Character (not urgent)

Sage Hazzard
Mar 16th, 2003, 11:59:04 PM
I put that not urgent bit in the title to imply just what it says. I feel kind of goofy asking advice here in a locked forum, but it's the kind of thing where only opinions of GJO members really matter.

I'm thinking on creating a new character. I'll keep this sweet and simple:

I want him to be a Jedi. Problem is, I'm having feelings like it might be wrong to do that. Have three Jedi characters. Sage, Syrius, new guy. I don't know why, it just seems wrong. Especially since he'd be a Padawan(obviously) and would be assigned a Master. And we aren't exactly brimming with avalible teacher for students. Though I'd be cool with just self training like others have done, with much success. Making some spars, going out and learning through 'trial by fire' and basically learning through random experiences. I don't really see taking him on as Sage's Padawan as ethical, as I'd be training myself, so that's out.

Does anyone see a problem with this? Me having a third GJO member?

Mar 18th, 2003, 03:36:16 AM
I dont see why that should be a problem. There are probably a few here with more Jedi characters than that.

Dasquian Belargic
Mar 18th, 2003, 10:54:20 AM
I have three myself, so it shouldn't be a problem :rollin

Sameer Aryan
Mar 18th, 2003, 01:43:32 PM
Hey, it's YOUR characters! Do whatever you wanna do with them! :)

Sage Hazzard
Mar 19th, 2003, 01:37:26 AM
Cool. :) Thanks for the support. I will do what I intended. :)

He won't be becoming a Jedi right off, but he will in time. :)