View Full Version : One Brick

Decon Wallace
Mar 16th, 2003, 10:41:58 PM

A grating noise sounded from the thick, twin doors of the Order’s recruitment halls as they slowly opened. A moment of hesitation presented itself, as the figure behind finally stepped inside, its slow movements indicating their falter of continuing forward. None the less, it was something that had to be done, and now seemed too late to retreat.

Many had come and entered into the Jedi’s domain, seeking tuition and guidance; some with more sour motives than others. This particular wayfarer only sought a thorough home, and a place of acceptance.

The young Iktotchi stepped forward, his eyes searching the chambers to return nothing. All that surrounded him was darkness, so dark even his own footsteps traveled blindly and unguided. He stopped in what was assumed the center of the building, now only left with awaiting for another to greet him.

Clay Dennatta
Mar 16th, 2003, 11:01:08 PM
Clay Denatta, one of the Orders many soon to be knights, was on a walk through the recruitment center on his way to the hangar bays when he noticed someone waiting inside the main foyer. Clay wasnt one of the 'official' greeters, but he decided too anyway. Clay made his way up to the young boy and stopped a few feet from him.

" Hello there. Can I help you with something. "

Decon Wallace
Mar 24th, 2003, 05:44:56 PM
Noting the Jedi’s otherwise prompt arrival, Taraj turned to face the man and bowed lightly in respect. He was of course just a guest in the house of the Jedi, and the formalities his prior master had taught him had not yet faded.

Yes, you can actually.

He spoke sternly, settling an equable stare upon the man.

I seek admittance in this Order, are you the proper authority for his matter?