View Full Version : Wishing to Join...

Exar Kil
Mar 16th, 2003, 09:19:53 PM
A dark, metal figure walked into the recruitment chamber. He was cloaked an no one could see his face. His eyes glowed white underneath the hood and the sound of metal hitting marble could be heard as he walked. Exar Kil was a businessman from Onderon. A very whealthy one actually, and he had been in a horrible accident ove two years ago. The accident left him with not much of a body but the Doctors on Onderon were able to replace his body with metal parts. Now he was a walking, breathing, cold machine.

His personality hadn't changed. And that is why he was here. He has always had a careing, helpful attitude torwards everything, and the Jedi are the kind of people he wanted to be. He had read about them and how they vancquished tha darkside from his adopted planet many many years ago. He loved what he saw, how proud, strong, careing, and helpful these people were. They were true warriors.

He walked into the center of the chamber and knelt on one knee in respect for all who might be in here, and waited to be greated with his head bowed...