View Full Version : I graced you with my beauty, now grace me with your power.

Thanatos Grimlok
Mar 16th, 2003, 06:49:29 PM
My white hair flowed from side to side as I strode down the hall. My soft boots clacking on the marble floor, and my cape flowing in the wind as I walked down the hall. My gorgeous red eyes, were scanning the room. My leather armor softly bounced off my body, and I continued to scan the room. These beings were so......grotesque. No sense of style, no sense for the good things. Then the voice came,

You know, you are far too vain. You judge these beings of power far too quickly. They could kill you without you even knowing what happened.

I reached in my pocket and pulled a golden mirror from it. It was ordained with jeweled bats, and their wings created the handle. I stared into it to see my gorgeous reflection. My unscarred face, my white hair, my red eyes, and my perfect gaze. I admired myself there for a moment, until I was rudely interrupted.

Please, you think your perfect. I admit you are very close, but remember you came here to acheive perfection.

I smiled, "I did come here to acheive that, yes. But I also came here to show that I have something that makes even the Gods jealous." I smiled and pushed my hair from my face, "Style." I put the mirror in my pocket and looked down the hall. I put my hand on the handle of my weapon. A simple lightsaber handle, and attached to it a long chain of about 12 feet. And in the crevices of the chain were simple orbs, that contained the true form of the weapon. The orbs let my light whip bend as easily as my chain whip. The great weapon of style, much more effecient and gorgeous than those grotesque sabers.

I continued to the front of the gates where my beauty made my entrance. I stood and smiled. My eyes showing my beauty, and my hair flowing as I ran my hands through it. I smiled and looked up, "I come before you today as a man. I wish to become one of you. I wish to acheive the perfection that you are." I narrowed my eyes and looked up, "I have come to be perfect. To add to my looks and style, immortality and power. The power of the vampires, the power of old. To let the world for all of time know the horror that I will bring. To let the universe quiver when my name is spoken. To let them know that even death has style." I smiled and brushed my hair from my face. It spoke again. A voice only I could hear. A voice of my own self,

My, my, my, you sure are pushing your luck. But I think your doing well, keep it up. If you continue like this, then you just might make it. And remember, your vanity and style are your key to success.

I smiled and smacked my pocket. He really needed to shut up. I looked back to the gates, "Now that I have graced you with my beauty, I ask that in return you grace me with the awesome power you promise." I smiled and fell to one knee. My cape flying up, and my chain rattling. My smile faded and my face turned back to it's serious tone. My unscarred face looking up as I waited for an answer.

Ruufe Shanks
Mar 16th, 2003, 07:03:00 PM
What the hell is this guy doing? Ruufe's been following him to the gates ever since he started yakking to his damn pocket mirror.

"Oi! What're you talking to a mirror for? You don't look like the kind that could carry an smart conversation, even with yourself!"

Mar 16th, 2003, 08:14:49 PM
"It is indeed a question to be asked," the sotto voice spoke in the newcomer's ear.

A small smile, which was almost a smirk.

"What are you doing here?"

Thanatos Grimlok
Mar 16th, 2003, 08:15:06 PM
I turned to the child. What an ugly child. "I suppose your here because your mother and father decided to get rid of you, right?" I smirked. This poor, poor child. He would never be beautiful like me. But then again, most people never would. I pulled my whip from my side. "Child, I am very intelligent. And it is no buisness of yours what I was doing. Now then, move along." I turned back to the gate.

Then another voice and I was forced to turn around once again. I smiled, "It is my own buisness, and none of yours." It spoke again,

"Would you just kill them. They deserve to die. Annoying you like this. Please, anyone with manners would know better. You should tell them to move on."

I smacked my pocket again. I spoke in a whisper, "You are too hold your tounge." I looked back to the others and smiled. "You see, I am simply waiting for the great vampires to answer. So please, unless you have come to gaze at my beauty, move along." I turned around once more to the gate.

Ruufe Shanks
Mar 16th, 2003, 08:22:03 PM
"I'm here because I'm going to be the Vampyre King, and eventually I'm going to own your effeminate butt."

Ruufe remained rooted to his spot, glaring with disapprovement.

"Your voice sounds like a guy, but you look like a girl. Which are you?"

Darren Caerdeth
Mar 16th, 2003, 08:48:35 PM
Darren kept his sites on the vain mortal as he stood at the gates talking with Ruufe and Lacroix. Lacroix would be able to feel a faint sense of Darren's being, and Ruufe was in on the game.

Ruufe was to draw victims out, and Darren was to shoot. From some 50 feet away, too far for any of them to hear the silenced shot, Darren pulled the trigger.

The shot traveled through the air straight towards Grimlock. In less than a second, the paintball hit Grimlock in the lower back and exploded, splattering yellow paint all over his back.

Darren loaded another paintball into his gun and took aim again, though waiting to fire off another shot...

Ruufe Shanks
Mar 16th, 2003, 08:50:52 PM
Ruufe can't suppress a grin as the guy is painted. He has to learn to shoot that gun from Darren someday.

"Yellow suits you."

Thanatos Grimlok
Mar 16th, 2003, 09:07:03 PM
I ran my hand over my back. I became infuriated. My red eyes flared and I pulled my whip out again. I threw it aroud the boy wrapping the chains of admantium around the boys arms. I yanked the whip hard to the side slamming the boy into the gate. "Now then, apologize for ruining my outfit!" I pulled the whip tightening my grip on the boy. I smiled and looked to the side. I could sense someone watching. I turned back to the boy. "No one insults my beauty, you little punk! I think it's time someone tought you some manners!" The mirror spoke again,

"Torturing a child, have you really sunk so low. Please, what happened to the beautiful and mighty Thanatos?"

I pulled the whip tight and with my free hand I pulled the mirror from my pocket. I spoke to it, "Please, you should know better than anyone what I do to those who insult my beauty." I put the mirror away and turned my attention back to the boy, "Now apologize, and lead me to the place where the shot came from."

Mar 16th, 2003, 09:10:05 PM
It was then the punch caught Grimlock in the face. As the human staggared, Lacroix tore the chain out of his hand.

A simple shake and Ruufe was free.

Lacroix's voice made a bit of a 'tsk' sound and he knocked the mirror from Grimlock's hand.

"No...The boy need not apologize at all. You should apologize for hurting him."

Thanatos Grimlok
Mar 16th, 2003, 09:17:07 PM
I felt my face. Blood........no, not this! I pulled my chain whip from the man's hand. "You ruined my face! How dare you!" I looked at the boy, "Because you are young I forgive you. And I am sorry. But watch yourself next time, boy." I turned back to the man. He must've been a vampire. I smiled and looked at him. I extended a hand, "Thanatos Grimlok. Lord of Mirrors. By the way, I do beleive that's mine." I said as I pulled my mirror from him and shoved it into my pocket. "So why do you, and whoever else, feel it nescessary to pummel me with paintballs?" I was wondering, was this some kind of odd ceremony. I wrapped my whip back around my waist.

Darren Caerdeth
Mar 16th, 2003, 09:22:30 PM
Another paintball flew and hit the man, this time in the shoulder, splattering paint onto his face. This time, the paint was a sickly green.

Darren sat the rifle down and started towards the gates where Ruufe, Lacroix, and the man stood.

He stopped a few meters away, only an outline of him visible as he stood in the shadows....

"Why exactly are you here?"

Thanatos Grimlok
Mar 16th, 2003, 09:30:15 PM
I felt the paint on my face. Why do they feel they have to destroy my great looks?! I smiled and acted as though I liked the joke. "I have come to acheive the perfection the vampires offer. I need the power and the immortality so that I can become perfect. I have come to show the universe that even death has style." My mirror spoke again,

"Kill them all. They need to die. Look what they did to you! They ruined your face and clothing! Kill them now!"

I smiled and ignored the mirror. I looked back to Darren, "I have come to find the greatness that the vampires offer. I didn't know they were such," I chuckled, "pranksters." I looked at them all. All three supposed to be proud vampires, and here they are disgracing me. Destroying my beautiful looks. I just smiled however, and looked on as they stared at me oddly. I looked at the small boy, "By the way, I am a man." And the mirror spoke,

"One he should fear."

Ruufe Shanks
Mar 16th, 2003, 09:41:28 PM

"I dunno about that guy," Ruufe says, jerking a thumb at Leon, "But me and Darren are just havin' fun. You're way to easy to pick to pieces."

Thanatos Grimlok
Mar 16th, 2003, 09:44:42 PM
I smiled and patted his head rather hard, "What a funny little boy." I smiled, "Pick apart, you beleive it is fun to pick apart beauty? My boy, you should respect beings of majesty. So then, now that I have introduced myself, who are you two?" I said moving the white/green hair from my face.

Darren Caerdeth
Mar 16th, 2003, 09:52:17 PM
Darren smiled politely, as if he'd forgotten his manners somewhere...

"Keep your hands to yourself..."

Darren's smile didnt diminsh.

Dirjj Mordrai
Mar 17th, 2003, 09:35:33 PM
Dirjj never seen a more odd creature than the one gracing their hall now. Darren, Lacroix, and the boy dealt it with just cause. What a pompous attitude. Eyes cast a red glow as he sneered looking on.

Thanatos Grimlok
Mar 18th, 2003, 06:41:28 PM
I emoved my hands from the boy. "A simple friendly pa, for such a nice boy." I said with a sneer. I walked up to Darren, "After all, boys will be boys. Now then I must wait for a response from the council." The mirro spoke,

"If the other vampires act like this, then all must be children."

I chuckled, "How right you are." I turned away and my cape flared. Although it was many colors now, I knew what would soon happen. Soon I would get what I deserved. A shot at perfection. And when the time came, I would be perfect. I knew this. I coiled my whip up and smiled. Turning my attention back to the gates, I smiled, and waited for them to open.

Mar 18th, 2003, 07:06:17 PM
Laroque's face changed into a soft smirk. And he thought it would be this easy.

With a quick movement he was behind Grimlok again.

"What are you going to do?" he whispered, mockingly "Smash the gate down? Will...

"Grimlok Smash?"

Thanatos Grimlok
Mar 18th, 2003, 07:13:34 PM
I turned quickly, "You have no right! You insult my great name! Do you know who I am?! One day you will fall and bow to me! I am Thanatos Grimlok. I am perfect. And whatever gets in my way of perfection, I will destroy. Do I make myself clear?" I uncoiled my whip and activated it. The 12 foot lightsaber blade emerged from it, and it bent fairly easy. Thanks to the balls in the chain links. I smiled, "But if you wish to die now, then I would be more than happy to do it. After all, who wouldn't want to die at the hands of perfection?" I chuckled.

Mar 18th, 2003, 08:26:32 PM
Laroque bristled inwardly.

"I bow to no one, young one.

"But I do have pity for you...if your name is so great...why haven't I heard of you?

"Has Grimlok not smashed enough?"

Valirion Thorn
Mar 19th, 2003, 07:30:19 AM
:: The vampyres in the surrounding area heard my whispered wrods from where they stood. All of them, and my vioce carried like steel cutting flesh. I stood even further back from it all then even Dirjj who I could see clearly and I would not enter any further than with my vioce. Vampyre's were to hold a certain respect about themselves and these, even Darren betrayed that respect now.::

Are you fools standing at Ashiva's gates? Laroque... you bow to the council and to Ashiva, I suggest you watch you tongue. Ruufe, how much longer will your ignorance betray you before you act like a true Chosen? All of you, leave the human to rot at the gates until someone else of a more respectable manner let's him in.

Ruufe Shanks
Mar 19th, 2003, 12:12:13 PM
"Like who? You?"

More hiding people. Ruufe can't stand them.

"You can't be much better than us, hiding and lurking like a coward."

Mar 19th, 2003, 12:28:42 PM
Laroque didn't move.

"I'm afraid I do not know you...but I will tell you this. You should have more respect for those who are older than you."

His face turned into a sneer.

"And I bow to no one. I am not a member of your Shrine. Simply a visitor."

Thanatos Grimlok
Mar 19th, 2003, 02:47:43 PM
I sneered, "And you fowl the great vampires with your presence. You do not even wish to become one! Then you have lost all sight of power." I bowed to Thorn, "Great Valirion, I hate that you must see me like this. But I had to defend my noble name. This fool does not know of me." I smirked and my mirror spoke,

"But all in time they shall know you. They will fear your name, and the universe will bow to you."

I deactivated and coiled my whip back up. I pulled the mirror and hankercheif from my pocket. I stared into it. Those eyes, so wonderful. I wiped my face off and spoke, "How true." I smiled and bowed back to Thorn and Lacrox, "Forgive me, for I no not what I do. How rude of me to say such things. You all seem higher up than I. I should watch my tounge. I am sorry great beings." I smiled and stood up again. I looked at Ruufe. That boy, though only a child, had something about him. Something odd, and Darren. I could not pinpoint it, but he was powerful. Lacrox was no better than I for now, but soon he would get a taste of perfection.

Mar 19th, 2003, 03:01:46 PM
Laroque snorted, a low short one.

"You have no idea..." his eyes turned yellow and his teeth grew.

"What you are talking about."

His features went back to normal then he turned and walked away.

"I would be careful Valiron," he gave a parting jab.

"This Grimlok is liable to smash at any moment."

Darren Caerdeth
Mar 19th, 2003, 05:36:21 PM
Darren glanced at Grimlock for a moment, then over to Valirion, then over to Ruufe.

"Time to go Ruufe....."

Darren looked back toward Valirion.

"I wash my hands of this one, do with him as you'd please."

Whether Valirion wanted to allow Grimlock in was his own decision, a decision Darren would have nothing to do with. The man had a screwed sense of the world around him. He underestimated others, and overestimated himself. As Darren had spoken though, he was finished for this matter, though, If were to step into Darren or Ruufe's path again, he would soon find himself on the wrong side of death...

Valirion Thorn
Mar 19th, 2003, 06:35:10 PM
:: I nodded to Darren, in understanding before looking back to Laroque.::

And you may leave else where, to the town perhaps Laroque. If you are a guest then you have overstayed your welcome within the Shrine halls for now. The council will contact you from one of the outlaying villages near the Shrine. Goodbye.

:: My armor laughed, If Laroque was a guest of the Shrine, than he very well did have a point of bowing to the Shrine, and he would bow to Ashiva wether he was a vampyre or not. I could taste his power and he was no stronger than I, closer to an equal but no stronger. Age made no difference with the Blessing of Ashiva on my side.
I nodded to the mortal I hadn't met yet and would not meet until a better time, I would leave this one for Alana to talk to after such foolish games from the others.::

As I said Grimlok, await your time.

:: I turned, my armor laughing quietly as I turned back into the Shrine. I had other matters to attend to then, not foolish immortals or equally ignorant mortals.::

Alana Stormcloud
Mar 19th, 2003, 07:12:30 PM
Alana had been watching the others for some time. Knowing that they each in turn had there own way of dealing with Mortals. It was never easy on any who appeared at the gates of the damned. The Sith Lordess raised an eyebrow at the man, he truly was a sight to behold, and his unmarred perfection would make him a devastating Vampyre. If he could get past her terms.

Alana stepped forward into the light, her hair swaying behind her touching the ground. Her form encased in a skin tight dress. She to knew that beauty could hold power.

"So you have come to be an immortal, and think yourself worthy because of your beauty? Is your heart dark enough to sustain a Siths life or is your soul as pretty as your face?" Her sirens voice caressed his ears, her power glimmered in her hue shifting eyes.

Ruufe Shanks
Mar 19th, 2003, 07:32:04 PM
Ruufe looks like he's about to say something, but holds his tongue. He ain't done with pretty boy Grimlok...not by a longshot. He simply follows Darren away from the encounter, just as aggravated with Valrion and Thanatos as they are with him.

Thanatos Grimlok
Mar 24th, 2003, 04:41:58 PM
I smiled and looked at this woman. I knelt down and kissed her hand. "I knoiw beauty when I see it, and you are more gorgeous than even I, milady." I stood again, "I beleive if the vampires are kind enough, than I will have immortal life. And as for a lide of darkness, I have lived that my whole life. Being a baron, has not been a happy tale. If you only knew. But I tell you I am ready." I stared at her with my beautiful eyes. Piercing her very being. She was so lovely. That gorgeous hair, that beautiful dress, she was perfect as well. Sooner or later, our perfections would becme one, and she would be my bride. I would make sure of it.

Alana Stormcloud
Mar 27th, 2003, 10:52:06 AM
Alana smiled down at him as he leaned to kiss her hand. Taking his compliment with a small nod. All vampires in her opinion were beautiful, not just because of there timelessness but because of the dark side that enhanced what they were.

When he stood she slipped her arm into his, looking up into his face. "Come Thanatos I want to show you the rose garden that surrounds the Shrine. There you will find true beauty." Her sirens voice caressed his ears. She had plans for this one, a dream scape that would test everything he was....

Thanatos Grimlok
Mar 27th, 2003, 09:06:57 PM
I took her arm and smiled. She knew beauty when she saw it. She was already bowing to my will. She would be my bride soon. I walked with her to the garden. On the way I looked at her with my red eyes, and smiled. "Milady, may I ask your name?" I said with an enchanting tone. I ran my fingers through my hair and my mirror spoke,

"You are pushing it. Do not go past your limits. Do not annoy her."

I pulled my mirror from my pocket. "One moment, milady." I smiled and looked into it, "Are you by this beautiful lady? No, therfore do not tell me how to handle my affairs. Thank you." I stuffed the mirror back in my pocket. I turned back to Alana and smiled, "So where were we, milady?" I said with a smile.

Alana Stormcloud
Mar 31st, 2003, 03:16:33 PM
"Milady, may I ask your name?"

Alana walked beside him, feeling his confidence, and his utter surety that he would have all that he wanted. Her eyes glimmered softly in the purple moon of Roon. Her skin luminous, and enticing to look on.

"My name..... It is Alana Stormcloud, Sith Lordess of the damned. Tell me Mortal what drew you to death." She made her voice light and musical, setting him at ease. She wanted him to think he had no worries, that all was his to have.

They entered the garden of the Shrine, the black blood rose’s heady fragrance wafting around the two. There beauty was enough to make anyone catch there breath in awe. The spiraling towers of the Shrine cast its fateful shadow on all who stood in its path....

Thanatos Grimlok
Apr 2nd, 2003, 11:02:56 AM
I smiled and carresed her face, "The same that draws all mortals....perfection. when you die you become perfect. No longer an aging ugly being, but a perfect body resting in eternal time. i will be here for ages after I die, lodged in people's minds. And with the power I shall posses I will instill fear into all. The Shrine will help me acheive my goal. I seek all of perfection, and you my dear Alana, are a part of perfection." I smiled, "If you bite me, I will be perfect, and then perfection will be a step closer." I smiled and picked a rose from the many lying at my feet. Their perfect form and contour of the roses. It would all serve a purpose later. I handed her the rose, "A perfect rose for a perfect woman." I said with an appeasing grin on my face.

Alana Stormcloud
Apr 4th, 2003, 05:05:10 PM
Alana took the offered rose, toying with its delicate petals. The heady fragrance that it housed surrounded the two. As did the shadows, that always seemed to hover around the Sith Lordess.

"Perfection.... Yes it can be gained but only with the loss of something dear. What you wish to posses, what you wish to own is not so easily gained. Are you willing to pay the price, no matter how steep, no matter the cost Mortal?" Alana looked up into his eyes, her own shifting from a soft blue to a vibrant green.

Alana being a woman, and a Vampyre knew how to play the game of seduction. She knew that catering to his vanity would give her the edge she needed to woo him into the position she wanted.

Thanatos Grimlok
Apr 4th, 2003, 06:06:19 PM
I smiled and looked into her eyes and watched as they changed. They were so gorgeous. I put my hand to her face. "I am willing to do anything for perfection, milady. Anything....." I trailed off in a sexy voice. So perfect, so wonderful. I would have my perfection.

Alana Stormcloud
Apr 6th, 2003, 11:28:38 PM
"I am willing to do anything for perfection, milady. Anything....."

Alana looked down at the ground the smile of pure evil growing wider as he spoke. There were so many that said they would pay any price. That they would give anything to attain the power they craved, to hold in there hands immortality. Alana knew the human mind well, when put to the test it balked. As with all humans when she was at there throat, either they would accept her death filled embrace or they would fight.

"Close your eyes Thanatos close your eyes, and let me show you where your path truly lay." Her Sirens voice soothed his mortal mind, weaving a blanket of security that he could not resist. Dark words spoken in the ancient vampiric tongue fell from her crimson lips. A dream scape created with utter ease by the Sith Lordess.

(Dream Scape)

He stood in the garden still, the scent of roses still heady on the night breeze. His cloak shifted around him as he scanned his surroundings. In the darkest of shadows a voice spoke. One that held such power, and assurance that would drop a mere mortal to there knees.

"You have come to taste immortality. To keep the beauty, you hold so dear, from fading? But.... What lies beneath Mortal, how much are you willing to pay to have such an enduring gift? Would you mar that pretty face to taste my power?" With that Alana stepped forward, she was not as she had appeared before him in reality. In this vision she was by far more beautiful, and the darkness that hovered around her was palpable. Her hair fell to her feet, encasing a body so perfect it was almost painful to look on. Her hue shifting eyes glimmered in the purple light of the moon.

"Would you Thanatos??"

Thanatos Grimlok
Apr 7th, 2003, 12:02:12 AM
I fell to my knees. So gorgeous, so perfect. I smiled, "Yes milady. Anything for perfection. I shall prove it to you!" I removed my mirror from my hand. Smashing the mirror meant hearing so many voices. But it would happen. I removed the mirror from my pocket, my hands rushing for it. I was so close to perfection, now to prove myself. I listened to the mirror,

"Your perfect face, don't destroy it!"

I smiled insanely and smashed the mirror into the ground. It shattered everywhere. Shards flying in every direction and my head filling with voices. Screaming at me, yelling at me. Their voices so loud and overpowering I could not hear my internal voice. But the beautiful woman before me offered perfection. I would acheive my goal. I picked up a large shard from the ground and placed to my cheek. "Watch milady," I said insanely, "Watch as I prove myself!" I pulled the shard quickly across my cheek. Pushing hard and gritting my teeth as it cut deep into the skin. I felt the blood race down my cheek. My eyes darting quickly. I placed it on the other cheek and cut again. Two large gashes now on my face. Beauty was nothing without power, and wounds would heal. But I needed perfection, and the vampires would heal me. I dipped my fingers in my blood, still feeling the imense pain. I held my hands up to Alana, my face and fingers dripping with the substance, "Have I proved myself Mistress?! I offer my lifeblood to you! The very thing that makes me mortal! Take it, and with this offering I ask that you grant me power!" I was breathing heavy, and laughing insanely. All the voices were still shouting, but over them all one stood out. It was the voice of the shard in my hand,

"Perfection will be yours, and your power and beauty shall dominate all. For as you have said to your peasants, beauty is only skin deep, what lies beneath is pure evil."

Alana Stormcloud
Apr 7th, 2003, 11:52:47 AM
Alana watched in amused silence as Thanatos marred his perfect face, he had not thought twice, and that had pleased her immensely. The dream scape had been real enough to him, he had no idea that what he did to his face was no more than a thought implanted.

Alana moved to him then, his hands out stretched, covered in the blood she would soon take. She dipped one finger onto his palm tracing a path through the crimson liquid. She kept her hue shifting eyes glued to his. The Sith Lordess brought her blood covered finger to her lips, and ran her tongue over it, tasting what she craved.

"Sweet..... It is good to see that power and darkness means more to you than that pretty face." Alana placed her hand on his cheek stilling the voices momentarily at her touch.

"Such dedication...." Alana pulled him up, and pressed her body close, her eyes cold and cruel. "My turn..." With that she jerked his head to the side, her fangs sinking into his mortal flesh with a splitting sound, she let the pain race through him as she pulled his life’s blood from his body. Her arms locking him into her death filled embrace.

She would take him to the point of death, he would see the veil of the immortal. It would be then after he had felt what it was like to come that close That Alana would share her immortal blood with him.......

Thanatos Grimlok
Apr 23rd, 2003, 07:16:15 PM
OOC: Sorry, but you know why I been gone.


I felt her fangs sink into my skin. Then an immense suck, like she was never going to let go. I began to feel drained, and felt this immense pain. My body was stiff as a board and my eyes were rolling in the back of my head. I could feel the blood being drained. She was giving me my wish. I was becoming perfect. In the midst of all the pain I managed a smile and a slight chuckle as she let go of me. I fell limp to the floor. My eyes were so heavy. I wanted to sleep forever. I felt so empty, and at the same time so full. I looked her in the eyes and using most of my strength left I said, "Milady, give me perfection.....please." I said and I smiled and held my hands up to her as though I was asking for something. I smiled and looked her over, my master. She was perfect, and soon I would be as well.

Alana Stormcloud
May 5th, 2003, 01:37:44 PM
Alana looked down at him, in his weakened form. So close to death, so close to immortality. She had only to wait a few moments more and he would slip away into the black abyss that awaited all Mortals. But she had promised him a gift, her life force, her immortal embrace is all that it would take.

She bent to him then, her eyes glinting with pleasure, her face as impassive as it always was. She ran her fingers over his pale lips, the skin still warm but cooling rapidly.

"You’re dying...." She whispered. Watching his eyes widen with the knowledge. He was wondering if she had deceived him.

The Sith Lordess watched a few seconds more before slitting her wrist. She let the drops fall onto his mouth before lowering it to him. "Take what you need, and live in my darkness."

Thanatos Grimlok
May 5th, 2003, 07:43:34 PM
I grabbed her wrist, as I felt my very essence slip away. I began to suck on it, and I realized what I was tasting. I was tasting the blood of a goddess. She was perfect. I sucked on her wrist, until I felt full. I let go, and I felt an unspeakable pain. I rolled on the floor, but then I stood. My wounds healed, and my eyes glazed over. I felt like I never had before. My body felt cold, but warm, and my senses were amplified. I smiled and bowed to Alana. I was inbetween life and death, I was perfect. I smiled, "Milady, thank you. Would you like to walk with me?" I said extending my arm like a gentleman.