View Full Version : End of one life, begining of another. (turning)

Ro McCloud
Mar 15th, 2003, 12:22:48 PM
He walked the dark halls of the Parlour, headphones over his ears as he whistled tunelessly, his amber-blue blue eyes taking in his surrondings without letting any watchers know what he is doing. He stops at a set of doors, stil whistling, and pushes them slightly open to peek inside, it's someones (or somethings) room. He shrugs before turning away.

"None of my buisness who sleeps there."

Valirion Thorn
Mar 15th, 2003, 05:31:06 PM
:: I slowly stir from my glass throne as I feel something tugging at the corner of my mind. I open my eyes, my dimly glowing violet eyes sliding across the room until I see what I sensed. The door to my room is slightly cracked and the silhouette can be placed by the dim torches behind him.
My armor shifts as it awakens only a moment later and my sword with it, both sluggishly responding to my thoughts as they wearliy take notice of the words that just came from outside the room...

None of my business who there

... casual words of disrespect, but that could be understood for a mortal, they didn't know, they were ignorant of the real truth until they had been given the dark gift. Or pain, one or the other, both taught the same thing. And I knew it was a mortal because I could hear his heartbeat from here, the beating that made my eyes shiver in response. I didn't have to raise my voice but let the force carry it outside the room as I spoke.::

Enter Mortal...

:: My pale white fingers flexed over the curved handles on the throne and my shoulders stretched as prepared to meet or eat this man.::

Ro McCloud
Mar 17th, 2003, 10:31:47 AM
He stopped, turned around, a quizzical look on his face as he turned off his walkman and headed back to the door. He then re-peeked in a noticed the 'man' on the throne.

"Uh, why should I? You might, ya know, eat me."

He stepped fully through the door, smiling slightly.

Valirion Thorn
Mar 17th, 2003, 03:28:57 PM
Why? Because I said so. Ad I might eat you but there are other reasons why you are still here. Obviously, a wandering human in the halls of the Shrine has a better reason to be alive then food. Your name?

:: I had told the truth, there were some mortals with more important reasons to be in the Shrine then food, they were either slaves, guests, or destined to be godchildren of Ashiva. All I needed was a name...::

Ro McCloud
Mar 19th, 2003, 09:40:39 AM
He was about to say something along the lines of 'Why don't you tell me yours first.', but didn't.

"I'm Ro, Ro McCloud, Sir."

Valirion Thorn
Mar 20th, 2003, 03:07:29 PM

:: Not a sound of hunger but more of one trying to think from jus waking up in a vampye sort way. Ro McCloud... a name recently whispered among the shadowy discussions of the Council. This one was worthy enough of the gift and had been waiting for sometime. Mmmmmm... was I the one to deliver such? It would be much better if I had approached the mortal and not the other way around but I would take my hand in the cards now.
I laughed as I stood, stretching merely by moving, my muscles tensing and then relaxing as my armor winded itself into the air randomly with tendrils of shadow. I slowly moved forward to Ro, my blood red silk garments shifting like the life water it was colored as. I ran a hand through my black hair before stopping a few paces in front of the man.::

How long have you been awaiting the gift of the Goddess?

Ro McCloud
Mar 26th, 2003, 02:59:34 PM
He sneered slightly, this man bothered him slightly, reminded him of home.

"Not long, at least by your standards Sir. Only about a month, maybe, have I been waiting."

Valirion Thorn
Mar 27th, 2003, 05:51:41 PM
Too long actually by my standards, those who are worthy should be turned away from theirmortality as soon as possible. How much longer do you expect to wait for it?

:: I circled the man, my armor drifting from my back, tasting the air about him, tasting for weakness that should not exist.::

Ro McCloud
Mar 31st, 2003, 09:58:09 AM
He watched as Valirion circled, but did not move.

"I will wait as long as nescessary, if not longer, Sir."

Valirion Thorn
Apr 7th, 2003, 02:58:46 PM
:: From a table near the glass throne, two chalices were lifted by the force and casually glided in the dank air to my hands. As I grasped them, my armor wrapped small tendrils about it.::

If not longer? Longer than neccesary, well that is good then. Because once you have been given the gift it doesn't matter how long you wait for anything, the flows of time do not touch you and death is no longer your caretaker, a grave will no longer be your final resting place, no, that is for Ashiva to decide once you are a godchild.

:: My armor rose from behind my shoulderblades, two great serpent like blades that wavered for a moment before suddenly striking. One reached quickly and cut my wrist, and in response I turned the chalice so that the blood washed freely into it. The other snapped like a whip as it flashed under Ro's chin, digging beneather his jaw and lifting him into the air painfully. His blood fell as fast as mine into the glass I held beneath it.::

Born through pain, delivered through pain, born again through gift of darkness and given by the hand of pain itself. Do not close your eyes Ro McCloud or you will not open them again, keep your eyes on mine, and do not blink, because if you are not strong enough to withstand Death's summons than I will kill you myself and I'll make it much slower. Much more enjoyable.

:: I looked up into the eyes of the soon to be immortal human before me. This was evolution, this was rebirth, a baptism of blood and pain, giving the way to cheat death and ensure that darkness was eternal, a testimony to Ashiva.::

Ro McCloud
Apr 8th, 2003, 09:35:37 AM
His eyes went wide with the pain, but he did not blink, and screaming did not seem like a very good idea. He kept his eyes on Valirion as his blood flowed into the chalice.

Valirion Thorn
Apr 8th, 2003, 03:35:47 PM
:: The chalice filled close to the brim before I let him fall. He fell to his knees and I tilted his head back. The wound on my arm had closed by now and the other chalice was filled also. I opened Ro's mouth and casually poured my blood down. Just as lazily, I took the cup with the mortal blood and drank it, I was hungry and this satisfied my needs. The blood of one strong enough not to scream when I said not to was worth my hunger it seemed.

My armor still was underneath Ro's chin but it had flattened to a covering that kept it fom bleeding anymore now.::

Now swallow it all, give it time, listen to your heart beat, because those are the last beats of your mortality, the rythym of death will no longer be in your body and you shall beat in synch with the other godchildren of Ashiva.

Ro McCloud
Apr 9th, 2003, 01:24:38 PM
He felt the sickly liquid enter his mouth, and swallowed it slowly, as though savoruing it. He listened to his heart, the beat slowing down from the frantic pace of being cut, to a slow almost unexisiting beat.

Valirion Thorn
Apr 9th, 2003, 03:58:06 PM
Now... pay attention to the taste. Because this is your water from now on, the love of your life, what seperates you from the savage muderers and those gods who deliver divine justice for that is what you have become my godchild.

:: I took the chalice that had just served Ro his first taste of immortality. My armor slit my wrist again, bleeding more of my blood into it as if from a spout.

I had starved Sol after turning him but than Sol seemed to have a defiance in his blood that needed to be broken and run thin. Ro was different, by accepting my blood he would naturally gain a small liking for the sensation of pain but from there I had no clue what his abilities would develop under. But with his turning, I'd fill him with more blood than usual, satiate him with more vampyric blood than most fledglings would, spare him the first kill until tomorrow.

He would be incredibly tired, my lips turned up slightly in a snarl at the thought of possibly sharing my quarters with the fledgling but he wouldn't be coherent enough to make his way back.::

Ro McCloud
Apr 10th, 2003, 09:30:18 AM
He drank the blood quickly this time, his eyelids drooping slightly as the exhausion of the turning hit him. His head bobbed slightly.

Valirion Thorn
Apr 11th, 2003, 02:25:59 PM
:: I pulled the goblet away and tossed it off to the side. Ro started to look as if he would collapse and I could only smile as I put his arm over my shoulder and lifted him to his feet.

I took him into the next door. A room with grotesque bodies chained and melted into the walls. They were still alive, held together by orbs that contained miniscule amounts of my power that kept them tied to the living realm. They moaned in horror as I returned and than opened their mouths in even more horror at the sight of the newly turned godchild. They knew it meant a new darkling that held sway over their eternal torment. And I could only smile more as I placed Ro on my bed.

The red silk sheets and pillow rippled like blood as Ro was placed among them. I didn't even bother with anything else, I turned and headed back to the door.::

Until you awaken than my apprentice...

:: The double doors closed and I returned to my throne, the armor unwinding from my body and like veins again across the glass throne. My head tilted to the side as my eyes half closed. Waiting wasn't the problem, but I was looking forward to taking Ro for his first kill because I would feed myself as well. I was still hungry.::