View Full Version : A Little Bit of Loniless (Epona/Open)

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Mar 14th, 2003, 01:48:16 AM
She walked through the eerily quiet alley every so often taking a moment to look up at the bright moon. Letting out a deep breath, she ventured on, kicking loose stones out of her way as she came upon her 'home away from home', the 'Pit'. As she approached the entrance, the doors opened on their own for her and she sadly smiled to herself. Taking a step into the foyer, she paused, looking around the modest looking interior of the club. She walked in, noting a few new patrons as she made her way back to her usual booth. Sliding in, she nodded at the waitress she has come to know as Flora and took her jacket off. Her lean, muscular arms were adorned with fingerless gloves and flanked on her sides were twin blasters. She stretched her arms out, her long, purple enameled nails drumming lightly against the leather of the seat to the beat of the music. She sensed a prescence and looked up to see Flora setting her drink infront of her. She grinned at her and Flora smirked, nodding at her fangs.

"Honey, you know the boss man sees those, he'll through you out of here!" Flora warned good naturedly. "well, he'll try at least."

"Flora, you know I wouldn't do anything to cause any problems." She laughed, batting her eyelashes. Flora laughed heartily, shaking her head.

"You meeting anyone tonight, honey?"

"You know the answer to that, Flora." She replied with a sigh. She has yet to run into anyone she knows here. She doubt she ever would. So far she's the only vamp here and it's getting quite lonely. She looked as Flora placed a hand on her hip and tilted her head to the side.

"Hon, you know, this isn't fair. For the past year, you have come in here four times a week, sitting in this same booth, drinking the same thing. You know my name...when am I going to know your's?" Flora snapped her gum she was chewing and the white haired vampyre chuckled. 'Why not?' She thought to herself.

"Redeemer." She replied in just a breath of a whisper. Flora gasped, dropping the tray. Redeemer raised an eyebrow at her and smirked. "I see you've heard of me."

Epona Rhi
Mar 14th, 2003, 02:08:24 AM
Walking into the club, the cloaked figure heads for the bar. Sitting down the figure pushes back the cowl and reveals the lovely head it covered.
Purple eyes scanned the room as she ordered her drink. The barkeep places it in front of her and she slides the credit to him. She turns on the stool and her gaze stops on a pale skinned female at the other end of the room.

hmmmm....she looks familiar

Epona downed her drink and stood up. She walked over to the table and stood there looking at this person. A puzzled look upon her face.

"Do I know you?"

Mar 14th, 2003, 02:05:06 PM
Redeemer smiled at Flora as she excused herself, shaking her head as Flora continued to stare at her in shock. She looked up at the female who approached her.

"Do I know you?" The purple eyed female asked her. Redeemer looked her over, knowing immediately she was a Sith. She looked into her eyes with her own pale ones for a moment, knowing her from somewhere, but she couldn't quite place it.

"I'm not sure." She replied, her voice soft and smokey. She took a long sip of her drink and then motioned for the female to sit across from her. "Please sit."

Epona Rhi
Mar 14th, 2003, 09:44:54 PM
Taking off her cloak showing her lithe form in her leather bodysuit and elbow length gloves, a belt that wraps around her waist three times and knee high boots. She slides into the seat and furrows her eyebrows in thought.

"I do know you....I just cant place where."

Mar 15th, 2003, 12:57:00 AM
Redeemer smirked as she thought about where and how she knew her. Knowing her to be Sith, she blocked her any access into her mind should she try it. Redeemer downed her drink, motioning for Flora to bring her another. Flora quickly brought it over and Redeemer smiled at her.

"Bring her another drink and it's on me." She said, nodding to the woman. Flora grinned, looking at the woman sitting across from Redeemer.

" 'Tis an honor to have Redeemer here buying you a drink." Flora laughed. Redeemer groaned, rolling her eyes as she wanted to keep her identity from this woman a secret awhile longer. Of course, there was always the chance she didn't know who Redeemer actually was. She smiled, looking over at her to find her watching her closely. Flora let out a sigh and continued. "Why, this lady's been coming in here for a year now and I've gotten to know her over that time and never once did she let on she was the feared hunter!"

"Flora, I'm not a hunter!" Redeemer chuckled.

"Well, you should be!" Flora huffed protectively. "This one here keeps the, how would you call them...the mixes of her kind, the ruffians from slaughtering everyone for game. Now, I know she's no angel herself, but she's got respect for other living beings."

"Thanks, Flora, you can go now." Redeemer hissed, reaching for her second drink. Flora departed and she turned to face her companion. "So, now you know my name, my I have the pleasure of knowing your's?"

Epona Rhi
Mar 15th, 2003, 01:20:33 AM
She never took her eyes off of Redeemer. Her purple pools never giving more than she already knew. Then the girl relaxed some and crossed her arms on the table.

"Epona, My name is Epona Rhi."

She tilted her head slightly to the left.

"I will figure it out, the question of if I know you. It's strange that it's right on the tip of my tongue. But I can't for some reason say it."

The waitress returned with her drink and Epona gulped half of it down.

Mar 15th, 2003, 01:25:55 AM
Redeemer chuckled, paying Flora for the drinks and and a little extra to help her out. Watching her face light up as she walked away, Redeemer grabbed her glass and lifted it up.

"Well, until we figure it out, here's to a girl's night out." Redeemer smiled.

Epona Rhi
Mar 15th, 2003, 01:37:52 AM
Thinking hard enough an image begins to form in her mind. A small planet, one Epona had stopped on for supplies, then the night before she left, she was attacked by a Vampire.
She fought it as best she could and was about to lose the fight when a shadow appeared out of nowhere and took care of the beast. The voice seemed familiar really, as all she could hear was the voice of the female who had helped her.

"Were you ever on Mygo?"

She asked, remembering the name of that small planet. She rarely forgot deeds like that. But this one was strange to forget indeed.

Mar 15th, 2003, 08:33:37 PM
'Mygo' The word echoed in Redeemer's mind. She hadn't been to that planet in a long time. She put her drink down and looked straight at Epona. The memory came flooding back, hitting her hard as she remembered that was the first time she had ever attacked one of her own, well, a mixed one that liked to kill for the pure pleasure of it, not just to feed. Redeemer's hand started to shake and she mentally forced it to stop.

"That was you?" Redeemer asked softly, looking down at her glass. She had always made it a point to not let any of the intended victims see her after she had helped them. She just didn't want want to get personal. After all, she did have to feed on some of them.

Epona Rhi
Mar 15th, 2003, 09:55:35 PM
Smiling as Redeemer's defenses were down at the sudden realization. Epona nodded to her.

"Yes that was me. I have an excellent memory. I remembered your voice, and hearing you now I could place it."

She tilted her head to the right as she continued.

"Not only am I a darksider, but I am a member of a warrior sect on my home world of Meridia. The Sudaikan other known as the Crimson Blade. We are usually contracted out as assasins. We are trained to memorize the smallest details.'

She holds her glass up to the Vampyre.

"I finally get to say thank you, and make a toast. Here's to new found friends."

Mar 16th, 2003, 12:41:57 AM
Redeemer smiled back at her, raising her own glass and finishing its contents. Epona's background definately interested her.

"So what are you doing here?" Redeemer asked Epona as her eyes wandered the club. She felt a tingling sensation on the back of her neck and she immediately knew there was a mixed some where near by.

Redeemer quickly searched the club and found him hunched over the bar talking to one of the regular 'party girls' you could hire for the right amount of credits. Redeemer's hands slid down to her leather clad thighs and touched the special knives attached to her leg. Watching the mixed carefully, she saw her moment when he wrapped his arm around the intended and walked out the back entrance.

"You'll have to excuse me for a few minutes, Epona. I have some business to take care of. I shall return."

Epona Rhi
Mar 16th, 2003, 12:47:04 AM
Watching her leave, Epona gets up and quietly follows. Interested in seeing her do her work. She slips out after Redeemer and hangs in the shadows watching.

Mar 16th, 2003, 12:00:53 PM
Shaking her head as she walked out the back entrance, Redeemer knew Epona would follow her and it seems she was right.

'The Sith can be just too curious at times.' She thought laughingly to herself.

Making her way quietly through the alley she stopped for a moment, sniffing the air and knew exactly where the mixed one was. She could hear the muffled sound of fear and with surprising speed, jumped on top of the closed trash bin, landing in a crouched position and smiling wickedly down at the mixed and intended victim.

"Wrong night to be out, Mixed." Redeemer hissed, her voice dropping lower in disgust. The mixed released his victim and she screamed, running into the night. "You're dinner just got away from you." She laughed, hopping down onto the street, her hands sliding two of the knives out.

"S'okay, I've changed my mind. Maybe I'll have some of you." He spat, letting out another hiss and charging Redeemer. She watched him carefully and when he was close enough, she dropped down to one knee and plunged the knives deep into his heart. He let out an ear piercing screech that echoed through the night as he struggled pititfully and Redeemer groaned, knowing that would only bring out more of them soon enough.

Redeemer shoved his body away from her and she stood, reaching for her lighter in her pocket. Looking back over her shoulder, she smiled at Epona.

"You can come out now."

She turned back to the body, lighting a piece of his clothing and then stepping back as the body quickly became engulfed in flames. She stood there, watching the flames, suddenly wondering why she took it upon herself to protect innocents from these savages.

Epona Rhi
Mar 16th, 2003, 02:00:08 PM
Walking into the somewhat lit alleyway, Epona claps softly.

"Very good! Im impressed at your speed. And ruthlessness. *chuckle* Kind of reminds me of me"

She laughs and leans against the wall.

"Is this your home? I mean, where you chose to stay?"

She looks around, a bit.

"I have a feeling we should move either back inside or somewhere else. No, ,not another one of them.....but that girl, I think she alerted the authorities."

Mar 16th, 2003, 05:46:14 PM
With a smirk, Redeemer nodded her head towards Epona and then looked back down at the body.

"You're right, we should leave. It is not safe here anymore." Redeemer said. "Come, we shall go to my place. I've made this city home for the past year. There seems to be an ongoing mass of Mixed here and I have yet to find out why."

Redeemer quickly raced back in the club for her beloved jacket and then met Epona at the entrance.

"Shall we?" Redeemer smiled, walking with Epona down the block to her quiet dwelling.

Epona Rhi
Mar 17th, 2003, 12:20:15 AM
Putting her cloak back on the night breeze blowing, she followed Redeemer back to her abode. Eyeing all they passed. Her violet eyes eerily casting a slight glow.

"Are there more like you anywhere else?"

She stayed a few steps behind her, just in case anything or anyone tried something.

Mar 17th, 2003, 03:27:18 PM
She quickly unlocked the door, allowing Epona in first. Redeemer cast a quick glance over the street and then locked the door behind her. Her eyes flickered over to the metal door that lead to her underground room and then back over to Epona.

"More pure ones like me?" Redeemer repeated the question aloud. "So far, I have yet to run across any here. I've only been met with what you saw tonight." She went to the bar, taking her holsters off from her sides and her thighs and setting them down on the counter. She looked up at the clock and realized she only had a few hours left until dawn, then she would have to seek the security of her lair. "Would you like something to drink?" She asked, pointing to the bar.

Epona Rhi
Mar 18th, 2003, 04:26:40 AM
Epona shook her head.

"N-no, Thank you. I'm fine"

She took off her cloak and set it down on a chair back. And slowly walked around the place.

"I meant are there anymore like you who watch after the common folk."

She stopped near the bar and leaned against the wall. Crossing her arms.

Mar 18th, 2003, 04:08:42 PM
Redeemer quickly downed the drink she poured and then leaned against the bar.

"I'm not really sure if there are, Epona." She whispered. "It would be nice to know if there were. It would be nice to know if there were other's that felt the way I do. Loneliness gets to you after awhile." She let out a sigh, looking out the window for a moment, letting memories of the clan she once belonged to take her away for a few.

Epona Rhi
Mar 19th, 2003, 10:37:44 PM
Watching her closely, her expression gave her away.

"I think you do know of some others. Your face gives it away. Ive heard stories of someone that does the same as you."

She uncrossed her arms and walked to stand next to her, leaning against the bar.

"But the stories speak of a male, not female. The towsfolk near the city called him "Mist Walker". They say he walks around during a misty night. Then again, that town is always misty at night."

She laughed at that. Then tilted her head slightly.

"What's your story Redeemer? What are you looking for?"

Mar 20th, 2003, 11:30:29 AM
She looked sideways at Epona and then let out another heartfelt sigh.

"The ones I know of, Epona, are long dead...given themselves up to the light or killed by vampyre hunters. As far as I know, I am the last of my clan. There were other clans, yes, but I have yet to come across any members." Redeemer stretched her arms up over her head and then continued. "Yes, I have heard of this male but did not know where he was supposedly at. I have wanted to search for him for quite awhile now." Redeemer said on a whisper, trying to quell the excitment that now raged within her at the thought of finding another like her. "What am I looking for?" Redeemer took a step towards the window to look out for a moment. "I am looking not to be alone anymore, Epona." She answered softly. She looked up at the clock and then turned to head for her chamber. "I am sorry Epona, I must go into the depths of the ground until tomorrow evening. You are most welcome to stay if you do not have any where else to go."

Redeemer nodded towards her and then escaped behind the coolness of the metal door that lead to her chamber. Walking along the spiral stairs lit by candles, she softly bit her lip, not wanting to sleep the sleep of the damned, but to find this male Epona spoke of.

'That will have to wait.' Redeemer thought to herself and then she froze as she undressed. 'Maybe Epona would like to go with her? Maybe?' She smiled her first pure happy smile in a long time as she climbed into her encasing, closing it tightly with thoughts of what tomorrow evening might bring.

Epona Rhi
Mar 20th, 2003, 11:59:17 PM
Watching the Vampire retire to her darkened chamber, Epona Walked over to the small two seater and plopped down. She had been up all night and fatigue kicked in. Closing her eyes she knew that somehow she trusted this woman.
Hopefully Redeemer could find the relief from her lonliness, just like Epona. She wanted an end to her being alone. Ever since Ranx had betrayed her and being she couldnt kill him, let him go. She knew she'd run into him one day and she would finish the job then. Turning over and covering herself with her cloak she fell asleep.

Mar 21st, 2003, 01:33:12 AM
As quickly as it had left, darkness once more bathed this planet. The sun fading, many went to reitre for the night. However, as much of them that had left, many more came out. One such case was with a woman. Dressed in a silk purple dress flowing down her body. It clung to her, showing every slender curve of her figure.

Many eye this mysterious woman. None more so then a group of young teens. Three of them. They couldn't have been older then 19, maybe even20. Brushing back her long black/white streaked hair, the woman walked up to the boys. Her dark purple eyes gazing deeply into theirs. Seemingly putting them into a trance.

"Good evening boys. Fine night to have some fun.......don't you think"

Her voice was soft and melodic. To them it sounded as though she were singing a song to them. This allured the teens to her. Which made her smile.

"My name is Syndell"

She spoke to the boy closest to her. He was a rather tall well built teen. Brown hair, brooding brown eyes. Nervously he stared at her, enchanted by the very look of this woman. Slowly he spoke, studdering as he did so.

*M..m...my name's Eli. Th-they're names are B-b-brian, and Nicholas*

Nodding to each of the boys. Syndell walked even closer to Eli, till her body wa up against his. Her milky colored skin shown in the dim moonlight. Red lips pursed together, once more releasing a captivating sound. Drawing the boys further into lustful thoughts of Syndell

"Come with me........i shall show you a good time. One you'll never forget"

Turning, she motioned for them to follow. But without an command needed, the teens hurried after her. Following her like drones, zombies under a spell. Such a spell that a vampyre would put on someone.

OOC: Hope you don't mind if i join. Just wanna spice things up a bit.

Mar 22nd, 2003, 01:12:26 AM
Walking back in just after dusk the next evening and having fed, Redeemer smiled to herself, hoping to be able to talk to Epona soon about making the trek with her to find this so-called 'Mist Walker'.

During her slumber, Redeemer sensed another's presence. Not a mixed, but a pure like herself. She hadn't dared forced herself awake to seek her out. Maybe she will get to meet up with her soon enough.

Redeemer headed for her chamber to change into something more comfortable, leaving the door open should Epona try and find her.

Epona Rhi
Mar 22nd, 2003, 01:56:37 AM
Still in her deep sleep, she tosses and turns underneath her cloak. Unknownst to Redeemer, the soft whimpers coming from Epona as she drempt.

It's the same dream, She is walking down the same path she walked a few years ago while on a mission for the Crimson Blade.
She is surrounded by strange men in black body suits, and what is unusual about this mission and them was noone knew except two....Master Daishi and Ranx. But who wouldve tipped them off? Certainly not Master Daishi, he worked best he could to get her to this level of expertise. Which left only one. Ranxer....but why? She loved him and he her, or so she thought.

After taking the shadow warriors out, which left her tired and beaten. He revealed himself.....Ranxer....staring at her with a sickening smile of glee at her bruised and bleeding form as she kneeled there. She slowly stood up and drew her two sabers. She ignited the orange blades and walked slowly towards him.

"Why Ranx? Why did you do it?"

He stepped backwards always smiling...

"You can't kill me Epona. Your heart won't let you."

Damn he was right. As much as she hated to admit it then.....he was right. She watched as he ran off. The frustration building inside till she scremed.

Back in Redeemer's apartment, She jumped up on the two seater, screaming...and with her buckle knife in her clenched fist. Sweat dripping off her face and body, her cloak fluttering down from being thrown off. She looked wildly around the room as she slowly gained her bearings as to where she was.

Mar 22nd, 2003, 11:29:36 AM
Fastening the buttons of her vest top, Redeemer slid her holsters on and then reached for her hacket when she heard Epona cry out. She dropped her jacket and raced up the stairs to find her awake but startled.

"Epona!" Redeemer softly spoke. "It's ok, you're awake now. What ever demons chased you in your sleep cannot hurt you now." She could see the wild look in her purple eyes and knew something else was going with her than just a nightmare. She walked closer to Epona, picking up her trenchcoat that slid to the ground. She reached up, placing a hand on her arm. "Epona." She spoke, using the haunting tone of her voice to calm her.

Mar 22nd, 2003, 12:18:48 PM
A rather large, rundown warehouse stood no too far from all the active night people. This was where Syndell had chosen for the three boys resting place. Walking in, she led them into a room a few stairways up. Within the room, layed many beds, covered in soft colorful quilts and pillows.

The room looked fit enough for royalty to sleep in. Silk draps, and tapestries littered the walls. The three youths were tunned and the beauty of the place. Syndell walked casually to the biggest bed. Motioning for Eli to join her, while the other two sat on opposit beds.

The soft, rythmic motions of their bodies moving together as one excited the youth. Though they still have yet to do anything to each other, Syndell had further put him under her trance. Whereas one simple touch from her silky smooth body felt like unimaginable pleasure. Sinking into the minds of the other two, she also altered their reality on what they were watching. To them, they saw there friend making love to this woman. Whne in reality their friend was doing nothing but laying their moaning.

But it would end shortly. With one swift motion, Syndell bit into his neck. Her elongated fangs easily piercing the soft male skin. Normally her prey would be kicking and screaming by now. To Eli however, the bite felt like exstacy. A state of pleasure he had never been before. He would not notice his fate until it was too late.

Minutes went by, and Syndell was already on the second boy, Nicholas. She was hungry, and would drain all three men before the night was through. But deep in her mind however something stirred. Her instincts were telling her of another. Yes, even from this distance she could feel it in her bones. Another vampyre like her roamed. The force also made it apparent to her of this fact. Soon, she wuld meet this other, and se where he, or she comes from.

Epona Rhi
Mar 22nd, 2003, 01:25:00 PM
A tiny gasp escaped her as Redeemer touched her arm, her head jerked quickly to look at her. Redeemer felt the tensed state of her muscles, as well as she was shaking a bit. Finally ralizing where she was, she dropped the mini blade clutched in her fingers and sank into the two seater with her hands on either side of her head, rubbing her temples.

"I .... I'm sorry."

She let out a deep breath. She felt Redeemer's hand on her shoulder, heard the syren tone of her voice. And Epona reached up and grasped the hand on her shoulder. Pushing back a sob that tried to escape her. She looked up at Redeemer, her eyes glistening with a threat of tears.

"Im going to kill him when we meet again Ree. He'll pay for his crime."

Epona smirked at the sound of her cutting the Vampire's name short. She leaned back against her new friend, taking a bit of comfort as she didn't wake up alone this time.

Mar 22nd, 2003, 03:13:05 PM
Redeemer smiled at Epona's use of her name and then momentarily tightened her hold on her shoulder before releasing it and walking to get her something to drink.

Coming back to Epona's side, she handed her the glass and sat next to her.

"You are no longer alone, Epona." Redeemer smiled. "I will help you if you want me to. Just say the word." She got up and walked to her chamber entrance. "Follow me, I need to finish dressing. We can finish talking there." She turned, taking the steps two at a time. Grabbing the holster that wrapped around her thigh, she fastened it and finished adjusting the holsters at her sides and slipped the blasters in.

Epona Rhi
Mar 22nd, 2003, 03:38:54 PM
She set the glass down and stood up and stretched. Joints cracked as she loosened them up. She walked over to where Redeemer was getting ready. Leaning against the wall, Epona watched her.

"You know, something tells me tonight is going to be anything but ordinary. I felt something earlier. A slight tremor in the force. Then again, It could be from my dream."

She sighed and brushed a stray lock of raven black hair from her face, and tucked it behind her ear.

Mar 22nd, 2003, 03:53:11 PM
She stopped getting ready and turned around to face Epona. Her words had struck a chord with her.

"A tremor in the Force?" She repeated, slipping her jacket on. "You're not the only one who felt something. While I was sleeping, I felt another's presence. Pure, not mixed." She saw Epona's eyebrows raise and she chuckled. "I'm not sure where they're at, but I have a feeling I'll run into them soon enough."

Epona Rhi
Mar 22nd, 2003, 05:56:57 PM
Walking back to the two seater, she picks up her mini knife and clicks it back into her buckle. She picks up her two chrome cylinders and place them in her boots. Grabs her cloak and waits for Redeemer to finish up.

Mar 22nd, 2003, 06:04:30 PM
Climbing back up the stairs and closing the heavy door behind her, Redeemer grins impishly over at Epona.

"So, feel like a road trip tonight?"

She can't help but be excited at the thought of finding another of her kind. She lets out a sigh, feeling her like her whole body was alive and buzzing with anticipation.

Epona Rhi
Mar 23rd, 2003, 01:32:04 AM
"A road trip sounds perfect Ree. Right now I need to get rid of some of this pent up energy."

She tosses the cloak over her lithe 5'4" frame and smiles.

"Shall we?"

She gestures to the door. Pulling on her hood of the cloak, they both head out to find what they can find tonight. And tonight promises alot.

Mar 23rd, 2003, 04:21:36 AM
Having finished the three youths, Syndell cleaned up what little blood had escaped her mouth, drizzling down the sides of her cheeck. The three boys bodies were as pale as her's. Though not from being transformed, but from being dead. Within her group, she was not allowed to create other's like her.

So instead she kills.....and with each kill grows stronger. Walking out of the warehouse, Syndell opens herself up to the force. Once more she could sense the one from before. But this time, the presense wasn't alone. Syndell could faintly make out what possible could be a force using companion. This she was not sure of. But none the less, it would not stop her.

A couple steps was all it took to send the slender vamp gliding down the streets. Aided by the force, and her vampyre like speed, Syndell quickly sped towards the one......possibly two she had sensed. Meeting one that she had not met at the shrine would be intresting. The only other vampyres she did know were from the shrine.

Mar 23rd, 2003, 12:29:37 PM
Walking out onto the street with her new found partner, Redeemer closed her eyes, searching mentally for any Mixed out that night causing any senseless harm. She locked onto one, shuddering slightly as she got the visual of one stalking a young man. She knew the area the She-Mixed was at. It would take them long to get there, not with her speed.

Redeemer's eyes suddenly snapped open, feeling the other Pure one's presence. She grinned, sending out a welcome to her.

'Soon.' She thought to herself with satisfaction. She looked over at Epona.

"We're in luck tonight, Epona. You'll be able to get some fun in before we leave." Redeemer said, her full black lips turning into smile. "Follow me!"

Redeemer bolted down the street, her white hair flowing in the wind behind her. She turned the corner and headed into an alley to see the She-Mixed holding the young man up against the wall by his throat. Redeemer stopped and turned around to face Epona.

"Would you like the honor, Epona?"

Epona Rhi
Mar 23rd, 2003, 01:10:29 PM
Stepping out in front of Redeemer, She slowly walks towards the "mixed" one as Redeemer calls it. She calls to it.

"Hey ugly, Might I suggest a better tasting meal?"

The rogue vampire turns to look at Epona. Then turns her attention back to the guy she has. Epona looks back at Redeemer with a slightly miffed expression. Then turns bakc and her hand comes from under the cloak and with the force, she sends a trash can flying into the back of the vamp.

"Word to the not-so-wise, never turn your back on me."

That got her attention, she dropped the fool and began walking toward Epona. hissing.

"Oh come on, you gonna breathe at me or you gonna bring it babe?"

With that the vamp is a blur as she rans at Epona, And with the speed of a jedi and some "other" training she's had, she easily falls backward and places her foot on the vamps chest and drives her over her laying form and back first into the wall. Epona continues to roll backwards and flings her cloak at the vamp who is getting up. The cloak covers her and she starts to tug at it tryign to get it off. Epona draws her two sabers and ignites them, She spins around and the twin orange blades slice in opposite direction. The vamp goes silent and falls into three parts.

Epona disengages the blades and sets them back in her boots.

"Mmmmmm that felt good."

She smiled back over at Redeemer.

Mar 23rd, 2003, 05:35:47 PM
Syndell was close now. But a couple more minutes till she would reach the other. A smile crept over her face as the one she seeks had sensed her, and welcomed her. Soon indeed they would meet.

Mar 24th, 2003, 01:59:48 AM
Redeemer grinned at Epona's state of euphoria and let out a soft chuckle.

"Most impressive, Ep." Redeemer said. "You have quite a way with those sabers."

She walked to her side and nodded towards the bar they occupied last night.

"Shall we have a drink before heading out?" She asks. Redeemer stopped in her tracks, tipping her face up into the night sky and closing her eyes. Taking in a deep breath, she smiled. "We're going to have company soon, Ep. Let's go inside and wait for her."

Redeemer took out the lighter from her jacket and bent to light the pieces of the mixed one's body on fire like she did the previous night. Watching the body burn quickly to ashes, she grinned sadistically as she looked over at Epona.

"Let's get that drink now."

Mar 24th, 2003, 06:42:25 PM
The smell of the other female flowed into her nostrals. She was very close. Looking at a nearby building. She jumped. Her nails extending out more to help grip onto the concrete. The builing was rather low, so it took her mere seconds to climb to it's roof.

Creeping like a cat, she as low to the ground. he other felt as though she were coming to this building. But why? What was the building she had just climbed up on. Reaching the front of te establishment, Syndell looked over the edge. A flash of lights blinded her for a few seconds till she could focus her eyes to it. Instantly she knew where she was.

She had made he way to the top of a bar.......or tavern like place. It was here that the two would finally meet. Wether it would be a good meeting or not was up to the other. She would sit and wait.

While she sat however, a throbbing pain shot through her head. Like someone had taken a metal pie and just bashed it into her skull. The pain was followed by voices. Voices she could not make out, but through the force felt familiar. Shaking her hed,she would figure that out later. For now her mind was concentrating meeting the fellow vampyre.

Epona Rhi
Mar 24th, 2003, 09:45:55 PM
Walking in with Redeemer, Epona gets a booth for them near the back of the club. Tonight the music was a bit better than last. But the people looked the same. She was tapping her fingers to the beat on the table as she waited for Redeemer to return with the drinks.

Mar 25th, 2003, 12:26:15 AM
Setting the drinks down, she sat opposite of Epona in the booth and raised her glass in a quiet salute. Dowing the burning liquid in one smooth movement, Redeemer set her glass down and stretched her arms across the back of the seat.

"Do you know the name of this village that the 'Mist Walker' has been seen at, Epona?" She asked, smiling over at Flora as she passed by. Her eyes strayed to the corner of the club where she caught two young men checking them out and she had to laugh.
"Don't look now, my Sith friend, but we seem to have the attention of a pair of men in the corner over there."

Redeemer started to laugh again then stopped suddenly.

"I was right about that company, Ep. She's here." Redeemer scoped out the club, searching eagerly for the other vampyre but not finding her.

'Where ever you are at, show yourself. You are welcome here with open arms.' She sent out on a mental path to her.

"So, Ep..." Redeemer began. "Do you care to fill me in on the one who so badly hurt you?"

Epona Rhi
Mar 25th, 2003, 12:55:46 AM
Epona looked over at the two admirers, she was expressionless then in a split second her eyes hardened. They both turned away quickly at that. She kept her gaze upon them for a while and she turned back to Redeemer.

"Yes she is. I feel her through the force too. She's very close."

She looked around the club and Redeemer caught her with that question.

"So, Ep...Do you care to fill me in on the one who so badly hurt you?"

She looked at her friend and nodded.

"Ranxer. Another Crimson Blade agent I had fallen in love with and he me or so I thought. I was on a mission for the Crimson, it was supposed to be a hush hush type of assignment. Noone knew except my master and Ranx. Well I was ambushed by the target's commandos and almost killed. Ranx came out of the shadows and made it clear who it was that sold me out. I wanted to kill him right there, but my love for him kept me from doing that. and he knew it. I let him escape and found out later he had killed my master. My failure to kill him is a mark on myself. I cant go back and face my peers till he's dead. And because of his betrayal, I dont trust any man."

She downed her drink quickly.

"Thats why my assasin skills are complete and sith skills aren't."

She took a deep breath and exhaled slowly, pushing that thought from her mind. Then answered her first question.

"The village you ask of is called Mier, on Calidor. This one like you is said to keep out undesirables from this village, and in the nearest city of Pandora, crime and villany is going down. They say he feeds off of them. And I hear of little or no "mixed" as you call them. I dont think he turns any of them. If I remember right, this one man from Mier said he is all by himself. Strange don't you think that he is a vampire and doesn't turn anyone? Ever heard of that? Or are you one of those too?"

She asks with a smirk.

Mar 25th, 2003, 04:16:48 PM
Redeemer bowed her head slightly, sympathizing with Epona for the heartbreak she was put through.

"We're partners now, Ep." Redeemer smiled. "I'll help you out no matter what it takes."

She laughed softly as the two young men dared to look their way again. If Epona's hard stare wouldn't deter them, she knew what would. She grinned sadistically at them, letting her fangs show for a mere second. Their eyes widened in shock then horror and they bolted out of the club as fast as they could.

Redeemer turned her attention back to Epona as she talked of the Mist Walker and shook her head.

"It can be dangerous to turn someone, Epona. Yes, I do have the power to turn." Redeemer whispered painfully. Her mind wondered back two hundred years and she shuddered, not wanting to remember.

Quinlin Torr
Mar 25th, 2003, 06:23:56 PM
The target was gaining space between them, This boy was fast. But he couldn't last against a member of the Bloodpack. Quin was just about flying on his feet, and as the renegade stopped to get his bearing, Quin unsheathed his sword and decapitated him as he ran past.

He stopped on one of the rooftops and sheathed his gunblade. He felt someone nearby. And as he surveyed the area, there she was. On a rooftop looking in a skylight. She wasn't on his list, and she wasn't a renegade. No she did not have that "scent" about her. Being curious, he leaped from his rooftop to another lower one.

He casually walked to the edge and crouched, watching her enter the building. Then he felt another, more familiar presence.

"Nooooo, no it can't be."

He grinned at the realization of whom it was. Been awhile since they were together.

"Well I'll be damned. It is her."

Mar 26th, 2003, 11:36:21 PM
When Syndell had heard the mental message she grinned. So they knew she was here. And, they said she was welcomed. Well, might as well not be a party pooper. With ease she hopped off the rooftop, landing just infront of the entrance to the bar. Walking in casually, Her slender body, tantilizing yellow eyes(If i said purple before my bad. Their yellow) instantly caught the eyes of some of the men.

But she was not here for them. No, instead she would meet the vampyre she had tracked. One which scent she did not recognized as belonging to one of the shrine members. Reaching out with her mind, she spoke allowed to all. Hoping she would get the message.

(I am here. by the entrance. And where might you be stranger?)

Her eyes scanned the room. As well as her senses.

Quinlin Torr
Mar 26th, 2003, 11:49:36 PM
Leaping from the rooftop to the next, he was looking through the skylight the feamle had peered through. He searched the room from his view point and pinpointed her. Sitting in a booth with another female, she didn't have the scent of the undead, odd he thought. Redeemer befriending a mortal?
He smiled and shook his head at his old partner. The other sent a message out and he wasn't sure who it was aimed at. he kept quiet and stayed where he was on the roof.

Mar 27th, 2003, 01:24:07 PM
Laughing at a joke, Redeemer smiled and then felt the other's presence inside the club.

'I am here. by the entrance. And where might you be stranger' She heard in her mind.

Redeemer looked over at Epona who had motioned that she had heard it as well. She stood immediately, her eyes searching out every face until they rested on the pale beauty by the front door. Redeemer knew immediately it was her.

'Welcome my Sister of Darkness. Please join us, if you will.' Redeemer sent, bowing her head slightly. A smile played on her lips when the hairs on the back of her neck stood. There was another presence she hadn't felt in quite awhile nearby as well. She closed her eyes, searching and suddenly let out a gasp.

'No, it cannot be.' She thought to herself, excited. "Quin?" She spoke softly, her eyes drifting up to the ceiling to the sky light. Redeemer gasped, making out the figure watching them from above.

Epona Rhi
Mar 27th, 2003, 11:22:49 PM
Epona was enjoying the company of her new friend. Laughing together at a joke she told, the mood suddenly did a u-turn as Redeemer stopped and gasped. She whispered a name..."Quin". And Epona followed her gaze to the skylight above and the shadow against the moon's light.

"Ree, who is Quin?"

Mar 28th, 2003, 12:41:07 AM
Syndell had heard the message, and looked around. There, she spotted a woman staring at her. When they met eyes, the woman bowed her head. Smiling, Syndell made her way towards the two woman. It took her but a few seconds.

Upon reaching them, she stopped when she noticed they're attentions had been diverted. Looking up at where they had been looking, she noticed a shadow figure. The figure was sitting right where she had been moments ago looking into the bar herself. Turning her head back towards the two woman, she spoke. Her voice soft and melodic. Normally her voice would have put a spell on them. But she found out years ago that it did not work on other vamps. And it rarly worked on force users.

"Greetings I am Syndell. It would appear you are expecting yet.....another guest?"

Joining them once more, the vampyre demoness stared up at the strange figure.

OOC: Sorry but i just had to post with my sig. Thanks to a friend it's finally working lol.

Quinlin Torr
Mar 28th, 2003, 01:54:30 AM
OOC: that is a cool sig!!

Smiling as she recognized him, Quin sent back to her.

"Redeemer, It's been awhile. Have you been keeping up with the work we set out to do?"

He stood up and disappeared from the skylight. Though they felt him close by.

Mar 28th, 2003, 10:03:11 AM
Redeemer smirked, watching him walk out of view.

'What do you think, Quin?' She sent back. She turned her attention back to the one called Syndell and smiled at her.

"Syndell, I am Redeemer and this is Epona." Redeemer looked back at Epona and then briefly towards the entrance. "The only company I was expecting tonight was your's. Quin's was uh, unexpected to say the least. Please won't you join us?"

Redeemer moved back to the both and saw Epona looking at her with a raised eyebrow.

"Quinlin Torr, a very old partner of mine." Redeemer said softly. Her attention was caught by Flora walking by, staring at Syndell in what looked like to be awe. She herself looked at her, marveling in her appearance, noticing a view similar traits in their looks.

Redeemer felt Quin's presence like it was slapping her in the face and she shook her head.

'What are you doing here, Quin?' She sent softly. 'And before you answer that, you better get in here and greet your partner the right way.'

O.O.C. *Yes, very cool signature, had to add mine since I tweaked it just a tad. Quin, show your's next time you post! ;)

Mar 28th, 2003, 04:14:50 PM
OOC: LOL thanks, and Re, yours looks awesome.

IC: Syndell accepted the invite and decided to take a seat. This Quin fellow bothered her not. She knew not who he was, so it did not concern her. What did concern her, was where this female vampyre had come from. As far as Syndell had known, the only vampyres around here, and in the rest of the galaxy belonged to the shrine. Unless they defected and went on their own.

Stopping a female waitress, Syndell ordered herself a drink. Her voice filling the womans ears, enchanting her mind, filling it with somewhat dirty thoughts. Syndell grinned as the woman walked slowly away, dazzed at what just happened. She turned to Epona and nodded.

" Ahh a sith. I too am a sith. Though i'm sure not as well learned in the art as you are. But i have dabbled a little in sith sorcery. Not to much to be of any threat, however i get by"

Then her gaze shifted to Redeemer. Questions popping up into her thoughts. The vampyress's yellow eyes scanned Redeemer's body up and down before talking to her.

"Mind my asking where you have come from? and who has made you this way? The reason i ask is because i am a meber of the shrine. A place on the planet Roon where our kind live and thrive. It is there that i was turned, and that is the only place i have seen vampyres. You are the first one i have seen not a member of the shrine"

OOC: Epona, show your sig too.

Quinlin Torr
Mar 28th, 2003, 09:11:34 PM
"Not all vampyres live on Roon. There are a few of us who thrive offworld."

Quinlin said as he appeared out of nowhere it seemed. His voice soft yet strong. His black bodysuit with a hood attatched to the back of the neck. He stood there smiling.

"There are several houses or families which live in their own community. Nine of them to be exact. I am of one house, Redeemer is of another."

He looked over at Redeemer and laughed.

" I'm sorry, She was asking you wasn't she? And forgive my impoliteness, It's good to see you."

He leaned forward and gave her a one arm hug. Then stood quiet as he waited for her to explain where he left off.

Epona Rhi
Mar 28th, 2003, 09:16:58 PM
OOC: sorry! I don't have a sig done yet :)...but Im working on one. and yours rocks!!

IC: Epona looked up to smile at Syndell. These vampires were georgous creatures, not one so far she had seen was ugly. Well except that "mixed" that attacked her on Mygo. She nodded to the female.

"Yes, Im a darkling but my sith skills are also not that great. My master was killed as I neared the mid of my training. But I know enough to be way more than deadly."

She smiled and then her expression turned to awe as she looked up to the shadow that fell over the table and saw Quinlin. She looked over at Redeemer and had a look of "wow" on her face.

Mar 28th, 2003, 10:21:32 PM
Redeemer shot Epona an 'I know' look and grinned up at Quinlin. He had the looks that could make any female swoon, mortal or immortal alike. She moved, making room for him to sit down and then looked over at Syndell.

"You are not Pure?" Redeemer asked. "A Mixed One?" She glanced at Epona and then back. "I am surprised at this. You have a 'pureness' about you, Syndell. Maybe it is the Demon in you." She grinned. "I am from the House of Rohn on the planet Midone. I was born a vampyre, a Pure One, just like Quin here."

Redeemer looked affectionately at him, happy to see him after so many long years apart.

"I have heard of the Shrine and have often wondered about visiting it, but my work has kept me too busy to do such a thing."

She smiled as Flora brought Syndell her drink and shook her head in laughter as she stood there looking at them all.

"Well, I'll be, Hon." She chuckled. "After how long you've been coming here all by yourself, you now have three friends joining you at once! I'm impressed."

"Flora." Redeemer warned her with a smile. Flora laughed out loud and walked back to the bar.

Quinlin Torr
Mar 29th, 2003, 03:43:03 AM
He sat down and greeted everyone as he should.

"Good evening ladies, I am Quinlin Torr. Vampyre commando to the council of nine."

He looked at Epona and winked, which caused the young woman to avert her eyes quickly.

OOC: Hope my sig shows lol

Mar 29th, 2003, 03:49:19 AM
Syndell laughed at Re's comment on calling her a mixed. And of her demon side.

" At the shrine, we are not seperated by who is pure and who is mixed. There we are all considered family. And as for these other families of vampyres that live else where, i have not heard of them"

" Hmm, not many know of what i used to be. My kind had never gotten along with Vampyres. They hated each other where i came from. But because of certain circumstances, i had accepted to becoming on of the damned"

Her eyes watched Quin as he came in and stood next to Redeemer, showing her affection. Syndell had no intrest in him, though he was a looker. Her love belong to another. The one that had turned her. Oneday she would be in his arms. Oneday.

Snapping out of her thoughts, Syndell looked at Epona.

"Ahh i see. So your training is incomplete. I too have yet to complete my training in the dark arts. Had it not been for my brother, i would probably be a knight right about now"

A scowl spread across her face. then, under her breath she mumbled.

"And i'd probably still be my old self.....instead of a vampyre"

She would never forget why she accepted to being turned. Her hatred for her brother had led her to this. Because of him, she would spend eternity with this hatred.

Mar 29th, 2003, 02:58:31 PM
Redeemer smiled at Syndell.

"Forgive me for my, how do you call it, racism? I grew up where we had nothing but Pure Ones amongst us. I had never encountered a turned vampyre such as yourself until I had left my home planet after my family was killed. All the turned vampyres I had come across since then had left a sour taste in my mouth." Redeemer grinned at the small joke and then continued on. "I am not saying all turned vampyres are bad, don't get me wrong on that, please. Syndell, you are an exception and I am truly interested in getting to know you better."

She watched the play of emotions cross Syndell's face and Redeemer raised an eyebrow at the hatred she could feel herself when Syndell mentioned her brother. Redeemer thought back to her own family for a moment, sending out a quick prayer to them, missing them terribly. She shuddered, remembering how her own little brother was slaughtered right infront of her. She could feel her eyes growing wet and before she could stop it, a single blood tear fell from her eye.

Redeemer wiped it away with the back of her hand and then quickly brought it to her mouth to lick it clean. The warm, coppery taste filled her mouth and she had the sudden urge to find a meal, even though she had fed already that night.

Something inside of her was changing, she could tell. She had wanted to drain mortals of their blood more than once a night now. Maybe she was growing tired of hunting down the Mixed Ones, she wasn't sure. All she knew though, was that for once she had wanted to be a 'normal' vampyre and not have to worry about saving an innocent mortal.

'Was this wrong?' Redeemer thought to herself, her eyes going to Quinlin's and then quickly away.

Epona Rhi
Apr 3rd, 2003, 10:16:22 PM
Leaning against Redeemer she nudges the vampire as she whispers.

"Ree, how do you know him?"

She asks, and she has the look of a schoolgirl who'd just seen the most georgous guy on campus. Seems her thing about "men" has just flown out the window.

Apr 4th, 2003, 10:07:37 AM
Snapped out of her 'state', Redeemer turned to look at her friend and offered her a knowing smile.

"Quin and I go way back." She winked at Epona. "Why don't you ask him that question? I suddenly feel the need for some fresh air."

Redeemer hopped over the table and made her way out into the back alley. She let out a deep breath and leaned against the wall for support. Shaking her head, she had wondered when these feeling would surface.

"You can't fight it anymore, my Beautiful Redeemer." A voice whispered in her ear. Redeemer jumped away from the wall with lightning speed and looked around the alley, finding no one. She blinked in confusion, her hand slowly moving to her blaster.

"Who's there? Show yourself!" Redeemer called out, getting silence in return. 'I'm losing my mind.' She thought to herself.

'On the contrary, Redeemer.' The voice spoke again, this time in her head. 'You will know my name soon enough, as I will make my presence known to you in time. I just wanted to let you know that I have been searching you out and I am here to help you with your pain.'

Redeemer whipped around, blasters drawn and ready to fire on anything or anyone that moved.

'Get out of my head.' She hissed to him and felt him softly laughing, the sound of it deep and seductive.

' I have waited a long time for Quin to join you before making my presence known. You two are rare indeed and I find that intriguing. For now, I depart. Good night, Redeemer.'

Redeemer suddenly felt the loss of him in her mind and found herself feeling even emptier inside.

Apr 5th, 2003, 01:36:39 PM
Syndell listened to what seemed to be Redeemer's apology. Truthfully she did not care what other's called her. Pure, mixed it mattered not. For now she was coming to find that being a vampyre was not what she should have done. Turning because of your brother was not a wise choice. Now she had lost her identity........who she used to be and deep down inside still was.

Looking at Epona, Syndell smirked as she saw the mortal stare at Quin. Leaning in, she spoke softly into her ear.

"You should be careful. Should they please, any male vampyre hasd the ability to make you fall head over heels for them. It is the way of our kind. Think of it as one of our abilities we use to get prey more easily"

With that she ordered another drink.

Epona Rhi
Apr 6th, 2003, 05:39:15 PM

Epona said as Syndell told her to beware. She scooted a bit down in the booth from Quinlin and folded her hands in front of her on the table, and kept her eyes straight ahead. She wondered where Ree had gone.
She looked over the booth to where the Vampire had gone.

*wonder where she has gone?*

Apr 6th, 2003, 06:13:50 PM
Syndell didn't have to look around to find her. She could smell her a mile away. Looking at Epona, Syndell motioned to the exit.

"She went outside. Probably wants some alonetime"

Then she went silent. Something inside Syndell was telling her to leave. That this all did not feel right. Of course this feeling she was getting, she hadent felt it since she was turned. Only when she was still a demon did she get these.

Shifting in her seat, she continues to talk to Epona.

"So tell me, have you ever been in love with anyone Epona. And i don't just mean a crush, but real love. The kind that's suppose to last forever"

True she was getting personal. But this was something she really wanted to know. And after hearing her answer, should Epona ask as to why she had said the question, Syndell would have no problem answering it.

Epona Rhi
Apr 6th, 2003, 06:25:30 PM
Epona nodded her head slowly. Her hands still together on the table. Her expression turned a bit sad when she answered.

"Yes. I was. He ended up killing my master who was training me in the ways of the force and also sold me out when I was on a mission. Almost succeded in killing me too. I had the chance to kill him and didn't. But one day will come when I will meet with him again, and I will send him where he belongs."

She looked up at Syndell.

"Why do you ask?"

Quinlin Torr
Apr 6th, 2003, 06:28:23 PM
Quin listened to the females for a bit, and then took his leave of them. He excused himself and went outside where Redeemer was. Slowly coming out of the shadows he gently touched her shoulder.

"Redeemer, whats wrong girl?"

Apr 6th, 2003, 06:39:28 PM
She let out a breath, turning around to face Quin. Not much could spook a vampyre, but that little conversation she just had in her head did.

"You didn't hear a voice talking to you?" She asked, already knowing the answer. For some reason, this mysterious man chose her to contact first. The only thing she could sense about him was that he too, was vampyre and quite powerful. Redeemer moved a little to her left, wrapping her arms around herself as she looked up into the night sky.

"Do you ever tire of this mission, Quin?" She asked softly. "Do you ever just want to hunt more than just the Mixed ones we're after?"

Apr 7th, 2003, 02:25:24 AM
Syndell didn't say anything for a little bit. Instead she just stared at the table top. Her eyes showing the sadness that her face did.....no could not show. After a while she looked up at Epone.

"Because........being what i am i cannot possibly hope to find love"

With that she stood. She shouldn't have gotten into this discussion. Whatever the feeling was, it was getting worse. Her whole body started to feel warm.....like she was on fire. A thumping in her head caused her to go silent for a bit. As best she could, Syndell shook the feelings aside and smiled at Epona.

"I must go. I apologize for leaving so suddenly. And i doubt you will have to, but just incase would you tell Reedemer it was nice meeting her"

Without waiting for an answer, Syndell headed towards the back of the bar, behind the counter. She knew there was a back door to this place. She didn't feel like running into Re or that Quin fellow out front. Not now anyways. Though she was sure that after she told the shrine about these two, they would meet again very soon.

Epona Rhi
Apr 7th, 2003, 03:41:04 AM
She watched Syndell leave and didn't say a word. She sat there alone looking at the table top. Wondering at the vampire. Strange creatures they were she thought.

Quinlin Torr
Apr 7th, 2003, 03:58:59 AM
"Do you ever tire of this mission, Quin?" She asked softly. "Do you ever just want to hunt more than just the Mixed ones we're after?"

He shook his head slowly.

"Never. The mission first. It's always first. The mixed are multiplying in bigger numbers, and getting more lawless by the day. Vampyre hunters are also becoming more numerous because of it. It's because of that we are being hunted like common game. We need to quell the numbers of the lawless if we are to survive. And you know our teachings. We kill for food, and only food. I stand by that. I cannot tire of the mission. I will stop when ity is over. And it will never be over too soon."

He touched her shoulder. And gestured to Redeemer.

"You should get back to your friend."

Apr 7th, 2003, 09:44:50 AM
Redeemer nodded, turning to walk back into the club when the voice she heard before softely whispered in her mind.

'I know what you are feeling, My Love. It will all be ok...soon.' Redeemer stopped, then shook her head. She looked back at Quin and smiled.

"You will be joining us again, right?" She asked, tilting her head to the side. She laughed suddenly, heading into the club, knowing Syndell had already left.

'Syndell, you are welcome at any time. Good luck to you.' She sent out as she walked over to the table to rejoin Epona. Her eyebrows raised at the look on her friend's face.

"Ep...what's wrong?" She asked, sitting down next to her.

Apr 7th, 2003, 11:57:36 AM
Ice pulled out of his Redeemer's mind, a small smile playing on his lips. He ran a hand threw his brown hair and let his head tilt back on the high backed chair.

His Redeemer. The thought of it made him smile even more. Long has he searched for her and to have found her the same time she met with Quinlin...even better. Soon they would be reunited. He couldn't wait. He wasn't sure if Quin would remember him or not, but he looked forward to seeing if he did.

Getting up from his chair, he walked to the window to stare out into the night. His manservant, Royce, walked into the room then and without turning around, Ice said,

"I'm feeling rather hungry tonight, Royce."

"No doubt, Sir. Did you contact her?" He asked, walking to his side with his jacket. Ice took it, slipping it on while he looked sideways at him.

"That I did. And she's with Quin." Turning away from the window, he walked to the door and stopped. "Don't wait up for me!"

Epona Rhi
Apr 7th, 2003, 09:56:42 PM
She was silent for a bit then looked at her friend.

"It's just......oh nothing, I was asked a question that brought back a thought."

She looked back at the table top.

Apr 8th, 2003, 09:40:43 AM
Redeemer watched her friend for a moment, knowing there was something else she wasn't spilling. She decided not to pursue it, she seemed as if she needed time. A grin appeared on her face and she turned to look at Epona fully.

"Feel like doing some hunting?"

Quinlin Torr
Apr 11th, 2003, 09:14:21 PM
"I have a haven that needs to be cleansed. Maybe we can all go and get some frustration out."

Quin stood there waiting for an answer.

Epona Rhi
Apr 11th, 2003, 09:19:04 PM
Epona looked at her friend and let a smile appear. She nodded to her.

"Sure, I can use some stress relief right now."

She playfully nudged Ree with her shoulder.

"I'll be alright Ree. Just thinking about the past with Ranx again."

Apr 14th, 2003, 09:16:45 AM
Redeemer turned and looked at Quin after Epona spoke and smiled at him.

"That sounds exceptionally tempting, Quin!" She laughed, her gaze focusing on Epona. "What do you think? Shall we?" Redeemer pulled a few credits out and paid the bill, rising to stand by Quin. All eyes turned to look at them as Epona joined them and Redeemer smirked, knowing that the three of them made a striking trio.

"Lead the way, Quin!"

Apr 14th, 2003, 10:08:17 AM
Walking the streets, Ice passed a few ideal candidates for his meal, but just couldn't make up his mind. He was being too picky tonight and he knew it. It was all because of Redeemer and Quinlin. He had finally reached them and he was too excited to do anything but think of their reunion. Little did they know he was in the same vicinity as them. He had to laugh. As powerful as the two of them were, he was even more so. The would not be able to locate him unless he allowed it.

Ice stopped in the middle of the side walk and without looking, grabbed someone off the street, thrusting them up against the side of the building with one hand. Sinking his teeth into their neck, he drank his fill, letting the now lifeless body slide to the ground. He was wiping this chin clean when he detected how close his beloved ones were. A slow, wicked smile appeared on his lips.

'Maybe it will be sooner than I had thought.' He thought to himself. Ice closed his eyes for a brief moment, reaching out to Quinlin.

'Quinlin.' He spoke his name quietly in Quin's mind. 'It is time for you to reunite with an old acquaintance.'

Quinlin Torr
Apr 14th, 2003, 09:48:31 PM
'Quinlin.'......'It is time for you to reunite with an old acquaintance.'

He stopped in his tracks which made the girls stop too. Then he cocked his head to the left and a smile broke across his lips. He looked at Redeemer and laughed.

"Redeemer, You asked me earlier if I heard a voice, well now I have heard it. And I know who it is. I can recognize any of the Blood pack's voices. We have found or should I say, one has found us. Do you remember .....Ice?"

Quin smiled as the recognition hit her like a ton of bricks.

Apr 15th, 2003, 01:14:29 AM
If Redeemer could have, she would have fainted at the mention of Ice's name. Once her childhood friend along with Quinlin, he soon became an enemy as he claimed to want to take over the covens and rule them all. She had made sure he knew her thoughts on that. Redeemer grinned in satisfaction, remembering the night Ice's shoulder came in contact with her three inch heel.

She had to give Ice his due, he soon changed his thoughts and helped when the Bloodpack was first formed hundreds of years ago. He was strong, powerful, sexy...Redeemer shuddered, remembering one night before he had disappeared. Ice had been attacked while he was feeding, sometimes a vulnerable time for vampyres, and when they thought he was dead, they left him in the back alley, barely breathing. Redeemer and Quinlin had come upon him by his cries for their help. Quinlin tracked after the vampyre hunters and Redeemer stayed there to help Ice. He needed blood and the only one who could give it to him was she. She didn't have to think twice about it, ripping her wrist open with her teeth. But he didn't take it from there, he reached up and latched onto her neck with his fangs, holding her to him as he drank his fill.

Weak and barely concsious, Redeemer tried to run but couldn't. Ice, strengthened by her blood, knelt before her and slit open his chest, pulling her to him to drink and regain her strength, bonding them for eternity. Redeemer had gone crazy after that, knowing he would always be bound to her and she to him. She had spent some time asleep, hoping the bond would disappear after a few years, but when she awoke, she had found that Ice had disappeared after that and no one hand ever heard from him again...until tonight.

'What does he want?' She thought to herself, feeling Ice letting down the barrier to his where abouts, feeling the invitation being offered to them. She looked at Quinlin, seeing the excitement there and couldn't help but smile along with him.

"Are you anxious to see him?" Redeemer asked, her eyes going to Epona as her arm snuck around her shoulders in comfort. She had her mixed feelings of seeing Ice again, but she found herself drawn to seeking him out, letting her eyes finally rest on him.

Epona Rhi
Apr 15th, 2003, 11:40:01 AM
Epona stayed quiet. She listened to the two talk about this "Ice" person. And Ree didn't seem too enthusiastic about seeing him either. But she knew they would meet soon. And she would make sure her friend was safe.

Quinlin Torr
Apr 15th, 2003, 11:57:22 AM
"Its always good to see a fellow BloodPack member. Even if they got on your nerves from time to time."

Quin laughed as he seen the smile broaden on Redeemer's face.

"Plus, Im interested in knowing what he's been doing.

He stopped and looked around, he could feel Ice nearby.

Apr 15th, 2003, 12:13:31 PM
Leaning against the building, he had been listening in on their conversation. He couldn't help but grin. It was time he and Redeemer were together. He was about to move away from the wall when he sensed the third person in their group. Another female...a Sith...

'Interesting.' He thought to himself. His Redeemer was surprising him. She never would have befriended another unlike her before. His eyebrow raised, touching the female Sith's mind briefly and barking out in laughter when she kicked him out with a few unlady-like curses.

Straightening his long hair, he adjusted his shirt and then let the fog roll in around him as he made his way to them. He couldn't wait any longer. It had been far too long since he last saw them. Redeemer would be at his side once again and he and Quinlin would be an unstoppable pair in the Blood pack.

Apr 16th, 2003, 09:49:44 AM
As they walked quietly together, Redeemer couldn't help the growing excitement inside of her. She didn't understand it. For the longest time she resented Ice for linking them and now, here she was, anxious to see his face once again, especially after everyone thought he was dead.

Redeemer looked over at Quin and could see the smile on his face as they walked. Her glance went to Epona and she could tell she was a little uneasy about this.

'Couldn't blame her, in one night she's met, what...two other vampyres on her way to a third one now? ' Redeemer thought to herself. Looking down to the ground, her eyebrow lifted as the fog rolled in around them, suddenly filling the street, the whole city encased in white.

Redeemer's breath caught in her throat as they heard footsteps their way. She reached out and grabbed Quinlin's hand in her own and squeezed it.

"Ice." She whispered.

Epona Rhi
Apr 16th, 2003, 09:16:39 PM
Stopping in mid step, Epona brought her hands up to her head and growled. For a few seconds her eyes darted left and right and she hunched a bit.

"Get out of my head you half dead nerf humper."

She slowly stood but had a scowl on her face and her hands quickly rested on her twin saber hilts tucked in her belt. She looked around ignoring Ree's questions as what happened. That new vampire got in her head and without her permission. Her resolve to hating men came back with a vengance and she was determined to exact some punishment on him for his lack of respect for the sith warrior.

"Show yourself.....show yourself and be ready for pain."

She said where Quin and Ree could hear her. Short though she was, her anger made up for it. She bumped Quin aside as she searched out the new arrival.

Quinlin Torr
Apr 16th, 2003, 09:21:52 PM
Quinlin looked at Redeemer with an amused look. The little sither had just shouldered him out of her way. He almost laughed at that, but seen her serious visage. He looked at Redeemer and said softly.

"You think Ice just got her miffed? Only one I can think of right now, and I do feel him very close by."

He stepped pass her and whispered.

"Better watch your friend, she could get hurt."

Apr 16th, 2003, 11:16:27 PM
Stepping through the fog into the trio's vision, he smiled, laughing softly as his eyes connected with Redeemer's. He could see the shocked look on in them as her eyes roamed over him. His own eyes reflected that of hunger and he could see her involuntarily shudder.

Dragging his eyes from her, he looked at the Sith and nodded his head. He chuckled again at the seething look she sent him and he bowed infront of her.

"Forgive me for my earlier intrusion." Ice spoke softly. "It was not my intention to 'ruffle your feathers'." He walked slowly to Epona, reaching for her hand to bring it to his lips. "My name is Ice, fair Beautiful One. It is a pleasure to meet a friend of my Redeemer's."

Ice's eyes moved sideways and he could see Redeemer's eyebrows raised. He smiled, letting go of Epona's hand as he turned to face Quin.

"It has been a long time, my friend." He grinned, holding out his hand to shake Quin's. He patted his shoulder with his other hand and then let it go to turn towards the one he has been searching for.

"Redeemer." He whispered softly, taking a step infront of her. Ice brought his hands up to cup her face as he searched her pale eyes. "It has been too long for us."

Apr 16th, 2003, 11:33:42 PM
Redeemer watched with fascination as Ice stepped out of the fog. It had been too long since she had seen him and she wondered what made him chose now to reappear. That was something she was going to make a point at finding out.

She grinned as he tried to win Epona over, knowing it wouldn't be easy for the ol' smooth talker. She knew Epona had the hots for Quin, even if Syndell had warned her off a bit.

Redeemer couldn't take her eyes off of Ice as he finally stood infront of her with his hands on her face, staring into her eyes.
She wanted to say something, anything...but her throat had closed up preventing her from speaking.

They stood there staring into each other's eyes until they could hear the sound of each other's hearts beating in tune with each other.

Epona Rhi
Apr 16th, 2003, 11:42:02 PM
His smug look only got her anger hotter, and his dismissal of it all was the icing on her cake. As he touched her friend, she slowly growled and before Quin could react to her action, she had extended both arms out at Ice and sent him flying across the street and into the wall they faced.


She yelled as Ice went soaring with that force blast.
She brought her sabers to bare and ignited the orange blades, Quin had just grabbed her arms and held her fast as he looked at Redeemer with a surprised look at the little female.

Quinlin Torr
Apr 16th, 2003, 11:47:19 PM
Grabbing the infuriated female, Quinlin turned to Redeemer.

"Ok, I stand corrected. We better watch Ice so he doesn't get hurt. hahahaha."

He held the darkling by her wrists and tried to talk her into disengaging the blades. But to no avail. He looked at Redeemer.

"A little help please? She's your friend after all."

He laughed at the surprised expression on Redeemer.

Apr 16th, 2003, 11:52:05 PM
Redeemer watched as Ice flew infront of her and then turned to see Quin holding Epona. It took her a minute to realize what had happened and when Quin had asked her for help, she suddenly started to laugh.

Her laughter increased as Ice stood, brushing himself off and throwing Epona a look that would kill. The three of them stood there watching Redeemer laugh at them.

Clutching her sides, she shook her head, trying to calm herself.

"I'm...I'm sorry." She breathed. "Epona...it's ok. Ice wouldn't hurt me..he wouldn't hurt any of us."

Epona Rhi
Apr 17th, 2003, 04:13:41 AM
"Epona...it's ok. Ice wouldn't hurt me..he wouldn't hurt any of us."

"But I'll hurt him."

She said with venom in her voice. She struggled against Quin's grip to get free and attack Ice. Funny thing was, she wasn't using the force against Quin to break free which Redeemer knew she could at any given moment.

"Let me go!"

She kept trying to get free of Quin's grasp.

"Sorry short stuff, no can do."

Her eyes were glowing pretty bright, as the darkside surged through her. A snarl upon her lips, and the sabers still engaged.

Apr 17th, 2003, 09:34:16 AM
Ice watched as Epona called on the dark force and knew immediately she was not to be reckoned with. He walked a few steps towards her.

"Epona," He spoke. "I mean no harm to any of you. If it is your chosing to hurt me, then so be it. I'll take what ever you can dish out and you know I can take it. Take a minute to look inside me and you'll find I'm quite powerful."

Epona Rhi
Apr 17th, 2003, 09:45:46 AM
"I'll take what ever you can dish out and you know I can take it. Take a minute to look inside me and you'll find I'm quite powerful."

She smiled evily at him as Quin held her back.

"Oh you won't be so powerful after I seperate your head from the rest of you Ice." She said with venom dripping on his name. "I intend to wipe that smug smile off your face you pulse-monkey victim of fashion."

She heard Quin snicker behind her at that last insult. She kept her eyes locked on this arrogant son of a vornskyr.

Apr 17th, 2003, 09:52:44 AM
Redeemer's lips trembled as she tried not to laugh at her friend's insult. She saw Ice grin suddenly as he barked with laughter, obviously enraging Epona even more. As Epona struggled to free herself from Quinlin's grasp, Redeemer took control and stepped infront of Ice, looking directly at Epona.

"That is enough, both of you!" She spoke, her voice taking on a low, threatening tone that even made Quin look at her in surprise. "Neither one of you are going to hurt each other. If you try, you'll have to get through me to do it."

She heard Ice walk up behind her and shuddered as he moved her hair away from her shoulder, exposing her neck to him as she talked. With a snort, she slapped his hand away and whirled around to look at him.

"You...will stop that..." She hissed, trying to sound indignant, but seriously failed as he smiled at her, running his finger tip along her jawline. Still focused on Ice, she spoke to Quin. "Q-quin...time for you to help here!"

Epona Rhi
Apr 17th, 2003, 10:05:42 AM
Taking all she could, Epona let loose and Quin went flying backwards down an alleyway. She sommersaulted over the other two and delivered a cresent kick to Ice's head. As the Vampire stumbled to the right Epona kept dropping kick after kick to keep him disoriented and as he got stopped by the wall they were next to, she came in with both sabers and stood right up against Ice, with the sabers glowing hot near his neck.

"Don't you ever touch her again. Please give me another reason to send your head rolling."

She said as her purple eyes glowed brighter and her sadistic smile got wider.

Quinlin Torr
Apr 17th, 2003, 10:12:49 AM
Getting up from his recent trip down the alley, he laughed to himself.

'Damn she's pretty wild. Beginning to like that one.'

He quickly ran back out where he caught sight of Epona against Ice. He walked slowly up to them and crossed his arms.

"tsk tsk Still got a way with the ladies eh old friend? Thought after all these years you'd finally get it through your head. But I guess somethings never change."

He got closer.

"Epona, release Ice......please."

When that didnt work he looked at Redeemer.

Apr 17th, 2003, 10:18:43 AM
She let out a sigh, reaching up to place a hand on Epona's as the held the sabers to Ice.

"Epona, please." Redeemer whispered. "Disengage them. No more fighting from either of you."

She looked over at Ice to find him watching her intently. She quickly looked back at Epona, imploring her with her eyes to let him go.

'We must get to protection soon. Ice spoke in her head. 'I have a place not too far from here. Quin will have to carry Epona. She does not have the speed of us to keep up.'

She looked back at Ice, nodding her head in agreement. Apparently Quin had heard as well, for he had stepped next to Epona.

Apr 17th, 2003, 11:02:06 AM
Ice looked from Redeemer to Quinlin and then finally he looked at Epona.

"I am sorry to have angered you, Fair Sith." He said, looking up into the sky. "But the three of us need to get under protection and I need to spend time with my life mate."

He saw Redeemer whip her head around to stare at him and he slowly tore his eyes away from Epona's to look at her.

"Oh yes, Redeemer." Ice smiled. "It was determined many lifetimes ago that you and I were to be life mates." He could feel the shock of the the others, especially that of Quinlin. "We'll go into this all later, but we must get inside."

Epona Rhi
Apr 17th, 2003, 11:17:04 AM
Taking a few steps back towrds her friend, Epona poited an orange blade at Ice.

"Don't even think about it. I dont care HOW strong you are. Come within five feet of her and I will personally sever the line you two share. I promise you."

Disengaging the blades she stood protectively next to Ree. Her eyes locked on Ice. Although he apologized few times already, she knew he didn't really mean it. All men were lying pigs anyway. Even the very handsome Quin. And she'd protect her friend from them.

Apr 17th, 2003, 11:23:34 AM
Redeemer heard Epona speak, but didn't actually hear what she had said. She had been staring at Ice and his claim of his lifemate had been pounding in her ears.

Growing up, it had been law that life mates were picked very young and at a certain time of life, it would be time to join his or her life mate. She had never believed it and was never told who her life mate would be. The elders must be rolling over from laughter at this particular point.

"You're not serious, Ice. Life mates?" Redeemer asked unbelievingly. Ice turned to look at her and his eyes bore into her's. She took the iniative and searched his memories. She let out a gasp, reaching out to Epona for support. "Its...its true then?"

Apr 17th, 2003, 11:27:05 AM
"Yes, it is true and you know it, Redeemer." Ice smiled victoriously. His gaze swept over the protective Epona. "While I applaud your protectiveness towards my life mate, Epona, it is my destiny to protect her now and yes, I will touch her again."

Ice could tell Epona wanted to seperate his head from his body and he chuckled.

"No more of this now." He ordered. "We must seek protection." Ice looked over at Quin as he reached for Redeemer.
"Keep up with us, old friend."

Quinlin Torr
Apr 17th, 2003, 03:19:16 PM
As Ice reached for her, his hand was stopped by a silver blade. Quinlin stood there shaking his head in disapproval.

"Ice, dont tempt the hand of the darkling. She means what she says. Plus, I know of what happened with you and Redeemer. That was not too smart. She offered you help that night and you took more than was offered. By our code, I should be exacting a punishment for that. But because your father sits on a high seat in the council I am bound to restrain, unlike the sither here who is by no means restrained. And I am one who will not interfere with what she does.
So unless you want to test her prowess, I would suggest you back off. And if by chance you do best her, being that she is one of the humans would make you a rampant. And that is all I need to finish you old friend. Please don't make that mistake."

He pushed Ice's hand back gently with his gunblade and gestured for him to show them where his "place" was.

Apr 17th, 2003, 03:49:22 PM
He looked over the trio, amazed at how strongly they bonded with the Sith in such a little amount of time. He moved his hand away from Redeemer, though his body screamed to touch her.

"You win for now." Ice replied, nodding in respect towards Quinlin. "I would never do anything to hurt any of you. What I did to Redeemer was a mistake, one that I am not proud of. I've had years to think about that night over and over and I loathe myself for it." His eyes sought Redeemer's, softening at the sight she made with her pale skin basking in the moonlight. "I am prepared to do what it takes to have her at my side." He turned and looked at Quinlin. "And to have you rule with me in the Bloodpack. That is something we must discuss when we are safe."

Apr 17th, 2003, 03:53:54 PM
She watched with interest as the play of emotions came over Ice's face. She had never seen him express any kind of emotion except for blood lust before. Turning to Quinlin she spoke softly,

"Put the weapon away, Quin." She sighed. "Ice and yourself go ahead. I will travel with Epona to make sure she gets there safely."

Redeemer could see Ice starting to argue, but all it took was an irate look from Quinlin to shut him up. She couldn't help but smile as she turned her head away. Being his life mate was going to be fun.

'Do what ever it takes, huh?' She laughed to herself with an eyebrow raised.

'I heard that.' Ice whispered in her mind. 'And I do mean it.'

Redeemer snickered as Quinlin and Ice sped off. She turned to Epona, smiling at her.

"Shall we my Sith Protector?" She smiled, hearing both Quin's and Ice's voices in her head to hurry up.

Epona Rhi
Apr 17th, 2003, 11:12:37 PM
Traveling with her, Epona made her feelings on Ice known to Ree.

" I don't like him Ree. I don't want him touching you, EVER. I'll cut his hands off I swear Ree. If Quin hadn't stepped in back there I would've done it."

She hugged her friend, funny thing....."her friend" she thought, she had been alone for a few years since what happened. And never thought she'd trust anyone to be a friend. But she trusted Ree immensely.

" And I don't want you to stay with him. I want us to travel the stars and make a name for ourselves, names that people will revere or tremble to. hahaha.... And I don't want him with us either."

She looked at Ree making it clear she didn't.

Apr 17th, 2003, 11:55:45 PM
Redeemer turned to stare at Epona as the approached Ice's haven. She had yet to see this side of her friend.

"Epona...there's something I have to explain about life mates and my people." She began, "Once you find out who your life mate is, you are bound to them. You can't escape it. Sooner or later, you have to give in." Redeemer took a few steps away and turned to look at her. "This dream of your's, traveling the stars, making name's for ourselves...I would give anything to do it. It sounds ideal, Epona."

An older gentleman appeared at their sides to lead them inside. Redeemer took him to be Ice's butler and she smiled at him.

"Master Ice would like you to join him in his chamber, Miss. You are to rest the day with him." He spoke uncertainly. Redeemer laughed out loud, holding Epona back with one arm.

"Tell 'Master Ice', that I will do no such thing. Take me to where Quinlin rests and I shall rest there." She ordered, softening it with a smile at him. "Please make sure my friend Epona is well taken care of while I sleep. Any harm should come to her, there will be hell to pay."

"Y-yes, Ma'am." He stuttered. "P-please follow me."

Redeemer turned around to hug her friend and she smiled at her.

"I'll be back before you know it, Ep. Get some rest yourself."

Turning back around, she followed the butler to the stairs that lead deep underground.

Epona Rhi
Apr 18th, 2003, 12:19:13 AM
"This dream of your's, traveling the stars, making name's for ourselves...I would give anything to do it. It sounds ideal, Epona."

That last statement ran through Epona's mind for the past hour as she sat in the main chamber of Ice's lair. She knew her new friend would be staying here as she left. And it hurt bad. She paced the floor thinking. She looked to the hallway Ree had walked down to sleep off the day with Quin. She liked Quin, didn't trust him as far as she could physically throw him, but she liked him.

She didn't like saying goodbyes and wasnt about to stay and do it here when Ree decided to "Accept" her fate with that wretch. So she touched her friend's mind gently to not wake her and grrabbed her cloak and headed out the door.

"Miss! Miss!! You can't leave...."

The butler cut his sentence when she turned and stared him down. She slowly shut the door behind her and ran as the first tears fell. She hadn't cried since that day with Ranx, and now she did once more. Wrapping the cloak around her she made her way through the city. Ending up in an alley way ,she hunkered down to rest. Amoung a few cardboard boxes, hidden from view. She closed her eyes and fell asleep.

Apr 18th, 2003, 12:30:46 AM
"....Master, you cannot go out...the sun is starting to rise!" His butler argued. Ice whirled around to face him, his eyes red with anger.

"That girl is Redeemer's friend. She needs to be brought back here and if I'm the one to do it, then so be it...even if it means my death." Ice covered himself head to toe in sun reflective clothing and grabbed his dark sunglasses.

"When Redeemer wakes, she will be heartbroken to know she has been left. Epona has to know how deeply hurt she will be if she leaves."

With that, Ice turned and threw open the massive wooden doors, cringing from the first few rays of the morning sun. He searched out mentally, latching on to Epona's where abouts.

With lightning speed, he knelt beside her sleeping form, taking a good look at her. He smiled tenderly for the first time at her, admiring her.

"I cannot have my Redeemer sad." He said, brushing her hair out of her face. He cast a sleeping spell over her to ensure that she slept until they had awoken the next night and pulled her into his arms.

With a last glance at the sun, he sped back to the lair, growing immensely weak as the doors where closed behind him. Royce was there, watching with worry as Ice took Epona to one of the massive bedrooms and laid her on the humongous bed. Royce immediately began to help him out of the burdenous clothes and he looked back at Epona sleeping.

"She will sleep until we wake, Royce." Ice whispered, leaning on his friend heavily. "Help me to my chamber."

Quinlin Torr
Apr 18th, 2003, 09:16:38 AM
Waking up, Quinlin sits up on the huge bed. 'A little of a waste' he thought to himself as he thought of the size of it. Then looked over to see the sleeing form of Redeemer. She had entered the room after he had fallen asleep it seemed. He watched her for a bit then reached over and touched her shoulder.

"Redeemer. It is time to wake."

He whispered.

Apr 18th, 2003, 11:20:19 AM
Softly taking a deep breath, Redeemer opened her eyes to find Quin watching her. She smiled at him, stretching as she sat up.

"I'm famished!" She purred, running her hands through her hair. She suddenly felt the touch that Epona had left her in her mind and her eyes widened. "Epona!" She cried out, scrambling off the bed and bolting out of the room.

Redeemer searched the lair with her mind, finding Epona in one of the bedrooms on the first floor. She slid to a stop next to the bed and let out a sigh of relief to find her friend sleeping peacefully. She crawled on the bed next to her, wrapping her arm around Epona.

"Don't you dare leave me again, Ep." She whispered.

Apr 18th, 2003, 11:39:11 AM
Ice walked into the room just then, smiling at Redeemer with her disheveled hair and crumpled clothing. He nodded towards Quin and then walked to Epona's side, removing the sleeping spell.

"Epona decided to leave while you slept." Ice explained as the other two stared at him questioningly. "I brought her back."

"Yes, the Master went out braving the early sun to do it, too." Royce piped in proudly as he brought in a tray carrying juice for Epona and goblets of blood wine for the others. He set the tray down on a nearby table and then bowed as he left the room. Ice smiled as he saw Redeemer giggle at Royce.

"He's quite the character." Ice smiled. "Redeemer, if you would like, there are closets full of clothing you and Epona can go through to find anything you like." He saw Redeemer's eyebrow raise in question and he quickly answered. "They belonged to my sisters before they parished."

Ice felt the raw pain of their murders still fresh in him and he let out a heavy sigh. "Rory was about Epona's size and from the looks of it, had her same fashion sense. Destiny was your size, Ree. You'll like her choice in clothes. I'll have Royce show you when Epona decides to join us. For now, if you will excuse me...I have to contact my father."

He grabbed the goblet of blood wine on his way out, ignoring Redeemer's voice as he went to one of the libraries down the hall. Sitting in one of the big chairs, he down the wine in one swallow and slammed the goblet down on the desk. Contacting his father had just been an excuse to get out of the room before he suffocated. The memories of his sisters' deaths, Redeemer and Quinlin back with him...it was just all too much to take right now.

Quinlin Torr
Apr 18th, 2003, 10:24:00 PM
walking into the chamber Ice had disappeared into, Quin stood there watching him. He leaned against the door frame and crossed his arms.

"I take it your father's busy." He said as he knew the vampyre didnt even try to contact his father. "Ice, before we arrived here, you said we'd "rule" in the BloodPack. What did you mean by that?"

Epona Rhi
Apr 18th, 2003, 10:28:49 PM
Slowly opening her eyes, it suddenly hit her she wasn't in the alleyway she fell asleep at. She tried to sit up but was held where she was. She gasped and turned with a frightened look on her face, then realized it was Redeemer holding her.

She let out a heavy breath and brought a hand up to hold Ree's sleeve. She rested her head oh her friend's shoulder, sniffling as she againt sobbed a bit.

"Ree......*sniff*...I'm sorry I ran off. I didn't want to think of saying goodbye."

Apr 18th, 2003, 10:36:48 PM
Redeemer listened to her, holding her tight as she blinked back the blood tears that threatened to fall.

"Just why did you leave, Epona?" She asked. "Especially without saying goodbye to me?"

Redeemer shifted so that her friend could sit up. She got off the bed, walking to the glass of juice. She picked it up, handing it to Epona. As Epona took it, Redeemer told her of how she was brought back here, watching the play of emotions of her friend's face.

Royce stepped into the room then, arms ladden with clothes for each of them. Redeemer laughed a little, watching as he set them down on the bed.

"Forgive me for my forwardness. " He began, bowing at the waist. "But I took the liberty of choosing a few outfits for both of you. I do have a eye for clothing and might I say, you two ladies are quiet lovely and these would look exquisite on you. There is a bathroom through the door on your left, Miss Epona, should you need it." Royce smiled at them both, turning on his heel and leaving quickly. Redeemer looked over at Epona, her eyes wide in shock.

"You're not off the hook that easily, Epona Rhi." Redeemer grinned.

Apr 18th, 2003, 10:42:11 PM
Ice looked up from the goblet sitting on the desk and sent a smirk towards Quinlin. He motioned for him to have a seat and then let out a deep sigh.

"Please forgive my abrupt departure back there, Old Friend." He said. "Things got a little...emotional for me." Ice leaned his head back, tilting it to the side, sighing in relief as it cracked twice. Her grinned and looked at Quinlin.

"What I meant by 'ruling the Bloodpack' is exactly that. The founders are stepping down and want what they call 'young blood' to take over. That's where you and I come in." Ice stood up, stretching his taut muscles. "There's never really been someone to control what goes on with the Bloodpack, as you know. They think it is time for that to change. You and I are the most experienced in the pack, so..." Ice shrugged, not bothering to finish the sentence. He looked sideways at Quinlin. "So, what do you think?"

Epona Rhi
Apr 18th, 2003, 11:58:45 PM
Epona held up the clothing and looked at it with scrunched eyebrows. She looked at Ree and answered her last question.

"I left cause I didn't want to hear you were staying and I would be on my own again. I wouldv'e rathered have just gone without feeling hurt. You're the first "friend" I've had since Ranx, and I didn;t want to lose it again. And if I am , I don't want to be there when Im told I will."

She stopped and looked at the clothes a little ashamed at telling Ree why. She didn't want to hurt her friend, but she didn't know if Ree understood what she was trying to say.

Apr 19th, 2003, 12:10:40 AM
She watched Epona silently with a smile on her lips. She understood exactly what she had meant.

"Epona." She said, reaching for a purple halter style leather body suit. "I have not made any close friends since I last left Quinlin many years ago. Being part of the Bloodpack doesn't make it easy for me to make friends...or want to make friends!" She looked to make sure the door was closed and quickly changed into the form fitting suit. She smiled to herself at how it felt against her skin and reached for her boots, sliding them on.

"Epona, have I ever said I was going to stay? No, I haven't. I don't have plans to stay. Although my life mate has been revealed to me, doesn't make me want to stay here. I'm not going to bow down to the laws of my people just because they say so. I'm not part of the clan anymore, I haven't been for a long time." She whispered sadly as she reached for her weapons, strapping them on. She sat on the bed for a few minutes, staring off into space. She looked up to find Epona watching her closely.

"Epona...have you ever wondered what it was like to be vampyre?" Redeemer asked, running her hands over her bare arms.

Epona Rhi
Apr 19th, 2003, 02:16:59 AM
Feeling stupid, she averted her eyes from Ree and looked at the floor. She jumped the gun cause she was certain that Ree would stay. She placed the fresh outfit on the bed and walked around the room with her arms around herself.

"Epona...have you ever wondered what it was like to be vampyre?"

She stopped and thought.

"No. I always thought your people was a myth. But now that I've met you, I can see how hard it can be."

Walking over to her friend she got on her knees and rested her head on Redeemer's lap.

"Ree, Im sorry. I shouldnt have jumped to conclusions like that. I was scared is all."

Apr 19th, 2003, 09:58:41 AM
She ran a hand over Epona's dark hair and smiled down at her.

"All is forgiven, Darkling." Redeemer laughed softly, using Quin's nickname for her. "Did you realize that Ice was the one who brought you back, Ep? He really isn't such a bad guy. Just tends to get on one's nerves every so often." 'Like when he bound us.' She added silently.

"Come on Epona, let's finish getting ready and join the others. Quin and I are going to have to feed."

Quinlin Torr
Apr 19th, 2003, 08:28:19 PM
"Ice, the Council of Nine has always governed the BloodPack, how could they be stepping down if they are the ones who control our little community? You forget that we the BloodPack are their birth children and we have lost nearly half our force to hunters and stronger "Mixed" ones. To take over means to take control of the Council. And that my friend is a coup. I won't go against my father. Until I hear other wise, we won't discuss any take overs, alright? Now if you want to talk of other things I would be more than delighted to do that. Like, what have you been doing all this time? I see you haven't been doing your duty as a BloodPack commando, cause they are "Mixed" anarchists all over this city of your's. "

He sat down on the chair opposite Ice, and leaned back.

" You've done alright for yourself though, I applaud that. But why shuck your duty to bring order to chaos? I know Redeemer is keeping with our oath. And you know me enough to know that I'm a BloodPacker all the way. Hell, I lead you all from the get go. And they were good times I must say. But soon I must get back to culling the herd. Too much that brings attention to our people. We purebloods are being decimated as time goes by. These new hunters are getting better in equipment and skill. One almost got me a while back......almost. Good thing he was not as skilled in his stealth tactics. So, what are you going to do now?"

Epona Rhi
Apr 19th, 2003, 08:41:12 PM
Stepping out of the spacious bathing room, She was clad in a long black gown, with a snug upper top. The top was cut wide and it held up on her by just being an inch or two over her shoulder tops. Her collar bone was bared and also her clevage, which shown through a diamond shape, cut out of the front. Her hair was hanging loosely and she had her belt on with her two sabers tucked into their special holders. She lifted the hem up to look at her boots she still wore, the whole ensamble was black except around the diamond cut-out which had a silver trimming.

She looked at Ree a bit shamed at being dressed like this. She arched her eyebrows a bit and asked.

"Well?? I look like a wanna-be queen don't I??"

She said as she fiddled with her dress

Apr 19th, 2003, 08:49:04 PM
Redeemer grinned at Epona, looking breath taking.

"Ep, you look beautiful." She laughed. "I on the other, look like a dominatrix." She replied with a lift of her eyebrow. She reached for her jacket, then thought twice about it, laying it on the bed.

"Come on, let's find the guys. I'm starving." Redeemer chuckled, looking sideways at Epona. "Unless you want to volunteer to be my dinner?"

Redeemer laughed out loud as Epona reached for her sabers and playfully chased her out of the bedroom.

Apr 19th, 2003, 08:58:52 PM
Ice listening carefully, nodding as Quinlin spoke. He turned away from the window to look at him.

"I was hoping you would say that, Quin." Ice spoke. "I feel the exact same way about it. I, too, do not want to go against the Elders...especially our fathers."

Ice manuevered his way around his desk to walk towards the bookcases against the wall.

"As for what have I been doing? I have just recently woke from a long sleep, my friend." Ice said softly. "The murders of my sisters took its toll on me and I couldn't handle it. Especially after what I did to Ree. I can't even explain why I did it."

Ice took a book from the shelf, flipped through it absent mindedly and put it back with a snort.

"I awoke a few years ago, found Royce by chance and made him in charge of my belongings. He's the one who made the riches for me. He gets a nice healthy amount, healthy enough he shouldn't have to work for me, but he does. I can't even fire the man." Ice started to laugh, a genuine smile on his face.

"Yes, I know the city is ladden with 'Mixed' ones. I have been slowly getting back into the hunt of the Bloodpack. I had forgotten what it meant to be a part of it, Quinlin. I am hoping you and Ree will help me."

Ice opened his mouth to speak again when the squeals of laughter echoed in the great mansion. He and Quin looked at each other in confusion and stepped outside of the library to see a beautiful Epona chasing after a leather clad angel with her sabers drawn, both of them laughing hysterically. Ice raised his eyebrows, watching Redeemer with intensity, loving the way her face lit up when she laughed.

Epona Rhi
Apr 19th, 2003, 09:19:46 PM
Abruptly stopping in the hall at seeing the two others watching them, Epona disengaged her blades and tucked the sabers into thier special holders which hung off her belt and cleared her throat. Smoothing the dress over her thighs she stood there feeling uneasy at the way they looked at her.

She looked down at her dress and back up at them.


She said a little on the "testy" side as she got uncomfortable with the staring.

Quinlin Torr
Apr 19th, 2003, 09:24:37 PM
"Ice, of course we'll help you get back into the swing........"

Quinlin got up with Ice as the ruckus outside got his curiosity. He looked over Ice's shoulder at the two and he smiled at the way they looked. Redeemer looked beautiful as always and Epona looked exquisit.

"Wow, they look good don't they?"

He asked Ice from behind. Nodding his approval and almost laughed as Epona shot off a question.

Apr 20th, 2003, 12:12:11 AM
Ice couldn't help but smile at the identical 'caught ' looks Ree and Epona sported. He stepped out of the library with Quinlin beside him.

"Forgive us for staring, Epona." Ice said. "It is just that two of you are extremely breath taking, to say the least. It is nice to hear feminine laughter in the halls after all these years."

Ice took his eyes from Epona's and locked them with Redeemer's.

"Extremely breath taking." He repeated her way.

Apr 20th, 2003, 12:16:56 AM
Redeemer stopped, walking next to Epona's side and watched warily the two men staring at them. She actually felt her skin warm under Ice's silent appraisal of her.

"Thank you for the use of the clothing, Ice." Redeemer said. "It was quite thoughtful of you to think of it."

Redeemer nudged Epona's shoulder slightly, knowing it was hard for her friend to express any gratitude towards him.

"We should feed soon." She added, throwing a smirk Epona's way again. "I had offered Epona the pleasure of being my dinner, but she was showing me what she thought of that idea when you came out just now."

Epona Rhi
Apr 20th, 2003, 12:37:48 AM
Epona must've thrown Ice for a loop as she also thanked him for the clothes.

"Yes, Thank you for the clothing." Turning to Ree and stating as a matter of factly "Even if I look like a dork!

She said as she grabbed the dress. It was obvious she's never worn a dress before with her reactions. She was very uncomfortable with the dress, but kept it on.

Quinlin Torr
Apr 20th, 2003, 12:40:48 AM
Quinlin chuckled as he tapped Ice on the shoulder.

"Well.....looks like you're stepping up a bit, she said "thank you".

He stepped passed Ice and next to Redeemer.

"There should be enough food supply in the tunnel areas under the city. Secluded and no witnesses. Ice, grab your gear."

Apr 20th, 2003, 12:49:04 AM
Redeemer let out a yell of delight as she checked her weapons and then looked at Quinlin.

"I am SO ready to hunt!" She laughed, nearly bouncing with excitement. "I hope someone runs, I love it when they run."

She watched as Ice returned with his own set of weapons, nearly drooling over the long sword slung over his now bare back. Here eyebrows just about shot up and off of her forehead.

"um...." She began, feeling her mouth dry. "I-Ice, shouldn't you be wearing something?" Her eyes traveled down to the low slung leather pants and she groaned inwardly. She could feel Quin place his hand on her elbow, gently squeezing it.

"Ok," Redeemer sighed, taking a deep breath, just about missing the look of total satisfaction on Ice's face. "I suddenly have tons of energy to burn. Epona, you going to stay here or come with us?"

Apr 20th, 2003, 10:09:08 AM
Ice couldn't keep the smirk off his face as he passed Redeemer and Epona. He threw an amused look Quinlin's way, stopping when he heard,

'Put a shirt on, we don't need Ree distracted.' In his mind. Ice nearly laughed out loud as he turned on his heel to head back into the library. Royce was suddenly there just before he entered with a sleeveless shirt. Ice's eyes shifted slyly to Redeemer who was watching him intently while trying not to look like she was. He grinned, sliding the sword off and put the form fitting shirt on.

"Thank you, Royce." Ice replied, putting the sword back in place. "Shall we?"

Epona Rhi
Apr 20th, 2003, 12:12:24 PM
Epona watched the exchange between the two, she was kinda happy for Ree but repulsed at the same time. She stood there waiting for them to head on out.

"Yeah, I'll come along. Someone needs to watch you."

She whispered as she turned to head to the front door.

"both of you." She mumbled.

Quinlin Torr
Apr 20th, 2003, 04:05:21 PM
Sighing to himself, Quinlin walked to the entrance.

" Ok, lets go."

(In the tunnelway of the sewers)

"Ok, you ready? take only what you will consume and watch out for hunters and rampant "mixed" ones. Epona, you sure you want to come along? could be dangerous."

Her nod was answer enough and they made their way deeper into the under passages. Every so many feet there was a dim lamp to light their way. Water flowed in a trough yet, it was shallow, maybe ankle deep. But one needed to be careful as there sometimes came a pooled area that could get up to your shoulders.

Apr 20th, 2003, 08:49:17 PM
Redeemer looked to her left to see Epona close and knew Ice was behind them taking up the rear. She reached out and touched Epona's arm, stopping her from going any further. She motioned with her head for Ice to continue on ahead.

"Ep, you are going to see a side of us that you may not like." Redeemer began. "I just want you to be aware of this. This is how we feed, how we survive. If you feel at uncomfortable with it, I won't blame you for ducking out." She squeezed Epona's shoulder, then froze in place. "Ep, don't follow me. I don't want you to witness this."

Redeemer took off behind her, following the scent that caught her attention. Her eyes turned from their pale color to pure white and her fangs lengthened as she chased her prey down. With one leap, she knocked him on the ground, splashing water every where.

She got up, grinning sadistically as the man turned around to face her. His eyes grew wide in terror, but he stood his ground.

"Ooooh, a fighter!" Redeemer hissed. "Come on baby, let's see what ya got!"

The man lunged for her and she ducked, tripping him with her foot. He fell to the floor, sputtering from the water. He got up quickly, drawing his fists up infront of his face. Redeemer's eyes grew wide and she began to laugh.

"You want to play it that way? I can do that!" She grinned, He went after her and with lightning speed, she threw left jab and then a right, knocking him senseless. As he slid to the ground, Redeemer walked over him.

"Nice of you to try, but no luck." She said, her voice going lower as her hunger grew. She bared her teeth, reaching for his hair to pull his neck back when she heard someone scream to the left of her. She looked up just in time as a boot connected with her mid-section and she went flying against the tunnel walls, landing with a thud, knocking the breath out of her.

Epona Rhi
Apr 20th, 2003, 09:04:08 PM
Slowly walking in the direction Ree had gone, Epona slowly came around the corner. She seen Ree move in for her kill and Epona slightly grimaced as she knew what would be coming, Then a shadow came out of nowhere and kicked Ree, sending her intot he adjacent wall.
As the shadow loomed in, Epona lifted her hand and used the force to fly the figure backwards and into a wall of their own. Leaving her place in the darkness, she ran over to her friend and checked her.

"REE....REE!! Are you alright??!!"

She looked over at the person who was getting up and Epona stood to face them. Her eyes began to glow with the dark energies of the darkside and she slowly walked over to that shadow, intending to fight.

Apr 21st, 2003, 08:47:28 AM
Ice had been proud of how Redeemer took off after her prey. She moved stealth-like, fluidly. He had turned to face his own prey and no one had seen the second person until it was too late.

"Ree!" He screamed, dropping his now dead victim to the tunnel floor as he heard the crash. Ice turned and followed the sound of Epona's voice. He stopped as he saw Redeemer laying on the ground, struggling for breath, near unconciousness. He went to her side, turning her over onto her back as he stroked her hair out of her face. He smiled lovingly down at her then turned his attention to Epona.

"You need any help, you just let me know." Ice growled, his green eyes turning black as he stared at the man. Redeemer stirred, trying to sit up.

"Don't, my love, lay there and get stronger." He whispered, his hand stroking her bare arm.

Apr 21st, 2003, 09:07:16 AM
"J-Jeeze guys. Quit f-fussing. I j-just n-need some a-air!" Redeemer spat out between short breaths. She struggled to sit up, groaning when the pain in her side was starting to subside. She looked at Ice, finding him worriedly watching her. She smiled at him, reaching up to cup his cheek with the palm of her hand.

Movement caught her eye and she turned to find Epona squaring off with her intended victim. Something didn't sit right with her about this whole thing. She should have detected the other person, but couldn't.

Gaining her strength back, she stood to her full heigth, her eyes trained on her victim.

"Epona, I've got this one." She grinned sadistically, her eyes turning white again. Her fangs lengthened and she could see the man looking around for his partner. She walked to Epona's side, turning to look at her. Redeemer had prayed Epona wouldn't find her repulsive in her hunting state and so far, Epona just stood there staring at her.

Redeemer turned and looked at Ice, a matching grin on his face as well. She winked at him, then turned her full attention on her victim.

"Shall we try this again?" She purred, moving cat-like up to him. His eyes opened wide in terror as he looked at her.

"P-Please don't do this!" He begged. Redeemer rolled her eyes and drew back her fist to punch him. It connected to his jaw and he dropped to his kness with a whimper. She laughed, pulling her hair back over her shoulders. Redeemer reached in back of him, grabbing his hair with her hand and yanking on it, exposing his neck to her.

"Epona, I mean it, if you can't watch this, leave now!" She growled, her blood lust screaming in her ears. She bent over him, her teeth sinking viciously into his skin. His scream came out garbled and he tried to fight, but Redeemer was just too strong for him.

She closed her eyes, enjoying as the warm, coppery fluid filled her mouth. As she took it in, she felt her body become electrified, screaming for more. Drinking her fill, she let the body fall to the ground, wiping the corners of her mouth clean with her fingers. She looked down at him and tilted her head, staring at him for a minute before placing a boot on his neck. With a mere twist, she heard the crack of his neck and she smiled.

Epona Rhi
Apr 21st, 2003, 09:38:20 AM
Epona watched as Ree "fed". Then turned her attention back to her intended target. The person she had thrown into the wall. This person felt different to Epona, as he came out of th shadows it was clear why. He had pasty looking skin whos veins showed as if he were transparent. And he had similar fangs to Ree and the others, but his eyes, they were totally black.

'You girl will pay for that'

He said in a gurgled response to Epona. All she did was smile.
He leapt at her and she waited till the last moment and kicked. He went flying back again and she pounced on him as she was a vampire herself. They wrestled for a bit and she pulled her buckle knife out and used it. The man laughed and slammed her against the wall. As Epona slid down, stunned and hurt, the funky lookin vampire grrabbed her and held her up. Looking to Ice and Ree, It spoke.

'After I finish this one ,I'll feed on you too.'

Epona just hung there, her shoulder hurt immensly.

Apr 21st, 2003, 10:18:57 AM
Ice and Redeemer stood there, taking in the situation.

'Where is Quin?' He sent to Redeemer. She shook her head in response, her eyes never leaving Epona. Ice took a step forward and the creature tightened his hold on Epona. He felt Redeemer's hand on his shoulder, drawing him back. He thought quickly, then turned to look at Redeemer.

'Draw this coward's attention from behind.' He sent. Redeemer nodded slightly, whistling at the creature to get his attention. Ice looked directly Epona, linking with her.

'Alright, Darkling. I'm going to do something you are more than likely not going to like, but it is the only way.'

Ice waited for the creature to turn his head in the direction of Redeemer and when it did, he flew to his side with lightening speed and grabbed a saber off of Epona's belt. He spun around behind the creature, taking in the distance the creature held Epona away from him and ignited the saber into his back, searing a whole where his heart was. Ice held it there as the creature let out a blood curdling scream into the tunnel, releasing Epona.

"Get her out of here." Ice commanded to Redeemer. He slid out the saber from the creature and with a grin, released his head from his body with one swipe of the humming blade.

Quinlin Torr
Apr 21st, 2003, 09:15:17 PM
As Ice turned and was heading to where Redeemer had Epona, He was spun around by a strong grip on his shoulder. Another one of them new vampire types had gotten right up behind him without him feeling it. It slapped the saber from his hand as he brought it to bare and then a different shadow rose behind it and Ice knew who it was. The whistling swish was all that was heard and the creature just stood there with a smile and then black ooze seeped from a line across it's throat.

It's head tilted back and fell off it's body and Quinlin stood there looking at it. Then he looked back up at Ice.

"You ok? Good, I was a distance away finishing up my attack when I felt Redeemer call out."

Looking around he noticed a missing member of the group.

"Where is Epona? Is she hurt?"

Epona Rhi
Apr 21st, 2003, 09:21:10 PM
Epona Laid there on the walkway with Ree next to her. She grimaced at the pain in her shoulder.

"Ree.....I can't move my...arm. I think it's broken.'

She looked at her arm which looked ok, but her shoulder seemed to have a huge lump. She assesed it was probably dislocated from being slammed against the wall. She bit her lip and groaned as the pain shot through her side and back.

"Gods, It kriffing hurts!"

Apr 21st, 2003, 09:38:28 PM
Redeemer looked over Epona's shoulder, not liking what she saw.

"Yeah, Ep...you dislocated it." She bit her lip, then looked up at Quin and Ice. "Quin, come sit behind her and hold her down. Ice, hold her legs. What ever the two of you do, do not let go of her, you understand?" Redeemer asked, watching as the two of them nodded. She turned her still white eyes to Epona and looked at her softly.

"Forgive me, Friend. I have to do this." She whispered. Placing a hand on her shoulder and one on her arm. With a quick movement, Redeemer shoved her arm back in with a loud snap.

Epona Rhi
Apr 22nd, 2003, 12:33:50 AM
It was so quick, The audible crack that came from her shoulder and the scream that exited her mouth. Her face contorted in pain, as Ree set her shoulder. She whimpered as the pain drove her arm numb and she fell back against Quin's arm, unconscious.

Quinlin Torr
Apr 22nd, 2003, 12:39:00 AM
Quinlin watched as Redeemer set Epona's shoulder. She screamed and fell against him passed out. He looked at Redeemer and Ice.

"Lets get her to safety. These tunnels aren't safe. We need to figure what the hell these things are. I fear we may have a new species on our hands. Possibly a mutation of a strain. We'll regroup, let the darkling rest and come back to do a little "cleansing".

Apr 22nd, 2003, 12:47:07 AM
She nodded, listening intently to her friend.

"I'll take her back myself." She smiled. "I think the two of you can handle things on your own until I get back." She bent to pick Epona up in her arms and then cheekily added, "Save some for me, will ya?"

Redeemer looked over at Ice, offering him a smile that she hoped would have knocked his socks off. Tearing her gaze from his, she sped out of the tunnels, wanting to get her friend to safety, knowing Royce would take special care of her.

*Ice's Home*

"Royce!" Redeemer called out as she kicked the main doors open with her foot. She walked into the hallway and found Royce hurrying to her side. He took Epona from her, walking with ease to the bedroom Epona had resided in.

"What happened, Ma'am?" He asked, slipping her belt off and handing it to Redeemer.

"She dislocated her shoulder. I set it back, but she's in awful pain." Redeemer whispered worriedly. Royce stopped what he was doing and turned to look at her.

"She will be fine." He said with confidence. "Please, I know the Master and your friend need your help in what ever it is they are doing. Miss Epona will be safe. I can guarantee that."

"I know she will, Royce." Redeemer smiled, looking down at Epona. "If she wakes while I am gone, tell her what happened."

Royce nodded, turning to rush to the side bathroom for a cool, wet cloth. Redeemer touched Epona's hand for a minute, then flew out of the room to join Quinlin and Ice.

Quinlin Torr
Apr 22nd, 2003, 03:03:15 AM
Looking at the severed head of this new breed of vampyre, Quin thought it odd. The skin was almost translucent. Just a sickly pastey color. The blood was black, as well as the eyes. Now why haven't they been able to detect them? What was it about them that kept them invisible to the BloodPack?

He sighed and rubbed his face. This was going to be interesting to say the least. He looked up at Ice as if asking him his thoughts on the matter. Then he slowly looked around the area. He hoped Redeemer had gotten the darkling to safety and was also safe herself. He used his gunblade to hold himself steady, the point of it against the floor, as he held onto the handle for support.

"So what do you think Ice?"

Apr 22nd, 2003, 09:41:12 AM
Ice stood up from kneeling on the ground to examine the body of the creature and ran his hand through his hair.

"I have never seen the likes of this creature before." Ice replied, placing his hands on his hips. He reached into his bag and dug out some viles, handing them to Quinlin.

"Here, let's get some blood samples. Get some hair and skin as well. This is something the Elders need to know about. We need to know what we're up against."

Apr 22nd, 2003, 10:13:13 AM
Redeemer made her way back into the tunnels, keeping an ear and eye out for anything out of the ordinary for her. She could hear Quin and Ice talking and let out a sigh of relief as she quickly made her way to them.

"Hey guys." She greeted, stepping over the disembodied head of one of the creatures. Standing in between the two of them, she looked down at the body and let out a sigh. "Epona's resting. Royce promised to take very good care of her." She smiled.

"What the frell are these things?" Redeemer asked softly. "We cannot detect them and they look so mutated." She kneeled down on her haunches, reaching out to touch a pool of the creatures black blood. The instant she touched it, her skin felt on fire and she let out a yelp, jumping back up as she wiped the blood off.

"This is not good, you guys." She whispered, scared.

Quinlin Torr
Apr 22nd, 2003, 09:41:09 PM
"Acidic blood, interesting. We got blood sample, skin sample....Ice, we can't get a hair sample." Quin holds the head up. "See? no hair. hahahahaa"

He places the head back down and he stood abruptly. Stepping past Ice, he whispered so the two could hear.

"You hear that? Thought I heard footsteps down this tunnel."

He pointed his gunblade into the tunnel, and began to walk forward. Something was there and he was gonna find out exactly what.

Apr 22nd, 2003, 11:18:33 PM
Ice nodded, looking over at Redeemer.

"Stay here, my love." He said, walking past her and not missing the 'frell I won't look' she sent him as she fell into step with him.

'Worth a try.' He thought to himself. Ice held his sword at his side ready for action if need be. The two of them followed Quin closely, hearing the steps get louder and louder.

"Get those knives of your's ready." Ice whispered to Redeemer, then added, "Remind me when we get back home to give you an even better weapon than that you carry." He grinned when she threw him a look, noticing the slight smile she had on her lips.

'Easy there, Quin. Ice sent to him. 'Wait for us.'

Apr 23rd, 2003, 10:06:09 AM
Redeemer briefly touched Epona's mind to make sure she was okay. Satisfied that she was, she stepped closer to Ice as they followed Quin.

The footsteps they heard had turned into a rather 'shuffling' noise and she turned to look at Quin questioningly.

"This doesn't feel right, guys." She whispered as Ice brought his arm up to rest on her waist. She looked at him, then decided not to argue right then. She actually had to bite her lip to keep from smiling. Epona would have his head right about now! She gripped her knives thinking to herself that the race of pure bloods now have something new to fight. They are being quickly wiped out by this new threat and if they don't find out what it was and soon, all would perish. Mortal and immortal alike.

Quinlin Torr
Apr 23rd, 2003, 10:19:53 PM
Leading the trio down the tunnel, Gunblade pointing forward, slowly going back and forth in a sweeping arc. He just turned a corner when a shadow jumps from the corner and runs into the dim light. Quinlin whispers a string of curses as a homeless kid crouches down when Quinlin points the blade at her.

"Damn it! Do you know how close you came to getting blown away?!!"

He scolded the girl. As she slowly stood, a shadow dropped behind her and grabbed her kicking and screaming. Another one of them new vamps came to play. The bald creature picked her up and jumped back up to the opening it came out of. Quinlin ran and did the same. Heading up inot the upper levels even though Ice and Redeemer yelled for him to wait.

Epona Rhi
Apr 23rd, 2003, 10:28:00 PM
Slowly stirring in the bed she lay in, Epona opened her eyes and winced from the pain in her shoulder. She sat up and got a chill, then noticed she was unclothed. She grasped the sheet and pulled it to cover herself. A rag fell from her head and she ignored it. Royce came in and he greeted her in his pleasant way. She smiled and looked around.

"Royce, where is everybody?"

"Mistress Redeemer brought you back and instructed me to care for you. She and the Masters are still out hunting whatever it was that hurt you my dear."

She was silent. Ree was out there with those things and she was cooped up in this place, not being able to help her. She slowly moved to get off the bed and Royce came over to help her.

"Miss where is it you want to go?"

"The little girls room Royce."

"Certainly miss."

He helped her along and left her as they entered the bathing room. He closed the door behind him as he left her side, and she looked in the mirror. Her shoulder was bruised badly and a bit swollen. She washed her face with one hand and then felt a touch from Ree. She smiled and touched her freind's mind back. She was safe and Epona was glad for that.

Apr 24th, 2003, 12:05:51 AM
"Quin!" She hissed, turning to look at Ice, definately annoyed now. She scrambled after him, ignoring Ice's orders for her to stay there.

"I'm not letting him out of my sights, Ice." She yelled back at him. "I suggest you keep up with me if you know what's good for you."

Redeemer quickly caught sight of Quin and kept pace with him, letting him know mentally that she was there with him. She could hear Ice behind her and she let a smirk play on her lips as the kept traveling up and up through the levels.

Apr 24th, 2003, 12:10:09 AM
"Females." Ice muttered under his breath as he followed the other two. He allowed himself a quick grin as he let his eyes travel the length of Redeemer's backside.

Snapping out of it, he reminded himself of exactly where they were and what they were doing. He didn't like how high they were going up through the tunnels. He reached out and found the little girl's fear screaming out into the darkness.

'He will not harm you, Little One.' Ice sent to her, sending her comforting waves over her. He could sense how scared she was and prayed they would get there in time. Someone as innocent as she did not deserve this. His jaw set, Ice chased after Redeemer, Quin and the creature with anewed vengeance.

Quinlin Torr
Apr 24th, 2003, 01:34:34 AM
Right on it's tail, Quinlin was moving like the wind. Thing is, this creature was moving faster. But only a little bit. it finally took off down another tunnel near the city surface and Quinlin climbed out of the shaft and ran after it.

The girl was screaming and reaching back to him and Quinlin brought his gunblade to bare. He let go a thunderous bang and that abomination fell to its face. The girl went tumbling off to the side and Quinlin kept running. He came up fast on the fallen creature, and as he swung his weapon down, another one of them attacked him from the side.

Quinlin was fighting this one off when another three came out of nowhere and started to close in on him and the other creature.

Apr 24th, 2003, 09:32:51 AM
Redeemer gasped as the little girl fell out of the creature's arms. She was about to go to her when she saw how many of the creatures came out of the dark.

"Ice!" She yelled behind her and he was at her side suddenly. She looked at him for a moment before she holstered her knives and withdrew her twin blasters. Winking at Ice, she let out a yell and ran into the mob to Quin, resting her back against his as they let out a rain of fire upon these creatures.

Their faces turned into blurs as Redeemer squinted her eyes as she fired on one after another. She heard another yell and looked to see Ice swinging his way in with his sword. She smiled, moving her targeted area from their chests to their heads. They seemed to drop quicker that way.

Apr 24th, 2003, 09:42:19 AM
The three of them stood back to back, protecting each other and fighting these creatures as one. Ice was thriving on this. How he had missed this kind of action. He smiled, watching as they dropped one by one.

He cast a sideways glance at Redeemer and his smile grew. She was a vampyre warrior through and through, he realized. There was no way he could tie her down to him, as much as he wanted to. It would be her choice to be with him.

'But I am going to have so much fun persuading her.' He allowed himself to think.

Ice suddenly felt a burning sensation on his arm and he looked to his left to find that one of the creatures had reached him and slashed at his arm. Ice let out a growl of rage and swung viciously, decapitating the creature. The wound burned and his usual healing abilities weren't working that great with it.

'Another thing to worry about, great.' He thought.

Quinlin Torr
Apr 24th, 2003, 11:00:52 PM
Stepping away from the others, Quinlin sent to each.

'Redeemer, when I attack, you grab that girl and get her to safety. I mean you haul out of here.'

'Ice, you follow Redeemer and cover her back. I want you two safe with that girl. I will keep them busy long enough for you to get out.'

(but what about you Quin? who'll cover YOUR back?)

Quinlin gave Ice that look of "I will cover my own back" And before he could argue the point, Quinlin attacked. Redeemer grabbed the girl and sped off to safety. Ice reluctantly followed.

' If I'm not out in ten minutes, you know what that means. I dont want either of you to come back in here you got me?!'

(I got you)

With that Quinlin fought them with a ferocity only he was known for. Ice watched as body parts flew and black ooze splattered from shots of the gunblade. Quinlin watched from the corner of his eye as the two made it out. The other monsters began to swarm around Quin and close in on him as he swung away with his blade.

Both Ice and Redeemer made their way out, and then all of a sudden the shooting stopped and they didnt feel Quinlin's pressence anymore.

Apr 25th, 2003, 08:22:58 AM
Grasping the little girl to her body, Redeemer ran, trying not to trip over the body parts as she did. She and Ice made it out safely and she set the little girl down, only to have her cling to Redeemer's leg. Redeemer smiled softly at her, reaching down with a hand to run it through her tattered hair.

She looked over at Ice to find him watching her with a soft smile on his lips and she returned it. She opened her mouth to speak when they heard the shooting stop. Redeemer froze, not wanting to move, not wanting to breath. Then she no longer felt Quin's presence. Her eyes grew wide in horror.

"Quin?" She said on a whisper, both mentally and outloud. With no response, she looked wildy at Ice, her eyes beginning to blur with tears.

"Quin!" She yelled this time. The little girl, knowing Redeemer was distressed, reached up and kissed her cheek, then skipped away into the darkness. Ice reached for Redeemer as she sunk to the ground on her knees, letting the tears flow, the ruby red tears a stark contrast on her pale skin. Redeemer felt Ice kiss her forehead as she clung to him, her head resting against his chest.
She pulled away from Ice and tried to stand up but failed.

"Quiiiiin!" She screamed into the night, letting her sorrow, her anguish out, letting everyone feel what she was feeling right then. Her body wracked with spasms, she tried pushing away Ice as he knelt down to help her, but gave in as he sank to the ground next to her to hold her.

Epona Rhi
Apr 26th, 2003, 01:44:43 AM
Epona had just gotten dressed in a form fitting catsuit. With a little cape that hung from the shoulders. The cape fell to mid back and the underside was made of a purple satin. She admired this article of clothing, just her style and taste.

Then the wave hit her. Anguish and pain and it came from Ree. She touched her friend's mind to see what was the matter, and then dropped a bottle of perfume she was holding. Quin.....no....he can't be dead. He led them. He was the BloodPack's leader, how could he have died? But Ree's emotions told her other wise. She walked out to the large bed and sat down on it. It had to be a mistake. She felt it about it him, he was strong, and those creatures couldnt have bested him.

Apr 26th, 2003, 10:38:27 PM
Ice kneeled there, holding his Beloved in his arms, stroking her hair gently. He could feel her sorrow wash over him and his own sadness mixed in. His arms tightened around her and he placed a kiss on the top of her head.

"Come on, Ree." He whispered against her cheek, fighting back his own tears. "We need to be strong now. Quin would want that."

Apr 26th, 2003, 10:42:43 PM
She snapped her head up, staring blankly at him for a moment. Redeemer suddenly pushed away from him and stood, knocking Ice off balance.

"I refuse to believe he has passed, Ice." She said, her voice low and unnerving. She reached down and grabbed a hold of Ice's sword, dropping her blasters down to him.

"I'm going back down there. You can either sit here and believe he has died or join me. But don't you dare try and stop me." She looked at Ice for a moment, wiping the tears from her cheeks, smearing them on her skin. Without saying anything more, she turned and headed back for the tunnels.

Apr 26th, 2003, 10:53:57 PM
"You will not go anywhere without me, Vampyre Redeemer." Ice called out, slowly standing. He watched as Redeemer slowly turned around to look at him, one eyebrow raised. He tucked her blasters into his belt and joined her at her side.

"Let's go find Quin." Ice said. "Alive."

Redeemer nodded slowly, going first into the dark dwellings of the tunnels, ready for anything. Ice took a hold of Redeemer, stopping her.

"Ree, you are not skilled with my sword." He whispered. "You have magic with these things, I do not." Ice pulled out her blasters and handed them to her. It seemed to him that she was thinking it over and then she looked up at him and nodded her head in agreement, handing his sword back to him, replacing it with her blasters.

"Be ready for anything, My Beloved." Ice whispered.

Quinlin Torr
Apr 27th, 2003, 05:15:26 AM
The battle was fierce and the body count was high....on their part. Unconscious from the wounds he suffered, Quinlin lay under the bodies and body parts of the ones who attacked hima t the same time. If someone walked into the area, all they'd see is corpses of the strange looking creatures. Plus with thier way of concealing themselves from the vampyres, He was completely out of "reach" as far as vampyres go with extrasensory perception.

Only thing of his that could be seen was his gunblade. It lay on top of one of the creatures. Looks like it was knocked from his hand and ended up there.

Apr 28th, 2003, 08:51:52 AM
The two of them made their way down into the tunnel and Redeemer kept her blasters trained infront of her. She was not going to let those things get one more of their pack. She would die first before letting one get to Ice. Redeemer stopped at that thought, shaking her head in confusion. Snapping out of it, she continued on, grimacing as they stepped over body parts.

"Quin definately put up a fight." Redeemer whispered.

As they walked, she reached out to touch Epona's mind to make sure she was ok and found her awake. Relief washed over her at that and she came to a stop. Looking around, she noticed a pile of bodies next to the wall and she involuntarily shuddered. What ever these new things were, they made her uneasy.

Ice had come up behind her and placed his arm around her waist in a protective gesture. She looked at him, offering him a tentative smile and went back to the bodies. Her gaze drifted to the tunnel floor and then back up. Her body went still and she looked back at the floor. Quin's gunblade! Redeemer pulled away from Ice to kneel down next to it. She ran her fingers over the weapon and then looked over at the pile of bodies.

Ice knelt beside her, touching her shoulder. She looked at him and then holstered her blasters as she picked up Quin's gunblade. Kneeling there holding it, something snapped within her and she let out a frustrated yell. She quickly stood up, moving to the pile of bodies and began grabbing pieces of them, throwing them against the the wall in frustration.

Apr 29th, 2003, 08:50:25 AM
"Ree!" Ice called out, getting to his feet. "Ree, stop it!" He grabbed at her arms to hault her, but she used her vampyre strength to push him away and he flew a few feet from her onto the ground.

Ice let out a frustrated breath, got back up and headed right back to her. He wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her away. She fought, but he held her to him.

Setting her down, her grabbed her arms and forced her to look at him.

"Ree, don't do that!" Ice hissed. "Going off like that is not going to help us, do you hear me?" He turned to look at the debris of bodies and then back at her. He froze...his eyes widened in shock and he turned slowly back around, his eyes going to the tunnel floor.

"Son of a --" he whispered, seeing the hand of their friend sticking out amidst the bodies. "QUIN!" He yelled, releasing Redeemer and running to pull him out. Redeemer was there next to him, hurriedly throwing the bodies out of the pile.

Quinlin Torr
Apr 29th, 2003, 09:18:34 AM
As they fished him out, his eyes still closed, he said in a gravely voice.

"Did I not say don't come back in here?"

His eyes scrunched in pain as they pulled him out. Both placing his arms around their shoulders, helped him down the tunnel. He looked at them.

"Remind me later to exact punishment on the both of you for disobeying my order." as they helped him along, they exchanged glances at his threat. Then he smiled. "And guys....thank you"

He patted both shoulders as they trudged along.

Apr 29th, 2003, 09:22:56 AM
Redeemer couldn't keep the smirk off of her face as Quin 'threatened' them and she sent to Ice that they should get him back to his place. Ice nodded in response and as the sped off, Redeemer leaned over and kissed Quin's cheek.

"Any punishement is worth saving your life." She whispered.

Apr 29th, 2003, 09:27:16 AM
They burst through the doors as Royce met them in the entry way.

"Take him to the living room." Royce softly ordered. Ice threw him a smile as he and Redeemer moved Quin to the living room, laying him gently on the over sized couch. Ice checked Quin's vitals and then chuckled as Royce came over and shooed them away.

"He needs rest and you two will just sit there watching over him. Go rest. " Royce ordered. Ice and Redeemer exchanged looks and Royce let out a sigh. "I will come get you when Master Quin is ready for company. Until then, scoot! Miss Ree, I think Epona would like to see you."

Ice laughed loudly then, reaching down to pat Quin's shoulder.

"You're in good hands, Quin." Ice straightened, looking over at Redeemer. "Let's go see how Epona is fairing."

Epona Rhi
Apr 29th, 2003, 09:36:22 AM
Tha Darkling was standing in front of a huge mirror, looking at how she appeared in the blood-red robe she had on. Her long hair just brushed out, had fallen around her shoulders. She lightly touched the silky strands, and a small smile creeped along her face.

Hearing them enter the room, she turned to face them. Her smile broadening as Ree was back. She also smiled as Ice was there too. Guess he was growing on her. She inwardly laughed at that.

Apr 29th, 2003, 10:32:29 AM
Redeemer didn't miss the sincere smile Epona sent Ice's way and she grinned, moving quickly to hug her friend.

"It is good to see you up and around, my friend." Redeemer whispered, clasping her tight. She looked at Ice over Epona's shoulder and sent him a soft smile, which he returned.

"Quin is being tended to by Royce." Redeemer sighed, happy to have everyone amongst them. She did not want to lose anyone. The pain of that was too great. She saw the startled look on Epona's face and went into detail about what happened, sitting on the bed as she did.

Epona Rhi
Apr 29th, 2003, 08:36:39 PM

Epona said as she squeezed her. Smiling at the same time grimacing from the pain in her shoulder.

"Shoulder...still tender there Ree. And yes, I'm very relieved to see you in one piece girl."

She adjusted the robe around her and listened as She told her what had happened. Her eyes widening at the tale of these new vampires.

Quinlin Torr
Apr 29th, 2003, 08:43:13 PM
He lay there for a bit as Royce bandaged him up.

"Master Quin, your wounds aren't healing like they should. I do not understand this."

"It's them new vampyres. Something in their bios counter acts with our healing property. These guys are bad news Royce, very bad news. We can't detect them. Their blood is acidic, I fear we have a new menace on our hands."

"They go around invisible to you? That IS bad, sir. Just relax and lay still, I'll go clean your clothes up."

As Royce left, Quinlin got up slowly and staggered into the room where the others were. Leaning against the door, he managed a weak smile.

Apr 29th, 2003, 11:57:19 PM
Ice looked up from where he sat in the corner chair in Epona's room to find Quinlin leaning weakly against the door. He stood immediately, going to his side.

"Quin, you should be resting!" He admonished, turning to look at Redeemer, who had rewarded Quin with a brilliant smile. He felt a quick stab of jealousy for the closeness the two shared and wished she would smile at him in that way. Ice pushed those feelings aside helped Quin to sit down in the chair he had posessed just a few minutes ago.

"If you will excuse me, I am going to get those samples we took off to the Elders for examination." Ice had muttered. "We need to find out what we are up against. Quin, please rest. Redeemer, Epona, I shall return."

Ice bowed his head in respect to the three of them and then turned on his heel hurriedly to get the information they had collected out to the Council as quickly as possible.

Epona Rhi
May 1st, 2003, 02:49:34 AM
Epona looked at Ree.in surprise. As Quin staggered in and sat heavily in the huge chair Ice was in.

"Ree, he hasn't healed yet? What did those things do?"

She walked over to where Quin was and looked at his wounds. They were healing, but at a slow rate. This was bad. If they could slow the healing factor of the vampires, wonder what else damage they could do?

Quinlin Torr
May 1st, 2003, 02:56:58 AM
He sat there sprawled out in the chair. Bandages wrapped around his chest and shoulders. Some scrapes about his face. He looked worse for wear really. He watched Epona as she looked at his wounds and talked to Redeemer about them.

He winked at Redeemer as she watched both of them. He was glad they came back for him. He wouldv'e done the same thing too. He closed his eyes and drifted off as the girls talked.

May 1st, 2003, 09:20:14 AM
Redeemer walked over to Quin, watching as he drifted off. She smiled softly, reaching out to run a hand over his hair. Looking at Epona, she shook her head and walked back to the bed.

"I don't know what these things are, Ep." Redeemer admitted to her friend. "Hopefully the Elders and the Council will be able to help."

Redeemer's thoughts went to Ice suddenly and she found herself wishing he would return.

'How quickly her feelings have changed for that man.' She thought to herself. She wanted to be with him, but would not give up her freedom to be someone's lifemate.

Redeemer looked up to see Epona watching her closely and she offered her a lopsided grin.

"Come on, Epona, you must be hungry. Let's let Quin rest and we'll go rustle you up something."

May 1st, 2003, 09:26:04 AM
Ice sat at his desk, leaning back in his chair with his arms hanging over the sides. He was waiting to hear back from the Council on the Bloodpack's discovery. He could hear the ladies walking around now and smiled to himself. His body screamed to claim his lifemate, but he would do it only on the terms of when Redeemer would come to him. Once he had claimed her without permission a long time ago and would never do that again. Redeemer deserved somebody who would treat her with respect and worship the ground she walked on...and by the Dark Gods, he would be that one.

Letting out a frustrated sigh, he got up just as Royce walked in.

"Anything, Royce?" Ice asked, looking at the wound on his arm. It was finally started to disappear and he let out a thankful breath.

"Mmmm...no sir. Not yet." Royce answered. "I will let you know immediately when something comes in."

"Thank you, Royce." Ice smiled. "How is Quin doing?"

"Sleeping now. The ladies have left him in search of some food for Miss Epona. Would you care to join them?" Royce asked. Ice watched him for a minute and then a smile appeared on his face.

"I think I will do that."

Epona Rhi
May 2nd, 2003, 12:40:44 AM
Looking around the dining area, Epona was impressed at the decor and style of it. Ree was looking for something for Epona to eat, and she was famished. She was gently rubbing her shoulder through the silken fabric of the blood red robe. It still throbbed from earlier but not as bad.

She heard footsteps behind her but didn't turn to see. She knew who it was. Ice had joined them.

Quinlin Torr
May 2nd, 2003, 12:47:44 AM
His eyes fluttered open. And he looked around. They had left him there to sleep. He slowly stood up and stumbled a bit from being woozy. He propped his hand on the wall and leaned against it. His vision wavered a bit but he hasn't one to give in.

He staggered to the doorway and looked out. He heard noise coming from his left and walked slowly towards his right. He found the library and stumbled to the back bookcase. He was looking for something that may point some direction to this new vampyre species. Something had to be here.

He slowly sidestepped to his left, making his way along the bookcase then he stumbled and caught himself as he grabbed the top of the desk next to him. He leaned there for a bit as his vision steadied. He decided to stay like that when his vision wavered again.

May 2nd, 2003, 12:48:11 AM
Redeemer laughed in victory as she found some sweet meat and turned to show Epona when her eyes connected with Ice's over Epona's shoulder. She could not take her eyes away from his and her grip on the platter was beginning to loosen.

"Ice." She said on barely a whisper. Royce came in then, taking the platter from her and setting it infront of Epona. She looked at Ice's arm and was relieved to see the healing finalized.

"W-would you care to join us, Ice?" She asked, motioning to the seat next to her that she now occupied.

May 2nd, 2003, 12:52:25 AM
Ice smiled at his Beloved as he moved to sit next to her, never taking his eyes off of her. He sat back, watching the two beauties talk as Epona ate. Royce had set a glass of blood wine infront of himself and Redeemer and a glass of pure wine next to Epona's plate.

"How does your shoulder fare, Epona?" Ice asked, finally tearing his eyes from Redeemer to look at her. "I hope you are healing quickly. You were quite the warrior out there. I am quite impressed, Darkling."

Ice gave her a genuine friendly smile, knowing he had probably knocked her off kilter abit. He wanted to win her over. Besides being Redeemer's best friend, she was warrior, a passionate woman who would stop at nothing to protect those she loved. That was a rare kind of woman and Ice knew she would be a good friend if given the chance.

Epona Rhi
May 2nd, 2003, 01:06:22 AM
Epona gave Ice a grin as he asked his questions. She started to actually like him. Maybe he wasnt such a bad guy after all? yeah right....all guys are up to no good. Her inner voice said.

"It's still a little tender, but better. And thank you, I wouldnt let anything happen to Ree. She's my only friend right now, and Im not going to give that up easily."

She took a few bites then suddenly turned her head towards the hall where they walked in from the room she was in. She was silent for a few seconds then whispered a name where the two could barely hear it, but hear it they did.


Quinlin Torr
May 2nd, 2003, 01:08:45 AM
Pushing himself up from the desk he tried to make his way down the huge bookcases. He got five feet and fell down taking the chair with him. The clatter was sure to rouse the others and he cursed at that. His "colorful" words were still coming out as he heard the first one coming down the hall.

May 2nd, 2003, 01:15:54 AM
Redeemer heard Epona whisper Quin's name just as they all heard the crash come from her room. They all looked at each other and barely a secon passed that Redeemer was out of her chair with the others behind her.

Sliding to a halt in the room, she called out his name as she saw him on the floor, struggling to sit up. Ice came over to his other side and the two of them picked Quin up and carried him to the bed.

"Quin, are you ok?" Redeemer asked, running her hands over his face and shoulders. She looked over at Ice to find him watching her with a disturbed look on his face. She raised an eyebrow at him, then turned her attention back to Quin. She made sure he was ok and saw Epona moving out of the corner of her eye. She smiled to herself, knowing her friend liked Quin more than she was letting on.

May 2nd, 2003, 01:24:14 AM
Ice stood back and watched Redeemer with Quin. The two definately had a closeness that he envied. He would have to work on getting her complete trust back if he was to spend the rest of eternity with her. He already loved her completely, he had to show her that. His eyes flickered over to Epona to see that she watched him carefully. He had to be cautious around her. She could easily read what someone was feeling or thinking and he was not ready for anyone outside of Redeemer to know how vulnerable he was. She was his life, his reason for breathing.

Ice placed a gentle hand on his friend's uninjured shoulder and squeezed softly.

"You'll be better in a matter of hours, my friend." He said with a smile.

Epona Rhi
May 2nd, 2003, 08:55:06 AM
She watched Ice carefully as to not be really "watching" him. She could tell something bothered him. Then as she watched Ree with Quin she kinda had an idea why. He was a little jealous. She knew Ree and Quin shared a close friendship, but did they share something more?? She had to ask Ree when Ice wasn't around.
But right now, it was a good thing Quin wasn't badly hurt from all the ruckus he was causing.

Quinlin Torr
May 2nd, 2003, 08:57:24 AM
Laying there, he knew he needed to rest. But also knew his duty wanted him to find out what it was he needed to find. He closed his eyes again and started to drift off.

May 2nd, 2003, 12:23:04 PM
Redeemer stayed with Quin until she knew he was asleep and then quietly left him with the other two to head back into the kitchen.

Taking her spot again, she fingered the glass of blood wine, her mind going to the past. She and Quin had been friends since birth and were even hard to seperate even then. A soft smile played on her lips and she sent out a silent prayer for him to be ok. Glancing over at Ice, she saw him looking a little forelorn and took it to mean he was worried about Quin.

"Ice, he'll be ok." She called to him. He looked at her, slowly nodding his head and then she watched as he headed out onto the patio that was just outside of the kitchen. As he did so, she noticed that he sent Epona a look and she found that puzzling.

'What is going on?' She thought to herself.

May 2nd, 2003, 02:17:58 PM
He moved to sit on the antique lover's swing he had placed next to the railing, propping on foot up on it and gently set the swing in motion with his other foot as he thought about that night's events. Ice was wondering what was taking the council so long to get back to him. He hoped that didn't mean trouble. Looking up into the night sky, the moon glowing brightly, he closed his eyes and let the soft breeze of the night blow over his face. His mind went to the night so long ago that he had violated Redeemer and he shuddered, wishing he could do everything to erase that night, but he can't. All he can do is try and make up for it, show her how much he loved her...

*Close to 50 years ago*

Ice laid there on the the cold stone, bleeding to death as the hunters stood over him, their weapons trained on his heart. He closed his eyes, praying for a quick death when out of nowhere, he heard a familiar voice and all of a sudden the hunters had scattered. Through his weakened state, he recognized his best friend Quinlin chasing after them. He let out a smile and then lowered his head. A soft perfume caught his attention and he knew who it was.

"Redeemer." He whispered faintly as he felt her hands on him. He looked up into her beautiful face as she smiled worriedly at him.

"You're going to be just fine, Ice." She said, her voice breathless. She removed her jacket to expose her bare arms. "You need to take some of my blood to survive, Ice. Think you can do that?" She asked, moving her white hair over her shoulder. His eyes fastened on her neck, her blood pulsating in his ears.

Ice watched as she slit her wrist open with her sharp nail, offering it to him. He paused, looking at it, then something snapped and he reached for her, sinking his teeth savagely into her neck. She had cried out, fighting him, but even as weak as he was, she was not strong enough. He had felt her tears fall from her eyes onto his cheeks as he drank, taking in her strength.

"Ice..." She cried softly, falling limp against him. Ice, strengthened by her blood, pulled away from her, staring at her in shock.

'What had he done?' His mind screamed out. He had almost taken everything from her. His mind went into overdrive, ripping his shirt off, he tore open his flesh, bringing her up to feed from him.

"Redeemer, please, honey." He sobbed, one hand stroking her hair, watching as the blood from her neck stained it crimson. Redeemer faintly moaned, tasting the blood on her lips. She locked onto it, sinking her teeth into his chest. Ice groaned from the pain, mixed with pleasure and held her close. He knew from then on they would be linked, not matter what. He had done the most terrible thing any vampyre could do. Redeemer would forever hate him, that he was sure of.

His own eyes filled with blood tears at the thought of her hating him. He let them fall. He had deserved what ever punishment that would come out of this.

"You have drank enough, My Love." Ice whispered, gently seperating her mouth from his skin. He wiped her lips, then bent his head to place a kiss on her mouth.

"I'm so sorry, Redeemer." He mouthed against her skin, feeling the link strengthen between them, feeling her shock. Laying her on the ground to gather her strength, he stood, looking at her, making a decision. He touched her cheek with his fingers, bowing his head in disgust.

*Present time*

Ice felt his cheeks wet and brought a hand up to find he hand been crying. Letting out a sigh, he shook his head, shuddering in sorrow as he came home that night to find his sisters slaughtered in their rooms by the hunters Quin had chased down. Apparently they had reached his sisters before coming after him.

He rubbed his face, running his hands through his hair and looked up at the moon again. So much pain through the years. It has got to stop soon....

Epona Rhi
May 2nd, 2003, 08:13:24 PM
She had caught his glance, and had followed behind him. She could see into his thoughts as he dropped his guard for a moment. She knew what he felt, the betrayal he did and the remorse he felt. She stood there watching him. She knew what betrayal was like, Ranxer had showed her that. Her voice whispered in his head.

' Time heals everything they say, some just longer than others. I know how you feel. '

As he turned a bit surprised, she walked over and gingerly lifted her injured arm to place her hand on his shoulder. She nodded to him and a small smile appeared.

May 2nd, 2003, 09:25:56 PM
Redeemer leaned against the counter, her arms crossed at her waist watching Epona and Ice. Something had changed between them and she was thankful of that. She knew Epona was interested in Quin, so she wasn't after Ice romantically. She raised her eyebrow, watching the quiet moment between the two.

Lowering her gaze to the tiled floor, she thought about what had happened between herself and Ice that night...really thought about it. To this day, she could still hear the anguish in his voice as he realized what he did.

'It is time to forgive and forget, Re.' Her inner voice spoke. 'You know that.'

Raising her head, she nodded to herself and her eyes sought out Ice once again, smiling as he was bathed in the moonlight talking to Epona.

"Forgive me, Epona." She whispered to herself as she realized her true feelings for him. Lifemate or not, she wanted to be with him and knew he would never hurt her again. That she was sure of. She was also sure of the fact that Ice would not hold her to him. He would continue to let her be the free spirit she had been.

Stepping out onto the patio, the heels of her boots echoing in the night, the two of them turned around to look at her.

"Epona, could I have some time alone with Ice?" She whispered, smiling at him.

Epona Rhi
May 2nd, 2003, 10:33:20 PM
She nodded to Ree and walked back into the dining area. She sat down and continued her meal in solitude. The meat was tasty, and the wine was excellent. She ate till she was satisfied and as Ree and Ice spent time, she decided to check on Quin.

She slowly walked into the room he was in, and sat by his side. She checked the wounds and they were slightly healed, not by much tho. His was taking far longer than Ice's one did. She took his hand into hers, and it felt cold to the touch. She was amazed at how they stayed so cold, yet alive. She brushed the stray strands from his forehead and sighed. All her life she heard stories of vampires. How evil and vile they were. That only destruction they craved. Well from her view point, all the stories were wrong.

How could they be evil when these here were taking out the ones who caused the havoc? These new friends of hers had more honor then most normal people she knew. Frell, more then all she knew put together. Plus they had a sense of family too. And she felt as one of the family here.

"You'll be ok Quin. Just rest and you'll be fine."

She said quietly as she patted his hand.

May 2nd, 2003, 10:37:31 PM
Ice stood as Epona left, smiling uncertainly at Redeemer as she moved towards him.

"Everything ok, Ree?" He asked as she stood there, smiling at him.

"Ree?" He asked again.

May 2nd, 2003, 10:44:32 PM
She couldn't help the silly grin on her face as she stood there watching him. Feeling totally at a loss at to what to say or do, she looked quickly away out over the city and then took a deep breath.

"That night, Ice..you know the one I speak of." Redeemer began, seeing him wanting to interrupt. She held up her hand to quiet him.

"Please don't say anything until I am done, ok?" She smiled, watching him nod. Redeemer moved to lean against the railing of the patio, motioning for Ice to join her.

"I have played that night over and over in my mind Ice, wondering why you had did that to me. At first I was angry, hurt...I felt, well, violated. You linked us against my will and I thought I could never forgive you for that..." Redeemer stopped for a moment, taking a deep breath.

'It is now or never.' She thought to herself.

"Until now, Ice." She whispered, sensing his shock. "I realized you had no control over your actions then. I am willing to forgive that and move on with our future. I have missed you these past years and the Bloodpack hasn't been the same without one of it's strongest members."

Redeemer smiled at him, letting everything she was feeling for him show through it.

May 2nd, 2003, 10:49:01 PM
Ice sat there, staring at his Beloved in shock. What he had been hoping, no ... dreaming of these past years has finally come true.
He brought his hands up to cup her face on either side, his eyes delving in to her's seeing everything through them.

"I will spend the rest of my life making up for that night, My Beloved." He whispered, the pad of his thumb stroking the soft skin of her bottom lip. "That is...if you'll have me."

He knew what she was saying, but he couldn't believe it, not just yet. It was too good to be true. Her smile grew bigger and he felt his heart burst with love. Leaning in, he searched her eyes again with his, then captured her lips in a searing kiss that made the hair on the back of his neck raise.

Slowly pulling away, he let out a quiet laugh, kissing her cheeks, then her eyelids and forehead, pulling her close to him in a tender embrace.

"My Beloved." He whispered as they stood there together.

May 2nd, 2003, 11:01:34 PM
Redeemer snuggled closer to Ice, feeling at peace for once in her life. She smiled, tipping her head up to look into his green eyes. She kissed him once again and then relunctantly pulled away, taking his hands in her's.

"Let's go check on Quin." She said, pulling on him to follow.

They made their way into the kitchen, walking down the hallway hand in hand. Coming to a stop in the bedroom, Redeemer smiled at the picture before her. Epona watching over Quin. She was touched. Never had any mortal reacted to Quin the way she was.

May 3rd, 2003, 09:19:23 AM
Ice stood there with Redeemer, his hand moving from her's to wrap lovingly around her waist. He looked at her, winking, making her smile. He was going to say something when Royce stepped in.

"What is it Royce?" Ice asked.

"The Council, Sir." Royce answered. "A messenger is waiting for you in your study."

Ice nodded, dismissing Royce.

"If you'll excuse me, Ladies. I need to take care of this." Ice turned to leave when Redeemer reached out to stop him. He looked back at her, reaching out with his fingers to caress the outline of her jaw.

"Watch over Quin, I'll only be but a minute."

Quickly leaving the the bedroom to go into his study, he stopped abruptly when he saw the cloaked figure hovering near the window. Sensing his presence, the figure turned around.

"You have word from the council?" Ice asked, moving towards his desk.

"That I have, young Ice." A familiar voice answered. Ice's eyes widened as his head snapped up to look directly at the figure.

"Father?" He asked. The figure reached up with his hands to uncover his head as he levitated back to the ground. Under the hood was an exact older replica of Ice with silver hair instead of brown. He smiled, walking over to embrace his father.

"It is good to see you, Father." He whispered. Dante smiled, hugging his only son back. "You have word of these new creatures?"

"One thing at a time, Ice." Dante chuckled, smiling when Royce brought in a goblet of blood wine for him. "Oh, thank you, Royce. You always seem to know what we need."

Royce bowed in respect then hurriedly left the study to give them some privacy. Dante took a long drink of the cool liquid, then turned to look at Ice.

"She is finally your's?" He asked, watching as the smile grew on his son's face. "You have claimed her, then?"

Ice blanched, turning away from his father to sit at his desk.

"No, we have not exchanged blood yet, Father." He answered, knowing his father knew of that night. "I do not want to ruin things again between us by rushing anything."

"Understandable." Dante sighed. "Your mother and I are very pleased to know you two are finally together, as it was written." He set his goblet down and then reached into his cloak. "These creatures are not new to us, Son."

Ice's eyes widened as his father handed him a folder of ancient papers. He took it and looked through it, finding drawings of exactly what the four of them had fought that night.

"Then, that means - "

"Yes, that they are almost as old as us." His father finished. "They usually kept to themselves, but for some reason, they are now out to wipe the world of our kind. That, we do not know the reason for."

"Maybe...maybe they are tired of hiding?" Ice suggested, not helping the smile as he felt a touch from Redeemer and knew she was listening in.

'Nosy.' He sent, quietly laughing. He looked up to see his father watching him with a smile and he coughed, sitting back in his chair.

"That's what we thought, Ice." Dante agreed. He reached back into this cloak and produced a bag. "This is for Quin and your Darkling."

Ice took the small medicine bag and looked at him.

"What is it?"

"Herbs from the Elder's. Cover the wound in it, as in Quin's case and it will heal. For the Darkling, she will have to drink it." Dante unsnapped his cloak and let it fall to the back of the chair. "Mind if your Old Man stays for a bit?"

"I don't and you know it, but I know your real reason for staying and they have two names...Redeemer and Epona." Ice laughed, getting up from his desk. "Mother would be quite jealous."

Dante barked out laughter, patting his son on the back as they walked down the hallway. They entered the bedroom and Epona and Redeemer wore the exact same looks of shock as they saw Dante.

Epona Rhi
May 3rd, 2003, 09:37:03 AM
Her jaw hit the floor as there stood two identicle images. Ice and she could only guess as the other bring his father. She just sat there in awe. She fixed her robe and stood up slowly. Looking over at Ree who wore the same expression as she did.

May 3rd, 2003, 09:46:01 AM
Redeemer slowly rose from the bed, her hands going to smooth her hair.

"E-Elder Dante!" She gasped, turning to look at Epona quickly. "This is quite a surprise!"

"Please, Redeemer, call me Dante." He laughed, moving to take her hands in his, bringing them up to kiss her knuckles. "Aren't you going to introduce me to your lovely friend?"

"Dante, this is Epona Rhi. Epona, this is Dante, Ice's father and one of the founders of the Bloodpack. " Redeemer said, watching as Ice went to work on doctoring Quin's wound.

"It is a pleasure to meet a Sith Warrior." Dante smiled, reaching for her hand as well. "Especially a female. There are not many of you around." Dante turned to look at Ice as he was handed a cup of steaming tea mixed with the herbs.

"Please, Epona...drink this. It is to heal your shoulder. It is made up of magical herbs from our people. Do not worry, no side effects will harm you. Please."

Epona Rhi
May 3rd, 2003, 10:01:15 AM
She took the cup and sipped it, a bit bitter, but not that bad. She felt the effects as soon as she swallowed. She shook the elder's hand as they met.

"I am not a full sith yet, my master was killed midway of my training. And what I know so far, Is what I been practicing to perfect. I am not sure yet if I want to complete the training. I find being part of this little group is a bit more exciting than that."

She sat back down and helped Ice with attending Quin's wounds.

May 3rd, 2003, 10:08:02 AM
Ice smiled over at Epona as she talked to his father, then smiled again as she began to help him. They watched together as the wounds on Quin began to heal themselves immediately.

"Yes, we are a fun group, aren't we?" He chuckled, getting up off the bed. Ice looked out the window, noticing the first rays of dawn.

"We should get Quin downstairs." Ice said. Dante immediately stepped in to help. Ice looked over at Redeemer, holding his hand out to her. He smiled when she took it and he pulled her to him.

"Until tomorrow evening, My Love." He whispered, claiming her lips with his and feeling the shock radiating from Epona. He helped his father with Quin, turning to look back at Redeemer one last time.

May 3rd, 2003, 10:14:28 AM
Redeemer actually blushed, turning to look at Epona to see her friend watching her with a 'spill it' look on her face. She quickly glanced out the window and then back at Epona.

"Sorry sweetie...it is going to have to wait until tomorrow evening." Redeemer smiled on purpose. She turned to leave the room, then stopped and looked back at her.

"Of course, if you were one of us, you'd find out before then. That offer still stands, you know!" Redeemer ran quickly from the room, her laughter echoing in the halls as she made her way down to her chamber. The look on Epona's face was priceless. She was going to have fun teasing her friend about turning her. Epona knew she was kidding as well and she seemed to have fun with it as well.

Epona Rhi
May 4th, 2003, 10:49:18 AM
A couple hours after they retired to their chambers, Epona took a cat nap. She woke to find her shoulder completely healed. She smiled at that concoction Ice had given her. It actually worked! She got up and rumaged through the closet again. Finding something that had caught her eye, she pulled the outfit out and put it on.

She stood in front of the mirror and swiveld at the waist to look at herself. It was a jumpsuit that the legs were cut high up on the thighs, really high, was almost a bikini style bottom but not quite. The top-side was sleeveless and it had a high collar which could be worn flat against her shoulders, or up to cover her neck and part of her face. She put her belt on and found a fishnet style catsuit which was supposed to be worn under the risque jumpsuit she wore. But she was in a mood today, and chose not to wear it. She let her hair stay down and only the top-back of it did she wear in a ponytail.

She put on these knee high boots that had high platforms, but were light weight and she didnt even noticed they were five inches thick. Grabbing a shiny latex short coat, she made her way out.

"Miss Epona, may I ask where you're going? Ummmm looking in such fashion??"

She turned to Royce and laughed at his tone and expression.

"I'm just going out for a bit Royce. I haven't been out in the daylight for a few days. I need to get out is all."

"I understand mis, but must you go looking like that? Aren't you missing a part of the ensamble?"

She looked at her lean legs and toned arms, and smiled again.

"Oh , you mean that catsuit? It made me itch. I'll be alright Royce, I'll try to be back before they wake. See you later!"

With that she left. Outside she felt the warmth of the sun and smiled. As she started to walk down the street, she sent a little message to Ree.
'Going out to get some air, be back soon'

May 4th, 2003, 11:14:46 AM
Redeemer woke, immediately getting Epona's note. She smiled, knowing her friend is used to the daylight. She searched her out and found her still to be gone.

Rising, she stretched and mentally sought out the others, finding them barely waking. She let them be and moved to the closet to find something to wear. A smirk played on her lips as she sought out a pleated red mini skirt that rode low on her hips. Reaching for a short sleeved sweater that bared her midriff, she quickly slipped them on and laughed to herself. She scanned the numerous shoes and her eyes lit up when she saw a pair of patent leather thigh high boots with a three inch heel.

"This is too good." She laughed.

Dressed, she ran a brush through her hair, then quickly went through and braided little threads of hair here and there. Pleased with her appearance, she grabbed her trench coat and climbed the stairs to wait for Epona to return.

Quinlin Torr
May 4th, 2003, 03:51:33 PM
Quinlin woke up and groggily got out of bed. He was a bit sore and stiff yet, but there as little to no visuals of his wounds. He got out of his dirty and tattered clothes, and got into a pair of tight fitted shorts. He padded into the kitchen and grabbed a sliver of raw meat. He chewed and sucked on it as he walked around.
He noticed Redeemer on the veranda and leaned against the entry way as he worked on that piece of raw flesh.

"Anything interesting?"

He asked as he looked up to the night sky.

Epona Rhi
May 4th, 2003, 04:21:43 PM
Walking back, she cut through an alley way and was about three blocks from home when a bunch of men and women came out of the shadows. They slowly surrounded her and she stopped. Looking from side to side, she assesed about ten of them. One force user and that person stood in the distance. Why would they keep a force user in the distance?

"Yeah this is the one that was said to be hangin out with the flatliners." the guy with the beard said to her right.

"Well she's showing up as a norm." said the female behind her.

"She'll lead us to them." she heard from her left.

"I won't lead you anywhere, especially to my sister."

Epona said as she slowly took off the latex jacket. She let it fall beside her.

"If you wont take us to those bloodsuckers, then you will become our bait, girlie-girl." Said the bearded man.

"You're more than welcome to try."

As the guy came at her she flung off the jacket and threw it at him, he stopped as it covered his face, and she kicked him squarely in the gut with those thick soled boots. He went tumbling back and as they came rushing in, she took the two cylinders from her thigh holsters and ignited the orange blades.

"She's a force user!!" one of the women screamed. and then the force user that stayed back came jumping in, green blade glowing.
They fought furiously, flashes and crackles as the blades met and parried. This guy was a more experienced force user, but still she kept at him. she also blocked sneak shots the others took, stray bolts came in every so often and she blocked them and the force users blade.

As they fought alongside the others she cut one down at the legs, and kicked another unconscious. She was having the time of her life till the force user she fought ran off and then she was hit by the forceless void that came upon her. She looked to the right to see a woman wearing a pack, ,and in that pack could be only one thing that could cause this....Ysalamiri....But she didnt rely on the force all that much, she was a trained assasin and these fools will know that soon. She charged in and cut another down with a cross slash from both blades and tooka punch to the jaw, she dropped the sabers and stumbled from that awsome hit.

There was a guy about six feet seven inches standing there and she smiled as she wiped the blood from her mouth. She non-chalantly covered her hand over her belt buckle and spit blood at him. He came rushing in and she jumped at him feet first. Her boot caught him in the bread basket and he staggered backwards. She jumpoed at him and swung her arm in a counter clockwise slash and he turned facing his friends holding his throat and gurgling blood as he fell to his knees. She finished him off with a punch to the head while holding her buckle knife. Then she felt a sting at her back. Could only mean one thing as her sight wavered.....she been tagged by a tranq. She used a technique taught to the assasins on fighting off poisons and sedatives.

She slowed her heart rate and pretended to be out cold. The person with the Ysalamiri walked off and the force came back at her. She was almost blacking out when she got out the only thing she had time for......and prayed that Ree caught it.

'Ree......they're ...hunting all of you.....don't come.... Its a tra......'

May 4th, 2003, 05:33:41 PM
Redeemer turned around to smile at Quin, her eyes widening at his state of 'un-dress'. She quickly scanned his upper torso to find any wounds and was pleased to see that they had healed. She put a hand to his shoulder, gently squeezing.

"Nothing new, just enjoying the view and waiting for - - " Redeemer stopped, hearing Epona in her mind.

'Ree......they're ...hunting all of you.....don't come.... Its a tra......'

The end faded and Redeemer's eyes widened in alarm. She looked frantically at Quin and then mentally called out for Ice and his father.

"Quin, they have Epona." She cried, watching as Ice and Dante were there with lightning speed. "She just spoke to me, telling me we are all being hunted. To not come, but it is a trap."

She watched as the four males turned to look at each other, as if weighing the situation.

"Well, if the four of you are going to just stand there thinking about it, I'm out of here. " Redeemer hissed, grabbing her trenchcoat. She looked down at her attire and groaned, vanishing quickly back into her chamber to change from the skirt to a pair of leather pants and boots, She quickly strapped on her knives and blasters, then turned to leave when Quin, Ice and Dante blocked her way.

"Is there a problem, Gentlemen?"

May 4th, 2003, 05:36:52 PM
"Beloved..." Ice said softly, walking to her. He was sorry to see the previous outfit she wore gone. He smiled, his hand reaching out to touch her.

"She was warning us to not come. We must abide that." He watched as a play of emotions came over her face and cringed when a look a pure, utter hatred appeared. He had never seen Redeemer upset as she was now.

May 4th, 2003, 05:40:20 PM
Redeemer knocked his hand away and looked at them.

"She is my friend." She began. "The three of you can just stand there looking like idiots for all I care. I know it is a trap and I don't care. I would give my life to save Epona's. You know you cannot stop me from going, so don't even try."

Redeemer slid into her trenchcoat and walked past them, turning to look at Ice.

"I know where she was when she sent me the message. If you care to join me in this, you'll be able to find me. " Her eyes flew to Quin and then looked at Dante. She bowed her head in respect and she was leaving, she heard Dante say,

"Now that's a warrior."

Quinlin Torr
May 4th, 2003, 07:05:57 PM
"Redeemer, wait. I'll go. Just give me a few to get dressed."

He ran down the hall and came back in few moments in a black pants, boots and a black t-shirt. He grabbed his gunblade and slung it over his shoulder.

"You coming?"

He asked Ice as he passed his friend.

Epona Rhi
May 4th, 2003, 07:15:14 PM
Her hands bound together, she was kept in a cell with that stinkin creature in that pack near it. She saw a guy flanked by two others enter her cell, and stood over her.

"We are giving you a chane to get away clean and without harm miss. All you need to do is lead us to them. It's really easy a choice to make you see?"

She looked up and tilted her head as her eyes narrowed a bit.

"You know what I do see?"

"No, what?"

"A big, honkin booger hangin out your left nostril... she lifted her bound hands and stuck out her middle digit. ...and I'd use THIS finger to pick it out."

She smiled sarcastically at him and the other two men started to laugh. He back handed her and she slammed back against the wall.

"UGH!! You know.....you need to stop that....cause you're turning me on."

The man growled in anger and was about to hit her again, when another man ran in.

"Sir....they are spotted nearing the alley way."
"Good, looks like we dont need your help after all."

She rolled her eyes...' no!! Ree....why dont you listen?!
She thought to herself. Then smirked as she knows she'd do the same thing if the roles were reversed.

May 4th, 2003, 07:31:36 PM
The four of them stood in the alleyway, mist rising and twirling around them as their eyes glowed in the night. Redeemer pulled out her blasters, checking them quickly and then held them at her sides. She heard the 'shink' of Ice's sword as he bared it. Quin loaded his gunblade next to her and she let the smile on her face grow as Dante stood next to his son wielding twin swords.

Redeemer reached out to Epona, trying to find her signature wave length. She recognized it, faint, barely audible and latched onto it just in time to feel the pain of Epona being hit. Redeemer let out a low, menacing growl as she took a few steps forward.

"Let's go, boys." She said in a husky voice. Redeemer led the way deeper into the alley when they were suddenly surrounded by dark cloaked figures.

"What the frell..." She heard Quin yell out. Redeemer raised her blasters, aiming them at the female that emerged. The two women stared at each for only moments before Redeemer winked at her. With a quick squeeze of the trigger, the female dropped to her knees with a clean, carterized hole through her head.

"Anyone else?" Redeemer yelled, training her blasters on anyone who dared move. "You mess with my friend, you mess with the Bloodpack. You dare think you can get away with this?"

A yell was heard in the back and all at once, fighting broke out.

May 4th, 2003, 07:41:50 PM
Ice and his father stood back to back, slashing and twirling their swords, dismembering anyone who came near them. Ice quickly looked over at Redeemer to make sure she was safe and smiled when he caught her eye.

She was a marvel to witness when she fought like this. She let her rage take control, especially when she was fighting for someone she loved. In this case, their Darkling Epona.

Quin's and Redeemer's weapons fired into the night, lighting up the alley. These were not the creatures they fought before. These were hunters. He felt his blood boil. How he longed to take down the hunters that stole his sisters from him. They may not be the same hunters, but they would do.

Quinlin Torr
May 4th, 2003, 10:29:09 PM
Quinlin charged into the fray. He was best when fighting solitare. He noticed that these hunters were no more than mere thugs. He'd fought other hunters with far greater skill than these. He had cut down the last of the group he faced, when a lone figure came out of the shadows.

The man ignited a green blade and Quinlin grinned. Now THIS was what he was looking for! They both charged and the blades stopped each other.

"What the?"

"Metal is specially treated, hunter. We vampyres are not as dumb as you like to think."

They started up their melee, and the others stopped to watch. He showed his skill in combat and also why he was leader of the "pack". The blades whirled and twirled, flashes and crackles as they met in strike and parry.The duel was a spectacle to behold. His comrades had never seen him face a force user before. He had faced off with two others...a sith and a jedi, and this one was about to go the same way they did. He locked up with the man, and raised the blades up over their heads.Standing toe to toe, with his speed only a vampyre possesed, he spun and dropped to one knee, the gunblade held out to the side. The force user looked down and his eyes wide as he watched the wound opena nd the blood pour. Quinlin had disemboweled the man.
Slowly standing up as the body fell, Quinlin had a dark grin on his face. He tilted his head and pointed his gunblade towards the rest which told the other pack members "no one walks away. all will fall."

May 4th, 2003, 11:21:09 PM
Redeemer kept the grin on her face as she threw her knives into each and everyone one of them that came her way. Bringing her blasters up, she let out a yell as she fired over and over again. She stopped firing, smirking as the one's she fought lay dead at her feet.

Turning to look around, she laughed sadistically as Quin took down the Force user. Ice and Dante were finishing up their end and Redeemer had one thing in mind now...

Find the nerf herder that backhanded Epona.

Wiping the splattered blood off her cheek, she motioned for the other three to follow her into the building. They glided in, as to keep their presence unkown for now. Redeemer could feel Epona stronger now. She sought her out, pinpointing her exact location.

"In there." Redeemer whispered, pointing to a solid brick wall. Dante stepped forward, as if to prove age doesn't deterr one's strength. He looked at the other two men, smiled and with one, strong kick, broke through the wall. They ran in, stopping at the sight of Epona bound. Redeemer tilted her in as she saw the creature in the cage close to her and realized what it was. An Ysalamiri. She had heard about them. Looking over at Epona, she wiggled her eyebrows and shot the creature dead on.

"You called for me?" She asked, kneeling to unbind Epona's hands.

Epona Rhi
May 4th, 2003, 11:34:50 PM
Her cheek bruised, and lip swollen with dried blood, Epona managed a smile.

"Ree!!! Am I glad you're as head strong as me! Hugging her friend, she was helped up. she looked at her borrowed outfit and smiled as it was not damaged. Then a group came in. And Epona smirked. She pinpointed the one that hit her and sent to Ree who it was without pointing.

"Now you wont escape bloodsuckers!!"

Epona laughed at the threat.

"Idiot! you're already dead....you just don't know it yet."

Epona said with a giggle as the pack moved in on them with no fear at all.

May 5th, 2003, 09:18:06 AM
Redeemer let the vicious grin appear as she turned to face the hunters, stepping infront of Epona to shield her as she did so. She zeroed in the one that had roughed up Epona.

"Yes, your friends didn't put up much of fight out there. What makes you think you will be better?" Redeemer hissed, baring her fangs. She saw a few of them step back in fear and knew this was going to be easy.

"So, you think you can hit my friend here and get away with it, huh?" She asked, walking to stand infront of the bad smelling man. "Well, guess what. You can't. "

Redeemer threw her blasters to Epona, took off her jacket and then turned back around, the grin still there.

"You and me, buddy. " She whispered threateningly. "And I promise you, you are not going to win."

May 5th, 2003, 09:26:12 AM
Ice stood his ground with Dante and Quin, all of them moving to protect Epona. His eyes widened in surprise at Redeemer's move. He had never seen her like this. He quickly looked at Epona, then back at Redeemer. That little Darkling has had such an affect on his Beloved.

Ice saw movement out of the corner of his eye and turned his head just in time to see a shabbily made stake come his way. He laughed, knocking it out of the air with his sword. Picking it back up, he looked at it, then threw it back the way it came, hearing the 'thud' as it hits it's target.

May 5th, 2003, 09:44:32 AM
Redeemer stood there, waiting for the man to swing at her. He just stood there staring at her as if she had lost her mind. She let out a frustrated breath and snaked her arm out to clasp him around the throat with her hand, lifting him up off the floor. She heard gasps coming from the other hunters.

"You are not regular hunters, are you?" She asked, her eyes boaring into his, hypnotizing him. "Who are you working for?"

The man would not answer her, he would just stare at her.

"Oh, this is getting no where." Redeemer cried, crushing the man's throat with just barely a squeeze. She threw the body against the wall, watching as the others stared wide eyed.

"You will answer us now...who are you working for?" She asked, looking over at Quin as he had his gunblade trained on them. Epona handed one of her blasters back to her and she took it, aiming it at the crowd.

"Tell us now or you will all end up like your co-horts."

Quinlin Torr
May 6th, 2003, 02:19:02 AM
Quinlin came walking up and blasted one of the other hunters in the face with his weapon, which made Redeemer jump. He was in a mode they rarely saw him in. His eyes were hard as transparasteel. The headless body fell to the floor and he pointed his gunblade at the next in line.

"Don't make us ask again."

May 6th, 2003, 09:34:02 AM
Ice stepped forward with Dante and they looked at everyone. He pulled his sword up infront of him, waving it at the hunters.

"Tell us now and maybe your lives will be spared." He hissed, having no intention of letting anyone in this room live. Dante looked at him, eyebrow raised in knowing.

May 6th, 2003, 09:57:30 AM
Redeemer looked around getting frustrated with this. She let out a sigh of agrivation.

"Shall we show you why we are called 'the Bloodpack'?" She asked them. She had to keep from smiling as their eyes widened in fear.

They heard movement and a slender woman stepped through the crowd. She held her hands infront of her, wringing them.

"W-we don't know who hired us." She whispered.

"You don't know?" Redeemer quipped.

"N-no, we don't." She answered. Redeemer watched as she was going to say something else when high pitched screams were heard through out the building. They all looked up to the rafters and saw shadows of movement. Redeemer regained her place infront of Epona as the others drew closer.

Out of no where, cloaked figures appeared, slaughtering the hunters one by one viciously. Redeemer watched in shock at the scene infront of her. The walls were beginning to drip in blood and the screams of the hunters echoed in her mind.

Suddenly, the building grew quiet. The hunters were all dead. Weapons drawn, the Bloodpack stood at the ready as they watched about ten cloaked figures turn their way.

Epona Rhi
May 6th, 2003, 03:27:36 PM
Her eyes went wide as the shadows fell on the helpless humans. And she instantly knew who came calling. She backed up and bumped into Ice. She turned quickly and gasped, then swallowed hard and closed her eyes for a second as she was relieved at who she ran into. She let out a long breath and her forehead went against his chest.

"Ice......Im scared...... They're all around us."

She whispered, as her hands gripped at her sabers.

Quinlin Torr
May 6th, 2003, 03:38:26 PM
Standing there smiling. Quinlin rested his weapon on his shoulder. He looked at Redeemer and then at the group. He noticed Epona's change in mood and he couldn't blame her. She almost died at the hands of these things.

"Back for more I see. Well, I got plenty more of death to deal out to you."

May 6th, 2003, 04:35:01 PM
Ice looked down at Epona, softly smiling at her as he raised a hand to caress her dark hair. His eyes met with Redeemer's and she nodded at him.

"You will not be hurt again, Darkling." Ice said with a lethal promise to his voice. He hugged her with his free arm, then moved her to stand behind them.

"Fiends," He hissed. "You will die tonight."

Ice raised his sword, letting out a yell as the creatures came at them.

May 6th, 2003, 04:44:06 PM
Redeemer let out a blood curdling scream as she aimed her blasters at the creatures' heads firing over and over. As soon as they dropped some, more seem to appear out of no where.

She looked back to make sure Epona was alright and that's when she knew her mistake. Turning back, she came face to face with one of the creatures and they stood there, white eyes staring into black ones, only a mere inch away from each other.

Redeemer could smell the stench of death on his breath and she fought back the urge to be sick. Breathing heavily, she felt the other's sudden alarm as they paused in their fighting to watch. She dared not take her eyes off of him, for fear that would be her undoing. Raising her blasters, she gasped when they were knocked out of her hands and sent flying across the floor. She carefully reached for her knives to find that they were gone. Weaponless, she stood there staring at the creature.

Something flickered in his eyes and before she knew it, he had his arms around her and they were flying up into the rafters. She fought as hard as she could to get away, but he was too strong. He grabbed her face with his hand, forcing her to look at him. She felt him in her mind, commanding her to sleep. She fought, but it was no use. She felt herself growing weaker and weaker until everything turned pitch black.

Epona Rhi
May 6th, 2003, 08:30:55 PM
Seeing her friend snatched like that snapped her out of her frightened state. Her sabers ignited and she ran forward.

"Noooooo!!! Ree!! REEEE!!!"

She spun in mid run and cut two down as they jumped at her. As she came out of her spin, she threw one of her sabers underhandedly and it tumbled through the air 'VrrommmVrommmVrommVrommmm....KSSHHH!!' And the rafter sparked and exploded and the creature and Ree came down with it.

The Reaper held her friend still, and it got up quicker than she expected. It had Ree by the collar of her suit and it threatened to kill her. Epona walked very slowly towards it, Orange blade glowing, swishing the blade nonchalantly back and forth.

"I will kill her!"

"No you wont."

"How do you come by that conclusion mortal?"

"Because ugly, I simply wont let you."

Her hand came up and took hold of him with the force. She began to choke the life from him. He relinquished his hold on Ree and tried to fight the attack off. As it seemed he would actually accomplish the feat, Epona released him and sent Darkforce energy in the form of lightning at him. The creature writhed in pain as she drew closer. Then she lifted him up with a gesture of her hand and drove the lightsaber into its heart. As it screeched, she pulled it out and spun on her heels. Lobbing the head off at the base of the neck. She spat at the body as it fell to the floor. Then retrieving her other saber, she ignited it and joined the others as Ice came to ree's side.

Epona charged the enemy with Quin and Dante on either side of her.

Quinlin Torr
May 6th, 2003, 08:33:57 PM
Smiling at the sight of the darkling taking care of business, he nodded to Ice to go to Redeemer. As Epona came running up, he brought his gunblade to bare, and looked at Dante. The elder was smiling and they both charged with the darkling in the middle. The gunblade blasting the Reapers and cutting them down.

May 6th, 2003, 09:53:07 PM
"Ree!" Ice exclaimed as he reached her side. She was still out of it as he checked her over for any signs of injury. Breathing a sigh of relief that outwardly she was ok, he held her to him, watching the others fight what was left of the creatures.

Ice heard Redeemer moan softly and he looked down to see her eyelids fluttering. He smiled, running his fingers over her cheek in a loving gesture. She opened her eyelids briefly and he bent his head, capturing her lips in a gentle kiss.

"Take it easy, My Beloved." He whispered in her ear. He heard movement behind him and letting out a low, menacing growl, he grabbed his sword and turned around, coming face to face with one of the Reapers.

"You will not touch her!" Ice hissed. One quick movement, he had severed the creature's head. He watched as it rolled to the left and Ice pushed on the crouching body with the tip of his sword, smiling as it fell over with a 'thump'.

May 7th, 2003, 09:02:16 AM
Redeemer moaned as she moved, trying to sit up. She felt Ice's arms around her and smiled, leaning her head against his chest. Her arms came up to encircle his neck and she suddenly felt him picking her up.

"Ice, I want to fight....." She argued, feeling stronger by the minute. Ice didn't put her down, but started to move out of the building.

"Ice! Put me down this minute!" She spat, starting to fight in his arms. She won and was set on her feet. She looked at him, brushing the hair out of her eyes.

"I appreciate your help, Ice. But I am strong enough to help out back there." She said, her hand coming up to touch his chest. Redeemer leaned up, kissing him. She felt his arms encircle her and a laugh escaped her throat.

"Come on, My Love." She purred. "Let's shed some Reaper blood."

May 7th, 2003, 09:08:48 AM
Ice shook with laughter as he ran after Redeemer back in, sword drawn. He heard the sound of her blasters and grinned. Didn't take her long to get them back!

The five of them stood together, taking down any Reaper that came upon them. He looked at Epona, grinning from ear to ear, knowing that the Bloodpack had a new member, whether she knew it or not. They were the Darkling's family now. She was no longer alone.

The Reapers began to scream again, louder and louder as their numbers grew. He watched as Redeemer dropped her guns and fell to her knees, covering her ears in pain. His own sight became dizzy and he swayed on his feet, trying to make it to her. He saw Dante's swords fall from his hands and he reached out for his Father, but Dante was snatched up like Redeemer was before, disappearing into the rafters. He watched helpless as Redeemer was taken as well.

"Quin! Epona!" He called out to them, his head spinning from then noise of the Reapers. "Get out while you still can. Find us!"

Ice punched one of the creatures as it descended from above to take him and it rolled to the ground. He prayed Quinlin and Epona would make it out safely before they were caught. He let out a yell as he reached for his sword, but it was too late. He felt himself being grabbed from behind and lifted upwards. The creature purposefully knocked Ice into a rafter, sending him into the blackness of unconciousness.

Quinlin Torr
May 7th, 2003, 10:55:02 PM
Quinlin started to turn and run, and then it hit him. He grabbed at his ears and cringed. The screaming was affecting him too. He dropped his gunblade and fell to his knees. As he looked up, one of the reapers came down and grabbed him. He tried to fight and couldn't, this screaming of thiers was incompacitating. He was helpless as it took him under the arms and lifted him up into the rafters.

Epona Rhi
May 7th, 2003, 11:08:46 PM
She was in the middle of a group, cutting them down. And then they startd up with the screeching. It was a high pitched noise that made her scrunch her eyebrows. She heard the others, they were in trouble. Ice yelled for them to get out and Epona did turn to run, but then she stopped dead in her tracks as she watched the "pack" get abducted one by one.

She intercepted three more of those creatures as they came for her, but she wasn't affected by the screaming. She cut them down too. Then as it started up,it was quiet. Graveyard type of quiet. She walked slowly back to where the others had been. She found Ree's blasters.....Dante's sword......Ice's sword.....and Quin's gunblade. She grabbed them and looked up.

"I'll come back for you Ree.... I promise....I'll come back for ALL of you."

She said at the rafters. She sent it too....the promise to her friends. She hoped they'd hear her. She prayed that they lived still. She ran back to the hide-away of Ice's to get ready for what seemed to be her toughest trial to come.

May 8th, 2003, 01:13:46 AM
Redeemer groaned, slowly coming to. Her head ached and it felt like a Bantha was sitting on her chest. Opening her eyes, she gasped in surprise when she saw the stark white walls and bright lights over head. She looked around frantically finding Ice, Quin and Dante laying on beds, still unconcious.

'This is some kind of weird lab.' Redeemer thought to herself as she sat up.

"You're awake."

A voice startled her. Redeemer looked up to find one of the Reapers walking towards her. She let out a deep growl, leaping off the bed to attack him, but was sent flying against the wall with a wave of his hand.

"Do not even try it, Redeemer." He said, "I am not an ordinary Reaper. I have attained Force abilities. You will not win against me."

"What do you want with us?" Redeemer hissed as the others were starting to come to. "And how do you know my name?"

"Oh, that's simple." He smiled. "Everyone knows who the Bloodpack are. That's Quinlin over there, then there's Ice and his father Dante. I guess I should introduce myself. I am Pike. But from now on, you will call me Master."

Redeemer watched as a hideous grin came over his face.

"Only when Hell freezes over I will." Redeemer spat.

"Such a fiesty vamp, aren't you?" Pike laughed. He turned to look at the others, acknowledging them with a nod.

Quinlin Torr
May 8th, 2003, 01:20:08 AM
Staying silent, Quinlin turned his head slowly to see that the others were ok.....so far. He seen what the reaper did to Redeemer and knew they werent strong enough. only one family of the council held force abilities. The Darkmere's. Thier son was supposed to become a member of the pack but instead ran off after a huge squabble with his family. If they only had Elder Fulkrehm with them.

Their only hope laid in the hands of the young darkling. But wa she strong enough to fight this one? He hoped she was.

May 8th, 2003, 01:31:46 AM
Ice glared at the Reaper, shaking his head to rid himself of the haze that was still left there. His eyes seeked out Redeemer to find her squaring off against him. He had to laugh, she was always like that. He glanced at his father and then to Quin, happy that they seemed ok.

'Are you ok, My Beloved?' Ice sent to Redeemer. She turned to look at him, offering him a wink. He smiled at that, then turned back to glare at Pike.

"You lay one hand on her, you will find your veins ripped out of your body one by one." Ice threatened. He watched as Pike smirked at him, leaving Redeemer to walk over to where he and Quin were.

"As much fun as that sounds, Ice," Pike said, "You wouldn't be able to do it. I'm much too powerful."

Pike turned back around to face Redeemer, smiling at her.

"Your mortal friend, Epona, is it?" He asked. "She was supposed to have been here as well. Seems to me she had escaped. I'm impressed."

Epona Rhi
May 8th, 2003, 01:33:10 AM
Royce stood there with the weapons gathered on a thick leather strap. three swords in a huge sheath and the blasters in two holsters. Epona came out clad in her black bodysuit which clung tightly to her lithe form, her knee high boots and elbow length gloves. her old criss cross belt was on too. Everything she wore when she met Ree. Her hair done up in a braid and a little surprise attached to it for the Reapers. Her buckle knife in place, and also her twin sabers.

Royce helped her put on the leather strap which held the three swords to her back. She asked for Quin's gunblade, and Royce retreived it. She held it in her hands and it was surprisingly light. She walked to the door and Royce had an concerned look.

"Royce, I'll bring them all back. Don't you worry."

"Miss Epona, Im sure you will. Just please, be careful."

She ran over to him and hugged him. He smiled and hugged her back and she was off. She entered the tunnels below the city and went on the hunt. These creatures took from her, and that was one thing you didnt do....and that is take from her.

May 8th, 2003, 01:44:40 AM
"Your mortal friend, Epona, is it? She was supposed to have been here as well. Seems to me she had escaped. I'm impressed."

"You leave her out of this you blood sucking sick son of a bi--" Redeemer screamed, flying through the air with speed. She guessed she caught him off guard, for the heels of her boots connected with his shoulder and he went flying across the room.

Pike quickly stood, rotating his shoulder as he turned his black eyes on her.

"That was a big mistake, Redeemer." He hissed, walking quickly towards her, his hand outstretched.

Redeemer was suddenly lifted into the air and her eyes went wide as she was Force pushed against the wall and stuck there.

"Can't fight like a true vampyre, can you?" Redeemer choked out, feeling pressure tightening on her throat. She raised an eyebrow at him, purposefully daunting him.

'Redeemer! Enough!' She heard Dante hiss at her in her mind.

"This is going to be much more fun that I first thought." Pike smiled. "Turning the Bloodpack, one by one into one of us. All of your talents amongst my children...absolutely brilliant, if I must say so myself."

"I was right, you are a sick son of a bit--" Redeemer felt the pressure tighten more and she let out a cough, rolling her eyes in annoyance. She closed her eyes briefly, searching out into the night for Epona's presence.

'I hope you are safe, My Sister.' She sent, not knowing if she would hear it or not.

Epona Rhi
May 8th, 2003, 02:03:43 AM
'I hope you are safe, My Sister.'

'I'm safe Ree, I'm coming for you.'

She sent back, she watched as a couple reapers finished their latest victim and headed up one of the tunnels. She kept right with them. Getting nearer to the hide out. Soon she would free her friends, or die trying.

Quinlin Torr
May 8th, 2003, 02:05:49 AM
He watched as Pike did what he pleased. Quinlin made a mental promise to lop off his head once given the chance. He had faought against force users before and this Pike wouldnt be any different. You just had to know "how".

May 8th, 2003, 02:17:30 AM
Ice felt the anger reach boiling point in him and when he would have attacked Pike for what he was doing to Redeemer, Dante stopped him.

'Son, now is not the time.'

Ice let out a deep breath, keeping his eyes glued on Redeemer.

'Father, I cannot stand by and let my lifemate be treated like this!' He sent back.

'Even though she has a mouth on her, she is a warrior and she can handle herself. You know that, Ice.'

Ice nodded in agreement, hating it when his father was right at times. He turned to look at Quin just sitting there, taking in everything that was going on. Ice smirked, knowing when Quin gets his chance, all hell will break lose. He planned on being around when it did.

Epona Rhi
May 8th, 2003, 02:38:37 AM
She made it into the hideout and got somewhat far enough when a noise caught her attention and she barely had time to dodge the Reaper from above. She leaped sideways as it dropped to where she used to be. She brought up Qin's gunblade and stabbed it. It screamed and she pulled the trigger. Totally blown off from the blade, she smiled at the mess it left. Then more screams came from the other corridoors. She made ready for the assault that flew her way. She sheathed Quin's blade and took out her sabers.

Igniting the orange blades, she ran head long into the fray. Body parts went flying here and there. She sent mental images of what she was doing to Ree. She knew she'd love that. Her violet eyes glowed eerily in the dim light. She made her way to where she felt Ree to be. Leaving a swath of destruction in her wake.

May 8th, 2003, 02:45:14 AM
Glaring down at Pike as he held her to the wall, Redeemer got the mental images Epona sent to her and she started laughing, a low, menacing laugh. Pike turned to look at her and she grinned, her eyes turning white as the images of his 'children' being slaughtered stayed with her.

"What is so funny?" Pike asked. Redeemer only smirked at him and he let out sigh. She felt him in her mind and she was ready for it. She slammed mental walls up around her mind, blocking him out. He let out a hiss and released her from the wall. Redeemer hit with a 'thud' and continued to laugh.

"You'll see what's so funny soon enough...Pike." She said his name, dripped in distaste.

Epona Rhi
May 8th, 2003, 03:31:04 AM
Running down the corridor, two reapers came at her. She spun in mid run and cleaved the two in half. She kept going. As she neared where Ree was, she had to stop as four more showed up. She took them out as well, but not before getting slashed by one of the reaper's clawed hands. She screamed in pain as the nails raked her back. She delivered a back kick and whipped her braid, the end had a curved blade on it and it cut the reaper's neck open. It gurgled as it clutched at it's throat. She finished the job by lopping off the head with her saber.

She entered a huge vault room and proceeded to the one door at the opposite end of the chamber. A group of reapers blocked her path and she charged. Disengaging her sabers, she lifted both hands and propelled the group against the walls and a few through the doorway.

Pike and the four BloodPackers heard the commotion outside the room and the door flew open with a forceful blast. The bodies of reapers came in as well and then Epona walked in, in a pretty sexy walk that made Quin's eyebrows arch a bit. Even Dante had to smirk. Pike wasn't amused and Epona didn't look too thrilled herself.

"You, ugly.....have something of mine. And I came to claim it. Give em up and you live."

'And if I don't?'

"Then ugly, you die."

'AHHAHAHAHAAHAAAAA.........are you so sure young one? do you think you caould beat me? A force master like myself?'

"No, I didn;t say I'd do it alone....you ugly , need to pay attention! I can't stop you alone, but did I say I'd do it alone?"

She unsnapped the leather strap and using the force, she sent the weapons to their rightful owners. She then tossed the blasters to Ree. And turned to face Pike. who ignited a red saber. She ignited her twin orange ones and took the fight to him.

May 8th, 2003, 09:23:06 AM
Redeemer grinned in pride as Epona blasted her way in. She looked over at Quin, noticing the look on his face and her grin widened. He caught her eyes and she sent to him,

'That's my girl!'

She saw Quin smile and grabbed her blasters as Epona tossed them to her. She opened fired on any of the Reapers that came near Epona. Ice grabbed his sword, moving to stand on the other side of Epona near the entrance to watch her back along with Dante. Quin stayed where he was, watching Epona and Pike fight intensely.

May 8th, 2003, 12:08:47 PM
Ice and his father stood by the entrance, cutting down any Reaper that dared come their way. He looked back at Epona, marveling at her.

Standing there next to Dante, breathing hard, clutching his sword in his hands, he realized no more Reapers were coming in and he wondered if they had been successful.

'Stay on guard, Son.' Dante sent. 'I have a feeling this is yet to be over with.'

'I feel the same, Father.'

Epona Rhi
May 9th, 2003, 12:08:11 AM
Epona charged the reaper with sabers coming fast and hard. He blocked her attack with ease, as if he wasn't needing to try. Her mind was working overtime with this one. Her eyes eerily glowed thier lavender and as they exchanged blow for blow, she tapped into the force and so to speak, "pulled the rug from under him". She yanked his feet right from under him. He fell on his back with a sickening thud, but managed to ward of her push to attack.

He thrust his hand out and she went flying back. She hit her back against the wall and came off running back. Growling loudly and almost in a ragged scream, she laid down a multi-combo attack. He blocked all but one and it got him on the shoulder. He cried out in pain and seemed to get stronger by his anger. He attacked back and forced her to back peddle. He forced her all the way back against the wall and she landed a nice kick to his midsection as he prepared to strike her down. He stumbled backwards and she vaulted over his head to land back to back with him.

She thrust both sabers backwards and they protruded out of his abdomen. She looked back and grinned, then he walked forward and literally pulled himself off her blades. As she looked back in disbelief he struck her hard. His vampire quickness enabled him to spin and cut her across the back. As her eyes widened, she looked at Ree.....falling to her knees, she dropped her sabers which disengaged. The hilts clattering on the floor, the vampire stood triumphantly behind her and raised his saber over his head.

'What do you think of your little mortal now Purebloods? hmm? pity....for now she dies.'

Then a blurr from the rightside, another clattering, and thump. All this she couldnt see....then she felt herself falling forward as the dark started to take her over.