View Full Version : Nothing Lasts forever...... (open)

Mar 13th, 2003, 10:01:25 PM
Usually at this time of night he would be out hunting his next meal, but tonight was the one night he delved into his sad solitude. This night marked the anniversary of her passing. He stood next to the same rock she sat upon and waited for the sunrise. He carried the same black rose he placed there for the last seven decades on this same night.

His hair pulled back into a tight ponytail, unlike his usual unkept style. He wore a hunter green short coat with black leather pants, boots and her necklace he recovered from her ashes. He placed the rose on the rock near the shoreline of the Hiza River. Standing there tears glistening in the moonlight, he looked up at the night sky. How he hated her for giving herself to the light and not allowing him to be there, to let her know she was loved more than she knew.

But at the same time, he still loved her. seven decades and not a day goes by when he doesn't think of her. Oh there are others that has captured his eye, but none has stolen his heart. None so far that is. The wind picked up and his ponytail danced with it.
He decided to sit on the spot she sat on, he could still feel her here. He always could. But he knew one night would come when he couldn't feel her, that her aura would leave this place as she left his life. He knew, nothing lasts forever.

Taking a deep breath Ezra says her name.


Ruufe Shanks
Mar 13th, 2003, 10:13:54 PM

The voice is loud, disturbing the silence and spoiling the tender moment.

"What's a Jazmina?"

Ruufe stands a few meters away, hands on his hips, looking on with a non-plussed expression.

Mar 13th, 2003, 10:25:01 PM
Slowly turning his head, Ezra sees the youngster there. His eyes harden a bit at the intrusion.

"Jazmina was a special woman I knew. She is no longer of this life. She meant alot to me."

He slowly turns back and stares into the dark water that seems to flow eerily silent.

Ruufe Shanks
Mar 13th, 2003, 10:30:25 PM
Ruufe blinks, head jerking back in surprise. Boy...he feels real stupid.


He smiles to try and hide his embarrassment, but realizes that may not be the best thing to do and makes a straight face. Ruufe, despite being arrogant and rude, also knows when to hold his tongue and show respect. This is one of those moments. He takes his hat off and holds it over his heart, taking a moment of silence for the dead woman.

"I'll bet she was a good person..." he offers, making an attempt to rectify his earlier mistake.

Alana Stormcloud
Mar 13th, 2003, 10:49:47 PM
The Sith Lordess could feel his pain. It was like a beacon pulling to her Vampyre blood, one of her own suffered as she had. Alana followed that call, wanting to ease it, wanting to ease her own. Perhaps the two could help one another.

She stood silently in the shadows, watching him as he laid the black rose down, a name whispered on a gentle breeze. He had loved deeply, and Alana knew that pain. Her eyes rose slightly at the sight of Ruufe, he had an abrasive attitude that defied description but Alana liked him none the less. Even he could feel Ezra’s hurt, and bowed his head respectfully to it.

"She must have been very special...” Came her soft whisper, not wanting to disturb his thoughts...

Mar 13th, 2003, 11:02:58 PM
Softly smiling at the whisper, he nods slowly.

"Yes, she was very special."

Turning to see the shadow amoung the trees he holds his hand out to it. Gesturing to her to come out of the shadows.

"You don't need to hide in the shadows Alana. Please sit with me."

He turned to the youngster behind him and gestured to him too.

"Yes, you too."

As he waited for them to approach, he spoke to them.

"For years I've spent this night alone, in silent mourning. But tonight, I feel I need the company."

Ruufe Shanks
Mar 13th, 2003, 11:05:33 PM
Ruufe approaches, but refuses to sit down. He'd rather remain standing, the better to show his respect and mourning.

"Um...how long's it been?"

Alana Stormcloud
Mar 13th, 2003, 11:15:33 PM
Alana slipped from the shadows, she nodded her head and slid her hand into his.

"It is not that I hide there, they just seem to suit me at times." She smiled gently, and settled down next to him. Her hue shifting eyes falling on the rose. To many times she had hid the pain, letting it fester, and burn. It ate at her still, and she could see that he to suffered the same milady.

"Time has no meaning when it comes to love lost..." She, in a way answering Ruufe, and saying it to herself...

Mar 13th, 2003, 11:38:35 PM
Ezra held her hand gently but firm. He watched her eye the rose he had placed on the rock. He smiled sadly knowing she somehow knew what he felt.

"To answer your question young one, It has been seventy years to be exact. Seventy years ago she gave herself to the light. And I loved her enough to let her go."

He smiled softly again.

"One day you will know what its like to feel .....alive. And then what it's like to lose that feeling you hold so dear."

He said to Ruufe. Then he looked at Alana, with an understanding.

"It seems you know what I'm going through. Maybe a little too well. It stays with you doesn't it?"

Ruufe Shanks
Mar 14th, 2003, 10:58:46 PM
Ruufe's not sure he understands, but takes this in with a slight nod. He's too young yet to fully understand the concepts of love, and has his own doubts about the subject. Maybe Alana's next reply will set it straight in his mind?

Alana Stormcloud
Mar 15th, 2003, 10:54:19 AM
"It seems you know what I'm going through. Maybe a little too well. It stays with you doesn't it?"

Alana nodded her hand tightening on his. A look of endless sadness passes over her other wise unreadable face. "It stays for all of eternity Ezra." She said looking up at him.

"It is the one bane of all vampires. To keep each memory we have sharp, and enduring. It seems at times we love to much does it not?" Her voice was low and reflective.

Her eyes turning up to the night sky, glimmering as the moons light lit them. Her suffering had eased somewhat with Kolarik now at the Shrine. But it did not mask the memories completely.

"Why did she walk into the sun Ezra?" Her sirens voice held a hint of utter emptiness.

Mar 15th, 2003, 05:15:25 PM
He sat there quietly. Taking a deep breath he turned to look at her

"I don't know. She always talked about the sun. She missed it alot. Being born into the darkness instead of being brought into it, you dont have the knowledge of such things."

He smiled and confirmed what he said.

"Yes, I am born of two Vampyres. I am not turned. So, I have never known the sun or it's warmth. Oh I see it in dreams, but it's as cold as the night."

He looked away for a bit and asked as his head was turned.

"Im guessing you were turned. So I ask you this with the hope of understanding why Jazmina or any other would want to give themselves to it.........Do you miss it?"

Then he turned back to look at her like a child who asks why the sky is blue and really wanting the answer.

"Do you? And why??"

Alana Stormcloud
Mar 16th, 2003, 12:06:11 PM
Alana looked up into the moon lit night. Reflective, and lost. She had never truly pondered if she missed the sun because there was so much more to it. For a moment she closed her eyes, remembering what it felt like to have it's warmth on her face. There were so many things she missed.

The Sith Lordess opened her mind to Ezra then, not revealing all she had in her but what it was like to have been mortal. The deep abiding love that one could get as a human. The fill of rushing because time would catch you.

"There is so much more than just missing the sun Ezra. Perhaps we focus on that because it is the one thing denied to us when we turn. It is the one thing we can never get back. Day.... It means so much more than any will ever know. The mortals wander through life bemoaning there lot, and they forget all of the pleasures. But when we turn we realize how little we enjoyed... well, the warmth of the sun, the fragrant breezes of the dawn. We regret Ezra, regret not having enjoyed what we can never have again. I miss the joy in my uncle’s eyes when I was still a mortal, now he looks at me with pain and hurt. I miss the simple pleasure of weary bones from a hard days work. There is so much lost, and so much gained. For those who would give up this dark gift, it is more than missing the sun, they miss life, humanity." She explained in gentle tones. It was different for each of them.

Mar 16th, 2003, 01:46:41 PM
His expression was blank as he took in what she allowed him to see. Then he nodded his head and looked down at he ground. Thinking on all what she just had said, fully understanding. Maybe, he thought to himself, that was why he hadnt wanted to turn a mortal before....because of the way they seemed to go back to the light from experiancing the darkness....that they trully didn't belong and somehow that seems so wrong to him.

"Thank you, for sharing that with me. And thank you for making it more understandable. For years I've wondered as to the "why" of it all, now I know."

He turned to Ruufe.

"Tell me young one, are you turned yet? If not, why do you want to be?"

Ruufe Shanks
Mar 16th, 2003, 05:51:44 PM
"I'm not turned. Darren Caerdeth said he'd do it after I brought him a human. I want to be the Vampyre King. The strongest of all vampyres. There are too many humans in the universe...I have no way of knowing if I'm THE strongest human...but all the Vampyres of the universe are at the Shrine. It's easier to know that way."

Mar 16th, 2003, 05:58:21 PM
He chuckled at the answer Ruufe gave. And then looked to Alana.

"He has spunk, thats good."

Then he looked at Ruufe.

"Not all Vampyres live in the Shrine young one. I live with my master and his on a ship called the Sanguine. I am employed there and also learning to be a force user. I rarely get a chance to visit the Shrine. So the Vampyre King eh? Well we shall see won't we?"

He smirked and patted the boy's shoulder. Then looked back at Alana.

"Immortality. A pleasure and a Pain. Sometimes I wonder which of the two it is more of."

Mar 17th, 2003, 03:30:28 PM
"I would think it is equal, both pleasure and pain, wouldn't you think, Ezra?" Kariss whispered in her soft voice as she stepped out of the shadows. She had been listening to their conversations for far too long and finally decided to let her presence here known. She flashed a smile at her old friend.

"It is good to see you again, my friend. I am sorry to hear about Jazmina. Her passing had an affect on myself as well." Kariss said, reaching out to place a comforting hand on Ezra's shoulder.

Mar 18th, 2003, 04:19:18 AM
Ezra smiled and released Alana's hand and stood up. He kissed Kariss's forehead as he always did when he greeted her. He embraced her and hugged her tight, releasing her he turned and introduced his two companions.

"Kariss, this is Alana. She is of the Shrine. Kariss here is a long time and sorely missed friend of mine. We run into each other when we seem to need it, that's if we aren't together on a mission."

He turned to the youngster and smiling as he touched his mind, getting what he needed.

"And this young man is Ruufe. Our aspiring vampyre king."

After introductions, He turned to her and replied to her earlier comment.

"It seems sometimes I really don't know which of the two it is more of. I try to live it as if it were both, but at times.....The solitude is such a trial."

Alana Stormcloud
Mar 18th, 2003, 10:33:30 AM
Alana bowed her head slightly in acknowledgment. Studying the female Vampyre, her eyes shifting hues as they always did. Kariss was truly beautiful as all vampires seemed to be. There was a timeless grace about her.

"A pleasure Kariss, how fares Master Saurron? It has been to long since I have enjoyed his company, and felt his fateful arms about me." Alana grinned in remembered pleasure at the blood call they had shared.

"It is truly a delight to meet the two I have heard so much about." The Sith Lordess said gently, her head cocked to the side. The soft folds of her dress shifted around her legs as an errant breeze caught it.

Mar 18th, 2003, 12:57:54 PM
Kariss wrapped her arms around Ezra's waist and gave him a squeeze before letting him go.

"I do know what you mean, Ez. The loneliness is a trial at times." She kissed his cheek and then turned around to nod at Ruufe, offering him a brilliant smile and then turned to face Alana.
"Alana, finally we meet. I have heard much about you from Master Saurron." Kariss grinned. "He is doing well...awnry as ever as you can imagine." She let out a soft laugh, realizing the Master's description of Alana didn't do her justice. She was even more beautiful in person.

Ruufe Shanks
Mar 18th, 2003, 06:20:52 PM
Ruufe lets the conversation go around him. His mind is on idle overdrive...he's thinking a mile a minute on nothing at all. Even if he was paying attention, he couldn't contribute to their topic. Loneliness and pain of loss aren't two subjects he's ever had to deal with much.

Alana Stormcloud
Mar 19th, 2003, 05:45:51 PM
Alana smiled and chuckled in return. "I can imagine he had plenty to say about his wayward Dark Chylde, I have given him very few moments of peace at times. I miss his scowl, as well as his endearing smile."

Alana glanced over at the silent Ruufe, he did not seem himself. Her brows turned down in momentary concern. After a few minutes Alana shifted her eyes back to the coven members.

"Have you met any of the other coven family? It has been far too long since I have made my way home...”

Mar 19th, 2003, 10:24:45 PM
"Actually, I have not met any other Coven members. If Im not out doing a mission for Master Saurron or Gavin, Im at my retreat on Calidor or visiting my cousin Aeryn on Scion. Sometimes I just find myself roaming aimlessly from system to system."

He looked over at Kariss.

"And speaking of visiting, You have never visited me at my retreat."

He nodded towards Alana and Ruufe.

"In fact, any of you are more than welcome to visit whenever you like."

Mar 20th, 2003, 11:40:08 AM
Kariss smiled at Ezra and then looked at Alana.

"I have pretty much kept to myself at the coven. Master Saurron has kept me pretty busy. Too busy, I would think. I think he is taking the fact that he is missing you out on me." Kariss chuckled. "I actually told him I was leaving for awhile to find Ezra to see how he fared and he actually wished me a happy journey. Can you believe that? Master Saurron wishing me such a thing?" Kariss grinned, her teeth bared. "I think he was hoping I would run into and try and talk you into coming back with me." She shook her head as she took a step closer to Ezra and wound her arms around his waist again. "You, on the other hand, he is worried about you. You have not checked in with him in quite awhile. That's not wise, Ez."

She leaned her head on his shoulder and could hear the blood pumping through his veins and she suddenly realized she had yet to feed that night. She brought her lips dangerously close to his neck and inhaled deeply. She let out a sigh and looked up at Ezra.

"I need to feed. Any good prospects around here?"

Ruufe Shanks
Mar 20th, 2003, 04:54:00 PM
Ruufe snaps from his daze at the mention of Saurron.

"What's a Saurron? You guys talk like he's your dad or something."

Mar 21st, 2003, 01:24:31 AM
"I know I haven't been in touch lately, Ive been so deep in my own thoughts I just plain forgot. As you can see, I am ok...somewhat."

His eyes slowly close as he feels her breath suddenly on his neck. Then he pulls back a bit and looks at her.

"There is a settlement few miles down that way, lots of villany there. Always a good source on this planet."

Ezra answered Ruufe.

"Saurron is our master. He is my master in the fact he trains me as a force user. And also is my Employer."

Mar 21st, 2003, 01:37:05 AM
Kariss smirked at Ezra knowingly, then nodded at his comment about the colony. Pulling away from his closeness, she turns and looks at Ruufe, walking to him.

"Saurron is all of our Master. He is feared among us. He's a God, a Father, a Friend...he commands the utmost respect from us. If you were to see him, you would agree. "

Kariss gave him a smile and then turned on her heel, walking back to Ezra. She let the finger tips of her nails graze along his chin as she walked by.

"Don't go anywhere, I'll be right back." She whispered in his ear. She grinned at Alana and then disappeared into the night to feed.

Ruufe Shanks
Mar 21st, 2003, 06:39:29 PM
"Our master? As in you and her?" he asks of Ezra with a pointed finger at the direction Kariss left in.

Mar 22nd, 2003, 01:38:01 AM
"Our master, as in myself, Kariss, and Alana Ruufe. If you want to be Vampyre King, thats one you'll have to face. And that will be one challenge let me tell you."

He watched Kariss walk down the darkened path. Then turned to Alana.

"How did you lose your special person Alana?" Did they give themselves to the sun also?"

Alana Stormcloud
Mar 22nd, 2003, 02:35:49 AM
Alana's eye teeth flashed momentarily at the mention of feeding. It had been some time since she had fed. The night was still long though, and she could wait.

"I would love to visit you on your retreat Ezra. I don't get out as much as I should. I would also like to take you up on going to the Sanguine to see Master Saurron." She said with a soft smile.

"Ruufe, I would not be so quick to challenge Saurron. I know you aspire t be the Vampyre King but that is something that can wait." She had a fondness for the boy, he seemed t fear very little.

"How did you lose your special person Alana?"

Alana paused at this question, her brows knitting with the painful memory. "I was still a mortal when I lost him, and then when Saurron turned me an old friend came and told me the Tiberious still lived. By then I was an immortal, and though we tried to make it work it was not something that could be. So I guess you could say I lost him to my death." Her eyes grew sad with her thoughts.

"He still loved me, and I him but my love had changed. I could no longer be the woman he had loved...:

Mar 22nd, 2003, 03:09:40 AM
Ezra smiled at her acceptence of the Visiting offer. And he also nodded to her wanting to go to the Sanguine.

"I would be more than happy to have your company at Ravenloft. As I have metioned at one time not too long ago, the twin moons of Calidor is most intriguing during the fall season. And if you'd like, once Kariss gets back I will take you on the Empress Marva and to the Sanguine. Im sure Master Saurron would be pleased to see you."

Then his expression changed as she spoke of her lost love. What made it worse to him was, it wasn't like his loss. He wasn't dead. She was, but not in the sence of Jazmina. Alana could still be touched, she could still feel the emotions, just not the same as a mortal. He heard the longing for closure in her voice, and he thought of how he could help her.

Then it was like a bolt of lightning striking him. He smilied and picked up the black rose. He held it out to her and said.

"Alana, every year, near the end of my visits here, I always place the rose into the river and let it take the rose as well as my pain away. Tonight, I'll let you place it in the river. Maybe it will help you bring some form of closure to this hurt you bare. We can both take some kind of relief from this pain we carry in our hearts. Please.......Please."

Alana Stormcloud
Mar 22nd, 2003, 03:21:53 AM
Alana gently took the rose he offered to her, her eyes straying from it back to him. She ran her finger tips over the fragrant petals, releasing the heady scent it harbored. A single blood tear formed and fell. Not for just the lost love of Tiberious but for many things. For the lose of a mother that was never really hers, for the bitter regret she held for her Uncle Mockadane.

She knew to soon the mortal coil she was still bound in would fade, and she would be left without any natural feelings. But she knew that would take many, many years to achieve. For now her heart still bled.

"I wish it were so easy Ezra, to let the water take this flower, and with it my pain. I wish it could take the barbs from my heart, placed there by the ones I loved most in life." Alana all but whispered the words. Her fingers still running over the soft petals.

"I will do as you request Ezra, perhaps it will give me a moment’s respite. Thank you..."

Mar 23rd, 2003, 12:18:33 PM
Walking back from the little village, Kariss wiped her lips clean of any blood from her victims. It actually took her two tonight to satisfy her urge. With the speed only known to vampyres, she was among the three of them again, next to Ezra's side.

"thanks for the tip, Ez." She grinned, her pale skin glowing from having fed. She looked down and saw the roses both of them carried. "I'll leave the two of you alone for a few minutes." She whispered, walking back to the tree she first appeared at, grabbing Ruufe with her. "This is private for them, I suggest you leave them be for now."

Mar 23rd, 2003, 05:28:07 PM
As the two gave them a little quiet time, Ezra crouched near the rivers edge, and held his hand out to Alana. He inhaled the bittersweet fragrance and closed his eyes, they stayed closed for awhile as if he was sending his thoughts of Jazmina and his pain into that rose.
He then placed it into the black water and it slowly submerged as it was taken away, into the current and he felt a little relieved. He watched Alana with a small smile.

"Now it's your turn. close your eyes and let your hurt flow into its petals, and then release it to the water. Let it take and drown what you give to it."

Ruufe Shanks
Mar 23rd, 2003, 07:00:45 PM
Ruufe has been standing dumbfounded at Ezra's words, shaken from his trance by Kariss pulling on his arm. There's already a person who can claim the title of Vampyre King? He has competition? The goal is suddenly looking much farther away than it was before, but he's not deterred.

"Kariss, tell me all you know about Saurron."

Mar 24th, 2003, 01:51:55 AM
Kariss looked over at Ruufe, crossing her arms over her chest. She took him in briefly, then turned to watch Ezra and Alana. She let out a sigh, then moved to rest against the tree with her shoulder.

"Ruufe," She began quietly. "Master Saurron is quite powerful. Many of us look upon him as a God. No one knows just how old he truly is. Some think hundreds, some think thousands of years."

Kariss looked down at the rock at her feet and kicked it lightly, then turned her glowing eyes back up to Ruufe.

"Being in Master Saurron's presence...well...it is hard to explain. You're both fearful of him and in awe of him. If you were to go up against him now, Ru, you would not stand a chance. I am not saying that because I am faithful to my Master, I am saying it because it is the truth." Kariss smiled at him briefly. "I don't know why, but there's something about you that I admire. Maybe your determination, who knows. You are most welcome to join us as we head back to see for yourself about Master Saurron. Look upon him with your own eyes and make your own decision about going up against him."

Ruufe Shanks
Mar 24th, 2003, 10:56:25 AM
"I didn't say I was gonna fight him now," Ruufe says with a roll of his eyes. "But if I gotta, I guess I'll come see him for myself."

Alana Stormcloud
Mar 24th, 2003, 04:28:25 PM
"Now it's your turn. Close your eyes and let your hurt flow into its petals, and then release it to the water. Let it take and drown what you give to it."

Alana did as Ezra bid her to, wanting desperately to believe that it could work. That her ever stinging pain would be softened with the release of her black rose. Her eyes slipped closed, and for a moment she stayed that way, her fingers clutching the delicate flower to her chest. Her hand stole out slowly, barely disturbing the water as she set the rose to float.

She opened her eyes and looked to Ezra, her smile still sad, and her eyes still burdened. "Maybe what I hold in me has to be resolved with those still living." She turned back to the rushing water, her small chuckle surrounded the two vampires.

"It was a nice thought Ezra, and for that I thank you." Alana stood up, her hue shifting eyes on his, her pale hand reaching out for his.

"Do you think my Uncle Mockadane will be there? Perhaps it is time for our Master Saurron and I to have a little get together."

Mar 24th, 2003, 09:55:35 PM
Ezra took her hand and stood up, they walked together back to the other two who stood near a tree.

"Yes, there is a chance that the bounty hunter will be there. He always is. And I think my master will be very pleased to see the both of us."

He chuckled. It has been a while since he was in the presence of his teacher. Yes, this trip would do them a world of good.

"Come, the Empress Marva is only a short distance from here."

He walked up to the others and gestured to follow. As they walked down the path, they came to a dark area and no ship in sight. He pulled out a slim control and pressed a button, a loud clank and a ramp lowered from the darkness exposing the inner lighting of the ship. He smiled at their mild surprise. He welcomed them aboard and as they got settled, he offered some refreshments.
The Empress Marva was a Naboo Royal Barge painted black. With an interior set for luxory unlike other transports.

Ruufe Shanks
Mar 25th, 2003, 09:57:36 AM
Ruufe passes on the offered food, opting instead to pull his hat over his eyes and lean back in his seat, putting his feet up on the nearest convenient place. Going to see Saurron, are they? Fine by him...he'll get to see what his competition is.

Mar 25th, 2003, 04:04:23 PM
Walking to a nearby window, Kariss leans against it, staring out into the night sky with her arms wrapped around herself. She lets out a small sigh, just wondering what the future has in store for the four of them.

'Master Saurron will definately be happy to see Alana and Ezra back...even if they only stay for a short time.' Kariss thought to herself. Her eyes flicked shyly over to Ezra, her heart torn that he had to deal with such sorrow with Jazmina's passing. She wished she could help him in some way, but felt totally useless.

Shaking her head, she turned back to stare out the window. Kariss wondered what it was like to have love like the love Ezra and Jazmina shared. All she knew was to love someone secretly and not have it returned.

'Maybe it is for the best.' Kariss thought to herself again.

Mar 25th, 2003, 05:02:05 PM
He sat down in the pilot's seat and stared out the viewport. Slouching in the chair, he ran his thumb across his lip in thought as was his habit. Wondering if he would in this eternity, ever feel the closeness of another. There were opportunities out there, but would they make him feel what he felt?
He sighed and began prepping the ship for take off. He averted his eyes and caught Kariss watching him. He smiled warmly at her and went back to his task of pre-flight.

Alana Stormcloud
Mar 27th, 2003, 12:38:36 AM
Alana curled her body into one of the chairs on the ship. Her eyes slipping closed as she thought of her Uncle. Her brow furrowed with worry at what he might say to her sudden appearance on the sanguine. The Sith Lordess sighed softly, wondering if she should even bother dredging up the bitter past. But then it was always with her in some way.

It seemed each one of the vampires on Ezra's ship had there own thoughts this night. The heavy silence was laden with memories unspoken. Opening her eyes she smiled at Kariss, who seemed as lost as Alana felt. Turning to Ezra she wondered at his thoughts.

"This is a beautiful ship.... “Alana said to break the silence. She was also curious as to what the two meant to one another....

Mar 27th, 2003, 01:06:12 AM
*accidently hit the wrong button...DEMMIT!!*

Mar 27th, 2003, 01:09:00 AM
As the engines warmed up and the system was preped. Ezra got out of the seat, taking off his short coat so he was comfortable in his black shirt, he walked to the rear compartment and stowed it away. He stood there figiting with a wireless comlink. And he answered Alana's compliment.

"Yes, she is beautiful at that. It belonged to my grandfather. And my father never really cared for it, so I took it. Added some things to her and made her twice the ship she was. It was named after my grandmother."

Mar 27th, 2003, 04:45:41 PM
Quickly stopping the train of thought she was currently on before anyone could pick up on it, Kariss let out a sigh and moved away from the window, returning Alana's smile as she made her way over to Ezra. She placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder and squeezed gently, smiling sadly at him and averting his eyes so he would not see the pain in them.

Letting go of his shoulder, Kariss moved to sit near Alana, but not too close to bother her. She placed her booted feet up and leaned her head back, staring up at the ceiling of the ship as she fought back the turmoil of emotions that seemed to plague her right now.

Alana Stormcloud
Mar 30th, 2003, 06:04:36 PM
Alana looked to Kariss as she settled into the seat next to her. She nodded to the woman before looking out the window yet again. Lost in her own thoughts not unlike Kariss.

"She suffers as I do." Alana thought to herself. It seemed they were all plagued by bitter memories, and perhaps not to distant wants. Rolling her head to the side she set her gaze back on the beauty at her side. Wondering just what this one hid, what bitter coil held her captive.

"They are like tiny barbs that cling, and will not release until they have there fill." Alana all but whispered to Kariss....

Mar 30th, 2003, 06:55:38 PM
Walking past the two beauties sitting quietly, Ezra offered a warm smile to both and got in the pilots seat. Giving a thumbs up to Ruufe he started lift-off.

"Alright, we're off."

He said as they ascended into the dark heavens. He angled right and cut in the thrusters and they cut through the sky like a shark. The flight out was a smooth one, showing his skill as a pilot. As they reached space and headed deeper into it, he calculated the jump and plotted course.
Turning his head, he spoke to the passengers.

" ETA to the Sanguine is about 30 minutes. Once we jump you're free to move around. Jumping to hyperspace in five.....four....three....two.....one.....Hang on."

He hit the hyperdrive button and the stars blurred and they jumped system. He busied himself with the controls as the others now had free roam of the ship.

Mar 30th, 2003, 07:02:42 PM
Kariss turned slightly to look at Alana and offered a sad smile.

"My 'want' has been haunting me for about a hundred years, Alana." Kariss whispered, her eyes fluttering to the floor as Ezra passed them. "I'm not so sure I should act upon it."

Kariss turned her head back and stared up at the ceiling. She suddenly laughed softly and looked sideways at Alana.

"Imagine that, a vampyre suddenly shy and unsure of herself when it comes to love." Kariss shook her head and groaned.

'Not good.' She thought to herself.

Alana Stormcloud
Apr 3rd, 2003, 10:12:55 AM
Alana nodded at the Vampyre next to her, she seemed to echo Alana's own thoughts. The fear of acting and being rejected seemed to plague immortals as well as mortals.

"I to have held my tongue on many things Kariss, and what I have found is a bitter regret. If we always just bite our tongue we will find it is the taste of our own blood that galls us. Though we have all of eternity to make right what went wrong, there is always an off chance it could be taken for ever." Alana offered Kariss back the same sad smile.

"Don't wait.... It will only hurt you in the end. That is why I must go to our master home. It is why I must see Saurron and Mockadane. I have waited to long as it is...."

Apr 3rd, 2003, 11:54:37 AM
Kariss looked towards the floor, Alana's wise words echoing in her mind.

"Thank you, Alana." Kariss smiled. "You've given me a lot to think about." She glanced over at Ezra and then back at Alana as she got up and walked back to the window she was at before.

'I to have held my tongue on many things Kariss, and what I have found is a bitter regret. If we always just bite our tongue we will find it is the taste of our own blood that galls us.' Alana's words just kept at her and she closed her eyes, wondering if she should say something or not. Letting out a deep sigh, she closed her eyes and leaned her forehead against the window, suddenly feeling totally alone.

Apr 3rd, 2003, 09:21:55 PM
He turned his head as he heard movement from behind. Kariss had moved back to the window she was at before. And this time he felt her anguish. He would talk to her later about it. He kept busy a the pilot station. Soon they would be on the Sanguine, and in the presence of his master once more. He wondered how that would go, being he had been away longer than he usually was. And for good reason, past decisions could hurt their relationship and he wasn't ready yet to face him.
He sighed and pushed it behind. He was a man of honor, which was rare in vampyres. He would face the consequences of his choices....soon.

Apr 14th, 2003, 12:53:12 AM
The trip there was in awkward silence. Ezra never liked that. Silence unless you were alone, indicated uneasiness or something worse. He pushed a few buttons and brought the lever back and the Empress Marva returned to normal space as the swirling caleidescope slowed and came back to normal stars.
He turned slowly and looked at the somber passengers.

"Well, we're here. The Sanguine is not far off. You can all come and get a good look if you want to."

He busied himself with the console as he radioed into the Sanguine and got clearance to land. The behemoth of a ship, the Sanguine loomed closer, it's black hull matching the color of the Empress Marva. Ezra steered the ship with smooth ease. They glided closer to the Eclipse Class Star Destroyer. He took a deep breath and focused on the approaching docking bay.

Apr 15th, 2003, 10:53:11 PM
Kariss moved away from the window, offering a smile at Alana as she passed her and followed Ezra. She slid her hands onto his shoulders and whispered,

"Are you ready for this Ezra? Master Suarron has been waiting for you."

She kissed his cheek, moving to his side to watch him steer the ship. She marvelled at his strength and her smile grew wide.

'Yes, they were home and back to being a family again.' She thought happily to herself, knowing she will be standing by Ezra's side when he meets up with the Master.

Alana Stormcloud
Apr 15th, 2003, 11:50:02 PM
Alana gave both Ezra and Kariss back a smile, though it was a weak one. She could feel her master close at hand, and she also knew her Uncle Mockadane would not be far. Her pale hands clutched at the arm rests of the chair, her eyes squeezing closed for a moment before shooting back open. She looked at her masters massive ship, where the two she loved most now resided.

"What a wicked web we weave...." She muttered under her breath. Standing the Sith Lordess moved toward her new found friends. "Shall we?"

Apr 16th, 2003, 03:14:38 AM
Ezra guided the Empress into her docking bearth, and shut the systems down. He checked and made sure things were in place and he lead them to the rampway and onto the flight deck of the Sanguine. It felt good, yet strange to be back onboard the huge ship. He led the way to the Master's main Hall. There they would see him again.

Ezra looked back at Kariss with a bit of concern showing. She winked at him and he smirked. He looked back at Alana and Ruufe following.

"How does it feel being back on the Sanguine Alana?"

Alana Stormcloud
Apr 16th, 2003, 10:29:05 PM
Alana looked out at the huge docking bay of the sanguine through the dark tinted glass of her enviro suit. The bustle of the place remained the same, droids and humans alike hurried to and fro doing there menial jobs. She spotted a few of her kind dressed much as she was, in the suits that protected them from the harsh rays of the bright stars and suns.

"How does it feel being back on the Sanguine Alana?"

She looked to Ezra and then to Kariss, her smile glimmering gently behind the visor. She had a million different emotions flowing through her now that she had arrived. Fear, love, worry. They all invaded and reminded her why she had come, and what she would soon face.

"I feel as if I have come home my friend." She chuckled softly. She steeped onto her master’s ship, making her way to the small alcove that would lead them into the interior. She nodded to the familiar guards, she pushed past them quickly, they knew she hated wearing the enviro suit. She wanted to strip its hateful reminder from her body as quickly as possible.

Apr 17th, 2003, 12:45:53 AM
A planet amongst the stars... that is the way Mockadane saw this fortress of solitude that housed the Vampire Saurron and his arsenal of death. The Sanguine seemed to be a marvel of modern construction. This is just one of the many aspests that drives fear into the populace of any planet. The fact that it was mobile made it one of the most leathal forces in the galexy.

The doors to the innerchambers slid shut, with Mockadane on the outside. The inner turmoil that he held flashed for the breifest moment accross his face.

Handing a data-pad to one of the highest ranking elite guard, that stood at the doors that entered the main chambers, Mockadane spoke with a steady voice...

"Once they enter the turbo-lift send them to dockingbay 67, Where the Infiltraiter is docked. I will inform them of the unfortunate situation!"

Turning The big man walked to the turbo-lift that will return him to his ship with Saurron's commandsin tow!

Apr 17th, 2003, 03:05:57 PM
Entering the turbo lift he set for the main chamber, or so he thought. They were heading in another direction and his eyebrows furrowed in confusion. He kept quiet not wanting to alarm the rest of the group. He watched the doors as they neared the new destination.

Apr 17th, 2003, 03:55:52 PM
Attune with Ezra's emotions, Kariss was immediately aware of his alarmed state. She turned to face him, a confused look on her face.

'Ez, something's not right here.' She sent to him. 'What is it and don't tell me nothing. I know you.'

Apr 17th, 2003, 04:00:14 PM
'We are not going to the main chamber, but somewhere else. Just be on guard.'

He brought his arms to his sides, a signature posture for his twin cerseas as Kariss was familiar with. He kept them ready for anything, and he was very curious as to the reason why they were being detoured this way.

Apr 17th, 2003, 04:06:04 PM
Kariss nodded at him, quickly scanning the others to see if they had noticed anything out of sync. She reached behind her, feeling her daggers attatched to the back of her belt and kept her eyes open, ready for when or if the unexpected happened.

Apr 22nd, 2003, 11:26:17 PM
The vast expances of the docking bay was staggering! This enormas holding area held the Infiltraitor with room to spare. The modified Correlian Corvette was Mockadanes flagship and ran many of his latest espinionage escapades. Keeping tabs on cirtain system's movements, and of coarse watching the shipyard construction platforms by remote satalite links, was a lot of work!

The two other transport ships that were docked in this hanger bay also were finishing up there buisness whitch appeared to be with the Bounty Hunter as the doors to the turbolft slid open. Mockadane walked over, briskly to the trio that exited wearilly into the area!

"If you three would quickly board my ship... " Mock watched his chronometer. "You will be safe!"

Apr 22nd, 2003, 11:54:01 PM
Ezra was surprised to see Mockadane walking up to them. And at his words, Ezra lead the others to the ship. Looking back at Alana to see her expression as she was back int he pressence of her uncle. Taking out a slim control, Ezra typed something and put it back inhis coat pocket.

Alana Stormcloud
Apr 23rd, 2003, 12:24:32 AM
Alana had watched the two wary vampires as they made there way to the area they had been diverted to. They were unsure as to what was happening, just as she was. It was unusual that she had not been escorted directly to Saurron’s chambers, as she had always been before.

Alana eyebrows shot up at the sight of her uncle, her brow furrowed with further doubt as he spoke.

"If you three would quickly board my ship... “Mock watched his chronometer.”You will be safe!"

Alana automatically pulled her suit back up, neglecting her helmet for the moment as she reached her uncles side. The Lordess gave him a questioning look. Surprised he did not make reference to her being there.

"Safe Uncle?? Why do I find you and that word does not mesh?" Her silken whisper fell on his ear alone. Her eyes scanning his much loved face. There was so much she wanted to say, and yet her arms ached to hug him, to smell his familiar scent as she had done as a child.

"Still weaving that web my uncle??" She said unable to hold her tongue. She would always ache to be a small child again, cuddled close, and safe in his embrace. But her mouth always betrayed her true intentions....

Apr 23rd, 2003, 12:40:34 AM
His chronometer counted down to 10. "Well... stand there if you want... but i would put your helmet on!" The Eclipse class drove through space a a mind boggling pace for being so bulky. The shadows of the hanger bay grew non existant ever so quickly.

However powerfull the Vampyres veiwed themselfs was a far cry from the power of a stars corona that this ship was passing by at this very moment.

Even the darkening effect of the magnetic field that secured the hanger bay was no protection for the few who dwelled in the night. Helping Alana as she scrambled to put her invirosuits helmet on he scolded her.

"Perhaps you should trust me more woman!"

Apr 23rd, 2003, 09:47:37 AM
Kariss watched the exchange between the two and then looked over at Ezra as he typed away at something. Raising an eyebrow, she shook her head and stepped closer to Ezra's side.

"I do not like this." She whispered to him, watching everything intently. Kariss hated the funny feeling she was getting, but said to herself that if Alana trusted Mockadane, then the rest of them should. And why were they not taken directly to the Master? That was what was bugging her the most.

Alana Stormcloud
Apr 24th, 2003, 10:47:13 AM
Alana grinned at her uncle behind the protective cover of her mask. Her hue shifting eyes glimmering with laughter. As much as they grated on one another’s nerves when it came to personalities, there would always be love.

"Trust uncle? That is one thing you taught me never to do. I remember as a child you telling me to trust no one. So I guess I am being a good daughter and obeying you for once...." She chuckled softly, her hand reaching out and squeezing his without thought.

"I will never trust...." She said before turning and making her way into his ship....

Apr 24th, 2003, 10:19:44 PM
Walking into the ship, Ezra sets into one of the turns leading to another part of the ship, to get out of the harmful ultraviolet rays.

"Mockadane, where is Saurron? Why have we been brought here?

Apr 27th, 2003, 08:28:58 AM
After the vampire trio was onboard the Infiltraiter the questions began. Ezra the big man knew as He greeted, and was more than comfortable with Him. Gavin trusted him implicitly. Alana, well who can forget... He smiled at her. Then turned to the other woman.

"You must be Kariss?, we have never been formally introduced." Bowing slightly "I am Mockadane!"

"Saurron is a bit buisy at this time, and now would not be a good time to see Him!"

Apr 28th, 2003, 08:37:30 AM
Kariss turned to look at the handsome man who addressed her and she smiled at him, nodding her head in return.

"Nice to meet you, Mockadane." She said softly, turning to look at Ezra and then back at him. "If we are not going to Saurron, then where are you taking us?"

Kariss kept her eyes on Mockadane, interested in the man. Things were getting a little too...interesting...with the people involved with the Master, she was learning. Every day was a new adventure it seemed.

May 16th, 2003, 12:47:29 AM
"Well lets Just say that ... everything comes to he who waits!" Mockadane said as the three heard and felt the repulsors come to life on the Infiltraitor. The slight shimmy of the Corellian Corvette let the trio know that the ship had broken the magnetic field of the Sanqiune and entered deep space.

Holding a data card up, Mockadane looked towards the trio... "This is the BEGINING... The fate of the Galexy will weigh heavily on the parts that you play!"

The look that adorned Mock's face was expressionless as he spoke.... "The SPEARHEAD of this galexies conquring starts here."

With the ebony bladed bastard swords hilt grasped firmly in his Right gauntlet, The mercinary pulled it forth and lay its girth openly accross his left hand. "The balance of our further action's lay solely in the demeaner of your responces!"

The three that Saurron picked had only minuts to reveil there true colors. The defining point in this univers reasted on there shoulders now... would they have the GRIT to assume their rightfull spots in the conquring of this Universe!

May 16th, 2003, 08:30:01 AM
"Conquering? who ever said anything of conquering? Only a madman would try such a thing again. Or do we forget at what happened to the last man who tried?"

Ezra also wore his signature "ezpressionless" look. He eyed the sword in Mock's hand, a lovely blade it was.

May 18th, 2003, 05:54:58 PM
Kariss raised her eyebrows in response to Mockadane's words.

"The balance of our further action's lay solely in the demeaner of your responces!"

Kariss smirked, shaking her head as she looked over at Ezra.

'Whoa, was that heavy or what?' She sent to him, watching as Ezra fought to keep the grin off of his face. She knew something serious was about to happen, but in true Kariss form, she had to make light of things, just to keep everyone from going crazy.

Alana Stormcloud
May 22nd, 2003, 11:29:12 PM
Alana sighed softly as she slipped into the familiar chair of her uncle’s ship. She was more than used to her uncle’s antics but even this was strange. She eyed Mockadane before speaking, his small speech sinking in and leaving her even more bewildered.

"Must you always speak in riddles uncle Mocky, if something is going on..... Please enlighten us, instead of casting us into darkness yet again." She said in clipped tones, they did not match the small playful smile that tugged at her crimson lips.

Glancing down at the bastard sword on her uncle’s lap, her smile widened. She knew Soth had made it, and it was a power to be reckoned with.

May 23rd, 2003, 12:15:53 AM
Looking at his niece he gave a half long squint ... "Doest you have to spoil the moment, woman." Mockadane slid his sword into its scabbard.

"Just kidding!" the big man offered up amidst wary looks. I saw that on a movie on Correllia.... it always looked cool." the big man shrugged. "Saurron wants to talk to you, via the holo-vid." Mockadane reached forth to a table that separated the trio and activated a switch.

Watching the blue haze sintilate without any immediate tones... “It takes a bit, Even this close the 436 cipher coding initiates slowly."

As the ones in the room watched with unamused expressions, Mock rendered his antics of how He’s tapped into correllias cable networks, and then...

The Holo-image of the Master of Vampires came to life in a bluish translucent image. Those under him could feel his presence permeate, not only through the holo-vissad, but through the either’s of time and space....

May 23rd, 2003, 12:27:19 AM
As the image of Saurron started to come through, Ezra finally gave Mockadane that smirk that showed the huge man the meaning of "Good one, you had me going". He then turned his attention to The now clear image of Saurron. He respectfully bowed his head as he always did in greeting the Vampyre Lord.