View Full Version : Paycheck in the Pocket, Lets roll. (open, anything)

Zack Morrison
Mar 13th, 2003, 09:31:00 PM
“C’mon Zack, five hundred creds is too much!”

“You know my rules, David, pay up or not,” Zack responded to a brown hair youths protests coolly, running a hand through his unkempt mop of hair while trying not to look too supermodel. The kid wanted a hacked, spliced, decoded and then rebuilt program to purge his criminal record from Coruscant PD computers.

“C’mon! Please take less!”

“Alight, frellit. 350 Creds, final offer.” Zack growled through clenched teeth, holding out the program disk as the chap forked over the payment sadly. Just as the Hacker turned to leave, he heard a guffaw behind him that only brought a grin to his own face.

The kid fell for it, flatly.

The erasure program was just that, it erased itself.

Shoving his hands into the pockets of denim, Zack shrugged his shoulders and whistled a little tune. Three-fifty wasn’t too bad for a false program, Now he had to figure out what to spend the little paycheck on. There wasn’t much, in quality terms, that could be bought with that, but a nice meal and warm bed at some old style inn was one of the things that could.


Zack cursed, loudly, as a speeder diced low across the walkway. Scattering people every which direction as it skewed back up into the air and away.

“Blasted hot-shots…”

Nomi Kun
Mar 13th, 2003, 11:20:51 PM
As the speeder went by a shot rang throughout the ears of all of those in the area. The man in the speeder was the target of a Bounty Hunter and she took well care of him. The man fell out of the speeder and landed on the ground and splattered guts and blood all over. He was hardly recognizable now. And the speeder crashed into the side of a building causeing flames to engulf the 210th and 211th floors.

Nomi Kun was the Bounty Hunter and she slung her sniper rifle over her back and started to walk off casualy. She passed right by Zack and looked him in the eyes as she passed. She had seen the whole thing between the kid and him and thought it smart to give him a false program. She only knew it was false because no one would have lowered the price that much for a real program...

Zack Morrison
Mar 14th, 2003, 04:45:43 PM
"... Nice shot.." He spoke, rubbing his chin as the floors ignited further in chaos, as the Hunter passed. A casual glance over his shoulder following along, "Hey.. Mis'. Where'd you learn to handle one of those buggers?"

'Buggers' refering to the rifle slung over her shoulder..

Nomi Kun
Mar 14th, 2003, 09:10:50 PM
" Thanks. The Onderonian Marines. From the planet of Onderon. Whered you learn to be an frelling wagyx and sell fake programs to kids? "

Zack Morrison
Mar 14th, 2003, 10:44:51 PM
"When I found out I could keep 'em out of trouble without getting in trouble, or somethin' like that." Zack turned and walked torward Nomi, "Zack Morrison, Typical Programming Nerd with a Class A Pilot diploma, at your service."

Nomi Kun
Mar 14th, 2003, 11:11:41 PM
" Nomi Kun, Bounty Hunter and Cybernetic Biology Engineer."

Nomi looked over the man a moment before returning her head forward to watch where she was going.

" Class A diploma huh? I could use a good pilot if you want a job. "

Zack Morrison
Mar 14th, 2003, 11:24:35 PM
"I wouldn't mind doing some private piloting," Zack mused dodging a four armed bipedal beast with nothing more than a sidestep. "Would the ship for this job be provided, or, is it a bring your own kind of deal?"

Nomi Kun
Mar 14th, 2003, 11:58:12 PM
" I have a few ships of my own that i use. You will be using my ships for a few different missions as i get them. Most of them arn't major put you in immediate danger missions, but there will be a few. "

Nomi smirked as she finnally realized what just happened to the man she just assassinated. Blood, Guts, and a firey mess. It really never hits her on what happened till quite a while after.

" I could always use a programer on a few jobs also. So you will come in handy. "

Zack Morrison
Mar 15th, 2003, 12:55:01 AM
Good, Zack wouldn't have to use his own freighter for the jobs. "Sounds good, count me in."

He took a glance back over his shoulder, the smear of entrails and crimson fluid reflecting the fire superbly. Zack had seen enough murder to be use to it by now, but the familiar sickened feeling at the bottom of his gut resurfaced every now and then.

"So, What's the first order of buisness.. boss?"

Nomi Kun
Mar 15th, 2003, 01:07:00 AM
" Right now i need to go to my house here on Coruscant and get a few "items" then we are off to hunt for a few people i already have in mind for my next Bounty. "

Nomi has Zack follow her to her house. It wasn't too far from the GJO and was in a very nice area. Once inside she gathered her double-bladed vibro sword and her heavy blaster. Those added to her arsenal she already had of her sniper rifel and a few grenades. Once she had her things the two left to the spaceport to get into her Luxury Cruiser and headed off planet to Onderon.