View Full Version : Let's go SHOPPING! (Open for carnage)

Darth Turbogeek
Mar 13th, 2003, 06:40:50 PM
So, what does one do when your bored, when deals are held up and frankly, you feel your existance is mind numbing?

You dress up of course! And Darth Turbogeek was a natty dresser. Neat combed hair, dark glasses, high collar trench coat, polished shoes. And under the coat, a nice set of rail guns with matching accessory belts. Now he just dripped cool. Women ooged at him as he walekd down the street. Men got out of the way. Beings shoved out of the way if they didnt move quick enough. Young, arrogant, Galaxy at his feet.

He got to the very large shopping mall, looked around at the weapons detectors and the guards. Brazenly, he walked through the detectors, which of course went off.

"Excuse me Sir. No wea'*gack!*"

Awww, poor security guard was spilling his guts all over the floor, curstesy to a knife that had come out from under his sleeve. With a maniacal grin, he bolted into the mall, guards chasing him. He was faster, much faster. A quicl leap onto a higher floor, ducking into a cleaning closet. From there, he disloged a ceiling tile and quickly got into the roof/floor cavity, putting the tile right behind him. Okay, now along a walkway he went till the exact place he wanted. The guards should be nice and spread out now.....

He leapt of the catwalk, crashign through the ceiling tiles and int the food mart. Shoppers turned at the commotion, to see DT come upright, guns in hand.

"Hi there. No need to panic. Just give me all your money and you wont...."


"...end up a meat pizza like that security guard"

Oh now this WAS fun. And the few other evil buggers running around the place would cause more chaos for the enivitable good guys rocking up.

"Thankyou for you kind donations. Yes you too ma'am. Oh, credit register as well please. Empty it into this bag. Thankyou, have a nice day!"

Mar 13th, 2003, 08:09:36 PM
Satine's head perks up as he gets off his motorcycle. He coulda sworn he heard guns going off...

Curious, Satine opens the small side-bags of his cycle, and pulls out two lightsabres, a pair of extendable sai, and two SOCOM slugthrowers. Putting them on under his leather duster, Satine runs into the mall, where he senses panic. Pulling out one of his slug throwers, and then one of his sabres, the Jedi Master looks around.

Flipping the sabre on, the weapon crackles to life, a black blade shooting out of it. Keeping his guard up, Satine walks in, using cover to keep out of easy gun targeting.

Mar 13th, 2003, 09:06:29 PM
Videl looked up from her latest prey, she heard screams. She smirked fiendishly while she stabbed the poor man in the heart with a dagger. She let the body fall and headed towards where she had heard it. She kicked the body of the guard out of her path and it slid across the floor leaving a bloody skid across it. The man let out a choked gasp but was silenced as Videl dove her katana's blade right inbetween his eyes. Her eyes swept the place, cutting down a woman that ran past her, Videl wanted to listen not have people running around screaming for the moment, she was curious as to who had started this.

Darth Turbogeek
Mar 14th, 2003, 12:27:15 AM
"Thank you... thank you.... nice... thank you..."

When the credits and some jewelery were in his bag, Turbogeek stepped back.

"Now, no calling the authorities. So nice shopping with you!" And he was out the door. He lookeda round, seeing there was security getting close and they didnt seem happy. They were probably even unhappier when the grenade that came out of his pocket lobbed neatly that their feet. Turbo didnt look back to see the explosion - he just bolted. The screams and the boom was enough to tell him he was clear again for a bit.

Now... where next? This place was rich pickings. He had enough time to hit another few stores before getting out of here. LOooh, a Galaticredit exchange! Perfect! He leaped over the rai to the floor belowstrolled over to the being looking a bit green and afraid by the gun that just blew apart the security screen.

"Like to make a withdrawl please. The amount is the WBL"

"WBL?" stuttered the scred clerk

"The Whole Bleeding Lot. Into the bag with it pencil neck"

Arya Ravenwing
Mar 14th, 2003, 12:44:15 AM
Arya was handing a burger to Jina when the first shots rang out from the other end of the shopping mall. Jina looked at her, eyes wide with questions as Arya grabbed her hand and started walking in the other direction.

Jina popped off the bench in the food court as people around them started getting up and pointing off towards the Galactic Credit Exchange. "R-rima?" Arya just tugged on her arm and then scooped her up, pushing past the suddenly panicking group of shoppers.

"He's coming this way!" A woman screeched, and a wave of awareness emanated from her, catching the people closest to her first. Arya jumped on a table, Jina clasped in her arms, and saw a trenchcoated man ducking out of the bank and heading towards the food court.

She leapt off the table and ran.

Mar 14th, 2003, 01:01:16 AM
Satine sees the fleeting figure of a trenchcoated man running into the bank, and immediately runs towards it, getting to the doorway, and then pointing his gun at the other man's back.

"Freeze." he says, his voice low, even.

Darth Turbogeek
Mar 14th, 2003, 01:58:43 AM
Oh, the cavalery had arrived. Whoope for them.

"Oh, it appears you have me caught" he said. "Gee, you going to take me away?". Not waiting for a reply, he dropped, rolled and came up, holding the rail gun in both hands as he finished the roll, firing in the general direction of the voice. A flower pot exploded with indecent violence, scattering shrapnel and plant everywhere. Another stray bullet blasted a rubbish bin, ripping it to shreads most wonderfully.

Mar 14th, 2003, 07:19:02 AM
On instinct, Satine brings up one of his force shields, and in good time to. Three bullets impact against it. Growling, Satine jumps out of the way, and fires his SOCOM, the slugs spraying everywhere. Jumping behind a pillar, Satine recalls the lightsabre he had dropped, and turns it on.

"Don't you know it's not a good thing to attack a Jedi Master?"

Mar 14th, 2003, 12:59:29 PM
All hell broke loose.

It had to happen again. It always happened. Troy was always on a important job when some big headed git stormed the place and upset his bounty. Troy who had been following his target has suddenly losed sight of him in the mall wide panic and of course it had blown his whole plan wide open.

' Why in the HELL does this always happen to me?' He asked himself as he looked down over the balcony down to the lower floors where this was taking place. A blonde man and a gentleman dressed nearly the same as Troy was fighting down on the ground floor. The SOB's had spoiled his bounty and lossed him a good 700.000 credits, instead of just walking away, he would beat the credits out of the both of them.

Troy quickly unclipped both of his duel Mac 10 sub machine guns and pointed them down towards the man dressed in the black trench coat and in almost no time at all a hail of bullets shot towards Turbogeek. Some hit the mall around him, some hit benches and plant area, some also spread towards Turbogeek.


Mar 14th, 2003, 02:06:54 PM
"Don't you know it's not a good thing to attack a Jedi Master?"

Was the all he was able to say before he felt a blade against his neck and Videl's face came into view from behind him.

"Is it all right for a Sith Master to do so?"

She chuckled, looking past him to the carnage maker, she couldn't see him to well in the dust and damage made but that didn't matter.

"If it isn't changing sides Alpha, plotting to break up the party young one?"

Arya Ravenwing
Mar 14th, 2003, 09:28:14 PM
Chaos continued to erupt behind her as a newcomer sprayed the bank area with blaster fire. The food court crowd scattered as one, many people being pushed down and trampled in the panic of the others. Jina had her face pressed against Arya's neck, arms clinging to her tightly.

Arya darted to the escalator, and found it jammed full of terrified people trying to get down, and some confused beings trying to get up to the second floor where mayhem was reigning. She paused only momentarily, and then leapt on top of the separator. Someone shouted at her as she clambered over the transparisteel wall intended to stop people from doing what she was doing - catching a ride down the smooth metal that lay between the up and down escalators.

She could feel Jina's body tighten as she cleared the barrier, and then Arya slid down the metal slide on her feet as people on the excalator stared at her. She could already hear someone behing her attempting the very same thing.

Mar 15th, 2003, 06:38:56 AM
Satine glares at videl.

"Of course. But somehow I think it'd work better if I don't have a blade at my throat."

Satine taps into the Force, and moves Videl's blade a fraction of an inch--enough for him to get a Force shield in between him and the blade, crouches low, and then back kicks Videl, knocking her away from him.

Editted--Added the "crouches" part to avoid getting sliced. lol. :)

Mar 15th, 2003, 09:23:07 PM
She recovers her balance quickly as she draws her second katana and crosses them both before moving them in a half circle in front of her. Videl fakes a saddened look, a glint entering her eyes.

"Hmm, don't like the threat of death then? Too bad!"

She backflips to land behind him and stabs one katana into his knee before driving an elbow into the back of his neck. The Sith was bored and the Jedi would keep her occupied for a bit.

Mar 15th, 2003, 09:54:21 PM
Satine gasps at the sword penetrates, and the he is knockedto the floor. Rolling onto his back, the Jedi Master aims his gun, and pulls the trigger, firing three lead slugs at Videl, his sabre held in his other hand, ready to defend from an oncoming attack.

Mar 16th, 2003, 09:04:27 PM
Videl blocks with the force and sends the slugs in the opposite direction and slams her foot into the back of Alpha's neck.

"Forgetting who you're dealing with?"

Videl growls lowly and removes her foot only to lift him up by the back of the neck, still facing away from her, squeezing tightly.

"So, care to die today, Jedi?"

Mar 17th, 2003, 08:02:36 PM
With a concentrated burst of Force power, Satine flings Videl backwards, the Jedi Master falling to the ground, and holstering his gun, pulling out his second sabre, and igniting it.

"You first." he says, swinging the blade around to point at his opponent.

Mar 17th, 2003, 08:41:34 PM
Videl gets up out the clothing rack she was thrown into and draws both of her katana, she had a dislike of sabers.

"Don't plan on dying any time soon, I have far too many lives left to end."

Mar 18th, 2003, 09:32:38 AM
"Not if I end your's first."

Satine comes in with a slashing attack with his left-hand sabre, and then stabs with his right.

Darth Turbogeek
Mar 18th, 2003, 11:43:24 PM
sensing trouble and danger in the Firce, he instinctively ducked, just as the Jedi Master got abushed. Bullets screamed above his head. Time for gaining some cover it seemed! There was a fairly solid flower box nearby, which he leapt for, sliding along the ground as he stopped.

right, this frelling idiot who shot at hm was about to have a bad day. Especially as there was a water pipe that if he shot out just right.... The rail gun cam up and fired, the whipcrack of the hypersoinc bullet sounding out and with a bang, blowing the pipe out right above the head of the dude who shot at him.

Hoped he liked the high pressure shower.

Oddly, there seemed to be a familiar presence close by.

Mar 18th, 2003, 11:56:18 PM
Videl smiled wryly, the very idea was laughable. She blocked both blades and kneed Alpha in the groin. She then pushed forward quickly and slammed him into one of the concrete pillars. The pillar cracked and dented in as it was hit. Videl canted her head and smiled even more twistedly, hurting a Jedi was always entertaining.

Mar 19th, 2003, 08:13:12 PM
Satine growled, and then gave a small smile as the high pressure water hit videl, who had kindly moved the Jedi Master. As she is thrown backwards, Satine, ignoring the pain, straightens, and begins to circle his opponent, forming a force shield to keep the water at bay.

Jacen Himes
Mar 20th, 2003, 02:41:08 AM
A stall in a nearly empty restroom kicked open. Revealing a costumed merc, just now pulling the bottom of his mask fully over his face.

"Hail to the king, baby."

He said, admiring his biceps as he flexed them in the mirror. To say he had weapons, other than the biceps, was an understatement. Multiple blasters, rapid fire and single shot types, two shotguns, varying kinds of grenades, a knife, and two sword handles were on his person. Weither or not the handles were in fact lightsabres or not was not apparent, although there seemed to be a holder for a blade built into the costume, implying it wasn't a laser sword but rather a real steel beauty.

"Yes, yes, you have muscles. Congratulations." :rolleyes a voice from his belt spoke out, coming from a rectangular device, a small screen showing a smiley face.

"Thanks," Jacen replied, not noticing the smiley face was rolling it's eyes. "I try."

"...." :|

"So why the heck the costume change? I was enjoying my double cheese."

"You obviously didn't hear the gunshots and screams. Did you perchance see the mob of pedestrians mauling each other for passage to the exit?" o_O

"Some guy killing people I guess. Good for him. You know, we do it too."

"Bafoon. We do not simply 'kill people' we make many monies doing it--"

"Did he just say monies?" Jacen murmered.

"--There is an oppurtunity here to increase our funds greatly." >D

"Say what?"

"It's so simple even you could understand it, Jacen. We have two options here. One: Clean out the stores while the guards are destracted. Two: We offer to assist in the capture of this person, or persons, for an adequete sum. This method also keeps us from getting arrested, if we were caught doing the former." :cool

"I guess. I don't feel like lugging a big screen right now."

"Then it's settled." :D

"What the hell. Maybe this dude or dudette will be a challenge."

"Do not assume it's an individual. It may in fact be several experienced mercenaries." :\

"Yeah, right. What's the chance of that?"

Jacen pushed open the door of the bathroom, exiting it.

Arya Ravenwing
Mar 20th, 2003, 03:02:28 AM
Arya leapt off the end of the escalator, hit the ground running, and knocked three people out of her way in the process. Jina squeaked against the woman's neck as she was jostled about, but Arya paid her little mind.

She was running past the public restrooms when the door to the men's opened, and someone stepped out. It was too late to stop, too late to avoid anything but the door itself - and Arya slammed right into the bigger creature. Trying to save Jina from harm, she sacrificed her own body as she fell, landing hard on her back and shoulders.

Jacen Himes
Mar 21st, 2003, 03:01:30 AM
He took a precationary step backwards, lowering to his knees and drawing his blaster. All in one motion. Then he stopped.


The slam hadn't really frazzled him. He had so many weapons padding his body, not to mention some armor here and there, that he wasn't blown off his own feet. She however... was in worse shape.

"Move on you imbecile, she is not a problem anymore!" :mad

Jacen raised an eyebrow, putting the blaster back in it's holster.

"She never was, Smiles. Hold onto your evil jammies for a sec."

He was a cold blooded mercinary but always had a soft spot for the ladies. It wasn't the attraction or anything else so boarish. He just kinded felt like a not so evil dude around them. He never could explain it. The fact she had a half pint with her made it worse.

"Hey chick, little chick, you cool?" He asked, raising and walking closer to them.

Mar 23rd, 2003, 07:05:52 AM
Two or 3 rail shots come from Troys agressor. Troy had little or not time to dodge the shots but soon realized the man was not shooting at him but the pipeline above him. The rail bolts hit the roof and a wash of boiling hot water came pouring heavily towards him. Seans first split moment thought was to dive out the way of the water but he knew that would do little good.

His second thought was to flip over the balcony and avoid the water completely, a fine plan. Troy without hesitation or any sort of cold feet from the 3rd story pushed down on the rim and flipped his legs over the balcony not forgetting to keep hold of the ledge. For a moment he though his plan had worked but it had not, his left hand had slipped and he was holding on with his left hand only which was slipping also. The water had clearly touched the rim before he had completed his move.

His left hand slipped further. Knowing he had to do something or fall to his death Troy unclipped from his work bag a rappel rope that he had used earlier and with his right hand clipped it fast to the ledge and then tied it as best as he could to his waist. But just as he did so his left hand gave way from the strain and he fell. Troy fell about 40 feet before the rope caught his fall about 3 feet from the ground and he swung viciously into the wall. A loud crack ecoed through the noise and fire but he guessed they did not notice his near death experience.

Sean untied himself and dropped to the floor craderling his chest.

This smart guy whoever he was had just mad Troy very angry.

Captain Coruscant
Mar 23rd, 2003, 10:49:45 AM
Plaster sprayed across Rick Wrights head as a man crashed to the wall just behind him. He jumped, startled and spun on the balls of his feet to see that the darkly clad figure he just descend – on a rope of some sort – from numerous floors above.

The commotion in the shopping center had escalated to a critical level. People were fleeing left, right and center as the security force failed to hold back whatever was threatening the shoppers. Rick locked on in shock at the shattered plaster, destroyed furniture and upturned carts. A man who looked barely in his teens was duelling with a woman wielding a katana, whilst a man in what appeared to be a woollen trench coat blasted anything and everything in sight.

It was time to go to work.

Luckily, he had his holdall slung over his back. A quick nip into one of the shopping centers many toilet cubicles and he would be changed in no time. Leaving no time to waste, he sprinted off behind a pillar, narrowly avoiding gun fire, before barging his way into the restroom.

When he emerged he was finishing off strapping a broad shield to his right arm – already donned in red, white and blue. The shield he used resisted most firearms; however he did doubt that it would withstand some of the power being thrown around in this room. For this reason he would need to be extra careful.

Captain Coruscant broke into a run, past Sean Troy, and planted a foot down on a rail right in front of his path. With a push and jump he propelled himself over the plaster-glass divide, down into the fray. To his right is the young man – who Rick presumes is a Jedi – whilst the main carrying the more formidable weaponry is ducked behind a plant pot to the right.

A quick flick of his wrist and Rick sends the circle shield wailing out into the air. The accuracy with which it is thrown is so great that it shatters the box that is hiding Turbogeek in a spray of splinters, before whipping back towards Rick – who by that time is already charging at the trench coated marauder.

Radish Xavier
Mar 23rd, 2003, 08:03:30 PM
Red scrambled to her feet, not hurt at all from the tumble she'd taken from Arya's arms. She looked up into a blaster barrel, and shrieked, dropping to the floor again and covering her head. The large masked man put his gun away and walked over to where Arya was gasping for air.

"Hey chick, little chick, you cool?"

Arya Ravenwing
Mar 23rd, 2003, 08:46:07 PM
The air had been knocked out of her, and Arya gasped as she struggled to draw air into her deflated lungs. Jina screamed, and covered, just like she'd been taught... Next time, tell her to get to behind something, and then drop.

The man walked up to her, and Arya could see he was impressively arrayed with weapons. Bounty hunter. Hunters were dangerous, obvious, and generally overlooked by law enforcement agencies. People they killed it was assumed had done something to deserve it. Conversely, no one cared when a Hunter was killed. It was part of their job...it was dangerous, and if they weren't on top of their game, too bad, but no one was going to do anything about it except maybe raise the bounty on the mark.

She rolled slightly over, coughing and breathing hard, and the man leaned over, asking if she was okay. One hand went inside her coat, the other to her thigh, and before he could blink she was on her back, her blaster and railgun pointing in his face. The railgun actually poked him in the nose. "Back up real slow, and I might not blow your frelling head off." Her eyes assured him she wasn't bluffing.

Quinlin Torr
Mar 23rd, 2003, 09:40:07 PM
Quin was about to make himself known to the renegade vamp he was tracking. Right before he could strike, a commotion set loose from the floor beneath him and caught his attention. he turned to look only for a second and when he turned back, the goal of his mission had disappeared.

A snarl on his lips, he brisk-walked to the railings and looked down. Directly below him a pair of force weilding brats were going at it. And a man in a funky costume took on a gun toting fool. The vampyre commando jumped on the railings and crouched like a gargoyle. Surveying the scene, he dropped right next to the gun slinger who's "cover" had just been pulverized, and grabbed DT by the wrist and flung him across the open walkway.

Shucking off his own trench coat, Quin unsheaths his gunblade. He starts to walk over to the two force users who seems to be too caught up into their squabble to take heed of the vampyre coming for them.

Darth Turbogeek
Mar 23rd, 2003, 10:34:01 PM
Oooh, someone coming at him with.... the most strange weapon. A mix between a gun and a blade, persumably the fool who had just stepped in and threw him.

Awwwww. Nice try.

"Hey buddy, eat ceiling!"

Clink. tap, tap tap. .... tap

The thermo-detonator bounced to a stop near the feet of the weird gunbladey thing weilder.

<h1><font color=red>BOOM!!!</font></h1>

The blast lifted Turbogeek off his feet, but that was okay. So was the hitting the plate glass window. Most of the blast was sendign glass hurlting away from him. And the mattress store he had been blown into had a real nice matress he landed on.

"YEAH! Reloaded"

Funny, he swore he could sense Arya around the place.....

Jacen Himes
Mar 24th, 2003, 02:42:11 AM
Jacen smiled and raised an eyebrow, new folds showing on his mask as a result. He put his hands behind his back, clasping them together, he walked slowly backwards, still crouching. It looked like a servant bowing out instead of a hitman backing up from a railgun and blaster. It was meant to look that way. A humorous exageration of his movement.

"Hey doll, you ran into me, remember?"

He stood up straight, slowly, raising his hands above his head. As he did, still eyeing the railgun, he attemped casual conversation.

"Shiny rail gun there. You musn't let me leave without getting your supplier's name," he said, his voice becoming feminine. He wasn't trying to pass off as a gental man, just trying to be social and maybe make her loosen up.

Captain Coruscant
Mar 24th, 2003, 11:41:42 AM
Rick slid to a halt as another man scooped up his quarry from above and slung him straight through the store window of a mattress shop. A detonator was lobbed upwards and exploded above, again showering plaster down onto the ground – a large breeze block almost thudded down onto Coruscants head, but he managed to get his shield in its path before it could impact.

There was a momentary lapse in the chaos, as the figure lying in the ring of glass in the bedding shop seemed to be considering something. At this point Rick looked upwards, head tilting back to get in a good view of the figure wielding what appeared to be a sword-mounted gun.

“Citizen!” he called out, as a young woman ducked for cover behind an amazingly still standing pillar with her young son in tow. Leaving little time to waste, he sprinted off in the woman’s direction, spinning at the last moment on his heel to set his shield up in-between any fire and the mother.

Arya Ravenwing
Mar 25th, 2003, 06:13:43 PM
"Shiny rail gun there. You musn't let me leave without getting your supplier's name." He backed away slowly, and Arya got to her knees, and then her feet, the railgun aimed right between his eyes. Or, rather, where his eyes would be if she could see them underneath his mask.

"Red -" Arya put out a hand and Radish slipped her small one into it. The smuggler didn't take her eyes off the enormous Hunter in front of her as they began to circle slowly around him, eager to get on the other side and on their way again.

An explosion rocked the upstairs level, and Arya looked up in time to see a man in black crash through a mattress store window. Frell! Caution abandoned, she jerked on Red's arm, ignored the hunter, and took off running again.

Jacen Himes
Mar 26th, 2003, 02:57:27 AM
Jacen scoffed.

"Chicks. Can't live with them, can't get them make out with you."

"Yes, yes, very well. Hurry on now, follow that ruckus!" :crack

"Chill out, jack. Seems like there's a two sided slobber knocker up yonder. I'm the one with bones to break, remember? I need some deliberation time."

"Deliberation? How did you pick up that word? I was under the impression you were a proven moron." o_O

"Word of the day, baby."

"..." :rolleyes

Jacen took off, ignoring the running woman who halted him earlier.

From his wrist sprung a cord, it wrapped around the second story walkway. Tugging it taut, he started to climb the wall. Before long he was on it. The cord snapped back into his wrist.

Crouching low, Jacen took out two of his automatic machine guns.

"Hey look, it's another guy in spandex!" he exclaimed, watching Captain Coruscant do his good deed. "Told you other guys wore it."

Darth Turbogeek
Mar 28th, 2003, 12:44:01 AM
Coming out of the matress store, he looked around, quietly now very happy with the destruction wrought. And the till from the store he had stuffed into his backpack. Credits aplenty.

Now, who the hell were the kinky weirdos in plastic? Yeah, whatever. Long as they kept security busy, who cared. What he did care about was the feelign he could sense Arya... so for his next trick, he bolted in that direction.

Quinlin Torr
Mar 28th, 2003, 01:50:20 AM
Smoke and dust swirled after the explosion, and he wiped the debris off his shoulder. Quin turned and faced the man who threw the detonator his way and brought up his gunblade. He smirked as he let one shot fly at him.
He turned again as he heard "citizen!" yelled out. He watched the costumed man dash toward a mortal and her child holding what appeared to be a shield. The Vampyre commando continued on his way to the two force users wrecking havoc in their squabble.

Arya Ravenwing
Apr 10th, 2003, 02:59:02 AM
Arya scooped Jina back into her arms as she ran into one of the 'anchor' stores...the large department store at the north end of the mall.