View Full Version : Let's play a game... (ambrose)

Valirion Thorn
Mar 13th, 2003, 04:57:19 PM
:: I silently stood at the entrance waiting for Ambrose to arrive. I had summone the warrior to attend so that I could... get to know him better. So far, The armor, the sword, and myself had come to the ponderingconlcuion this vampyre had no emotions. A very stoic godchild. And as far as my thinking went, Pain was the beginig of emotions, so there was no Pain in this one either. Very vexing...
But we could fix that, yes we could. The shadows around me felt my thoughts and they all laughed in a sick chorus of dry whispers. Ambrose was one of Soth's if I was correct, and Soth seemed to have truck many an interest in me since the night of hunting where I had met Miranda.
Now I couldn't summon Soth, he was a force to be reckoned with, and a teacher who I would not cross, but the best way to deliver a message was to directly inflict Pain upon one of his spawns. Plus I needd to study Ambrose, a vamypre with no emotoin was useless to the Shrine, without passion you were pathetic.::

imported_Ambrose Braeden
Mar 21st, 2003, 11:53:27 PM
Walking down one of the many halls of the Shrine of The Damned, he felt a ripple in the force. It was a familiar sence that he had felt. It was that of Valirion Thorn. The Vampire Knight and Shrine Council member. The Vampire Warrior stopped walking towards his destination, and headed towards the source of the sensation.

After some time...

Ambrose Braeden arrived at the Grand Parlor where the Blood Knight stood, poised. He looked like a statue that had been misplaced. He knew that the Vampire Knight had already knew that Ambrose was here.

Valiriron Thorn...You summoned me...What do you want of me?

Valirion Thorn
Mar 22nd, 2003, 03:29:50 AM
:: I sneered, almost close enough to consider it a hiss.::

What else do I require of any person that comes before me?

:: I pushed myself away from the wall and with a gesture of my hand to follow, I stalked to the Crimson Pit. Setting the stage so that this one could go crawling back to Soth had to be perfect, pure demonstration.

We entered the coliseum and made our way to the middle of the blood encrusted area. Obsidian pillars raised to the fathomless heights of the ceiling and screams of pain could be heard from somewhere else in the Shrine, most likely my own chambers.

My armor was wrapped deceptively beneath my silk robes, the flexible symbiote hiding, waiting for the right moment when the fight began. But it hadn't begun yet and my sword was becoming restless, the long handle rising from the base of my neck, twisting from my spine, and eager for me to grasp it and wield it upon the vampyre. My hand did reach to grab it, but merely to contain it until I deemed it right.::

When was the last time you cried?

imported_Ambrose Braeden
Mar 22nd, 2003, 03:36:09 AM
The Vampire warrior wondered what he had ment by that comment he had just made. He wasnt sure on how to take it. Ambrose watched the Vampire Lord reach up for his sword, but it never left its scabbard. Ambrose placed his hand reassuringly atop the hilt of his lightsaber. Incase if anything were to happen, Ambrose would be prepared. As usual. He was not one to show his emotions like the Lord was. He was more to himself. He could tell that that botherd Valiirion Thorn, for what reason, he would never know.

Mi'lord, I do not understand the question you are trying to ask of me.

Valirion Thorn
Mar 22nd, 2003, 03:55:00 AM
:: I closed my eyes in mock frustration. This was good. He really was like a stone, but if a mortal could make water spurt from a rock, then I could make an immortal cry. My armor slid beneath my clothes, forming the demonic faces and decorations that I usually adorned when torturing people or killing them.::

Ambrose, Ambrose, Ambrose... It is a very simple answer. Have you, as an immortal, ever cried before?

imported_Ambrose Braeden
Mar 22nd, 2003, 04:10:57 AM
Well...no...why do you ask such a question...

The Vampire looked puzzled at the Vampire lord in confusion. Wondering what he was getting at. Wondering what he meant by his remark.

Valirion Thorn
Mar 22nd, 2003, 04:42:46 AM
:: The blood red silk garments I wore were suddenly in tatters as my armor unleashed itself, screaming skulls and demonic faces decorated my body in the symbiotic metal plates of the armor. Spikes and tendrils chaoticly flung in the air as I smiled, my eyes shifting from violet to yellow with the increased use of my symbiote.

I drew my sword, the eight foot long, tongue-like blade unwrapping itself from my spine and then straightening, like a massive twohanded Kris sword that I could easily carry with one hand. The massive eye on the hilt glared at Ambrose and the jaw-like hilt gaurds moved as if it were laughing with the soft hissing of the armor.::

Because all vampyres must attend to some emotion or else the slowly fall apart. Something keeps us motivated throughout eternity and if you act like a statue, you will become a statue. But did you know that statues don't cry? I will help you Ambrose, I will make sure you do not befall such a wasteful fate.

:: I gripped the massive blade and lifted my hand, pointing the palm at Ambrose as I released a force attack taught to me by Soth, how ironic. The force blast hit Ambrose dead on, but with a great and terrible wave of fire to follow that. This scorched the ground at his feet and any normal clothing, not to mention knocking him off his feet. I could only laugh as I stood six feet away.::