View Full Version : Establishing Comm Frequency...
Kimiiki Crei
Mar 13th, 2003, 06:41:47 AM
The message appeared on all comm channels, directed towards no one in particular
To all Bounty Hunters
Attention all Bounty Hunters...
There is a now a 800,000 Credit Bounty on Aurelias Kazaar. One of your own I realize this.
However, he has been quite a nuisance to me and my organization.
I wish for him to be brought to me, alive as I want to kill him myself. However, whatever condition that alive purely up to you.
Attached is a picture of him and his ship The Flying Dutchman
Good Day.
Kimiiki Crei
imported_Cyrus Haman
Mar 14th, 2003, 12:07:42 AM
Haman took a look at the transmission and smirked.
800,000 credits was a ton of money.
"Whatta ya think, boss?" he turned back towards the desk where Hera sat.
"Think we oughta take it?"
Mar 15th, 2003, 03:13:47 PM
Hera sat on the corner of her desk as she read over Crei's propsition.
Across from her, Cyrus was rocking back and forth on his chair in his usual haughty manner.
It was the morning after the night before and he was still running on his after-glow of ego for another stellar performance.
Hera was less demonstrative, but she was in a rare good humor herself.
"It is a lot of credits, Cyrus, you are right."
A sly grin formed on her face as she looked at Haman.
"But I'm in the mood for a bigger peice of pie."
She passed Cyrus a data pad with a previously de-coded communication on it. It was from James Nairalix courtesy of his right-hand-man Aaron Vilnaldi.
As Haman viewed the message, Hera arched a questioning eyebrow.
"How 'bout you?"
imported_Cyrus Haman
Mar 16th, 2003, 04:08:36 PM
Haman took a look at the offer.
"Nice," was all he said, as he doubled checked it.
"Real nice..." he gave a smirk, "I like it. Whatta ya wanna do split it 50-50?
"Or do you want to play one of our 'games' to determine who gets the mos?"
He gave a wolfish smile.
Mar 17th, 2003, 02:07:39 AM
She pulled Cyrus close to her, pulling on his shirt front.
She looked him over, taking in every feature of the smug scoundrel's face, and matched him smile for smile.
"As good as you are, Cyrus..." she traced a finger around his lips, "Im gonna open it up for any of the base contractors to come along. We dont want to blow this job." They both smirked. "It will be divided evenly between whoever comes along."
imported_Cyrus Haman
Mar 17th, 2003, 02:30:02 AM
"Sounds good t'me, boss," Haman smiled.
"This oughta be fun. Seeing which employees can cut it."
He slid his hands around Hera's waist.
"ANd which ones can't. Who ya got in mind? Daiq 'n Remkah?"
Mar 17th, 2003, 02:34:22 AM
"Whoever wants in" she allowed him to slip his hands around her - a sure sign her mood was holding. Hera wasn't the affectionate type, as Haman well knew, and it was only when she was feeling friendly that he got away with anything.
His smile broadened.
"We are going to need to be organised for this one. And well represented."
imported_Cyrus Haman
Mar 17th, 2003, 02:40:53 AM
Haman's hands slipped to the front of her pants, and with a deft move they were unbuttoned.
"I agree with ya there. Kaz is a tricky guy. I know a guy who ran a bounty with 'im one day. Said Kazaar disappeared after th'hunt with the creds and he got squat."
Another slip of the hand.
"My info said he might b'on Chandrila. But I bet he's left there. Too crowded with what GNN reported.
"He coulda gone t'Kuat or Coruscant."
Haman's next question had a bit of a double meaning as his hands made yet another move.
"Whatta ya think?"
Mar 19th, 2003, 07:02:04 PM
She brought a knee up between them and with her booted foot against his chest pushed Cyrus back a leg's-length.
"You aren't thinking clearly, Cyrus. Sometimes you are far too distracted for your own good."
Dropping her leg now, she leaned forward, both hands holding onto the edge of the desk so she wouldn't topple.
"We dont need to find Kazaar," she said with typical cunning, "We just gotta find the guys that find him for us."
imported_Cyrus Haman
Mar 27th, 2003, 07:40:57 AM
With that, Haman's face lit up with a smile.
She was good....real good.
"Boss..I like ya thinking."
Then with a quick movement he grabbed her boot and pulled her forward. Hera's foot swung wide, knocking a couple of papers off of her desk.
Her hand was caught right before it drove into Haman's chest.
The smuggler had a smirk on his face, "Care t'celebrate your brilliant idea?"
Mar 29th, 2003, 04:09:46 AM
"You like that did you?" she smirked back at him as she climbed into his lap.
Grabbing his chin with her hand, she tilted his head upwards, a little roughly.
"Good - because your the lucky one who gets to go sniff around Crei's base while getting on friendly terms with the freakish Albino himself. That way, we'll have plenty of notice for when the 'winners' will be delivering our boy."
She squeezed his face, puckering his lips and pushed finger onto them.
"So...what shall we do until you leave?"
Her grin was positively wicked.
imported_Cyrus Haman
Mar 29th, 2003, 04:13:53 AM
Haman shared Hera's wicked look.
"I saw a bottle of Cremé 'round here somewhere.
"Ya want t'see who screams whose name th'loudest, the most?"
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