View Full Version : Any Star Wars CCG players out there?

Mar 13th, 2003, 06:23:10 AM
Hello my name is Kevin and this is my first ever post here. My friend Greg and Exedge.net told me I should get on here. I have been a Star Wars fan since 1977 and loved the Decipher Star Wars CCG. I could not believe it when they had to stop making the cards.

I was wondering if anyone out there still played?

Pierce Tondry
Mar 14th, 2003, 08:37:40 PM
I play the TCG by Wizards of the Coast.

I liked the CCG before they started adding Ep. 1 material. Then the game just got way too broad and unwieldy, in my opinion. There were simply too many things to do, too much you could play, for any given game. It boiled down to whoever got their strategy working the fastest being the winner.

The TCG, on the other hand, I feel is much closer to the Star Wars experience.

Mar 15th, 2003, 06:34:53 AM
I have never tried that one. I do have some of the cards, I guess I will give it a shot. From the rules I read - I guess I thought it would be to simple.


Evil Hobgoblin
Mar 15th, 2003, 05:50:02 PM
In a way, it is simple. I mean, the object of the game is to control two of three arenas, usually done through battle. But it isn't always done through battle. Some cards have powerful effects on battles, especially those that you pay Force for. So, IMO, it integrates the three important qualities of SW (grand galactic battles, good vs. evil, and the Force) into a functional game.

The downside is that sometimes, you'll want to kill your dice, though. But even that adds an element of chance, which adds to the realism factor, IMO.