View Full Version : Wishing to become a awesome cool blood sucking maniac
Colar Shinew
Mar 13th, 2003, 12:20:10 AM
Colar Shinew, One of Onderon's most prostegious and riches men alive, decided it was time to do something fun. He was quite bored with his current job as the owner of a Fortune 500 Company, and figured a good change would be a blood sucking change. He had heard of the Shrine of the Damned while on a business trip to Coruscant and found it most intriging. He was always infatuated by the unbelievable and weird. So this fit him very well.
Colar walked up to the main entryway and thought the place to be amazing. It was a Vampires paradise. A Dark fortress on the planet Roon. What ever more could one ask for. He came closer to the gate and found a small com set on the right door. Colar went up to it, found the call button and pressed it...
Alana Stormcloud
Mar 13th, 2003, 11:39:03 AM
Dark shadows stirred in the halls of the Shrine. Calling to there mistress as the heard the foot steps of the mortal. The walls shifted in agitation, the scent of his blood called out to the guardians.
Alana cocked her head listening to the call, she had felt his presence long before he had touched the door way. A mortal near the shrine stood out like a shining beacon. The Sith Lordess stood up from the chair where her lithe form had been curled up. Her long legs stretching forth, a cold glint that always shone in her hue shifting eyes deepened.
"Be still..." She spoke softly to the shadow guards. The whispers silenced immediately Alana made her way to the massive doors that led into the Shrine. It was not often that a caller made it that far. Her curiosity was piqued.
Vampiric words of Sith magic spilled from crimson lips as she stood before the door. It slid open without a touch. The soft candle light glimmered against her porcelain skin. Her dress fluttered softly exposing her legs. Her hair, which spilled to the floor, swayed with it.
With raised eyebrows, Alana studied the man before her. "You rang??"
Colar Shinew
Mar 13th, 2003, 12:05:06 PM
Colar looked over the lady standing before. She tall and elegant had the hint of importance in the way she talked and looked.
" I have come to become a vampire. I hope this is the right place. "
Mar 13th, 2003, 01:32:27 PM
From behind the man, another appeared. Shaggy locks of hair fell into his eyes and he tossed his head to stop them from irritating him.
Dark eyes looked to the Vampire Lordess, sparkling with amusement. This expression softened for a brief moment, a shared look between the two before the pure look of mischief returned.
“Be careful what you hope for…” Came the voice from behind the man.
Alana Stormcloud
Mar 13th, 2003, 01:44:05 PM
Alana smiled at Kolarik as he stood behind the man. Her eyes caressing him. The look that passed between them spoke volumes.
"Ah Kolarik.... It seems we have a visitor who thinks himself worthy of the dark gift. A mortal who has come to dabble in death." Her chuckle was low, and filled with mirth. She looked away from the eyes of her lover, her hand itching to pass over his forehead, to brush away the locks that lay there.
"Tell me Colar, what makes you think you are worthy of such a gift, what makes you think that immortality beckons you?"
Valirion Thorn
Mar 13th, 2003, 03:54:41 PM
:: Alana heard the whispers of the shadow gaurds become almost frantic as the sound of metal boots could be heard coming down the hall leading to the entry way. They rushed forward in the hallway to touch the figure that strode forth into the moon light of the opened door but slipped back with a wave of a hand.
I talked to them most of the time I spent in the Shrine and they had come to think of me as their... more physical brother since my armor was like a metal shadow a times mimicing what they did and likewise. But I couldn't speak to them right now. I smelled blood, new blood, and I smelled Alana and Kolarik, vry similar in scents the two were, they had been mingling too much. I smirked at the thought though, mxing blood could incease the power of a fledging and if Kolarik was that close to Alana's own scent, he wasn't really strong, but he smelled like it. I laughed again, smells? But that was the best description I could think of.
I came behind Alana and opened the door frther as I stood in the moonlight, my blood red silk garments shifting with the light. I frowned at Kolarik for a moment, my violet gaze shiftng to Alana long enough to nod to the bringer of my immortal pain and then my gaze was set on the mortal.::
Better yet, what in the Nine Hells of the Shrine would give you reason enough to not be killed by s where you stood? I can taste your blood from here and smel your anticipation but I see no real reason why the Council would let you past this door?
:: I smiled, this was merely a game for me. If he prevailed, so be it, the Council would deem his fate, but if he failed... I was still hungry. My gaze never shifted but a sliver of my armor slid from my shoulder and to Alana's ear, forming a small mouth that spoke silently into her ear, silent enough but loud enough also that only Kolarik and she could hear.::
( Let me take him hunting, I will not eat him unless I deem so right for the Shrine, he has the will but I wil show him the way, walking the path is very different we know... and I'm ssssssssssssssssssssure you and Kolarik have other things to tend to than sitting at doors... hiss hiss hiss...)
:: I knew my Mistress' ways. She was seductive in her own way, seducng shadows in daylight while only giving a slet few really what she could. And the shadows whispered of Kolarik recently and none other for some time. I myself had no love for Alana, only what pain she could offer me, but I enjoyed toying with her over her ways sometimes.::
Colar Shinew
Mar 13th, 2003, 09:11:11 PM
Colar looked over the new comer a moment. He was a true warrior in his eyes. He presented himself as one and even acted as one. But Colar thought a moment. He had no real reason to join except because he was bored with the life he was leading now...
" I will not lie to you. I have no real reason why you should let me in. I am only doing this because a immortal life of blood sucking and pain for others is a far more exciting life then being a Billionare who does the same old crap day in and day out. "
Mar 14th, 2003, 08:26:52 AM
He caught Val’s frown in his direction, but it didn’t seem to phase him in the least. Not because he didn’t respect the warrior vampire, but rather because Val generally seemed to have a disapproving sort of aura about him, and Kolarik wasnt the sort of guy to take things like that personally.
In fact, he’d learned quite some time ago not to. His easygoing attitude often caused others to make the first impression of him that he was clueless, or perhaps weak. And of these, he was neither. It was simply that he was young and had other things on his mind than becoming a warrior or attaining power or rank.
In time, perhaps, as eternity wore on, he would change his mind. But at the moment, sleeping all day, drinking blood all night, and going to bed with Alana in his arms was a perfect sort of life to be living – at least in his opinion.
He nodded to Val in greeting, nothing less than a congenial expression on his face.
Let me take him hunting, I will not eat him unless I deem so right for the Shrine, he has the will but I will show him the way, walking the path is very different we know... and I'm ssssssssssssssssssssure you and Kolarik have other things to tend to than sitting at doors... hiss hiss hiss...
The fledgling had released a low chuckle at this teasing comment, his gaze flickering to the ground in amusement and then towards Val and Alana. Whether to let the mortal join or not was not his decision and he did not in any way purport to have the right. He instead looked to Alana, for Val was quite right – there were many other things he would prefer to be doing than answering doors.
Valirion Thorn
Mar 14th, 2003, 03:38:16 PM
:: My eyes half closed as I listened to his reasons. And then they opened again as he finished, I gave almost an unnoticable nod back to Kolairk before stepping forward to the human.
My armor spun from my shoulder blades and slightly caressed Alana's face and tugged barely at her hair as I walked away. My silk clad arm went about the human's shoulders as I came to him and the tendrils of my armor went pushed Kolarik away and towards Alana as I walked behind him. I led the human a distance away before actually speaking, my fangs exposed in the moon light.::
Let me give you a better reason to continue your endeavours for the Shrine, for a hunting we will go...
(ooc- Colar, this thread will continue in the Roonstone Inn, and if you wouldn't mind making a seperate thread in this forum giving the Shrine some ooc info about yourself, the rper, not your character)
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