View Full Version : No Logic at all (open)

Lillian Snow
Mar 12th, 2003, 07:43:00 PM
Logic has yet to return to her. The droid has left, and is seemingly nowhere to be found. For the past few days she has been walled up in her room, eating the food she has there. But now her small refridgerator is empty, and her hunger has brought her to the Bar and Grill. The guard at the door greeted her with a friendly smile a little bow, holding the door for her as she entered. She squeaked with fear and stayed as far from his as possible. He route through the establishment to the secluded table in the far corner is full of detours. Anyone who's bothering to take note of her movement can see she's avoiding the men, taking routes by tables that have more girls at them. This is hardly a normal, logical way for a person to behave. At last she seats herself and the droid waiter trundles up to take her order. A glass of tea and a bowl of noodles is the request, and the little droid scoots off to retrieve it. Lillian squirms, alone, vulnerable, in the back of the bar.

"I wish Logic was here..."

Clay Dennatta
Mar 12th, 2003, 08:41:23 PM
Clay was already seated when he noticed the young lady walk in. She was moving to a table near the back but was taking a very strange path. He couldn't figure out why she was doing this but he thought he might as well go and say hi to her. Clay got up and moved to the table where she had been seated.

" Hello there. May i take a seat. "

Lillian Snow
Mar 13th, 2003, 12:19:00 AM
Lillian's hands fly to her mouth to hide the expression of horror that comes across her face and suppress the small, fearful shriek. He...he might...


She coughs violently, blood spattering her hands. She can't finish her sentence for the coughs that rattle her frail frame.

Clay Dennatta
Mar 13th, 2003, 12:31:21 AM
Clay looks on in shock as blood spills out of her mouth as she coughs it up. He grabs a couple towels from the bartender and brings them to her.

" Here, take these. Now what is the matter? Are you sick? Hurt Internally? "

Clay looks on as she coughs up mor blood...

Lillian Snow
Mar 13th, 2003, 12:46:02 AM
"I...I'm si-sii..."

She coughs further, burying her face in the towels, curling her knees to her body and trying to quell the fear in her heart.

"I'm sick...I cough all the time, but sometimes I cough blood...usually when under alot of stress."

That night...the event that has her shaking at Clay's mere presence...it's estimated she coughed up over fifty pints of blood, strapped to that sadistic doctor's table...

Pierce Tondry
Mar 14th, 2003, 03:12:16 AM
"Easy there, miss."

The speaker is Pierce Tondry, in soldier's garb. In his arms is his young son Jax. "Get her some water," he calls to the bartender.

"Stress, eh?" he says, turning back to Lillian. "Gotta be something bad for you to be agitated enough to cough blood. I think I'd better call up a medic."

Pierce sets Jax down and takes a step back, digging for his comm unit. Meanwhile, the little tyke goes over to Lillian with that amusing waddling walk that only children have and holds out his arms, waiting to be picked up.

Lillian Snow
Mar 14th, 2003, 10:37:44 PM
Lillian lifts the boy and cuddles him, taking comfort in the boy's presence. She feels that by holding the baby, she has some form of immunity from danger. It doesn't make her any less afraid of Pierce and Clay though.

"Don't bother calling a medic. They can't do much for it. They've spent my entire life trying. It's just...how I am..."

Clay Dennatta
Mar 14th, 2003, 11:14:57 PM
" I'm sorry to hear that. What disease do you actually have? If you dont mind me asking. "

Mar 15th, 2003, 12:37:54 PM
"I don't think that's any of your buisness sir."

A green haired girl was standing beside Clay, how she got there, law of averegages, and she seemed slightly angry at the sight of the two men crowding around Lillian.

"And can't you two see that she's scared witless of BOTH of you? I really wonder how men even surivied this long without consant medical aid, ooo! A baby!"

She moved past Clay and knelt beside Lillian and looked at little Jax.

"Cute! Is it yours Miss?"

Clay Dennatta
Mar 16th, 2003, 07:22:29 AM
" I think she can answer for herself seeing as how you obviously dont know her. Ignoring those who fear you will never get them to not fear you. "

Clay said with a bit of an annoyed tone...

" And its a wonder you have survived this long in the world with a mouth like yours... "

Lillian Snow
Mar 16th, 2003, 07:17:54 PM
"Please, don't fight!" Lillian interjects quickly. With the appearance of Da-Xia, Lillian becomes more talkative, and considerable more brave. "It's not curable by bacta, and there don't seem to be any other medicines that will cure it...it's totally new. I'm the first person to have it."

Clay Dennatta
Mar 16th, 2003, 07:53:55 PM
" Interesting. Would you mind if i brought by a few of my planets most formitable doctors at sometime to see if they might be able to do something for you? Onderon has a very good Medical Department and has some of the best doctors in the galaxy. "

Lillian Snow
Mar 18th, 2003, 06:57:55 PM
"Don't worry about it...it's not fatal."

She snuggled Jax again, kissing his forhead lightly.

"You're so cute."

Clay Dennatta
Mar 18th, 2003, 09:04:56 PM
" Well I am glad to hear it is not fatal. It shure does suck there is no cure for it though. "

Jax Ivanrue Tondry
Mar 19th, 2003, 11:25:30 PM
The woman who was holding him seemed sad. Jax was a determined little boy if anything, and he decided that he would not rest until Dad knew that she was nice, because everyone who knew Dad was happy.

"Nice wady!" the boy said, throwing his arms around Lillian's neck. "Nice!"

He turned to look at Dad, who was always watching him with his strong eyes. "She nice, Da!"

Dad laughed and beamed at Jax, and his tummy felt warm and tickly. He grinned back.

Then it occured to Jax that he didn't know who the lady was. He supposed that he ought to let Dad know, just in case Dad was still thinking she wasn't nice.

"Who your name, wady?"

Lillian Snow
Mar 19th, 2003, 11:37:14 PM
"I'm Lillian. What's your name, honey?"

Lillian loves children more than any other people in the world. Always so happy and innocent and carefree. Despite their small size, they are unafraid to take risks and will do whatever they feel, because they can, and it's all such a grand adventure. What she wouldn't give to be like that again...

Jax Ivanrue Tondry
Mar 19th, 2003, 11:43:15 PM
"Issa Jax! Dassa Dad!"

Jax took one of Lillian's hands and tugged it towards Pierce. "Da issa best! He big an' he make sad go 'way!"

Pierce coughed, looking embarrassed, but Jax knew his Dad was just modest. Dad could do anything, after all, including make him fly.

"Make sad go 'way, Da!"

Lillian Snow
Mar 19th, 2003, 11:53:16 PM
Lillian's fingers curl as the baby holds her hand toward his father's, afraid to touch him, but also not wanting to let the boy down.


She's not sure what to say. With Da-Xia and Jax with her, she's certain Pierce won't try to hurt her...but the possibility of it is still lurking in her mind.

"Wh-what does he mean...make the sad go away?"

Pierce Tondry
Mar 20th, 2003, 12:00:56 AM
Pierce put a hand over his eyes and groaned. "Oh, little one, you are a silly boy."

He reached out and picked up his son, who let go of Lillian's hand to give his dad a hug. "I told him once when he was crying that I had a magic way of making sadness go away. The idea stuck in his head and since then he's been telling people I can 'make sad go way'. I'd get more of a kick out of it, if it wasn't so embarassing."

"Make sad go 'way, Da!" Jax said earnestly.

Pierce rolled his eyes, but smiled. "Do you mind? He'll insist otherwise," Pierce said with a nod at his son, indicating that playing along would make the boy happy.

Lillian Snow
Mar 20th, 2003, 12:04:54 AM
"Uh-uhm...what're you going to do?"

Her voice is edged with nervousness, fear, and a bit of curiosity. Seeing Jax watching, she relents with a sigh and steels herself.

"Nevermind...go ahead..."

She supresses the rising urge to cough. It won't be that bad...

Pierce Tondry
Mar 20th, 2003, 12:14:21 AM
"Okay, okay," Pierce said, setting his son down. His words conveyed the weight of a parent trying to impress upon a child the seriousness of what he was about to do, and they succeeded: Jax was staring up at his dad in awed wonder.

Pierce rolled back the sleeves of his uniform and waved his hands mystically.

"By solar sun smiles
By ticking clock dials
By Ithorian jungle trees
By Hoth's winter breeze
By the Chandrilan night's course
By Coruscant's busy days
And by the Light of the Force
Make sadness go away!"

The hands that worked the 'magic' finished with a flourish. Jax turned to watch Lillian closely and Pierce gave her a wink.

Lillian Snow
Mar 20th, 2003, 12:34:46 AM
Lillian smiles lightly, a weak display for Jax. How ironic...the focus of her fear doing something so comical. It defies her fear, and makes her reconsider. She smiles a bit broader for the boy and lifts him into her lap again.

Pierce Tondry
Mar 20th, 2003, 11:41:58 PM
"Woooow!" said the little boy. "You not sad!"

He gave Lillian a huge hug and gave his dad an awestruck smile. "Dad issa bestest!"

Pierce chuckled again and ruffled his son's hair. Jax giggled and he beamed at Lillian. "I'm gonna go get a drink," he said. He looked at Jax. "You be a good boy and watch out for her. Make sure the sadness doesn't come back, okay?"

Jax sat up straight in Lillian's lap, looking comically stern. "Ok!" he said and began peering around the bar.

Pierce gave Lillian a wink and went to go get some water from the bar.

Lillian Snow
Mar 21st, 2003, 07:38:15 PM
She holds the boy to him, turning his back to her so he won't see her smile fade.

"Watch diligently, Jax. That sadness might creep up on us if you're not careful."

Evil Hobgoblin
Mar 23rd, 2003, 10:34:08 PM
Arg. Another mispost.

Pierce Tondry
Mar 23rd, 2003, 10:40:55 PM
Pierce picked up a glass of water from the bar and stood their, surreptitiously watching Jax and Lillian. Jax plays the part of a good observer, batting away flies and examining people who might have sadness hiding behind them. As he's taking a drink, he sees Jax make a comment to Lillian who giggles. She hugs the boy tighter for a moment, then relaxes.

Even then, though, her muscles are tense. To Pierce's trained eye, she is a veritable butterfly cage, as nervous as can be. Every passing male stranger causes a reaction in her face. She must've had some severe trauma at some point.

The glass empties and Pierce sets the glass on the bar, licking a few drops from his lip. The sound of pouring water reaches his ears, and when it stops he lifts the glass for another drink. His eyes wander over to Lillian and Jax again.

Lillian is explaining something to Jax, her face calm. His son's eyes are locked onto a nearby platter of food as he listens to Lillian's explanation. She is so much more calm than a few seconds ago, it isn't funny.

Briefly regretting the fact that he has to take Jax away, Pierce hands the bartender his empty glass and returns to the duo. Lillian's case needs some looking into. Maybe later, he can persuade someone to let him see her file. It could be that he is in a unique position to offer her some therapeutic help.

"Alright, Jax, it's time to go."

"Whabbout sad, Da?"

"Oh, I think Lillian can handle the sadness if it comes back. She's stronger than she looks." He winked at Lillian rogueishly, then held out a hand for his son.

Lillian Snow
Mar 23rd, 2003, 10:44:29 PM
She tightens her arms around the boy, bringing a small grunt from him as she draws away from Pierce, but regains her composure and hands him over reluctantly.

"Th-thank you for letting me sit with your little boy...he's very smart and well-mannered for a child of his age."

Pierce Tondry
Mar 23rd, 2003, 11:24:02 PM
"No problem," Pierce said. Jax walked over to Pierce, who picked him up. "He has a babysitter, but if you'd like to come visit him, you're welcome to it."

He pulled a small card from his pocket and set it on the table, sliding it over to Lillian. "This has my comm frequency and my room number at GJO. Call ahead so I know you're coming. Security in my neck is a little tight."

Lillian's eyes fell on the card. "And if you need to talk, give me a call," Pierce added meaningfully. "I know Jedi training can be difficult, but sometimes you just have to vent and I'm always a friendly ear."

Lillian Snow
Mar 24th, 2003, 11:02:05 AM
"Thank you..." she says, though she makes no movement to pick it up. Should she trust him and take the card? Or maybe...maybe...

Her fingers draw into fists, her hands vibrating lightly as she tries to decide.