View Full Version : A Death-Shadow is Cast Across the Order

imported_J'ktal Anajii
Mar 12th, 2003, 04:16:19 PM
J'ktal Anajii would have never thought of coming to Coruscant to see the Jedi before a month ago. But, recent events on his homeworld caused him to do a simple blood check, and he realized he could no longer stay where he was. He would be found out, and his title stripped if he tried to hide it.

So there he was, walking through the front door of the Jedi Complex, his toe-boots thapping softly off the polished floor, and his katana idly swinging at his side. Unlike normal occasions, he did not wear his Death-Shadow uniform, but opted for his vinyl environment and flight suit instead, the blacks and crimsons of it following the contours of his muscle, and making the gray of his fur seem lighter than it was. But it was not the costume, or even his fur that made him stand out, it was his headfur, and his eyes.

Unlike most of his kind, J'ktal, as well as most of the males of the Anajii line had long frontal headfur, and it hung down from his borehead in two strands, one on each side of his face, and gave him a more sinister look, though they paled in comparison with his eyes. They were best described as pale pink rosebuds encased in a silverthaw of ice. Cold, emotionless, and unnerving. Much like himself.

The Death-Shadow paced into the turbolift, and exited on the floor marked "Recruitment", his stride powerful and exacting, leaving little to no room for error, as he did with all things. Seeing no one in the room, he simply stopped in the middle of it and stood still. He would wait, he knew someone would come eventually.

Mar 12th, 2003, 04:21:14 PM
Zeke sees the form out of the corner of his eye and turns to greet J'ktal.


Zeke suppresses a curse and takes a step back before he can stop himself. The Nehantite standing there has to be THE most imposing figure he's ever seen in his entire life. The happy Knight regains his composure quickly however, and introduces himself.

"I'm Zeke, a Knight of the Greater Jedi Order. You are...?"

imported_J'ktal Anajii
Mar 12th, 2003, 04:25:35 PM
J'ktal turned to lookat the Knight. He was young, but still carried the lightsaber that showed he was indeed a Jedi.

"Death-Shadow Captain J'ktal Anajii," the gray Nehantite spoke in an almost cold voice. "I have come here seeking application into your ranks."

He was precise, and to the point. There was little use in sugaring things up when you had a specific goal in mind, after all.

Mar 12th, 2003, 04:32:33 PM
"J'ktal? Ok. If you're here to join, you must have some reason. People don't decide to be Jedi on a whim."

This guy doesn't seem the kind to make the usual speeches about peace and destiny and light that others would make. Many join based on an emotion, or a compelling feeling. This guy...Zeke's betting on some form of logic.

imported_J'ktal Anajii
Mar 12th, 2003, 04:36:11 PM
"I have come to save a life, is that not reason enough?" He countered, still offering no flowery detail.

Mar 12th, 2003, 05:08:42 PM
"To save a life? If you become an addition to our ranks, you will have to save multiple lives, and help a multitude of people. But yes, that is as good a reason as any."

imported_J'ktal Anajii
Mar 12th, 2003, 05:17:10 PM
"Good." J'kal nodded, "This will not be that great of a change from my normal duties, then. What is the first step?"

Mar 12th, 2003, 05:20:02 PM
"The first step is that you go get a place to live. Rooms aren't assigned here at GJO. You take the first unoccupied room you come across. The Masters and Knights keep pretty busy around here, so if you want some training quickly, you'd be best served seeking one of them out, rather than waiting for one to come looking for you. Other than that, not much to it. Welcome aboard."

Now that he's over the initial intimidation factor, Zeke thinks J'ktal will be quite the successful Jedi.

imported_J'ktal Anajii
Mar 12th, 2003, 05:45:47 PM
"Thank you, I will do that next. But I have a few other questions, now," The Death-Shadow replied, finally falling into what he called 'at ease'. "First, am I allowed to bring personal effects to the order for my living quarters? Such as furniture, decoration, bed linens, and soforth, or is standard issue the requirement? Second, when and how does one gain a lightsaber? I find it poor taste to buy one that I know was taken from a fallen Jedi, so I do not posess one as of yet. And finally, is there a place in this order where I might gain a holomap or at least schematic blueprints of the Order's layout?"

Mar 12th, 2003, 05:49:22 PM
Jeez, the professional quality. What is he, the Nehantish equivalent of NRSF?

"You can bring whatever you want. It's your room; what goes in it is nobody's business. Do with your quarters what you will. Whenever you can acquire the necessary parts and schematics you can build your own saber. That's usually how it goes, or your mentor may give you a saber that he or she has made. And a map?"

Zeke reaches into his pocket and tosses a holopad to the Nehantite.

"There ya go."

imported_J'ktal Anajii
Mar 12th, 2003, 06:15:38 PM
The Death-Shadow caught the device deflty in his left paw, his right not even moving from his side until the holopad was already in his paw, and only then to unfasten a pouch on his belt while he looked breifly over the layout on the map, then shut it off and put it away.

"My thanks, Sir Zeke. Will I be seeing you around much, or are you just a greeter? Forgive my lack of knowledge about the inner workings of the Jedi Order, I know only the greater aspects of it currently."

Zeke was almost right when he suspected J'ktal of being in a group something like the NRSF. He was a Death-Shadow, the peak of the Nehantite military, and only one of a hundred to bear that title. His captainship also notched him hight, into the top ten of his kind.

Mar 12th, 2003, 06:20:26 PM
"I do pull greeting duty, but I share the task with three others. I suspect you'll be seeing me quite a few times while out on the grounds of the Order."

imported_J'ktal Anajii
Mar 12th, 2003, 06:22:38 PM
"I am sure I will. Good day, Sir Zeke," J'ktal nodded curtly to him and then turned to head out of the room. Joinging the Jedi was easier than he had thought.