View Full Version : I will be away for a while.

Kelt Simoson
Mar 12th, 2003, 12:29:00 PM
Just wanted to tell all you Jedi Folk that i shall be away for a while. There is a few things going on the boards and RL that i cant really handle right now and both together are proving to be difficult the work together. I think i will be back when i get RL sorted out first off, how long that will take is anyones guess but i promise i wont leave you guys without the great bearded or should i say 2nd bearded guy here...cant forget Marcus now can we? :p

As for my current RPies and such please ether wait for me to post as and when i can (how often that will be i cant really say) but i will try my best to post to everyone, if i cant i really apologize. I hope that i can get them going later on.

I will be here just not as much as i normally am, and for how long i don't know....just keep the seat warmed for me :)

Mikey (The big, muscle bound gondor guy)

Mar 12th, 2003, 12:38:40 PM
Go on, and come back whenever you're ready.

I'll make sure Zasz doesn't kill you or anything.

Dae Jinn
Mar 12th, 2003, 01:37:11 PM
B-b-but, who will curl up in my lap on AIM? :cry

I hope things work out well (and quickly) for you Mike, and see you when you get back :)

Mar 13th, 2003, 03:17:14 AM
I hope things are ok and that it wont be too long before you return. See ya soon

Jesse Custer
Mar 13th, 2003, 03:22:43 AM
Keep the seat warmed?.... hmm...

::flicks a match on it::

Yes... it will indeed stay warm... mwahahahaha...

Mar 13th, 2003, 06:27:15 PM
I'll be expecting you back soon! :p