View Full Version : Death wish

Jason Dreggs
Mar 11th, 2003, 09:20:56 PM
Of all place in the nine hells Jason ship had to break down again on a vampire infested planet. Jason staggered himself into the inn he was frightful human all though he was strangely lured to this place.

Jason wore all black clothing, a short sleeve shirt and pleated pants. Jason looked to be in his early twenties and he brown eyes and shaggy brown hair. He also had a few fresh scares and was cover in black oil on his open arms and face.

'blasted ship" he mumbled as he made his way to the keeper. Jason looked at him with frustration in his eyes.

"Can I get a dang beer around and could also please tell where I could some one to fix my ship?"

The keep just looked at him as if Jason where fresh meat ready for the eating. Jason then looked around the bar at all the alluring women although he didn't feel like hitting on a single one of them this night there was a strange pull to them.

Jason just shook away the thoughts that where flooding his head and turned back to the bar keep who was licking his lips as if he where going jump and devour Jason right there.

"Oh stop that you freak and do your job and get me a dam drink."

Ruufe Shanks
Mar 11th, 2003, 10:27:16 PM
"You're weak."

Ruufe states this matter-of-factly, as if it were an obvious fact taught to schoolchildren by way of textbooks.

"If you're afraid, you'll die."

Jason Dreggs
Mar 12th, 2003, 12:39:16 PM
Jason turned to the funny man with a glare of death in his eyes. If Jason where a fighting man he would probably have snapped the man in half by now but thankfully for the man Jason wasn't violent.

"You better such your mouth before we have to find out who the real weakling is."

Jason turned back to the bartender who finally handed his a beer. Jason mumbled 'about time' and the bartender just gave him a nasty glare.

Jason turned back to the clearly insane boy Ruufe.

"Is there any place around here where I can by power coplinks for my ship?"

Ruufe Shanks
Mar 12th, 2003, 12:54:12 PM
Ruufe sits backward in his chair with his arms folded across the back of it, resting his head on his arms and staring intently at Jason out from under the brim of his straw hat.

"I don't know. What business is it of mine?"

Jason Dreggs
Mar 12th, 2003, 04:28:23 PM
"well I just figured since your good at bugging travelers that you mighty actually have a bit of knowledge in that thick skull of yours. Hmm guess I was wrong, well I best be asking some of these other patrons."

Jason gave a weak smile and walked away for his think was that Ruufe didn’t have brain cell in his head. Jason walked to a table away from Ruufe and sat down scanning the bar for anyone else with useful information.

Ruufe Shanks
Mar 12th, 2003, 05:13:33 PM
"They don't know either," Ruufe says helpfully. The boy hasn't moved. "They don't want to leave here. They have no business on starships."

Jason Dreggs
Mar 14th, 2003, 05:11:52 PM
Jason cocked his head back at Ruufe.

"Shut up I'm not asking them to leave I'm just ask them if they know of any place that have ship parts around here. If you keep butting in I'm going to have to rip your heart out."

Jason let a slanty smile cross his face as he knew right then that he could rip Ruufe's heart out.

"Now either give me some useful information about this place or guide to someone who can."

Ruufe Shanks
Mar 14th, 2003, 11:05:09 PM
"The only people who could help are there."

Ruufe gestures over his shoulder, out the window at the giant complex in the distance. The Shrine.

"If you go, be brave. They'll know if you're afraid, and you'll die."

Miranda Dunleavy
Mar 14th, 2003, 11:24:08 PM
"Perhaps we could find out now." Said a sultry voice from behind the bar. Miranda had been listening in on this awkward conversation since its conception and believed that Jason had had enough of Ruufe.

She had heard enough of Ruufe too.

A lazy hand slide down the length of the counter as Miranda stalked forward to where the duo were sitting. As the light hit her just right, it was apparent by her porcelain skin and faceted emerald eyes that she was one of the denizens of the Shrine that Ruufe had mentioned.

Her interest now was in Jason's drink. It was barely perspiring and she edged it forward, "You'd better drink this before it grows warm." A thin smile spread across her lips, revealing the tiny edges of her fangs. Then her lips pursed together and sized up Jason. It was unnerving the way her eyes focused upon every inch of his exposed skin in hunger or admired the clothes he was wearing ...

Jason Dreggs
Mar 17th, 2003, 09:29:42 AM
The woman’s stare felt so weird as it passed over and over again upon Jason's body. Jason thought for a moment that her eyes would pop out of her head and attack him. Then his eye caught the fangs and then there he became very unnerved.

Jason knew this planet had been known for its vampire population. Jason was both intrigued by them and deathly afraid of them at the same time. It made for very mixed emotions when he saw Miranda.

"Your one of them."

That was all Jason could make his mouth speak he then hurried and took a drink of his beer. The beer was beginning to get warm Jason could tell as it went down his throat and Jason drank it so fast he began to hack and cough because some of it went down the wrong tube.

Miranda Dunleavy
Mar 18th, 2003, 06:24:38 PM
She pouted. "One of them? That's not being very sociable you know."

Miranda was only feigning hurt feelings but Jason couldn't tell that she was enjoying his reaction to her. Especially that he almost drowned himself with the beer.

Jason wasn't sure how it happened, but Miranda seemingly was in front of him, then behind him, patting his back to help alleviate his hacking. There was no sense that the Vampyre moved at all. All she had to say was, "You shouldn't drink so fast." It was eerie how her hands felt so hard against his back but they were also so gentle. She had to be. One miscalculation and Miranda's palm could crush his vertebrae unintentionally.

Ruufe Shanks
Mar 18th, 2003, 06:29:53 PM
"What're you, his mom?"

Ruufe can't help but be perplexed at all this.

"She oughtta be able to help. If not, you're screwed.

The boy heaves himself up off his seat and walks for the door. If they've had enough of him, he's had more than his share of them too.

Jason Dreggs
Mar 20th, 2003, 08:33:41 AM
Jason was glad to see the little man go and Jason didn't say a word as the man left. Jason turned his gaze back to Miranda ignoring her last comment about choking. Miranda had just freaked him out a few seconds ago but he held his composure or at least what was left of it.

"I'm sorry ma'am but you’re the first vampire I have ever met and well frankly I'm scared yet intrigued by you. Why don't you have a seat and a drink with me?"

Jason wanted to smack his head with that last comment he knew what a drink was to a vampire.

"I'm Jason Dreggs and you are?"

Miranda Dunleavy
Mar 21st, 2003, 11:09:14 AM
Ruufe was already lost on her ears the moment he decided to leave. There were other more interesting people here anyway that had Miranda's full attention. She liked the way Jason was fascinated by her but also was definitely trying to remain calm in the presence of uncertainty. It was quite charming.

"I'd would like that." Her hand lingered upon his shoulder longer then was necessary as Miranda's faceted jeweled eyes swallowed up every facial expression that came across his face. His thoughts were quite delightful and humorous.

The bar keep returned already with a crystal glass filled with blood wine. There was no other drink that Miranda would be wanting just as Jason thought and the bar keep knew it as soon as the Vampyre accepted his offer to stay.

She sat down and crossed her legs, letting one of the folds of her dress open and fall around the stool, revealing her legs all the better. Leaning causally over the bar, she began to outline the rim of her glass as her eyes remained fixated upon Jason. "A pleasure to met you, Jason Dreggs. I am known as Miranda Dunleavy."

Jason Dreggs
Mar 25th, 2003, 11:40:02 AM
"Miranda what a lovely name it fits you."

Jason put a little smile on his face and relaxed just a bit as he noticed the bartender bring her a glass of blood. Instead of her deciding to feed off of Jason.

"So are from these parts and if so maybe you could help me. My ship broke down and I need to find some parts for it. The last guy wasn't too helpful but I'm sure you can be."

Miranda Dunleavy
Mar 27th, 2003, 02:35:24 PM
A smile crossed her lips; pleased with the comment. "Thank you, Jason." The look of relief on the spacer made Miranda chuckle. "Since I find you ... pleasing ... You need not worry about my appetite. At least not for ... food."

She threw him a wry smile before bringing the glass of blood wine to her lips. The Vampyre licked her lips clean and absently stirred the glass while answering Jason's question. "Yes. I'm from these parts now." The mention of Ruufe almost made the red head snort. "Well, what exactly do you need to fix on your ship?" Her complete attention was focused on Jason. Not too many mortals captured her attention like he did. They were either boring and dull or a target that needed to be eliminated. Then of course there was the obvious, but the blood that flowed in Miranda's veins made feeding an option.

Perhaps it was she found him adorable like a lost puppy or maybe it was the way he handled himself in her presence. Or it could be that he reminded Miranda of her mortals days as a freelance spacer herself. Either way, she was focused solely upon him.

Mar 28th, 2003, 05:06:14 AM
"Why leave at all. You could stay here"

A voice spoke out. It seemed to float on the light breeze that entered when the doors opened. Only to reveal a woman dressed in a silk red dress. It clung tight to her body, exposing every curve of her. She casually walked into the inn, the male patrons standing and edging they're way out . Syndell was considered to the other vamps as new, but to the humans she had been around for a few years.

And each time she entered the inn, she had enticed a male to follow her out. He was never seen again. Syndell's yellow eyes were fixed on the male a fellow vamp was talking to. Then they shifted to the woman. She nodded, her black and silver streaked hair laying comfortably against her back and waist.

"It was fate that led you here.......and here you should stay"

As she made her way up to the two, she addressed them both.

"I am Syndell Draclau. Just like Miranda, i too am a resident at the shrine"

Syndell had never met Miranda before. But then again she has been away, and she hadent met many of the other vampyres. Taking a seat, she sat on the opposite side of Jason. Ordering herself a bloody whiskey. As the mistress waited for her drink, she turned her seat slightly to face the other two.

Jason Dreggs
Mar 28th, 2003, 01:34:21 PM
Jason took a drink of his beer before answering Miranda and he quickly went over the list of parts he need for his ship in his head.

"Well I don't want to bore you but I need a two brand new power cup links, a new power converter and few other minor things. If I can't find the minor things my ship will still make it to curscant. Where I can get the whole thing overhauled."

Then entered a new vampire her voice was like a cold chill running down Jason’s back "Why leave at all. You could stay here" and she didn't seem as friendly as Miranda. Jason turned his attention to her only for a second as she sat down.

"I'm Jason dreggs. Nice to meet you Syndell and it may have been fate that lead me here or it could have just been that junk pile I call a ship. The reasons I can't stay here are two simple reasons.

One my father is looking for me and he has spy's every where and I wish to keep on the move so he can't recruit me into the family business.

Two is my half sister is looking for me as well and she well wants me dead. She wants my share of the family business and the only way she gets it is if I die.

So its best I not stay put in one place to long for if either of them finds me I'm screwed."

Mar 28th, 2003, 03:59:23 PM
Syndell laughed at his mortal problem of dying. She would never get enjoy such a luxury.

"Do not be afraid of them. Stay here, and we can protect you. Be one of us, and you can protect yourself"

Syndell offered him immortality. Though she was not allowed to turn anyone, she knew who could.

Miranda Dunleavy
Mar 28th, 2003, 09:27:20 PM
She listened in earnest, still admiring him silently ... until Syndell came. Miranda's eyes narrowed at this unfamiliar Vampyre. The red head had thought her blunt and was carelessly in offering the Dark Gift without even thinking to someone she met for less then a minute. It was certainly odd. At least to one as such as Miranda.

Though, her curiosity in wondering how Jason would respond to Syndell's question did intrigue her and ... she did have a point. The Vampyre merely sipped at her drink quietly and kept her ears opened.

Jason Dreggs
Mar 29th, 2003, 12:56:32 PM
"Don't be afraid of them."

Jason repeated then laughed a bit as he thought on one particular employee of his. Even vampires where not safe from his fathers grasp.

"My father controls so many people it’s hard not be afraid. Even if I was a vampire or under your protection his most loyal employee would come for me. I'm pretty sure the both of you have heard of a man named Gerbo Lang.

He is a dhampire or a half vampire and he hunts your kind and trust me if my father found out I had joined you guys. Gerbo would not stop until every last one of you is gone."

Jason went silent for a moment and took a few drinks of his beer.

"I thank you for your offer but I can't bring that kind of problem upon you and all others like you that live here. I would think about if I did not know for sure what would happen but I do and therefore I have to decline."

Mar 29th, 2003, 01:53:04 PM
A light laughter escaped the crimson lips of Syndell. She had indeed heard of this Gerbo Lang. A hunter of his own kind. She had seen him here before, though he posed no threat to most of the members here.

"We know of him, but fear him not. He does not have the power to kill us. Our lords and lordesses would protect us. And if no them, then maybe the queen mother herself would rain down fury like no other on this dhampire hunter"

Standing, Syndell nodded to Miranda.

"I can see your fear keeps you from living. So be it. I shall leave the two of you"

With that she turned and left. She would fear no hunter, regardless of their power. She is a vampyre demoness and is not to be triffled with.

Jason Dreggs
Mar 31st, 2003, 11:32:16 AM
Jason just let Syndell have her little victory with words. Jason knew all to well that if she ever met up with gerbo Lang she would learn what fighting for your life meant.

Jason turned back to Miranda with a smile on his face and a thought in his mind for the red headed Vampire.

"You know might have said yes if you would have been the one to ask."

Jason took a swig of his beer and flashed a wink to Miranda.

"I have always been a sucker for a red head. It would be hard say no."

Miranda Dunleavy
Apr 1st, 2003, 12:21:20 AM
Gerbo Lang was someone Miranda heard of, but never had the pleasure of meeting. He was nothing to her anyway and showed no sign of fear or interest at Syndell and Jason's exchange. Her fellow Shrine member seemed rather perplexed at the Spacer's reaction to the offered Dark Gift but shrugged it off and left, bored with him ... or maybe them.

Alone again and when Syndell had finally left, Jason had become quite comfortable around Miranda. The Vampyre wondered if he was playing with her. Did he know what that meant?

"Is that so?" She waggled a brow, smirking at Jason which caused one of her fangs to peek through her lips. Miranda released the glass of blood wine and with the backs of her fingers, gently stroked his cheek. It wasn't just her cold hands that sent a chill down his spine and her emerald eyes became so mesmerizing that it was easy to loose oneself in their intricate facets. "Was that a challenge? Or ... an offer?"

Jason Dreggs
Apr 1st, 2003, 12:39:49 PM

Jason was so caught in the sudden moments that he was left speechless. Jason tried to gather his thoughts so he could utter a sentence to answer Miranda's question. Finally he got focused a bit to utter a single sentence to her.

"It was a little of both I guess."

That was it for Jason he was lost now in the emerald eyes of Miranda. She could force him to kill millions in this state, just by asking him to do so. There was no way Jason could say NO.

Miranda Dunleavy
Apr 1st, 2003, 07:17:38 PM
"A little of both," she repeated, whispering sweetly so only Jason could hear. He was so entranced by the Vampyre that he made no move to back away as Miranda drew in closer. Teasing she traced the ridge of his chin with the tip of her nose so her eyes could remained focused upon his neck laden with chills and goose bumps.

Devlish thoughts that were forgien to her started to permeate her thoughts. She really did find this mortal attractive and it would be so easy to take him right here, right now. Not to turn ... at least ... not yet. Many possible ideas sprang to mind as to what she could do with Jason that certaintly did not include draining him.

Besides, Valirion had yet to win her and Soth had relinquished his desires for her long ago. She could do what she pleased.

Miranda smiled in spite of herself as she pulled away. She did not relinquish her hand however. It was much more pleasurable to watch Jason react to her touch as she slowly caressed his chin, all the way down to his neck and down to where his shirt was unbuttoned.

Jason Dreggs
Apr 1st, 2003, 08:15:04 PM
Jason started to breathe a little easier has Miranda backed away but his thoughts where still lost. No words could describe how he felt at that moment it was culmination of ever emotion on the books and yet no emotion at all.

Jason had fallen for this Vampire even though he had just met her. It was like she had control over his enter body and even his mind. Jason couldn't pull away not that he wanted anyway.

Her hand caressed his chin all the way down to the shirt button that was undone. Her touch could run chills down even the strongest of men’s spines and Jason was both hot and cold at that moment.

Jason finally brought some power back to his Voice box although he still couldn't say much.

"You can turn me if you want."

Jason could hardly believe the words that came out of his mouth. It was like someone else was speaking for him at that moment, he had lost control.

Miranda Dunleavy
Apr 2nd, 2003, 11:40:53 PM
She had him completely under her control and already Jason was begging to be turned. Alas, it would not be that easy to sway Miranda to give him the Dark Gift.

"You want me ..." The Vampyre left it open ended on purpose for a brief moment, '"... to turn you?" Course, the later held true too. Miranda could see the desire in his eyes. Her face was beaming with that delicious thought but soon became enamored with her blood wine again. "I thought you just told Syndell that you didn't want to be turned?"

The glass was slowly brought to her lips as Miranda watched Jason out of the corner of her eye. He was much more fascinating then she thought.

Jason Dreggs
Apr 3rd, 2003, 04:15:09 PM
Jason jumbled thoughts finally came to a point, his mind cleared a bit even though he was still under the power of Miranda. He heard her ask why he turned down syndell offer first. The answer was clear at least Jason thought so; he didn't understand why Miranda didn't get it.

Jason spoke easier now that he had clear thoughts but the words still seemed to come out of his mouth hard and slow.

"I thought you would have figured out why turned her offer down. She came in here thinking she could control me and push me in a direction I wasn't sure I wanted to follow.

You on the other hand left it at that and left me the choice as my own. You didn't push you just let it slide into what it became; I like the fact that I still hold the power of choice and I still like the fact that you care about my choice.

I want you to take me on the path to the other side and I want you to show me how to live on the other side. I want to see what it's like to live an eternity by your side. I trust your words more then I do Syndell's that’s why I asked you. Maybe I even love you but this is the first time we have met and maybe if you turn I might have a chance to let that grow."

Jason's speech was long winded but he had to speak it all because he might never get the chance to do so again. He went back into his jumbled state of mind as he feel silent to the emerald eyes staring into his soul from behind the glass of blood wine.

Miranda Dunleavy
Apr 4th, 2003, 10:55:32 PM
She purposefully released him so a straight and honest answer would be spoken. Miranda valued such things more now then ever. Especially when it was here that used such unnecessary tactics in the past those she should not have.

And so she listened, intently, as the blood was drank and brought dark thoughts of taking Jason once again. To drink his life force and learn all of his secrets.

The glass was drained and still she remained dissatisfied. Still thirsting after her thoughts and turned the stool to face him again. "So all this talk about leaving and finding parts for your ship was just pretense?"

Again her faceted eyes drew Jason in fascination, "As soon as you walked through those doors you wanted to be turned. You were just looking for the right one to do it." It was said matter of fact. The situation was quite interesting. Jason's walls were crumbling without much of an effort. from the Vampyre. His affections were growing for Miranda, and how did she like it so!

"Feelings for me? So soon?" Her penetrating gaze softened in a sweetened smile.

She slid off the stool, standing directly in front of Jason. Miranda gripped the side of his jacket and let the other hand wander down his shirt, relishing in his warmth as a mortal. "What if I like you the way you are?" She drew closer as if coming in for a kiss, but then broke away towards the side. There was no breath coming from her but that didn't stop the chills that Jason felt. He then felt a nip upon his ear, barely even hurting at all. It was more pleasurable then painful. Miranda was careful to only draw a drop of his blood to merely partake in a sample of what he had to offer, confirming she wanted more.

"Indeed, I could do a lot of things with you as you are." She whispered into his ear.

Jason Dreggs
Apr 8th, 2003, 07:54:36 PM
Jason really had no idea what to say at this point but his mind started to force him to speak to the questions Miranda asked. 'So all this talk about leaving and finding parts for your ship was just pretense?' The truth was when he had first arrived he had every intension of leaving but something had change.

"I had every intention of get parts for my ship and leaving. The odd thing is I can't remember at what point those thoughts changed into me wanting to stay."

Jason took a deep breath

"I didn't actually come here to be turned in the first place it just kind of lead to that. I still have a fear of what comes after..."

He left it hanging on his tongue as his eyes drifted around the room. All of a sudden he was starting to wonder what he was doing here in this place. Was this predetermined, perhaps written in fate that he would defy his father and become a vampire. Then she spoke the word that brought him back to reality 'Feelings for me? So soon?'

"They are early yes, it could be lust but I don't know. Maybe if I'm given the chance they could grow and there true nature could be discovered."

Jason’s body wanted to quiver and shiver as Miranda grabbed his coat and teased him with an almost kiss. Then she went to his ear and nipped at it to get a taste of what might be. Even the sensations of the small bite ran through his body uncontrollably. He knew he could die here as well if he wasn't careful but still he want to push on and be turned, yet there was still the fear of what he would become.

"You could do allot of things with as I am but I am mortal and with time I would expire. With me as vampire you could experiment an eternity."

Jason couldn't believe what he had said he currently had two sides to him. There was the side that wanted to run away in fear and then there was the side that was keeping him there. The side that was keeping him there was slowly taking control but the other side kept bursting back trying to gain what it had lost.

Miranda Dunleavy
Apr 12th, 2003, 05:31:19 PM
The beginnings of a throaty laughter teased Jason's ear. "You don't sound very afraid of me, Jason."

She pressed her cold cheek against his as her hand continued to toy with him, moving it ever dangerously lower. "Actually ..." Her could feel her face turning into a grin. "... you don't feel like you're afraid of me either."

Her hair was like silk against his mortal skin when Miranda pulled her head back to face him fully. The Vampyre's emerald eyes were ablazed again but for a different reason this time. It seemed that she was trying to decide on some silent quandary but nothing was said. She could feel how torn Jason was. As of right now, half of him wanted to leave this forsaken planet and the other half of him wanted Miranda. The Vampyre would have to see how far she could take that for that was part of her quandary. Jason wanted her and only because of her wanted immortality. Miranda herself was the factor that had changed everything. It was perplexing and stimulating all at the same time.

"True, You would expire eventually." Devilishly, she licked her lips. "But I could satisfy your every need you ever want without bestowing you the Dark Gift. Think about how .... pleasurable..." Miranda accentuated her point by pressing her body against his as she was able, "... it would be as you are now. You'd never feel the same again."

And there was the hook. Would he respond appropriately?

Jason Dreggs
Apr 14th, 2003, 05:48:11 PM
Jason could feel her cold cheek against his warm blooded face and then he felt the rise of her grin. Her hand seemed to sink lower and lower into the depths of his body.

"Trust me in my mind there is a battle of fear and pleasure that I can't seem to stop. From the looks of it pleasure is ahead just by a little."

He made sound like a sports game instead of a tangle of emotions. Jason was petrified but happy at the same time, emotions he had never felt flowed through his body uncontrollably.

Her hair felt like silk as she pulled back from Jason’s face. He stared deep into her blazing emerald eyes trying to read them, trying to stare into a soul that wasn't there. All Jason could read from her eyes was that she was in thought but on what he could tell. Was it him, did she not want to turn him or was it something deeper that he had no grasp on.

Now came his true test what would he say to tell her why he wanted to immortal with her and to show her he could free himself from his fear. He had to think quickly and speak right or every gain he had made would be lost in an instant.

He brought up enough nerve in himself to face his now chosen path. His brown eyes stared into her emerald orbs, he watched them watching him. He spoke with truth in his voice.

"Yes you could grant me pleasure and all I need until the day I die if I where a mortal. You see those things are nice to some mortals but me I want more then to be just a toy."

Jason choked back the lump building in his throat the battle had now just ended in his mind. It had chosen the path he feared because it was the path he needed.

"I want to be immortal like you, so I don't have to be a toy in your eyes. If you do want to grant me such a thing because you don't deem me worthy don't expect me to stick around and be your toy.

Yes I may have premature feelings for you that could possibly grow but I refuse to be a toy that can be thrown away or destroyed at any moment."

That was Jason’s final stand the continuance of this conversation was left to Miranda. Jason was still stimulated by her but now he felt he would have the power to pull away if he needed it.

Miranda Dunleavy
Apr 15th, 2003, 03:19:27 PM
Jason had a backbone. He had resolve and would never be a lapdog to anyone. The conviction in his voice was passionate.

Miranda removed her hands to cup Jason's cheeks and smiled willfully. The physical desire she was projecting had vanished to be replaced by a calmness set in her eyes. It was quite eerie but there was a gentleness to her now, whatever debate Miranda was having within herself was over. She seemed pleased with that decision, Jason could not tell though.

Her head fell forward slowly, red strands of silken hair tickling his chin as Miranda found comfort against his chest. She let one hand stray down to hold onto his right shoulder as fingers stroked his cheek. "Then ... so be it."

Suddenly, the grip upon his shoulder was powerful and crushing. Miranda grabbed the back of his head by the hair and pulled it back forcefully against the bar counter to expose his neck fully. Miranda propped herself up by a knee upon the stool and sunk her teeth into Jason's flesh. The burst of warm blood filled her mouth and it made her swoon with ecstasy. She moaned against him and sucked harder, needfully, as he squirmed underneath her body.

Jason Dreggs
Apr 16th, 2003, 05:49:13 PM
Jason just let it happen, let Miranda tilt his head to the side and bite in. There was a jolt of pain that ran through his body as the puncture wounds where first made into the neck. After that several different emotions and feelings would transpire.

After the Pain came a sense of numbness as his soul was being sucked out of his body just like his blood. He could here the moans of Miranda and he new she was enjoying it more then he was at this point. Numbness feel over every part of his body, his hearing depreciated, his voice was gone and his vision was becoming blurred.

Then came a cold feeling through his body one a cold that could kill a mortal man in a second. Along with this cold came a new sense of pleasure one that would make Jason scream if he where able to. The cold swept through his body like a plague of death.

As the cold filling covered his whole body his hearing, voice and sight returned to him. Miranda was still gnawing at his neck trying to get every last drop of mortality left in him. Visions of anger, hate, passion, death, murder and even love flooded Jason’s mind.

He tried to hold onto consciousness but he knew he could keep grasp for long. He felt himself falling away from Miranda and he could see her blood stained face out of the corner of his eye. He noted before he went unconscious how well the blood went with her emerald eyes and red hair.

Jason landed hard on the bar floor stuck in the Darkness of his mind he didn't feel it. The turning was so physically draining that it was hard to determine when Jason would wake up. All that was for sure was that when he did he would lead a knew life.

Miranda Dunleavy
Apr 17th, 2003, 11:43:27 PM
Miranda wiped her blood stained chin with the back of her hand and looked down at Jason, the helpless babe that he was. His mind and soul were not. There was strength deeply rooted into his being that would serve him well after the change. The emotions the red-head felt coming from Jason was intoxicating. His frail humanity was so beautiful. Truly, Miranda had chose well, even though she didn't realize ... until now ... that Jason had been chosen since she first laid eyes on him.

She rounded the stool chair that was still turning from Jason's tumble. It squeaked relentlessly, echoing in the now deserted bar. As soon as the Assassin attacked the spacer, everyone fled the scene, hoping to not be the next victim from the fiery vixen.

Her dress spilled around the floor as Miranda knelt down beside him and stroked his cheek tenderly. Vampyre strength eased Jason up to a sitting position. He was growing colder, his heart slowed to the point that the blood loss would stop it for eternity; a mortal death.

"I can see your lack of fear. How your eyes sparkle with certainty as death wraps around your neck." She adored him, running slim fingers through thick hair. Red lips parted by way of her tongue. Jason watched with narrow slit eyes as Miranda pricked her tongue purposefully with a fang before all strength left him. Heaviness settled his eyes closed but there was still life in him to feel the press of something against his lips. They were stiff but the Vampyre parted them easily with her own. She could feel him exhale weakly as the blood dripped into his mouth.

It burned his mouth like liquid fire, trailing down his tongue and back into his throat ....

Jason Dreggs
Apr 23rd, 2003, 07:59:43 PM
It was his first taste of blood from the tongue of the woman that was giving him a special gift. The blood burned all the way down the throat but it was the kiss Jason tried to focus on as he slipped away. Miranda's cold lips pressed against the bloodless stiff lips of Jason's as he whirled into the darkness beyond.

Soon Jason would awake a new person with a new life he had not experienced before. First came death though before this new life could be brought forth. This was the first and the last time Jason would experience this filling of dieing. His focus was not on this though it was on the Vampire woman Miranda watching over him as he turned.

He saw people long lost and gone, he saw his mother for the briefest of moments. She spoke the words Jason need to here 'Defy your father' and then her image swept away. He now realized he walked in the valley of death and before him he saw three vampires that had lost there life to the slayer. One of them spoke you are to lead the hunter to slaughter and then there images disappeared in the wind.

Slowly he felt himself get tugged back into the realm of the living where the Miranda awaited his return. The flowed to the bottomless pit of his stomach as his eyes awoke slightly to the emerald eyes of a Vampire goddess who had her lips pressed against his.

Miranda Dunleavy
Apr 26th, 2003, 09:38:41 PM
Never did her lips leave his as Jason underwent the change and stared hard into his face. She could feel every bit of his transformation. The moment of his death where his skin turned stark white and his lips ... cold as space itself. But then, there was that inaudible sound only a Vampyre could hear. The tiny spark of life that swelled into him as the blood began to flow through his veins.

Jason stirred under her with a subtle movement and looked into her eyes. She wasn't quite sure if he was pleased or not. The change was different for everyone and it was difficult to gauge any reaction at this precise moment.

For a brief moment, she deepened the kiss before pulling away. Her eyes adored him while stroking away a trail of blood that had leaked out between his lips. "Well, my darling fledging ... how do you feel?"

Jason Dreggs
Apr 29th, 2003, 12:14:30 PM
"Well I have a head ache like the ones you get with Hangovers after two weeks of binge drinking but other then that I feel like I can take on the whole universe."

Jason put a faint smile on his face as he looked up into Miranda’s eyes as she stroked the blood away on his lips. His mind was at peace for once in his life and other then the head ache he felt like a million credits.

"So that’s what dying is like for some reason I thought it would have been more spectacular. Coming back was the best part you know."

Jason chuckled at his comment as undead life slowly came back to him. It was time for his knew life as a creature of the night to begin. He left the Mortal coil behind him and for some reason he felt he didn't need to look back.

"So what’s next Miranda or do I know have to call you master?"

Miranda Dunleavy
Apr 30th, 2003, 07:53:22 PM
She flicked at his nose playfully, "Let's try to focus on getting used to being you now, shall we? The universe can come later."

Her eyes drew together tightly as he mentioned his death. There was a look of sadness in them that told of a torrid past. "I'm glad that your death went well. We aren't all so lucky."

Miranda pushed herself up while grabbing a hold of Jason's arm, pulling him to his feet with ease. "Master leaves a bad taste in my mouth for .... reasons. Miranda is fine as long as there is respect attached to it."

Straightening out his shirt and jacket, her emerald eyes gleamed with intent. "So, what shall Jason like to do first now that he is reborn?"

Jason Dreggs
May 5th, 2003, 02:47:38 PM
"What was your death like Miranda?'

Jason was curious to learn everything he could before trying to push his new limits. He wondered what others deaths where like not just his own and that is why he turned to Miranda. He hoped to here a good story about how she chose the path she took and about how grand her death was. Deep down though Jason felt that her story would not be that story.

He liked Miranda and knew he had made the right choice in letting her take his mortality. He also knew that she would be the one to teach him how to be strong and survive in this knew life. His main worry was that she would give him so much but what he would give her maybe love if it was there and respect. Was that enough though to suffice the long life of a Vampire.

Jason shook these thought from his head and just looked into Miranda's enchanting eyes again. With in the emerald swirled visions that maybe some day Jason would be lucky to see. He would give Miranda everything she deserved.

"Now that Jason is reborn he would like to see what his new power can do with the help of his Miranda."

Miranda Dunleavy
May 9th, 2003, 03:19:40 PM
That question had caused her eyes to loose its luster as Miranda sat down on one of the bar stools, obviously distraught. She felt his curiosity flourishing with his new senses. Jason wanted to know everything about her but somewhere deep inside him where he was not so innocent, he knew that his Master's death was not as pleasurable as his. It was quite in the opposite extreme.

It was not the only thing that was crossing his mind. His was littered with thousands of thoughts that were trying to gain superiority. All his precious worries and elations helped to keep Miranda from frowning. He was now another that wanted to give her everything that was denied her. Valirion was trying to do the same and Soth, he was still an enigma. Besides, what did Miranda really deserve anyway?

"Your power is far superior then anything imaginable. You are a god now amongst mortals. Their lives are in your hands now." As she spoke, she didn't look at him. Her eyes were distant. Jason's first question was plaguing her thoughts, wondering if she should tell him the truth of her past.

Jason Dreggs
Jun 2nd, 2003, 11:41:05 AM
He had felt it deep down, it was like that deep sinking feeling you get in the bottom of your stomach when you know something bad happened or will happen. He felt it because he was linked to Miranda now, he could feel allot of things she felt.

This one though disturbed him, his death had been a great experience and her's it would seem she would not share. Perhaps something vile and indescribable happen when she was turned or perhaps she was turned against her will. Jason did not know even though he strove to understand so he could comfort her and tell her that things turned out alright.

He noted that her eyes where turned away from him in a distant place a sign that she had been disturbed by the question on her past. Jason's head sank a bit looking to the floor for answers; the dirty wood floor gave nothing. He looked back up at her his exspertion had gone one of a more silent serous one.

"It's alright Miranda; you don't have to tell me. Perhaps someday you will be able to bring yourself to do so. For now though it's alright we can do other things, such as you showing me what's out in this Vampire world."

Miranda Dunleavy
Jun 4th, 2003, 02:17:01 PM
It seemed that Jason was completely and totally taken with her, accentuated deeply by the bond they had as Master and Fledgling. A pain that was hidden so precariously inside her emotions and heart were only hinted at through that bond so subtly. She was grateful and slid off the stool, her eyes full of life again; the thoughts of her change pushed aside to cater to Jason's needs.

"I believe you should choose what we shall do." Her innate awareness told the Vampyre that the night was still young. Plenty of time to wander about. Gentle fingers ran through his hair, brought Jason out of his musing and caused Miranda to really notice how unkept it was. His entire life was on the run and moving place to place. The traces of dirt and dried sweat was quite unbecoming. "It is your first night reborn and it is up to you how to spend it."

Jason Dreggs
Jun 5th, 2003, 10:38:59 AM
Jason was a little confused about the sudden shift of emotion in Miranda but he decides against pushing her into a place she didn't want to be. He stood there for a moment contemplating where to begin as a slow hunger came over him all of a sudden and there he thought of what he might want to do first.

"Well from the few stories I have heard about Vampires, they like to hunt. I'm not sure if that’s true but if it is I would like to know how you go about selecting your prey. I'm new to this whole thing so it’s kind of hard to know what exactly it is we do."

This Vampire thing would be hard to get use to but once he learned the ropes he was pretty sure he would prove to Miranda that she had made the right choice in turning him.

Miranda Dunleavy
Jun 9th, 2003, 05:57:18 PM
Of course. Jason needed to feed. His willpower was impressive, to say the least, that he mentioned his hunger now. Miranda's ancient blood must have satisfied him up until this point.

"It's true. Vampires like to hunt. I hunt alone except for a few chosen individuals that I deem worthy to accompanying me on such ventures." She laced an arm around his and began to lead him outside into the night. The moon was crescent in shape, handing high in the clear black sky, peppered with twinkling stars. The Assassin decided that there was no need to mask their presence just yet so she kept to the dirt path that led closer to town. "Every Vampire is different. Unfortunately it will take time to understand yourself and realize what you want in a hunt. Preferences change as do the years."

Jason Dreggs
Jun 13th, 2003, 03:50:05 PM
"Preferences, as in different blood types you mean or are we talking difference as in the persons we hunt. Like looks, age, Male/female, or race?"

He looked at Miranda with a curious look one a new born child might have when discovering something new and unusual. Being a vampire for the first time was like learning your whole infant stages all over again. The walking the breathing was all different now and it took some getting use to.

The night sky was nice and it had a more alluring appeal as one of the night’s creatures. Jason noted that he could see easier in the dark as vampire then he ever could as a mortal. The stars twinkled brighter now or something like that.

Miranda's red hair and emerald eyes twinkled along with the sky it was almost hard for Jason to take his eyes off her. What beauty she had the night sky only made it better. How great he felt walking with Miranda’s arm in his, what more could a guy ask for in life or is that unlife.