View Full Version : New Revelations (Dalethria)
Jade Doment
Mar 11th, 2003, 04:10:29 PM
Sith Warrior Dark Emerald Jade was standing on the hatch to her YT-1300 Jade's Dragon, with her female Corellian Black Sand Panther Sumohn, waiting for the Dark Mistress Dalethria Mal Pannis, who would be accompaning them on this journey.
Dalethria Mal Pannis
Mar 11th, 2003, 09:11:29 PM
Fortunately for Jade, Dalethria was punctual. She was wearing her usual black leather but adorned in a cloak, for Irentios was quite chilly at this time of year. The snow was still thick but melting slowly as the winter winds were being pushed aside by the spring currents forcing their way into the mountains. Upon her shoulder rested the strap to her duffel bag while carrying another suitcase in hand. Jade mentioned that there was no specific timetable for this trip so she had made sure to packed a few weeks of clothing and necessities.
She waved at Jade while coming up the path and woefully looked behind her at the mansion. Tirsa, the Nebari lover of her Sister Sorsha, was left in charge to run the place ... (unbeknownst to her, Ogre was informed of what was going down and promised to look after the place). This made Dalethria wonder again why Tirsa and Jade hated each other so much. Perhaps that could part of the conversation on this long trip though, the Dark Jedi had a feeling the word 'Sith' was involved somewhere...
Finally Dalethria made it to ramp of the ship, admiring Sumohn.
"I see we won't be completely alone on this trip."
It was hard to tear her eyes away to look at Jade. She has so many animals that even Dalethria hadn't seen them all.
"She's beautiful."
Jade Doment
Mar 11th, 2003, 09:27:14 PM
Jadey today is wearing dark blue skin tight pants, a long sleeved dark blue shirt, black biker boots, and her new knee length black leather jacket. She smiled slightly at Dalethria, then kneels down to rub Sumohn's head. Although it is rare for Jadey to love anyone or anything, anyone can see that she cares a great deal for her pets, and she loves them alot, as they are her closest friends.
"Thank you, Mistress. She tends to take after her mother, Flavia. She is back at Dameo, protecting Amethyst."
Jadey thinks for a moment, Sumohn nods in answer to an unasked question and Jadey nods back. She stands and boards her ship, motioning for Dalethria to follow.
"Flavia has a few more cubs. I can bring one back with us for you if you like."
Dalethria Mal Pannis
Mar 12th, 2003, 11:40:51 AM
It was an interesting offer that Dalethria thought about as she boarded Jade's ship.
"Hmm. Avagdu could use a playmate and ..."
The idea she just had was perfect and she smiled.
"Yes, I would like one very much. Very much indeed."
Jade Doment
Mar 12th, 2003, 05:49:48 PM
Jadey chuckles softly and nods again.
"As you wish. I shall make the necessary arrangements after speaking to my pilots. I do fly my own ships, but on private trips such as this, I prefer pilots."
Jadey walks down another hallway and opens a door to another room.
"Its not much, but this is a spare bedroom, incase you would like to rest during our trip. My quarters are just acroos the hall."
She moves further down the hall.
"A personal bar. You may have anything you like. Downstairs is a huge training room, incase you want to use that as well."
She walks back the way they came, heading towards her pilots.
"I shall be right back. Need anything, holler."
Jadey turns to her pilots and speaks to them.
"We are going to Dameo. Make them aware of our arrival, and have Amethyst present when we arrive."
"But Empress....." the pilot says, but is cut off as Jadey grabs his lips, shutting him up.
"NO BUTS! Do I need to remind you who is boss here?" Jadey lets go.
"No, Empress. Forgive me, Empress. It shall be done. Anything else?"
"Yes, have Flavia and her cubs meet me in my quarters after we arrive. The rest of the details I will arrange once we arrive."
"Yes, Empress."
Jadey walks back to Dalethria.
"Would you care for a drink as you settle in?"
Dalethria Mal Pannis
Mar 12th, 2003, 11:44:10 PM
Bar sounded nice.... Perhaps in a few hours when her and Jade would unwind and talk. First it was to unload the bags she was carrying so Dalethria made her way back to the quarters given to her. She tossed the bag in the corner and the suitcase on the bed, enjoying the fact that there was ample room. It was hard to tell you were on a ship.
With an elegant grace, Dalethria unfastened her cloak and draped it neatly over a chair before tackling the issue of where to put what. That was when Jade came back It didn't seem that long ago when she went up to the cockpit and left Dalethria to her own devices. A silent throaty laughter came up from her throat at Jade's question.
"It's like you read my mind. I'd thought we'd have a chat over your finest liquor."
Jade Doment
Mar 13th, 2003, 03:37:36 PM
Jadey nods, dipping her head and leading the way to her personal bar. She sits down on a stool behind the counter and gestures for Dalethria to take the one acroos from her on the opposite side of the counter.
"I have a special drink that I have developed myself over the years til it was perfect. I call it Rose Wyne. I do hope you will enjoy it."
The ships makes a soft turn as it takes off, then smooths out. She takes out 2 glasses and fulls them half-way, as she is accoustomed to, then carefully slides one to Dalethria.
"A chat would be nice to occupy time. What would be the subject of our chat?"
Dalethria Mal Pannis
Mar 15th, 2003, 08:03:41 PM
She looked over the brim of the glass, unsure of what to make of its contents. Rose Wyne. It had a certain flair, something that made sense since its creator was Rpylaty. There was a small shrug of her face and Dalethria picked up the drink; sniffing the flavor of the wine as she was accustomed too before sampling a new vintage.
It was sweet, but not too terribly so. Quite palatable.
"Not bad at all."
Setting her glass down, Dalethria smiled knowing what topic to bring up.
"Oh I don't know .... How about ..."
Glancing at her with a sideways glance and smirk, the Mistress finished her sentence, her tone peaking at the name of ...
Jade Doment
Mar 16th, 2003, 08:19:55 AM
A slight twitch had shown itself in Jade's right eye at the name Tirsa. The Nebari girl happens to be Master Sorsha's lover, her companion. With a sigh, Jadey lowers her half empty glace, her words about where her Wyne had orininated were now forgotten.
"I did not realize our....dislike.....for each other had been that obvious.
Lets see if I can explain this....At times, it feels to me that she does not like me because I am Master Sorsha's apprentice, that I am taking up too much of her time."
Jadey shrugs and sips her wyne again.
"That may not be the case, as it is merely what I feel sometimes. Or maybe its beacuse........" she trails off and looks away, looking out a viewport on the left side of of the bar, on Jadey's left as well.
Dalethria Mal Pannis
Mar 18th, 2003, 03:55:46 PM
It was painfully obvious by Jade's expression that it was quite a touchy subject to be brought up. Dalethria did not care. They both lived under her roof and she wanted to know how bad this infighting was; incase there was going to be trouble later. Dalethria liked her peace and quiet at the mansion on Irentios and if Tirsa and Jade caused that peace to end ...
"Trust me. It is."
Either way, she wanted to hear from Jade's mouth her thoughts on the matter and then talk to Tirsa when they came home.
Jade's first comment was what she was thinking as well. Sorsha training her Apprentices was taking up more of Sorsha's precious time. Though, what Jade was getting at before trailing off made her curious.
"Go on. Or what else could it be?"
Jade Doment
Mar 18th, 2003, 08:53:32 PM
Jadey sighs for a moment softly, thinking how to say it, then just comes right out with it.
"Because.....Im not family. I have that problem everywhere I go, wherever I stay for any length of time. It always happens, and it never bothered me, being Sith and all.
But now it has bothered me. I guess when you said family means alot to you, I realized the only family I had was my kids, and thats not much."
Dalethria Mal Pannis
Mar 19th, 2003, 11:03:30 AM
Dalethria tried not to laugh, but couldn't help it. She didn't mean to make light of the situation. She regained her composure quickly and wet her mouth with more of the home made wine.
"I'm sorry, Jade. For my manners. Just, you really don't know anything about Tirsa do you? Trust me ..."
She smirked.
"It's the first one when it comes to her. She has this thing about the Force too and trusts very few of them."
Then a shift in her demeanor was apparent by Jade. The jovial tone of Dalethria's voice became sullen and quite sad.
"But, I understand your feelings. Seems like lately all I've had for company is my Daughter and Avagdu."
Jade Doment
Mar 19th, 2003, 03:22:21 PM
Nodding, she turned back to Dalethria, smiling softly now. It had been ages since she saw Aliandra around the mansion.
"Speaking of family, how is Aliandra these days? I have not seen her wander around too often."
Dalethria Mal Pannis
Mar 20th, 2003, 10:19:25 PM
The mention of her daughter's name always seemed to brighten the Dark Jedi. "She's well. Ironically being babysat by Tirsa."
A small chuckle was washed down with some more wine. "She usually is very good at hiding herself so no one knows she's watching them. I've caught her many times sneaking out of the mansion but she has good sense to not wander off too far. Besides, Avagdu is never too far behind nor my link with her. I don't worry .... Much."
Jade Doment
Mar 21st, 2003, 06:02:16 PM
Jadey empties the last swallow in her glass and refills it, then tips the neck of the bottle towards Dalethria, offering her more before pouring it.
"I agree with your tactic, for a Mother never can worry about her children too much. And yet, when they reach a certain age, you have to let them go on their own, but still be around when they need you."
Jadey sighs and looks depressed again.
"If only Kitano would agree with me on this. He is my oldest child, and he thinks he does not need me anymore. That is fine, but there should be a time when he needs my help, not run from it."
Dalethria Mal Pannis
Mar 23rd, 2003, 06:36:27 PM
"Ah ... well."
Dalethria winked.
"I don't have to worry about that quite yet."
She was about to take another swallow of the wine to finish it off, but Jade's depressing mood was becoming contagious. She shoved the glass forward, taping the top of the glass for more and sneered to herself at how scattered her own family had become.
Jade Doment
Mar 23rd, 2003, 07:12:28 PM
:lol "That's one good thing about having little ones, isn't it? They're too young to act that way."
Jadey refills Dalethria's glass and sighs, sipping her own wine. She can feel a sight depression in the room, and goes back to their original subject, Tirsa.
"Not to sound rude or anything, Mistress, but has Tirsa always been that way with Master Sorsha? I mean, has Tirsa always acted that way with Master Sorsha's other apprentices?"
Dalethria Mal Pannis
Mar 25th, 2003, 09:28:50 PM
"Well .."
Her eyebrows raised in defeat. There really was only one way to answer Jade's question. But before that ...
"Before I answer. Promise me you don't repeat it. Sorsha I know won't care but if Tirsa ever found out."
Dalethria looked at Jade with a wince.
"Ouch, let's say."
Jade Doment
Mar 26th, 2003, 09:52:11 AM
Jadey sits down once again and nods slowly.
"Aye, I give you my word as a Taja Daemun, I will not repeat this."
As Daemun Empress of Dameo, the place where they were headed, she was required to make such promises if need be. Even though this promise was a personal one, it made no difference.
Whether or not she was to make a promise like that was up to Jadey, since she was Daemun Empress or rahter in the Daemun/Deamun Language, Taja Daemun, which translates into Daemun Empress.
Jadey looks confused at Dalethria's words.
Dalethria Mal Pannis
Mar 30th, 2003, 01:00:34 PM
"Yeah ouch."
Dalethria shrugged.
"You've see Tirsa mad ... I don't want to be on the receiving end of her wrath, cuz you'll never know how she's gonna get back at you. Anyway ..."
She looked long and hard at Jade until she was satisfied that her Sister's Apprentice was truly going to keep her word.
"Tirsa hates Force users. She hates the power they have and it frightens her. There are a few people who are exceptions to the rule obviously. Hell, Tirsa knew Sorsha even before she decided to learn the ways of the Sith.
What is ironic about her feelings is that Tirsa is a Force Sensitive. She denies it but deep down, she knows. It's because of that she lashes out."
Jade Doment
Mar 30th, 2003, 02:17:48 PM
For a moment, Jadey blinks in confusion, thying to think of how to phrase her next question.
"If she is Force Sensitive, and the power frightens her so badly, why doesn't she just learn how to harness its power, like the rest of us?
I mean, there are times that I hate I have been given such power. Father erased my memory of being a Force user, and I hate him even more for that.
I never knew the power of the Force until Angel and I ended up with the Jedi family who raised us. That is when we began our training.
Even then, I hated it sometimes, because most times, I still wish to be normal, like these present days."
She turns to look back out the viewport once again, sighing, then looks back at Dalethria.
"The being that I am now, I can never have taken from me. As Taja Daemun, I am stuck as a Daemun, as I can never retain my mortal form again. That is what I hate most, because I was pregnant with Amethyst, dying, and made this decision. I have also stuck her in a life like mine, with no undoing."
She refills her glass again.
"Forgive me, I have gotten off the subject.
The point I am trying to make is this. Everyone is afraid of the Force when they find out they possess the power. And once they find out they have, they go into training, learning how to harness and use its power."
Dalethria Mal Pannis
Apr 1st, 2003, 06:44:25 PM
"Hmm ... I think it goes deeper then that. I really don't know and don't ask out of respect since she's my Sister for some time now.
Also, you're ideas about Force Sensitives is not right. Not everyone embraces the fact that they can use its power. They rather lead the lives they have and not care about the power they could possess. It all depends on the person."
She smiled lightly.
"Of course it's hard for us to see that sometimes because that's how we were raised. By the Sith and Dark Jedi. It all depends on destiny."
Jade Doment
Apr 1st, 2003, 08:41:05 PM
Swallowing her Wyne rather hard, Jadey then speaks after it is swallowed.
"Yeah, that is true for some people. I never knew I possessed its power until my Jedi family told me. At that time, I thought it was great.
But then, Father restored my memory years ago, turning me, making wish I were never born with Force power. It is one reason why Mother has tried to kill me many times. SHe was able to sense where I was.
Sometimes, I feel her searching for me still, and I still sometimes hate the fact I am Force Sensitive."
Jadey had her hands clenched in fists, one around her glass, almost crusing it. She sits the glass down and sighs again.
"But you are right. It does depend in the person. And with Sith and Dark Jedi, it is a destiny best fulfilled. At least, that is what I believe at times."
Dalethria Mal Pannis
Apr 2nd, 2003, 11:27:28 PM
"Jade."She said simply."You needn't worry about your mother. That much I can assure you. She'd have to get through myself and much more if she finds you at Irentios."
Dalethria had a feeling that Jade needed a little reinforcing. Her voice seemed troubled slightly and the Dark Jedi was taken with Jade. Her difficult past reminded Dalethria of her own. Especially with Jade having her memory tampered with.
"Maybe that includes Tirsa too. :lol But, in seriousness, at least you can understand her a little better." She rolled her eyes, "Course I know that won't stop you two from tryng to kill each other."
Jade Doment
Apr 3rd, 2003, 06:12:59 PM
"Oh, if Mother wants me bad enough, she will find me. The was a time she actually wished to seek membership into a group I was in just so she would have her chance.
But I do feel safe at Irentios, and even Dameo. I have enough forces there to blow her to oblivion."
Jadey sips her Wyne again as she listens to Dalethria's next words about Tirsa, and chuckles.
"Yeah, maybe. Maybe not, if I keep my distance from her. Which is hard to do when I want to talk with Master Sorsha."
Dalethria Mal Pannis
Apr 4th, 2003, 10:17:13 PM
"I'm glad that you feel that way Jade."
A sense of pride came over her home and her world. It took a lot to get past the defense that her grandfather, the Grand Moff Tarkin, had put in; let alone all the surprises that Ogre had added over the years.
"Heh ... Yeah..."
She nodded.
"Tirsa is rather glued to the hip with Sorsha most of the time, but ... who can blame her? " ;)
Jade Doment
Apr 5th, 2003, 09:17:12 PM
Nodding, Jadey agrees.
"I remember when Amethyst's father, Drako Night, and I used to be that way.
Then, he died after giving me his power. Had I known that, I would never had made him promise to give it to me when I felt ready.
Now because of me, Ame's father is dead, and she blames me. Hell, I blame me too."
Dalethria Mal Pannis
Apr 8th, 2003, 03:21:35 PM
"And that is why he gave it to you, knowing full well you would deny his request."
She sighed.
"I know the pain of loosing your family ... quite well actually ..."
There was a bitter tone etched into each words.
" ... but, if it was your father's will, then you should be proud to carry on his legacy. He chose you because you are special. That's what you should remember."
Jade Doment
Apr 8th, 2003, 07:30:36 PM
"Yes, I suppose youre right. I should be proud he chose me. But sometimes, I feel as if....."
Jadey gets cut off abruptly as the ship lurches to one side, and it becomes obvious to her what is happening.
"Captain, what is going on up there?"
"Empress, we are under attack. We are close to Dameo's atmosphere and they are firing at us."
"FOOLS! They must not have been told of our arrival, our what my ship looks like."
Jadey opens a channel directly to Dameo.
"Cease fire at once, you imbecils!"
The firing stops, then she opens a channel to the main guard station.
"I want whoever was firing at us to be placed in the dungeons. ALL of them! They will be begging me to kill them once I get done with them."
"Yes, Empress."
Jadey cuts the connection as they enter the atmosphere of Dameo, then jolts slightly as the ship docks. The hatch opens and Jadey and Sumohn step out first, Dalethria right behind her.
The area around the castle is surrounded by a fence. At the main gate, there are two guards. Jadey and Sumohn walk past with no problems, but then they block Dalethria's way. Jadey stops suddenly and walks back to them.
She grabs one guard by the throat and hefts him off his feet.
"Did I tell you to stop my guests from coming in with me? DID I?!"
"No, Empress."
Jadey drops then guard who stays where she dropped him, looks to the other guard who backs up, then back to the fallen guard.
"Let that be your only warning never to cross me."
"Yes, Empress."
Jadey walks back to Dalethria and shakes her head.
"Peasents always try to enter the palace behind me." she explains as they mount the steps to the castle.
Dalethria Mal Pannis
Apr 12th, 2003, 04:58:03 PM
When the guard stopped her from entering, Dalethria merely crossed her arms in annoyance and waited for Jade. This was Jade's homeworld where she ruled. It was only polite for her Sister's Apprentice to punish the help accordingly.
With an approving smirk towards Jade, the Dark Jedi walked through and eyed that guard intently. She was curious why the treatment because she knew Jade had called ahead to Dameo, arranging everything.
Her unspoken question was answered as the made the ascent up the castle stairs.
"Why do they try and gain entrance?"
She wondered, looking back towards the gate to see if there were any peasants nearby.
Jade Doment
Apr 12th, 2003, 08:38:31 PM
As they enter the grand foyer of the palace, The Black Dragon Empire, Jadey waved off the servants and glanced at her advisor.
"Is everything prepared like I asked?"
"Yes, Empress, it has. Even the guest room is made up, Empress."
"Very good. Continue with matters of the Empire. And see to it the pesants get what they need this time, Raskole."
"Right away, Empress."
He bows, and walks off.
Jadey leads Dalethria up a grand stone staircase, answering her question as they search for the prepared quest room.
"Some what to hold audience with me to complain about the town. I do best, and they never seem to approve.
And some..." she sighs heavily as they enter Dalethria's room. "....some are usually bounty hunters in disguise, employed by either my mother, my brothers Jedi Ninja and Darth Ninja, or by someone who wants me dead.
More times than not, its the latter."
Jadey says on the threshold as Dalethria enters her room, amazed by its space. The room is much like Jadey's. An outer room to entertain guests, a bathroom off one side for guests, a spacious bedroom with a large bed, another, adjoining bathroom with shower, and a balconey a few feet from the canopy bed.
"These will be your quarters while you are here. Mine are across the hall. I have given you acess to go almost anywhere you want. There are a few private rooms off limits to guests, which are guarded. Only way in is with me.
Anyways, other than the guarded rooms, you are free to roam the palace and its grounds. If you need anything, just ask. I am not usually far away."
Jadey turns to leave Dalethria to her packing, then remembers something. Her hand on the knob, she turns back.
"Do you wish to see the panther cubs, or wait until you have unpacked?"
Dalethria Mal Pannis
Apr 16th, 2003, 10:07:33 AM
"Ah ... I see. Rather obvious plots set against you by your family."
Dalethria tossed her belongings upon the bed and looked around. Jade knew how to treat her honored guests and the Dark Jedi approved of the spacious room that came with many luxuries.
"Must be loads of fun."
And glad I don't have to worry about that anymore. she added to herself.
"Oh, I completely understand about my access."
She turned around with a knowing smile.
"We all have secrets."
Jade began to leave and Dalethria was already beginning to unlock the suitcase that was brought in by the help. There wasn't a fair amount of unpacking to do but the Sith had remembered something. The trip was quite long and she had forgotten too.
The suitcase was of little interest to her now as she move around and walked up to Jade, looking as if the leader of Dameo should already know the answer to that question.
"The cubs. Of course."
Jade Doment
Apr 16th, 2003, 06:20:54 PM
Nodding, Jadey exits the room with Dalethria following her. She walks down the hall the end, facing that end wall right in front of them.
Muttering an unbreakable code in her native language, a hidden door opens. They both walk inside as the door closes behind them.
On the floor, a few feet from them in a huge kittie bed, lays a huge female rare Corellian Black Sand Panther, Flavia. Next to her on the floor that followed the women inside the door is her full grown daughter, Sumohn. Laying in the bed beside Flavia's belly are about 6 cubs who are feeding. All are black except for 2. A male and female, both with a matching white crescent moon on their foreheads.
Jadey looks at them and smiles, then up at the Mistress.
"Take your pick. By the time we leave, it should be old enough to come back with us."
Dalethria Mal Pannis
Apr 18th, 2003, 10:19:15 AM
Her head tilted to the side in awe. The panthers were gorgeous. Their bodies were sleek with strength as well as beauty, much like the story that was told in the predatory eyes that stared back at Dalethria.
"Hmm ..."
She carefully walked a little closer to get a better look at the cubs and noticed the strange looking markings on two of them.
Dalethria pointed that out to Jade.
"Those two have rare looking markings. Does that happen often?"
Jade Doment
Apr 18th, 2003, 07:44:08 PM
Glancing back at what Jadey guessed were the twins by their identical markings, she shook her head slowly.
"Now that you mention it, of all the cubs that Flavia has had so far, these two are the only ones I have seen born like that.
I tend to keep Flavia around for breeding. Sand Panthers are becoming a tend here on Dameo. Luckily I gave orders that no one touches any of these cubs until you have had your pick.
Anyways, those two are the only ones ive seen so far like that. A rare beauty indeed."
Jadey crouches down by Flavia and scratches the big cat behind one ear, being rewarded with a loud purr. Jadey checks Flavia's studded collar, then checks Sumohn's, making sure they have not gotten too tight on their massive necks.
Jadey does not love many things. The love she does have is her children first, her pets second, and the Darkside third.
Watching how she treats her pets, and by how well she cares for them, anyone can tell she loves them greatly.
"Miss me, Flavia?" the big cat growls softly in answer and Jadey chuckles. "I have missed you too. Good to know the palace is in good paws with you around."
Jadey stands and glances around.
"Where's Fawn?" and loud growl sounds behind them. They spin around to find Fawn standing there, and the fully grown wolf pounces at her Master.
"Yes, I missed you too, Fawn. Right now, we have business to attend to. Please guard Miss Solo until I get there, would you Fawn?"
Another growl and the wolf runs out the door, once again leaving them alone with the cats.
"Sorry for the distraction Mistress. Anything else you wanna know about those cubs?" she asks, grinning slightly.
Dalethria Mal Pannis
Apr 19th, 2003, 08:29:25 PM
"Apologies are unnecessary. Gave me time to think."
She answered with a shrug. Her other animal, Avagdu, was a rare breed of wolf too. He was highly attuned to the Dark Side. It would only be fitting if his playmate was just as rare as he. Avagdu would probably be insulted otherwise.
Circling her way around in an arc to get closer to mother and her cubs, Dalethria kept her eyes glued to the litter.
"The one with the marking. Yes. The female though. I hate to see a male wolf and panther fight over territory. Could get ... messy. Plus, less aggravation is better for Aliandra too.""
Jade Doment
Apr 20th, 2003, 05:38:18 PM
Jadey nods, dipping her head in acknowledgement.
"As you wish, Mistress. And I agree about less aggravation. The less there is, the better, where pets are concerned."
She goes out the door and grabs a passing servant. She whispers something in Daemun, pointing to the rare female cub. The servant nods, looking at the cub and continues on her duties.
"I have instructed the servant to make preparations. They will be finished by the time we leave here."
Dalethria Mal Pannis
Apr 24th, 2003, 01:29:51 PM
Dalethria whirled around to face Jade questioningly.
"When are we leaving? Any idea how long this ... little vacation of ours is going to take?"
She wanted to be vague. Walls have ears and maybe Jade trusted her people, the Dark Jedi did not. Plus, there was Tirsa sanity with her daughter ....
Jade Doment
Apr 25th, 2003, 09:28:12 PM
Jadey kneels by Flavia and speaks to her telepathically, and the big cat dips her head in answer. She then picks up the cub and hands her to Dalethria.
"Why don't the two of you start getting aquainted(SP?)? But she cant be away from her mother too long. Not yet anyways."
Just as Dalethria takes the cub, she asks a question, a rather important one.
"When are we leaving? Any idea how long this ... little vacation of ours is going to take?"
Jadey thinks for a moment, then answers.
"Well, much later tonight, I have that thing to do in the dungeons. You may join me if you wish." she chuckles. "Jai has been here for a day or so, and I thought Id begin talking to her in the morning, and hopefully, if she tells me everything, we can leave later that day.
So in about a day or two. Most likely in a day. No need to be any longer."
Dalethria Mal Pannis
Apr 27th, 2003, 09:29:45 PM
A genuine smile came across Dalethria's face when Jade placed the cub into her arms. It batted towards her face playfully and it caused her to think. This little girl would be needing a name. Cupping the cub underneath her front legs, she lifted her up to eye level while answering.
"I highly doubt it will take that short a time. These things always take forever."
Her smirk was directed sideways at her companion.
"Nice to dream though."
She cradled the cub back into her arms, scratching the top of her head much to the delight of her new pet.
"As for the dungeons, of course I'm still for that."
Jade Doment
Apr 29th, 2003, 07:04:25 PM
Jadey sighs for lwhat seems like the thousandth time during their trip.
"Yes, that is true. I would like to leave that soon, but yes, matters of the Empire take forever.
Especially where the dungeons go.
Follow me." she grins evilly.
Cub still in hand, they make their way out the door. Once out, Jadey waves her hand and the door closes, once again becoming one with the wall. No one besides Jadey and Amethyst knew the spell to open that door.
Walking down to the other end of the hall straight down, is another hidden doorway, just like the one containing Flavia and her cubs. Jadey utters an ancient Daemun word while pressing her left palm to a hidden metal plate that reads her palmprint and the whole wall slides open, screaming to be released flowing up the stairs.
No one knew of this entrance, and only Jadey knew the passcode to this door, as it was more private. Jadey taking the lead, they decsend the two hundred and thirty six stairs, the stairs having a mystical, ancient Daemun meaning to them,
The wall slides shut behind them, making the room once again soundproof. In front of them in a dimly lit room at the left side of the staircase is tonights victim.
"He will be begging us for his life when we get done with him. A fitting end to the justice we give for what he did to us."
Dalethria Mal Pannis
May 8th, 2003, 01:26:59 PM
If only Dalethria knew the Dameo language, she could have replicated that spell. Perhaps it would be a new project for the Dark Mistress when she returned home. Her ears and eyes were observant though. The inflection of her voice and precise movement of her hands... Such information could be valuable incase Jade ever betrayed her Sister.
Course, the palm print would be a problem ... unless Jade was dead of course.
The dungeon was nothing special. Seen one you seen them all. The moans of prisoners reached her ears as were their cries for help and release. Some even dared to proclaim innocence and yell obscenities at Jade. It was all rather amusing.
She was introduce to a man that was stripped down to his shorts. His skin was filthy and covered in bruises but his spirit was not broken yet. His eyes held nothing but contempt.
Absently she stroked the cub, never looking away from him ... whoever he was.
"What did he do?"
Jade Doment
May 11th, 2003, 08:27:47 PM
Jadey could sense the Mistress was thinking something, but what Jadey did not know, for the Dark Mistress kept her thoughts well hidden.
Looking back at the prisoner, she grins rather evily, even for a Sith.
"He is the one who shot at us as we entered Dameo space."
Dalethria Mal Pannis
May 13th, 2003, 10:27:00 AM
Now it all made sense and it made Dalethria feel giddy inside. There was going to be torture for insolence. Always fun. She buried her face in the fur of the cub like a little child.
"This will be lots of fun. Won't it?"
The cub purred in response more from the attention then what was really going on.
"So ..."
Dalethria's eyes beamed greedily at Jade.
"... what's first?!"
Jade Doment
May 13th, 2003, 06:04:07 PM
Jadey giggled at the cubs purring, remembering the first time Sumohn purred for her. She will always remember that day.
Shaking the memory from her head, and getting back to the task at hand, she now grins evily once more. She steps up to man chained to the wall so tight, and with many cheains, he cant move.
A fireball forms in Jadey's left palm, and as she steps really close. Soon, a shriek rises from the mans throat, as well as the smell of searing flesh on his left cheek.
"You are my guest, Mistress Dalethria. He ruined your first visit and experience of this Empire, this planet, and its people. I thought I would leave his punishment to you."
Dalethria Mal Pannis
May 14th, 2003, 03:53:26 PM
Childlike wonder at his torture receded. This would require some careful thought.
An idea came. Probably not the one Jade was expecting.
"Do you care if he leaves the planet or not?"
Jade Doment
May 15th, 2003, 09:03:40 PM
Looking at her prisoner, Jadey thinks for a moment, shaking her head.
"Not really, if you planned to take him with us. It has never been done before, but I would have to bring a few guards with us to restrain him on a seperate vessel, so they can travel back here after bringing him with us.
What did you have in mind?"
Dalethria Mal Pannis
May 16th, 2003, 09:17:41 PM
"Well, I was wondering if you valued his life in any way."
Her smug face looked at the prisoner as she ran her fingers through his hair.
"Cuz, a slave sounds like a neat idea."
You could see the prisoners's heart sink by the look in his eyes. He was terrified. It made Dalethria's heart, in turn, grow all warm and fuzzy.
"Of course, that is ... if you don't mind."
Jade Doment
May 18th, 2003, 09:45:46 PM
"Not at all. He has no family, as they were all killed while fighting in a recent battle, so no one will miss him.
And as for his job, he can easily be replaced."
Jadey looks at this now guard-turned-slave and snickers.
"A slave. How fitting. Just when he thought his life would end after a great deal of torture, he gets turned to a slave who would most likely still get tortured.
Nice. Couldn't have done better myself."
Dalethria Mal Pannis
May 21st, 2003, 01:13:34 PM
"Excellent ..."
With a sideways smirk, Dalethria politely offered a bow of respect.
"Considering this is your domain, I leave him with you. What you do with him, I don't care as long as he is alive and can still be used. Also ..."
She straightened herself up and let a finger stroke his cheeks with a perverse affection.
"... when you are done... Make sure he remembers nothing about himself at all. I'll fill in the details of what he really remembers."
Jade Doment
May 21st, 2003, 10:59:44 PM
Jadey looks towards the guards and another, who has stopped his torture of another victim in the dungeon and made his way to Jadey's side after having been waved there.
She looks at the one who carries out tortures when assigned to them, whos name is Viktos.
"Viktos, continue with his usual torture. Make sure he understands his mistake and why hes here."
"But, Taja, wont you be doing this yourself?"
"When I feel the need to let off some of the pressure of ruling this Empire, yes, but I will leave the rest to you."
"And his memory, Taja?"
"I will handle that personally, right before we leave here."
They walk to the door and the door slides open after Jadey presses her palm to the metal plate once more. Dalethria exits first, followed by Jadey, who stops on the threshold.
"Do what you must to him. But dont leave any [i]permenant[/] damage to him. You may leave a few battle scars, as he has some already, but that is it. Mistress Dalethria wants him to remain as much as he is as possible.
I trust you, Viktos. Screw this one up and disobey me, and it will be you here in his place.
Am I understood? All of you?"
Viktos and the guards nod.
"Yes, Taja. We shall do as you say."
"Good. You know how to find me if you need anything." and she walks out.
Once Jadey closes the door by the metal plate once more, Dalethria asks something Jadey had been expecting on the way upstairs.
"Are you sure it's okay to leave the prisoner with....Viktos?"
"Aye, Mistress, it is. Viktos may be a bit slow in the brain department, but he is extremely loyal and does his job well, as he is specialized in this area."
Dalethria nods, seemingly satisfied by the answer.
"As long as you trust him, thats all that matters."
Jadey nods and leads the way to Jaina Solo's quarters.
Dalethria Mal Pannis
May 27th, 2003, 07:43:12 PM
They passed the locked area that Jade only knew how to open and began to walk down together to a part of the building that Dalethria had yet been introduced too.She presumed they were heading to see Jaina finally.
The cub was wanting attention, batting at her ear with playfulness. Her claws came close to nicking it open. She held the cub up and scolded her gently.
"Don't do that."
Her eyebrows raised in seriousness.
"You won't like what will happen as acid drips on your paws."
She cradled the cub back into her arms in a different, less dangerous, position.
"So ... how is this going to go down?"
Jade Doment
May 28th, 2003, 04:41:44 PM
"Well, hopefully, she will tell me what I want to know. We go in, chat, and hopefully leave with all . . ."
Jadey is cut off abruptly as she whirls around suddenly. Daemun in nature, she hears a piercing shriek, that only others of her kind can hear as well.
Dalethria, being a Mistress in the Darkside, cannot hear the cry, but can detect in the Force that something is wrong.
"Gods, dont tell me what I think that is." she mutters as she runs off in the direction the cry came from, Sumohn at her heels.
Dalethria Mal Pannis
Jun 2nd, 2003, 03:40:41 PM
She stopped in her tracks the moment that Jade did. There was a change in the Force, warning that something was amiss, just not directed at her personally. Dalethria slowly turned her head to get a better look behind her from which she sensed the disturbance.
"Jade what is ..."
Her words fell upon deaf ears as Jade quickly ran off. She looked at the panther cub purposefully.
"I can't help with you in my arms."
Slowly her will ensnared the cub, making it obey her commands. Dalethria dropped the cub towards the floor, knowing full well it would land on its feet and follow her in the direction that Jade ran off. The sabre that was swinging on her hip was pulled up and off through the Force, finding its way into familiar hands. Eyes were alert and senses started to become more entrenched within the Dark Side to find understanding as to what was going on.
Jade Doment
Jun 2nd, 2003, 06:25:08 PM
As soon as she hits the halfway point when running down the massive stone steps, a fireball suddenly bursts through the stone ceiling and through the steps next to Jadey's feet, sending the Sith Warrior tumbling and screaming into darkness below. This sudden lack of staircase make Sumohn, Dalethria, and her cub all skid to halt at the top of the stairs.
Hitting the floor with a sickening thud, Jadey rolls a few inches, then stops, checking to see if anything is broken. Thankfully, theres not.
Luckily for her, she built a hidden cave under the stairs for such emergencies. With rage now coursing through her, Jadey waves her figer at the hidden stone door, sending it flying back into one normal stone wall.
Her black onyx hilted double black bladed saber was already ignited and ready for battle.
"The beach. That is where the battle is, for now. Although, I am certain it will be in the forest when we arrive."
Dalethria Mal Pannis
Jun 8th, 2003, 02:03:46 PM
"O .. kay."
She unclipped her sabre with a growl and followed after Jade cautiously. No way in the deep hells of Dembrion would she be caught off guard like that again. Jade was lucky she wasn't killed by that.
"Mind telling me what's going on and why there is a battle???"
Jade Doment
Jun 8th, 2003, 06:28:21 PM
"Of that, I do not know. I will have to speak to my General to find that out. And that will have to be when everything is done."
Now in the forest, Jadey's ignited double black bladed saber housed by a black onyx hilt slices easily through the trees and vines and brush resting there.
Soon they come across the battlefield. Snarling in rage, Jadey marches up to one ready to decapitate a ground soldier, shoving one black blade right through the attackers stomach. As he falls, she pulls her blade out, looking for more victims.
Dalethria Mal Pannis
Jun 10th, 2003, 08:47:03 PM
A shimmer appeared around Dalethria's entire body momentarily as they ran into the forest. Jade's impression of a gingsu knife helped to cut down the amount of time it would take to arrive at the place of battle ... and the annoying little branches and twigs that would have hit Dalethria, bounces harmlessly off her mentally constructed force field.
The fact that the leader of this world was ignorant of who was attacking her troops did not sit well with the Sith Mistress. She didn't like getting into harms way for no reason. But the sounds steel and the cries of the dying did warm the Dark Jedi's heart.
Her blade ignited into action as the two of the stepped onto the proving grounds. The snap-hiss of the weapon caught the attention of two foot soldiers and they poised themselves to open fire. Speed granted by the Dark Side gave Dalethria ample time to dodge the spray of red bolts and cleanly decapitate one and arc her weapone downwards to slice diagonizally across the chest of the other.
Narrowed eyes scanned the area for more opposition and raise her voice loud enough so her companion could hear.
Jade Doment
Jun 13th, 2003, 06:12:48 PM
More heads roll as Jadey raises her arm and points somewhere to her left.
Chopping apart bodies as she makes her way over there, she grabs her General and hefts him up by his neck, and they have to scream to be heard.
Jadey growls in disapproval as a blaster bolt whizzes past her ear.
Dropping the General, she fights her way back to Dalethria, then quickly goes over everything with her.
"One of my brothers haw sent his troops out to gain control over Iga or Kaga, or both. I am not sure which one it is yet, but I'll find out.
The General is coming back with us as well, and hopefully Master Sorsha wont mind another plaything. Unless you think otherwise?"
Jadey cuts through another head, just as a blaster bolt hits her right shoulder.
Dalethria Mal Pannis
Jun 15th, 2003, 11:09:35 AM
There wasn't a chance to retort back as more soldiers were focusing their efforts towards her and Jade. Perhaps their thinking led them to the conclusion that if both of the Force Users fell, the outcome of the battle would be in their favor. It wasn't a bad idea but they were messing not only with their illustrious leader, Jade, but also they were infuriating Dalethria. She was suppose to be relaxing while on vacation!
"Stay behind me!"
She growled, feeling the bile rise up in the back of her mouth. That was just a small indication of how angry she was at this situation was, and planted her feet into the ground. A small platoon. of soldiers were about to open fire in their direction.
Everything turned red for a split second as they fired but Dalethria was already in motion to defend herself. The sabre circled around her body from side to side in response, deflecting bolt after bolt harmlessly away ... and not so harmlessly back at the them. Some began to fall, dead from their very own weapons. It wasn't a perfect solution to the problem. A few did make it through her defenses, and some bounced off her shield. But to concentrate against that many in that short span of time was near to impossible. One bolt seared her arm, another would have taken her leg off if she wasn't so nimble.
The smell of her flesh burning was not making Dalethria's mood any better.
"I can only distract them for so long ... If you're going to do something, do it now!"
Jade Doment
Jun 15th, 2003, 06:35:56 PM
Jadey nods and narrows her eyes, concentrating. Remembering that there are Thermite charges (something Jadey devoloped) where planted under the dirt of the forest, and sand of the beach.
Jadey mentally detonated the charges under the the enemy, and everything goes black for her, knocking her down and sending the whole planet shaking in orbit.
Dalethria Mal Pannis
Jun 18th, 2003, 10:24:01 AM
This was getting to be quite the workout for the Dark Jedi. Every soldier knocked out or killed was quickly replaced by another. They were like pesty ants crawling out of an unseen any hole. Even Dalethria had to admit, the odds were not looking in her favor. She had the power of a god but she was still ... human.
Her brows tightened together as danger spiked in her mind. The danger was perilously close. Right behind her in face.
It didn't matter what was going on in front of her anymore as a line of explosions shot dirt, fire and people into the air. The concussive wave of force slammed against the Mistress, sending her flaying backwards off the ground and into a tree. The impact alone cracked the thick trunk in half. Dalethria's unconscious body was sprawled out over it with various limbs pointing in odd directions. For all intense and purpose, she should be dead ... but ... it if were not for her Force Field, she would be. Kashalla be praised for the broken bones that were not her back or neck ...
Jade Doment
Jun 18th, 2003, 03:18:44 PM
After what seems like hours, Jadey opens her eyes slowly, then winces. One of her legs were broken, as well as one of her arms. She glances at Dalethria and sees the same outcome from her as well.
"Aw, drek, now Im in for it. Master Sorsha is NOT gonna like this, not one bit.
*she looks around*
But at least the enemy is dead and gone. Thats one part of the bright side."
Dalethria Mal Pannis
Jun 18th, 2003, 03:30:57 PM
Hours may have past and Jade was awakened, but Dalethria continues to lay there, suffereing from the full effects from the blast she took when the charges went off ... Not to mention being smashed into a tree.
Jade Doment
Jun 19th, 2003, 07:22:39 PM
Even as broken as she is, Jadey stays by Dalethria's side until she wakes up, thinking the whole time how much trouble shes gonna be in with Sorsha and Ogre.
Dalethria Mal Pannis
Jun 22nd, 2003, 11:34:22 AM
Her right eye began to twitch when consciousness was starting to take hold. The difficulty in remembered what happened was unnerving and Dalethria started to get up. That was when the sharp pain of reality woke her. Dalethria barred her teeth furiously as pain, a lot of pain, was registering in her brain.
"What the frell happened???"
Breathing was difficult and her voice was raspy and horse. Maybe it had to do with the four ribs that were broken when she tried to sit up? More of her injuries were noted. A broken forearm, dislocated shoulder and leg, both on the left side. Numerous burn marks ...
Then she remembered and snapped her bruised neck at Jade instinctively with hateful eyes.
"I say do something and you blow me up????"
She would have continued but growled in pain, setting her back down upon the broken tree trunk.
Jade Doment
Jun 23rd, 2003, 02:38:00 PM
Jade leans back, and lowers her eyes.
"Um, well, I blew US up, but that was a miscalculation, but I did manage to rid ourselves of our attackers, which was I had orginally intended."
Dalethria Mal Pannis
Jun 23rd, 2003, 09:28:03 PM
Through narrow slits and sardonic voice.
"All of them I hope ... for your sake....."
She was still having a hard time moving but was too stubborn to ask for any medical attention.
"So .. while I figure out a way to get up ... tell me you have something fruitful to what the hell happened here....."
Jade Doment
Jun 24th, 2003, 04:50:47 PM
"Yes, all of the enemy. And most of my troops as well. Only a few of them left, along with the General I am taking back."
Jadey gets on her comlink and barks out an order.
"Roal, saddon carnidal General ni kadas hoisner. Hebed, hawed beboar Mistress Dalethria."
Translation: Roal, arrest the General and put him in the dungeons. Also, get medical attention for Mistress Dalethria.
Jade turns back to Dalethria and begins explaining why they were under attack.
"From what I heard from my General before I blew everyone up, he told me my brothers did this attack on us. Or maybe my sisters, or maybe all of them. I dont know yet.
None of them thought I was ever fit to rule. But Drako Night had left Dameo and BDE to me when he was killed. My brothers and sisters cannot take it from me, by tradition of death, but they are sure trying, believing he was wrong to do it."
Dalethria Mal Pannis
Jun 25th, 2003, 08:27:51 AM
Jade's family story actually was more violent then Dalethria's and Sorsha's. She would have thought that they won out on the most dysfunctional family...
Her eyes narrowed towards Jade. Dalethria didn't understand what was being said but figured it out quick enough when a med vac was coming their way.
"I am not going to be carried out of here."
She hissed.
Jade Doment
Jun 25th, 2003, 07:43:39 PM
Jade ignores the glare and answers with a voice mostly sure of herself.
"You are not able to walk out of here, Mistress. Unless you choose to walk on those broken legs and make them worse?
If not either choice, then what do you suggest?"
Dalethria Mal Pannis
Jun 27th, 2003, 03:47:17 PM
"They aren't broken......"
Finally Dalethria was feeling the events of her Kashirian blood healing the bruises and burns across her body. The broken arm would take longer, but her dislocated limbs could not heal until they were set.
She hissed and finally got herself to sit up on top of the broken tree. The position wasn't still quite right for what the Dark Jedi had in mind. Looking down at the ground, she was about a foot up. It could work. But first things first ... With her good arm, she popped the dislocated shoulder back into place with a sickening crunch, sucking up the pain with a tightly grimaced face.
"They're dislocated............"
And rolled herself off the tree in immense pain to stand on her good one. Her chest was heaving with the exertion but it was better then being coddled like a child.
Jade Doment
Jun 27th, 2003, 09:57:24 PM
Jade grmices at the sound of the bones being pushed back into place and goes to put her arm under Dalethria to help her walk, then stops halfway, and looks up at her.
"Will you at least allow me to help you?"
Dalethria Mal Pannis
Jun 29th, 2003, 12:58:08 PM
Dalethria twitched when Jade got to close.
"Will you at least allow me to help you?" She asked.
It would still be quite sometime before her legs would be steady enough to walk. As stubborn as the Dark Jedi was, even she could not make it very far.
"All ..."
She growled under her breath in defeat.
"All right..."
Jade was a comrade in arms, not some medic stranger.
Jade Doment
Jun 29th, 2003, 04:40:33 PM
Jade wraps her arm around Dalethria's waist and helps her as best as possible, using her Daemunian strength.
As they slowly make their way back to the castle, Jade ponders about the medbay for a shortwhile, then reales the idea as she barks out ordersin the language that the Mistress didn't understand, speak, or read.
"Shall we go to the medbay now, Mistress?"
Dalethria Mal Pannis
Jul 1st, 2003, 09:11:31 PM
Dalethria still felt stupid for being helped to the medbay but her mind kept reminding her that she was blown up. Any other mortal would have died.
She replied with a small nod.
Jade Doment
Jul 4th, 2003, 03:32:28 PM
"As you wish." is all she says as they enter the medbay.
A doctor rushes to them, asking what happened. Jade tells him as he looks over Dalethria. He nods and begins to heal the worst of her wounds, then uses bandages and bacta patcheson the rest.
Dalethria Mal Pannis
Jul 6th, 2003, 07:15:13 PM
While on the table, Dalethria closed her eyes and called upon Kashalla to aid in her healing in a silent prayer... Then remembered something. Normally she wouldn't care but these were Jade's Doctors.
"Careful of my blood .."
Too late but fortunate. One of the medical droids had gotten too close and some of Dalethria's blood splattered onto its metal frame. The acid began eating away at its protective covering quickly.
"... it's acid."
She added with a sigh and watched the Doctors back away in fear.
Jade Doment
Jul 7th, 2003, 07:52:25 PM
Jade sighs and shoves the doctors and droids aside gently, but firmly. They give her a dirty look and she rolls her eyes.
"I do know how to care for injuries, and I have done so countless times on myself and such."
"Taja Jade, she said her blood is acid, and this droid serves as proof." the doctor argued, which was begnning to anger her.
"Yeah, I heard. And my blood is liquid fire. What do you think that means to her? Huh?
Now get out of my sight before I make the lot of you my playthings."
Knowing what her playthings become after shes done with them, the doctors turn pale and run out. She then turns back to Dalethria and tends to her wounds. Its not easy, seeing her blood is acid and eats at the acid.
Sighing and shaking her head, Jadey mutters a single Daemun word, and the bandages and such used to work on the Dark Mistress were fused with fire power. Meaning fire is binding them to keep the acid from eating them.
"Intresting. Your blood is acid, and mine is liquid fire. I wonder what would happen if they collided." she says after she had gotten her own bleeding under control.
Dalethria Mal Pannis
Jul 10th, 2003, 10:10:13 PM
The heat placed upon the bandages helped to soothe her tired and achy muscles. It was quite refreshing to her body that Dalethria felt her eyes grow even more tired, being accentuated by the healing.
"I'm not sure."
She mumbled, completely uncertain of the outcome that Jade purposed.
"But why would you want to know?"
It didn't sound like Jade was asking this out of idle curiosity.
Jade Doment
Jul 11th, 2003, 07:58:54 PM
Jade shrugs and is silent for a moment,. She knows what she wants to say, but the problem lies in how to say it.
"You saw how bad I was bleeding. If I hadnt been able to stop it, I wouldnt have wanted one or both of us hurt by that notion."
It was an odd feeling, tending to someone else's wounds besides her own for once. It was something she was not accostomed to, not since she was a Jedi Master.
She sighs and changes the pads, now using sooting cleansing clothes to carefully and painlessly cleanse Dalethria's wounds before applying the bacta patches.
"There is 1 or 2 wounds that may need stitches, but may also heal once I apply the bacta patches. Up to you what you want done."
She had said this after a moment, changing the subject slightly.
Dalethria Mal Pannis
Jul 23rd, 2003, 03:06:14 PM
Dalethria had a notion that Jade didn't completely answer the question honestly. But what did you expect, she was a Sith, and that made her smile.
"Don't worry about the stitches. Not only is my blood acidic... My physiology offers a pleasant side effect of regeneration as well."
She looked a Jade with a sideways smirk.
"As you can figure out, I'm not human. Not anymore at least."
Then the Mistress' eyes grew serious, the levity vanishing in her voice.
"Not many know that. I expect it to remain as such."
Jade Doment
Jul 24th, 2003, 10:29:47 AM
She nods and smirks slightly, and chuckles.
"Yes, with acidic blood, I gathered that you are no longer human. Just as I image you know I am no longer human with liquid fire for blood. I am what my Empire calls Daemun.
Her eyes change serious at Dalethria's next words.
"Not many know that. I expect it to remain as such."
"You have my word, Mistress, it will remain with me. If you want other people to know, it is your place to tell them, not mine."
She remains serious and applys the bacta patches.
"Besides, if I spilled your secret, Master Sorsha would have my head from betraying her Sister. And I'm guessing she will literally have my head."
Dalethria Mal Pannis
Jul 25th, 2003, 09:50:36 AM
Her only response was a knowing smirk that Jade was indeed quite right. For the rest of their time together, Dalethria remained quiet as Jade finished with the bandages and bacta patches to help expedite her healing factor. The Mistress was busy thinking about if their visit here coincided with the attack and if it had anything to do with finding Jaina. Perhaps they weren't expecting Jade home for some time and it was just luck that landed them here to quell the uprising?
No. There was no such thing as luck, but there were designs here that were working against her Sister's Apprentice.
Jade Doment
Jul 25th, 2003, 12:04:03 PM
Just as she put the last bacta patch on, Jade smirks at her handywork and ponders becoming a doctor or something. She steps back and nods to herself for a job well done. As far as covering the wounds and such goes.
"Perhaps you should stay here and finish your healing. I want to get a look at the damage done to my Empire, and begin the construction work to fix it up. You dont have to stay here, just a thought.
But if you decide to join me, just come find me."
She turns and walks off, giving the guards orders to let Dalethria have full access, just not the rooms Jade herself is allowed. Not yet, anyways.
As she walks, she wonders if Darthy hadnt been behind this attack. He had always been trying to kill her to get his hands on Kaga for awhile now. She would not doubt that this was his work.
She checks her hidden pockets and nods. Through all that, she still has all of her hidden poisoned vibroblades. Should there be any enemies hiding in the castle, they would die quickly, easily, painlessly.
Dalethria Mal Pannis
Jul 28th, 2003, 08:08:27 PM
She threw Jade a weak smile and then closed her eyes; letting her body have the time needed to complete its healing. After a couple of seconds, one eye peeked opened and stared at the human doctors in here.
"I'm fine. Go away and find some real sentients to watch over."
Her mean voice didn't seem to work. Doctors were always so stubborn.
"Don't make me throw you out!"
Slowly Dalethria's hand slid towards the sabre at her waist ... and quickly everyone scattered, leaving the medical droids and her alone. It made her grin happily as she sank further into meditation.
Jade was gone for quite some time but Dalethria's current state made minutes slip by faster then normal. She really wasn't sure of the time when another presence was felt. It didn't feel like the doctors or even Jade, but a malevolent presence was indeed inside this room with her. She had to force herself to not smile and waited, watching this being through the Force to gain insight into its motives.
Apparently, she was the target. This should be fun ...
Jade Doment
Jul 28th, 2003, 08:50:02 PM
"Look, I dont want to hear any excuses, just fix the damned ceiling and do it NOW!"
The construstion builders suddenly paled as Jade rose her voice, and they shank away, muttering as they go about the plans they must make to fix the ceiling when her first advisor Roal appeared.
She raises her left hand to her forehead and rubs it, suddenly feeling annoyed.
"Roal, make sure they do everything like I want it."
"Yes, Taja, as you wish. But there is a few things you should know."
"What? What now, Roal? Cause if it rains on my head tonight in my quarters or anywhere else in this castle, heads will literally roll. Now what is it."
Roal noticably swallows and punches something into his datapad, then looks back at her.
"A fireball went through the ceiling of your office, but they will fix that immediately, as they do your quarters.
More importantly, Mrs. Sibril's quarters were also hit. We cannot tell if she is dead or alive. We thought that should be left to you."
She takes off running down the hall, up the stairs, down a few more halls, and bursts into her Blood Sister's room after shoving the guards aside and kicking down the door with inhuman strength. What she saw shocked her more than ever.
The room was empty. Jaina was no where to be found, not even a trace of her remained. She storms back outside and grabs one guard by his neck and hefts him off his feet with more inhuman strength.
"Find out what happened to her and where she went. NOW! OR HEADS WILL ROLL FASTER THAN A CORELLAIN MINUTE!"
She drops him and he runs off, and she posts another guard at that door, incase Jai is hiding somewhere.
She begins giving orders the other guard when she feels a strange presense, heading towards the medbay. She gasps and looks over her left shoulder fisrt, then turns in that direction.
Mistress Dalethria!
She takes off running that way again. She knows Dalethria can take care of herself, but she wants to know who that presense belongs to. She winds down the halls, down the stairs, and down another, different hall until she finally comes skidding into the Mistress' room.
Dalethria Mal Pannis
Jul 31st, 2003, 03:50:34 PM
The bastard was Force sensitive, that was certain. His movements were quiet but there was that smell of the Force around him that made him seem ethereal as he stalked closer. She was amazed that this idiot was willing to try and take her out; she wasn't that badly wounded.
Who was she kidding? Laying out on the table like this and sending the doctors away probably gave this Assassin the idea to try and kill her. It was because of her and Jade that the army fell ...
Her mind was as still as her body. He wasn't a Master of the Force but that didn't mean he was deadly in other ways. Surprise was the best course of action in this state, waiting for the right time to call the sabre into her hand ...
His shadowed hovered dangerously close to the bed now, the Assassin's would attack within seconds! Suddenly her body jerked to life, fighting against the pain and protests that her wounded body was sending to her mind. The purple sabre was in hand as the snap-hiss of the blade warned the Assassin that his life was forfeit. Not that he had much time to respond to the threat.... He was indeed surprise and Dalethria could feel that his arrogance was his downfall as the blade pushed its way into his chest, leaving a smoking hole when she turned it off.
She shook her head in wonderment as the body slumped to the ground out of sight, upset that his face was concealed and couldn't see what his reaction to dying was.
The door to her room suddenly opened and in slid Jade just as her body gave up and sank back down onto the bed. Dalethria grimaced, "You missed the fun."
Jade Doment
Aug 1st, 2003, 06:27:22 PM
She comes to a stop and looks down at the body between her and the Dark Mistress.
"You missed the fun." Dalethria had said.
She nods. "Seems that way, doesnt it?" and looks down at the body. Something was very familiar about this body, so she reads it mind for a moment. Then, she gasps.
"Roal? My 1st Advisor Roal? He was against me the whole time?"
She sits on a chair next to the doorway and puts her head in hands, wondering how she couldnt have guessed what he was up to.
Dalethria Mal Pannis
Aug 3rd, 2003, 11:18:28 AM
She pulled herself up to a sitting position and looked, oddly, a bit worried at Jade. More for the fact that if someone this close to her was behind this assualt, who else in this castle was working against her?
"Well, I think he realize he was in over his head... especially coming after me. You're going to have to figure out if there was anyone else involved with him, and if they are here."
Jade Doment
Aug 3rd, 2003, 07:27:08 PM
Snarling angrily, she stands and nods, spinning on her heels and pacing.
"Youre right, absolutely right. I must find them and put an end to this.
Serves me right for hiring non-Daemun people to work in my office."
She stalks out the door and to her office not for from the medbay.
A Few Hours Later....
She has all the office personel lined up for interagations. She looks at them all and sizes them up, then speaks.
"As I am sure you know by now, Roal, my 1st advisor, was plotting against me. Mistress Dalethria had killed him when he attepmted to kill her.
Now it is your turn to die. Whoever was following him in my downfall had better speak now."
She waits, no one speaking.
"Speak now, and your death will be quick. Force me to read minds, and by the time I am done with you, you will be begging me for your lives."
All but one person began speaking at once, so she drew her katana and beheaded them all, except the one person who was quiet. Shocked to see who it was, Jade is.
"Jaina? What are you doing here? I ordered you to stay there."
"When I heard the palace was under attack, I posed as a new worker and hid with them, to stay safe."
The girl was a Jedi, and a Solo, bred, born, and raised. She was tough and knew how to handle herself in situations like these. But before going over to her, Jade tapped into her mind a moment, and saw everything Jai was saying was true, for now.
"Come. I will put you in another room and you can tell me your story then."
Together, the Blood Sisters walk down to where to the living quarters were.
Dalethria Mal Pannis
Aug 14th, 2003, 08:21:25 PM
The three hours after the attack within the medbay provided ample time for Dalethira's healing factor to kick in fully; The blessed gift that was bestowed upon her by Kashalla. Broken bones had mended, numerous cuts and bruises that covered her body ... gone. There wasn't a trace of battle upon her, not even a scar. In fact, she felt rejuvenated; as if she had slept for months ... and now was becoming jittery.
She looked around her room and found herself alone. Jade must have ordered the doctors to stay away from her, something she was glad for. The thought of them being so curious at her and asking too many questions when she awoke... made her nostrils flare. But ... it didn't turn out that way. No need to expend such energy needlessly.
Swinging her feet over the side of the bed, Dalethria stretched out her arms above her head and each vertebrae popped as tension was release. Her body felt stiff from laying prone for too long. It was time to walk around and get the blood pumping again.
Donning her weapon belt, she went off to find Jade and see what the status was on plugging the leak inside the castle...
Jade Doment
Aug 16th, 2003, 06:58:14 PM
As they walked, they met up with Dalethria again. They nod to each other, and Jade goes about decapitating more BDE personel, as they run from path. The ones who stay in place, but out of her way are the innocent ones, and those she spares.
They enter another room in the living quarters and places Jaina there with whats left of her stuff.
"Now, you talk, and we listen."
Jai sighs and nods, then begins speaking.
"It all started when Rogan, Mari, the twins Beau and Breanna and myself all docked my Millennium Jade Falcon for a vacation. Biggs showed up and the twins went with them, leaving me, Mari, and Rogan to go ourselves, so we did.
A few hours after leaving we were attacked by space pirates. The MJF crashed and supposedly exploded on impact, killing us all. Turns out that Cairo had planned the whole thing, to inherite everything I had. She was found out and exiled.
Some time passes, everyone assumes Im dead, then I turn up. Thats all that I remember."
"Jai, what I dont understand, is why Cairo? I was more of a Blood Solo than she was, and you and I are only Blood Sisters, and an adopted Solo at that. What were you thinking? No wonder me and her never got along."
"Youre right, Jadey. I should have left everything to you, as I have now.
*she hands Jade the papers, and Jade looks over them while still listening to Jaina*
I did that because I know Dameo's laws. I must be destoryed, because there is a good chance I am a clone."
She puts the papers down and glances at Jai.
"No, I cant. I cant lose you again, Jaina. I just.....cant."
"You have to. If you dont, you will be stripped of your title and exiled. Anyways, I want to die. I cant go on living my life as a clone."
Jade takes out her katana with her left hand and raises the blade over her right shoulder, tears streaking her cheeks.
"Please, forgive me, Sister." she says softly, and swings the blade downwards, taking off Jai's head after she closed her eyes.
Her body will be buried there, as per one request in her will.
Dalethria Mal Pannis
Aug 20th, 2003, 12:59:07 PM
Now this was interesting... Jade never made mention that her people could not be clones. It truly put her in a serious situation to say the least and it made sense. The people that wanted Jade out from her seat of power had attacked her on two fronts. First with force, and that failed badly. But this was callous. Playing upon the feelings of Jade was cold and heartless.
It was brilliant and Dalethria was wondering what the Dameon Leader was going to do. Let her loved live and be stripped of her power or kill her. Oh and if she did kill her, could Jade live with herself knowing that possibility that this Jaina might actually be alive? The lack of memory from her pointed towards being a clone, but a crash landing could have done much the same.
Neither of them were going to take that chance as the slice of the blade answered Dalethria's question. It led for some troubling thoughts and she frowned, wondering if she could do it herself. Killing her sister if there was no other option. She prayed to Kashalla that a day such as that would never come.
Lacing her fingers together, she simply remained quiet out of respect for Jade. Saying anything now would be stupid considering the situations.
Jade Doment
Aug 20th, 2003, 07:07:41 PM
Her eyes still stained with tears, Jade looked up at Dalethria with empty, soulless eyes.
"Would....would you help me bury her?"
Dalethria Mal Pannis
Aug 24th, 2003, 06:01:00 PM
She felt a shiver run down her spine. The way that Jade looked at her ... Dalethria had seen that look before. There was this void caused by Jaina's death, something that could never be replaced. She herself was much the same when Kat died..."Of course I will."
Jade Doment
Aug 24th, 2003, 08:37:21 PM
Her eyes still soulless, empty, blank, she nods ever so slightly. With her Daemun strength, she picks up Jaina's body and head, and carries them to the burial grounds, where she sets it down carefully.
"Thank you, Mistress." she says, then begins digging the hole, ironically next to Drako Night, the last ruler of BDE/Dameo and father of their daughter Amethyst Night. When he died, by Daemun tradition, she got everything he had.
Now here she was, preparing to bury her Blood Sister next to her lost love.
"I want you to understand our laws here regarding clones. If she were a clone, she would have been executed anyways, even if not by my hands. If she were a clone and I let her live, and it were found out, we both would have been executed.
And like she said. Jaina Corellia Han Solo died when the ship went down. Cairo made sure of that."
She had said this all during the digging, not once looking up, at least, not yet.
Dalethria Mal Pannis
Aug 31st, 2003, 07:11:02 PM
"At least you know what happened and ended it yourself. That way there is nothing here to leave doubt. It was good I was a witness as well." Dalethria didn't mean to sound callous, but the facts as she said them were true. To loose Jade, a valuable comodity to herself and Sorsha, would be foolish.
She picked up a shovel and began to help Jade as promised, noticing they were the only ones helping. "Tradition to bury a family member yourself?"
Jade Doment
Aug 31st, 2003, 07:46:07 PM
She shakes her head, her voice shaky when speaking.
"No, this was the best I could do on such short notice. She didnt want a proper burial, so I guess this is the only option left."
They keep digging until the hole is the proper dimensions. She carries Jai's body and head over to a simple wodden coffin and gently puts her Blood Sister's body and head inside. She then digs in her pocket and takes out the Solo/Darklighter Families Crest that came off her neck when she was beheaded, and drops it on her chest. She then closes the lid and uses the Darkside to move the coffin inside the grave.
They stay there for a few moments, Jade silently saying a prayer for her best friend, fellow Solo/Darklighter Family Member, and Blood Sister, then begins to shovel dirt into the hole.
Dalethria Mal Pannis
Sep 2nd, 2003, 02:03:52 PM
"oh..." And remained quiet. Last thing she wanted to do was ask too many questions and upset Jade. Her curiosity was sated and continued her silence as Jade went through the motions of honoring Jaina.
When the first shovel of dirt began to fall back into the ground, Dalethria began to follow suit.
Jade Doment
Sep 4th, 2003, 06:17:06 PM
She keeps digging, but gets the oddest feeling that Dalethria is biting her tongue from asking anything that would upset her. She is upset now, mostly because of her Jedi Master's conscience.
"You may ask whatever you wish. I am already upset. I cannot get anymore upset."
Dalethria Mal Pannis
Nov 1st, 2003, 06:19:53 PM
"That was all. I was just curious Jade. Nothing more," she said simply and tossed another shovelful of dirt into the grave.
Jade Doment
Nov 4th, 2003, 05:31:02 PM
She nods.
For a long ackward moment, they said nothing, and soon, the grave was filled.
She kneels down for a moment, then stands. Suddenly, she felt lost. She didnt even know what to do next or where to start.
"I....I cant think. I dont know what to do, or even where to start.
I feel.......whats the word I am looking for?"
Dalethria Mal Pannis
Mar 2nd, 2004, 06:13:27 PM
Dalethria wiped the sweat from her brow and planted the shovel into the ground so she could lean on it. "Empty."
Jade Doment
Mar 2nd, 2004, 06:51:45 PM
"Yeah, empty."
Lona comes running down with a sheaf of papers in her hand, then hands them to Jade. She scans over them, and Dalethria can feel her anger rising.
"If this is what got Jaina killed, Im gonna kill Katrina Cairo myself."
Dalethria Mal Pannis
Mar 2nd, 2004, 06:54:51 PM
Dalethria looks puzzled, not sure what is going on now. "What do you mean?"
Jade Doment
Mar 9th, 2004, 06:46:20 PM
Jade walks over to Dalethria, pointing to Jaina's possible death.
"See these large credit deposits made here whenever the company made money? They were made by Cairo. And Jaina found out.
I found these papers in Jai's office, or what was left it, before Master Sorsha and I destroyed everything.
Cairo found out Jai knew what she was doing, and arranged to have her killed."
She furrows her eyebrows in confusion.
"But why the clone, if there is one?"
Dalethria Mal Pannis
Mar 10th, 2004, 10:46:07 PM
"Well, perhaps she is even more greedier then you think." She looked up from the papers. "Perhaps Cairo wants everything that Jaina has?"
Jade Doment
Mar 11th, 2004, 09:16:56 PM
Jade merely shrugged, not sure.
"Maybe thats why she made Jai think she was a lost Solo. To inherit everything Jai had if she ever died."
Dalethria Mal Pannis
Mar 17th, 2004, 01:11:35 PM
"I think at this point, there's only one way to finish this. To find Cairo." It was time and Jade needed to end this quickly for her sake. The woman had been through so much and her anger needed to be released.
Jade Doment
May 23rd, 2004, 01:15:03 PM
"I tried that before I came here. I could find not one trace of where she went."
Jade sighs softly.
"Perhaps I am doing something wrong. Perhaps I should be using hunters or spies to find her."
Dalethria Mal Pannis
May 23rd, 2004, 01:16:56 PM
"Like I always say," she grinned, "You have the money, use it. Nothing wrong with hiring some people to locate her. How are you expected to find one person in this big galaxy by yourself."
Jade Doment
May 23rd, 2004, 01:30:47 PM
"Yes, true. You are absolutely right.
I shall make the arrangements once we get back to Meras."
Jade picks up the tools and heads back to the castle.
Dalethria Mal Pannis
May 23rd, 2004, 01:33:30 PM
She tossed the shovel away and followed after Jade. Looked like they were heading back to the castle, something that Dalethria was grateful for.
A shower was needed. Bad. She hated being dirty.
Jade Doment
May 24th, 2004, 03:57:15 PM
Once they were back inside ShadowBlade, Jade lead the way back to Dale's room, stopping outside.
She touches the Mistress's arm softly as she enters her room, causing her to turn back around.
"I just wanted to thank you. For helping me like you have. If you had not come back with me, I may not have returned to Meras with my sanity intact.
Anyways, you are free to return to Meras whenever you wish. I still have work here to do, so I will return when I can."
Dalethria Mal Pannis
May 24th, 2004, 04:02:16 PM
It was odd having Jade tell her she was free to go when she wished... But, Dalethria was willing to let it slide this one time due to the circumstances. "I understand and I am glad I could help. I'll be returning to Meras come morning."
Jade Doment
May 24th, 2004, 04:15:49 PM
Jade nods slowly, as was her habit.
"Morning would be fine. I just didnt want you to feel you had to stay longer than you wanted to. Or were needed to.
You came to help, and did more than help, really, especially with the little battle that had occurred. I am grateful for your help. I feel I owe you at some point."
Dalethria Mal Pannis
May 24th, 2004, 04:22:16 PM
"Well," she smiled. "I'll make sure to let you know if I ever require that favor. Till then, I'm going to take a shower and feel human again. See you when you get back home."
Dalethria gave her a quick nod and closed the door to her room. It took seconds to strip and drown herself under hot water from the shower.
She was happy that home was in the future. It would take about 18 hours to get back to Meras and Dalethria had to make sure to send a transmission back home so the staff knew of her arrival ... not to mention Aliandra. It would just good to be home soon and return to her normal routine.
Jade Doment
May 24th, 2004, 07:36:53 PM
Jade returns the nod and retreats to her own quarters. She goes out onto the balcony and jumps on the railing, as is her habit when she thinks long and hard.
She pulls out a datapad and sends a message to her smugglers. They were on runs for other companies now that Uni-Sol was destroyed, and was asking them to let her know if they saw Cairo anywhere.
Jade then finds the best bounty hunters available at the moment and sets a meeting on Coruscant for one week later. After that, she would be returning to Meras for a while, until word came in of Cairo's whereabouts.
Jumping off the railing and back into her quarters, Jade shuts the doors of the balcony and walks back into to bedroom, stripping layers of clothes as she walks.
She feeds, takes a quick shower, and climbs in bed to begin the long process of healing her undead, vampyric body.
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