View Full Version : Destiny has brought me here.
Mar 10th, 2003, 07:46:39 PM
I stepped into the large room and smirked. My sword bounced up and down on my side, and my wings rastled a bit. My armo shook and I once again ran my hand over the stone that made me a knight of destiny. "I am Grunastad, Knight of Destiny. I am a dragoon, and I have been called to come here and learn your ways. I ask that you please help me to become a great person. I need to spread the truth, and become a great knight. I can do this with your help. If you see fit or me to be here." I smirked and brushed my blonde hair from my face. I waited for an answer.
Mar 10th, 2003, 07:53:40 PM
"You're here for what? Spread truth and be a Knight?"
Zeke raises a skeptical brow. He sounds like the crazy old man in the parks with the "Stop the Evil Empire" sign.
Mar 10th, 2003, 09:57:40 PM
I smiled. "I was brought here by destiny. I am a knight of destiny. And these people must know that they are all pawns in destiny's little game. They must know the truth. I am a knight of destiny, yes, but if I become a jedi knight, then maybe I can fight when destiny comes. His armies will mass in the millions, and I must stop him." My wings got fire from my anger, "He took everything from me! He must be sopped! Before he takes another innocent!" I finally gained my composure and looked at the man before me. "Your name?" I smirked, "And any more questions?"
Mar 10th, 2003, 10:03:43 PM
Zeke heaves a sigh.
"A number of questions pal. One: Who's 'he'? Two: Why must 'he' be stopped? and Three: What are you talking about? You couldn't be more vague if you tried."
That, and the anger flaring off his wings isn't the most endearing thing. Granted the Jedi can help to quell that emotion, make it less so and more manageable, but it still raises the potential that this man could fall to darkness.
Mar 11th, 2003, 08:58:11 PM
I smiled, "He is destiny. The one who will decide everyone's fate. He must be stopped, because he will destroy all of humanity if he is not. It is my job to as well as all of humanity to stop him before he ends humanity. I am speaking the truth. Where I come from, a dark one plots the destruction of the galaxy. I know I was angered, and I can tell you dissaprove. But I lost my family to that monster. The one who refers to himself as Destiny, and made me his knight. I wanted nothing to do with him, but this armor is a shackle. It keeps me tied up. I had no choice but to come here." I smirked and floated to the top of the hamber. I extended my arms. "My world is one of imagination. One that only exists in people's dreams. I am a savior of those dreams. I am the defender of those pure dreams." I smiled and looked down on him. I caught my wings on fire again. Just to show off. "I am the guardian of your dreams. Destiny comes soon, and with people's beleifs I was able to come in physical manifestation. I have come to show people their dreams. The truth. Let me show you my power." I concentrated hard on the thoughts of Zeke. Then a sphere of light centers itself on the room. The dreams of Zeke project themselves on the sphere. A simple flower, incased by fire, and then a face. A woman, a beautiful woman. I smirked and the sphere dissapeared. "You see this woman as so gentle. You have already lost someone in the past. Someone you care for much. You fear losing this one. The fire is the horrible acts that could happen. Do not let that fire flow. If you do, it will bring about the destruction of everything you hold dear." I flew down into his face and smiled, "I have the gift to see the future. I can read people's dreams. You are a strong willed man, but you fear to let that will flow completly. Search for what you want, and you will find it." I flew back and landed. "Any more questions?"
Mar 11th, 2003, 09:19:24 PM
"Wow...a big speech there." A voice from the darkened rafters says. Suddenly, a silver and black blur drops down, and Satine is there, crouched, in his black leather duster, leather shirt and pants--all trimmed in silver--and his silver hair shining.
"You speak of vengence. Vengence is wrong according to our code. you speak of destiny? I speak from experience. Destiny has shafted me on many occasion. It cannot be fought. Sooner or later we all fufill it."
Mar 11th, 2003, 09:37:11 PM
I turned to see this man. "I am not here for vengence. I come to show people the truth. I will let destiny fight, but I have my choice to fight back. So I will do. But vengence is not what I seek. I seek justice." I smiled and a small sphere appeared before him, and his dreams became projected onto it. "I see your dreams. You seek destiny. Just as much as I do. A powerful spirit, and a greta mind. You have wonderful potnetial. I see great things for you." The orb dissapeared, "However, someone very close to you, is teetering on darkness. Save them, while you have the chance. Save them, as she saved you in the past." I smiled and let my wings rest. "Now then, any more to doubt my gift or reasons for being?"
Xazor Elessar
Mar 12th, 2003, 12:19:52 AM
ooc: Number one -- what is this Destiny crap you're talking about?
Number two -- a dream orb? That's borderline god moding because you can't tell us what our dreams are, no matter how much you think you can.
Number three -- could you please use proper punctuation, sentance structure, and separate these things instead of bunching everything together in a big mess?
and finally Number four -- don't come here acting like a bigshot because you're not. This is a new character and though the person operating it thinks he knows the ins and outs, he really doesn't know what he's doing. Maybe you should rethink your motives IC and OOC for this character. I think you're pushing it. :\
Mar 12th, 2003, 03:38:56 PM
Number One- He is materialized dreams. I explained that. Destiny is people's nightmares. The nightmares they have had and will have. It's just his storyline. I don't mean anyone's gonna come and destroy the place.
2- Since he is materialized dreams, he can see people's dreams. Can I still intepret them, whether I'm right or wrong. I just thought it was a pretty cool power. I won't use the orb, but he can enter people's dreams. He can fight in those dreams. That's how he got most of his training.
3- I'll do my best.
4- He may be new, but everyone has a certain gift when they start out. That is his. He prophecizes. But if you have any more questions just ask.
I turned to face the two people. My eyes looking serious. I would have to discontinue with my gift. It seemed to haunt people in the physical realm. I looked around and smiled. "Well, am I in? Or are there more questions?"
imported_J'ktal Anajii
Mar 12th, 2003, 03:58:50 PM
1- No, for dreams have no stubstance, and are the reactions of a repairing brain while you sleep.
2- No, Mainly on the grounds of number one. Dreams are nor physical places or things. They mean nothing, and are random memories that are thrown together in the brain like a fractal generator.
3- Thanks.
4- Yes, but, nothing that strange, or impossible.
Xazor Elessar
Mar 12th, 2003, 04:28:09 PM
Agree with J'ktal I do.
No for anything about the dreams. You only dream because your mind is shuffling through and filing things while your body sleeps. As this happens, your mind runs across things and jumbles them together hence you dream.
No one comes in with a power that whacked out. It's fine to come in with something such as slight healing abilities that you're trying to figure out -- or minor Seer abilities where you accidentally saw a few seconds into the future on occasion. Things such as Force push or pull -- simple things are fine -- this is borderline godmoding.
Mar 12th, 2003, 09:21:24 PM
OOC: This is mine and Zeke's new idea. I am gonna make a new traibning thread, if all this flies. It is copied doirectly from our chat, and changed in no way, shapr, or form. Tell me if this works.
You wouldn't come from a world of dreams. Instead, you would be a regular guy, born on a planet somewhere and raised like anyone else. However, your character would be very, VERY interested in the study of dreams. This is a compromise between them wanting a normal bg and your dream bg. Does that work with you?At the beginning, as you are now, you would find that occasionally, the Force will allow you to get a small glimpse of a person's thoughts while they sleep. Essentially, it occasionally gives you a peek into someone's dreams. You can't control it, and it's highly if you walked by Zeke, and he was dreaming of fighting Ogre Mal Pannis, you might catch a glimpse of Ogre's battle axe, or Zeke's Pike, or a flash of green color.As your abilities grow though, you will be able to see more, and at the rank of master be able to watch a person dreaming as if it were television.With a some added training, they would let you perfect an illusory technique that would allow you to bend/shape dreams as they occur.With this illusory technique, you could bend dreams. So if Zeke is dreaming of a fight with Ogre, and he dreams he is losing, you could warp the dream so that Zeke begins to dream that he defeats Ogre.But know it will take a LOT of time and dedication. You may have to specialize in only illusions and telepathy later on.Entering the dream would go under Mastery, when you would be able to bend a dream to your will.You could make the person dream that you exist within their dream.So if Zeke and Ogre were fighting, you could insert yourself into the dream and assist Zeke, or boost him, or whatever. But know that it would take a Master's skill to do such a thing.
Xazor Elessar
Mar 13th, 2003, 01:29:12 PM
But the thing I still have a problem with is -- dreams are not materialistic and there is no way you could enter it. That's the only thing, otherwise it sounds okay.
You can't just warp into dreams and such -- and if this plan flies, you can't bend dreams against other's wills either.
Ruufe Shanks
Mar 13th, 2003, 03:07:46 PM
Hm...Isn't that all mind tricks are though? Changing/adding/overriding the thoughts of another being?
Xazor Elessar
Mar 13th, 2003, 04:53:49 PM
Not in dreams, though -- I'm saying, dreams are not materialistic or real. He can't jump into a dream!
Figrin D'an
Mar 16th, 2003, 02:12:20 AM
Originally posted by Xazor Elessar
Not in dreams, though -- I'm saying, dreams are not materialistic or real. He can't jump into a dream!
One can argue from an existential point of view that neither is conscious thought, or what we perceive to be reality. I really don't see a problem with this, as long as it's done with a little bit of tact and is monitored. It's essentially a variation on a theme... the theme being telepathy. REM sleep, at which dreaming occurs, is still a state of mind, just like conscious thought. Given the freedom allowed in our little RP universe when it comes to mind powers, a person having an affinity towards seeing and/or potentially interacting with a given sublevel of the mind is not that far-fetched.
It's a metaphysical Pandora's Box that was opened a long time ago. If this becomes heated, we discuss it further in Avalon. For now... I'm inclined just to let it play out and observe. If it gets to a point of legit GMing, it'll be handled.
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