View Full Version : Seen Too Much To Believe [Open 2 vs 2 Challenge]

Eve Siren
Mar 10th, 2003, 11:06:16 AM
[OOC-Two darksiders versus Eve Siren and Sage Hazzard]

I was knee deep
in a sick love
I was cross eyed
under your drug
Schizo savior
My messiah
Fatal worship
you inspire

Gone, I dont believe in you now
I've seen too much
I dont believe in you now
My goddess

You were counting
on a free fall
You laid your bet
I would loose all
Chalk up one less
I kick that sick
old addiction

Damn, I dont believe in you now
I've seen too much
I dont believe in you now
My goddess

Now you see
What ya get when ya loose yourself
What ya get when ya dont know who you are
When you dont know who you are
My goddess

Gone, I dont believe in you now
I've seen too much
I dont believe in you now
My goddess

I dont believe in you
I dont believe in you
I dont believe in you
My goddess

I dont believe in you
I dont believe in you
I dont believe in you
My goddess

Holding a paper bag with a little bit of food in it, Eve wandered around the crowded streets, looking for a little boy by the name of Andrue Dimitri. The child had been under her care for a while now, but she liked keeping it a secret to avoid endangering him. She wore white pants with a dark blue sleeveless shirt. Her arms were slightly covered with wrist, arm and elbow bands. She ran a fingerless-gloved hand through her long dark hair and sighed. Where could he be ? The boy was innocent and kind to her eyes, but inside, she had a feeling he was always up to something. Good or bad, she didn't know. The corner of her lips frowned, as she pushed up her yellow-tinted shades on top of her head, pulling back the strands of hair that were covering her face.

A sigh escaped her mouth. "Where are you ..." She muttered.

She shook her head as she was about to turn, but then someone bumped into her. A man she should've recognized sooner from miles away, a man she hardly got along with, a man - Sage Hazzard. He was a Jedi Master, but she had the hardest time respecting his rank. Even if he was the king of the galaxy, she would still roll her eyes at him. She turned to face him completely, her voice suddenly becoming dull and monotone.

"Hazzard." She had a habit of calling everyone by their last name. "What are you doing here ?"

Nathanial K'cansce
Mar 10th, 2003, 04:37:23 PM
*There was no doubting it. Hazzard had to be here, he just had to be. And Snack would be dipped in some special sauce before he would let the Jedi disappear again.

It had been way too long since Sage's and Snack's last meeting. Fresh from betraying the Jedi, Snack already had the mind frame and thought process of a 'Darksider'. Though only a Sith Warrior at the time, Snack held his own in an intellectual debate centered on the Force and Snack's turning with the experienced Jedi.

The time was soon when Snack would be able to rekindle that debate... or rather, check up and let out some buried aggression against the Hazzard name.*

Sage Hazzard
Mar 10th, 2003, 11:18:11 PM
The lids of his eyes nearly touched as he looked down on her. It made his eyes look more like slits than sockets.

"Following you," his voice dark and harsh. "...since you left the Temple."

His hands didn't go near them, but his sabres suddenly became visible. His cloak had flown back to reveal them, even though there was no wind... It was clear he never had much trust in her, now so more than ever.

Eve Siren
Mar 11th, 2003, 11:01:58 AM
"You desperately need a hobby, Hazzard."

It was understandable that Sage would be worried about her straying back into the dark side, or doing something a Jedi wouldn't usually do, but he had seriously picked the wrong girl to follow around and check on. Since he was taller than her, she looked up to him, her lips forming a sort of arrogant frown. Still holding that paperbag in her hand, she suddenly noticed something. Being a former Sith Knight, it was more than easy for her to feel this kind of person from far away. She moved in closer to Sage, though she didn't exactly feel like getting any closer to him than 10 miles away, glancing around the crowded place with the corner of her eyes.

"Any bad history with Siths before ? I'd be surprised if you say you don't." Her voice became more alert, making it easy for him to understand.

Sage Hazzard
Mar 11th, 2003, 11:07:03 PM
Sage's eyes darted left and right, his head not moving.

"Enough to fill a library."

His hands went to his sabres, resting both on them as he sighed and looked down on her.

"You feel it too I take it?"

Sage was never very adept at sensing things, so he never did trust them much when it came to snuffing out Darksiders. Now that he had a second opinion, he knew he was right.

He got closer to her. Making as if they were lovers out for a stroll and stopped to speak. It wasn't an enjoyable masquerade but it was paramount for a suprise attack. He whispered in her ear. Innocent nibbling or sweet talking to outsiders.

"Don't look. On the count of three, take my left sabre off my belt and throw it at the source. I'll ignite it on the way."

Eve Siren
Mar 17th, 2003, 04:32:04 PM
Eve closed her light brown eyes, acting as if she enjoyed his 'innocent nibbling or sweet talking', a smile drawing on her glossy lips. She bit on her lower lip, hiding a fake chuckle. She nodded slowly to his intructions. She might not like him, but his experience was something she couldn't help but admire.

"On the count of three ..." She murmured his words.

Mar 18th, 2003, 04:30:52 AM
Malice walked the busy streets. Searching for a store he had long forgotten the name to. Many days just like this one he would leave the order and go off on his own. It had become sort of a custom to the sith.

Though today he was here for a reason, and not just relaxing or looking for trouble. He had gotten wind that a certain store on this planet held an item that he would like to get his hands on. As such, his mind was focused on seeking out this store, rather then on his surroundings.

For if it had been, then he would have sensed the other strong force user's.......as well as a fight brewing.

Nathanial K'cansce
Mar 18th, 2003, 07:14:26 PM
*Closer. Closer. Ever closer. Hazzard was near, he could tell. Yes, he could tell real well. He was not alone, though. Someone else... someone familiar hung with him - following him or tagging along. Maybe it was the other way around.*


*They sensed him too.*


*Take a few steps more... around this bend....

The couple. There they were. That was Hazzard, all right. But who was he with? And why did she seem so familiar?*


*Instinctively, Snack reached for his saber located on his belt, unclipped it, and had its teal blade alive.*

Eve Siren
Mar 19th, 2003, 04:12:21 PM

Eve already had her hand around Sage's waist in an affectionate position, but as soon as the number 3 popped, she took a hold of his left sabre that he had already ignited as he said he would, her free hand pulling Sage down for a better view to aim. The sabre was thrown swiftly in direction of the darksider, one holding a blade with a teal glow.

Nathanial K'cansce
Mar 23rd, 2003, 09:06:08 PM
*Another beam of light showed itself, spinning on its horizontal axis towards the Dark Lord.

He brought his own weapon up, settling it in a defensive position in front of his body. With his back leg, he took step back and with it, he drew both arms back across his body. Snack now stood ready at bat, waiting for the ball to come across the plate.

He did not have to wait long. The spinning saber made its approach, and with a stern and focused expression upon his face, Snack swung. A hit.

Blade clashed on blade, the distinctive crackling of saber on saber ringing through the air. Sage's weapon was forced off course, spiraling down the third base line until it fell to the ground.

Snack glanced first at the now inactive weapon, then to the 'couple'. Hazzard.*

The Jedi are getting cocky, or overly paranoid methinks. Bad form.

*Snack stepped cautiously forward, biding his time. His saber still had life in it, just incase the two wished to pull of some other stunt. In the back of his mind, though, he noted that the Jedi had made the first strike.*

Sage Hazzard
Mar 24th, 2003, 02:01:57 AM
The Jedi Master called his sabre back to him, tucking it away. He took off his other weapon and ignited it instead.

"You've got your own, I assume?" He mumbled out of the corner of his mouth to Eve, indicating the sabre.

"Step away Sith or come closer, it's your call. The first grants you time, the second brings a swifter demise."

Mar 24th, 2003, 03:57:21 AM
Stepping out of the store, Malice grinned. In his hands, he bounced up a small box. The item he had wanted was indeed here, now it belonged to him.

*Yes, this will come in handy during a fight. My enemy wouldn't see it coming*

Malice attained a rare poison. Created from a plant found only on Dagobah. act's quickly, slowing down a person's reaction time. Then, it slowly starts to work on shutting down main bodily functions. Breathing, the passing of blood and oxygen from one limb to the next. Within an hour of being inflicted with the poison, a person would die.

Heading back towards his ship, a tremor in the force rocked his mind. Very strong force presenses he felt. Close to. How he could have missed it before was foolish to him. Though with his new toy's now in his posession, he was glad he had.

Crossing the street, Malice headed down an alleyway connecting to another row of stores. It was here that te force led him. And sure enough, as clear as day he saw them. A sith and two jedi. One jedi he recognized well. It was Eve Siren. He had met her before. And the other he faintly remembers him from a fight back when he was but a knight. Though the identity of the sith elluded him.

That mattered not. A fight was about to break out and he wasnt going to miss it. Reaching into his robes, Malice tucked away the small box in a pocket. Reaching down to his side he pulled free his double bladed saber. But did not ignite it just yet.

Instead he headed towards the three. peaking out loudly.

*You three wouldn't happen to know where a guy can find some fun around here now would you*

He waited for an answer. Though he kept his senses on high alert. It wouldn't look good if the jedi's surprised him from the start.

Eve Siren
Mar 24th, 2003, 09:49:22 AM
Darth Snack.

So that was why the power surrounding that man was so familiar. He probably didn't even know that Eve recently became Jedi, betraying her Sith code. She bit on her lower lip, nodding to Sage's muttering. She had never truly spoken to him on a personal level, but he was well known enough to be feared by many. A slightly nervous sigh escaped her mouth. At that moment another man joined them. He also seemed familiar, but she knew she had met him when she was still just trying to survive, before she joined the Order. The crowd formed a huge circle around the four. Discreetly, four silver daggers rolled down her leather jacket's sleeve and into her gloved hand.

"..." She remained silent.

Nathanial K'cansce
Mar 24th, 2003, 10:22:34 AM
I'm hurt, Hazzard. I thought we were on a surname basis.

*Hypocritical on his part, sure, since he was the first to start the labeling, calling the two 'Jedi'. At that moment, two things happened: the first was the addition of another being, on of evil intent and probably more of a Sith in nature than what Snack was. The second was a recognition from the female that hung off of Sage's shoulder.

Yes, Sage was quite popular with the ladies back in the olden days, if the Dark Lord remembered correctly... but this one.


He squinted momentarily, his eyes looking at the face and the body of the other.


And then it struck him.

Eve Siren, Sith Knight once apprenticed to the great and feared Sith Master, Rama Sha. Snack had seen her around the Sith Empire's grounds before, on a few occasions. She attended public council meetings quite often, but normally stood in the background not wanting to draw attention to herself. Given that, and that Snack never talked to anyone unless he needed to, he never gotten the chance to get to know her.

But what was she doing with Hazzard? And why was she all cutesy with him?

The four metallic things that reflected light answered his questions. As for the Sith, Malice, he was on his own. If he fell, so be it. If he stood, so be it.

Taking a step closer to Hazzard and Eve, Snack answered Sage's statement. He smirked.*

I just wished to catch up on lost time, my old comrade.

Mar 24th, 2003, 06:32:58 PM
Hearing no comment, Malice slowly advanced forward. Coming loser to the three, and ultimatly forming what many would see as a lopsided square.

*If you wish to not answer me then fine. I can make my own answer*

With that he unclipped his saber. Igniting it, two white blades shot forth from each end. Malice held them infront of him, in deffensive stance.

*My answer is........all the fun in the galaxy is right here. Or will be once one of you makes a move*

Malice knew not about the saber being thrown at Snack. All he saw was the sith holding his saber, and the jedi with theirs. Which to him it looked as though they were each waiting for the other to make the first move. His eyes were fixed on Eve, seeing as his fellow sith is staring at the other jedi.

Sage Hazzard
Mar 25th, 2003, 02:03:31 AM
"Silence, fool," he bit out at Malice, his stare closening on Snack. "Do not dare to call me comrade you scum. You should die for your evil deeds. All but punishment falls beyond my realm of caring for you."

The Jedi Master stepped forwards. Also, he stepped in front of Eve, stepping to cover her. It was a protective instict he had for all Padawans, despite the fact this one got on her last nerve.

"Well then, do your worst and find mine."

Eve Siren
Mar 26th, 2003, 02:42:10 PM
Eve arched an eyebrow as Sage stepped forward. Resisting the urge to stick her tongue out at him, behind his back, even though she knew very well that he had eyes in the back of his pretty head. She turned her back at him, looking at Malice from the corner of her yes. She knew he had his eyes on her since the start, just like Snack had his on Sage. Eve squinted her light brown eyes and waited for his move.

I suppose you're going to say 'Ladies first', Malice ? No need for that, I'm no lady.

Mar 26th, 2003, 11:58:17 PM
OOC:wrong account

Mar 27th, 2003, 12:23:04 AM
Malice was about to say something to Sage, but decided to ignore him when Eve had spoken to him. Looking at her more, it finally clicked as to who she was. He remembered her as one who used to be with the sith empire. He had met her once before......thought he couldn't for the life of him remember if it was in a fight, or if they had just a conversation.

Snickering at her words, he stepped forwards a bit.

*I had no intention of letting you go first my'lady. You see i don't think i fit the gentlemen roll of Ladies first. So i don't do it*

Without wasting anymore time, Malice launched his left hand forward, hitting her with a a force blast strong enough to knock her away from Sage. He would let the other sith deal with him. He wanted eve. His saber came in quick. The right side coming in high aiming for her neck. While the left side stayed in at a low angle as a means to defend from a counter attack.

Nathanial K'cansce
Mar 27th, 2003, 01:28:22 PM
Don't blind yourself from the past, Hazzard. I was your comrade at a point, back when I was a Jedi Knight.

*Snack's smirk grew into an evil grin. He flicked his wrist, allowing his powered up weapon to spin in his hand at his side. He took a forceful step forward with his leading leg, and shook his shoulders in a mock attack. His eyes never wavering themselves from the cold stare of the Jedi.*

So what are you waiting for, boy? Bring your swift punishment upon me!

*That was it. Snack advanced, pivoting on the balls of his feet as he spun three hundred and sixty degrees, bringing his saber horizontal in hopes of cleaving the Jedi in two at the waist.*