View Full Version : A bit of a SWFans character caricature.

Evil Hobgoblin
Mar 10th, 2003, 01:00:36 AM
seanpiett: Piett is a taker
Sniper Tondry: And my statement brings to mind the scene where Thrawn neatly captured Ukio... :-)
Sniper Tondry: Taker you say?
Sniper Tondry: Like "undertaker" or something else? :-)
seanpiett: Bwahaha, hit the nail on the head.
seanpiett: No, he doesnt like giving but he'll take the freebies
Sniper Tondry: Heh.
Sniper Tondry: Heh.
Sniper Tondry: I am imagining the two of them dining on some neutral ground.
Sniper Tondry: Bismarck: (politely) My, this dish is good, but I won't be able to finish. Would you like some, old boy?
Piett: *Grabs the dish and starts spooning it onto his plate.*
seanpiett: Hahaha!
seanpiett: I'm actually chuckling ^_^
Sniper Tondry: :-)
Sniper Tondry: *Later in the meal.*
Bismarck: (politely again) My, this three-tiered cake looks quite good, but I think I can only manage a slice. Do enjoy the rest.
Piett: *Looks at the cake, which is taller than he is while sitting. He has sauce on his cheeks and his belt is already loosened, but he reaches for the cake anyway.*
seanpiett: I think you may be taking me a bit too literally =]

Piett and I were talking about an RP and I came up with this. It had me laughing so hard, I had to share it. (With his permission, of course!)


Mar 10th, 2003, 01:12:19 AM
Ahaha, excellent. :D

Severen Morkonis
Mar 10th, 2003, 01:37:47 AM

Lann Kirauc
Mar 10th, 2003, 02:51:39 AM
:lol taker...