View Full Version : An Ancient Tale.......(open)

Mar 9th, 2003, 06:41:16 PM
I slowly stepped up to the table. I had handed the man at the gate my sword. I felt naked without it. My red armor clacked up and down my body. My wings slowly moving back and forth flapping all their own. I smiled and brushed my blond hair out of my face. I sat down and ordered a simple drink. The droid brought me a wine and I sipped it slowly. I smiled, "I wonder if these people know?" Did they know the horrible secret? The horrible thing that I was. Did they know me? My green eyes searched the room, and I ran my fingers over the simple red jewel bore in my chest. It was my past, my present, and my future. It was me. I took another sip and sighed. Do they know the truth? The truth of everything around them, and who they really were. Simple pawns, pawns in time and destiny's twisted games of chess. And some would soon know that time chose random people to become their knights. I was one of them. I am Grunastad, and I am a dragoon. An ancient knight of time, and a warrior of great proportions. I had come to reveal the truth that I knew, and to learn more to help others. For I had been told by destiny to come here. I had been told that my life was to be here. So I would do, and I would keep my strength. I snickered. My armor shook. Someone was near. Another chosen. I closed my eyes to feel them out. I finally could feel the person. I stared over to see another man. That poor person. I knew their horrible future. They would never have a chance to choose their path again. Everything would be decided for them, from this point on. I took my last sip and looked at the empty glass. It was just like my life, empty. And I watched as the droid filled it back up. The droid was destiny, and I was the glass. Waiting to be filled with the elixir of life. I smiled, "I need a purpose." I stared at the others. So full of life, it was time to carry out destiny's duty. I continued to sip my wine, and laid back. My wings rattled, and my armor shook. Time to become the knight of destiny.

Clay Dennatta
Mar 9th, 2003, 07:08:13 PM
Clay entered to bar and grill, a place he knew all too well, and handed the doorman both sabers and his caster gun. He walked in and noticed the winged man who was seated not too far from him. He tried to read the man's mind and see what he was thinking cause he looked kind of lonely or depressed, or something like that. But his mind searching was too no avail. It was as if his mind was completely void, or he was just too good at hiding his thoughts. Instead, Clay just moved over too him

" Hello, you must be new here. My name is Clay Dennatta. May i sit with you. "

Mar 9th, 2003, 07:15:23 PM
I smiled and kicked a seat out. "Sure." I said with a cocky smile. "So then, my name is Grunastad, but please call me Dragoon." I said with a stern look. My green eyes shifted over to him and locked onto his thoughts. I couldn't pick them up, just like most people in this room. They were all very talented. I brushed my hair out of the way, and took another sip. "So then, what brings you here?"

Clay Dennatta
Mar 9th, 2003, 07:19:36 PM
" We'll this is a reagular spot for me to come and think. Just stoped in to get a drink, and saw a new face, so i decided to say hi. "

Clay turned to one of the many droid waiters and ordered his usual glass of Merlot from Onderon. The droid scuttled off to get his drink.

" What brings you here? "

Mar 9th, 2003, 07:25:55 PM
I smirked, "I came here for the truth. I am here to show people how destiny chooses you. I am a knight for destiny. I have come to seek more truth, and follow destiny's orders. If I do not, I will die. It is my duty to be here. I have come to join the jedi." I took another sip. "Are you with the jedi?"

Clay Dennatta
Mar 9th, 2003, 07:30:13 PM
Clay took this in for a moment. He didn't really know what he was talking about when he said Destiny. But o well.

" Yes actually. I am a soon to be knight in a few weeks. I was my masters first student, but am still a padawan because of my little adventures that left me in many acomas. But ow well. Enough about me. Do you wish to become a member or just follow us around? "

Mar 9th, 2003, 07:32:48 PM
I smiled, "Destiny has told me to become a member. It tells me that I should take a teacher. A man, a man with great power. He will come to me though. And so says destiny." I smirked and chuckled. I was being used again. I stood up. My wings rattled, "If you don't mind me asking, I would like a chance to test my abilities. Would you be interested?" I nudged my head outside the door.

Clay Dennatta
Mar 9th, 2003, 07:36:27 PM
" Of course, i am always willing to spar. "

Clay took one last sip of his wine and stood up. He motioned Dragoon to follow as he headed torwards the door.

" Let's go "

Clay stopped at the doorman and got his weapons, as did Dragoon, and they headed for where ever Clay was leading them.