View Full Version : A Spar Between the Dark and Light (Open)
Clay Dennatta
Mar 9th, 2003, 02:02:21 PM
It was a cold and foggy night in the city of Iziz on the planet of Onderon, and Clay Dennatta was off on a night time stroll in one of Onderons many beautiful gardens. He was clothed in his usual Jedi robes with both of his sabers in the holders on his legs, and his caster gun in it's shoulder holster. It had been a long time since he had been back to his home planet, and he felt uneasy. He felt as if there was someone, or something following him.
Something is not right here
He thought to himself as he kept on strolling through the garden...
Feliciana Devano
Mar 9th, 2003, 03:23:55 PM
The cold wind swept through the gardens as Darkness seemed to envelope the surrounding area. Indeed, it had, for Death itself had shown its face this very night. Slowly and quietly a figure clad in robes as black as the night crept along the pathway but three meters behind Clay. The hood of the cloak was upon the being's head and hid her identity from the Jedi. She moved swiftly and gracefully, not making a sound at all as she danced with the shadows and masked her presence in the Force.
From her belt, she slowly drew out her Lightsaber; a black hilt composed of some form of galvanized metal. Cautiously the woman slipped her finger over the ignition switch.
A crimson blade shot forth from the top of the hilt and extended but a meter out. Its melodious hum almost warmed the air around Feliciana as she crept closer to her target without making a sound.
"Where do you think you are going, stupid Jedi?"
The harsh voice of the Dark Jedi Knight sounded within his mind as she stopped and held her ground, holding her saber in a defensive position. He was obviously looking for trouble, and if not -- it found him.
Clay Dennatta
Mar 9th, 2003, 03:42:49 PM
Just great. He was just minding his own business trying to think, and now he has to fight. He noticed her a while back, but couldn't tell who she was, or what side she was on. But know he knew for shure, she was of the Darkside. Without hesitation he drew both his sabers.
Within a couple of seconds both his green and grey sabers were ignighted and he was ready for battle.
" Why must you bother a simple man while he is on a nice peaceful walk? Why?"
Feliciana Devano
Mar 9th, 2003, 03:50:51 PM
"Peace? There is no such thing -- only fools believe in it!"
A sarcastic laugh escaped the woman's lips as she eyed the Jedi. He bore two sabers -- easy enough, it was child's play. A smirk crossed her ruby red lips as her free hand removed the hood of her cloak.
"Well Peace -- meet Death."
It was the name of her saber and indeed, he would meet the blade personally this eve. With a lunge, the Knight spun around and moved for a head shot, but it was a fake and instead she swung her saber low for his knees.
"You shouldn't have walked out here all alone little Jedi! Now look at the mess you got yourself into!"
Clay Dennatta
Mar 9th, 2003, 04:04:59 PM
With on saber ready to block the head shot, he noticed she had made it a fake and swung the other one down torards his knee to block the shot.
In a calm voice he spoke,
"Don't call me Little."
He then swung his green saber at her neck while he was still blocking the blow at his knee...
Feliciana Devano
Mar 9th, 2003, 04:12:16 PM
A twisted smile pulled at the corners of Feliciana's lips as she quickly spun to face away from Clay and block the strike to her neck over her back. Shoving him off of her, the Knight turned to face him once again. She outstretched her free hand and called upon the Force. The Darkness wrapped around her soul and coiled down her arm and shot out of her hand in an invisible force. The heavy blow connected with his chest and was enough to knock a full grown Bantha over.
"Looks like your plans are frelled tonight -- little Jedi."
A sinister laugh escaped Feliciana's lips as she glared at the falled Lightsider. Oh how they made her sick -- but tonight they would receive their payment for many vomet sessions she attended. Just as Clay figured out what was happening, the Knight called upon a tree branch above him and quickly with the workings of the Force, she found its weak spot and severed the connection it held to the main. Suddenly it came falling down with excess branches pointed right at Clay's body.
Clay Dennatta
Mar 9th, 2003, 04:28:48 PM
As the tree flew at Clay he realized he no time to roll out of the way of it, so instead he lifted to sabers aboth his fallen body and striked at the tree many times, and the pieces flew in every which direction away from Clay, except one small piece which went straight into his left eye. The pain was so intense he almost swore, but he controled the pain and his tongue. Now almost angered, but not, he made his way to his feet and prepared himself for a next attack.
Now, with only one eye, this battle was going to be even more of a challange. He assesed the situation and decided he was not going to win this one. But he would keep trying. Clay picked up his dropped his grey saber, and got back into a fighting stance and just waited. No more attacking for him. He had a better chance to just defend for a while and pick up on her moves and fighting style...
Feliciana Devano
Mar 9th, 2003, 04:40:34 PM
Laughter filled the air as the Knight began circling around the Jedi, sensing that he had already been injured. She looked down at the ground and smiled before calling upon the wind that was already blowing. It created a gust as she controlled the invisible Force with her mind. Suddenly it scooped up a great deal of dust and then hurled it at the Jedi. The funnel wrapped around his body in a whirlwind of grey and brown -- just long enough to get a fair amount of debris in both eyes -- and render him blind for the time being. The winds died down and she advanced, coming upon on him quickly.
"Giving up already, Jedi?"
The word was spit out spitefully at Clay as the woman drew near and with one swift movement she unleashed her fury upon him. It was a quick move -- a fake slice to his left arm but quickly she moved for his neck in another fake down to slice open his right hand.
"Now try to fight -- you barely have any skill as it is! What fun this isn't turning out to be!"
She was becomming angry that this Jedi was so weak -- but she suspected it from the beginning. Their happy ways never got them far for they neglected their human nature and lied about who they really were. Anger boiled deeply within Clay -- she knew it but it would take time to bring it forth.
"What? Is something wrong? Are you going to cry to your little Jedi friends? Are you going to run away from here so you can tell them how a big bad Darksider smote you clean!?"
Feliciana's voice took on a demonic tone as she got closer to his face. He could now feel her warm breath upon his skin with every word she yelled into his ears. It was great -- and she hoped he would crack.
Clay Dennatta
Mar 9th, 2003, 04:54:13 PM
Controlling his anger, Clay brought bot sabers up slowly, and at the last second started a long attack of thrusts, jabs, and chops with his sabers. Many chops to her head, torso, and arms. Hoping he would at least get something and maybe she would retreat. But she wasn't, so he just kept attacking. Swing here, jab there, and a many blocks on Clay's part. As she was winging at his head, he used a powerful force p[ush to send her flying back a few feet...
Feliciana Devano
Mar 9th, 2003, 05:07:22 PM
This Jedi was very fast and he was moving in on Feliciana. She continued backing up -- loosing her ground slowly. Suddenly, though, she spun around and labeled Clay with a heavy spinning back kick coupled with Force power. It was of comparable strength to that of her previous Force push -- or shove, depending on how one might look at it.
"They're not training you Jedi well anymore! There is no challenge -- oh wait, there never was! My mistake."
A hollow laugh echoed from deep within Feliciana as she moved at Clay, suddenly feeling a warm thick substance run down her arm. Looking down, she relieved that in the midst of their duel, he had struck her and now a deep gash remained in her flesh.
"You'll pay for that one -- you and your frelled up Jedi friends!"
The Knight jumped at Clay and swung down hard, aiming for across his chest in a diagonal fashion. Her movements were as quick as lightning -- and she knew it would be most difficult to avoid.
Clay Dennatta
Mar 9th, 2003, 05:22:50 PM
She was coming down too fast and if he tried to doge it she could probably take off one of his arms. So instead he just put both sabers in the form of an X, and blocked the blow. But the blow threw him to the ground. Within seconds he popped up and was back on his feet, but it took him s second to find her seeing as how he could not see out of one eye.
Once he found her he charged at her again. With blades slashing here and there they exchanged blows like nobodies business. More countless minutes it was blow after blow from bothsides, then Clay went to a knee and threw a kick at her knees...
Feliciana Devano
Mar 9th, 2003, 05:31:45 PM
Feliciana was caught off gaurd as Clay took a shot at her knees. She hit the ground and rolled over to her side, then kipped up to her feet once again despite pain in her ribes.
"Unleash your anger and you shall feel a power unlike before! The Jedi cannot give this to you! They lie!"
She sounded a bit desperate, but it was false -- she would rather kill this Jedi scum than look at him. Suddenly she jumped at him once again and with the Force, shoved him from behind and into her saber which was aimed right for his left side. Surly it would make contact, but the amount of damage was yet to be seen. He would feel it for a long time, though.
Clay Dennatta
Mar 9th, 2003, 05:40:15 PM
The blow hit him right in the ribs on his left side. They disinigrated parts of his 4th and 5th rib, and left a major gash. This was one of the worst pains he had felt in a long time. The last time he felt this was in almost the same spot when he fought his brother when he was a Sith himself. Back in the old days this sort of thing would cause him to snap, but ever since he bacame a Jedi he has learned to subdue any anger that might arise from the shadowy parts of his heart. He turned off his green saber, the one he constructed when he was still Sith, and held his side. He was not in the mood for this fight, but there was no getting away from it at this point. That and the universe would be a better place without sum like her.
" There is no anger inside of me, lady. You will never get me to go back to the darkside which i have vowed to destroy. "
Right away he used the force to subdue the pain a while, and brought his saber, "Redemption", up to a fighting stance and got ready to attack. The two squared of for a while, just standing and watching eachother for any sign of weakness or movement period. After about a minute of this he quickly dashed forward and leaped into the air with saber ready to take off her head.
" Darksider, meet my little friend, "Redemption"! "...
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