View Full Version : Is it just me, or...

Mar 9th, 2003, 05:48:17 AM
Do you guys always go INSANELY off-topic? :p

Mar 9th, 2003, 05:57:59 AM
I like cheese, cheese is good, wont you say you like cheese too?



I think thats just what happens with discussons. People end up talking off on tangents.

Mar 9th, 2003, 06:00:35 AM
True, like this one time, in band camp...

Marcus Telcontar
Mar 9th, 2003, 06:23:11 AM
Originally posted by Dutchy
Do you guys always go INSANELY off-topic? :p

It's called thread hi-jacking - we seem to have a culture of it :D

Dasquian Belargic
Mar 9th, 2003, 06:35:57 AM
It's been honed to a fine art by some people :lol

Loki Ahmrah
Mar 9th, 2003, 09:55:44 AM
It just comes natural to me. :rollin

Mar 9th, 2003, 10:01:32 AM
...cause we are living in a material word, and I am a material girl...err boy!"

I'm staying on topic, Fett said to sing! :D

Denali Gue
Mar 9th, 2003, 01:47:35 PM
Beans, beans, the wonderful fruit -


Darth Viscera
Mar 9th, 2003, 01:52:29 PM
And speaking of singing, there is a crapload of noise in this room. Believe it or not, the people in both houses to the left and right of us are doing home improvement (have been for 2 months), and they just happen to be doing it along the wall that connects with us, so we hear a nice loud hammer banging against what seems like our wall 100 times per minute. This is happening along our left wall as well, but on our left wall we get to hear the sounds of a chainsaw, a jigsaw AND a hammer.

WHEN WILL IT END?!?!? This is seriously impacting my ability to get a proper amount of beauty sleep! I'll be looking like Khalid Shaikh Mohammed soon!

Mar 9th, 2003, 05:21:29 PM
So I'm standing there, completely naked, surrounded by empty beer cans, a half eaten burrito, and the police are knocking on the door. The last thing I can remember is hijacking a thread and then....

Denali Gue
Mar 9th, 2003, 06:39:48 PM
LOL, Jedieb!! :D

Admiral Lebron
Mar 9th, 2003, 08:38:30 PM
Today there were protesters, destroying french products because they hate france and their anti-war stance.

Mar 9th, 2003, 09:19:02 PM
Did anyone see the Simpsons today? Instant classic.

Specially when they made fun of Fox News! LOL. You had Krusty on one side as the republican candidate with a halo over his head, and the dem had horns and a USSR flag on the background, all this while the reporter address the dem as 'comrade'. And on top of that the news ticker ran remarks as: "Do Democrats cause cancer?...Rupert Murdoch says: Yes, hideous cancer!....92% of Democrats are gay....Jesus was in favor of cutting gvmnt. spending"


Mar 9th, 2003, 09:21:47 PM
I read somewhere that a restaurant changed the names of 'french fries' to 'freedom fries'. I mean how pathetic can it get?

Jedi Master Carr
Mar 9th, 2003, 10:08:05 PM
Yeah it does seem to happen alot :p

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Mar 9th, 2003, 10:42:53 PM
One of my daughters got her foot ran over by a car this past Thursday.

Sorreessa Tarrineezi
Mar 9th, 2003, 10:53:15 PM
Originally posted by Jedieb
So I'm standing there, completely naked, surrounded by empty beer cans, a half eaten burrito, and the police are knocking on the door. The last thing I can remember is hijacking a thread and then....

:lol that made me laugh too loud.....

Mar 9th, 2003, 11:03:14 PM
I heard about a Gameboy that was run over twice, but still functioned properly without a single thing broken on it.

Mar 10th, 2003, 02:44:27 AM
Great Japanese engineering ;)

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Mar 10th, 2003, 07:58:29 AM
The guy didnt believe her when she told him that he was parked on her foot and when he finally did move the car, he ran over it again.

Her foot still works.

Great American engineering :D

Mar 10th, 2003, 09:48:04 AM
So I'm reading this and I'm thinking, highjacking threads, cars, hijacking, cars...., Car Jacking!!! So I'm leaving my car at work and finding a new ride on my way home. Thanks for the inspiration guys! Now, where's my Nine.......

Hadrian Invicta
Mar 10th, 2003, 10:12:28 AM
There is no North Dakota!!!!!

Mar 10th, 2003, 02:06:12 PM
So we take the green one then, right?

Nov 24th, 2003, 04:58:38 PM

Marcus Telcontar
Nov 24th, 2003, 05:05:36 PM
What about your feet? are they licked by a princess yet?