View Full Version : I...I think I'm best at healing...(open to a Master/Knight)

Lillian Snow
Mar 9th, 2003, 12:55:57 AM
Lillian coughs into her fist, reluctantly opening her eyes to inspect her hand. She hasn't coughed blood for once...it boosts her confidence just the tiniest bit. She has found an injured bird in the garden. It bears a long scratch on its back. Lillian has had training in the healing arts. Of all the things she's tried to do with the Force, healing seems to be her strength. She tries to focus on it, but finds herself blocked somehow. She can't focus. Worry and fear creep into her expression.

"Why...why can't I do it anymore...?"

Apr 12th, 2003, 11:04:54 PM
:: It was not unusual for AB to be walking in the gardens. After all, she was the Keeper of them, and tended to every living thing there. ::

:: As she walked down one of the well-kept, winding, dirt paths, she spotted a young girl kneeling just a ways off the path. Curious, AB made her way towards the girl and as she got closer noticed it was Lillian. She was hunched over, looking at something, though AB couldn't see what Until she was standing behind the girl. ::

:: She knelt beside Lillian, looking at the girl's hand and at the injured bird. ::

Is there something I can help you with, Lillian?

Lillian Snow
Apr 13th, 2003, 09:07:13 AM
Lillian jumps at the voice, but quickly catches her breath as she sees who it is.

"This bird is hurt...Master Salemn taught me to heal with the Force, but I can't do it anymore."

Apr 14th, 2003, 01:52:37 PM
:: AB smiled gently. ::

Of course you can still heal if that is the power you wish to focus on. You have to remain focused on the task.

Telling yourself you've lost your ability to heal means you've given up. And in giving up, you lose the confidence to call that power which comes naturally to you.

:: AB laid a hand on the bird, brushing her hand over it's soft feathers lightly, and then took Lillian's hand and placed it on hers. ::

Close your eyes and concentrate on what I do.

Lillian Snow
Apr 14th, 2003, 02:14:30 PM
Lillian nods and shuts her eyes, feeling much better and more confident already. The girl takes a deep breath, preparing herself to follow AB's example.

"Ok. I'm ready!"

Apr 15th, 2003, 05:11:32 PM
:: AB opened herself to the Force and it's healing powers that she so often used. The life around them seemed to grow brighter and carry more warmth in it as the Force swirled about them. ::

:: AB's hand grew noticably warm, and if someone had been watching, they would have seen it shimmer with it's own faint light. ::

:: AB focused on the bird's injuries, willing them to mend. The Force she was conducting obliged and quickly began to heal the cuts and broken wing it had suffered. ::

:: Within moments, it was wriggling underneath her hand, anxious to take to the skies again where it could sing and feel the air through it's feathers. ::

:: AB instructed Lillian to open her eyes before she released the bird from under their hands. It hopped about on the ground a few times, titling it's head in their direction, before taking flight above the tree's canopy. ::

:: AB smiled and looked at Lillian. The girl had an awed expression as she watched the bird for as long as she could, before blinking the sun out of her eyes. ::

Now, I think, you have found what you thought lost.

Lillian Snow
Apr 15th, 2003, 05:34:25 PM

Lillian nods, holding her hand up to watch the speck that is the bird on the horizon. She's not entirely sure what it is AB is referring to, if it be the Force or the happy feeling she has for the bird that has finally disappeared from view.

Apr 15th, 2003, 08:32:20 PM
:: AB stood, gesturing towards the path and for Lillian to walk with her. ::

The happiness and warmth you feel is your power. Use that to feel the Force flowing through you. The power of haling will come with time and grow strong.

But you cannot build a hut with the roof first... you must start with the foundation.

:: They walked down one of the winding paths that went parallel to a babbling brook. ::

Is there anything I can assist you with today, Lillian?

Lillian Snow
Apr 15th, 2003, 08:44:26 PM
Lillian looks to the clear water, thinking for a moment, before speaking up.

"How...how do you use the Force so easily? I always seem to struggle with it...it was hard to lift stones with Master Salemn in practice...and it was harder still to sense things. Healing was easiest, but we did that last...I was too tired to do much of it."

Apr 15th, 2003, 08:51:01 PM
I keep myself open to the Force and not sturggle against it. It has become a part of me.

:: She smiled. ::

When I first started, much like yourself, it was difficult for me to grasp such a concept. But it came with time.

The trick I learned for myself was not to dwell on the frusteration of not being able to access the Force, but instead to just relax... to be open to the will of the Force. It was then I'd feel it flowing through me much like that brook over there.

:: She looked at Lillian. ::

It is possible that telekinises is not your thing. When training, you should focus your energies on healing.

Lillian Snow
Apr 15th, 2003, 09:01:19 PM
Lillian nods her understanding and coughs lightly.

"Yes...that makes sense. My brother said that my body heals too quickly. I broke my leg once, and got my cast off in half the time that all his friends did. He said it wasn't normal."

Apr 19th, 2003, 04:35:24 PM
:: AB smiled. ::

Abnormal if you were one without Force abilities, though there are those types of species that can heal quickly in their own right.

:: AB looked down at the girl as they reached the edge of the pond where the tiny brook trickled into. Small, colorful water fowl enjoyed their time on the waters, splashing and warbling. ::

You have a gift, Lillian. A beautiful gift. And I know with time that gift will blossom.

Lillian Snow
Apr 19th, 2003, 08:47:45 PM
Lillian smiles sheepishly, embarrassed to be praised, but also grateful for it.

"Thank you..."

For a moment Lillian doesn't know what else to say, though she feels that something very important has been neglected. At last she finds it, her face brightening as she recalls the missing element.

"How can I practice? Logic says that if I practice, I'll gain confidence and strength, and that will make me less timid and afraid. But I don't know how to practice Force healing without an injured person to practice with, and if I tell Logic that it will probably go attacking people and bringing them to me for healing. I don't want that...I don't want anyone to get hurt for my sake..."

Apr 20th, 2003, 12:42:53 AM
:: AB pondered this for a moment. She certainly didn't want the loyal droid to go out hurting people for the sake of practicing healing. No... there were other ways. ::

Well, for starters, you can certainly research and meditate on the art of healing. From my own experience, there really was no way to train in the arts of healing, save for learning some medical procedures and mixtures of herbs for medicinal purposes.

The art of healing, at least through the Force, is mostly something you must find within yourself while meditating. Just you and the Force. When the time comes to heal again, you will have a better grasp of the Force and it will come to you more quickly because you spent time with it in meditation.

:: She winked at Lillian. ::

Do you think the Masters just meditate all the time because their tired? They're actually strengthening their bond with the Force.

Lillian Snow
Apr 20th, 2003, 10:33:55 AM
Lillian giggles at AB's comment.

"No, I didn't think that at all, though I did wonder why they spend so much time doing it. I'll join them, then. I'll meditate too. Master Salemn taught me some of it.'

Apr 21st, 2003, 04:13:54 PM
And that's the best start to knowing the Force better.

:: AB smiled one last time at Lillian before jabbing a thumb back towards the Temple. ::

If there is nothing else, I have to tend to some duties back at the Temple.

Lillian Snow
Apr 21st, 2003, 06:43:57 PM

Lillian looks disappointed as she bows to AB.

"Nothing else...have a good day, Miss Mystt."

Apr 22nd, 2003, 02:11:59 PM
:: AB gently placed a hand on Lillian's shoulder. ::

If ever you need any help or guidence in your study of the healing arts, don't hesitate to see me.

I will see you later.

:: With a last smile and nod of her head, AB began the short trek back to the Temple. ::