View Full Version : Follow the Leader [Open Challenge to Padawan]

Cherice St_Hilare
Mar 8th, 2003, 09:45:54 PM
Jared was missing and everything in her life seemed to be going downhill. The Succubus had taken some time off for herself, indulging in life's pleasures before dwelling in self pity. That wench Xazor wasn't helping any, and right now she was at a point where she wasn't sure what she wanted. It was at times like these when she cursed her own existence.

So she was forced to amuse herself. Not like that was too hard, right ? Wrong.

In the midst of a burned down village, Cherice crossed her arms. Her front was splattered with blood and a few pieces of straw, but she was disappointed. None of the villagers had put up a good fight - infact, she felt as if she was actually doing good by ridding the galaxy of the weaklings.

"Hmph, some Samaritan I am," she scoffed.

The air smelled thick of blood and fear, so it was hard to distinguish that other presence ... but not impossible. Lightsider. Well, this ought to be fun. Their Force signature wasn't too strong, so it must've been a Padawan. At this realization, a wicked grin appeared on her lips.

Wearing simple clothing for the warm weather, Cherice had her two lightsabers clipped on her belt. Her silver hair was tied back and her blue eyes seemed more lively than other. It was time to play.

"Come out, come out, wherever you are ..."

Clay Dennatta
Mar 9th, 2003, 10:52:11 PM
Stepping out from the shadows, Clay Dennatta presented himself before the darksider. He was a bit irritated at her for murdering those inoccent villagers.

" Why have you done this Darksider? "

He waited for her answer with both his hands on his sabers...

Cherice St_Hilare
Mar 10th, 2003, 05:41:07 AM
"That's just like you Jedi, always lurking in the shadows and then stepping out, ready to 'deliver justice'."

Rolling her eyes, Cherice sized him down.

"Do you want the usual answer Sith give ? The 'because I can', or, 'I was bored' ? Well, here's my answer: I got hungry."

Giggling somewhat mischeviously, she knew that he probably didn't understand - but it didn't matter. She already wanted to rip him apart for trying to defy her.

"So what are you waiting for ? Come at me."

Clay Dennatta
Mar 10th, 2003, 03:51:48 PM
Clay, a bit annoyed with the Siths answer really dosen't normally make the first move, but since she insisted, He ginited both his sabers within a matter of seconds...


" Well, since you insist I make the first move..."

Clay was well experienced in the art of saber fighting. Being an ex-sith and well on his way to being a Knight in the Jedi Order, he swung his blades around with ease. Clay was now rushing at her and seconds later hade one blade going for her head, and another going for her left knee...

Cherice St_Hilare
Mar 10th, 2003, 04:25:21 PM
Suddenly Clay found himself knocked to his feet while the Succubus chuckled. It had been a simple Force blast, but enough to make him lose his balance since he was so concentrated.

"Ah, how the ignorant entertain me .."

Suddenly Clay felt something cold and invisible begin to wrap itself around him and tightening, restraining him from movement.

Clay Dennatta
Mar 11th, 2003, 08:20:16 PM
Clay felt himself tumble over a bit as a simple but effective force push had him sumbling to the left a bit. After he regained his balance, he felt a cold rope like feeling wrap itself against his tense body. He was unable to get out and struggled alot but it only got tighter. Clay didn't know how to get out, but he thought that if he could only distract her a moment she would lose her concentration enough to give him time to break free and start an attack again. But how?...

He thought for a few seconds, then it hit him, why not use the forests creatures from around the village to come and distract her. It might work, but maybe not. There was no sense in not trying, so he reached into the force and called out to the forest creatures from all over. Some up to a couple klicks away. He asked for their help, and some agreed while others didn't. He got a hand full of chipmonk type creatures, and a few bear types, a few lion types, and even a couple that resembled the wolves from his homeplanet. They all stood about 300 feet away from her till all of them had gathered. They circled her continuously waiting for her to notice them, then they would attack...

Cherice St_Hilare
Mar 12th, 2003, 03:15:41 PM
During her training as an Apprentice, Jehova had ensured that while she was concentrating she wouldn't be oblivious to her surroundings - so, naturally, she noticed the animals.

"Calling your little forest friends ?" she sneered to the Padawan.

Little did he realize that the movement of beasts had called upon the attention of a herd of banthas. The bison-like creatures stood stupidly, watching as the other beasts began to surround her.

"Ah, gotta love Tattoine," she mumbled under her breath, a plan already forming in her head.

Reaching out with the Force, the Sith Knight invaded the simple minds of the banthas. Anger. Kill. Territory. Planting these thoughts in their heads, she let her masterpiece unravel.

The banthas snorted angrily and stomped their feet, tossing their heads. Immediately they charged, crushing the small animals underneath their hooves. To the bigger beasts the banthas slammed into with their horns, breaking ribs and puncturing vital organs. Roars of pain and fury filled the air while Cherice giggled mischeviously.

Walking over to the "chained-down" Padawan, she knelt besides him and traced his face gently with her fingers.

"First I want slit your throat open ..."

Her hand went down his throat.

"Then I want to cut out your heart ..."

Her fingers trailed down to his chest, and stopped.

"And then gorge on your decaying body."

Leaning down, she placed a kiss on his lips before standing. Suddenly the invisible chains let go of Clay and he could move again.

"... But we can always wait for that, neh ?"

Clay Dennatta
Mar 12th, 2003, 03:37:35 PM
Clay Expected something like to happen. But it was worth a try. Now he was just confused as why she just let him go. If he was her, he would have killed him with in seconds. But no, she let him go. Why?

" Why is it that you let me go? Am i not worthy enough to die by your hands? "

Cherice St_Hilare
Mar 12th, 2003, 04:01:02 PM
"So eager to embrace death," she hissed lightly.

"But why not embrace something more .. pleasurable ?"

Canting her head to the side, a sultry look appeared on her face. Despite the bloody mess she was still quite attractive, and the clothing clung to her like a second skin, showing all the curves.

"Come to me ..."

The voice in his head urged him to go forward to the Succubus, filling him with lustrous and perverse thoughts,

Clay Dennatta
Mar 12th, 2003, 04:22:57 PM
Clay couldn't help but follow the voice in his head. He came closer to her. Each step a voice in his head told him to come closer. He kept moving closer and closer till he was inches away, but he snapped out of it. His normal thinking kicked in and he was like

no farther, snap out of it, turn back.

Once he did he realized where he was and took a few steps back.

" I embrace death cause i am not afraid to die. I am a very honorable person. Dieing in battle while protecting what is left of the innocent is one of the greatest things i could achieve. "

He couldn't help but notice how attractive she was even with the blood of the innocent all over her. Even though he thought this he made no show of it.

Cherice St_Hilare
Mar 13th, 2003, 07:19:27 PM
She shrugged.

"Alright then, I'll guess I'll just save the game for a different player."

Her hand strayed near her belt and rested on one of the saber's hilt, pulling it out. Snap-hiss. After activating it, a purple beam came forth as a humming filled the air.

"Time to die, sweetheart," she sang out.

Immediately she rushed forward, aided with the speed of the Force, and swung the saber toward his torso.

Clay Dennatta
Mar 13th, 2003, 09:20:40 PM
Clay ignited his saber once again snap-hiss, and blocked the slash. It was a close call and almost hit, but he thanked the heavens he wasn't hit. The two exchanged blow after blow til he was finnaly hit. It didn't do much damage except a large gap from his right shoulder going down at an angle to his left waist. The pain was incredible and he was ready to die here and now, but he didnt give up. Using the force he kept the pain back. But it didn't keep all the pain back and it got harder and harder to fight as the seconds went on....

Cherice St_Hilare
Mar 15th, 2003, 03:59:02 PM
The scent of burning flesh filled her nostrils after she slashed Clay. She could tell by the padawan's labored breathing that it was becoming more difficult for him to block her continious attacks and grinned inwardly - this was too much fun. Concentrating on Clay's wound, she began to ... "alter" it.

The skin began to pull apart, widening the gash whilst causing unimaginable agony to the padawan. He could feel invisible fingers burying themselves in the wound - tugging, tearing.

It was too much for him to block out the pain, especially in his already weakened condition. As he let out a cry of pain and momentarily lost his concentration, she slammed her saber into his with strength aided by the Force, throwing him down to the ground.

As soon as Clay looked up, all he could see was Cherice's saber coming down ...

Clay Dennatta
Mar 15th, 2003, 04:14:31 PM
The saber.......The next few moments were the moments of his impending doom..... He felt as if he had no strength.....No strength to pull up at least one saber and block hers.....He pushed past this state and reignighted his saber, snap-hiss. The saber ignighted and he flung it upward to block hers. His strength was weakening though. Her saber was slowly pushing down on his.....coming closer.....and closer......till it was only inches from his body.....

Cherice St_Hilare
Mar 15th, 2003, 05:03:06 PM
As he continued to weaken Cherice kept applying force to the saber until his strength finally gave out. Both sabers pressed into Clay and began to burn through his face ...

Clay Dennatta
Mar 15th, 2003, 05:15:00 PM
Clay felt one of the worst pain he had ever felt in his life. The saber was eating away at his flesh with ease. He was trying not to scream to keep his face from moving, but he couln't help it. He screamed for all his worth, but it didn't help the pain one bit. The sabers just kept burning his face till Clay himself fell unconcious. There was no hope for him now....Or was there?

Ulic Dennatta
Mar 15th, 2003, 05:28:22 PM
Ulic Dennatta, Clays brother, was on a diplomatic mission to tattoonie when he felt the presence of his brother. Ulic was once a Sith himself, and is still the Emperor of Onderon. He was on the council of Sith Lords for the planet of Onderon during the time when they still practiced that, but he was a reformed man. He was reformed by none other than his brother Clay Dennatta. It took him much time to find his brother and when he did it was not a pretty site. His brother was being mercifully beaten by some woman who reaked with the darkside. Ulicnoticed his brother had passed out and the sabers were eating away his face. So instead of staying back and watching Ulic decided to take action. He walked at a pce that wasnt fast but wasnt slow, and got the sith ladies attention. As she looked up and saw him coming closer she noticed how Ulic was getting mad.

The darkside of Ulic was creeping back up again and he coudn't control it. His eyes became a fiery red, and he was about ready to beat the living dren out of this woman. He came closer and closer and he made no attempt to attack her. But when he was close he used a simple force push to send her flying a few feet away. At that moment Ulic snapped out of his rage and ran to his brother, flung him over his shoulder, started to run in theopposite direction and pressed a button on his wrist to mkae his ship come. But would the ship come in time as he was running away....

Cherice St_Hilare
Mar 15th, 2003, 07:17:25 PM
Letting out a shriek of rage, Cherice got back on her feet. How dare he ! After turning off the lightsaber, she clipped it back on her belt and stared at the retreating figure with spite.

"Oln kan sl'ti frrk s'llr la mené, a tcol ŕ mens ..."

The forgotten word of her ancestors held power unknown to Ulic, and somehow they seemed to reach his ears.

"M'sslé ŕ sla mrrie ..."

Ulic could feel himself slow down as the words began to race through his head. His legs were beginning to get heavy, like lead, and his subconscious was telling him to stop. Involuntarily he dropped Clay and realized that he couldn't move, for now he was paralyzed.

Ulic Dennatta
Mar 15th, 2003, 07:55:00 PM
Ulic was becoming very agitated now. He was already pissed off that his brother was having his face eaten away by a beam of light. Now he couldn't move and he didn't know how long it would be till his shiop got here. He was thinking of how he could get out of her fun little spell that he himself knew, but in a different language. He was drawing a blank in how to counter it, but he knew he could think up another spell which would make her break her concentration. He really didn't want to use any darkside spells again but this day was pulling him closer and closer and closer to the darkside. As he sat there there and thought his ship finnally arrived and landed about 100 meters away from him.

The longer he thought the closer she got to him and clay.....He got it, he would use the pressure spell. It would cause the pressure around her to increase and cause alot of discomfort. Hopefully he remembered exactly how to do it and do it right so she would break her concentration long enough to get Clay to the ship.

" Lora ti makta' choriun k falato, Khoos nikta factala... "

As soon as the ancient Onderonian words spilled out of Ulics mouth, the pressure around Cherice began to increase. It kept going up and up cause extreme discomfort. Ulic kept his concentration going as he found himself able to move again. He picked up Clay without delay and ran to the ship. He was almost there when the pressure around Cherice returned to normal and he had lost all concentration somehow.

" Drell! "
But he kept running in hopes he would be able to at leats get Clay onboard before she could do something again...

Cherice St_Hilare
Mar 20th, 2003, 04:33:15 PM
She was only about one yard away from them when Ulic began his little chant. Frowning slightly, she continued her way when the air around her seemed to close in. At first it didn't bother her until it increased .. unfortunately for Ulic, it didn't stop her from moving. Almost on top of them now, she grinned as Ulic lost his concentration and the pressure went away.

He was almost at the ship now, but he still thought that her target was Clay. No, Clay was the last person on her mind right now. She wanted Ulic instead, to make him suffer, to make him die.

Reaching out with the Force, Ulic suddenly found himself being yanked back through the air, being forced to let go of Clay. The padawan's body landed heavily infront of the ship, but Ulic was now laying besides Cherice.

Grinning broadly as to reveal her sharp canines, the Knight kicked him in the stomach, making him roll over. Placing her foot on his spine, the words she spoke dripped with venom.

"I could snap your back like a twig right now."

Ulic Dennatta
Mar 20th, 2003, 08:27:27 PM
Ulic knew he wasn't going to win this one. He was too out of pratice and could tell she was much stronger than him. he used to be much much stronger, but that was long long ago. Ulic didn't say anything to her comment and tapped a button on his wrist and started to talk in his laguage...

" Shalamivk kala mitala shakla Clay tiamalkava! "

He had told his two droids to come out and bring Clay into the ship.

" Shakla mit tala ma Coruscant, kalita Jedi mitila! "

And he told them to go and bring him to Coruscant and bring him to the Jedi.

Now he turned back to Cherice...

" Bring it woman! "

Ulic used a force push and threw her a few feet away. He was pissed. Not because he was about to die but because he had attacked his brother. He got up and took out his metal claws that he attached to each hand. They had been through many battles with him, and he knew how to use them. He wasn't that far from her so as soon as she got up he attacked her slasheing his claws at her everywhere...

Cherice St_Hilare
Mar 23rd, 2003, 11:15:53 AM
Too long she had been playing nicely with this man.

"Didn't your mother ever teach you not to hit a lady ?!"

Her voice, thick with rage, sounded like a growl as her pupils dilated. Even though her face was getting cut from his claws she didn't wince, but instead reached up and caught his wrists. Twisting them around, a sickening crack rang through the air as they were broken.

As he let out a yell in pain, Cherice let go of his wrists and brought up her leg, slamming it into the side of his head. As he stumbled to the side, she grabbed him by the shoulders and slammed him down into the ground. Yanking the lightsaber off her belt, it was ignited as she glared angrily at Ulic.

His fate was sealed.

Ulic Dennatta
Mar 23rd, 2003, 12:26:11 PM
As Ulic was getting brutally beaten by Cherice, his ship took off with Clay in it. It was headed for good old Coruscant. The headquarters fo the GJO. Ulic looked up at Cherice as she ignighted her saber. O how he longed for his saber. It was sitting in his room back on Onderon. The glow of his orange saber had not been seen for sometime and at a time like this he wished he had it.

Ulic lay on the gound as his eyes flashed before his eyes. He had alot of energy left but with broken wrists there was no way he could ever win. So he just layed there. Not moving. Waiting for the inevitable....

Cherice St_Hilare
Mar 23rd, 2003, 01:15:59 PM
It was all over in a split second. The saber sliced through the air as Ulic realized the last thing he would see would be her solemn face, and then ...

... Ulic's head rolled away from his body.

At first she laughed silently, but it got louder and louder. It had ended so quickly - just when the fun was starting ! Switching off her lightsaber, she bent down and picked up the head by its hair.

"Oh, I think you will make a very pleasant surprise."

She kicked the decapitated body out of her way before beginning to trudge away. Oh, yes, a devious plot was already forming in the Knight's head.