View Full Version : Fading out of view [Salem]

Syren Lysandor
Mar 8th, 2003, 02:42:21 PM
Ever since the boy came, Eve began to spend less and less time with her. Andrue made no effort to hide his attempts to avoid her, and now Syren spent most of her time alone in her room. It wasn't much to look at - white walls, a closet with her old plugsuit and another outfit hanging inside, and a mirror that hung over her queen-sized bed. There was a window on the other side of her room, but there were bars to prevent her from "breaking through".

Right now she was sitting on the edge of her bed, staring at a dictionary. Eve had gotten her the book a little while ago and now she read it constantly to brush up on her english. Her constant stammering was beginning to go away as she talked to herself

"She s-scares me," Syren was saying, mimicking Andrue.

She was beginning to get jealous and didn't want anything to do with the two of them now, harboring her bitterness like a mother cares for their child.

"It's okay," she said, now imitating Eve. "She's mostly harmless."

Slamming the dictionary shut, Syren threw it on the other side of the room and drew her knees up to her chest, clutching them. She began to wish that Tempist never brought her back to life.

"I hate them. I hate everybody."

Salem Ave
Mar 8th, 2003, 02:47:47 PM
Sometimes, just sometimes, Salem liked to stir things up a little. When he was bored and left with little to do, he would wander about to try and find someone to hoodwink, someone to torment. Today, he had found a girl.

Girls were something he wasn’t too sure about. It seemed that regularly he would acquire one who would follow him about and remove her clothes for him, asking for things to be done to her. He didn’t quite understand why she would want him to do it, and often he would kill her for even asking, but he was still curious as to why all of this went on. Takai Konrad had been the only one not to proposition him like this; perhaps that was why he liked her.

The vampyre shook himself out of his thoughts as he scaled the wall of the apartment building. His claws hooked into the concrete easily, retching him up floor by floor until he pulled himself onto the window sill he was aiming for. The glass on the window was guarded by metal bars. Salem canted his head and stared in through them, half-scowling at the girl inside.

Syren Lysandor
Mar 8th, 2003, 02:53:33 PM
A slight scratching noise outside of the window caused her to raise her head curiously. There seemed to be a pale-faced man that was staring inside at her with a scowl on his face. Immediately a small smile crept onto her lips as she let go of her knees. Her feet dangling over the edge of the bed, she stared at him, anxious to show off her improved speech.

"How did you climb up here ..?"

She had an impulse to tear the bars off and let him in, but she had already tried many times to take them out and failed.

Salem Ave
Mar 8th, 2003, 02:59:06 PM
“I climbed,” he replied, his voice free of impediment, for the time being.

With a glance down at the bars, Salem weighed up what his options were in this situation – and chose that he would indeed tear them from their hinges. He curled each talon around the bars and with minimum effort began to pull backwards on them. Within a moment or so they were straining under the pressure, ready to buckle.

Syren Lysandor
Mar 8th, 2003, 03:09:53 PM
Her brow furrowed at the answer before she gave a simple shrug, the smile adorning her face once more. She remembered that Eve had once told her that men were evil creatures taking advantage of girls, but as of late she really didn't care what Eve said at all. Let her spend time with her evil creature, then, were her thoughts on the matter.

When the man put his hands on the bars as if to rip them out, she stared in slight confusion. If she wasn't able to pull them out, then surely he couldn't, either. Almost stubborningly she crossed her arms while watching as he began to pull, and, surprised, heard the bars beginning to bend. Then she noticed that his hands weren't hands, but talons.

She wanted to run over and touch them, to make sure they were real, but stayed put.

"Have you come to rescue me?"

Salem Ave
Mar 8th, 2003, 03:14:04 PM
One by one the metallic strips were torn out from their foundations, scattering dust down onto the street below. Once the whole was big enough Salem ducked beneath the wall and in through the window. He had not answered her, and only did so once he had gotten back to his feet inside the small room – where he had to stoop to accommodate his height of six feet and seven inches.

“… If you sss-ay so.”

His mind expanded at this point, as it usually did on encountering someone for the first time. It scanned for residue of the Force, which this girl had – that meant she had potential, but then all people locked away behind bars usually had potential to be violent killers.

Shrugging his cloak forward somewhat, to cover his hands with his cuffs, he gazed at some point in the mid-distance between himself and Syren.

“… Why arrre you locked herrre?”

Syren Lysandor
Mar 8th, 2003, 03:21:06 PM
"I c-can hear the music."

Her voice was hushed as she spoke, staring up at him in awe. Being only 5'7, he towered over her, even though he had to stoop. Almost nervously, her right hand clutched the side of her shapeless nightgown. She hadn't changed her clothes even though it was day, but was beginning to fail to realize the importance why.

"Do you h-hear it, too ?"

Her skin was almost equally as pale as his and her dark, red hair hung loosely around her face. Right now her empty eyes stared imploringly at him, wanting another answer.

Salem Ave
Mar 8th, 2003, 03:26:30 PM
“No,” he replied simply.

“I don’t hea-rrr any musss-ic.”

Salem narrowed his solid black eyes somewhat. Perhaps this was not an apartment building, but infact some kind of asylum – and this girl before him, one of the inmates. At this he allowed himself the small liberty of a faint smile.

“… Do you like it herrre?”

Syren Lysandor
Mar 8th, 2003, 03:39:04 PM
He seemed to have some sort of speech impediment, but it wasn't quite like hers. Pondering over this, Syren almost didn't hear his question.

"L.. Like it ... here ?"

Her voice was rising in pitch as her eyes widened.

"D-do I like it here ?"

Silence, then, in a small, timid voice:

".. No, I don't."

Casting her gaze to his talons again, she frowned when she saw he hid them. Her fingers itched to feel them before something dawned on her. What if he had weapons on him ? Something sharp to inflict pain ... There were pieces of broken glass next to her bed covered in blood and several cuts covered her body, however, they were healing and she didn't cut herself open again today. She wanted something else, something new to play with. What if he had some hidden in his cloak ?

Salem Ave
Mar 8th, 2003, 03:42:23 PM
For some reason, this one was as easy to read as an open book. He could hear her mind screaming out at him, and so decided to indulge her curiosity by offering out a hand to her. His palm was covered by cloth, wrapped from his wrists, though the two single talons and thumb remained uncovered; a dull white.

Syren Lysandor
Mar 8th, 2003, 03:49:23 PM
Unable to conceal her grin, Syren took a couple steps forward before reaching up with both hands. Carefully she touched the two talons before prodding the thumb, and then giggled. Poking the thumb again, she held up one of her hands.

"Why doesn't y-your hand l..lo.."

What was that word ... ? Ah, yes.

".. Look like mine ?"

Salem Ave
Mar 12th, 2003, 11:14:01 AM
“I’m not human,” Salem replied, deliberately parting his lips long enough so that Syren could catch a glimpse of the fledgling fangs he bore.

Syren Lysandor
Mar 12th, 2003, 03:47:12 PM
"Oh," she said.

Holding out her arm, the red head looked at him anxiously.

"Will you bite me ?"

Salem Ave
Mar 12th, 2003, 03:48:57 PM
The look that came across Salem’s face was usually attributed to someone when they had just caught a whiff of a bad smell, and recoiled their head somewhat in distaste.

“No,” he stated plainly, tugging one pallid hand back beneath its cuff, away from the girl.

Syren Lysandor
Mar 12th, 2003, 04:12:42 PM
Lowering her arm, Syren turned away so her back faced him. So far he wasn't doing anything to take her out of here and he wasn't going to satisfy her need for pain.

"You can go away, then."

Walking back over to the bed, she sat down on the corner, staring at the wall. It was odd, though, finally having company, and Syren wasn't sure if she wanted him to go away.

Salem Ave
Mar 15th, 2003, 02:53:30 AM
“Don’t you want to leave assswell?” he said with a beckoning hand, giving a glance off to the broken window.

Syren Lysandor
Mar 17th, 2003, 04:58:22 PM
At first he had no response, except for the continous rise and fall in her chest as she breathed. Then, finally, she slowly turned around.

"Y-yes .."

Hesitant, she slowly stood before canting her head to the side.

"Where will w-we go ?"