View Full Version : Mending Hearts..... (Dasquian)
Xazor Elessar
Mar 8th, 2003, 02:28:23 PM
This thread takes place in the future, in case anyone was wondering.
It was a quiet evening around the Jedi Order, but outside in the streets of Coruscant parties raged on in celebration of the coming comet that was to etch the sky with its beautiful red and orange colors. Perhaps this was the furthest thing from Xazor's mind as she dressed herself in flowing red robes and fixed her Garou Warrior Braids behind her with a few in a circle atop her head. In place upon the wreath of locks, she placed a small silver tiara.
The Knight spoke to herself with confidence before stepping back from the mirror and eying herself. The bulge in her midsection was gone and her child was now a month old. It had been a trying time surrounding her birth, but the good that came from it was tenfold the bad. She smiled and thought of the beautiful baby girl that she and Dasquian bore together -- the child that now was being occupied by Terran -- her fiance. Indeed the woman was hiding something deep from him as she prepared to leave her room, leaving Terran just down the hall with Valanya. She told him that she was going to discuss issues regarding training and other things this night -- but she did not tell him with who.
Perhaps she even felt a bit guilty as she closed the door behind her and set off down the hall and out of the Living Quarters, but soon those thoughts escaped her mind as she drew near Master Yoghurt's Bar and Grill. It was precisly the time she told Dasquian to meet her there out front and so, the young Garou Knight folded her hands at her waist and allowed her eyes to drift down to meet the ground for but a minute as thoughts of Terran and the deception she was pulling with him -- and had been for the last week and a half. It was only but a week and a half ago that she had spent a weekend with Dasquian -- alone -- and many surprising things had erupted from that. Now -- they were finally mending their hearts with love as it should have always been.
Dasquian Belargic
Mar 8th, 2003, 02:38:37 PM
Dasquian strode through the crowds on the streets. When he walked amongst them, they parted like the sea. By now people recognised him and his name, and without even noticing it consciously stepped aside to allow him clear passage along the street.
As he neared Yogs Bar and Grill, the talk around him had become diluted. For most of the journey here people had murmured and chattered about the comet, but now it appeared another subject was on their tongues – Jedi walking the streets, and why they were doing it. Apparently there was a gorgeous young female Jedi out in the street, simply standing there – and to anyone who had any knowledge on the Jedi, they didn’t just stand about looking pretty for no reason.
Of course, today the reason was less nefarious than it could have been. The aforementioned Knight was simply waiting to meet a friend, of sorts, who gave her a little wave as he approached through the parting people. He was dressed as her usual, and wore an almost ecstatic joyful smile as he nodded in greeting.
“Vedui', Melamin.”
Xazor Elessar
Mar 8th, 2003, 02:54:49 PM
A smile swept over Xazor's face as she spotted Dasquian and waved to him with joy evident in her glowing cyan eyes.
"Cormamin lindua ele lle, melamin."
She said softly as he came near her and she wrapped her arms around his neck.
"I have missed you so."
The words were gently spoke as she brushed her lips near his ear before pulling away with a sly grin upon her face.
"Shall we?"
She questioned, motioning toward the Bar and Grill. Her soul swelled with happiness as she returned to her happy state once again. Being in his presence was something amazing and indeed, the Knight felt so when she was.
Dasquian Belargic
Mar 8th, 2003, 03:03:54 PM
Dasquian returned the embrace before beginning to walk with Xazor into Yogs’. He held the door open for the Garou as she stepped in before following, noting how beautiful she looked in the crimson robes, which he had not seen her attired in for so long.
As they looked about for a table, he silently wondered how Valanya was. He had not seen her in a day or so and dearly missed her when he did not – she was such a cheerful thing, for one so young.
“How are you feeling?” he asked as the two sat down to a table – he was still a little unsure of being too forward around Xazor, and so allowed her to make ‘the moves’ while they were together.
Xazor Elessar
Mar 9th, 2003, 01:01:08 PM
Xazor smiled gently and sat down as Dasquian spoke to her.
"I am feeling well -- still working on burning off this excess fat."
With that she laughed, for it mattered not how she looked, Dasquian would love her anyway.
"Other than that, I feel great because I'm with you. And how have you been, melamin?"
She questioned softly as her hand slide across the table and took his. The Knight squeezed it gently before noticing that a passerby was eyeing them. She drew back and smiled at Dasquian thoughtfully.
Dasquian Belargic
Mar 12th, 2003, 11:08:38 AM
“Fairly well. I’ve spent a lot of time, recently, learning more about the period in Jedi history whilst I was in cryosleep… learning about the great Jedi then, and the past battles fought back the Greater Jedi Order,”
Dasquian blushed faintly, though it was not noticeable – the bar was hot, and most people were going pink in the cheeks from the warmth.
He gave a small smile, “I know its silly to dwell on things in the past, but I thought that if I knew a little more about them, perhaps I could improve myself and become a greater Jedi than I am now.”
Xazor Elessar
Mar 16th, 2003, 01:13:24 PM
Xazor smiled as Dasquian spoke of learning about the past. It was a noble act of him to do this extra studying to understand.
"Perhaps I could use a bit of studying myself -- I need to settle my mind a bit, as much as I would love to go on a Sith slaughter, I know that I must keep working on my diplomacy skills and perhaps even a bit of scholar."
She nodded in agreeance to herself. It would be done and someday, she too would be a model Jedi -- perhaps -- and at the right time, a Master.
"So, my love, did you have anything special planned for after dinner?"
The Knight winked but recalled that she had openly expressed a title of love for Dasquian and her cheeks flushed. It was not that she was ashamed of what they had, but others did not necessarily know of it -- and she would not want such things reaching the ears of her fiancee.
Dasquian Belargic
Mar 16th, 2003, 01:27:13 PM
“A Sith slaughter?” Dasquian questioned, his brow momentarily furrowing as he canted his head inquisitively.
“I suppose such an absence from real battle during Valanya’s birth has left you eager to return to the battle ground?” he laughed. He knew Xazor was unlike most Jedi, and that she did not always choose the most diplomatic of routes when it came to dealing with problems – and he had long ago accepted this as her nature. In fact in a way, he loved her all the more for it.
“After dinner,” he then added, noticing the colouring in Xazor’s cheeks and attempting to alleviate it with a gentle squeeze of her hand.
“I was hoping just to spend some time with you, doing anything really. That alone is special to me.”
Xazor Elessar
Mar 16th, 2003, 01:52:13 PM
Xazor nodded and smiled gently, knowing that her fellow Jedi did not often approve of her use of such physical force. A slight laugh escaped her lips as she thought of what she had said.
"Perhaps not a Sith slaughter -- but a good fight would do me well. Marcus keeps telling me to take it easy, though, until I am fully back on my feet."
She noted the gentle squeeze of her hand that Dasquian offered. This made her feel more at ease in the presence of everyone else gathered here. If not for the tricky circumstances surrounding them at the moment, she would have much appreciated to lean over and kiss him as deeply as they had before.
"Indeed -- I have not spent time alone with you in a while -- it will be wonderful no matter what we do."
Dasquian Belargic
Mar 16th, 2003, 01:57:06 PM
“I would say we could spar, but I’m still bruised from the last beating you gave me,” Dasquian quipped, smiling mischievously.
“Perhaps though,” he continued, lacing his fingertips with Xazors as he felt himself become a little more at ease,
“We could do a sweep on the lower levels of Coruscant together… there’re bound to be some Sith hanging around in the shadows, and if not, I know a quite little café we could drop into... they have nice music and its pretty quite of an evening. It’s a nice place to talk.
Xazor Elessar
Mar 16th, 2003, 02:14:05 PM
Xazor laughed to herself seeing the cute coy smile upon Dasquian's lips and the mischievous look in his eyes.
"A sweep of the lowlands -- sounds like a fun idea. I also like the sound of this cafe."
She said with a grin, looking down at the hands as their fingertips laced together like many times before.
"I was thinking about it -- maybe we could take a little trip again. It was wonderful to have spent that time completely alone out there on Yavin. Maybe we could go somewhere else this time. I just need to spend time with you where I don't feel watched."
The words were whispered and her eyes dropped to the table as she used her mind's eye to search the room, feeling for eyes upon the pair. Indeed, there were a few, but for the most part everyone was minding their own business. This brought an inward sigh of relief on Xazor's part.
Dasquian Belargic
Mar 16th, 2003, 02:22:47 PM
“I was thinking, actually, of going back to my home planet sometime soon. Maybe we could go there?”
When he said home planet, he wasn’t sure if Xazor would know, but he did not mean the mining moon he had grown up on, but the exotic outer rim planet where his parents and ancestors hailed from. This place, known as Hallaera, had been introduced to him on a trip to his former home by distant relatives of his former acquaintances, who explained to him stories of feuding between people of Hallaera and the mining community, eventually resulting in the abandonment of Dasquian, his brother Aaron, and a few others like them on Woostri.
Xazor Elessar
Mar 16th, 2003, 03:24:47 PM
The Garou Knight canted her head to the side and eyed Dasquian curiously. 'I'll go anywhere with you, but a place full of mines?' She thought to herself for a moment before opening her mouth with the question.
"You mean -- where you grew up -- where there are, mines everywhere?"
'How romantic', she thought to herself quietly, not wishing to hurt his feelings by her honesty. A laugh escaped her lips but she realized he was serious and so she shut her mouth.
"Sounds like -- fun. Perhaps we could even visit my home planet someday -- and I don't mean Cysaria either. Eden calls to me again -- I need to be in the presence of Gaia and those of my kind."
Indeed she felt a deep connection to the one she served, Gaia, the god of her people. Not only that but she wished to see her home once again and take Valanya there where she could discover part of her roots. Someday when she was old enough the child would travel there and to Dasquian's home as well. Xazor wanted her to know where she came from -- being half Garou and half Elven. (ooc: or whatever you are, Dasq. Can't remember what you are calling yourself. will edit this once you tell me)
Dasquian Belargic
Mar 16th, 2003, 03:40:05 PM
“No, not the dun-lands,” he replied with a quiet laugh.
“The sovereign city of Bel-Jihar, on Hallaera.”
What was odd about the planet was that the name, essentially, meant tall ones – as Dasquian himself was of the Hallaera, and therefore a Hallaer (thankfully, none of his people were ever short, or it would have been terribly embarrassing).
“It’s an organic world… full of amazing architecture, rolling mountains and amazing vistas… or so I’ve heard. I’ve not been there yet.”
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