View Full Version : A Long Way From Home

Aranel Oronrį
Mar 8th, 2003, 12:04:42 AM
"If you are going through hell, keep going. If you make the other side you have won your fears over."

"When life gets you down you just have to pick yourself up off the deck, scrub yourself down and try again". Perhaps it was this that Aranel could not understand. Aranel had been to many different planets, seen countless sights and wonders. He had read nearly every good book he could get his hands on from the age of 12 and upwards and yet he never knew what powers he possessed and why. The fact he could move objects with his mind without having to touch them,he could read peoples thoughts and feelings, make things happen without even thinking on the subject made his a freak to his family. And an outcast

It was when he was finally turffed out onto the streets through fear of anyone finding Aranel in the family Manor that he decided it was time to take action. He was 22 and had apsaloutly no experience what-so-ever in fighting, using the force or any hand to hand skills. He was quite simply a scaffold of a body, a mear sketch of a painting on a canvas which had to be filled. But he knew he could not do this alone. He needed help to control these powers, these powers that had lost him everything and sent him to the gutters of his own families home.

If he was stuck with the Force then he needed to learn how to control them, to weild them to help, serve and protect others. He had heard of the Jedi of course but he feared he was to pointless to be able to join. He was a simple noble and had not done a day of work in his life. Why would they let a skilless individual into there Order? But they were the only ones he could ask. No one else would allow him under there wing not even home.

The Jedi Halls smelt clean and full of air, fresh. He loved the scent of fresh air, the coolness soothed his head and calmed his body. He liked the Jedi already he could sense they enjoyed the lighter side of life the same as he. He would as at least, there is no harm in trying. Though if he was turned down, he doubted he could take the rejection.

"Hello?..I wonder if i could be seen. I wish to discuss my recruitment here..." He had a soft voice. It was gentle and calm and even soothing.

Sage Hazzard
Mar 8th, 2003, 03:38:07 AM
Sage was happy to see a well mannered man enter. Made his job easier when people were polite.

"Recruitment? Ah, yes, I see," Sage smiled, walking up. He was wearing his now commonplace orange Jedi robes. The were more flashy than Jedi normally were. Not intended that way. It was passed down from his father. "Well then, let's start the interview, hmm? Why do you wish to be a Jedi?"

Aranel Oronrį
Mar 8th, 2003, 09:03:54 AM
"Oh hello" Aranel turned to view Sage and of course was quickly suprised by the orange garb he wore, shocking it was to see a man wear so brightly elaborate
colors. But alas here was here to join not make diffrences to others clothing. Why he wanted to join was a superb question, one that could not be answerd right off the bat.

"I really dont know" He said as he looked down towards the ground. " I guess i wish to do something with my life. You know accomplish a goal or two"

In reality Aranel had no idea why he was doing here other than he had no where else to turn to. He was here to learn what he had never leared and control a power that he had all his life yet never been able to weild it.

"I wish to learn" He finally said.

Sage Hazzard
Mar 8th, 2003, 10:30:03 PM
Sage nodded, sighing.

"Learning is highly thought of by the Jedi. However, it's what you do with your new found knowledge that most concearns the Jedi. What would you do with the education you seek?"

Aranel Oronrį
Mar 9th, 2003, 01:41:31 AM
"I know the mission of the Jedi sir. I assure you i would help others with my knowledge." The blonde man said with a smile although Sages robes still worried him. He still gave the man a warm smile. " Though i must admit i cant fight, i have no skills other than what i know from books...i have to learn quite a fair bit..."

Now it was the crunch time. He had no skills to sell the Jedi other than he was willing to learn, he was sure that he wouls be sent away and just hoped for the best.

Sage Hazzard
Mar 9th, 2003, 02:57:59 AM
"Skills are not needed. As long as you have Force potential, and that much I can sense in you, you may join. Fighting is not everything, especially not to the whole of the Jedi. We need many people to fill many roles. You will find a place in here sir. You wish to help others and that is all that is needed."

Sage extended his hand.

"Jedi Master Sage Hazzard. Welcome. A Master will for you in due time. In the meanwhile you can make use of the Living Quarters where you will find a furnished room for your housing and living needs. The Master Yoghurt's Bar and Grill is also a common place for many Jedi. There you shall find food, drink, and conversation. Good luck on your journey--" He didn't know his name. "Almost forgot. What is your name?"

Aranel Oronrį
Mar 9th, 2003, 03:27:00 AM
" Oh, sorry. My names Aranel sir. Aranel Oronrį" He said with th first smile upon his face in a very long while. The fact he was allowed to join was completely unexpected. He took the jedi master hand and shook it once before another smile erupted from his face.

"Oh, i have something for you..." He said as he swung his pack around and delved his hand into a exterior pocket. When he had finally found what he wanted he pulled it out and opened his hand to reveal a small broach. It looked like a leaf and indeed it was, it was a dark green leaf with the details outlined with a fine cold. Quite beutiful.

" You are the first person to ask my name in a long while or even greet me like a man again..here...take this with my friendship.." He smiled once again and placed the trinket in his hand.

Sage Hazzard
Mar 9th, 2003, 03:47:11 AM
Sage smiled as he looked apon it. It was indeed breathtaking. He clasped the Aranel's hand with both of his, showing acceptance and gratitude. Squeezing and releasing, taking the broach away into his possesion.

"Thank you Aranel. I have nothing to offer you in return except my friendship, and that you may have fully, friend."