View Full Version : The Wanderings of the Newly Damned (open whatever)
Mar 7th, 2003, 02:59:57 PM
He was new at this vampire thing. Alana was teaching him and little by little, he was beginning to come to understand the big picture. But it would take time. He’d never had an interest in vampires before. He knew nothing of them except the stories of sunlight, garlic, or a stake through the heart. And even then, he had no idea whether or not these stories were even true.
The way in which he’d become one of the damned was purely a twist of fate. A simple gambling addiction that had gotten a bit out of control had landed him at the mercy of several bookies. To make back the debts owed to them by young Kolarik, the bookies had taken him captive and he’d been forced to compete in an underground competition.
Dog fighting with a twist. Human versus dog. Until he’d escape and run for safety. Run only to fall at the feet of a vampire.
Alana had taken him in and while she had taken life from him, she had also given him a new one. Given him a life of darkness. And he had no regrets.
For so many nights now, Alana had taken him hunting, watching over him and teaching him the ways. Tonight she had insisted he go on his own – if only to know that he could do it by himself if he had to. He hadn’t liked this idea, but had done it all the same. And he’d found that it wasn’t so difficult as he’d thought it might be. It was just that it wasn’t so much of a game when he was alone. Instead it was a quick kill to prove to himself he could do it on his own, and then he’d returned to the safety and familiarity of the Shrine.
He hadn’t met many of the others – in fact, he hadn’t met any of them at all. And so it was now as he walked the halls that he hoped he might come to find another.
Darren Caerdeth
Mar 10th, 2003, 06:17:58 PM
"Pick your chin up a little"
Darren had been following closely behind Kolarik for some time. The Vampyre lord was stealthy, and could sometimes sneak up on even the most experienced Shrine Vampyres. He could sense a bit of insecurity in the boys posture. Not all who were turned became as comfortable with it as Darren did. In fact, Darren was probably on of the biggest exceptions the Shrine had seen, as far as adjustment came...
"There's nothing interesting on the floor."
Mar 10th, 2003, 06:28:29 PM
He'd turned only to come face to face with Darren. He hadnt heard him there at all. Oddly, this didnt seem to bother him and a relaxed grin fell over his features as he blinked beneath a shaggy head of hair.
He looked like he probably should have been out following the Grateful Dead and smoking as much grass as he could get his hands on. He had that relaxed, rather chill aura about him.
But it was true. Tonight his chin was dragging a bit on the ground. He didnt like wandering the halls alone. He'd had Alana's attention from the night he'd been turned, and to not have it this evening was an entirely new experience. He wasnt quite sure what to do with himself.
He rather liked being a vampire, and with his pale face and dark circles beneath his eyes, it suited him well. But going out on his own....he just didnt care for it. Not yet.
He liked the company of others, and this he was learning, was not something most vampires desired.
His head cocked slightly as he looked to this one who seemed about his age. And so entirely sure of himself.
"The pattern isnt all that boring...." He replied with a shrug and a grin that indicated that he was being entirely sarcastic about the pattern on the floor that he'd somewhat been eyeing as he'd walked along.
Darren Caerdeth
Mar 10th, 2003, 07:27:22 PM
"If you're finding amusement in floor patterns, then Id hate to see what bores you.."
Its not that Darren was saying Kolarik shouldnt look at the floor. The boy had eternity, so he really wasnt wasting time. Of course, an eternity of boredom would suck, and Darren was one of those who was constantly fighting it...
"The names Darren...."
Mar 11th, 2003, 09:51:21 AM
If you're finding amusement in floor patterns, then Id hate to see what bores you…
This comment elicited a wry expression from him. The immediate impression that Darren had of him was no different than that of the guys he’d worked with before….well…before all of this.
He supposed it was just an impression that came with being a quiet sort of guy and it really didn’t bother him all that much. But that didn’t mean he was boring.
The names Darren....
“Kolarik” He replied, introducing himself as well.
There was a slightly awkward silence, for it was in this moment that he realized he’d never really spoken with a vampire before – besides Alana, and he wasn’t exactly sure what he was supposed to talk about.
Sheepishly, he’d offered an apologetic grin.
“Im kinda new at this…” He admitted, ‘this’ being the fact that he was now a vampire.
Darren Caerdeth
Mar 11th, 2003, 11:34:01 AM
"How long have you been turned?"
This guy had to have been turned by Alana. She had a way of showing you so much, but leaving so much for you to discover. She liked to work her little enigmas, leaving you to think.
The best way to learn something is to figure it out yourself, after all...
Mar 11th, 2003, 12:16:29 PM
He knew exactly how long he’d been turned. He could count every night on his memory. In time, they would likely all blur together as immortal life began to weave its eternal damnation upon him.
“This is the seventh night.” He replied as he shifted slightly, shaking his head enough to knock the hair from his eyes.
“Its my first night on my own.” He added. His words were not whining, but rather a simple explanation. For a moment his eyes flickered back to the door that led to the world outside and he wonderied if perhaps he should have given it more of a chance. Spent a bit more time out there discovering things. They lingered there for a moment before looking back to Darren.
“What about you?” He asked.
Darren Caerdeth
Mar 14th, 2003, 07:05:50 PM
"A few months"
First night on his own. Darren could remember that night like it was yesterday....
Darren: So what you're saying is....I cant die?
Alana: Yes
Darren: (somewhat confused)Ok...I think Im gonna go for a walk
Five bottles of Vodka later, Darren learned the little tidbit about a Vampire's body rejecting any type of consumable unless injested with a hearty helping of blood, alcohol included.
On this day Red Vodka was created, and there was much rejoicing...
Darren had drifted off slightly in memory, as he had a proud glint in his eye....
"I'll tell ya what. Is there anywhere you've always wanted to go, but couldnt?"
Mar 18th, 2003, 12:35:56 PM
It took no time at all for Kolarik to come up with an answer. He loved to gamble. Loved to gamble despite the risks associated with it – despite the trouble it had gotten him in.
It wasn’t an addiction necessarily, but it was something that held him fascinated for hours on end trying to predict the outcomes.
“Yeah, there is.” He replied, his eyes seeming to light up at the mere thought of it.
“A casino.” He shrugged somewhat sheepishly.
"Ive never had a chance to go to one...." He added.
Vampyre Dalamar
Mar 23rd, 2003, 02:54:47 PM
"Well then by all means lets take you then." Came a voice from the shadows. "I also like a good game of chance." Dalamar emerged from the many shadows of the Shrine. Pulling out a small bag he tossed it on the table. The leather tie came loose and gold coins spilled out on the table. "I think that should be enought to get us started. Are you game to join us Darren?"
The Warlord smiled a night out would do him good. To long had he neglected himself keeping himself busy with Shrine buisness.
Darren Caerdeth
Mar 23rd, 2003, 02:58:31 PM
"Of course...Any place imparticular, or shall we just see where chance takes us?"
Darren smiled somewhat. Not only was it the perfect excuse to get out and have some fun, but it would serve to show Kolarik just what immortality was all about.
Doing what you want, when you want, wherever you want, without having to worry about consequence.
Vampyre Dalamar
Mar 23rd, 2003, 03:05:07 PM
"Hmmn well the place's I use to go to no longer seem to exist." he said with slight disgust. "Last time I went they said the place had closed 13 yrs ago. The life of an immortal is a pain sometimes. Darren your newly turned maybe you know of a more current establishment or perhaps or fledgling Kolarik knows of a place."
Mar 24th, 2003, 12:36:42 PM
Well then by all means lets take you then.
The voice carried from the shadows was followed a moment later by the one who owned it. Despite the fact that he’d fed only recently, the color faded from his cheeks. Briefly, Kolarik stiffened, the somewhat relaxed expression washing off of his face.
He had met Dalamar once before and had been the partial cause for an exchange between the warlord and Alana.
I also like a good game of chance.
These words seemed to drip with something more than their simple meaning, but the fledgling did what he could to shove suspicions aside as his gaze left the warlord to stare at the gold coins that had spilled upon the table.
….or perhaps our fledgling Kolarik knows of a place.
He hadn’t responded immediately, but after a moment, he piped up.
“I haven’t been, but the one I always heard about was called Twin Suns….and some newer gambling ship called the Saiatah High Roller….”
Vampyre Dalamar
Mar 24th, 2003, 11:29:27 PM
"Sounds good to me, Darren? Dalamar clicked the controls on his gauntlet. The Nagari where readying his ship the Talo's Tear. We can leave within the hour if you want to grab anything for the trip now would be a good time."
The Warlord turned and started whistling a tune, one not heard in 400 hundred years. "Sweet Amanda" His black armor was shiny in the dim light glistening like a black snake. His body soon dissapeared into the darkness but the the tune carried eerily on...
Mar 25th, 2003, 09:12:19 AM
Kolarik had watched the warlord leave, still having reservations about the good intentions of the Vampyre Dalamar. He was naïve in the ways of the vampire, but the simple things he had learned as a mortal had not left him with his turning.
“Do you know him well?” He asked, turning from the dark hall where the tune seemed to linger to look back at Darren.
Darren Caerdeth
Mar 26th, 2003, 10:39:54 PM
"Well enough"
Darren nodded his head slightly. Not giving any real definition in his answer. If Dalamar were to try anything against the fledgling, then it would be a test, a test that Darren didnt want to tamper with..
Mar 27th, 2003, 08:29:20 AM
He looked to Darren for a moment longer. The response had been simple enough that Kolarik got the feeling Darren wasnt going to elaborate any further.
"I suppose I'll know him 'well enough' after tonight..." He commented, leaning back against one of the columns of the hallway and crossing his arms over his chest.
"Is this what being a vampire is all about?" He asked, referring to what they were about to embark upon - doing whatever they wanted to do on a moments notice.
Darren Caerdeth
Mar 27th, 2003, 05:13:36 PM
"Consider it a perk."
Darren replied rather quickly, before taking an even more serious look.
"Right now, you might be wandering around, trying to put things in perspective. Trying to figure out what this all means. My advice. Enjoy yourself, you have forever to figure the rest out."
Vampyre Dalamar
Mar 28th, 2003, 11:59:09 PM
Dalamar was waiting by his ship when the two arrived. Gesturing at both of them they boarded. "Saiatah High Roller here we come." The twin engines of the medium sized ship fired and they took off like a rocket.
Smiling the Warlord looked at Kolarik "Did you say your farewells? without waiting for the answer he turned to Darren. "I brought along some of that RED vodka you love why don't you pour us all a glass. Don't worry I brought plenty I know you don't play with your drink. I brought a bag of Gold for each of us worth a fortune but then money means nothing to me only what it can achieve.
"I think for tonight I will lay down my duty and have a good time." another smile for Kolarik. Darren seemed to sense the undercurrent. Well of course he did he was no fool. "Darren I have watched you in your neverending quest to stop boredom. I will expect you to show me some of your results tonight."
Landing in the Docking bay they where about to disembark....
Mar 31st, 2003, 08:56:09 AM
He nodded in a semblance of greeting to Dalamar as he and Darren approached the ship. He held nothing against him, but was simply wary of him. Silently he’d taken a seat, pondering the events of the evening thus far and wondering about what lay ahead.
From beneath a shaggy head of hair, dark eyes stared across the ship, watching the atmosphere fly by. He was tuned out to most everything until a familiar voice brought him back to reality.
Did you say your farewells?
There was a smile behind it, but the fledgling vampire was still rather uneasy. There was more to the vampire world than Kolarik was aware of. He was not aware quite yet that he was among vampires who considered themselves followers of the Sith – something he knew very little about, never mind finding time to embrace it.
He watched in silence as Darren and Dalamar discussed red vodka.
I think for tonight I will lay down my duty and have a good time.
Kolarik couldn’t help but wonder what duty that was, but refrained from asking. Reminding the warlord of whatever duty he had chosen to lay down would perhaps not be the smartest move he could have made. He sighed as Dalamar gave him another smile.
He would have preferred for it to be all laid upon the table and discussed openly, but for now, it seemed, the warlord was enjoying toying with him.
As they prepared to disembark, Kolarik passed by Dalamar.
“Im not so foolish that I don’t know how broad your definition of a ‘good time’ likely is…” He stated, his dark eyes peering out from beneath shaggy locks at the warlord. It was not a warning necessarily, for he really wasn’t the type who found entertainment in violence or conflict. Rather it was said to make
Dalamar aware that he had caught the meaning behind the smiles and remarks, and he wasn’t exactly thrilled with it.
Darren Caerdeth
Apr 1st, 2003, 06:23:16 PM
Darren walked by on his way to the ship and gave Kolarik a pat on the back..
"Drinking and gambling my friend, thats the plan for the night. And women of course, if you're as good as I am..."
Apr 1st, 2003, 06:45:18 PM
Kolarik had grinned at this. It wasnt anything cocky, but more an anticipatory sort of reaction.
That sounded like the perfect evening....if Dalamar was going to permit it to be.
Vampyre Dalamar
Apr 3rd, 2003, 09:48:35 PM
"Oh your not foolish, thats good to know." Dalamar crushed the plexisteel cup in his taloned hand. Moving quickly with a growl the Warlord grabbed the fledgling and pinned him to the wall. "I have issue's with you Kolarik for reasons I'm sure you know. His teeth showed long and sharp, his eye's glowed a dark red neon as his face grew shadowed.
"Nevertheless we have made our choice's." The Warlord dropped Kolarik as the anger left his voice. "In the old days I would have killed you and no one would have thought any thing of it. I have since learned that is wrong. I am part of an honor system that is somewhat antiquated. So I must remember this.
The Warlord extended his hand talking to himself as he did "I MUST remember this." He waited for Kolarik to take it.
Apr 4th, 2003, 08:27:44 AM
In only moment he found himself pinned to the wall. He didn’t struggle, for he had assumed that as some point this, or worse, would be coming.
I have issues with you Kolarik for reasons I'm sure you know.
The truth was that he didn’t know exactly. He knew Dalamar to be a former lover for Alana, but this was all that he knew. It wasn’t exactly the sort of thing he was going to ask around about.
His gaze met that of the warlord, neither aggression nor fear showing in his expression. He gave a quick glance to the elongated fangs, knowing by this and by the dark red color of the warlord’s eyes that he was angry.
And rather smartly, he kept his mouth shut. He knew he was no match for Dalamar, not to mention, he just didn’t care all that much for conflict.
Nevertheless we have made our choices.
With these words, the fledgling found himself released from the powerful grasp.
In the old days I would have killed you and no one would have thought any thing of it. I have since learned that is wrong. I am part of an honor system that is somewhat antiquated. So I must remember this. I MUST remember this.
Kolarik shifted slightly, knowing that he had somehow made an enemy of Dalamar. And while the warlord sounded as if he was willing to put it aside as best as possible, Kolarik had a feeling that he was one who would not easily forget the bad blood between them. But perhaps he was wrong. Afterall, he didn’t know Dalamar, and maybe tonight would begin to repair the damage between them.
Slowly, Kolarik nodded in understanding of Dalamar’s words, and the fact that he should consider himself rather lucky that he was going to live to see another night. And then he took the hand extended to him.
“I didn’t mean to cause any trouble.” These words were spoken with a quiet confidence, the sincerity of them carrying through as he looked to Dalamar from beneath shaggy bangs that fell irritatingly into his eyes
Vampyre Dalamar
Apr 6th, 2003, 12:09:35 AM
"Forget about it lets gamble." The Warlord got off the ship with the two other vamps in tow. The Vampyres entered the establishment ready to have a good time. As usual Darren entered first ready to party....
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