View Full Version : The Eternal Thirst (Alana)

Mar 7th, 2003, 02:21:36 PM
He had only become a vampire about twenty four standard hours ago. From the moment Alana had taken him in, he had been under her spell and when she had offered him eternal life, he had not been able to think of one reason that would give him a desire to answer anything other than yes to her.

His first evening as a vampire had been passed with her. He had not gone out to hunt – he hadn’t wanted to just yet. He’d wanted only to be with her, and sometime just before the sun rose, he had fallen into a deep sleep. A slumber he had never before known. A slumber known only to the damned.

And as the sun began to set, in his darkened room, he awakened. Awakened to a thirst he had never known before. It was so strong he felt he would go mad with the lust for it. His fangs bit down upon his lip, droplets of blood pooling for a moment before his tongue passed over them. It was not enough to taste his own blood. It was the taste of another’s blood upon his lips that he wanted.

Alana Stormcloud
Mar 7th, 2003, 03:13:08 PM
Alana stared down at the newly turned Vampyre. She had already been up for quiet some time. Her need for sleep lessened by time. She had felt him awaken, his second night as a Vampyre. His hunger would be deep and painful if he waited to long to feed. His slumber had been peaceful, undisturbed by the images she had viewed in his mind as a mortal. There sleep was as dreamless as death at times.

Alana grinned at him as his hooded eyes opened. Her hand already straying to the familiar gesture of brushing his hair back. "It is time to hunt Kolarik." She gazed at the lips he had pierced with his own teeth, her own teeth extending at the sight.

Alana stood up from the bed, pulling on a different set of cloths. Her tight jump suit leaving nothing to the imagination. Looking back over her shoulder, the Sith Lordess tossed him some cloths she had borrowed from Nathan. "These will do until you can get more of your own."

Alana's face was a porcelain color, translucent in appearance. She to needed to feed. Her crimson lips stretched into a knowing grin as she approached him. Her arms sliding around his neck. "This is where you will truly learn the pleasures of a hunt young one."

Mar 7th, 2003, 03:32:26 PM
Even though his eyes had still been closed, he’d felt her presence, oddly familiar, yet so new to him. His hand had reached out to her, resting upon hers.

She’d reached then, to brush the hair from his eyes, and slowly, he’d opened them. They immediately found hers and he’d released a content sigh.

It is time to hunt Kolarik.

She’d whispered as she’d moved from the bed. His gaze lingered on her, watching her as she moved with seductive confidence about the room.

It seemed that she’d felt his gaze upon her, and eventually she looked over her shoulder to meet his gaze. In moment, she’d tossed some clothes in his direction.

These will do until you can get more of your own.

He sat up then, though he didn’t move at all to put them on. Instead he’d remained as he was for the moment, content on watching her. She’d moved to him then, sliding her arms around his neck.

This is where you will truly learn the pleasures of a hunt young one.

He’d grinned at this, thinking that there truly could be no better life. She’d allowed him a kiss before she’d pushed him playfully from her and urged him to get dressed.

He’d dressed rather haphazardly at first, and then catching his reflection in the mirror had been drawn to it. His face had paled a bit and taken on a slightly different quality to it. But his eyes were the same eyes gazing out from beneath a shaggy head of hair. Still, with wonder, a hand had reached to mirror, as a child does before they first understand that it is their reflection which they are seeing before them.

And then he’d grinned, and turned to look back over his shoulder at Alana. The look that he gave her was exactly the look that would make it so easy for him to attract his victims. It was a quite confidence mingled with the innocence of youth. Something devilish about him, perhaps, that seemed alluring, yet safe enough to approach.

Alana Stormcloud
Mar 7th, 2003, 11:36:57 PM
Alana eyed Kolarik with interest, she enjoyed watching him discover new things. To see the excitement and pleasure he received. It had been far too long since the Sith Lordess had garnered pleasure from anything but the kill. She had not felt her pleasure in the small things slipping until he had awakened it. The one's she had turned before had always sought the darkness the Shrine offered but Kolarik had taken the offer in innocence.

To Alana it was far more intriguing. He also had an easy grace, boyish, and charming but utterly seductive. The Vampyre moved up behind him silently, her eyes catching his in the mirror, locking. Her smile was one that told what she thought of. There night together had been ever so sweet. A soft kiss was placed on his cheek and a whisper only he could hear. "Come lets hunt, I would see you devastate a mortal girl with that look of yours." Her soft chuckle whispered her sweet breath across his cheek. She would enjoy this night....

Mar 8th, 2003, 11:01:00 AM
He loved that smile of hers. He loved the way it spread across her face, gently altering her features and bringing yet another angle to her beauty. What he also loved about was the way she made it seem as if it were a smile only for him.

Her kiss was soft upon his cheek and he had turned wanting more, but had heard only a light whisper instead.

Come lets hunt, I would see you devastate a mortal girl with that look of yours.

Her soft chuckle against his cheek sent an involuntary shiver of anticipation through him. He gave one last look at the mirror into the reflection of a vampire yet to be tainted by the first kill of a mortal and then he followed her from the room.

The halls he was seeing now he did not remember from when he had been brought to the Shrine and he looked with curiosity upon them. And as they entered the streets, his eyes blinked for a moment. The darkness outside, the brightness of the streetlamps, the sounds of the street – they all had a new quality to them. No longer did he see it with mortal eyes, or hear it with mortal ears and he turned to Alana. There was no fear or worry upon his face, simply a sense of wonder and exhilaration. Everything seemed heightened, and it were almost as if he were experiencing the city life for the first time once again.

He was about to ask Alana about this when a few mortals passed by. His head turned to follow them, his eyes pinning on them. Involuntarily, his fangs had elongated, the desire and hunger for blood renewing itself with the proximity of the prey. It took great effort not to simply fall upon them and fulfill this desire and he turned back to Alana, an intense gaze upon his features.

“Are there things I should know about this….?” He asked, referring not only to the hunt, but rather to being a vampire in general.

Alana Stormcloud
Mar 8th, 2003, 02:16:50 PM
“Are there things I should know about this….?”

Alana turned back to him, her hue shifting eyes locking on his own. "Know this... There are none such as us. We wield the darkness that is complete, and we can take all that we want." The surety of her words told Kolarik just how vampires viewed themselves. They were a cocky breed, utterly sure of there power.

"Tonight we hunt at the Roonstone Inn. It boarders the light side of Roon, as you have noticed the area we reside in is always cast in darkness, with only the light of the moon to light the way. It is night where we go now, where the inhabitants of the towns gather, testing fate in our domain." Her eyes glimmered with hunger as she spoke. She moved closer, the heady scent of jasmine surrounding the two. She offered him the kiss he had yearned for at the mirror.

"I know all of your wants..." She whispered seductively....

Mar 10th, 2003, 10:55:07 AM
He listened to her speak, intent on hearing her words, yet distracted somewhat by the hunger that was growing with every minute.

I know all of your wants...

She had whispered this seductively to him, and he’d groaned softly in desire. He was a vampire, true, but that didn’t mean he would ever stop wanting whatever would provide a feeling of ecstasy.

He stopped in his tracks, his hand reaching for hers and tugging her to him. Yes, he would have to learn to subsist on the blood of mortals, but it didn’t keep him from wanting to taste Alana’s once again.

She was shorter than he was, and as they stood face to face now in the streets, a hand came to brush her cheek and then her neck, brushing her tendrils of hair away and leaving exposed her neck.

Dark eyes stared into hers then. Her wanted her blood, but he would not take what he could not seduce her into giving him.

"And do you know what it is that I want right now?" He asked, his voice just above a whisper as he traced a kiss over her forehead.

Alana Stormcloud
Mar 10th, 2003, 11:40:19 AM
Alana fit herself to Kolarik, her body melding against his. She tilted her head further in open invitation. She could feel his desire, his hunger to taste her yet again. The darkness that surrounded the two was complete and encompassing. Mortals passed by, Watching the two in there wanton embrace. There was an undeniable feeling of power that drew eyes, and whispers.

"And do you know what it is that I want right now?"

Her soft sigh fell against his lips in response, her hands slipping into his hair pulling him mouth to her exposed neck. "Than take what you want...” She offered, her eyes slipping closed. She could deny him nothing in that moment.

"I hunger for your immortal kiss, just as much as you hunger for mine."

Mar 10th, 2003, 12:05:27 PM
Her body fit perfectly to his and as she tilted her head further in open invitation, he found it nearly impossible to resist. He cared little about the mortals who passed by. He could feel their presence, the anticipation of the taste of their blood only adding to the lust he felt. But it was not the mortals he desired, it was Alana he wanted right now, and it was only Alana that he saw.

Then take what you want...

Her offer consumed him, and as had become habit for him, he had nipped her lip, her blood mingling with their kiss before his mouth had trailed to her neck.

I hunger for your immortal kiss, just as much as you hunger for mine.

This was what he had wanted to hear. That she wanted him as much as he wanted her. Razor sharp fangs sank into her pearlized skin. One hand at her waist held her close to him while the other was entangled in her hair as the base of her neck.

He would not drink his fill. He knew she desired to see him seduce a mortal woman this evening and to taste the blood of what he had once been. He wanted to – he would have been content with only the taste of her blood, but he had made a promise to her, and he would keep it.

After a few moments, reluctantly, he pulled away, though his lips remained just over the marks, his breath upon her neck as the wounds began already to heal.

He trembled slightly, heady with the taste of her blood and the fact that he was forcibly denying himself the rest of what he wanted.

Alana Stormcloud
Mar 10th, 2003, 12:24:29 PM
Alana's knowing eyes slipped closed at the touch of his lips. A soft moan escaping past crimson lips, told of the delight she took in his kiss. The world around her dropped away, slipping into the shadows she was so familiar with. His touch intoxicated her as no other. Perhaps it was his innocent charm she found so endearing, so irresistible.

When he pulled away from her neck, his breath warm on the closing wounds. The Sith Lordess felt his body tremble against her. She to did not pay heed to the Mortals that gawked at them, though she could hear their blood rushing through there veins. Her hunger heightened with the pleasure of his touch.

Alana looked up at him, her head tilting slightly to the side, her black hair creating a shroud around there entwined bodies. "They wait... They all wait to taste what we offer. To have a moment of the ecstasy we provide. We who stand behind the veil of the dark side, and have lost the mortal coil they are ensnared in. We are the death they fear, and strive for." Her sirens song wove around him.

Alana’s eyes flickered over to a small blonde woman who had just opened a door to the Roonstone tavern. "They come to this place to dabble at death. Take her, and show her what it means to play with what you do not know..."

Mar 10th, 2003, 01:40:53 PM
He did not want to leave her embrace, but he knew that in the end, later tonight, she would be with him. This he knew somehow, and so that made it easier.

They wait... They all wait to taste what we offer. To have a moment of the ecstasy we provide. We who stand behind the veil of the dark side, and have lost the mortal coil they are ensnared in. We are the death they fear, and strive for.

She pulled from him now to gaze at a small blonde woman who had just opened the door to the Roonstone tavern. His gaze followed hers, lusting not for the woman, as he did with Alana, but for the mortal blood that he could nearly taste upon his lips.

They come to this place to dabble at death. Take her, and show her what it means to play with what you do not know...
Teasingly he looked to her.

“I played with what I didn’t know, and look what became of me….” He commented, his voice still low and somewhat husky as he spoke with her, mischief dancing in his eyes as he turned back to gaze upon the vampire Lordess.

Alana Stormcloud
Mar 10th, 2003, 04:40:50 PM
“I played with what I didn’t know, and look what became of me….”

Alana gave a soft chuckle at his comment. He was right in that assessment. He had played with fire, and come out unscathed. To fall at a vampires feet usually meant a sure death.

"You.... captured my imagination, so to speak." Her eyes burned as they looked into his. A mischievous smile making her eyes glint. “There are not any that I know who have done such a thing.” She once again ran her lips over his, a soft kiss that burned with passion.

She slid her hand into his, her side pressed to his arm, walking with the easy grace of their kind. Alana smoothed the skin tight body suit over her frame before stepping through the doors. Her crimson lips pulling into a familiar pout. She exuded a sexual charm that was impossible to miss.

"Now we play...."

Mar 10th, 2003, 05:07:54 PM
He grinned. Oh he planned on capturing more than just her imagination. And this, he knew that she knew as her lips brushed against his, the passion in the gesture teasing him, for he knew he could not have what he wanted from her - not at this moment at least.

As her hand slid easily into his, her body pressed lightly to his, they began to head for the door of the Inn. He held it for her, and she turned to him, a seductive pout on her lips.

Now we play....

This lit within him a desire he did not believe could exist. Suddenly the hunger of conquest grew within him, and the thirst for blood nearly made him tremble in anticipation.

But as Alana had allowed him her blood, he was able to wait. He would be able to make a game of tonight, as she desired. Tonight he would take his first mortal, and he would allow Alana to know every moment of it. And she would do the same in return for him. This she had promised in return.

As they entered, hand in hand, he cast her an almost knowing glance, for he could feel all eyes upon them, drawn to them as they entered the room.

He easily found the blond Alana had pointed out just before they'd decided to enter. She was standing by the bar, but staring across the room rather unabashedly.

He looked to Alana.

"Are you sure shes the one...?" He asked, casting another glance across the room at the woman. She seemed too easy a conquest. But then, perhaps starting small and easy was the best way to go. And then his gaze came back to Alana. His lips parted slightly as he gave her a fanged half smile. It wasnt something he could help at the moment, those fangs. He would learn in time to control them perhaps, but at the moment, the taste of blood was too tantalizing and the mere thought of it brought his teeth to their maximum capacity, ready to sink deeply into tender flesh.

Alana Stormcloud
Mar 11th, 2003, 01:14:18 AM
Alana entered the room with her usual flair. Her smile lit and her fangs showing. She had never hidden who she was much to the dismay of some. The regulars of the bar turned fear filled eyes from her lest she take interest in them. She never took interest in the ones who flirted with death so openly. It was innocence that drew Alana. That or complete darkness. Others that did not know of the Shrine looked at her with unabashed stares, thinking her perhaps a different species. One the held the beauty of a goddess, and the look of death.

Alana's eyes traveled back to Kolarik, appraising and proud. His boyish looks and sexual eyes would draw many to there doom willingly at that.

"Are you sure she’s the one...?"

The Vampyre pressed closer to him, her mouth inches from his own. "Yes.... she is the one. The one who thinks herself so worldly, and yet knows nothing of it." Alana opened her mind wide, letting him see what she, herself saw in the girls mind. The bond they shared would allow her to feel each moment of pleasure he took, as he would feel Alana's. It would be a night to remember....

Mar 11th, 2003, 09:35:36 AM
His gaze easily left the girl as Alana pressed closer to him.

Yes.... she is the one. The one who thinks herself so worldly, and yet knows nothing of it.

A fanged tooth sunk into his own lip as Alana opened her mind to him. This bond between them was something he had never experienced before and for a moment he simply reveled in it before he focused on the thoughts within the girls mind.

Ah yes, so she did think of herself as worldly. She was dressed as if she had just come from an office job of some sort, and she continued to stare at the two vampires as she began to unbutton the jacket of her suit. Moments later it was slung over a high backed stool and the girl was sitting upon it, her legs crossed as she swiveled to face the bartender.

It was somewhat amusing to him, because before his turning, he might have found himself easily lusting over this woman. Buying her drinks, spending the last of his earnings and hoping a few hours later he’d get lucky. Usually, he’d been successful – but he’d never known for sure that he would be.

Tonight, as a vampire, he knew. And yet, there was still a challenge to it. The challenge of seduction – seducing the woman to the point that she would never, ever know what exactly had happened.

And there was the fact that it was all so new. That women gazed upon him as they had before, only now it was with something more than idle interest, it was with enchantment.

His tongue ran over his teeth, feeling the sharpness of them and tasting his own blood.

“And who will you choose…?” He asked, thinking as he looked that few in this room were worthy of being Alana’s victim.

Alana Stormcloud
Mar 11th, 2003, 09:57:50 AM
Alana basked in the sensation of what he saw of how he knew instinctively that whomever he chose they would fall to him. It had been so long since Alana had taken pleasure in a kill, it had become redundant, and done from pure necessity. She had once played with her victims, luring them in with mind games, and seduction. She had once taken a whole family. Now, as she stood by Kolarik, the Sith Lordess could once again feel the excitement of a first kill. To feel the undeniable need for blood.

“And who will you choose…?”

Alana turned back to her new lover, one she was finding hard to deny. He had awoken something in her, something she thought long dead. Her moments were spent in his arms, moments that had been before filled with endless writing, and an empty loneliness. Even when she had been in the arms of another. They had not fed what she needed as he did. With the link open the newly turned vampire could feel her every thought, she kept nothing hidden from him, not even the terrible emptiness that at times overwhelmed her.

Alana turned to a smartly dressed man, he stank of old money. She sensed his boredom, his need for a little excitement. He thought him self above all things. Tonight he would be brought low.

"Him..." Alana stated simply, her hand passing gently over Kolarik’s chest. "But first you.... She waits."

Mar 11th, 2003, 12:07:06 PM
With his question, Alana had turned back to him. His gaze had first met her eyes, then slipped to linger on her lips and then the tender white flesh of her neck. As she had opened her mind to him, he knew that she was finding him hard to deny and this information only made him hunger more, for he knew that she would deny him and deny herself this moment in order to bring a new unknown sense of ecstasy to him with the taking of his first kill.

As her gaze moved from him to pass over those in the bar, he felt her thoughts, her reasons for selecting who she chose to select. But he also felt something else. Something she had not permitted him last night. He now knew the terrible emptiness that at times overwhelmed her. Young vampire eyes had looked at her then with a new sense of understanding. And many, many questions.

But she would not have those questions now. She had
something else that she wanted, and she would have it. Her hand as it passed over his chest made him only think of the evening before spent with her in his arms, and it only made him hunger more.

But first you.... She waits.

With a somewhat low growl, as if to suggest that he would have preferred to put off this mortal killing until another night and simply return home with Alana, he bent to kiss her. The kiss was lingering and seductive, as if he was trying to punish her as he was being punished – wanting something they could not have.

Not at the moment, anyway.

And then he slipped away from her to do her bidding. Casting a hooded gaze back at her, his eyes let her know that it was not the victim he wanted, but her.

As he approached the bar where the woman sat, he did not at first approach her. Rather, he took the empty spot next to her and ordered a beer as he would have as a mortal, feigning disinterest in the blond. He knew, as one who is fond of the game of seduction knows, that women, the same as men, always seemed to want what they could not have. Always wanted that which was a challenge to them. And the trick was to seem like a challenge.

Alana Stormcloud
Mar 11th, 2003, 12:32:51 PM
Alana could see the want in his eyes. Not a need for the blood of the girl but a need for herself. He wanted so much more than just the blood of the Lordess, more than just the pleasures of her body. He wanted to know her as no one else had. To know why her eyes at times held such sadness. His many questions echoed through her mind.

Perhaps that is what she had needed all along, a sense of wanting that went beyond a moment. Someone to see beyond the cold smile, and feral eyes. She had once been mortal, and she had carried many old hurts with her. Unable to let go of the mortal coil that bound her. She had closed off the pain with a wall erected from sheer darkness. Her uncle, her mother that had never been hers. To find she was nothing more than a perfectly made being. Cloned for the sake of another.

The Sith Lordess squeezed her eyes shut, unable, and unwilling to caress the hurt. She did not want to remember, nor did she want to spoil the night. Her hue shifting eyes snapped open, red and cold. They locked on Kolarik, willing him to make her forget.

"Please...." A soft plea, undeniable in its pain. A softly spoken word for his ears alone.

Mar 11th, 2003, 12:45:58 PM
It was pain that he felt. Undeniable pain and it derived from the link between he and Alana. His head whipped around, turning from the bar to look to her. From where he was, with the eyes of a vampire, he could see the color of her eyes had shifted. They were an inferno red, but nothing about them held the heat of fire, rather they were as cold as could be.


Confusion swept over his features. There was so much more to
Alana than she let one to anyone, and this he knew. Knew it by the way she held him, the way she looked at him, the way her mood shifted with her eyes. And while he didn’t know, couldn’t know exactly what was causing her pain, he knew what she was asking of him to reduce it, to make her forget. And this, he was willing to give.

He turned back to the bar now, his gaze shifting casually to the blond woman beside him. She was sipping on a martini. He’d heard her order it – a flirtini, he thought she’d called it. And he knew as she sipped on it that she didn’t particularly like it, but drank it because that was what a young, sophisticated woman as herself was supposed to drink. They all did – he’d seen it a million times as a mortal and it was no different now. Perhaps that was the one thing that was no different as a vampire.

“Perhaps you’d prefer a beer….” Kolarik suggested, reaching for the one he’d ordered and offering it to the young woman.

(ooc: do you want to play the part of the blond, or you want me to just do it..? :) )

Alana Stormcloud
Mar 11th, 2003, 01:00:40 PM
Alana watched as he made his first move, a soft sigh fell from crimson lips. He had understood what she was in need of, if not all of it than some. For Alana it was enough. She could feel the girl’s insecurities, and her desperate need to be much more. Her small fingers curling around a drink she had no taste for. Her want of the supposed “man” beside her. Alana's red rimmed eyes, which had a moment ago filled with unshed blood tears, cleared. He would release her this night...

(Blond woman)

She turned to the man next to her, her smile in a sultry pout. Her eyes shifting nervously. She was unsure of herself, and though she tried to hide it, it was utterly apparent.

“Perhaps you’d prefer a beer….”

Her eyes shifted from her glass to the beer. She had seen so many sophisticated women order what she now held in her hand. It was bitter to her pallet, and she longed to accept the offer of the beer. Would he think her foolish, would he think her childish?

She turned toward him, leaning toward him. "No... But I will take another of these." She gave a small nervous laugh, waggling her half empty glass in the handsome mans direction. She wanted so much to touch him, he was beautiful, his haunting eyes made her shiver.

OOC: We both can if you want lol :)

Mar 11th, 2003, 01:12:45 PM
It was clear that she was nervous. He could hear it in her laugh, and more, he could see it in the way that she played with her hair, coiling it around her finger at the base of her neck.

His breath caught as his gaze settled on her neck. It held a simple necklace around it, a solitaire diamond glittering as it hung there. The clasp had settled around to the front.

He turned to the bartender to order her another drink. It was the only way to prevent himself from sinking his teeth into her neck then and there.

And then he looked back to her, reaching slowly for her necklace. Normally it was unlikely she would have let another act so familiar, yet something about Kolarik allowed him to enter he personal space as he had.

“Someone is thinking of you….” He commented as he reset the clasp to the back of her neck.

Alana Stormcloud
Mar 11th, 2003, 01:23:56 PM

The girl let out a small gasp as his fingers touched her bare skin. They were unnaturally cold, but she dismissed it. She figured it was because she was so flushed by being near him. He had a way of putting her at ease, and making her nervous all at the same time. She did not want to make any mistakes, she wanted him to want her.

Her wide eyes ran slowly over his face, his look of boyish charm, and complete beauty. He almost seemed to shine in the low light of the bar. His next words took her by surprise.

“Someone is thinking of you….”

"Thinking..... Of me? Why.... I mean, how would you know such a thing?" She said in a stutter, her eyes leaving his to carve a path through the patrons. Looking for the one he spoke of.

"Why would you think someone is thinking of me?" She leaned toward him, her eyes getting wider, her small pink lips spreading in a smile. "Is it you that is thinking of me?" Her voice breathless at how close she was to him....

Mar 11th, 2003, 01:35:18 PM
Is it you that is thinking of me?

He didn’t answer this, yet instead leaned to brush a kiss on her cheek. A simple touch, he knew, would be enough to make her want more.

This, too, had been true as a mortal, only now, it was so much easier. The way she gazed upon him, the wonder in her voice. A part of him reveled in it, reveled in the fact that it was so easy. Yet a part of him wanted to sink his teeth into her and toss her aside. She was too easy to seduce, it seemed, and for him, there was much fun to be had in the game.

“Is it me that you want to be thinking of you….?” His voice was low, just above a whisper. He reached for the empty glass she now held, taking it easily from her hand and setting it upon the bar.

Alana Stormcloud
Mar 11th, 2003, 04:55:32 PM

Her hand rose to her face in wonder. His lips though cold against her skin, left her heart burning for more. She did not understand this undeniable want. She could not comprehend what power he now held over her.

“Is it me that you want to be thinking of you….?”

She pulled back at the words, unsure if that was what she wanted. She looked nervously around, and then back into his eyes. She could not deny she wanted him, more than she had wanted another. Her throat rose and fell with a hard swallow as he took her drink, setting it aside.

"I do not know.... I..... Yes." Her words tripped over one another. The girl lifted her hand, reaching to touch the face before her. Wanting to feel the unmarred skin. She pulled back just as her fingers brushed his cheek.

"I have a room not far from here." She uttered the words under her breath. Unbelieving that they were coming from her....

In the darkness of the room, a cold smile flickered. Alana watched in amusement as the overpowering charm of a Vampyre worked its magic. She looked to the prey she would take this night. He had already noticed her. The man stood from his chair, and approached at Alana's encouraging smile. His cocky grin and sure manner brought a chuckle from the Sith Lordess.

"How about I join you my dear..." His tone was not a question, but more of a surety Alana would let him.

"Yes join me..." Alana's smiled in response....

Mar 11th, 2003, 05:38:31 PM
I do not know.... I..... Yes. As she spoke, she reached to touch his cheek. It felt pleasant, but it did not incite in him the desire he felt when it was Alana that touched him.

I have a room not far from here.

As her new drink arrived, Kolarik reached for it and placed it in her hand.

“Perhaps later we’ll go there.” He replied, knowing even as he said it that she would be lucky if she made it there. He wanted to take her now where she sat. But perhaps, as this was his first, he would give her the decency of dying in her own bed. Perhaps this would become his trademark. He wasn’t quite sure. With every moment that passed, he felt the hunger for blood grow and his judgment making capacity was dimming.

"You haven’t told me your name…” He stated as he continued to toy with her, enjoying the game. He didn’t need to look across the room to know that Alana was pleased with the exchange. He could feel her amusement through the link between them. He could also feel her distaste for the man who would soon fall victim to the Vampire Lordess.

Across the room:

He took a seat, unbuttoning the suit coat he wore as he did.

“Your beauty caught my eye the moment you entered the room. Such exquisite features…” He added, raising his scotch to his lips and taking a rather delicate sip as he stared unabashedly at Alana.

“Might I buy you a drink?” He suggested rather than offered, snapping his fingers in the air towards the nearest waitress as he did.

His scotch he finally set before him for a moment. His family had money – loads of it from centuries and centuries ago. A lifetime of such money had made few things exciting anymore, for he could often buy whatever it was that he wanted.

And he always got exactly what he wanted. Tonight it was Alana. He had wanted her at first because everyone else in the room wanted her. So he would have her to outdo them all. But now as he had joined her, something else began to come over him.

Alana Stormcloud
Mar 11th, 2003, 05:59:18 PM
(The Blonde)

“Perhaps later we’ll go there.”

She nodded to his response, unable to speak, a crimson blush heating her cheeks. She had never invited anyone from a bar back to her flat. She had never been so forward, though when she left work she promised herself she would not go home alone. She was tired of being alone. Tired of slipping between cold covers.

"You haven’t told me your name…”

His voice sent shivers down her spin, he was more than she could have imagined. She knew she was a pretty woman but the man before her defied description, his eyes were so haunting, so sensual.

"It's Erica....and yours?" She asked softly, she could feel the effects of the alcohol. It made her warm, and a little more at ease as soon as she gulped the second glass down.


Alana gazed coolly as the man sat down. His self satisfied smile unwavering. The Lordess leaned back in her chair, crossing her legs. The skin tight shirt front pushed to its limits from her charms. Looking down she smoothed her fingers over her legs a small smile tugging her crimson lips.

“Your beauty caught my eye the moment you entered the room. Such exquisite features…”

"Did it...." Came her response. “Her eyes melding with his, a low chant formed on her lips, unheard by the man before her. Kolarik heard it clearly, the Sith words of magic, mixed with a vampiric tongue stirred his blood. Alana wove a spell around the man making him want her all the more, enticing him with images of Alana in his arms. His to do with as he wished. His thoughts enhanced what she sent. "Sick and depraved this one." Alana whispered softly to her lover.

“Might I buy you a drink?”

Alana gave a slight nod, enticing him. "I will have red wine." He knew he would have to work hard of this one.....

Mar 11th, 2003, 06:29:55 PM
As he cheeks flushed a soft shade of pink, he was reminded of the blood that flowed within her. For a moment he wondered if he would be able to do it. She considered herself so worldly, yet her mind as it was exposed to Kolarik, showed that she was so clearly insecure with herself. For a moment, he pitied her.

She was relatively innocent. He could hear her thoughts and they echoed loudly, perhaps too loudly in his head. She didn’t want to go home alone again. And this much, he could do for her.

It's Erica....and yours?

“Erica….” The way he repeated it, the way it flowed so smoothly from his lips, mixed with the gaze that he gave her, he knew was working its magic on her.

She gulped down the last of her drink, and he leaned in to kiss her, whispering his name to her as he did. In his ears, just as his name passed from his lops, the Sith magic whispered by Alana came to him, a gentle sound, soothing to his ears as he heard it. Her words not only enchanted the rather bold man she was speaking with, but her lover as well. He could feel his fangs threatening to emerge, and for a moment they did, drawing briefly a few drops of blood from Erica’s lips and his desire for Alana was transferred to his victim before him.

Across the room, James Madison Gimbell the eighth ogled the skin tight shirt of the vampire Lordess. Oh how he wanted her, his thoughts going from the normal to the rather kinky. It wasn’t any mistake that his maid had been found suffocated one evening. He liked to play erotic games of love that left the realm of simply adventurous into the realm of murder. And his maid was not the only one.

It was easy to murder when you had as much money as he did. And tonight, oh tonight it was her that he wanted. He could picture the things he would do to her. Tonight she would be another one of his victims perhaps, just another in a long line of women that kept his interest for as long as it took him to burn through thousands of credits – which, for the record, was not long at all.

“Red wine…the most expensive you have.” He’d ordered, his voice cool and commanding as the waitress approached. He did not so much as grace her with a simple glance, but instead stared at Alana.

“Tell me, my dear, how have you come to be alone on such an evening as this?” He inquired, caring little about the response, but knowing it was what most women wanted – for him to show some interest in them, even if he did have to fake it.

And with Alana, he wasn’t faking interest. There was no doubt he was interested, just not in her actual response. No, he was interested in something altogether different.

Alana Stormcloud
Mar 12th, 2003, 12:05:57 PM

Her eyes slipped closed as his lips closed over her own. A small sharp pain caused her to moan, but the pleasure overshadowed it. The world fell away as he kissed her. Nothing mattered but him in that one moment. She was enraptured, and lost to his touch. The way he spoke her name, the way he seemed to know all of her needs.

Alana's eyes turned from the man before her, locking on the two at the bar. A kiss, and the first taste of mortal blood surged through her. Kolarik's feelings swept her away. It was as if she stood in his place, and experienced it for the first time. Alana's hand tightened on the delicate glass, shattering it. A droid was at her side instantly to clean up the mess. Concerned words from the lips of her prey. The Sith Lordess for the moment took no notice.

It was not until she caught the tendrils of Gimbell's thoughts that she pulled herself back from Kolarik's pleasure. He was an evil soul, it would almost be a shame to end his life. Almost.... She did not like what she saw in him, an underside. He was a coward, one that took the life of helpless women to empower himself. His cocky attitude was nothing more than bravado.

Alana picked up the new glass of wine. She waved her hand in dismissal at his words of concern over the broken glass or that she may have hurt herself.

"Do not concern yourself with that." He nodded at her command, promptly forgetting the occurrence.

“Tell me, my dear, how have you come to be alone on such an evening as this?”

"I came for the pleasure of company, to find someone such as you." Her words slipped smoothly from crimson lips. Seductive, and alluring as she always was.

"Perhaps you would care to walk me home? Grace me with your presence?" She questioned in her sirens voice, brooking no refusal.

Mar 12th, 2003, 03:26:09 PM
His first taste of mortal blood. As she moaned, so too, did he. The bartender was rather used to these sorts of things, as vampires seemed to use it as a lair for enticing victims, but all the same, he didn’t need to see their public displays of affection.

“Get a room, would ya!” He grumbled, loud enough for Kolarik’s vampiric hearing to catch. He chuckled quietly as he pulled away from Erica’s kiss. And then he reached for her hand and pulled her to her feet.

“I think it might be later..” Kolarik suggested, referring to his earlier response of going to her flat later that evening.

As he stood from his seat and helped her on with her coat, his gaze cast across he room at Alana.

The man she was sitting with was leaning across the table, all body language suggesting that he was fully enticed by Alana. He watched as a hand reached for Alana’s thigh and it took al of his reserves not to tear the man from his seat. This quick flash of jealousy surprised Kolarik, for he’d never been the jealous sort before.

Then again, he’d never really ever had anything more than a one night stand, and his fascination for Alana was something more than that.

These thoughts were likely easily felt by her, for he could just as easily feel hers as she played with Mr. Gimbell.

I came for the pleasure of company, to find someone such as you

With this, James had begun to lean in towards her, wanting at least a kiss from those seductive lips.

Perhaps you would care to walk me home? Grace me with your presence?

Old Jimmy Boy could not have denied her if he wanted. Everything about Alana appealed to him. Not in the sense of most of the women he took to his bed, but more. As he looked to her he realized that she was the woman he had been looking his entire life to find. She was the woman who could capture his soul. She had an aura about her that suggested power. She would fit perfectly into his life.

James Madison Gimbell the eighth had never done anything spur of the moment. Every minute of his busy life was planned to a t. Breakfast served at 7, limo at 8, phone conferences until noon, lunch from noon to one, gold from one to five, diver from five to six, drinks from 6 to9…..

But right this moment, JMG wanted to do something spur of the moment. He wanted to go home with this woman, and ask her to be his wife.

“It is you, my lady, who would be gracing me with your presence.” As he said this he stood and offered her his hand.

“Never before have I found that I desired a woman so much as I desire you…” He stated, the words coming from his mouth beyond his control.

Kolarik might have clenched his teeth across the room, reminding himself that this was how it always was for Alana. This was what he had asked to know and to feel. And slowly, his easy going mood returned as almost simultaneously, the two couples passed through the doors of the Inn back out to the streets.

“She’s beautiful….” Erica murmured to him as she caught a glimpse of Alana.

“Yes, she is.” Kolarik replied, his gaze staring towards his lover, and a small smile of amusement spreading across his lips. Erica did not seem to notice, but instead snuggled against him as his arm fell over her shoulders and they began to walk in the direction of Erica’s flat.

Alana Stormcloud
Mar 12th, 2003, 06:06:01 PM
Alana felt the flash of jealousy from Kolarik as the man caressed her thigh. She turned and caught his eyes with her own. A look of promise filling hers. She sent him an image of there previous time together. "Yours...." She whispered through the force. Her dark tendrils caressing his mind.

She turned back to the man who would be dead within an hour or less, her smile cold, and reflective. He would taste pain, and know just what she was. She would not wrap him in a sweet dream scape but instead would give him the horror he so deserved.

“Never before have I found that I desired a woman so much as I desire you…”

She allowed a small chuckle to drift to him. Turning her eyes aside lest he see the fire burning there. "Desire.... it is such a sweet word is it not? It can encompass so many things."

Alana moved to the door her arm interlaced with Gimbell's. They walked into the cold shadows of the night, a soft breeze playing through the vampire’s hair, tossing it to and fro, wafting across his heated cheeks.

"The blonde"

She stood willingly, she had no doubts that she wanted this man to take her home. To take her as his. She would willingly give her life for such pleasure. She slid her arms into the offered coat. "Such a gentleman." She murmured. A shy smile tugged at her lips. She stepped from the bar, catching site of a woman and a man walking arm in arm. Her beauty was disarming. She ran her hands over her hair to make sure it was in place, an unconscious gesture at seeing Alana.

"My house isn’t too far. I don't usually do this." She said quickly, wanting to reassure him that she was not a woman of loose morals....

Mar 13th, 2003, 11:48:41 AM
My house isn’t too far. I don't usually do this.

Kolarik considered the double standard. He knew her concern was that he would think less of her if this were the type of thing she did all the time. Yet, she likely would not have thought so of him if he’d admitted the truth to her.

Though….he wasn’t taking her home the way he had taken women home as a mortal. He was taking her home for something altogether different and this enabled him to, with a clear conscience, reply the same.

“I don’t usually do this either.” He replied, though he had no doubt as he walked with Erica that it was something that would soon become habit for him. With each step that he took, he could feel the lust for blood growing. The taste of her blood from the prick of his teeth in their kiss in the bar still lingered. It wasn’t the death of this woman that he sought, but to taste her blood, the blood of a mortal and to experience the ecstasy that it could bring.

Alana could likely feel this from him as she and Gimbell followed not to far behind them.

He wanted to take Erica right there, as they were in the alley. But she was the type of girl who would be shy about doing that sort of thing. She would be too self conscious to be able to fully give in to him as he wanted. He had no desire to frighten her. Rather he wanted to bring her to the point where she would want what he had to offer, and so he would take her to her flat, for only where she was comfortable would this occur.

Alana, on the other hand, had no such intentions in mind. She wanted to terrorize her victim and Kolarik could feel this from her. He was eager to feel what she would feel doing this, for he knew the man would struggle. And he would be able to feel every moment of it, every moment of Alana overpowering her prey.

As they approached the doorsteps of Erica’s building, he watched as she fumbled for the key, her hands visibly shaking in her nervousness. It was then that he leaned to kiss her again, his hands coming to frame her face in a tender embrace.
“You have nothing to be nervous about….” He whispered as his lips trailed from hers to her forehead where he planted a last kiss before taking her key from her and unlocking the door.

Alana Stormcloud
Mar 13th, 2003, 12:03:47 PM

She fumbled with her keys at her door way, unsure of herself, unsure of what she was doing. It did not enter her mind to turn back, it did not occur to her that she could stop what she was doing. All that she knew was the incredible desire that she felt for the man beside her.

“You have nothing to be nervous about….”

She closed her eyes and took a deep breath at his kiss, and his gentle words. He was so different from the other men she had dated. So much more.... Erica could not find the word. When he took the keys she sighed with relief. It was if he took it all from her hands, it was no longer her choice.

She stepped through activating the over head lights. "Welcome to my home." She turned, back looking into his fascinating eyes.


Alana watched her lover intently, and when he stepped through the doorway she opened her mind further. The Lordess did not want to miss any emotion he would feel. She glanced up at the man whose arm she clung to. Her smile seductive and disarming.

"Let's stop here, I do not wish to waste anymore time." She whispered, pulling him into the shadows of the building. Her back pressed to the wall. A soft chant in an ancient tongue spilling from her lips as he leaned into her. She began to weave the mind game she would show him.

Mar 13th, 2003, 12:26:26 PM
As she flipped on the overhead lights he winced, the brightness of them bothering his eyes. They were so much more sensitive now than they had been before, and this he found out first hand. Alana had not warned him of such things, and a brief moment of innocent alarm passed through him.

His instant reaction had been to reach for the switch to flick the lights off, but he knew this would frighten her. So instead he bore the annoyance of the lights for a moment longer, reaching for her and pulling her into his arms to kiss her once again.

As she melted into his arms, he flicked the switch off, finding relief at the darkness.

And in the darkness as she gave in to the feelings she felt, leaning into him and kissing his neck, her fingers at his chest, fumbling with the first button of his shirt.

“Come with me….” He suggested, his eyes seeing easily in the darkness. He paused for a moment to light a candle, and then he led her to her bed. She had a small place – a studio setup with only one room that served as the bedroom and living space.

She took a seat on the edge of the bed, the candlelight flickering over her. For a moment he studied her. She was a very pretty girl, though nothing about her made her features as defined or as stunning as Alana’s. and it was clear that as much as she tried to relax, she was rather nervous and insecure.

Most of the women he’d been with in the past had not been insecure as this one was. They were rather used to one night stands and taking men home.

He sat down beside her, reaching to brush her hair from her neck before he reached to cup her chin in his hand, gently turning her to look at him.

“Why are you nervous?” He asked her. He could feel his fangs fighting to emerge, for as he looked to Erica, he couldn’t help but cast a glance at her lips and the still visible imprint of where one of his fangs had caught her lip in the bar. This reminded him of the taste of her blood, and how badly he wanted it.

Outside, Gimbell was more than content to consent to Alana’s suggestion. Though a high powered attorney considering running for office, he could not pass on the opportunity of a lifetime.

Alana was a seductress and he had fallen under her spell, every thread of him wanting to know more of her. He pressed up against her, his hands taking liberties as they began to roam.

Alana Stormcloud
Mar 13th, 2003, 12:46:53 PM
Alana allowed Gimbell the few small liberties he took, her eyes closed, feeling what Kolarik felt. His need, and his want washing over her as he seduced the young woman. It was as she would have done, a gentle touch an endearing smile. The Sith Lordess turned her face from the groping man as he tried to kiss her. She did not want to feel his lips pressed to hers. She longed for Kolarik, his want of Alana filling her. He had not realized, with the link they had created, that everything he ached for became her own.

Gimbell locked his fingers on Alana's chin, his smile animal like in passion. He had not taken kindly to her brushing his kiss aside, and the Sith Lordess could feel his loss of control. When it came to women he wanted to over power. Alana looked into his eyes. A fiery light filling her own as he pressed his lips to hers. His eyes closed as she filled his mind with images. At first he was the one who conquered the sight of Alana under his control. Her body prone before him, his hands wrapped around her throat. But the vision shifted, it was he who kneeled at the seductress’s feet, his body torn and battered. The man in her arms moaned in terror. He could not stand to loose the upper hand.

"You would force a kiss on me?? You would take what is not given." She whispered coldly, a small growl of need filling her throat. He struggled against her arms that had locked around him, his hands finding purchase on her delicate neck. He opened his eyes in supposed triumph, only to find Alana laughing at him. Her fangs extended, pressing against her crimson lips.

"You will know pain. You will know death in my arms."

Mar 13th, 2003, 01:21:45 PM
“Ive never done this before.” Erica had replied. Kolarik nodded, his gaze flickering back to the girls eyes. He could see the innocence in them now. Gone was her worldly demeanor as she gave in the enchanting spell he seemed to have cast her into. She wanted only to know his touch and to feel wanted by another.

He leaned to kiss her and moments later, they settled back upon the bed. He was gentle with her. It was something he’d learned long ago about women – groping wasn’t what put them over the edge, it was instead a tender sort of confidence. It was an art, really, for every woman was different.

A kiss, a touch, combined with the allure of a vampire…..it didn’t take long for Erica to succumb to his embrace.

At one point, he paused, for his link with Alana brought her feelings to him in a rush that he had not expected. He felt her desire for him and then her power as she began to make the man before her whimper in fear.

His breath had caught at this and he’d pulled away from Erica, the sensation of it all overwhelming him. He’d sat up, his fangs emerging in the darkness. Erica had come to him then, wrapping her arms around him from behind, her hair falling over his bare shoulders and chest as she kissed his neck. She was no longer shy, for he had awakened in her the desire she had not felt before with other men. The desire one could only feel in the hands of a vampire.

He gave in to her then, laying her back on the bed and leaning over her. In the moonlight that peaked through the blinds, she caught a glimpse of his fangs. He saw the fear register immediately in her eyes, and rather than biting her now, he paused. His hand reached to brush her hair from her face and then caressed her cheek as he looked to her.

“Theres nothing to be afraid of…” He promised, his eyes staring into hers with an intense gaze. Within moments she sighed softly and he felt the tension leave her body.

And only then did he lean to brush a kiss over her lips before his teeth sank into the flesh of her neck. She gasped and for a moment she considered struggling. But rather than grasp her more tightly, he simply caressed her, reminding her of the desire she had felt earlier. Her moan intermingled with his.

The blood of a mortal was different, so very different than the blood of Alana. The experiences were so different, he could not have compared. Sharing blood with Alana was a sensual feeling, taking the blood of a mortal was more of the rush he would have gotten as a mortal from bungee jumping or perhaps drugs. But it was a feeling of a rush, a high that he could not describe. And with every drop that flowed to his lips, he wanted only to taste more.

He had not planned to kill her. He had wanted only a taste. But a young vampire was not always so easily able to control the lust for blood, and so it was that evening that Erica passed from one world to another, in absolute peace, feeling likely the most wanted she had ever felt.

For a few moments after, he could only inhale quick breaths, the rush overwhelming him as it had moments before with the link with Alana.

And as the minutes passed, he raised an arm to wipe the blood from where it had dripped to his chin. It was then that he trembled slightly, the reality of having taken a life so innocent sinking in.

Alana Stormcloud
Mar 13th, 2003, 01:36:58 PM
She felt it, his first taste, the rush of power was overpowering in its pleasure. He had given her back the first moment of the dark gift. To Alana it was a precious gift, one she had not thought she would ever feel again.

"Kolarik.... Do not feel pity for the girl. She had what she has always wanted. A moment of enduring love. Did you not feel the pleasure you gave her in your immortal embrace, her sot sigh as she willingly let go?" Alana whispered to him.

She held Gimbell tightly in her arms as she sent the message to her Vampyre lover. He whimpered and begged to be released. His hands pushing at her, unable to break her powerful hold. The images she sent him were demeaning and cruel. He deserved nothing less. All of the women he had killed stood before him, doing to him what he had done. There small hands controlling his fate as they wrapped time and again around his neck.

"Watch and feel." Alana released Gimbell from her arms, he stumbled back falling to his knees. The Sith Lordess towered above him, glorious in her beauty, and terrible in her rage.

"Please.... don’t hurt me." He whimpered. His eyes spilling tears he had never shed for the women he had killed. Alana's teeth fully extended, biting into the tender flesh of her bottom lip, her laughter washing of him. She leapt forward, her speed making her a blur to his mortal eyes.

"You deserve no mercy." She growled low as her teeth sank into his neck with a splitting sound. He cried out in pain. She did not ease it as she could have. As his blood washed into her mouth, she pulled Kolarik in, letting him feel the power, and lust. Letting him feel all that she felt.....

Mar 13th, 2003, 01:54:32 PM
Her words made it easy to let go of the guilt. He’d wanted to, he’d wanted to not feel it and Alana’s words had allowed him a way.

He had stood then, and bent to kiss Erica’s forehead.

“Sleep well…” He whispered before he slipped out the door, leaving it slightly ajar so that a neighbor would soon find her.

He was headed down the stairs when he felt it, Alana drawing him in to feel the power in her kill. It had dropped him to the stairs where he sat, his head rested in his hands, his eyes closed in satisfaction.

A mortal had passed by him, giving him an odd look.

“You ok?” She asked.

He had simply nodded, playing the part of a drunken college kid so she would leave him be. And when she had, he sunk back into the link with Alana, chuckling even as the sensation of it washed over him. This chuckle became a full laugh, bringing him to lean on the step above him, his head resting on the concrete as he stared at the ceiling of the building.

And it was there he remained to the very last ounce of life as it left Gimbell's body. He had sighed then, a deep sigh of complete and utter satisfaction.

And then he brought himself to his feet, running down the last few stairs, the rush of mortal blood still within him and he flung open the doors to the outside to find her.

Alana Stormcloud
Mar 13th, 2003, 02:10:21 PM
Alana looked down at the body she had dropped unceremoniously to the ground. Her lips stained with his life’s blood. She tilted her head back savoring the kill, and recalling the pleasure Kolarik had given her in his first. She had known it would be a night to remember, one that would stand the test of time.

Her upturned face had pinked with the blood, her lips had deepened in color. She was a sight to behold, a Vampyre encased in darkness, and alluring in her pleasure. She closed her eyes smiling as she felt Kolarik come nearer. He had been overwhelmed by what she had experienced. Her hands ran over her out fit, smoothing the fabric. She glanced to the door way waiting for him to come, longing to slide into his warm embrace....

Mar 13th, 2003, 02:34:23 PM
The doors opened, and Kolarik stepped from them. Like Alana, his cheeks now had a hint of color to them. He paused for a moment as he saw her. He had been, since he’d fallen at her feet entranced by her, and this moment was no different….though…it was.

He had not seen her in her glory such as this before. He had seen her when she had taken blood from him, but never the blood of a mortal. And though he had just fed, he felt the lust stirring within him again at the sight of her.

She was stunning. But more than just the physical sense, there was now another tie between them - the sharing of kill. Their eyes met from the distance at which they stood.

And then he moved to her, every step that he took deliberate. It seemed an eternity until he reached her, and when he did, he did not speak, but instead tilted his head, bringing his lips to hers.

Alana Stormcloud
Mar 13th, 2003, 02:42:18 PM
Alana spoke not a word as he approached, she only watched his sure movements. Her eyes locked to his, there minds still linked. His skin had deepened in color, and it lent to his look of other worldliness’. They had shared a gift like no other, and it bond them body and soul. He would always know the pleasure she took in a kill, just as she would know his.

His lips met her, and on them she could taste the mortal he had taken. She deepened the kiss wanting to enhance, and sustain the moment. It was a night she did not want to end. Her arms slipped around his neck, as she moved closer, her body pressing to his. Her hands lost themselves in his hair, buried there in her need. Her sorrow, and loneliness banished in his embrace.

"Sweet was it not..." Her mind whispered....

Mar 13th, 2003, 03:19:10 PM
Her heard her whisper in his mind and answered simply with a groan as he allowed himself to be lost to her kiss. He could feel her hands buried in his hair pulling him closer to her in her desire for him. And he responded to this desire, wanting her just as much, and probably more.

One hand rested in the small of her back, holding her close to him. The other was entangled in her hair at the base of her neck. There he could feel her veins throbbing with the blood that moved through them.

This simple pulse he could hear almost as loudly as if a drum were being beat right beside him. All of his senses seemed to be heightened, the mortal blood and the rush of it only adding to the already overwhelmingly sensuous kiss of the vampire seductress.

He loved the game of seduction, but tonight, tonight it was she who had won. Anything she asked of him, he would have been willing to give. And any questions he had could wait. Would wait, for he did not want to make her feel the sadness he had felt from her felt earlier that evening. He wanted only for the night to remain as it was - euphoric - for both him and her.