View Full Version : The Jonah Movie.(No spoilers please)

Wei Wu Wei
Mar 7th, 2003, 12:02:22 PM
Yeah, the Veggietales movie. I want to see it. I've heard the soundtrack and think it would be great fun to see. No spoilers, please

Has anyone here seen it, or want to see it?

Diego Van Derveld
Mar 7th, 2003, 12:03:12 PM
I must admit, I've been wanting to see it too. I find the Veggietales to be funny, for some reason :)

Wei Wu Wei
Mar 7th, 2003, 12:07:06 PM
I have a friend, and she's been excited about it for some time. It came out on the 4th. I remember she;d be around and then suddenly yell, "MARCH FOURTH!"

We were all wondering what she was talking about at first, but when we found out we kind of mentally kicked ourselves for not realizing it earlier.

Mar 7th, 2003, 05:18:00 PM
I thought it might be really funny, but after the effect of having talking vegetables wears off, it's pretty much all downhill from there. By no means a terrible movie, but sub-par...

James Prent
Mar 7th, 2003, 05:20:25 PM
Its been out for a while hasn't it? It was in theatres last year. I heard it was good...but I'm unsure how a 30 minute format can be stretched into a full length movie. Love VeggieTales though!!

Mar 7th, 2003, 05:23:48 PM
Are all Veggie tales religious in nature or was that just the movie or what?

It was way too preachy for me without enough humor. The songs were dumber than heck. Actually as I recall my audience for that film was embarrasingly bad. They were singing along to this crud like it was Sunday School or something. I was pretty embarrassed to be in that theater, ugg.

Admiral Lebron
Mar 7th, 2003, 11:38:00 PM
What ever happened to the good ol' kids programming? Ya know? Mighty Max, Transformers, Lambchop? Where did they go?!?!>_<

Dae Jinn
Mar 7th, 2003, 11:47:25 PM
It is religious-themed Jon. I like them though :D The songs are funny...:lol

Lilaena De'Ville
Mar 8th, 2003, 12:40:03 AM
Yes, all VeggieTales are Christian oriented. They're nice and clean and teach good values. I adore the Silly Songs with Larry, personally. :D

Mar 8th, 2003, 02:36:24 AM
I think the values the movie teaches are disturbing, actually. Basically to kill people who are different from you is ok, so long as they don't believe what you do.

D'raaj A'arkantheil
Mar 8th, 2003, 03:12:32 AM
John, lighten up. The story goes: Man became bad and didn't do what God said to do. They became evil. So, in an effort to save his creation, Got hit the reset button and saved the good people, though he said he'd never do it again.

You know, if God had to do that back then, I'm afriad of just how bad man was.

Mar 8th, 2003, 03:22:05 AM
I'm not afraid of how bad man was -- I'm impressed by how good man was to create such a wonderful fairytale. It's good literature, that I have to admit. Someone really thought up a tale that has stood the test of time, and what more can you hope for? Of course, they could have at least attached their name to it, but that's their loss. Not ours. :)

God is supposed to be so perfect, but if anything, the Christian God makes more mistakes on a per minute basis than I will make in a life time. My life so far in 20 years has disproven the idea that everyone sins, too, so they are going to have to rewrite that part or it'll just be wrong. :D

D'raaj A'arkantheil
Mar 8th, 2003, 03:24:29 AM
Name one. He gave man free will. Name one mistake that is God's fault.

Mar 8th, 2003, 03:32:29 AM
Oh there are so many. The dodo bird, for instance, which Nature luckily said, "I got your back God -- I'll have Evolution take care of that."

One word: women. Albeit he was right to create them in general, he never perfected the formula. He was evidently very tired on that sixth day. I mean, he had just created man, and was exhausted, but worked hard and got woman done that day too. He should have waited until day seven, though, because women are a perfect example of fatigue in action. He did a great job on the architecture, then made them so confusing inside because of very peculiar wiring ;)

There are so many other examples. For instance, the asteroids all over the place are a mess. It's like someone leaving beer bottles all over their room. Please, clean up your left-overs!

D'raaj A'arkantheil
Mar 8th, 2003, 03:36:51 AM
Well, you've got me on the Dodo, though it was Captain Cook and Co. that really took them off the map...

And, to quote Charlotte Perkins Gilman, "There is no female mind. The brain is not an organ of sex. As well speak of the female liver."

Just to be contradictory.

Mar 8th, 2003, 04:32:30 AM

I have a question -- without most of us guys knowing about it, are girls somehow taken away at secret hours of the day and night and programmed in various ways to be evil and deceitful or does it just come naturally?!

Here is a good one for you...

Last year at LMU, I helped this chick Emily with her math homework about weekly. She wasn't dumb by any means, but she was a conscientious student and wanted an A in the class, so realized that I was probably quite easily the smartest person in that class (you have no idea how dumb these kids were in Math 100 -- it was embarrassing; many were juniors taking it over again! LOL). Anyway I helped her, she was really good looking, way out of my league I am sure. Easily a 9/10 if I had to give her a numerical rating, hehe. Well one day towards the end of the term I was helping on a film shoot and I had no car down there of course, so when I returned from this film shoot was not up to me, but rather up to the director because Ryan and a bunch of other film students and I, none of us had cars, so we had to go back with him. Well I told Emily that I'd probably be back by 3 but I really wasn't sure and she shouldn't count on it, so maybe we should study later? She said no, no, 3, and I said, "Well I'll try to be back by 3." Well it ended up I could not be, so I called her at like 2:40 and told her I couldn't, but just left a message. She called my home phone at the room by like 3 and totally flipped out, really leaving an incredibly rude message. I had been helping her all term, not for my benefit, but for hers, and she was like, "You have totally ruined my day, I was going to do this and that, I was going to get together with these friends at so and so time, but now because you can't show up on time, I have to push everything back and, UGG, it's very frustrating." She called back again like 5 minutes later and apologized for the previous message, but jeez, it was unbelievable. Fortunately I just laughed when I heard it, but still.

Then after the semester ended and she was finished using me, she could not be troubled to say hi the next time she saw me, even though I said hi to her and she looked at me, she just kinda turned away.

Here is my demonstration that all girls are essentially the same, or the ones I've met.

Caitlin did this same thing to me, only she used to keep me blocked on AIM (she claimed she kept EVERYONE blocked so she could study, which is up for debate; you decide, because I don't know if I believe that), then one day I saw her online for the first time in a few months -- wow! Well guess what? She asks me a computer related question, so she has just appeared so she can ask me this, and when I look into it for her and answer her question, I don't see her again for about three months online. I saw her at school during this time. Anyway, she asked me another question the next time I saw her, then disappeared again.

My sister did that *exact* same thing to a friend of mine, Erik. Unblocked to ask a question, blocked again afterwards.

Two days ago, Jill sent me the first message on AIM that she's ever sent without me first initiating contact. The bad news? She was asking for help on a paper and when I finished helping her, including finding something online for her, then she stopped talking.

I've sure never had many guys do that to me. It has happened a few times where I felt I was sorta used, but so much more tactfully -- the guys are better at it. The girls are merciless. When they use you, they have no problem at all with making sure you feel you were used. Nice touch. :D

I am reminded of the saying, "Fool me once, shame on you! Fool me twice, shame on me!"

Still, I keep thinking maybe just once I won't get used, but that the girl will actually treat me more like a person and less like an encyclopedia (though I am a darn good encyclopedia, lol). I wonder if it's a greater evil to keep letting yourself get used, each time "unknowingly" (but you suspect it), or to become so cynical you never help anyone. I think I'd rather be cynical at this point.

D'raaj A'arkantheil
Mar 8th, 2003, 04:44:11 AM
I will not attempt to point out major flaws in your theory, mainly because I don't wish to spend hours at the keyboard while I should be sleeping.

The generalization that any two people can be alike is absurd, let alone an entire gender. Sure, you might find a few that share similar traits, but, to be honest, all of us have far different reasons for the choices we make.

I somehow can't help but think that your hubris might have been a little bit of the reason for your troubles, but, without knowing the girl, I cannot make that presumption into a fact.

To keep with my strings of quotes tonight, I'll toss out this one, though I'm sure I could find better if I tried.

"Opinion is ultimately derived by the feelings, and not by the intelect." - Herbert Spencer

Mar 8th, 2003, 04:51:52 AM
You took what I wrote seriously? It was a joke dude, not intended to be taken seriously at all. This is the problem, you guys need more forum experience if you honestly can't tell sarcasm from actual serious posting.

When I am posting seriously, you're not likely to find a lot of smiley faces around, first of all, and second that post was obviously meant in jest.

Now third, though, I have no "hubris," as you say. You may think you know me, but in real life I am nothing like I am on a forum like this. Ask anyone who knows me in real life and they'd describe me as a nice, humble guy. In fact, odds are if you asked anyone on my AIM list, they'd say my self-esteem was low, not high (this isn't true, but it's what I'd rather have them think -- underestimation is the key to success). I always make self-deprecating remarks for humorous purposes. I think you believe you know me well, but you clearly don't.

D'raaj A'arkantheil
Mar 8th, 2003, 04:58:58 AM
And your attempts to judge me are any better?

I am often one to take things at the value for which they are given. Sarcasm--when not in biting wit or obvious parody--is difficult to detect in text alone; even with emoticons.

I apologize for misunderstanding what you said, but, as you did say, I don't know you; I am not aware of your full sense of humor or patterns of speech. Therefore, I took the wrong meaning from your words, as you might have taken some from mine. Again, I will point to my last quote, and state that what I said was an opinion, and it was caused by feelings, not intelect. Perhaps in time I will better understand your posts.

Mar 8th, 2003, 08:11:48 AM
Perhaps, and I yours :)

Mar 8th, 2003, 02:37:24 PM
Man oh man Jon, could you type in a smaller font? That way it would seem like your posts are not as long. I can't read that much off a computer screen, or in print, which is why it took me 8 months to read LotR! :lol

Lilaena De'Ville
Mar 8th, 2003, 03:38:16 PM
Look what you're doing to JMK!!! Have pity man!

And to say that you're perfect, that was ballsy, Jon.

Mar 8th, 2003, 07:11:29 PM
I was totally joking LV, LOL. I hope you realize that.

Ok JMK, haha, that is good advice ;)

Mar 9th, 2003, 05:45:39 AM
Jonathan, I didn't read that last huge post of yours as sarcasm either, and I use sarcasm a lot. It fits in your ongoing writings on your frustration with the other gender and persons in general, which I find very interesting to read, by the way. Your openheartedness is much appreciated.

Are you sarcastic all the time then, or only in this case?

And to what extent were you sarcastic in this case? The fact that all girls are all the same, I suppose? Because I DO think that story was true, right?

One can only imagine the size of encyclopedia needed to describe and understand a woman. ;)

Mar 9th, 2003, 06:12:18 AM
This is a good point, yes, lol.

No the only part really sarcastic was that all women are the same. That is a stupid statement equally as untrue as saying all men are the same. People, in general, are different.

I was only noting that a few of my experiences with a few girls have been remarkably similar, in a bad way. What I didn't say (hehe) is that I know a few girls who are not like that, too, but they usually are with other people. Stacey, my best friend's girlfriend, would never act that way. She's far too nice. But she says that the reason she has few girl friends is because she agrees with me in that many girls are really, frankly, b****y at this age particularly. Then there is Laura, who I mainly talk to online, but she sends me messages, even when I'm away, and we talk quite a bit and she never ignores me. She has nothing in common with these other girls, but I also suspect it could have something to do with her not feeling she is a princess, either, haha. I mean she is a good looking girl at least in my opinion. I always thought so, but people in my class weren't nuts over her or anything, even though she was a cheerleader (we had ugly cheerleaders; the soccer girls were HOT! haha).

In all honesty I sympathize with the girls who are really hot and act the way they do. In some sense, how they act is just a result of conditioning and not entirely their fault. So many guys hit on Liz Irwin, for instance, how could she not learn to ignore most guys? I think in some sense that is forgivable, but it's no less painful for the guys like me who are genuinely nice and only want to be friendly. I mean she goes to college some 3,000 miles away, so it's not like I would hit on her! I just try to be friendly and she is only, eh, half-coureous back.

I'm just saying that, as my dad has said before, there can be a problem with a girl who is really hot and knows she is really hot. It's just as dangerous as a sports star who keeps hearing how great he is over and over and over again. The guy is WORSHIPPED by fans. How is he supposed to separate this fantasy life from reality? I mean honestly, look at LeBron James, the high school superstar here who is going to be a multimillionaire in the NBA at age 19. This guy is a GOD according to everyone he meets. Nobody is going to tell him that his basketball skills are meaningless unless he is smart, too, because nobody cares to mention this. It inflates his ego to an incredible degree and only the best, most humble stars can overcome this. Kobe Bryan is a really cocky young man, seriously, and that's what I hate about him, but other times I think, you know, maybe I shouldn't be so hard on him. The guy is just in his early '20s and he has been treated like a God since he was probably about 14, so why wouldn't he start believing it?

If every time I wrote a review I had 100 e-mails from people saying my review was the greatest they had ever read and I was a God of reviewing, you don't think that'd get to my head? Come on, anyone is human. So I say that in defense of both hot girls and sports stars, just to name two examples. It's not all their fault that they let it get to their heads. I experienced that to some degree when I first started achieving success at my writing. I wouldn't say I became arrogant as much as I'd say I had to struggle with the compliments I received and with the realization that one's writing can and should always improve. I still make refinements in my style, though I wouldn't say they are "better," just they show my style changing over a course of time.

"Your openheartedness is much appreciated."

Well, I hope so maybe, but I sometimes wonder if I shouldn't say anything here like that. It just makes me look silly to some people and then I give everyone more ammunition to make fun of me, which is always the worst thing you can do -- use what honesty and personal things someone has told you against them. That is just not cool.

That's why I honestly don't see how some people here can say that I act arrogant and egoistic when I often moan about my problems with various things and make self-deprecating remarks, haha. I mean seriously, I admit when I'm bad at something (girls?!? lol) just as when I take pride at being good at something else (writing, reviewing, school -- ugg).

Mar 9th, 2003, 11:45:09 PM
I found the VeggieTales movie to be funny and a very good first try at adapting a half-hour show into an hour-long movie. However, I do find the half-hour shows more entertaining on average.

D'raaj, I think you're thinking of the Flood and Noah from your description in your first post in this thread. Not the story of Jonah. I could be wrong, though. :)

Jonathon, I am so very sorry that you were stuck in a theatre full of people who enjoyed the movie when you went to see it.

Alan Joyce
Mar 10th, 2003, 12:11:37 AM
*Is D'raaj in disguise*

Heh, oops. I don't believe I've ever messed up that bad before. This is what happens when Mitch doesn't think before posting...

Kar'h'tzen Shaed
Mar 10th, 2003, 02:19:28 AM
*Is Polak'nek in disguise*

No worries. No one even noticed. :)

Mar 10th, 2003, 02:42:35 AM
"Jonathon, I am so very sorry that you were stuck in a theatre full of people who enjoyed the movie when you went to see it."

It was sickening. A bunch of bible-thumping fanatics in that theater. I have no idea what is up with those people, but it was an embarrassing, retarded expereince. I ran out of that theater like someone had just yelled "FIRE!" as loud as possible.

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Mar 10th, 2003, 08:57:36 AM
Im sure with your even-handedness, you'll be able to write up a fair review of the movie based on it's merits.

Mar 10th, 2003, 06:07:45 PM
I saw it shortly after it came out.

It was quite enjoyable and very "veggie taleish". Funny too. :)

Lilaena De'Ville
Mar 10th, 2003, 06:15:15 PM
Daiq you crack me up. :lol

I need to see this movie. :(

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Mar 11th, 2003, 01:54:09 AM
*hugs LD*


Alan Joyce
Mar 11th, 2003, 02:12:00 AM
Ooooohhh where is my hairbrush?
Ohhh wheeeere is my hairbrush?
Oh where oh where oh where oh where oh wheeeeereeee
Is my hairbrush?!
*finishes singing*

Lilaena De'Ville
Mar 11th, 2003, 02:21:30 AM
THE HAIRBRUSH SONG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D

Mar 11th, 2003, 04:20:50 AM
"Im sure with your even-handedness, you'll be able to write up a fair review of the movie based on it's merits."

Hey I gave it 1 star, that is pretty darn fair. I could have really slammed it harder, but I was entertained by the entire idea of talking veggetables, at least for the first 20 minutes or so. There were funny parts, but man, I was let down. I honestly thought this movie would be hilarious. The concept was a lot better than the execution.

Films with religious themes or based on religious tales can be great. Ben-Hur is a religious film, really, and it's a dang awesome movie, one of my absolute favorites!

But there is a huge difference between incorporating religion into a movie, i.e. The Count of Monte Cristo (an incorporation I really liked, actually, and felt it strengthened the film), and between being preachy, i.e. VeggieTales movie and Time Changer.

Lilaena De'Ville
Mar 11th, 2003, 10:34:00 AM
How can you not love Larry the Cucumber and his darling little lisp!? :eek

Sejah Haversh
Mar 11th, 2003, 02:06:27 PM
This looks like a job for.... LARRY-BOY!

Diego Van Derveld
Mar 11th, 2003, 02:23:12 PM
:lol Larry Boy :) I'd totally forgotten. Man its been years since I've watched VT

Sejah Haversh
Mar 11th, 2003, 02:42:20 PM
*sings* You are his cheeseburger, his only cheeseburger! *bows out*

Wei Wu Wei
Mar 17th, 2003, 04:52:16 PM
Well, VeggieTales is oriented towards very small children. It seems to me that you just hate Christianity, and that's why you hated it so much. Not all Christians are "Bible-thumpers" either. And not all people that like the VeggieTales are Christians either.

Cassidy Williams
Mar 21st, 2003, 01:07:53 PM
The best VeggieTales songs, IMHO :)

Narrator: "Larry will be performing the traditional Argentinian ballad, 'The Dance of the Cucumber,' in it's original Spanish. Bob the Tomato will translate."

Larry: "Miren al pepino"
Bob: "Watch the cucumber"

Larry: "miren como se mueve"
Bob: "see how he moves"

Larry: "como un leon"
Bob: "like a lion"

Larry: "tras un raton."
Bob: "chasing a mouse."

Larry: "Miren al pepino"
Bob: "Watch the cucumber"

Larry: "sus suaves movimientos"
Bob: "Oh, how smooth his motion"

Larry: "tal como mantequilla"
Bob: "like butter"

Larry: "en un chango pelon."
Bob: "on a ... bald monkey."

Larry: "Miren al pepino"
Bob: "Look at the cucumber"

Larry: "los vegetales"
Bob: "all the vegetables"

Larry: "envidian a su amigo"
Bob: "envy their friend"

Larry: "como el quieren bailar"
Bob: "wishing to dance as he"

Larry: "Pepino bailarin, pepino bailarin, pepino bailarin"
Bob: "Dancing cucumber, dancing cucumber, dancing cucumber"

Larry: "Baila, baila, ya!"
Bob: "Dance, dance, yeah!"

Larry: "Miren al tomate"
Bob: "Look at the tomato"

Larry: "¿no es triste?"
Bob: "Isn't it sad?"

Larry: "El no puede bailar."
Bob: "He can't dance."

Larry: "¡Pobre tomate!"
Bob: "Poor tomato!"

Larry: "El desería poder bailar"
Bob: "He wishes he could dance"

Larry: "Como el pepino"
Bob: "like the cucumber"

Larry: "libre y suavemente."
Bob: "free and smooth."

Larry: "Pero el no puede danzar."
Bob: "But he can't ... Okay! Stop the music! What do ya mean I can't dance? I can dance! What about Uncle Louie's polka party? Didn't you see me dancing at Uncle Louie's polka party?"

Larry: "No comprendo."

Bob: "No comprendo? I'll show you 'No comprendo'!"

Junior: "Mom! Dad! Look over here! Get a picture of me next to the cucumber in authentic Argentinian garb!"

Dad: "Okay, Junior. But we'd better hurry - I think the dwarves have your mother confused with someone else! Say 'Peas!'"

All: "Peas!"

Larry: "Escuchen al pepino"
Bob: "Listen to the cucumber"

Larry: "oigan su voz fuerte"
Bob: "hear his strong voice"

Larry: "como un leon"
Bob: "like a lion"

Larry: "listo a devorar."
Bob: "about to eat."

Larry: "Escuchen al pepino"
Bob: "Listen to the cucumber"

Larry: "que dulce es su canto"
Bob: "oh how sweet his voice"

Larry: "la voz de su garganta parece un trinar."
Bob: "the breath from his throat is like a chorus of little birdies."

Larry: "Escuchen al pepino"
Bob: "Listen to the cucumber"

Larry: "los vegetales"
Bob: "all the vegetables"

Larry: "envidian a su amigo"
Bob: "envy their friend"

Larry: "como el quieren cantar."
Bob: "wishing to sing as he."

Larry: "Pepino cantador, pepino cantador, pepino cantador"
Bob: "Singing cucumber, singing cucumber, singing cucumber"

Larry: "canta, canta, ya!"
Bob: "sing, sing, yeah!"

Larry: "Escuchen al tomate"
Bob: "Listen to the tomato"

Larry: "¿No es triste?"
Bob: "Isn't it sad?"

Larry: "El no puede cantar."
Bob: "He can't sing."

Larry: "Pobre tomate."
Bob: "Poor tomato."

Larry: "El desería poder cantar"
Bob: "He wishes he could sing"

Larry: "fuerte y dulce como el pepino"
Bob: "strong and sweet like the cucumber"

Larry: "Pero no puede ..."
Bob: "But he can't ..."

Larry: "¡Ni siquiera da un silbido!"
Bob: "Can't even ... whistle! All right! That's it Senor! Come over here and let me sing YOU a song!"

Larry: "Adios, amigos!"

Narrator: "This has been Silly Songs With Larry. Tune in next time to hear Larry sing ..."

Larry: "Bob is really angry! I hope he doesn't catch me! It's so hard to run with this sombrero on my head!"


...Yadda yadda yadda, can't remember the beginning... "Larry-Boy! Groovy Larry! You're out of site, You're lookin' great, fashion plate, Larry-Boy! Larry! Oh, Larry You're lean and mean,You're a green machine, you're...Larry-Boy!"

Mwuaha. Courtesy of www.ultimateveggie.com :D