View Full Version : Who Am I?(open)

Mar 6th, 2003, 06:05:22 PM
I walked across the bar. My trenchcoat moving barely as I walked. I headed to a table and sat down. My mind was so strained. Who am I? What was I doing? I knew nothing of my past. I looked around and smiled. These people all seemed so kind. Maybe I should forget about my past, and move on to the future. I mean I have great potential. I smiled, "Maybe I can find more cyborgs, and teach them." I was only thirteen, but it made me happy. I loved to be around people. This was a great place, "Maybe I can have a place like this." I smiled and slowly sipped some jawajuice.

imported_Terran Starek
Mar 7th, 2003, 02:43:41 AM
A soft presence overtook the small table that the young woman had rested herself at. She looked distressed--although her eyes were reenergized at the sight of other warm bodies around her. She was forlorn, it seemed. Tired. Possibly a tad distraught. Something weighed heavily on her mind and possibly forged its presence in her heart. Terran did not know, but he did know that where someone needed an ear, he would be there.

He came close to her--not so close as to invade her comfort zone. He came just close enough to make his presence felt as he smiled brightly and warmly. He came into view of the young girl, wearing the traditional Jedi attire: a deep, brown, flowing cloak, beige pants, tunic, and tabard, and his standard belt and boots.

"Hello--welcome to Master Yoghurt's Bar and Grill. I sense that you have not been at the Greater Jedi Order long. Sometimes, a place as big as this can serve to intimidate. Allow me to introdcue myself," he smiled again, hoping that he was making her feel welcome.

"My name is Terran Starek and I am a padawan here at the order. Might I have a seat and inquire your name as well?" His eyes were soft and his request polite, and it was easy to see that he would not be upset if she refused.

Mar 7th, 2003, 10:53:44 AM
I smiled. I kicked out a chair for him. "Sure. I like talking to people." I brushed my black hair out of my face. "My name is Alita. And this place is big. What do you guys do here at this order place anyway?" I said with an inquizitive look. I was feeling like this guy cared about me. That was always a nice feeling. I smiled and sat up. My brown trenchcoat moving as I did. "Why did you come here? You seem like a well-rounded man." I said with a smile.

imported_Terran Starek
Mar 8th, 2003, 03:20:45 PM
Terran chuckled a bit softly.

"You have many questions--I will do what I can to answer them," he said, smiling and taking a seat. He examined her eyes--she was hungry for knowledge and very curious about the Order. He was glad--she deserved to be greeted by a friend and it was good that she had questions.

"Here at the GJO, we train Jedi as protectors of peace and justice throughout the Galaxy. We use the Force and weild powers such as knowledge, compassion, and negotiation to assist the Galaxy in its strife for peace." He thought about his comment, hoping she understood.

"As for me, it seems that looks can be deceiving. I appreciate the compliment, Miss Alita, but I came to the Order a once very destructive person to seek peace. I have found it here. The Order has made me the well-rounded man I am today." He smiled again.

"How did you find yourself here, Alita?"

Mar 8th, 2003, 11:33:48 PM
I smiled, "Actually, I'm not part of the Order. I am just a traveler. I have heard about this force. It flows through living things, correct?" I shook my head, "Well then I don't think I could use it. I'm not exactly a living being. Well, most of me anyways." I pulled up my sleeve to show my metal workings. Simple arms, but capable of so much destruction. I looked up at him. "But as for peace, that sounds like a great thing." I said with a smile. "I am also willing to give anything a shot, and it's nice here. So why not? So tell me, can I get you anything?"

imported_Terran Starek
Mar 9th, 2003, 01:00:01 AM
"You understand the basic principle of the Force." He watched carefully as she showed him her arms--they were some type of bionics. Interesting, to say the least.

"No, no. It is my pleasure to cover your tab. You are, indeed, my guest." Terran smiled, pausing to think for a moment. "Before I order anything, I should like to ask you a question. If it's not too prying--please, stop me if it is--how did your arms come to be that way?"

Mar 9th, 2003, 10:44:57 AM
I smiled. "I know nothing of my past. I'm a cyborg. My legs, arms, body, and even some of my head are all robotic. But my brain and spine and organs are all human. So I can still act and fell like a human. I can't remember anything from before I turned ten. I'm only thirteen now, and still no closer to the truth." I sighed. I really didn't know who I was. "The only thing I know is I can fight when I'm in trouble. I realized I had one weapon built in as well." I stood up and threw off my trenchcoat. I concentrated and the two metal blades emerged from the bottom of my arms. I retracted them back. "That's really all I know." I but my trenchcoat back on, and sat. I looked at him and with a twinkle in my eyes I said, "Do you have a secret dream?"

imported_Terran Starek
Mar 10th, 2003, 12:32:24 AM
"It sounds like your past is truly puzzling. With luck and the Force on your side, you may have the oppurtunity to sort it all out." Terran smiled hopefully, letting the young girl know that he believed what he said.

"A secret dream? Hmm. . .I'm afraid I'm not sure exactly what you mean, Miss Alita."

Mar 10th, 2003, 07:26:20 PM
I smiled and spoke, "A secret dream. Something or someone you want more than anything else. I want my memories. I want to know who created me, if I was a human before all this. I wanna know who I am." I looked back at Terran. My eyes began to water with tears. Being a teenager I couldn't hold it back anymore. I leapt forward over the table and clinged to Terrans coat. Tears were pouring from my eyes, and I was crying so hard. I spoke in split sentences, "Do you know what it's like to not know who you are? Even my name is fake! I have no one. No family, no friends, no anything. All my life I have wanted to cry like this. I held it back till now. I can't pretend anymore Terran." I cried on his shoulder, and his shoulder becam wet from my tears. "I just want a family, and to know who I am." I just cried for a while on his shoulder, and sat there wondeing.

imported_Terran Starek
Mar 11th, 2003, 03:12:51 AM
Waves of empathy washed over the Jedi as the young girl clinged strongly to his robes. She held his shoulder tightly as she cried--and he did nothing to stop her. He merely brough his other hand up to rest upon her upper back, patting it softly. If she needed someone to cry on--he wished to be there. Whatever he could do to serve the Force and to show others how truly kind and caring it was.

"You don't have to hold it back here--you are among friends and people who understand," he spoke softly, allowing her to flush her emotions onto his robe. His eyes scanned the room--some of the rougher-types looked on with strange glances or didn't look on at all--they were used to minding their business. The other Jedi smiled encouragement to Terran and nodded--the older ones letting him know that he was doing fine.

"You crave the things that all people want--identity, a family, someone to care about them. You can find them here, Alita. If you were to join the Order--that is, if you were accepted--you could find peace. Not only would you join a rather diverse and interesting extended family, you would also have access to some of the finest resources in the Galaxy to discover the truth of your past." He paused as she sniffed a few tears back and took her seat beside him.

"Let your heart guide you. Whatever you may choose, the Force will always be there to guide you." He smiled--despite whether people listened to it or not, the Force was there.

Mar 13th, 2003, 04:09:34 PM
I smiled. "Thank you so much Terran." I wiped away the tears. "Can you take me to your master? I wish to become a Jedi. I want to save people." I paused, "And I want a family, and to know who I am." I looked around. "I'll probably be the youngest jedi around here, huh?"

imported_Terran Starek
Mar 13th, 2003, 05:58:06 PM
"Well, I don't know about that. There are many other young Jedi here. I'm sure you will be able to make many friends," he said with a smile. "My Master is not here, right now. In fact, he hardly ever is!" Terran remarked, smiling to himself as he thought about that fact. It was true, in many cases, but somehow Marcus did find time for Terran.

"Have you visited the Recruitment Center yet? If you haven't, I could accompany you." He hoped he was being helpful and encouraging by offering his assistance in helping Alita get warmed to the Order.