View Full Version : Garou in the Dark (Open Spar)

Chaos Alexander
Mar 6th, 2003, 05:31:50 PM
::Alexander Dawnstrider stretched his muscles as he waited in the training room. For a person his size, he was very well built. When we was in the Sith he was lanky and thin. Now he had a lot more muscle. Not enough to affect his speed though. He was shirtless so all could see the orrid scarring on his chest. They could see when the flesh ended and his metel right arm started. His dark hair was pulled back into a small ponytail. His Light Saber was no where to be seen.::

Clay Dennatta
Mar 9th, 2003, 02:39:37 PM
Clay entered the room and noticed a man ready for a good spar. He was shirtless and had many scars over his body just as Clay did. He walked over to where the man was standing and threw off his cloak. He was wearing just a Black Tanktop and black boots. Noticing the man didn't have his saber, he threw both his sabers to the side with his cloak and removed his shoulder holster with the caster gun in it. He stretched a minute and spoke...

" Hello, My name is Clay Dennatta. I see your ready to spar. "

Chaos Alexander
Mar 9th, 2003, 02:57:11 PM
::Alexander smiled.::

"You may need those sabers, and that gun as well. My arm has and energy claw attachment built in, and can convert into a quad rail gun like weapon. I will not use those though. Not yet. HAnd t hand will be nice."

::Alexander ran the name through his mind. Clay Dennatta. He was once Xazor's padawan. Alex was one of her current ones. He was also her younger brother.::

"I have heard alot of good things about you. Let's see if they are all true."

:: Aleaxander rushed the man. He used the Force to slightly blurr his own image. He knew that the other would be thrown off by this trick. Alexander threw a punch at the man's face, and of course the other raised his arms to block. He was well trained over-all, but the illuison made it seem like the fist was a few feet away, and not only a few inchs.

Clay was caught in the face. Right between the eyes. As soona s he connected he pushed foward to hopefully slam the man intot he ground.::

Clay Dennatta
Mar 9th, 2003, 03:08:49 PM
The punched made Clay fly to the ground, and instinctivly popped back up without hesitation.

" I hear you are Xazors brother. It is nice to finnaly meet you. "

He quickly rushed Chaos and acted as if he was gonna throw a punch at his gut, but instead, at the last minute he flipped over Chaos and drop kicked him in the back. This sent Chaos forward a bit and Clay landed on the ground and again popped back up and stood in a fighting stance waiting for Chaos to attack...

Chaos Alexander
Mar 9th, 2003, 03:25:46 PM
::Alexander stumbled foward. He didn't see that one coming. They man was crafty. He should have been a Garou. He back would have a nasty bruise this time tomorrow. Luckly the man had missed his spine. Alexander spun around and got into a agressive battle stance.::

"And I hear you are one of her other Padawans. It is an honor."

::Alex rushed the other Jedi. Of course Clay was well ready for such an attack this time. At the last moment Alex ducked and fell to a knee. Then he sprang up and slammed his body into Clays chest. He pushed hard and ramed him into the wall. As Clay started to push pain, Alex slowed down teh pain receptors in his body. This helped ease teh pain in his back from teh last attack and allowed him to push with much pain. And allowed him to use his own body as a weapon. He drew his head back and slammed it as hard as he coudl into Clays. Hopefully it would stun him long enough to get a much bigger upper hand.::

Clay Dennatta
Mar 9th, 2003, 03:35:57 PM
After being punced in the face by Chaos' head, Clay fell to the ground for a moment, but got up quickly. He now had a massive headache but he pushed the pain back and got ready for another attack. This time he was going to be even "craftier". He thought for a split second and figured he would rush again. He knew Chaos would be ready to counter his flip. Seeing as how he did it once alrady. So he instead acted as if he was going to flip again, as if he was a unskilled newbie, but instead slid to Chaos' side and kicked him in his left knee, and followed up with a couple puched to Chaos' left ribs. After the attack he jumped back to his feet and waited...

"And it is always an honor to meet one of Xazor's relatives."

Chaos Alexander
Mar 9th, 2003, 08:59:38 PM
::Alexander fell to his right knee. This was because his left knee was unable to hold his weight at the moment. He felt blows coming at him through the Force. He tightened up his muscles to dull the blows. It dulled the blows alright, but it still hurt liek the Nine-Hells.::

"Me and my Sister are nothing alike. She lets her emotions get in the way. A true Warrior fights with his heart. His passion for battle is what makes him unstopable. She lets her passion for wordly things over run her."

::A snare jetted out the bottom of his mechincal wrist. It shot and tired around Clay's legs. As soon as it got tight Alex jerked and pulled the other to the Ground and towards him. The cord unraveled and went back into his wrist. The he slamed his heavy and powerful hand into the center of Clay's chest.::

"If you are to reach new limits, then you must lose such emotions. This is if you already haven't."

Clay Dennatta
Mar 9th, 2003, 09:05:50 PM
Clay took a few breaths after the shot to the chest, and tightened up his mussles and let as much air to them as he could to let them heal faster.

" Emotions mean nothing to me in battle. They are something that i have never heard of in the heat of battle. "

Clay decided it was time to really fight. He got into one of his many martial arts stances and prepared himself. His chest hurt like a bum and he was now ready to return the favor. Without hesitation he dashed to where Chaos was and started to exchange punches, kicks, and blocks, This went on for a while until Clay found and opening and gave him to good shots to the face and an upper cut before he did a couple backhand springs and landed faceing Chaos...

Chaos Alexander
Mar 9th, 2003, 09:22:35 PM
::Alex breathed hard. He ran his left hand over his nose and felt sharp pain. He drew his hand back to see blood. He has busted his nose open. He let the Force rush through him. He pushed teh pain to the back of his mind.

Alex's eyes glowed a golden hue and he sent a mental shot at Clay. At once the world spun for the padawan as he suffered from Vertigo. Alex knew what was happening. The other padawan's stomach much be churning. He must fell the vomit rising at the back of his throat. Then it happened. Alex ssaw Clay stumble. As if to throw up. Then he moved foward. He had seen Clay mostly punch with one hand. Alex grabed it with his robotic rigth hand. Then he squeezed as hard as he could. The sound of bones snapping would be heard soon. The Garou knew that he would not be able to break his robotic grip. Few could. His arm was a work of art in itself. ::

"You are truely a fighter. I would feel safe in battle with you beside me. I can not say that about many. "

::Alex let go before his did any serious damage to the other hand. They were her to pratice not maim each other. He took a few steps back and spit blood to the ground. The man was good, but not as stronge physicaly as others Alex had faced. He was mostly speed. Much like Alex was. Alex hand more muscle and power to add to his speed. Along with all the tricks his arm had. This man alot of martial art skills to add to his flavor.::

"All in All, your not half bad."

Clay Dennatta
Mar 9th, 2003, 09:33:58 PM
Clay held his arm as Chaos spit blood, and he was breathing heavily from the punch in the chest he got.

" I would fight at your side anyday too. I like your little arm trick. Makes a good weapon in battle. "