View Full Version : Looking for a mommy(Ladies....grrrrr)

Mar 6th, 2003, 05:21:53 PM
I walked into thew bar. My blue ninja robes tight on my body revealing my muscles. My red sash tied around my waist, and my waist long brown hair waving as I walked. My armor on my legs and arms clacked softly until I reached a table. I was looking for a mommy. Not for myself, but for my son. It was something he had been wanting. So I decided to find him one. I needed a wife, and he needed a mother. Besides, a mother's love may be all he needed to defeat the fiend cells. I smiled and ordered a simple water. I looked around at the ladies. They were all beautiful. But I continued to sit there. I would let one come to me.

Shanaria Fabool
Mar 6th, 2003, 05:34:27 PM
Sitting up at the bar, as she normaly does when she is in the bar, Shanaria watches Ansatsu enter and walk to a table. She watches him look over all of the girls in the bar. As his eyes fall apon her, waring her normal skin tight, blue, bodysuit, she bats her soft blue eyes, smiles and waves at Ansatsu. She takes another sip of her cider, and runs a hand through her long black hair.

Mar 6th, 2003, 06:19:47 PM
I saw her wave and decided to make my move. I got up and slowly walked over to the table. She had blue skin. It was diffrent, but it was sexy on her. I spoke to her in a smooth voice, "Hello there beautiful. What's your name?" I said with a suave smile. She was quite sexy.

Shanaria Fabool
Mar 7th, 2003, 01:05:47 AM
Shanaria leans back slightly, and flips her hair slightly in a mildly flirting manner. She looks up at the hansom man standing in front of her. Smiling she says....

"I'm Shanaria.."

She extends her hand in lady-like manner of greeting.

Mar 7th, 2003, 10:33:53 AM
I bent down and kissed her hand. "What a lovely name." I smiled, "Can I get you anything?" I said while brushing my long brown hair out of the way.

Shanaria Fabool
Mar 7th, 2003, 01:52:54 PM
Shanaria Smiles back at Ansatsu...

"No thank you...I have a cider already, But I wouldn't mind some company"

She pulls her hand back down to her lap after it has been kissed. She changes her positon giving Ansatsu a good look down the front of her bodysuit for a quick moment.

Kwiet Ideya
Mar 8th, 2003, 01:55:43 AM
Kwiet sits in the corner with a grumpy glare, scribbling furiously on a sheet of paper with a set of short, stubby crayons. Daddy always looks stupid when he tries to get girls to like him. He tries too hard. But this girl is easy to impress. He's seen her kind b'fore...girls like her used to always do mean things to Abel. Grampa Preacher said they were "immoral" and that they always "drop people like bad habits"...Kwiet doesn't know what that means, but by the way Abel used to always get sad, it can't be good.

"She's no mommy..." he mutters under his breath.

Dae Jinn
Mar 8th, 2003, 02:04:09 AM
'Heyas, little one, what are you doing here?"

A friendly female voice speaks from behind the child, and Daetana Jinn slips into a chair beside him. She grins, he's the boy who thought she was his mummy. A cute kid, a little needy, but cute. She looked down at his paper.
"Oh, coloring! Mind if I join you?" She laughed softly, following the boys gaze to a blue woman and a strange looking man. She raised a brow and shook her head before turning her attention back to Kwiet.

Kwiet Ideya
Mar 8th, 2003, 02:10:16 AM
Kwiet's eyes and smile grow absolutely huge. One would think his mouth and eyes took half his face.

"The MOMMY!"

He's in her lap instantly, hugging her and burying his face in her chest. She's the nice mommy; the one that helped him find Abel when he was lost and got him something to drink.

"Is a pi'ture of me!"

The stick figure on the page wears a scarf and loose clothing, and carries in its hands several throwing weapons. To make sure it's not mistaken for his daddy, his name is written on the page with an arrow pointing to the drawing.

Mar 8th, 2003, 06:59:43 AM
I turned to here my son laughing. I turned to Sanaria, "Beg my pardon. I'm sorry, I'll be right back." I walked back to my table and sat down next to my son. I smiled, "Who is this beautiful lady you stole?" I chuckled. "My name is Ansatsu. I see you've met my son." I stuck my hand out, "And you are?"

Dae Jinn
Mar 9th, 2003, 12:32:43 AM
Dae gave him a once over with her eyes and smirked. "Susan."

She gave Kwiet a wink, barely noticable to Antastsu, then frowned. 'You do realise, leaving your son alone while you flirt with whores is NOT what a proper father would do, don't you?"

Mar 9th, 2003, 10:50:03 AM

Mar 9th, 2003, 10:51:55 AM
I smiled, "Well I wouldn't say that. Kwiet is quite capable of taking care of himself. He did for about three months. He is a good little boy." I said mussing up his hair. "As for flirting with whores.....well, thats your opinion. I am actually trying to find someone to be Kwiet's mommy." I saw him cling to her. "He seems to like you. Do you two have past history?" I nudged my son in the ribs, "Have you been dating this pretty girl behind my back?" I said with a smile. "And for being a proper father, well I have my mishaps. And I can assure you that it won't happen again." Susan, she didn't look like a Susan. Maybe a Dina, no a Donna, no a Dijon, pffft. Stupid mustard............

Dae Jinn
Mar 9th, 2003, 08:46:15 PM
She shook her head. "You left him alone for three months, to take care of himself? And, now, you're trolling the bars for women, assuming one would actually care about YOU enough to be your wife, and a mother, just like that?"

She lifted Kwiet from her lap, and smiled. She gave him a few credits and patted him on the head. "Kwiet, you go and get yourself something to eat, anything you want. I think your "daddy" and I need to have a talk."

Kwiet Ideya
Mar 9th, 2003, 08:52:15 PM

The last time he was here they gave him ice cream! He goes to the bar and orders a big bowlful, eating it with the sloppy gusto used by small children and talking the bartender's ears off.

"M'name's Kwiet! I'ma ninja, and I can throw stars and daggers and smoke bombs and..."

Shanaria Fabool
Mar 10th, 2003, 11:40:15 AM
Shanaria Having been listing to the Conversation that Dae and Ansatsu were having. She desides to get up and approch Dae, when she reaches her she says...

"Just because I like to flirt, Doesn't meen that I am a Whore!! You don't know me, so you have no right to assume that I am what you say!"

Kwiet Ideya
Mar 10th, 2003, 01:02:15 PM
Shanaria's protests catch the boy's attention. Daddy and the blue lady are fighting with his mommy! The red glow surrounding his pupil flares to encompass his whole iris before dying down. The boy perches on his stool, watching the goings on intently.

Mar 10th, 2003, 07:13:57 PM
I brushed my hair out of my face. I could feel Kwiet's anger rising, and I would have to be calm. "Shanaria and Susan, please calm down." I turned to Susan and gave a stern look. "You assume alot, don't you? I left my son in the care of a great doctor for three months. I am not stupid enough to leave him alone for that long. When I say he is alone, he is with someone, just not me. He can fight, no one in this bar could harm him. When He was with the doctor I had made a choice that would clear both our hands from blood. I had to be completly cleaned out of every cell in my body. It took some time, but I can assure you that it was for the best." I sighed, "I am looking to find my son a mother. It will take time, I know no one will like me right off the bat. That is understandable, but you have no right to judge the way I have treated my son. He is fine, and their is not a scra on his body. I regret some of the things I've done, but I would never do them again. I am trying my hardest to be a good father." I brushed my hair out of my face again. "You, mam, need to understand my life. You know nothing of my past, and I suggest that you go and examine yourself before jumping all over others." I turned to Shanaria, "I have absolutely no reason why she called you that. And I did not mean what I said, I was simply quoting her." I turned back to Susan and motioned Kwiet over. I asked Kwiet through the force, "What's her real name?" I asked him. I looked her dead in the eyes, "Anything else you wish to "talk" about?"

Kwiet Ideya
Mar 10th, 2003, 07:20:05 PM
She's the mommy!

That's all the reply he gets.

Dae Jinn
Mar 10th, 2003, 07:24:18 PM
"Not," Dae's eyes narrowed, and she stood. "with the likes of you two. I hope you two have a good night together, people of your ilk deserve to be together."

She walked over to the bar, taking Kwiet by the hand, and walked out.

Kwiet Ideya
Mar 10th, 2003, 07:26:56 PM
Kwiet holds her hand tightly and walks out with her, thinking nothing of it. She's his mommy! She'll take good care of him.

Mar 10th, 2003, 07:41:23 PM
I sped myself up and got in front of Dae. My shredders active and my eyes flaring. "DROP MY SON THIS INSTANT! You do not touch him! I screwed up in the past, but it will not happen again! I am sure we could dig some skeletons out of your closet! Now put Kwiet down." I deactivated my shredders, and brushed my hair form my face. I smiled, "Kwiet seems to like you, and if you would like to take a night on the town and learn why I did what I did, than that would be understandable. I lost my temper, and I am sorry. But please, you must understand, you just snatched my son up. I ask for your forgiveness, and to please hand me my son." I gave a comforting yet serious look.

Dae Jinn
Mar 10th, 2003, 07:50:19 PM

Dae raised her hand, and Ansatsu fell backwards as a rush of Darkside energy knocked him over. Dae lead Kwiet outside, turning left and hurrying down the street. She pulled a comm from her pocket, hitting a few buttons and speaking quietly into it.

Kwiet Ideya
Mar 10th, 2003, 07:56:10 PM
Kwiet trips along after Dae, looking back at his daddy. He tried to attack the mommy! She got him though. Kwiet looks to the floor as he continues to follow after her. Does he wanna ditch Ansatsu for his mommy? He never thought of it before.

Shanaria Fabool
Mar 11th, 2003, 10:26:54 AM
Shanaria, Still not impressed with Dae, Desides to go and sit down again, and wait.

Mar 11th, 2003, 09:10:02 PM
I ran forward and caught up to them. I chunked a star at the communicator and it shattered. "DROP HIM NOW!" I ran forward and looked at Kwiet. "Kwiet, please come back home with me. I care for you so much Kwiet. Your the only important thing to me. Please don't go. I will do my best to find your a mommy." I pointed to Dae. "She won't let me father you and be your mommy. I will pick anyone else you want to be your mommy. I will do my best please, don't go with her. Come back home with your daddy." I held my arms open and smiled. My brown hair flowing, and my eyes watering. "I ask you to please come home with me." I stared up at Dae preparing another force blast. I activated my shredders. "Don't you dare." I said. I looked back to my son. My arms were still open. I continued to watch the woman, and I waited for Kiwet's decision. I just wanted him to be happy.

Xazor Elessar
Mar 11th, 2003, 10:49:31 PM
"I don't think so, Ansatsu."

A deep growl came from behind the Dark One and suddenly he found himself gasping for air. A twisted smile crossed over the lips of Xazor -- a figure cloaked in heavy black robes with the hood of the garment drawn up over her head. She masked her identity in the Force and held her ground steadily -- there was no way he would find out who she was.

"I suggest you let Lady Jinn do as she wishes or you won't be alive long enough to miss that poor boy."

The invisible grip on Ansatsu's neck tightened as Xazor's right hand slipped down to the lightsaber on her weapons belt. The Knight listened to the Force and felt with her every sense, every move he made -- even the slightest blink of his eye.

"This is going to be a one sided negotiation -- if you choose not to listen to me, you will listen to the hum of my saber as it removes the head from your very neck."

The words were spat out at him in a violent tone -- the Lost Jedi allowed herself to work for the good of her comrades and indeed, Dae was a member of her team. Again the Garou Warrior tightened the grip on his neck so by this point he was falling to his knees in a desperate attempt to breath. Dae had reached a safety point and now, Ansatsu was no threat to her and Kwiet. She had accomplished what she wished -- but decided to stay and take care of a personal grudge against this maggot.

Dae Jinn
Mar 11th, 2003, 10:57:21 PM
A speeder pulled up to the curb and the passanger door swung open. Dae's pilot grinned at Kwiet, remembering the little boy from before. Dae simply nodded to him, then to the cloaked figure, before helping Kwiet into the front seat, and slipping into the back seat herself.
The engines hummed loudly as the speeder rose and poked it's way into the steady traffic of Coruscant.

Kwiet Ideya
Mar 11th, 2003, 11:02:50 PM
The boy looks back with wide eyes, wondering if he should get out and help his daddy, or stay here with the nice mommy. Before he can make the decision, however, the car disappears around a corner, shifting lanes in such a way as to disorient the boy. Kwiet plunks himself down and snaps the seatbelt, deciding to have faith in his father to fight well and live.

Feliciana Devano
Mar 11th, 2003, 11:34:32 PM
Suddenly another figure appeared from behind Xazor causing both she and the Darksider to be aware of her presence. The figure was also clad in black, but the hood of her robes was down and her long flowing black hair was exposed. Silently she crept to stand beside Xazor and then she moved to stand before Ansatsu. Her sky blue eyes and cherry red lips were quite contrasting to the midnight color of her hair.

"You will not move another inch -- or I shall smite you into the ground. I will make you scream and as you do, I will slowly tear out your vocal chords just so I can feel them vibrate in my hands."

Her white teeth showed then in a beautiful smile yet it was cold hearted an insincere. She was a Dark Jedi Knight, a member of The Krath -- a council member at that -- and despite the fact they both were Darksiders she was his enemy. Her eyes flickered upward to Xazor, also an enemy of hers, but she owed another Jedi a favor, and this was her way of repaying him.

"You are with child, be careful -- I believe a friend of yours spared my life one day and so I am thanking him once again. He never told me his name, but he was extremely powerful and I know he was a Master of this Order. Somehow, his Force presence was much like your own."

The Knight spoke softly in Xazor's mind as she drew the silver hilt of her lightsaber from her weapons belt beneath her black robes. With the silent switch of a button, a crimson blade shot forth from the top of the hilt. It warmed the air around Feliciana and hummed gently in her hand as Ansatsu struggled to breath and became nervous as she moved the blade close to his neck.

"Today you shall die."

She simply stated in a cold tone as her eyes bore holes into the wretched excuse for a man. Indeed -- he would either die, or be maimed beyond recognition. If that was the case, she would be sure he wished to die.

Sage Hazzard
Mar 11th, 2003, 11:55:52 PM
"No. No one will die," a voice from nowhere said. It echoed in all the perticipants in this situation's minds.

Suddenly Feliciana was swept off her feet, slamming into the ground. Her sabre, before it could even fall, flew through the air into a hand... the hand of Jedi Master Sage Hazzard.

The other figure, dressed in black (Xazor) was also stopped. Sage made sure of that by pointing the tip of the newly acquired sabre at her neck. He had no clue it was his good friend Xazor, she was hiding her signature and her face.

Just as Ansatsu might have felt relived, Sage's own sabre ignited and pointed at his neck.

"What will happen is that all three of you will explain yourself. NOW."

Kaiasssuri Cissaroni
Mar 11th, 2003, 11:58:12 PM
*Suddenly a great deal of people were crowding outside of the Bar and Grill and a ruckus seemed to be in the works. Kaia slowly rose from her seat as she wondered where Xazor had gone off to for both of them had been enjoying a nice mug of Ale together when suddenly she fled without explanation. The Cizerack took a few steps outside until her heart nearly stopped as she watched another woman draw a lightsaber and Xazor doing something to the man between both she and the other Force user.*

"Xazorrr -- do jyou need anjy help?"

*She offered softly, not realizing that the Knight wished not to be recognized. Inside Kaia winced as she understood what she had done. Slowly she slipped along the outer wall until she came to stop about ten feet from the possible situation. Her glowly blue eyes locked onto the three figures as fear surged through her body. She was but a princess, not someone cut out to fight. She was a Warrior, indeed -- but often she chose more diplomatic terms of dealing with things. Xazor, her dear friend and counterpart on their home planet was quite the opposite.*

"jIf jI can do anjythijng -- let me know."

*The words came out in a soft purr, though the young Cizerack was quite worried for her friend and for the other who were both obviously containing a man.*

Feliciana Devano
Mar 12th, 2003, 12:02:40 AM
Feliciana noticed the Cizerack out of the corner of her eye but suddenly her attention was taken from the situation as she fell to the ground and her beloved saber Death was ripped from her hand. A shriek escaped her lips as she stood up once again and looked to the Jedi who had decided to join them.

"How dare you take my weapon from me! I was merely helping rid the planet of scum such as the man standing before me."

She seemed to almost hiss the words before sending her own Force push back at Sage -- equally as powerful as his own. Her eyes shot to the cloaked figure of Xazor. 'Why must they always hide themselves? Are they afraid they'll get caught being angry? Heaven forbid!' the thoughts echoed through her mind as she watched for the Jedi Knight's reaction.

"Sorry I showed up -- I was trying to help, believe it or not."

The Dark Jedi Knight allowed her words to be heard by both Force users while keeping them blocked from Ansatsu's mind.

Xazor Elessar
Mar 12th, 2003, 12:07:43 AM
Xazor sighed inwardly as Sage appeared. 'Damnit -- stupid Force masking won't tell him who I am!' She thought to herself before growling deeply. With a quick duck and the twist of her body in the only way she could go -- over -- the Knight grabbed hold of Feliciana's lightsaber and pointed it right back at Sage. The move was fluent and quick -- hinting skill not that of a Padawan or Apprentice -- maybe not even of a Knight.

"I thought you knew me, Sage."

Her soft voice touches his mind; still she kept her signature hidden well within the Force. A smile crept across the woman's lips as she used her powerful mentalist abilities to flash a picture of herself into his mind. Indeed, it was Xazor and her smiling face in the image was the one he always knew.

"I am here to rid the galaxy of beings such as this for it is my calling and I shall not rest until I have completed my duty."

By 'not rest' she meant she would not die until all like Ansatsu were taken care of. Suddenly she realized that Kaia was outside of the bar and was an immediate threat to the situation. Not only was she a Princess of her tribe on Eden, she was also Senator of Eden!

"Kaia -- everything is fine, just go back inside, please."

She said softly, hoping her friend was not going to be stubborn this time and she would actually take her advice for once.

Sage Hazzard
Mar 12th, 2003, 12:20:50 AM
Sage took the Force Push but flipped mid-air, landing softly and coming back up. He still held the sabre by the woman... which he could understand she would not like it taken from her.

Suddenly it was taken away from him and pointed back at him.

Then, he got her image. It was a relief, but still his expression didn't change. If she wanted to remain concealed, for whatever reason, he'd honor her wants. But she was still pointing a sabre at him, and that was not something he'd let happen.

He took out another sabre, pointing it at her face area. Even if she was Xazor, she didn't want to be her now, so he would treat her like anyone else.

"Lower the weapon before I do it for you. And both of you," he said, glancing at the other woman, "tell me why he desearves to die. Now, before I take all three of you to jail."

Xazor Elessar
Mar 12th, 2003, 12:26:54 AM
Xazor growled deeply, authentically pissed off by Sage's actions.

"You wouldn't take me to jail. Leave the Darksider alone -- she owes a debt to me. As for this scum -- he too owes a debt to me and that would be in the payment of his life."

She suddenly met Sage's saber with the one in her hand and shoved him back from her. Her expression beneath the shadows was concealed, but it was serious and determined. The Garou Knight did not feel like this at the moment for she only wished to finish her business.

"I suggest you back off."

Xazor growled once again and met Sage's blade with Feliciana's. A red glow cast itself upon the Jedi Knight and for a moment -- it was like a flashback or foreward. She appeared even darker than the Darksider at the moment as she advanced on one of her own. It was a puzzling moment for all there -- save for Xazor, she knew what she was doing.

Sage Hazzard
Mar 12th, 2003, 01:06:00 AM
Sage was not happy at all. What was this nonsense? Why was Xazor attacking him with such zest? What had this man done that required him to die? Was he even a Darksider? Even then, he wouldn't have blood spilt anywhere near this bar, the Jedi bar, his bar.

Sage brought both his sabres to connect with Xazor's/Feliciana's. It stuck the lightsabre in one spot, enough for Sage to kick Xazor's knee, making her buckle. He took his hold on the sabre and pushed it down to the side, releasing up to backhand Xazor across the cheek. It hurt him more then her. Not physically... but it pained him all the same.

"Stop this nonsense now--" he turned to the others. "All of you! This is a civilized planet! I have not seen a valid reason to let you murder each other! Don't tell me you want to, or you have the right to, that's not enough. That's not a reason! Why does he desearve that?!"

The Jedi Master was sorely miffed and confused profoundly. He had just hit one his, perhaps the closest, friends. Yet he couldn't let her kill this man unless there was just 'cause. Sage was actually known for killing Darksiders or bad doers. However, not even he would disrespect the grounds outside the bar and grill.

Xazor Elessar
Mar 12th, 2003, 01:19:02 PM
Xazor was hurt even more so than Sage was emotionally. Her body could take it, but her spirit -- it was crushed. Her eyes met the ground and slowly she rose to her feet, passing by Feliciana and making eye contact with her. She handed the woman her saber and continued on.

"This is why at times I wish not to be a member of this place."

The words echoed through the Dark Jedi's mind as well as Sage's as Xazor passed close to the Jedi Master. She growled and took up a defensive feel within the Force.

"<smallfont color={hovercolor}>-Censored-</smallfont> off Sage -- I thought you were my friend."

She was probably too harsh with him -- and really she did not mean what she said, but the words just came. A sigh came from deep within as the feeling of unwanted and aloneness set in. Slowly the woman meandered from the Bar and Grill, leaving the situation behind but taking the pain with her.

"I am a Lost Jedi -- and this is my duty."

The Garou Knight reassured herself once again as she disappeared into the darkness, heading back for her room in the Living Quarters.

Mar 12th, 2003, 03:20:16 PM
I stood from my place and screamed. Tears were pouring from my eyes. I had lost my son. I may never see him again. I screamed, "STOP THIS NOW!" I called all attention to me. "I have changed my ways. I am no longer a servant of darkness. I was juts trying to get my son back. I had all the fiend cells removed from me, and if you don't beleive me ask my cousin. He will speak the truth. Please, Xazor, Sage, stop fighting. I ask that you please help me. I only want my son back." I fell to my knees and began to shake. The sadness overwhelmed me. My tears fell like lead on to the ground. I didn't know anything anymore. I had changed, but no one would beleive me. I knew they wouldn't. I looked at Sage and Xazor. "You are both great warriors. I ask to please stop your quarriling and help me to retrieve my son. Please....."My tears fell as I spoke. My face was red, and my eyes were watering with tears. I thought to the force and sent a message to my son. "Kwiet, I will do my best to get you. Please, if I can't find you, just be happy." I cried a bit and continued. "And remember daddy will always be there when you need him. Always." I stopped the message and stood. I activated my shredders and wiped the tears from my face. I got a serious look on my face, and looked to the direction the car went off in. I turned, my brown hair wavering as I did. I looked at the fighters. My eyes were serious amnd my tone even more so. "I am going to find my son. Are you coming with me, or not?"

Xazor Elessar
Mar 12th, 2003, 04:41:42 PM
Xazor stopped short as she heard Ansatu speak. Her heart hardened once again and she growled.

"I will never help you, dark one. Take your lies and fallacy elsewhere."

The words were angry, though Xazor was not directly angered at anything but herself -- she was fed up and frustrated and Dae had done the right thing. She only hoped that Ansatsu would never touch that boy again.

Abel Kannan
Mar 12th, 2003, 10:27:58 PM
Abel was walking around with a large stack of notices about Kwiet's disappearance.

"It's been so long since I've seen him. Lord, take care of the boy," the youth minister prayed. "Bring him back to me, if it be Your will."

Then Abel saw Kwiet get into a car with some strange woman.

"WAIT! I'VE BEEN LOOKING FOR HIM! I'M HIS GUARDIAN!" he yelled. Dae obviously didn't hear, becaues the car just kept going.

Abel started running after the car, leaving all the notices behind. He had to catch that car. He just had to.

"I've finally found him, Lord. Don't let him out of my sight."

Sage Hazzard
Mar 12th, 2003, 10:38:10 PM
Sage never could talk fluently through the Force. But he made sure to have a long talk with Xazor. What had changed between the two that she'd speak to him like that?

He grabbed Ansatsu by the shoulders.

"Before you take one step, you will tell me what happened. Your son has been kidnapped? Yet you act as if you saw this coming, like he could possibly be happy with an abducter. This is quite puzzling, I assure you. Explain yourself."

Mar 13th, 2003, 04:16:49 PM
I turned to Sage. "When I was part of the darkside I kidnapped him long ago. He was willing to come though. I wanted nothing more than to give him a family. But id it wrongly. I need to get him as my legitimate son. To have all the paperwork done. As for the abducter," I sighed heavily. "Kwiet used to always tell me he wanted a mommy. So after I was released from the darkside, I came here to find him a mother. Then that woman took him. Kwiet claimed she was a mommy." I sighed again, "I just want him to be happy. The one thing he wanted was a mommy, but I hope he know's his daddy lloves him. He has become a part of my life. He means everything to me. I knew eventually something would happen, because of my past actions I could lose him." I looked back to the buildings. "But now I am going to find him. To set things right with his guardians, and to right my wrongs." I turned, back to Sage, "He was an orphan. I am not going to let him go back there. Now, will you help me to come save my son or not?" I gave a serious look. My eyes narrowed and my thoughts drifted to my son. Then I heard a voice. ABEL! I ran around the corner, followed some backroads, and saw him standing there looking as the car sped off. "ABEL!" I screamed. I saw the look in his eyes. "Do you know where Kwiet is?!" I shook his shoulders. "Do you know where my son is?!" Then I realized I had said way too much. I knew it was time to explain myself.

Abel Kannan
Mar 13th, 2003, 10:42:44 PM
Abel looked at Ansatsu. "Kwiet just got in a car with some strange woman. They headed that way." Abel said, and resumed his chase.

Abel thought he had heard Ansatsu refer to Kwiet as his "son." He'd ask later. But right now, he had a job to do as Kwiet's guardian. And that was to ensure Kwiet's safety.

Sage Hazzard
Mar 14th, 2003, 02:07:09 AM
The Jedi Master hopped down from high. He had pursued by rooftop. Because of the better angle he had taken, he landed in front of Ansatsu.

"Wait just a minute. You kidnapped him first, so you're his father? No, no, no, my friend. No. I'll accompany you to find the child, but he will no longer be your's. You're facing serious charges here as is the current kidnapper. Even if he came willingly, you are still at fauly. An adult has power over a child, any child. Tricking a toddler into thinking you are his father does not make it so."

Sage started chase along side Abel. If this Ansatsu found him alone, he'd only continue this sick cycle of kidnappings.

Mar 14th, 2003, 04:04:53 PM
I turned to SAge, "I know. I feel all this is happening for a reason. But it is up to Abel to press charges. I can only pray he won't. I know what I did was wrong. I won't do it again. It's time for me to set things right." I leapt to a building top and could see the car speed off in the distance. I followed it by rooftop, using my ninja speed and skill to finally catch up. I leapt from a building and landed on the top of the car. I activated my shredders and ripped a hole in the ceiling. I looked down at my son and DAe. "Hello Kwiet. You wanna go see Abel?" I said with a smile. I kept myself ready for anything Dae might do.

Dae Jinn
Mar 16th, 2003, 03:23:05 PM
ooc. all i have to say is wtf people... we're speeding off in Coruscant traffic, I think you'd have a hard time finding us, Anastsu :p I have no qualms with Sage or Abel's posts, but you magically finding us while we're speeding away just isn't on.

Sage Hazzard
Mar 17th, 2003, 12:09:23 AM
OOC - Yeah, I'm sorry dude, but that's a little much. Sage would pretty much rip you a new one if you tried to rip open her roof too, or caught up with here first. And to that fact, Sage would outrun you, sorry. His Force abilities are almost all concentrated on phyical aptitude. Running, Fighting, etc. Anything to do with his body, he's the best at. And the rules on these boards state that Force powers rule over other powers, like "ninja speed". No offense, but you need to change your post. :)

Dae Jinn
Mar 17th, 2003, 09:08:05 AM
OOC -- PS, no roof on speeder either. Please edit your posts and we'll edit ours to fit.

Xazor Elessar
Mar 17th, 2003, 09:31:44 AM

I agree and I hate to lable that Godmoding, but honestly -- you're not getting the kid back and your post pretty much would be a feat of impossibility. :\

Abel Kannan
Mar 17th, 2003, 08:26:46 PM
OOC: Does he really need to be told 3 times? The thread seems to be over already anyways.

Xazor Elessar
Mar 18th, 2003, 01:20:56 PM
ooc: He can't keep running away from situations he isn't going to win. That's happened more than once -- he knows he is gonna loose, so he drops out of the thread. Why can't you loose ever? It's part of character development!

Mar 18th, 2003, 06:12:09 PM
OOC: As the man behind the kid, I'ma end this right now. Dae got away with Kwiet. Kwiet is currently living at Dexter's Diner until further notice. Now drop it. All of you.

Xazor Elessar
Mar 18th, 2003, 07:12:59 PM
*raises arms in air*

Did not do a thing -- not going to be told by you what to do. :grumble

Mar 18th, 2003, 07:14:52 PM
Just a generic warning...I don't want any fighting between the people here. :)

Xazor Elessar
Mar 18th, 2003, 07:27:25 PM

Me neither but I was simply making a helpful suggestion to Ansatsu (who, like I pointed out, disappeared when things got rough for him). Lots of people don't like that.

I think that the GMing stuff has got to end as well so I pointed that out. No one was fighting and really (not to point any fingers), Abel was the only one to get bothered by the comments. :\

Sorry for coming off hot at you, Zeke - just a crap filled day. :\

Liu Fong
Mar 18th, 2003, 07:32:40 PM
o_O...scatterbrained me...this isn't the thread I meant to post in! >_<

Sage Hazzard
Mar 22nd, 2003, 01:50:51 AM
It's cool guys. Threads over I guess. Just let the past be the past. Who got hot at who and who did what wrong doesn't matter anymore. :) Though I was having fun with this thread. :( :)