View Full Version : I am sick...

Mar 6th, 2003, 01:10:56 PM
...and tired of seeing "<smallfont color=#997583>-censored-</font>" in RP threads and am debating with myself the possibility of disciplinary action for those who refuse to have the respect for our community that refraining from using such terms encompasses.

It is a blight on all of our members to have such things in RP threads, and even in OOC threads. It is becoming more and more common as of late and I am only millimeters away from starting to lay the smack down on everyone who sets the filter off.

Mar 6th, 2003, 01:13:59 PM
By all means

Morgan Evanar
Mar 6th, 2003, 02:01:28 PM
I don't read other people's RPs that much. I do it rarely in an RP thread myself.

I agree OOC though.

Dalethria Mal Pannis
Mar 6th, 2003, 02:59:18 PM
Well, see how the reaction is to your annoucement. If people don't get the hint then lay the smacketh downeth

And Ogies, you're not the only one seeing all those censored words... I was just thinking about it as I was scrolling through posts to see if anything needed deleting

Figrin D'an
Mar 6th, 2003, 04:36:47 PM
In terms of the OOC usage, I would definately agree. It's becoming a pretty significant problem because of rampant overusage.

RP-wise... if someone spews of a string of censored words, then I can see the desire to edit or request the person change the text of the post. However, an occasional usage of such terms I really don't mind... sometimes, a character needs to get a particular point across or express a certain frame of mind, and a colorful metaphor is the best way to do so.

But, it's all subjective per the reader...

My two cents...

Mar 6th, 2003, 04:42:46 PM
I have seen many a recent post in the main RP forum where a characetr has four or more censored words in a single post. It is completely uneccessary and will not be tolerated by me any longer, as it makes our community look bad.

Ryla Relvinian
Mar 6th, 2003, 05:19:38 PM
I see nothing wrong with a casual slip in a post that is edited or even just having a character use a few colorful words here and there. I do agree that excessive flaunting is lame and should be a warnable offence at least.

Mar 6th, 2003, 05:25:53 PM
It makes it worse when it could be avoided. People dont ALWAYS swear :)

Mar 6th, 2003, 06:15:25 PM
It bothers me when ppl use swear words ALL THE TIME, whether it be in RP or OOC.

I can understand if a character says maybe one or two swear words in a post to get a point across (though they also have the option of using SW/FarScape swear words which can be just as effective and not as offensive), and maybe one swear word in OOC (if not directed to anyone in particular).

But if ppl are using swear words left and right and all the time, then definitely put a warning out that such things won't be tolerated. It gets annoying, and frankly offensive when ppl make a habit of swearing every other word.

Lilaena De'Ville
Mar 6th, 2003, 08:24:46 PM
The DO NOT SWEAR DO NOT SWEAR DO NOT SWEAR DO NOT SWEAR censor stopped 'em in their tracks. Just warn people that if they don't knock it off, we're going back to that.

Simple. :)

Morgan Evanar
Mar 6th, 2003, 08:51:04 PM
he DO NOT SWEAR DO NOT SWEAR DO NOT SWEAR DO NOT SWEAR censor stopped 'em in their tracks.

No, it didn't. And I despise the damned thing.

Mar 6th, 2003, 09:04:32 PM
Originally posted by Morgan Evanar
No, it didn't. And I despise the damned thing. It worked 105% better than what we have now, and if you despise it so much, I suggest you jump on the bandwagon and help curb those who are bringing me close to the point of making it that way again. I did say that I may do it in my thread, which has over 70 reads and zero replies in OOC.

Morgan Evanar
Mar 6th, 2003, 09:30:09 PM
What exactly do you want me to say? That the other censor is really, really annoying and I don't want it back, so please, oh please forum netizens, don't curse so much?

If you really want to fix this, use real discipline instead of punishing the whole. You curse to much, you get 1 warning.

You keep cursing, your access for x forum you curse in too much gets revoked for 24 hours.

If there are clear cut consequences beyond annoyances and inconviences like "DO NOT SWEAR" people generally take the hint.

Mar 6th, 2003, 09:34:08 PM
Its not so much directed at your activities, because I know you don't set it off in the forums under my jurisdiction.

The consequences of re-enabling the censor back to the way it was before will effect everyone yes, but that in and of itself is a good peer pressure deterrent for those who may cause such a thing, besides having their threads flagged with a warning icon or being closed.

Marcus Telcontar
Mar 6th, 2003, 09:38:32 PM
Who is it really causing the problem? A bit of censored is okay (Well, I do it a bit myself), but I dont liek the idea of the cesor goign back to what it was. I would say the best way to deal with it is caution, post deletion then a holiday if it doesnt stop.

Mar 6th, 2003, 09:40:58 PM
There are many guilty of it. And really is it neccessary to set the filter off? I mean there are plenty of creative ways to not be vulgar yet get accross the same intent. Its absolutely uncalled for, and "vacations" are much more difficult to arrange than putting the filter back the way it was.

Morgan Evanar
Mar 6th, 2003, 09:41:08 PM
Generally speaking, I don't.

Well, having your thread closed would blow, but it still punishes the group, to a degree.

That, though would cause some proper, localized peer pressure. THAT is effective. That I can support.

Aside from making them miserable at GJO and, I've got nothing backing me. I'm sure you've noticed, but the crowd I usually RP with doesn't use the language very much either.

Mar 6th, 2003, 09:42:16 PM
Peer pressure is proven to be a very effective way of changing the behavior of people, yes.

Morgan Evanar
Mar 6th, 2003, 09:44:14 PM
Specific peer pressure, yes.

General stuff? Sometimes. Unless you're a stubborn intractable bastard like myself, then it doesn't do much for a while.

If it makes you happy, I'll post a "Hay guys don't do this it sucks, plz? Kthx bye <3"

Mar 6th, 2003, 09:45:36 PM
I'm more or less saying that if you are in a RP or OOC thread with friends of yours and you see one of them set the censor off, IM or PM them and ask them to edit before a mod or myself see it, to help keep the censor the way it is.

Marcus Telcontar
Mar 6th, 2003, 09:47:37 PM
Originally posted by SWFans.Net
There are many guilty of it. And really is it neccessary to set the filter off? I mean there are plenty of creative ways to not be vulgar yet get accross the same intent. Its absolutely uncalled for, and "vacations" are much more difficult to arrange than putting the filter back the way it was.

Few and far between is okay to set the filter off IMO. If it's going too far, then post deletion and or thread closing is something that is preferable and I would think more effective.

Mar 6th, 2003, 09:50:47 PM
Having "censored" text within RP and OOC posts makes us all look bad as a community, so I am taking the hard line on this. Warnings (with ridiculable icons), closures, and then re-enactment of the old style censor is how it will go now.

If the cursing continues after that, bannings start.

Call me a tyrant or what not, but I want to be able to be proud of our community, not ashamed.

Morgan Evanar
Mar 6th, 2003, 10:01:54 PM
Having "censored" text within RP and OOC posts makes us all look bad as a community, so I am taking the hard line on this.Finally.

My only issue before was that what you wanted wasn't clear cut.

I'm a stupid man: you have to lay things out in a clear, concise manner. I'm sure after you close two or three threads (if it even makes it that far) you'll have no problems.

Lilaena De'Ville
Mar 7th, 2003, 01:01:18 AM
Here it is!

Swear and you'll get a boot in your <smallfont color={hovercolor}>-Censored-</smallfont>!



:mneh I won't do it again promise.

Navaria Tarkin
Mar 7th, 2003, 12:04:22 PM
LD ... now I am going to have to warn this thread! :mad


Anyway, me eyes are peeled for the censors... I really hope it doesn't come down to the evil dontnotswear thing -_-

Lilaena De'Ville
Mar 8th, 2003, 03:35:52 PM
:uhoh I'm sorry :(

Navaria Tarkin
Mar 8th, 2003, 05:54:26 PM
No you're not :p

Mar 9th, 2003, 07:39:11 AM
eh... Mountains out of Molehills, in my opinion.